2018 후기 모집요강.indd

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Conditions de recrutement (en anglais).hwp

Microsoft Word - Fall 2011 LGC Application International Students (1).docx

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

입학전형일정표 구분일시장소비고 1. 입학지원서접수및증빙서류제출 ( 목 ) ~ 3. 23( 금 ) 16:00 까지 경영전문대학원홈페이지 ( 인터넷접수만시행 2. TEPS 특별시험 ( 영어성적없을시응시가능 ) 2018


2017 학년도전기수시전형 (1 차 ) 기술경영전문대학원모집요강 목차 [ 기술경영전문대학원설명 ] 1 [ 전형내용과안내사항 ] 1. 모집학과및모집인원 2 2. 지원자격 2 3. 전형방법 2 4. 선발기준 2 5. 장학제도 2 6. 전형일정 3 7. 전형장소 3 8. 제

슬라이드 1

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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는



www.gsias.hufs.ac.kr 2018 학년도후기신입생모집 ( 정원내, 내국인전형 ) 모집학과및인원 석사학위과정 (4 학기 ) : 000 명 학과한국학과중국학과일본학과인도 아세안학과중동 아프리카학과러시아 CIS학과유럽연합학과미국 캐나다학과중남미학과국제개발학과국제학과 (2018학년도신설 ) 유엔평화학과 학위 국제지역학석사정치학석사경제학석사사회학석사문화인류학석사 ( 학위종별은세부전공및학위논문에따라결정 ) 국제개발학석사국제학석사후기에는모집하지않음 박사학위과정 (4 학기 ) : 00 명 석사 박사통합학위과정 (6 학기 ) : 00 명 학과국제지역학과중국지역전공일본지역전공인도 아세안지역전공중동 아프리카지역전공러시아 CIS지역전공유럽연합지역전공미국 캐나다지역전공중남미지역전공한국학과 국제관계학과 각학위과정전학과, 외국인지원가능 학과국제지역학과 중국지역전공일본지역전공인도 아세안지역전공중동 아프리카지역전공러시아 CIS 지역전공유럽연합지역전공미국 캐나다지역전공중남미지역전공 한국학과 각학위과정전학과, 외국인지원가능 학위 OO 학박사 (ex) 중국학박사, 일본학박사...) 국제지역학박사정치학박사경제학박사사회학박사문화인류학박사 한국학박사정치학박사경제학박사사회학박사, 문화인류학박사 학위 OO 학박사 (ex) 중국학박사, 일본학박사...) 국제지역학박사정치학박사경제학박사사회학박사문화인류학박사 한국학박사

02 03 지원자격 석사학위과정 & 석사 박사통합학위과정 가. 학사학위취득자및예정자나. 법령에의하여이와동등이상의학력이있다고인정된자 박사학위과정 가. 석사학위취득자및예정자나. 법령에의하여이와동등이상의학력이있다고인정된자 공통사항 가. 본전형의응시대상은대한민국국적소지자또는부모중한명이상이대한민국국적인외국인임나. 다만, 위가항에해당되더라도초. 중. 고등학교및대학교전과정을외국에서교육받은사람은본전형이아닌외국인전형으로지원하여야함 특징 전형방법 가. 다양한장학금제도 - KIEP 장학금 ( 중남미, 인도, 아프리카지역전공자대상, 입학후학과별기준에따라선발 ) - 신입생전원입학성적에따른장학금지급 ( 입학후지급 ) - 재학중성적에따른장학금차등지급 ( 상위 80% 대상지급 ) - 우수학생학과별장학금지급 ( 학기별선발 ) - HGLS (HUFS Global Leaders Scholarship- 외국인한정별도선발과정有 ) - 기타본교출신장학금, 외부협력사업조교등다양한학비지원제도마련나. 비논문트랙운영 : 주임교수의승인을얻은석사과정학생은논문없이전공학점추가이수로졸업가능 ( 비논문트랙운영여부는학과별로상이하니자세한사항은학과별문의요망 ) 다. 야간수업운영 : 학과별상황에따라수료에필요한학점을야간강의를활용하여이수할수있음 ( 학과별로야간수업개설상황이다르니자세한사항은학과별문의요망 ) 라. 3+1 제도시행 ( 선발자에한하여재학중 1 학기는해외에서학점취득 ) 마. 폭넓은다양한지역학, 국제관계학과목개설 서류심사및면접 제출서류 석사과정 & 석사 박사통합학위과정 서류명 가. 입학지원서 ( 인터넷상에서입력및출력, 본인사진반드시업로드 ) 나. 대학졸업 ( 예정 ) 증명서, 성적증명서 편입학한학생의경우, 전 ( 全 ) 과정의성적증명서를제출해야함. 다. 연구계획서 ( 소정양식 ) 수량 1부각 1부 1부 박사과정 서류명 가. 입학지원서 ( 인터넷상에서입력및출력, 본인사진반드시업로드 ) 나. 석사졸업 ( 예정 ) 증명서, 전학년성적증명서 ( 학부, 석사 ) 편입학한학생의경우, 전 ( 全 ) 과정의성적증명서를제출해야함. 다. 연구계획서 ( 소정양식 ) 라. 석사학위논문 ( 연구실적물대체가능 ) 온라인접수사이트 : http://www.jinhakapply.com 수량 1부각 1부 1부 1부

www.gsias.hufs.ac.kr 외국대학졸업자의서류제출 영어이외의외국어로표기된서류의경우한국어번역공증본을함께제출해야함. 졸업 ( 예정 ) 증명서및성적증명서제출시반드시아래입증서류중하나를제출하여야합니다. - 아포스티유 (Apostille) 확인을받은학위 ( 학력 ) 등입증서류 - 출신학교가속한국가주재한국영사또는주한공관영사확인을받은학위등입증서류 ( 단, 중국에서학 석사학위를취득한자의최종학력증명은 中國高等敎育學歷査詢報告 (www.chsi.com.cn) 혹은 中國學位認證報告 (www.cdgdc.edu.cn) 를첨부하여야함 ) 위서류발급시시일이오래걸리므로원서접수에앞서신청하여발급받기를권함 재발급불가능한해외학위증명서또는성적증명서의경우출신대학교에서원본대조필받은사본제출가능 ( 접수된서류는일체반환불가 ) 기타제출서류 ( 해당자만제출 ) 가. 지원학과및전공과직접관련있는자격증사본 1 부. 나. 어학성적표원본 1 부 전형일정 구분 1 차모집 2 차모집 원서작성및서류접수 온라인원서작성 : 2018.4.5( 목 )~4.12( 목 ) 서류접수 : 2018.4.5( 목 )~4.13( 금 ) 온라인원서작성 : 2018.5.17( 목 )~5.24( 목 ) 서류접수 : 2018.5.17( 목 )~5.25( 금 ) 전형일 2018.4.28( 토 ) 2018.6.9( 토 ) 합격자발표 2018.5.11( 금 ) 2018.6.22( 금 ) 등록예치금납부 2018.5.14( 월 )~5.21( 월 ) 2018.6.25( 월 )~7.2( 월 ) 유의사항 가. 입학원서는해당기간에인터넷에서작성 접수하고, 출력본및관련서류를별도제출하여야함 ( 방문또는우편접수가능하며, 방문접수는토. 일. 공휴일에는가능하지않음 ) 나. 전형료 : 95,000 원 ( 인터넷접수시지불, 온라인접수수수료 5,000 원포함 ) 다. 제출서류의우편접수는반드시등기우편이어야하며서류접수마감일 (17:00) 까지도착분에한함 제출서류보낼곳 : ( 우 02450) 서울특별시동대문구이문로 107 한국외국어대학교대학원사무 1 팀 ( 국제지역대학원 ) 라. 우편접수시수험표는본인보관, 면접당일지참마. 접수된서류는반환하지않으며, 바. 면접당일한국방문이불가능한해외거주자의경우 hufsgsias@hufs.ac.kr 로전화인터뷰신청가능 ( 해당지원학과의결정에따라전화인터뷰허용여부결정하며, 단순개인일정에의한전화인터뷰는허용하지않음 )

04 05 GSIAS Admission Guide for FALL Semester 2018(For International Students) Applicable Major Master s Program Department Concentration Using Language Korean Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Korean/ Chinese Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Chinese Japanese Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Japanese Indian and ASEAN Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Middle East and African Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Russian and CIS Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Russian/ European Union Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies Latin American Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies U.S. and Canadian Studies Politics/Economics/Socio-Cultural Studies International Development Studies International Development (Indian and ASEAN/ Middle East and African/ Russian and CIS/ Latin American Studies) International Studies (Newly opened from 2018) International Studies Doctoral Program Department Concentration(Major) Using Language Korean Studies Korean Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Korean/ Chinese Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Chinese Japanese Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Japanese Indian and ASEAN Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies International Middle East and African Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Area Studies Russian and CIS Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Russian/ European Union Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies U.S. and Canadian Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Latin American Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies International Politics International Relations International Trade and Commerce Comparative Socio-Cultural Studies Integrated Master and Doctoral Program Department Concentration(Major) Using Language Korean Studies Korean Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Korean/ Chinese Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Chinese Japanese Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Japanese Indian and ASEAN Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies International Middle East and African Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Area Studies Russian and CIS Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Russian/ European Union Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies U.S. and Canadian Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies Latin American Politics / Economics / Socio-Cultural Studies

www.gsias.hufs.ac.kr Eligibility for International Student Applicants Documents required 1) Degree Eligibility Master's Program & Integrated Master s and Doctoral Program - Applicants having obtained (or who are expected to obtain) a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in Korea or an overseas country Doctoral Program - Applicants having obtained (or who are expected to obtain) a Master's degree in related fields or its equivalent in Korea or an overseas country 2) Citizenship Eligibility To apply as an international student, you must meet either of the following requirements: - Be an applicant with non-korean citizenship (applicant s parents also) - Be an applicant who has completed more than 16 years of education outside Korea Common requirements Very Important things - All documents should be in or Korean. If the original documents are not in or Korean, notarized translations must be submitted. - All certificates and transcripts must be submitted with Apostille Certificates or Embassy Certificates. - If your degree certificate or transcript cannot be re-issued by your university, please have the copy of the certificate(or transcript) authenticated by the university and submit them instead of the originals. (Note: If you submit the duplicate, the Original documents must be shown to us after admission.) * Online application website - http://www.jinhakapply.com 1) Master's Program & Integrated Master and Doctoral Program 1 One copy of the GSIAS online application form 2 Bachelor's degree certificate and transcript (1 original version of each) 3 Research proposal (form available after online application) 4 One Letter of Recommendation (written in or the instruction language of your desired major) 5 Language Proficiency Test Score Report( or instruction language of your desired major) * Valid Test of : IBT TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TEPS, FLEX Valid Test of other languages: All tests officially certified by the native-speaking country * To waive the language proficiency test report requirements, applicants must meet either of the following requirements: - Native speakers of or instruction language of your desired major - Applicants who have graduated from a University located in a native-speaking country of or instruction language of your desired major. 6 Certificate of the Bank Deposit or the financial guarantor's letters - Certificate of the Bank Deposit: Original certificate of over 20,000 US$ for yourself or family members, issued by a bank - The financial guarantor's letters: from acquaintance or teacher/professor 7 One copy of passport 8 One copy of certificate of alien registration card (cardholder only) 9 One copy of Diplomatic identification card (Diplomat to Korea only) 2) Doctoral Program 1 One copy of the GSIAS online application form 2 Master's degree certificate (1 original version) 3 Transcripts of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies (1 original version of each) 4 Research proposal (form available after online application) 5 One Letter of Recommendation in or the instruction language of your desired major. 6 Language Proficiency Test Score Report( or instruction language of your desired major) * Valid Test of : IBT TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TEPS, FLEX Valid Test of other languages: All tests officially certified by the native-speaking country * To waive the language proficiency test report requirements, applicants must meet either of the following requirements: - Native speakers of or instruction language of your desired major - Applicants who have graduated from a University located in a native-speaking country of or instruction language of your desired major. 7 Certificate of the Bank Deposit or the financial guarantor's letters - Certificate of the Bank Deposit: Original certificate of over 20,000 US$ for yourself or family members, issued by a bank - The financial guarantor's letters: from acquaintance or teacher/professor

06 07 8 Master's Thesis example (or research papers) 9 One copy of passport 10 One copy of certificate of alien registration card (cardholder only) 11 One copy of Diplomatic identification card (Diplomat to Korea only) Selection Process Application Schedule Application Fee Instructions 3) For Chinese students 1 HOUSEHOLD REGISTERS ( 戶口溥 ) or ID CARD ( 居民身份证 ) OF ALL FAMILY MEMBERS 2 CERTIFICATE OF DEGREE with a Verification from the China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center, http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn 3 CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION with a Verification from the China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center, http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn ** For those who have not yet graduated from university: Education Background & Academic Records issued by the China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center, http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn 4 (Optional) PARENTS CERTIFICATE OF HOLDING OFFICE ( 工作证明书 ) Application materials and inquiries should be directed to Office of Academic Affairs Document Review & Interview - The Interview will be conducted in or applicant's desired major language First Round Online Application & Submission of Documents March 26 ~ May 25 Applicants residing in Korea : Face to Face Interview Interview Applicants residing out of Korea : Remote Interview (phone or skype) * Interview schedule will be individually announced. Notification of Admission June 22 Tuition Deposit Payment June 25 July 9 KRW 95,000 (fee to be paid through the online application website) * Online application website http://www.jinhakapply.com Applicants should fill in the application form online and send printed version to the Administrative Office of GSIAS (postal submission accepted). Submission of documents should be done offline by the due date. (by mail or visit) Submitted materials will not be returned. Scholarship Opportunities International Student Scholarship Korean Studies Scholarship POSCO Foundation Scholarship Admission Scholarship(partial tuition) Financial Assistant for Doctoral Students Merit Scholarship for Master Students - Full or partial tuition scholarship for one semester - Selection Notice will be separately announced. - Full-tuition(1st/4th semester) and half-tuition(2nd/3rd semester) - Selection Notice will be separately announced. - Full-tuition waiver and living cost for 2 years - For Korean Studies students from Asia. - Selection Notice will be separately announced. - All incoming students - Partial tuition waiver every semester - Partial tuition waiver - Based on GPA in the previous semester 3+1 Study Abroad Scholarship - Full or partial waiver for HUFS tuition Others Non-thesis option available in certain departments Free Korean language course opening for non-koreans.