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1 Computer Graphics

2 # 1 Contents CG Design CG Programming Computer Graphics 2

3 CG science, engineering, medicine, business, industry, government, art, entertainment, advertising, education and training Computer Graphics 3

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5 Computer Graphics 5

6 Computer Graphics 6

7 Computer Graphics 7

8 Computer Graphics 8

9 Computer Graphics 9

10 Computer Graphics 10

11 Computer Graphics 11

12 Computer Graphics 12

13 Computer Graphics 13

14 Computer Graphics 14

15 Observation Any differences among examples? Yes!!! Then, what? Well, Why graphics? Computer Graphics 15

16 Characterization end / means realism interactivity presence Computer Graphics 16

17 Why Computer Graphics? How can you better explain without pictures? Seeing is believing!!! Computer Graphics 17

18 What is Computer Graphics? Method and Technologies for converting data to and from a graphics display via computer the most powerful means of communication between a computer and a human being Computer Graphics 18

19 Computer Graphics Modeling 2 3,,, Rendering 2,,,,, Computer Graphics 19

20 Computer Graphics + ( ) ( ) Computer Graphics 20

21 Computer Graphics Computer Graphics Modeling Wire Frame Model Surface Model Solid Model Rendering Shading Ray-tracing Radiosity Global Illumination Volumn Rendering Computer Graphics 21

22 Computer Graphics Computer Graphics CG Design Photo shop, Illustrator 3D Studio Max Maya CG Programming C or C++ OpenGL World Tool Kit Computer Graphics 22

23 CG Design CG Design : 3D Studio Max Computer Graphics 23

24 CG Programming CG Programming CG Design Modeling Solid modeling, Surface modeling FFD, Morphing, Warping, Image Based Rendering, Rendering Camera, material, light, Virtual Reality Open GL, C/C Computer Graphics 24

25 Application Data Structure Application Program Graphics System / Computer Graphics Devices User (operator) / Computer Graphics 25

26 ( ) Computer Graphics 26

27 (1) Application Data Structure : - 8, 12, 6 - : P(x, y, z) - : P(x,y,z) -> Q(x,y,z) - : Computer Graphics 27

28 (2) Application Program : wire-frame / Solid / Surface Models :,, / Raytracing / Radiosity : : Computer Graphics 28

29 (3) : Wire-Frame P 4 P 3 P 1 P 2 P P 8 7 P 5 P6 Simple and efficient Ambiguous Computer Graphics 29

30 (4) : Solid Model U Solid U A CSG representation A Boundary representation Shading & hidden line removal Mass properties calculation Interference test Computer Graphics 30

31 (5) : Surface Model t s Computer Graphics 31

32 (6) : Computer Graphics 32

33 (6) : Ray-tracing image plane A B C D E Computer Graphics 33

34 (7) Computer Graphics 34

35 (7) 2D / yw max Window yv max Viewport yw min yv min xwmin xw max xv min xvmax World Coordinates Device Coordinates Computer Graphics 35

36 (8) 3D Parallelepiped Truncated Pyramid Computer Graphics 36

37 (9) 3D / Computer Graphics 37

38 (10) (Display commands) (Instruction data) Bitmap refresh buffer (the 1 s are accentuated for contrast) Display processor CRT Keyboard Data input Computer Graphics 38

39 Display Device ( ) (CRT) (Cathode-Ray Tube) (Cathode) Computer Graphics 39

40 Display Device ( ) : : + 1/10 - :, - : or - - : x / : y - - : Computer Graphics 40

41 (resolution) (aspect ratio) - -, cm - :,, / 4, 12 / 16 - ( ) - - ( ) - (scan line) : - (raster) : Computer Graphics 41

42 Computer Graphics 42

43 (a) (b) (c) (d) Computer Graphics 43

44 Computer Graphics 44

45 Computer Graphics 45

46 Color CRT Shadow Mask Electron Gun Screen Phosphor dot pattern Different phosphor for each color!!! Computer Graphics 46

47 Raster-Scan Display input CPU DP CRT pixel Pixel = Picture element Frame Buffer (bit-map) Selective erasing Fixed frame buffer size Independent picture complexity Computer Graphics 47

48 Raster-Scan Display Register 1 DAC Frame Buffer CRT Raster Computer Graphics 48

49 Raster-Scan Display N Register N N DAC N = 3 2 N Levels Frame Buffer CRT Raster Computer Graphics 49

50 Raster-Scan Display Red Green Blue Black Red Green Blue Yellow Cyan Magenta White Registers 0 DAC 1 DAC 0 DAC Blue Green Red N = 3 2 N Levels Frame Buffer CRT Raster Computer Graphics 50

Microsoft PowerPoint cg01.ppt

Microsoft PowerPoint cg01.ppt Chap 1. Graphics Systems and Models 동의대학교멀티미디어공학과 Hyoungseok B. Kim Computer Graphics definition all technologies related to producing pictures or images using a computer 40년정도의역사 CRT characters photo-realistic

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