Pro travel network

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6 # of Home-based businesses rising Create your own income and financial independence Pro Travel Network will provide the vehicle, the tools and support What s missing? YOU

7 Established in 2003 Global Offices in US, Canada, & Australia Booked 100s of millions of $$$ in Travel Member of CLIA, ARTA, ACTA, TICO, and IATAN

8 Debt-free Publicly Traded Ticker Symbol PTVL

9 Already a $7 Trillion Industry -Travel is expected to double in the few years Baby Boomers retiring 1every 8 seconds Home-based businesses make up over 50% of small businesses Home businesses make over $500 billion per year The Internet...making it all possible..allowing all these factors to converge

10 Choose the best option for you: Referring Travel Associate (RTA) or Independent Travel Agent (ITA)

11 50% of all travel is booked online $$$ billions of live inventory Destination Content Honeymoon Registry 60% Commission 24/7

12 Professionals working for YOU Top notch customer service Groups Department Earn more commissions Live Chat feature Hi-touch combined with Hi-tech

13 Amazing Deals for members only 3, 4, and 7 day Cruises All Inclusive Vacations Discounted Hotel Special Lay-Away Program Spouse and children included



16 Only $ and $49.99 per month Online B2C website w/ Live Chat Full Professional Support Staff Accounting and Customer Service Destinations Membership Business Tax advantages

17 PTN University Supplier Training Mentorship program CLIA Training Unlimited Support

18 Only $ and $49.99 per month B2B Agents Only back office Access to all major suppliers Groups, Honeymoons & Corporate Earn CLIA/IATAN recognition All monthly fees waived at IATAN


20 Fast Start Bonuses: up to $10,000 Cash & 10,000 shares Team Bonuses up to $58,000 per month The Matrix Residual Income opportunity NTD - $1,000,000 Bonus Plan NTD Luxury Car Program Destinations Points Travel For Free!


22 Fast Start Bonus $100


24 $1,400 in product sales $100 $2,400 in Product sales $500 $4,800 in Product sales $1,000 $9,700 in Product sales $2,000 $14,600 in Product sales $3,000 Effective through March 31, 2009

25 RM: Minimum $60 Up to $12,400 per month The Matrix: Residual Income % Unlimited Matching Bonuses! $30 $

26 $4,800 in Product sales $1,000 $9,700 in Product sales $2,500 $17,000 in Product sales $5,000 $24,400 in Product sales $7,500 $34,000 in Product sales $15,000 $48,800 in Product sales $22,500 $97,600 in Product sales $30,000

27 RT, RM, TD, RTD Only $99.99 and $9.99 per month Fast Start Bonuses Matrix Placement Team Bonuses: up to $3,000 Matrix Pay: up to $12,500 Matching Matrix Pay: Unlimited RT Team Bonuses: up to $33,000 Matrix Pay: up to $12,500 Matching Matrix: Unlimited Generational Bonuses: Unlimited Team Bonuses: up to $58,500 Matrix Pay: up to $12,500 Matching Matrix: Unlimited Generational Bonuses: Unlimited RM TD RTD

28 NTD Program Benefits

29 PLATINUM Get Your Keys Today! NTD Program Benefits NTD Luxury Car Program The New Mercedes CLS 550 At Platinum level achievement the NTD will participate in the Luxury Car Program. This program includes a one-time cash payment of $25,000, a portion of which may be partially used to offset the acquisition of the luxury car. In any event, the NTD will receive compensation of $25,000 along with keys to a new Mercedes CLS 550. Monthly payments and insurance will also be paid subject to the Monthly Bonus Pool/Luxury Car Allowance Benefit.

30 National Training Director (NTD) Gold 500+ RTs 10,000 PTVL Shares + Dream Vacation Platinum 1,000+ RTs Luxury Car Program 09 MBZ CLS 550 Diamond 5,000+ RTs Diamond 2x 10,000+ RTs Diamond 3x 20,000+ RTs $100,000 Bonus $250,000 Bonus $1,000,000 Bonus

31 What s Next? Continue on the sideline? or Get Started Now! Don t sit on the sidelines

32 Thank you for your time! Please do the person who invited you a huge personal favor 1. Support them Allow them to book your families travel, and support their success. 2. Give them 5 names of people who you know that desire to earn more money and would like to travel more with their families.

33 Congratulations!! Now it s time FAST START!! Get signed up Order your business cards Get ready to make a living living! Oh yeah Go a Destination



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