1 이조건은운송수단과상관없이사용될수있으며하나이상의운송수단이사용될때도사용될수있다. 2 매도인은지정된목적지까지의운송계약을자신의비용으로체결해야하고반드시보험계약을체결해야하는의무가있다. 3 제품의인도는지정된목적지내에합의된장소가있는때에는그지점에서물품을도착운송수단에실어둔채매수인의처
- 정국 정
- 6 years ago
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1 무역계약 1 a, b 2 b, c 3 a, c 4 b, d - 1 -
2 1 이조건은운송수단과상관없이사용될수있으며하나이상의운송수단이사용될때도사용될수있다. 2 매도인은지정된목적지까지의운송계약을자신의비용으로체결해야하고반드시보험계약을체결해야하는의무가있다. 3 제품의인도는지정된목적지내에합의된장소가있는때에는그지점에서물품을도착운송수단에실어둔채매수인의처분하에둠으로써완료된다. 4 매수인은강제적인선적전검사에드는비용을부담하여야한다. 다만그러한검사가수출국에의하여강제되는경우에는예외로한다. 1 a, b, c 2 a, b, e 3 c, d, e 4 a, b, c, d - 2 -
3 1 a, c, d 2 c, d, e 3 b, c, d 4 b, c, d, e 1 a, b, c 2 a, d, f, h 3 c, d, e 4 b, c, d - 3 -
4 1 무역계약의성립방법으로는물품의송부나대금의송금과같은행동에의해서도가능하며이를의사실현에의한계약성립이라한다. 2 DAT 조건으로수출하는경우, 물품의운송중제3국을경유하는과정에서발생되는비용은수출자가부담해야한다. 3 CIF 조건에서수출자는반드시수입자를피보험자로하는보험증권을제공해야할의무가있으며, 제3자를피보험자로할수는없다. 4 선적일이다른여러장의선하증권이발생되었더라도항로와운송수단및목적지가동일하다면분할선적으로보지않는다. 1 수출자와수입자가서로다른국가내에사무소를두고영업을하고있다면동일국적의사람이라도적용될수있다. 2 베트남소재의업체에게수출품생산에소요되는주원재료를공급하고완성품을공급받는위탁가공무역에대해서는적용되지않는다. 3 계약에서정한인도기일에앞서물품을인도한경우, 수출자는부적합한물품을정상품으로대체할수있다. 4 납품된물품이계약에일치하지아니하는경우에는수입자가대금을지급하지아니한경우에한해대금의감액을청구할권리가인정된다
5 1 a, b 2 b, c 3 c, d 4 b, d 1 d > b > e > a > c 2 b > e > d > a > c 3 d > b > e > c > a 4 b > d > e > c > a - 5 -
6 1 a, c, d 2 b, c, d 3 a, d 4 b, c - 6 -
7 1 a, b, c 2 c, e 3 a, c, d, e 4 a, c, e 1 무역계약은불요식계약의성격을갖고있으므로구두로청약을하고승낙을하여계약을체결해도법률상하자가없다. 2 당사자의관계가 본인대본인 (principal to principal) 인지 본인대대리인 (principal to agent)' 인지기재하는조항의제목으로는 privity를사용한다. 3 비엔나협약 (CISG 1980) 에따르면청약은충분히확정적이어야하며, 최소한거래물품, 수량및가격이기재되어야확정성의요건이충족되는것으로본다. 4 비엔나협약 (CISG 1980) 에따르면지연된승낙은청약자가이를유효한것으로본다는취지의통지를하더라도계약을성립시킬수없다
8 1 비엔나협약 (CISG 1980) 에따르면, 여러품목에대한청약에있어서일부품목에대해서만승낙하는경우계약을성립시키지못한다. 2 승낙기간이기재된청약은상대방이수령한후에는취소할수없다. 3 사료용옥수수를포장하여포장의개수를기준으로거래하는경우에는신용장에서수량과금액에대하여구체적인과부족한도를기재하더라도과부족은허용되지않는다. 4 계약협상과정에서 을교환하고이를확인할목적으로주문서를발송하는등의절차를거쳐계약서를작성하는경우에는계약내용에대한다툼을방지하기위해활용되는조항을완전합의조항이라한다. 1 무역거래에서수출자만청약을하는것이며 offer sheet라는제목의문서를사용하고있다. 2 청약에유효기간이기재되어있다면청약자는유효기간중에는청약의내용을변경하거나취소할수없다. 3 국내거래와달리, 국제거래의경우청약은서면으로행해야효력이있다. 4 수입자의주문을받은수출자가주문에대한승낙서를발송하지않은채물품을발송했다하더라도계약은성립될수없다. 1 청약서에 offer subject to being unsold 와같은문구가기재된경우라면승낙을하더라도계약이성립되지않을수도있다. 2 청약서의단가를감액하는내용의승낙서를발송하면서승낙서상의금액으로신용장을개설하는경우, 행위에의한계약성립을인정할수있다. 3 수입상이유효기간이있는청약을수령한후에는수출국내시장가격이인상되더라도수출자는청약의단가를수정할수없다. 4 Offer Sheet, Proforma Invoice는청약시에사용하는문서이다
9 1 수출자가발행한문서이며, 수입자는 DEF electronix이다. 2 도착항이미정된상태이며도착항을어디로확정하느냐에따라수출단가가변동될수있다. 3 비고란 (remarks) 에구체적인조건이기재되어있으므로유효기간내에거절을통보하지않으면계약은자동성립된다. 4 물품의선적보다신용장의개설이앞서야하며, 수출자는외상방식의환어음을발행하는조건이다
10 1 a, b, d, e 2 b, c, d, e 3 a, c, d, e 4 a, b, c, d 1 미국의매수인으로부터 P/O를받은국내의매도인인 A사는그 P/O에서명을하지는않았으나기일내에선적을완료하고즉시선적통보를하였다. 2 한국의매도인으로부터청약서를받은미국의매수인이기일내에물품대금의입금을완료하였다. 3 미국의매수인이이메일로보내온계약서에매도인이서명후스캔하여다시이메일로송부하였다. 4 한국의매도인이보낸청약서에미국의매수인이가격조건을 FOB에서 CIF로변경한후서명을하였다
11 1 봉제완구, 조화와같이수작업이필요한제품의경우품질수준을약정할때 market claim의가능성을고려한다면 same as the sample 이라는표현보다는 about equal to the sample 라는표현이매도인의입장에서바람직하다. 2 수량조건약정시 TEU는 20피트컨테이너를 FEU는 40피트컨테이너를의미한다. 3 보험계약체결시 ICC(A) 조건을선택하더라도 TPND(Theft, Pilferage and Non Delivery) 는담보되지않으므로담보받기위해서는이약관을추가하여부보하여야한다. 4 클레임을해결하는수단중의하나인중재는반드시당사자간의합의가있어야하며반드시서면으로합의해야만효력이있다. 1 a, b, c 2 a, c, d 3 b, c, d 4 c, d, e
12 1 CIF, CIP를제외한다른조건일경우수출상, 수입상양당사자모두보험가입의의무가있는것은아니다. 그러나보험에가입한다면주된운송구간에대한운송책임이있는일방이보험에가입하게된다. 2 신약관 ICC(A) 와구약관 ICC(ALL RISK) 는포괄책임주의이고신약관 ICC(B), (C) 및구약관 ICC(WA), ICC(FPA) 는열거책임주의이다. 3 ICC(B) 조건에서는지진, 화산의분화및낙뢰에의한피보험목적물의멸실또는손상에대해서는담보하지않고있다. 4 보험가입시보험금액은보험가액의 110% 를부보하는것이일반적이며보험금액은 Amount Insured 라고한다. 1 a, b, c 2 b, c, d 3 a, b, c, d 4 a, b, e
13 1 a. 5월 6일-5월 15일 b. 연장된다. c. 3회까지이다. 2 a. 5월 5일-5월 15일 b. 연장되지않는다. c. 제한없다. 3 a. 5월 5일-5월 15일 b. 연장되지않는다. c. 3회까지이다. 4 a. 5월 6일-5월 16일 b. 연장된다. c. 제한없다. 1 a, b, c, d, e 2 a, b, c 3 b, c 4 a, c, d, e
14 1 DAT조건의경우운송계약은수출상이체결해야하며필요할경우보험계약도체결하고, 수입통관은수입상이해야하지만수출통관은수출상이해야한다. 2 신용장거래시벌크화물의경우수량및금액에과부족이허용되어있지않더라도 10% 의과부족이허용된다. 3 On board B/L을요구하는경우, Commercial Invoice의발행일자로도실제선적일을증빙할수있다. 4 Feeder선을이용하여운송하는경우, 일반적으로환적으로본다. 따라서환적금지로약정된경우에는 Feeder선을이용할수없다. 1 Hardship Clause 2 Severability Clause 3 Liquidated damages Clause 4 Force majeure Clause
15 1 Claim Clause 3 Trade Terms Clause 2 Governing Law Clause 4 Non waiver Clause 1 a, b, c 3 b, c, d 2 b, d, e 4 a, b, c, d, e
16 1 DEAD FREIGHT 2 LAYDAYS 3 DEMURRAGE 4 PAYMENT OF HIRE 1 이른바, 고속선의문제 (Fast Ship s Problem) 를해결하기위해도입된운송서류이다. 2 해상화물운송장은유통불능식으로발행되기때문에수하인이물품을수령할때원본을제출할필요가없다. 3 상법상해상화물운송장은선하증권과같이요식증권의성질을갖지만, 전자식으로는발행될수없다. 4 UCP(600) 에는해상화물운송장에관한별도의수리규정을두고있다. 1 복합운송은컨테이너의발달과운송기술및장비의혁신에따라종래의 tackle to tackle 운송개념이 CY to CY로발전되고나아가 Door to Door라는더욱앞선운송형태로나타나게된것이다. 2 복합운송은포워더만이화주에게제공하는운송서비스로써, 포워더는복합운송인으로서의기능과역할을수행하고수익을창출한다. 3 복합운송에의하여발행되는운송서류는반드시포워더가발행한복합운송증권만이운송서류로써허용되고있다. 4 복합운송경로중미국서안항구를거쳐미국동안의항구까지철도운송으로서비스하는것을 MICRO BRIDGE 혹은 IPI SERVICE 라고한다
17 1 Manifest( 적하목록 ) 2 A/N(Arrival Notice) 3 L/G(Letter of Guarantee) 4 CLP(Container Load plan) 1 a, b 3 d, e 2 b, d 4 없음 1 항공화물운송장은 ICAO( 국제민간항공기구 ) 에의해양식과발행방법이규정되어있다. 2 항공화물운송장의제2원본은수하인용으로화물과함께수하인에게전달된다. 3 항공화물운송장은기명식으로만발행되며, 운송인이화물을수령하고운송계약이체결되었음을나타내는증빙서류이다 4 항공화물운송장은선하증권과달리양도성이나유통성을갖고있지않다
18 1 증권상피보험자기재란에 ABC은행의지시를받도록하고있다. 따라서보험금은 ABC은행의동의를받은자가수령할수있다. 2 사고시손상된화물이보험목적물인지판단하기위해서는참조번호 을확인해야한다. 3 미국에서한국으로수입되는화물로반드시운송이개시되기전에선적항과양륙항이고지되어증권상배서되어야만이계약의효력이발생한다. 4 보험금은원화로대한민국서울에서지급되도록약정되어있다
19 1 a-b-e 2 b-c-f 3 a-c-e 4 a-c-f 1 수탁자약관 피보험자는보험자의구상권확보를위해해당화물의수탁자들과체결한모든계약서를보험자에게제출해야한다. 2 중요사항약관 손해의방지및경감을위해적절한조치를취하고사고귀책자를상대로한모든권리를보존해두어야한다. 3 손해사정을위한지침약관 증권상명기된보험회사나그대리점에즉시사고통보를해야한다. 4 보상청구에관한약관 보상청구가신속히처리되도록증권상기록된모든서류를지체없이제출해야한다
20 1 a, b 3 b, c 2 a, d 4 c, d 1 선적, 하역작업중해수면으로낙하, 추락하여발생한포장단위당의전손 2 지진, 화산의분화, 낙뢰 3 통상의누손, 중량또는용적의통상의감소, 자연소모 4 투하 1 USD600 3 USD700 2 USD660 4 USD
21 무역영어 1 (A) - (C) - (D) - (F) 2 (A) - (B) - (E) - (F) 3 (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) 4 (B) - (D) - (E) - (F)
22 1 a resonable period 2 a considerable period 3 seven days 4 a period of two years 1 The seller must contract or procure a contract for the carriage of the goods from the agreed point of delivery, if any, at the place of delivery to the named place of destination or, if agreed, any point at that place. 2 The contract of carriage must be made on usual terms at the seller s expense and provide for carriage by the usual route and in a customary manner. 3 The seller must obtain at its own expense cargo insurance complying at least with the minimum cover as provided by Clauses (C) of the Institute Cargo Clauses (LMA/IUA) or any similar clauses. 4 The seller must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export
23 1 CIF requires the parties to specify the port of shipment, which is where risk passes to the buyer. 2 CPT requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities. 3 FOB requires the seller to deliver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment. 4 DAT requires the buyer bears all transportation-related costs and risks up to the delivery point at the agreed destination, which may be in the buyer's country. 1 A transport document must not indicate that the goods are or will be loaded on deck. A clause on a transport document stating that the goods may be loaded on deck is acceptable. 2 At least one original of each document stipulated in the credit must be presented. 3 Unless required to be used in a document, words such as prompt or immediately will be disregarded. 4 A transport document bearing a clause such as shipper's load and account is not acceptable
24 1 obtain payment and/or acceptance, or 2 deliver documents on other terms and conditions, or 3 deliver documents against payment and/or against acceptance, or 4 process the collection of documents. 1 Seller must deliver the goods on that date if a date is determinable from the contact. 2 Seller must deliver the goods at any time within that period if a period of time is fixed by the contract. 3 Seller must deliver the goods within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the contract. 4 Seller must deliver the goods as soon as the contract is signed unless circumstances indicate that the buyer is to choose a date
25 1 If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided. 2 If time allows, the party intending to declare the contract avoided must give reasonable notice to the other party in order to permit him to provide adequate assurance of his performance. 3 If the other party has declared that he will not perform his obligations, the party doesn't need to declare the contract avoided by sending reasonable notice. 4 A party can not suspend the performance of his obligations, within the contract period, even though it becomes apparent that the other party will not perform a substantial part of his obligations as a serious deficiency in his ability of perform. 1 The airport of departure and airport of destination may be indicated by the use of IATA codes instead of evidencing the airport name in full. 2 When a letter of credit indicates the airport of departure and airport of destination by stating the country in which the airport is located, the name of the country need not be stated in the air waybill. 3 It is acceptable to use an IATA airline code as an identification of the carrier, for example, KE instead of Korean Air, OZ instead of Asiana Airlines. 4 An air transport document need not be titled air waybill, air consignment note or words of similar effect even when the credit so names the required document
26 1 your acceptance reaching 2 your acceptance to reach 3 your acceptance reached to 4 you to accept for reaching 1 In favor of a specific beneficiary 2 For a specific amount of money 3 How payment to the applicant to be made 4 With a specific expiration date 1 Provided all documents as stipulated in the Credit have been presented. 2 When the goods as stipulated in the Credit have been shipped by the Beneficiary. 3 Where all terms and condition of the Credit are complied with. 4 When the agreed settlement has been made by the Applicant against the presentation of the documents in strictly compliance with the terms and conditions
27 1 It enables exporters to offer buyers competitive payment terms. 2 It protects against risks and financial cost of non-payment. 3 It protects against losses from damage of goods over the transit. 4 It access to working capital. 1 Lum sum freight 2 Back freight 3 Dead freight 4 Surcharges 1 Transportation documents are required both to assure that the goods are being properly transported and for the buyer to claim possession of the goods at destination. 2 A negotiation or order B/L contains a phrase such as "consigned to the order of (a named party). 3 Bill of lading is a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier. 4 Letter of guarantee serves as a form of guarantee whereby the shipper agrees to settle a claim against the line by a holder of the bill of lading arising from issuance of a clean bill of lading
28 1. Goods consigned from (Exporter's business name, address, country) 2. Good consigned to( consignee's name, address, country) Reference No. (Combined declaration and certificate) Issued in 3. Means of transport and route(as far as known) 4. For official use (Country) See Notes overleaf 5. Tariff Item No. 6. marks and numbers of packages 7. Number & kind of packages ; description of goods 8. Origin criterion (see instructions overleaf) 9. Gross weight or other quantity 10. Number and date of invoices 11. Certification It is hereby certified, on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. 12. Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct; that all the goods were produced in (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the generalized system of preferences for goods exported to (importing country) Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority Place and date, signature of authorized signatory 1 Packing List 2 Bill of Lading 3 Certificate of Origin 4 Mate s Receipt
29 1 The description of the goods, services or performance in the invoice must correspond with the description in the credit. It means that a mirror image is requested. 2 An invoice is to indicate any discounts or deductions required by the credit. The invoice may indicate a deduction covering advance payment, discount, etc., that is not stated in the credit. 3 An invoice must show merchandise not called for in the credit (including samples, advertising materials, etc.) even if stated to be free of charge. 4 A credit requiring an invoice without further definition will be satisfied by any type of invoice presented (commercial invoice, customs invoice, tax invoice, final invoice, consular invoice, provisional invoice, pro-forma invoice, etc.)
32 (A) 1 undercharged 2 undercharged 3 overcharged 4 overcharged (B) a credit note a credit note a debit note 1 This contract recognizes the fact that it is on a principal to principal basis between Seller and Buyer. 2 Claims, if any, shall be submitted within 14 days from the date of the final landing of the goods at destination. 3 Certificates by recognized surveyors must be sent to Seller by mail without loss of time. 4 All claims that cannot be disposed of amicably between Seller and Buyer shall be settled by arbitration in Korea in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Korea Commercial Arbitration Board
33 1 the Agent - relationship - the Company - its payment 2 the Company - an agreement - the Agent - its services 3 the Company - relationship - the Agent - its practices 4 the Agent - an agreement - the Company - its services 1 (A) the goods ordered should be described without ambiguity; 2 (B) the purchase price and the terms of payment should be stated; 3 (C) the terms of delivery should be set out, including instructions for packing and invoicing, transportation and insurance. 4 (D) the general rule if silence can amount to acceptance when the offer so stipulates
34 1 (A) 별도로명시하지않는한, 가격은뉴욕항까지의운임 보험료포함가격기준으로하며미국달러화로견적하기로한다. 2 (B) 확정오퍼는선적시간으로부터 48시간유효하기로하고, 일요일과국경일은계산하지않기로한다. 3 (C) 매도인측의불가항력의경우를제외하고는, 선적은각계약서에명시된기간내에이행되는것으로한다. 4 (D) 보험증권은미국의달러화로하여작성하고보험금지급지는뉴욕으로한다
35 (A) (B) 1 Agency - Distributorship 2 Distributorship - Agency 3 Agency - Franchising 4 Distributorship - Franchising 1 to get paid certain amount at sight or at a usance basis 2 to accept certain goods at a fixed data 3 to pay certain amount at sight or at a fixed date 4 to draw certain amount at sight or at a fixed date 1 Commercial invoice 3 Consular invoice 2 Customs invoice 4 Pro-forma invoice
36 (A) 상업송장은원본 1통과사본 1통을제시하면서원본에는서명을하지않았다. (B) 포장명세서에는 PACKING SHOULD BE EXPORT STANDARD PACKING 을기재하지않았다. (C) 수익자증명서는원본두장을제출하였다. (D) 원산지증명서는수출업자가발행하였다. (E) B/L에는 FREIGHT COLLECT" 가기재되어있다. (F) 포장명세서원본에는서명을하지않았다. 1 (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) 3 (A) - (C) - (D) - (E) 2 (A) - (C) - (D) - (F) 4 (A) - (D) - (E) - (F)
37 1 insured amount insurable value 2 insurable interest insured amount 3 insurable value claim amount 4 claim amount insured amount
38 1 The cargo is stuffed in one FEU that is loaded under the risk and account of the shipper. 2 BUSAN is to be inserted in blank ( A ). 3 COLLECT is to be inserted in blank ( B ). 4 The cargo is laden on board on SEA STAR 0003E dated on July 01,
39 ( ) charter is an arrangement for the hiring of a vessel whereby no administration or technical maintenance is included as part of the agreement. The charterer obtains possession and full control of the vessel along with the legal and financial responsibility for it. The charterer pays for all operating expenses, including fuel, crew, port expenses and P&I and hull insurance. 1 Voyage 2 Time 3 Lump sum 4 Demise Upon checking the L/C carefully, we have found that ( A ) is marked on its face. As you know well, we have contracted on DAP basis. Accordingly, ( B ) should be marked on the L/C because ( C ) should pay the ocean freight. freight collect freight prepaid exporter freight prepaid freight collect exporter freight collect freight prepaid importer freight prepaid freight collect importer
40 Dear Sirs, (A) You will agree that any of this kind of irregularity can be a good reason for cancelling this order unconditionally or reshipping the goods at your expense. (B) Upon unpacking this shipment, we have found that the goods are much inferior in quality to your counter sample, and slightly different in shade also. (C) But our customers say that they would oblige us by accepting these defective goods at a reduction of 20% on the invoice amount. (D) We would like to call your attention to the unsatisfactory manner in which you executed our order (No. WSR-24KS). (E) We consider it quite reasonable proposal and ask you to make prompt settlement by placing the same amount to our credit. We await your immediate reply. 1 (D) - (B) - (E) - (C) - (A) 2 (B) - (D) - (C) - (A) - (E) 3 (D) - (A) - (B) - (C) - (E) 4 (D) - (B) - (A) - (C) - (E)
41 1 Please consider our proposal positive and it would appreciate if you send us a product list and your company brochures first. 2 We have been told from one of our staff who visited your country last month that your company is planning to expand your business of Computer Software into the Korean market. 3 We would like to discuss the possibility of establishment an exclusive agency agreement with your company. 4 We believe that considering the improvements it was offered, you will find our machine a very good seller at the competitive prices. 1 We have heard from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce that you are one of the reliable importers of Leather Products in your city. 2 The Shanghai Chamber of Commerce has given us your name as one of the reputable importers of Leather Products in your city. 3 Your name and address have been mentioned to us by the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce as one of the leading importers interested in Leather Products in your city. 4 We have found by the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce of the reliable importer dealing with Leather Products in your city
42 1 May we ask you to keep the damaged goods to save the return freight if we grant you an extra allowance of 5%. 2 We are very sorry to learn that you received damaged goods against your order No We believe that the matter is now settled to your satisfaction and assure you that this sort of mistake will not occur again in the future. 4 The replacements were forwarded today by air and will be in your company within a couple of days
43 1 Since we are very good at organizing and conducting export business 2 because we have a close relationship with the best manufacturer 3 we can say that you should consider our proposal positively 4 let us know your specific requirements
44 1 We are sorry to have received your letter of July 10, 2014 requesting us to make 20% allowance on account of the quality not being the same as the sample. We regret to inform you that we have received your letter dated on July 10, 2014 in which you asked for 20% of discount because of difference in quality from the sample. 2 Although we do not fail to realize a difficult situation you are in, we find no reason on our part to entertain your claim. Even if we understand a difficult situation you are facing, we are willing to take our part in your claim. 3 We urge you to take steps without hesitation to make the most of this order. We advise you to give us a positive reply without delay to take full advantage of this offer. 4 The shipment was delayed, but it was beyond our control because a local heavy rain caused the factory to stop. Due to the force maejure where the factory was stopped by a local heavy rain, we were not able to ship the goods as scheduled
45 1 An acceptance to the offer (No. WSR-0925). 2 A reply to the letter which requested price reduction. 3 An invitation for engineers to the factory. 4 A proposal to have a long-term business relationship
46 1 We are so pleased to hear that you are satisfied with our products and there is room for sales expansion in your country. 2 Regarding your inquiry of exclusive agency, we have no plan to give this right to anyone at present. 3 If you approve our capacity to become your sole agent, we would like to have your catalogue with a price-list. 4 We have been up to now receiving applications from some firms in your country who are interested in a sole agency for us, but have not yet decided about it
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