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2 한국감정원부동산연구원이만드는 부동산정책및시장분석전문저널 부동산포커스에수록된내용은필자개인의의견이며, 한국감정원부동산연구원의공식적인견해가아님을밝힙니다. 한국감정원부동산연구원홈페이지 ( 를통해부동산포커스에실린기사및논문을제공하고있습니다.

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5 Contents Real Estate Focus JUNE VOL

6 FOCUS Essay KOREA APPRAISAL BOARD 02 Real Estate Focus

7 2014 June Vol.73 03

8 Special Edition 04 Real Estate Focus

9 2014 June Vol.73 05

10 Special Edition 06 Real Estate Focus

11 2014 June Vol.73 07

12 Special Edition 08 Real Estate Focus

13 2014 June Vol.73 09

14 Special Edition ö ä 10 Real Estate Focus

15 180, , , , ,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20, June Vol.73 11

16 Special Edition 12 Real Estate Focus

17 2014 June Vol.73 13

18 Special Edition N ratio i = i=1 N 14 Real Estate Focus

19 ( ( median ratio - ratio i ) ) N / N i=1 COD = median raio June Vol.73 15

20 Special Edition Shapiro-Wilk W test D'Agostino-Pearson K 2 test Anderson-Darling A 2 test Lillifores Test N/A Binomial test t-test Mann-Whitney test t-test Kruskal-Wallis test Analysis of Variance Spearman Rank test Mann-Whitney test t-test Correlating or regression analysis 16 Real Estate Focus

21 AV i = 0 1 SP i i InAV i = 0 1 SP i i AV/SP i = 0 1 SP i i lnsp = 0 1 lnav 3 AV i = 0 1 SP i 2 SP 2 i i AV,S Z = AV,S 2014 June Vol.73 17

22 Special Edition lnsp i = 0 1 lnav i 1 lnav i = lnz i 2 lnsp t = 0 1 lnav 0 2 t 1 lnav 0 = lnz 0 2 AV i = SP i 01 LOW i 02 HIGH i 11 LOW SP i 12 HIGH SP i i LOWi HIGHi t 1 t AV i = SP i + 02 [ SP i 2 (SP i t 2 ) + 2 ] + 03 [ SP i 3 (SP i t 1 ) + 3 t 1 (SP i t 2 ) + 2 ] + 11 ( SP i t 1 )+ 12 [(SP i t 1 ) + 2(SP i t 2 ) + 2 ] + 21 ( SP i t 2 ) + i 18 Real Estate Focus

23 2014 June Vol.73 19

24 Special Edition 20 Real Estate Focus

25 2014 June Vol.73 21

26 Special Edition 22 Real Estate Focus

27 2014 June Vol.73 23

28 Special Edition 24 Real Estate Focus

29 (0.8%) (11.6) (45.5) 2014 June Vol.73 25

30 Special Edition 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 26 Real Estate Focus

31 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% June Vol.73 27

32 Special Edition 80,555 81, ,788 18,058 3, ,930 41,753 18,058 3, , Real Estate Focus

33 2014 June Vol.73 29

34 Special Edition 30 Real Estate Focus

35 June Vol.73 31

36 Real Estate Focus

37 June Vol.73 33

38 34 Real Estate Focus

39 2014 June Vol.73 35

40 36 Real Estate Focus

41 2014 June Vol.73 37

42 United Kingdom France Canada United State Korea Japan Italy Spain Ireland Greece Sweden Germany Mexico OECD-Average Real Estate Focus

43 2014 June Vol.73 39

44 40 Real Estate Focus

45 2014 June Vol.73 41

46 2,132, , , , , , , , , , , ,319, Real Estate Focus

47 June Vol.73 43

48 44 Real Estate Focus

49 2014 June Vol.73 45

50 46 Real Estate Focus

51 2014 June Vol.73 47

52 Real Estate Focus

53 2014 June Vol.73 49

54 (unit : million sqm) (unit : %) 350, , ,000 Total New Supply since Q : 1,520,756 sqm Total Take-up Since Q : 1,046,484 sqm Vacancy Rate for Q : 8.01% , , ,000 50, ,118 sqm , Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q , , Real Estate Focus

55 2014 June Vol.73 51

56 Real Estate Focus

57 2014 June Vol.73 53

58 54 Real Estate Focus

59 2014 June Vol.73 55

60 56 Real Estate Focus

61 2014 June Vol.73 57

62 58 Real Estate Focus

63 Independent Governments County governments 3,031 Municipal governments 19,519 Township governments 16,360 Independent school district governments 12,880 Dependent school district government 1,298 Special district governments 38, June Vol.73 59

64 60 Real Estate Focus

65 2014 June Vol.73 61


67 2014 June Vol.73 63

68 $10,500 $10,500 $78,400 $78,400 $88,900 $88,900 City Tax 2, County Tax Less Credit Total Tax 2, Date Last Paid 12/30/ Real Estate Focus

69 2014 June Vol.73 65

70 66 Real Estate Focus

71 2014 June Vol.73 67

72 68 Real Estate Focus

73 BREA License Levels Education Requirements Experience Requirements Scope of Practice Trainee 150 hours, including 15 hours of USPAP None Any Property which the supervising appraiser is permitted to appraise Residential 150 hours, including 15 hours of USPAP 2,000 hours of acceptable appraisal experience Any 1-4 family property with transaction value up to $1 million, and non-residential property with transaction value up to $250,000 Certified Residential 200 hours, including 15 hours of USPAP 2,500 hours of acceptable appraisal experience and 2 1/2 years of experience Any 1-4 family property without regard to transaction value and non-residential property with transaction value up to $250,000 Certified General 300 hours, including 15 hours of USPAP 3,000 hours of acceptable appraisal experience, of which 1,500 hours must be non-residential and 2 1/2 years of experience All real estate without regard to value or complexity 2014 June Vol.73 69


75 /4 3/4 4/4 1/ ,236 2, [288] ) ) ) [0.9] June Vol.73 71

76 Dubai Brent WTI Real Estate Focus

77 /4 3/4 4/4 1/ [-0.9] [0.3] /4 3/4 4/4 1/ [-18.6] [41.3] [3.7] 2014 June Vol.73 73

78 /4 2/4 3/4 4/4 1/ (2.2) (1.3) (1.1) (1.6) (1.2) (1.4) (1.1) (1.1) (1.3) (1.5) (1.7) (1.6) (1.6) (1.7) (1.4) (1.6) (1.6) (1.9) (1.9) (2.1) (2.3) (2.2) Real Estate Focus

79 ,082 90, ,291 10, ,369 7, ,351 6, ,684 5, ,791 4, ,142 3, ,389 4, ,960 20, ,160 2, ,872 3, ,420 4, ,448 2, ,267 2, ,538 4, ,947 7, June Vol.73 75

80 % 17.16% 3.28% % % % 21.05% % 18.48% % 10.03% 22.81% % -6.26% % % % ( 11~ 13) 180, , , , , , , ,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 97,630 26,928 25,667 88,706 74,835 69,807 59,294 41,926 42,288 29,412 27,881 32,547 61,091 48,167 45,573 33,192 26,082 24,292 27,899 22,085 21,281 0 '08 '09 '10 '1112 '1212 '1312 '143 ' Real Estate Focus

81 150% 133.3% 100% 50% 13.2% 10.6% 0% -3.3% -12.4% -6.0% -9.1% -17.9% -7.6% -2.0% -16.9% -5.5% -4.2% -1.6% -50% -100% -43.4% -73.3% ( ,348 40,257 24,602 29,707 38,969 42,706 (-9.6%) (6.4%) (2.7%) (37.6%) (29.7%) (38.1%) 39,033 48,529 21,260 25,381 39,059 48,086 (-4.2%) (48.1%) (25.6%) (-17.1%) (12.0%) (34.9%) 50,415 43,921 5,863 11,031 23,902 38,769 (75.5%) (16.5%) (58.6%) (-29.1%) (11.2%) (139.6%) 40,715 46,170 24,942 28,316 27,358 40,864 (19.4%) (33.5%) (-1.6%) (4.5%) (40.6%) (35.5%) 2014 June Vol.73 77

82 42, ,984 30, , % 27.7% 15,203 57,057 12,485 40, % 40.0% 5,989 17,360 5,314 16, % 6.4% 554 3, , % 8,660 35,842 6,239 22, % 61.0% 27,503 78,927 18,430 65, % 20.1% 25,484 84,403 14,473 60, % 40.1% 17,222 51,581 16,442 46, % 11.5% 3,291 7, , % 84.3% 39, ,695 30, , % 25.5% 48, ,786 35, , % 13.3% 21,834 55,900 14,377 48, % 14.6% 4,411 16,726 3,709 14, % 13.5% 1,023 4, , % 130.3% 16,400 34,801 10,142 32, % 8.3% 26,252 77,886 21,274 69, % 12.4% 30,615 82,164 19,213 70, % 16.2% 17,471 51,622 16,438 47, % 9.0% 3,949 18,855 7,486 19,677 44, ,931 28,165 98, % 16.8% 78 Real Estate Focus

83 ,769 79,565 16,182 56, % 39.8% 15,594 27,602 5,158 16, % 65.5% 7,659 13, , % 907.1% 2,540 2, , % 5,395 11,176 4,551 14, % 23,175 51,963 11,024 40, % 29.1% 24,326 55,111 9,983 40, % 36% 8,888 17,161 4,627 13, % 27.6% 5,555 7,293 1,572 2, % 147.7% 10,737 20,668 6,042 13, % 58.5% 28,032 58,897 10,140 43, % 34.2% 2014 June Vol.73 79

84 40, ,480 30, , % 19.0% 18,641 53,786 16,437 47, % 13.7% 8,686 26,005 3,853 17, % 51.0% 562 3, , % 32.1% 9,393 23,970 12,127 27,213 22,223 67,694 13,724 54, % 23.7% 30,511 77,279 17,920 56, % 35.9% 10,353 44,201 12,241 45,185 14,282 25,289 4,825 16, % 55.1% 26,582 96,191 25,336 85, % 12.2% ( 80 Real Estate Focus

85 ( 08.10) ( '14.2 '14.3 '14.4 ( June Vol.73 81

86 ( 205, , , , , ,763 1, ,022 2,380 14,543 2, ,171 2,273 10,296 2, ,947 1,922 10,601 1, ,760 1,067 6,804 1, , , ,134 2,509 6,295 3, ,927 1,263 1, ,331 17,496 48,755 19, ,639 15,791 10,129 16, ,524 18,000 9,676 12, ,367 17,795 14,503 16, ,830 14,514 11,347 13, ,847 21,748 13,672 24, ,923 34,473 21,038 29, ,167 19,869 21,909 23, ,727 4,585 4,816 6, Real Estate Focus

87 / / / / / / / / / / / / June Vol.73 83

88 1, , ,059 4, ,987 2, ,853 1, , ,533 2, ,786 1, ,153 2, ,899 1, ,848 13, ,724 5, Real Estate Focus

89 2014 June Vol.73 85

90 86 Real Estate Focus

91 Vacancy Rate Effective Rent Change June Vol.73 87

92 88 Real Estate Focus

93 2014 June Vol.73 89

94 (%) '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 90 Real Estate Focus

95 ' ' % 0.05% -0.04% 0.01% 0.01% -0.44% -0.19% 0.00% -0.01%-0.02% -0.10% -0.04% -0.04% -0.01% -0.04% -0.02% 0.02% -0.07% -0.09% 0.06% 0.02% -0.05% -0.04% -0.19% -0.21% 2014 June Vol.73 91

96 ' ' % 0.09% -0.13% 0.09% -0.14% -0.53% -0.11% -0.07% -0.24% -0.20% -0.07% -0.04% 0.08% 0.14% 0.09% -0.14% 0.08% 0.01% -0.13% 0.00% 0.16% -0.24% -0.02% -0.07% 0.17% -0.22% -0.02%-0.21% -0.02% -0.16% -0.10% 0.11% 0.00% 0.00% 92 Real Estate Focus

97 ' ' June Vol.73 93

98 -0.07% 0.04% -0.10% -0.08% 0.05% 0.01% 0.13% -0.17% 0.15% -0.12% 0.00% 0.14% 0.23% 0.38% 0.26% 0.05% ' ' % 2.00% 1.00% 2.00% 0.10% 1.00% -0.10% 0.10% -1.00% -0.10% -2.00% -1.00% -2.00% Real Estate Focus

99 ' ' June Vol.73 95

100 -0.03% -0.04% -0.09% 0.12% -0.02% -0.11% -0.10% 0.00% 0.07% 0.17% 0.32% 0.01% 0.01% 0.21% 0.10% 0.06% -0.07% 0.16% 0.20% -0.12% 0.02% 0.02% -0.22% -0.11% -0.26% 96 Real Estate Focus

101 0.50% -0.27% -0.28% -0.23% -0.05% 0.31% -0.07% 0.22% -0.09% -0.09% -0.09% 0.09% 0.04% 0.21% -0.12% 0.28% 0.14% 0.14% -0.04% -0.07%-0.15% 0.00% -0.02% 0.14% -0.07% 0.02% 0.38% -0.02% 0.12% -0.19% -0.18% 0.21% -0.03% % ' ' ' ' June Vol.73 97

102 0.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% -0.77% 0.20% -0.14% 0.05% 0.00% -0.03% 0.18% 0.18% 0.41% 0.07% 0.11% 0.03% Real Estate Focus

103 ' ' June Vol.73 99

104 , , , , , , , , , , , ,482 95, , , ,452 77, Real Estate Focus

105 June Vol

106 % 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% -2.0% -4.0% -6.0% -8.0% % ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Real Estate Focus

107 % 8.0% % % 2.0% % % % % % % ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' June Vol

108 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Real Estate Focus

109 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ( one.co.kr) June Vol

110 (2012.6=100.0) (%) / (%) ' ' (, %) (2012.6=100) 106 Real Estate Focus

111 (%) ' ' (, %) (2012.6=100) (%) ' ' (%) ' ' (, %) (2012.6=100) (, %) (2012.6=100) (%) ' ' (, %) (2012.6=100) 2014 June Vol

112 (%) ' ' (, %) (2012.6=100) / >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ( one.co.kr) ( 108 Real Estate Focus

113 2014 June Real Estate Focus NEWS 2014 June Vol

114 2014 June Real Estate Focus NEWS 110 Real Estate Focus

115 2014 June Vol

116 2014 June Real Estate Focus NEWS 112 Real Estate Focus

117 2014 June Vol

118 2014 June Real Estate Focus NEWS (07) (03) (03) (02) (01) (00) (71) (60) Real Estate Focus

119 2014 June Vol

120 2014 June Real Estate Focus NEWS 116 Real Estate Focus

121 130 Real Estate Focus

122 / / / / ,859, ,878, ,899, ,923, ,936, ,954, ,973, ,985, ,997, ,021, ,036, ,060, / / / / ,052, ,058, ,069, ,079, ,092, ,104, ,108, ,115, ,115, ,121, ,119, ,169, / / / / ,146, ,139, ,147, ,146, ,166, ,204, ,203, ,212, ,222, ,240, ,261, ,289, / / / / ,281, ,293, ,308, ,334, Real Estate Focus

123 ( 135 ( =100.0) June Vol

124 ( ( =100.0) Real Estate Focus

125 ( ( : %) June Vol

126 ,878 3,884 5,465 3,051 2,566 3,092 2,288 3,211 15,611 1,749 3,072 3,866 2,913 3,598 2,550 4, ,492 4,564 5,407 3,179 2,626 2,878 3,111 2,290 14,074 1,846 2,716 2,915 2,688 1,590 2,718 4, ,848 4,323 4,702 4,103 2,961 2,807 2,781 1,813 12,342 2,041 2,193 4,308 2,024 2,343 3,196 4, ,629 5,709 6,636 4,870 3,781 3,066 3,410 1,951 16,478 3,135 3,805 5,083 2,545 2,104 3,124 6, ,704 7,521 8,405 5,231 3,651 3,003 3,949 2,868 20,658 2,560 3,649 4,763 3,687 2,334 4,647 8, ,441 9,562 10,608 6,164 5,014 3,574 4,251 3,958 25,419 2,421 4,641 5,469 4,001 3,511 5,329 10,438 2, ,724 7,578 7,424 4,250 4,678 2,474 3,080 2,459 22,495 1,921 3,246 3,925 3,173 1,342 3,612 7, ,471 8,329 7,248 4,930 5,112 3,039 3,163 2,550 18,104 2,089 3,044 3,829 2,762 2,328 3,930 6, ,842 10,037 8,228 6,056 6,895 4,167 3,843 3,745 22,421 2,501 3,394 5,822 3,621 3,961 6,452 6, ,978 7,328 9,605 5,976 4,635 4,369 2,705 3,243 19,703 2,633 3,112 5,323 3,781 3,187 5,316 6, ,139 6,474 7,271 5,094 6,130 3,205 2,522 3,490 16,175 2,655 2,772 6,159 4,877 2,249 3,843 5, ,881 6,147 6,567 5,316 4,667 3,190 3,750 2,630 14,669 2,474 2,785 5,309 3,688 1,999 4,245 6, ,802 5,666 6,098 5,370 5,600 3,585 3,986 3,221 14,642 2,325 2,507 4,831 2,498 1,970 3,981 6, ,470 6,712 5,850 5,079 4,509 3,800 3,526 3,108 16,251 2,587 2,334 5,292 3,465 2,399 4,560 4, ,088 6,881 4,603 5,091 3,758 3,207 3,184 2,400 17,522 2,575 2,118 4,509 2,739 2,254 4,005 4, ,542 6,715 5,552 5,288 3,910 4,598 3,427 2,598 17,630 2,410 2,412 4,356 2,982 3,920 4,411 5, ,036 6,310 6,779 5,958 4,231 4,567 3,675 3,383 16,120 2,831 2,558 4,807 2,906 3,037 4,118 5, ,082 8,855 10,653 7,288 4,714 6,129 6,686 4,020 22,281 3,376 4,396 6,468 5,090 4,665 6,776 6,608 1, ,051 2,959 3,993 1,870 2,398 1,675 3,327 1,010 7,088 1,650 1,079 2,620 1,392 1,229 1,877 2, ,911 4,628 3,356 4,841 2,382 2,311 2,754 2,054 10,506 2,199 1,922 4,420 2,055 1,564 3,354 4, ,724 5,339 4,433 5,163 3,003 2,507 2,989 2,617 14,664 2,062 2,079 4,885 1,736 2,007 4,321 4, ,882 5,440 5,336 4,769 3,344 2,420 1,660 2,412 13,327 1,837 2,090 4,768 1,531 1,776 3,838 4, ,420 5,099 4,580 4,245 3,995 2,574 1,674 2,617 12,516 3,292 2,397 3,954 1,861 3,562 3,581 5, ,515 4,427 4,763 3,578 3,381 1,956 1,910 2,703 10,892 1,56 2,357 3,321 1,743 2,070 2,901 3, ,893 4,120 4,940 3,515 3,398 2,203 1,948 1,843 11,716 2,131 2,115 4,060 1,920 1,979 2,765 4, ,098 3,190 4,004 3,544 4,025 3,103 1,695 3,246 10,358 1,228 2,238 2,189 1,570 1,812 2,338 3, ,339 3,002 3,136 3,884 3,548 3,228 1,337 1,610 9,774 1,150 1,830 2,459 1,179 1,458 2,458 2, ,258 5,969 5,170 5,729 5,569 3,469 2,340 1,967 15,373 1,701 2,527 3,455 2,011 2,197 3,283 4, ,883 6,897 5,598 5,765 4,996 3,024 2,429 2,117 15,456 2,123 2,501 4,237 2,218 2,667 2,978 6, ,709 9,770 7,941 7,923 5,728 5,013 3,072 2,859 21,999 2,700 3,955 4,691 7,287 3,330 5,442 10, ,497 3,041 3,312 2,526 2,409 1, ,960 1,185 1,071 2,204 2,032 1,341 2,274 3, ,592 4,211 4,054 3,782 2,364 2,712 1,654 1,282 11,648 1,732 1,776 2,611 1,754 2,002 2,799 3, ,934 6,820 5,884 4,744 3,753 3,082 2,178 1,928 13,090 1,958 2,560 2,808 2,390 2,233 3,479 4, ,082 8,291 7,369 6,351 4,684 3,791 2,142 2,389 16,960 2,160 2,872 3,420 2,448 2,267 4,538 5, ,599 9,537 7,903 7,375 5,224 3,534 2,557 7,398 19,604 3,228 2,251 3,934 2,005 2,407 5,103 6, ,495 12,697 10,563 10,752 6,647 6,465 3,586 4,241 25,411 3,940 4,543 5,711 3,380 3,433 5,905 10, ,342 4,768 5,337 4,538 2,462 2,536 1,790 2,479 12,698 1,409 2,195 2,538 1,321 1,767 2,803 5, ,390 5,460 5,763 4,263 2,496 2,915 1,709 3,151 11,184 1,329 2,150 2,387 1,428 1,305 3,193 3, ,564 6,069 4,823 4,189 3,087 3,202 1,940 1,783 13,818 1,437 1,642 2,423 1,811 1,354 2,828 4, ,955 10,083 7,787 6,102 5,090 3,873 3,496 2,823 22,437 2,269 3,315 3,871 3,025 2,092 4,357 7, ,975 9,649 7,548 6,416 5,147 3,915 4,323 2,939 19,468 1,893 1,949 3,609 3,260 2,162 3,984 8, ,060 10,391 8,619 7,464 4,881 4,647 3,387 3,856 21,364 2,774 2,231 5,326 3,322 2,755 5,454 10, ,316 8,412 6,006 6,241 3,185 3,606 2,199 2,817 15,783 1,530 1,692 2,672 2,177 2,280 4,336 7, ,592 4,211 4,054 3,782 2,364 2,712 1,654 1,282 11,648 1,732 1,776 2,611 1,754 2,002 2,799 3, ,413 11,925 7,330 5,974 5,107 3,883 3,674 3,414 21,822 2,550 2,703 4,200 2,747 2,583 3,702 7, ,306 10,516 7,611 6,361 5,539 4,589 3,551 4,202 20,094 2,548 3,160 4,200 2,626 2,125 4,218 7, , , , ,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 ( : ) Real Estate Focus

127 ,812 1,718 1,179 5, , , ,888 2,534 2,338 3, ,285 3,516 3,828 3,663 1, , , , ,437 2,809 2,755 12,333 1, , ,327 1, ,308 1,867 2,573 18, , ,600 2, ,503 42,699 14,202 60,074 10,328 2,066 1, ,157 2,847 3,259 1,314 5,444 3,947 1,891 4,542 1, ,500 4,907 2,007 3,981 1, , ,176 4,606 2,170 3,459 1, ,734 2, ,853 5,098 1,927 8,891 4, , , ,619 1,031 3,030 1, ,156 10,620 1,406 9, , ,111 1, , ,082 1,069 3,481 1, ,716 7,303 2,972 5,776 2, , , ,087 1,754 2, ,866 7,121 5,040 4,663 2,342 1,063 1, , ,469 1,778 2, ,878 6,380 1,463 9,904 2, , , , , ,911 1, ,856 3,368 3,895 8,025 2, ,593 1,907 1,356 2,997 5, ,285 1,150 3, ,251 7,276 3,278 8,302 1,397 2, , ,550 1,001 3, ,174 1,755 2,795 1, ,027 3,965 5,720 20,599 5, , ,170 3,516 1,035 2,176 1, ,229 8,405 1,711 7,690 3, ,068 3,516 1, ,291 4,784 1, ,992 1, ,086 19,011 4,316 57,843 7,309 5,732 4,608 1,918 2,826 3,042 5,944 14,565 5,299 1,854 1,841 8,770 3, ,411 4,428 3,772 6,008 2, , ,484 1,535 1,566 1,509 1,417 1, ,092 6,643 1,961 6,008 1, , ,160 2,347 1, ,143 4, ,167 6, ,631 3, , ,458 1,497 2,208 1,645 4,269 1, ,175 6, ,423 5, , ,143 3,477 3,705 1,985 1,474 1,735 1,827 1, ,086 5,980 1,936 9,492 4,513 1,074 1, , ,174 2,900 1,433 6,122 2,296 3, ,534 6,865 6,304 9,343 3, , ,008 1,137 2,280 3,750 1,727 1,256 1,825 6,613 1, ,682 10,417 2,193 11,750 1, ,054 1, , ,730 1,279 1,059 2,220 2, ,030 7, ,049 4, , ,200 4,503 1, ,620 1,392 1, ,216 6,108 3,110 17,516 4, , , ,132 2,081 1,596 4,141 3, ,908 6, ,640 1, ,207 1,129 1,189 2,064 1,438 2,600 3, ,845 8, ,836 2,106 1,681 1, ,852 2, ,057 1, ,738 10,073 10,209 46,339 6,838 5,718 2,335 1, ,428 6,509 12,999 6,785 3,156 2,579 11, ,952 3, ,254 1, , ,740 5, ,591 3, ,432 2, ,375 2, , ,051 4, ,341 1, ,197 2,317 2,617 2,020 1,140 3, ,915 5, , ,110 1,058 1,866 2,913 1,205 1,045 2,599 2, ,546 6,206 4,718 5,721 5, ,505 1,724 1, ,406 2, ,208 6,809 2,239 7,522 4, ,342 1, ,351 1,815 3, ,971 1,266 1,098 1, ,255 10, ,403 1,745 1, ,231 1,263 1, ,973 2, ,979 8, ,151 1,302 1, ,825 2,192 1, ,189 3, ,869 5, ,914 1, ,927 3,101 1, ,595 1, ,348 5, ,310 1,038 2, , , , ,297 4,215 1, ,257 5, ,668 1,539 3,084 1, ,147 2,533 1,127 1,484 3, , ,145 12,317 6,288 21,127 8,105 6,529 1, , , ,036 2,018 2, ,602 4, , , , ,317 2,533 2, ,381 3,632 1,206 4,598 3,720 2, , ,928 1, ,969 4,259 1,392 11,787 1, ,665 2,846 2,046 3,028 1,237 1,553 4, ,706 5, ,660 1, ,486 1, ,960 3,584 1,958 1,564 4,714 5,639 1, ,000 ( : ) 150, ,000 50, June Vol

128 ,464 1,941 4,344 21,866 6,747 16,325 2,859 2,880 6,128 4,741 3,887 12,222 2,419 3,293 10,627 6, ,981 2,085 3,741 22,326 6,131 16,066 2,474 2,741 6,085 4,556 3,858 11,593 2,394 3,142 10,664 5, ,325 2,169 3,847 23,185 5,223 14,743 2,150 2,639 5,994 4,413 3,793 10,851 1,893 2,988 9,830 6, ,483 2,506 4,127 22,701 6,501 15,304 1,899 2,461 5,841 4,163 3,667 10,285 1,722 2,848 9,512 5, ,536 2,842 4,100 22,247 4,136 14,505 2,356 2,357 5,680 3,988 3,572 9,824 1,488 2,724 8,777 5, ,706 2,729 4,265 22,418 3,458 13,163 1,809 2,205 5,575 3,837 3,428 9,020 1,311 2,504 8,042 4, ,923 2,269 4,474 22,153 3,064 12,380 1,259 2,068 5,472 3,720 3,282 8,750 1,144 2,378 7,693 4, ,588 2,216 4,173 21,028 2,824 11, ,847 5,567 3,544 3,154 8,477 1,015 2,106 7,278 4, ,572 2,104 3,823 21,162 2,734 11, ,651 5,469 3,376 3,016 8, ,040 6,974 3, ,232 1,855 3,438 19,715 2,305 10, ,530 5,354 3,252 2,915 7, ,885 6,397 3, ,360 1,785 3,945 21,303 2,671 9, ,272 5,419 3,363 1,943 7, ,792 5,984 2, ,667 1,825 3,821 21,579 2,682 11, ,629 5,200 3,214 1,835 7, ,655 5,885 3, ,087 1,826 3,749 20,819 3,158 10, ,189 5,014 3,114 1,685 6, ,800 5,655 2, ,593 1,767 3,730 22,137 3,046 10, ,942 2,922 1,515 6, ,728 5,093 2, ,039 1,776 3,783 21,724 2,842 9, ,713 2,690 1,350 6, ,191 4,723 3, ,462 1,821 3,724 21,556 3,008 9, ,501 2,460 1,195 5, ,847 4,434 4, ,040 1,801 3,873 21,595 2,887 9, ,482 3,780 2,207 1,100 7, ,728 4,274 4, ,807 1,861 3,642 22,378 4,193 8, ,557 3,510 2,244 1,031 7, ,527 4,110 6, ,786 1,890 3,532 23,539 3,909 7, ,400 3,363 2,318 1,077 7, ,436 3,508 5, ,850 1,703 3,694 22,206 3,970 6, ,301 3,507 2, , ,376 3,228 5, ,949 1,732 3,802 21,427 4,191 6,104 1,142 1,227 3,144 2, , ,285 3,010 5, ,385 1,691 3,829 20,595 4,063 5, ,192 2,916 3, , ,063 3,562 5, ,325 1,703 4,002 20,890 4,014 5,721 1,104 1,179 3,549 2, , ,719 3,361 4, ,288 1,698 4,058 21,173 4,448 5,564 1,108 1,228 3,047 3, , ,486 3,258 4, ,010 3,146 4,212 22,034 5,630 5,289 1,313 1,197 3,291 3, , ,766 3,503 5, ,469 3,847 4,212 21,938 5,484 5,202 3,051 1,501 2,975 3, , ,875 3,277 5, ,531 3,754 4,420 21,864 5,393 4,993 3,017 1,561 3,018 3, , ,548 2,640 7, ,736 3,700 4,181 24,567 5,261 4,678 2,792 1,377 3,071 3, , ,850 3,149 8, ,319 3,594 4,059 26,732 5,199 3,707 3,608 1,484 3,474 4, , ,740 2,728 9, ,835 3,481 4,026 25,040 5,784 3,288 3,348 1,441 3,659 4, , ,478 3,201 9, ,180 3,415 4,637 25,732 6,985 2,898 3,369 1,404 3,245 4, , ,348 3,096 9,203 1, ,386 3,308 4,478 25,888 6,568 2,622 3,235 1,300 3,035 4, , ,069 2,647 8,965 1, ,633 3,168 5,080 24,511 6,896 2,347 1,612 1,303 2,792 3, ,697 1,041 1,993 2,375 8, ,201 3,035 5,068 25,164 6,131 2,089 1,471 1,399 2,438 4, ,555 1,565 1,946 2,270 8, ,896 2,908 4,920 24,941 5,485 1,939 1,350 1,253 2,210 3, ,351 1,873 1,920 2,071 7, ,072 2,722 5,223 24,556 4,956 1,760 1,233 1,187 1,924 3, ,961 1,903 2,271 2,081 6, ,672 2,581 5,281 27,464 4,575 1,649 1,116 1,163 1,830 3, ,565 1,982 2,183 1,963 7, ,119 3,970 5,130 27,803 4,848 1,492 1,064 1,066 1,685 3, ,321 1,884 2,087 1,817 7, ,110 4,331 4,840 25,500 4,954 1, ,816 3, ,346 1,694 2,021 1,917 7, ,433 3,808 4,335 28,399 4,385 1, ,499 3, ,007 1,595 1,829 1,590 6, ,709 3,568 4,222 26,413 5,350 1, ,895 3, ,265 1,511 2,065 1,542 5, ,091 3,157 5,275 24,760 4,259 1, ,146 3,310 3, ,566 1,470 1,981 1,405 4, ,576 2,905 7,267 22,525 4, ,943 2, ,204 1,383 1,921 1,167 4, ,391 2,734 6,891 19,653 3, ,559 3, ,741 1,319 1,851 1,043 4, ,167 2,259 6,314 17,509 3, ,081 2, ,260 1,254 1,742 1,122 3, ,573 2,185 5,933 16,174 3, ,709 2,840 1,442 1,878 1,420 1,927 1,060 3, ,000 ( : ) 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40, Real Estate Focus

129 ( : %) June Vol

130 , ,322 1,590 3,910 1, ,682 20,980 21,257 11,096 16,773 9,973 22,408 24,329 24,377 3, ,397 1,501 1, , ,307 24, ,251 14,787 15,232 18,929 27,188 16,787 6, ,157 11,052 8,192 6,082 6,640 3,912 4,142 2,993 31,974 8,346 6,285 10,938 7,616 8,997 12,486 13,590 1, ,236 13,634 11,975 8,741 8,027 4,406 4,705 3,681 40,087 10,442 8,876 13,035 9,539 10,404 14,118 16,932 2, ,260 17,632 13,679 9,851 9,409 4,343 5,642 5,259 45,128 10,963 9,283 13,392 11,405 12,218 16,482 20,538 3, ,934 3,893 3,258 2,836 3,514 1, ,330 33,047 21,641 14,890 32,469 18,277 24,386 34,571 21,833 7, ,047 1,786 2,666 1,427 2, ,600 1,819 31,957 13,187 13,178 14,265 10,601 17,514 23,727 15,466 2, ,351 1,265 2,827 1,056 2, ,541 20,120 12,358 7,870 12,164 13,837 15,058 32,454 19,869 2, ,442 1,557 2,558 1,906 2,660 1,432 1,048 2,383 26,278 36,845 23,844 18,073 19,509 32,885 34,930 23,947 4, ,804 1, ,682 2,079 1,034 1,063 2,711 25,280 18,623 19,080 20,501 19,100 27,825 32,236 22,265 5, ,395 1,137 1,973 1,669 4,511 1, ,473 21,556 27,695 17,076 18,041 15,871 23,171 30,140 21,044 4, ,540 1,440 3,215 1,787 2,469 1, ,137 24,028 22,671 16,964 19,548 15,846 26,465 33,558 20,715 4, ,689 1,579 1,950 1,821 2,367 1,214 1,399 1,743 26,513 16,314 14,354 15,056 10,643 17,317 25,891 19,706 8, ,825 1,076 1,823 1,426 3,259 1,281 1,320 2,937 26,493 17,862 11,560 13,713 10,870 19,809 28,412 28,411 2, ,710 1,259 1,338 1,470 1,905 1, ,299 19,237 12,863 14,129 11,892 11,329 18,858 26,054 18,660 3, ,096 1,149 2,339 2,215 2,844 1, ,508 19,152 14,736 8,387 11,696 15,276 24,544 25,534 18,488 4, ,662 1,216 1,747 1,877 3,682 2,116 1,030 3,530 30,574 20,493 11,807 15,292 13,991 20,406 32,802 35,170 4, ,475 1,407 2,602 2,199 2,994 1,287 2,230 2,884 31,090 26,840 18,233 22,735 16,126 23,886 30,837 20,804 6, , ,288 1,956 1, ,505 15,965 13,243 9,659 12,517 12,495 14,444 23,744 17,950 2, ,301 5,013 1,613 2,493 2,119 1,202 1,227 2,078 19,254 17,254 11,322 14,206 14,468 20,190 27,686 17,931 3, ,211 1,109 2,207 2,303 1,721 1, ,983 18,888 19,750 14,028 18,932 15,805 30,078 34,834 21,409 4, , ,437 1,520 2,631 1, ,807 19,922 15,568 20,629 14,986 13,178 22,903 28,511 22,346 3, , ,671 1,662 1,892 1,199 1,011 1,676 19,591 16,084 15,804 13,931 14,931 21,212 33,604 24,615 4, , ,666 17,635 14,867 15,987 17,541 17,809 24,159 32,663 21,108 4, , ,588 1,431 1,493 1, ,745 18,856 11,921 9,991 12,085 10,756 15,814 25,472 18,070 3, , ,100 2,281 1, ,892 15,312 12,086 7,743 10,470 9,934 17,535 28,243 14,729 2, , ,723 1,732 2, ,276 15,409 11,452 10,183 9,252 7,882 14,064 18,258 15,018 2, , ,451 2,153 1,393 1, ,184 17,297 13,591 8,685 13,496 11,463 17,483 22,470 13,316 2, , ,789 1,576 1,422 1, ,121 16,558 12,489 10,812 15,317 13,383 20,747 27,065 16,856 2, ,967 1,523 2,983 1,604 1,740 1, ,137 17,420 13,766 10,525 15,102 14,607 18,719 24,709 17,786 3, ,655 1,104 1,547 1,121 2,265 1, ,504 19,029 12,309 10,956 14,348 12,693 18,571 24,703 17,738 3, , ,939 1,127 1, ,807 14,438 10,766 10,927 12,329 11,290 18,751 23,943 14,931 3, , ,430 1,311 1,621 1, ,886 18,358 14,544 11,144 15,250 16,874 25,080 39,922 19,742 4, , ,380 2,273 1,922 1, ,509 17,496 15,791 18,000 17,795 14,514 21,748 34,473 19,869 4, ,758 1,193 1,735 1,840 1,617 1, ,135 22,521 18,442 12,011 15,637 16,925 20,064 28,365 18,540 4, ,576 1,617 2,110 2,158 1,280 1, ,840 18,161 12,510 14,744 12,554 14,626 20,861 30,759 17,300 3, , ,163 1,829 1,613 1,163 2,372 3,586 17,367 11,839 9,548 13,264 10,820 17,895 26,616 18,164 4, , ,507 1,531 2,667 1, ,247 16,972 11,566 10,898 12,931 9,879 13,606 20,788 16,510 4, ,135 14,378 8,557 6,622 6,611 4,480 3,086 3,301 29,931 6,506 5,672 9,165 7,402 8,057 12,554 13,839 2, ,796 1,346 1,579 1,437 2,329 1, ,318 17,430 13,544 9,535 14,058 10,890 22,420 25,360 18,150 3, ,708 19,293 13,649 9,435 9,303 5,752 5,919 4,808 41,481 8,497 7,255 11,403 10,970 11,381 16,683 19,841 3, ,335 1,402 2,443 2,077 2,470 1, ,410 22,940 13,416 12,325 22,775 16,223 21,723 31,221 16,993 8, ,200 1,462 1,624 3,101 2,014 1, ,761 18,807 10,131 8,559 13,200 11,565 15,580 24,219 17,332 3, ,902 19,722 12,248 9,801 9,590 6,118 4,480 4,590 41,951 8,712 7,545 12,274 11,674 12,619 18,066 19,220 4, , ,017 1,239 1, ,156 13,686 12,741 12,660 16,113 14,727 22,711 33,427 19,732 5, ,390 1,278 2,223 2,817 1,938 1, ,594 19,967 16,982 12,584 16,719 13,688 24,211 29,449 23,499 6, ,000 ( : ) 200, , ,000 50, Real Estate Focus

131 10-City 20-City Boston Chicago Denver Las Vegas Los New San San Washington, D.C Miami Angeles York Diego Francisco ( =100.0) June Vol

132 England & North North Yorks & East West South South Wales East London Wales East West Humber Midlands Midlands East West ( =100.0) Real Estate Focus

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