(8) getpi() 함수는정적함수이므로 main() 에서호출할수있다. (9) class Circle private double radius; static final double PI= ; // PI 이름으로 로초기화된정적상수 public

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(8) getpi() 함수는정적함수이므로 main() 에서호출할수있다. (9) class Circle private double radius; static final double PI=3.141592; // PI 이름으로 3.141592 로초기화된정적상수 public Circle(double r) radius = r; public double getradius() return radius; public void setradius(double radius) this.radius = radius; private double square(double value) return value*value; public double getarea() return square(radius)*pi; public double getperimeter() return 2.0*PI*radius; public static double getpi() return PI; public class CircleTest public static void main(string args[]) Circle c = new Circle(5.0); // 객체생성, 생성자호출시반지름을 5.0 으로설정 System.out.println(c.getArea());// 원의면적계산하여출력 System.out.println(c.getPerimeter());// 원의둘레계산하여출력

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public double getside() return side; public double getvolume() return side*side*side; (2) public class Cube private double side; // 정육면체의한변 public Cube() side = 0; public Cube(double side) this.side = side; public double getside() return side; public double getvolume() return side*side*side; 4. class MyMetric private static double distance; public static double kilotomile(double d) distance = d / 1.6093; return distance; public static void miletokilo(double d) distance = d * 1.6093; public class MyMetricTest public static void main(string args[]) double d = MyMetric.kiloToMile(1); System.out.println(d);

5. s_instance 가 null 일때만객체를생성하고이미객체가생성되어있으면단순히객체의참 조값을반환한다. class Single private static Single s_instance; public static Single getinstance() if (s_instance == null) s_instance = new Single(); return s_instance;

Programming 2. class Plane private int num, p_num; private String model; private static int planes; public void setnum(int n) num = n; public void setpnum(int pn) p_num = pn; public void setmodel(string m) model = m; public int getnum() return num; public int getpnum() return p_num; public String getmodel() return model; public static void setplanes(int p) planes = p; public static int getplanes() return planes; public Plane() public Plane(int n, String m, int pn) num = n; p_num = pn; model = m;

public Plane(int n, String m) num = n; model = m; public String tostring() return " 식별번호 :" + getnum() + " 모델 : " + getmodel() + " 승객수 : " + getpnum(); public class PlaneTest public static void main(string[] args) Plane plane1 = new Plane(1, "aa", 200); Plane plane2 = new Plane(2, "bb"); Plane plane3 = new Plane(); plane1.setplanes(0); plane1.getplanes(); plane3.setnum(3); plane3.setmodel("cc"); plane3.setpnum(150);

3. public class Box private int width, length, height; private boolean empty = false; public int getwidth() return width; public void setwidth(int width) this.width = width; public int getlength() return length; public void setlength(int length) this.length = length; public int getheight() return height; public void setheight(int height) this.height = height; public boolean isempty() return empty; public void setempty(boolean empty) this.empty = empty;

public Box() width = 0; length = 0; height = 0; empty = true; public Box(int w, int l, int h) width = w; length = l; height = h; empty = true; 4. public class Movie private String title; private String direction; private String company; public Movie() public Movie(String t, String d, String c) title = t; direction = d; company = c;

5. public class BankAccount private String ownername; private int accountnumber; private int balance; private double rate; public String getownername() return ownername; public void setownername(string ownername) this.ownername = ownername; public int getaccountnumber() return accountnumber; public void setaccountnumber(int accountnumber) this.accountnumber = accountnumber; public int getbalance() return balance; public void setbalance(int balance) this.balance = balance; public double getrate() return rate; public void setrate(double rate) this.rate = rate; public BankAccount() public BankAccount(String n, int a, int b, double r) ownername = n; accountnumber = a; balance = b; rate = r;