해외송금의경우, 가상계좌로등록금을납부한후국제입학팀이메일로송금영수증을 스캔하여보내주시기바랍니다. 반드시지정된기일내에등록을마쳐야하며, 미등록시등록할의사가없는것으로 간주하고입학허가를취소합니다. 기숙사안내 1. 신청기간 : 2018년 12월 10 일(

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Download "해외송금의경우, 가상계좌로등록금을납부한후국제입학팀이메일로송금영수증을 스캔하여보내주시기바랍니다. 반드시지정된기일내에등록을마쳐야하며, 미등록시등록할의사가없는것으로 간주하고입학허가를취소합니다. 기숙사안내 1. 신청기간 : 2018년 12월 10 일("


1 학년도전기외국인특별전형 최종합격자유의사항 입학허가서출력 1. 출력기간 : 2018년 11월 30 일( 금) 17:00 12월 14 일( 금) 16:00까지 입학허가통지서는상기기간내에국제처홈페이지(oia.korea.ac.kr) 에서만출력할수 있으며별도로제공하지않습니다. 출력기간외에는조회되지않으므로기간이 만료되기전에반드시출력하시기바랍니다. 영문입학허가통지서는상기기간내에국제입학팀이메일로별도요청한경우에 한하여발급가능합니다. 등록안내 1. 등록확인예치금납부기간 : 2018년 12월 17 일( 월) 10:00 12월 19 일( 수) 16:00 까지 등록확인예치금고지서출력기간: 2018년 12월 17 일( 월) 10:00 12월 19 일( 수) 16:00 까지 2. 등록방법 1 등록확인예치금고지서출력: 고려대학교국제처홈페이지 ( Degree Program Board Notice) 에서출력 2 등록예치금납부: 전국모든은행창구/ATM/ 인터넷뱅킹/ 폰뱅킹등으로입금 등록확인예치금 450,000 원을등록기간내에우선납부하고 4) 의 등록금정산방법을참고하시기바랍니다. 3 등록상태확인: 등록한다음날국제처홈페이지( 4 Degree Program Board Notice) 에서확인 등록금정산: 등록확인예치금으로우리대학교에등록을한신/ 편입생 2019년 2 월중( 일자는추후공지) 국제처홈페이지 ( 에서 고지서를출력한후, 정해진기간내에등록금차액을납부하여야합니다. 고지서에나와있는가상계좌로정확한금액이입금되도록해야합니다. 등록금송금 시발생하는수수료가있으므로본인이따로부담해야하며, 수수료를지불한후입금된 금액이고지서에나와있는등록금액수와일치하는지반드시확인하시기바랍니다. 가상계좌는학생개인별고유계좌번호로서, 입금자명은관계없습니다

2 해외송금의경우, 가상계좌로등록금을납부한후국제입학팀이메일로송금영수증을 스캔하여보내주시기바랍니다. 반드시지정된기일내에등록을마쳐야하며, 미등록시등록할의사가없는것으로 간주하고입학허가를취소합니다. 기숙사안내 1. 신청기간 : 2018년 12월 10 일( 월) 년 1월 1 일( 화) 2. 신청방법: 외국인기숙사홈페이지에서개별신청 1 기숙사홈페이지회원가입후계정생성 2 온라인신청 : Submit New Application' 3 선발후기숙사홈페이지에통보 4 기숙사비및보증금고지서출력후납부 - 마감기한까지납부하지않을경우, 신청은자동취소되며차순위후보자에게 배정됩니다. - 기숙사비납부마감일: 2019년 1월 23 일( 수) 3. 기숙사결과발표: 2019년 1월 18 일( 금) 표준입학허가서와비자발급안내 1. 표준입학허가서 (CoA) 표준입학허가서: 출입국관리사무소, 각국대한민국대사관/ 영사관에서 유학비자(D-2) 신청시필요한서류로, 출입국관리사무소의승인을받아 대학에서발급하는공식문서를의미합니다. 발급기간: 2019년 1 월중( 일자는추후공지) 수령방법: 국제처홈페이지 Degree Program Board Notice 에서출력 세부사항은 2019년 1월중국제처홈페이지를통해재공지 - 2 -

3 D-2 비자발급대상: 국내 외거주중인외국국적자로, 유학활동이가능한비자를 소지하고있지않은학생 1 유학활동이가능한비자는 D-2( 유학), F-2( 거주), F-4( 재외동포), F-5( 영주) 등 체류자격중유학활동허가를받은비자. D-2 외의비자를이미소지한 경우에는유학가능여부를사전에출입국관리사무소를통해직접문의하여 비자변경혹은자격외활동허가를받아야합니다. 2 D-2 비자발급방법: 본인이직접출입국관리사무소또는재외한국대사관 또는영사관에서신청 1) 국내체류자: 한국소재출입국관리사무소를방문하여유학활동이가능한 비자로변경 D-2 비자신청허가전출국할경우접수가취소됩니다. 외국인등록증카드를출입국사무소에서받은뒤에출국가능 관련문의: 국내출입국관리사무소(Tel.1345/ 2) 해외체류자: 해당국가의가까운한국영사관혹은대사관에신청 유학비자(D-2) 신청시대한민국영사관에서최종학력입증서류를 요구할수있으므로지원시제출여부와상관없이가까운영사관에 미리확인하여준비하시기바랍니다. 합격자추가제출서류안내 1. 영사인증및아포스티유확인 - 최종합격자는외국학교에서발행한모든공식서류에대해아포스티유 확인서나해당학교소재국영사관의영사확인을발급받아제출하여야하며, 영사인증및아포스티유확인두종류만인정됨을알려드립니다. 접수기한내영사확인또는아포스티유확인서를제출하지않는경우, 입학 허가를취소할수있습니다. 원서접수시기에영사확인또는아포스티유확인서를받아서서류를제출한 경우추가로제출할필요가없습니다. 1 발급대상서류 부모와본인모두외국인 합격자: 고등학교성적/ 재학/ 졸업증명서 ( 편입생: 상기서류 + 대학교최종성적/ 수료/ 졸업증명서) 본인만외국인 합격자: 해외초 중 고교에서발급받은성적/ 재학/ 졸업증명서 - 3 -

4 2 ( 편입생: 상기서류 + 대학교최종성적/ 수료/ 졸업증명서) 원서접수시졸업예정증명서를제출한경우, 반드시최종학교졸업증명서와 성적증명서를아포스티유나영사확인을받아제출해야합니다. 제출기한: 2019년 2월 1 일( 금) 출신학교의부득이한사정으로기한내제출할수없는경우반드시국제처 국제입학팀담당자에게그사실을미리통보하고제출가능일자를 알려주어야합니다. 3 제출장소: 국제처국제입학팀( 동원글로벌리더십홀 301 호) 4 본부영사확인서발급문의: 외교부영사콜센터( ) 5 아포스티유(Apostille) 협약국안내 국제처홈페이지 ( Degree Program Board Downloads) 신입생오리엔테이션안내 1. 기간: 2019년 2월 21 일( 목) - 2월 27 일( 수) 2. 안내부서: 글로벌서비스센터(GSC) 외국인신입생을위한한국어집중교육안내 1. 내용: 전공과목수강에필요한한국어능력을갖추지못한학생은한국어 집중교육을통해한국어능력을향상시켜야합니다. 한국어집중교육대상자로 선정된학생은의무적으로한국어집중교육을이수해야만합니다. 한국어 집중교육대상자여부는학기시작전에학생들에게이메일로개별안내하고 있습니다. 2. 한국어성적증명(TOPIK) 추가제출안내 입학지원당시에제출하지못한 TOPIK 성적또는고려대학교한국어센터 정규과정수료증명은 2019년 2월 8 일( 금) 까지국제교육원으로추가제출이 가능합니다. 고려대학교한국어센터수료증명서는원본을제출해주시기바랍니다

5 관련부서연락처 부서문의내용홈페이지연락처/ 이메일 국제입학팀 COA 발급및등록 추가제출서류 /5157 글로벌서비스센터신입생 OT /5174 국제교육원 한국어집중교육 TOPIK 추가제출 kuige@korea.ac.kr 기숙사외국인기숙사신청 reslife@korea.ac.kr - 5 -

6 Guidelines for International Undergraduates for Spring The Letter of Acceptance for Printing When: ONLY available from 17:00 November 30 to 16:00 December 14, 2018 (Korean local time) 1. 2.Where: The Office of International Affairs website ( You can download the Letter of Acceptance during the designated period only. English version of the acceptance letter is available by request within the designated period only. NO acceptance letter will be issued or sent to students. It is the student s responsibility to either print/save or make a request for the letter of acceptance during the specified period. 2. Registration (Tuition payment) When: from 10:00 December 17 to 16:00 December 19, 2018 (Korean local time) The tuition deposit invoice can be printed from 10:00 December 17 to 16:00 December 19, 2018 (Korean local time) How: 1) The tuition deposit invoice can be printed from à Degree Program à Board à Notice. 2) Tuition payment method: any bank counter or ATM in Korea/ wire transfer or telephone banking The deposit of KRW 450,000 must be paid during the registration period. For payment of the remaining tuition fee, refer to 4) Payment of the remaining tuition. 3) Registration status: The registration status can be confirmed after the payment from à Degree Program à Board à Notice. 4) Payment of the remaining tuition: Freshman/transfer students who have been admitted to KU and paid the tuition deposit must print out the tuition invoice during February, 2019(to be confirmed) on to pay the remaining tuition within the registration period. Please note that there may be an additional service charge for bank transfer. Students are responsible for paying any additional service charges. The amount of tuition on your tuition invoice does NOT include any service charges. You may call your local bank to ask if there would be any service charges, and how much it would cost. The name of the depositor does not have to be in the student s name. If you planning to make an international transfer, please submit your transaction receipt via . If the tuition payment is not completed by the deadline, admission will automatically be withdrawn. 1

7 On-campus Dormitory Registration 1) Application period: December 10, 2018 January 1, ) How to register: Online application must be submitted during the application period on Steps: 1. Create a housing account. 2. Submit online application. 3. Confirm your residence hall assignment. 4. Print out the invoice and pay the dormitory fee as well as deposit. - If the fee is not paid by the deadline, registration will be withdrawn automatically. - The fee must be paid by January 23, ) Room assignment Date: January 18, Certificate of Admission & Visa Issuance Certificate of Admission (CoA) 1) The Certificate of Admission is an official document which is approved by the Immigration Office and issued for international students for the purpose of visa application. 2) When to receive: Please check on our website (oia.korea.ac.kr) in January, 2019 for exact dates. 3) How to receive: The CoA can be printed from à Degree Program à Board à Notice The detailed information will be provided in January, D-2 VISA Application for International Student 1) International students must possess a valid visa whilst studying in Korea: D-2(Study Abroad), F-2 (Residential), F-4 (Overseas Koreans), F-5 (Permanent Residency), or any other form of a valid visa for education-purpose. If students possess a visa other than D-2, it is mandatory to inquire the Immigration Office to confirm on the validity of one s visa status for studying in Korea. If necessary, one must change the type of visa or receive a special approval for studying in Korea before the semester starts. 2) How to apply for D-2 VISA 1. Students who are residing in Korea must visit the Immigration Office to update one s visa status that would allow one to study at an academic institution in Korea. - The D-2 visa application will be cancelled if one leaves Korea before the change of visa status is permitted. Students are able to leave Korea only after receiving an Alien Registration Card from the immigration office. - Contact information: Tel. 1345/ 2

8 Students who are residing outside of Korea must visit the Korean embassy/consulate in the country of one s residence to apply for the D-2 visa. - Please note that the certificates of graduation from high school/university/college may be required to submit for D-2 visa application, so please check in advance for the required documents for visa application with Korean embassy. 5. Additional Documents Submission Apostille/Consular Authentication - Students are required to provide the Apostille or Consular Authentication for all documents issued by overseas schools/institution and the documents must be submitted to the Office of International Affairs. No other type of authentication will be approved. Those who fail to submit the Apostille/Consular Authentication are subject to their offer being withdrawn. Student who has already submitted the documents with the Apostille or Consular Authentication at the time of application submission does not have to submit them again. 1) List of Documents Required for the Apostille/Consular Authentication 1.1. International students falling under the eligibility of non-korean citizen applicant with non- Korean parent(s) : certificates of graduation and final transcripts from high school 1.2. International students falling under the eligibility of non-korean citizen applicant with Korean parent(s) : certificates of graduation and final transcripts from elementary/primary, middle and high/secondary school (12 years). 2. Statement of extenuating circumstances or any official letter of confirmation, if any. 3. Certificates of university/college graduation and academic transcripts (for transfer students only) A prospective graduate who has submitted the expected graduation certificate at the time of the KU online application must submit the final academic transcript and graduation certificate with the apostille or consular authentication. 2) Deadline: February 1, 2019 Those who cannot submit the documents by the deadline due to an inevitable circumstance must contact the Office of International Affairs in advance to seek for an approval of the extended deadline. 3) Where to submit: Postal Address: #301, International Admission Team, Office of International Affairs, Dongwon Global Leadership Hall 3

9 ) Contact for Consular Authentication: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Services (tel ) 5) Countries with Apostille Convention can be find from à Degree Program à Board à Downloads. 6. Orientation for new students 1) Dates: February 21 - February 27, More information on the orientation for new students will be ed by Global Services Center (GSC) at a later date. 7. Intensive Korean Program for New International Students - Students who do not have the necessary Korean proficiency to understand major courses need to improve their language abilities through intensive training. Therefore, those who fit into this category are obliged to enroll in the intensive Korean Language Program. Students are informed via before the start of the semester whether they are required to participate in the Program. - Additional submission of proof of Korean language proficiency There may be exceptions for new international students who submit TOPIK or a Certificate of Completion from KLC at KU to the Institute for Global Education by February 8, Contact Information Department Inquiry Website Phone/ Certificate of International Admissions Office Admission Issuance and additional /5157 admission@adm.korea.ac.kr document submission Global Service Center Orientation for new students /5174 gsc@korea.ac.kr Institute for Global Education Intensive Korean Program and TOPIK submission kuige@korea.ac.kr Dormitory Dormitory application reslife@korea.ac.kr 4

Ⅰ 2018. 6. 8 2018 학년도후기외국인특별전형 최종합격자유의사항 입학허가서출력 1. 출력기간 : 2018년 6월 8일 ( 금 ) 17:00 6월 22일 ( 금 ) 16:00 까지 입학허가통지서는상기기간내에국제처홈페이지 (oia.korea.ac.kr) 에서만출력할수있으며별도로제공하지않습니다. 출력기간외에는조회되지않으므로기간이만료되기전에반드시출력하시기바랍니다.

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2015.6.15.시행 사증발급신청서, 외국인배우자초청장.hwp

2015.6.15.시행 사증발급신청서, 외국인배우자초청장.hwp 출입국관리법 시행규칙 [별지 제17호서식] (제1쪽 / Page1) 사증발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR VISA 신청인은 사실에 근거하여 빠짐없이 정확하게 신청서를 작성하여야 합니다. 신청서상의 모든 질문에 대한 답변은 한글 또는 영문으로 기재하여야 합니다. 선택사항은 해당 칸[ ] 안에 표시를 하시기 바랍니다. 기타 를 선택한 경우,

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