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2 이용자를위한참고사항. 지역에너지통계연보는정부및주요기관에서작성한통계를종합편집한것으로, 각통계표마다그출처를표시하였음.. 통계수치는각각반올림되었으므로세목의합계가총계와일치되지않는경우도있음.. 지역순서는원칙적으로통계청의한국행정구역분류의순서를기준하였음.. 에너지관련통계표의최종수록년도는원칙적으로 년으로하였으며, 각년간통계로서나타난수치는당해년도말현재기준임.. 통계표중에서사용된부호의뜻은다음과같음.... 단위미만 e... 추정치 P... 잠정치... 시계열의비연속성 _... 해당숫자없음... 해당숫자미상. 본연보에수록된내용중 9 년이후의에너지통계자료는석유류수급통계기준변경에의해기존통계에서제외되었던윤활기유, 석유코크스, 파라핀왁스, 기타제품등을포함시킨수치임.. 본통계에수록된자료에대하여문의사항이있을때에는자료의출처기관이나, 에너지경제연구원에너지정책연구단 ( 전화 9) 으로하시기바람. EXPLANATORY NOTES. The "Yearbook of Regional Energy Statistics" is obtained from government agencies and domestic organizations as given at each table.. Figures may not add up to the total due to rounding.. Region Classification is based on "Korean Classification of Administrative Districts" by National Statistical Office.. The final year of energy statistical table is with a few exception and figures in the table are as of the end of each year.. Symbol used in these table is :... Less than the unit value e... Estimated P... Preliminary... Discontinuity in a time series _... Data not applicable... Data not available. This Yearbook reflects a recent change in oil Statistics Standards in Korea. Begining in Statistics, four new categories(lubricant, Praffinwax, Petroleum coke and other products) are included that were previously not reported.. If you have any questions on the statistical material in the volume, please contact either Center for Department of Energy Policy Studies in KEEI(Tel 9) or the Institution from which the data are acquired.
3 목차 CONTENTS Ⅰ. 총에너지 Energy 9 Ⅱ. 석탄 Coal Ⅲ. 석유 Petroleum Ⅳ. 가스 Gas Ⅴ. 전력 Electricity Ⅵ. 열에너지 Heat Energy 9 Ⅶ. 신 재생에너지 New & Renewable Energy Ⅷ. 에너지관리 Energy Management Ⅸ. 국가에너지 National Energy Ⅹ. 주요경제 사회통계 Major Economic & Social Statistics 부 록 Appendix 8
4 목차 CONTENTS Ⅰ. 총에너지 ENERGY 9. 주요에너지지표 Major Energy Indicators. 차에너지생산 Primary Energy Production. 차에너지원별소비 Primary Energy Consumption by Energy Source. 차에너지소비 Primary Energy Consumption. 최종에너지소비 Final Energy Consumption 8. 최종에너지원별소비 Final Energy Products Consumption by Source. 석탄소비 Coal Consumption 8. 석유제품소비 Petroleum Products Consumption 9. 부문별에너지소비 Energy Consumption by Sector. 부문별석탄소비 Coal Consumption by Sector. 부문별석유소비 Petroleum Prouducts Consumption by Sector. 부문별도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption by Sector. 부문별전력소비 Electricity Consumption by Sector 8. 부문별열에너지소비 Heat Energy Consumption by Sector 9. 산업부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Industry. 수송부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Transportation. 가정 상업부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Residential & Commercial Sector Ⅱ. 석탄 Coal Ⅱ 무연탄 Anthracite. 무연탄생산 Anthracite Production. 부문별무연탄소비 Anthracite Consumption by Sector 8. 발전용무연탄공급 Anthracite Supply for Power Generation. 민수용무연탄소비 Anthracite Consumption for Residential Use. 탄전별매장량 Coal Reserves by Field. 가행탄광현황 Number of Operating Mines. 연탄공장현황 Number of Briquette Factory 8. 무연탄가격 Anthracite Price 9. 연탄가격 ( 공장도 ) Briquette Price (Plant Gate Price) 8. 탄광재해현황 Coal Mining Accidents 9 i
5 Ⅱ 유연탄 Bituminous Coal. 유연탄수입 Bituminous Coal Import. 부문별유연탄소비 Bituminous Coal Consumption by Sector Ⅲ. 석유 Petroleum. 석유제품생산 Petroleum Production 8. 석유제품별소비 Petroleum Consumption by Products. 부문별석유소비 ( 전국 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (). 부문별석유소비 ( 서울 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Seoul). 부문별석유소비 ( 부산 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Busan). 부문별석유소비 ( 대구 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daegu) 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 인천 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Incheon) 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 광주 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gwangju) 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 대전 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daejeon) 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 울산 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Ulsan) 8 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 경기 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeonggi) 부문별석유소비 ( 강원 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gangwon) 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 충북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungbuk) 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 충남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungnam) 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 전북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonbuk) 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 전남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonnam) 98. 부문별석유소비 ( 경북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongbuk). 부문별석유소비 ( 경남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongnam). 부문별석유소비 ( 제주 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeju). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전국 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 서울 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Seoul) 8. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 부산 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Busan). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 대구 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Daegu). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 인천 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Incheon). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 광주 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gwangju) ii
6 . 제조업종별석유소비 ( 대전 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Daejeon) 8. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 울산 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Ulsan) 8. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경기 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeonggi) 9. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 강원 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gangwon). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 충북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Chungbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 충남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Chungnam) 8. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeonbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeonnam). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeongbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeongnam). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 제주 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeju) 8. 석유제품소비자가격 Petroleum Products Price at Consumer. 석유주유소현황 Number of Oil Stations Ⅳ. 가스 Gas Ⅳ L N G LNG. LNG 공급 LNG Supply 8. 발전용 LNG 공급 LNG Supply for Power Generation. 가스제조용 LNG 공급 LNG Supply for City Gas Manufacturing Ⅳ 도시가스 City Gas. 도시가스총소비 Consumption of City Gas. 가정용도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption of Residential Sector 8. 상업용도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption of Commercial Sector. 산업용도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption of Industrial Sector. 공공 기타도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption of Public/Others Sector. 도시가스원료사용량 Feedstocks Consumption for City Gas Production. 도시가스보급율 City Gas Supply Rate by Regions 8 8. 도시가스수요가수 Number of City Gas Customers iii
7 Ⅴ. 전력 Electricity. 지역별발전 Regional Power Generation. 수력발전량 Power Generation by Hydro. 원자력발전량 Electric Power Generation by Nuclear. 용도별전력소비 Consumption by Service Sector. 부문별전력소비 Electricity Consumption by Sector 8. 전력수용가 Electricity Customers 8. 발전연료사용실적 Fuel Consumption for Generation 8 8. 발전설비 Generating Facilities 8 9. 변전소 Number of Substation 8. 배전설비 () Distribution Facilities () 88. 용도별전력단가 Average Price per kwh by Service Sector 89 Ⅵ. 열에너지 Heat Energy 9. 열에너지 ( 지역난방 ) 생산 () Heat Energy (District Heating) Production 9. 열에너지 ( 지역난방 ) 용도별소비 () Heat Energy (District Heationg) Consumption by Sector 9. 열에너지 ( 지역난방 ) 연료소비 () Fuel Consumption for Heat Energy (District Heating) Production by Source 9. 열에너지 ( 지역난방 ) 사업자현황 Over view of District Heating 9. 열에너지 ( 산업단지 ) 생산 ( 년 ) Industrial Complex Energy Production 98. 열에너지 ( 산업단지 ) 판매 ( 년 ) Energy Sales of Industrial Complex 99. 열에너지 ( 산업단지 ) 연료소비 ( 년 ) Fuel Consumption for Heat (Industrial Complex) Production by Source 8. 열에너지 ( 산업단지 ) 사업자현황 Overview of Industrial Complex Ⅶ. 신 재생에너지 New & Renewable Energy. 신 재생에너지소비 New & Renewable Energy Consumption. 태양열이용시설보급 Facilities for Solar Heating System 8. 소수력발전설비용량 Capacity of Small Hydro Power System iv
8 Ⅷ. 에너지관리 Energy Management. 지정에너지관리업체현황 Designated Companies for Energy Management. 지정에너지관리업체에너지소비 Energy Consumption of The Designated for Energy Management 8. 에너지원별에너지사용량 Energy Consumption by Energy Source. 업종별에너지절약 Energy Savings by Industry. 업종별에너지절약투자 Investments for Energy Saving by Industry. 건물부문관리업체현황 () Building Designated Companies for Energy Management (). 건물부문에너지절약투자 () Investments for Energy Saving by Building Management () 8. 보일러현황 Current Situation of Boilers Ⅸ. 국가에너지 National Energy. 주요에너지지표 Major Energy Indicators. 차에너지소비 Primary Energy Consumption 8. 차에너지소비 ( 석유환산 ) Primary Energy Consumption (Oil Equivalent). 최종에너지소비 Final Energy Consumption. 최종에너지소비 ( 석유환산 ) Final Energy Consumption (Oil Equivalent). 차에너지공급구조 Structure of Primary Energy Supply. 에너지수입액 Import Amount of Energy 8 8. 광산물생산 Domestic Production of Principal Mineral Products 9. 광산물내수 Domestic Demand of Mineral Products. 자원매장량 Reserves of Resource Ⅹ. 주요경제 사회통계 Major Economic & Social Statistics. 면적및인구 Area and Population 9. 연평균기온및습도 Annual Average Temperature & Humidity. 지역내총생산 ( 경상가격 ) Gross Regional Domestic Product (Current Prices). 지역내총생산 (년불변가격 ) Gross Regional Domestic Product (at Constant Price) v
9 . 총사업체수및종사자수 Number of Establishments and Emploryees. 산업생산 출하 재고지수 Indexes of Industrial Production Shipments Inventories by Regions 8. 주요에너지제품별생산자물가지수 Producer Price Indexes of Major Energy Products 8. 도로연장 Length of Road 9. 농업용기구및기계보유 Agricultural Equipments and Machinery Holdings. 어선현황 Number of Fishing Boats 8. 자동차등록 Motor Vehicles Rergistration 8. 등록선박 Vessels Registeration 8. 폐기물발생량 Generation of Wastes 8 부록 Appendix 8. 단위환산표 Unit Conversion Factors 88. 연료및열의석유환산기준 Energy Conversion Factors (Oil Equivalent) 9. 에너지일반개념 General Conception of Energy 9. 에너지관련용어 Grossary (Energy) 9 vi
10 Ⅰ. 총에너지 Energy
11 Ⅰ. 총에너지 Energy. 주요에너지지표. 차에너지생산. 차에너지원별소비. 차에너지소비. 최종에너지소비. 최종에너지원별소비. 석탄소비 8. 석유제품소비 9. 부문별에너지소비. 부문별석탄소비. 부문별석유소비. 부문별도시가스소비. 부문별전력소비. 부문별열에너지소비. 산업부문에너지소비. 수송부문에너지소비. 가정 상업부문에너지소비 Major Energy Indicators Primary Energy Production Primary Energy Consumption by Energy Source Primary Energy Consumption Final Energy Consumption Final Energy Products Consumption by Source Coal Consumption Petroleum Products Consumption Energy Consumption by Sector Coal Consumption by Sector Petroleum Prouducts Consumption by Sector City Gas Consumption by Sector Electricity Consumption by Sector Heat Energy Consumption by Sector Energy Consumption of Industry Energy Consumption of Transportation Energy Consumption of Residential & Commercial Sector
12 총에너지. 주요에너지지표 총에너지소비량 Energy Consumption (,toe) 증가율 (%) Growth Rate 최종에너지소비량 Final Energy Consumption (,toe) 증가율 (%) Growth Rate 석탄 Coal 에너지원별구성비 (%) Share of Energy Composition 석유제품 Petroleum 도시가스 City Gas 전력 Electricity 열에너지 Heat Energy 기타 Others 9,9., ,,,89,, ,8 9,,8,, , 8,8,9 8, 9, ,,,8, 9, ,9 8,,,8.9...,9,,99, 서울부산대구인천광주대전울산경기강원충북충남전북전남경북경남제주,9,,,,9,99,9 9,,,8,8,88, 8,,, ,,8, 9,9,9,,,9,9,,,,8,9, 주 : ) 년이전계열은 년기준가격, 년이후는 년기준가격기준임.
13 Energy. Major Energy Indicators 인당최종에너지소비량 Per Capita Final Energy Consumption (toe/ 인 ) 인당석유소비량 Per Capita Petroleum Products Consumption (bbl/ 인 ) 인당전력소비량 Per Capita Electricity Energy Consumption (kwh/ 인 ) 전력자립도 ( 생산 / 소비 )(%) Selfsufficiency (Production/ Consumption) 지역총생산 (GRP) 단위당최종에너지소비 ) toe/ 백만원 toe/mil.won Final Energy/G.R.P toe/,$ 지수 Index (=). 8., ,,9,899,9, ,,,,, ,,9,, ( 지역은 년 GRP 기준 ) ,,,8,,9, 8,9,9,88 9, 9,8,8 8,9,,, Seoul Busan Daegu Incheon Gwangju Daejeon Ulsan Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Jeju Note:) Data prior to are based constant prices, and since, at prices.
14 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 차에너지생산 Primary Energy Production Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 수력 Hydro 원자력 Nuclear 기타 Others,,8,9, 9,,, 9,9,,,8,9,,,,,,,9,8,,,, 9,,,998,,98,,8,,9,889,88,,,,, 8,8 9,,,,,,,,8,,, 8,8 9,,8,9,8,,8,,, 8, 9,,,9,,9,,9 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,99,88,,, 8 89,,9, , 9
15 Energy 단위 :,toe. 차에너지원별소비 Primary Energy Consumption by Energy Source Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 석유제품 Petroleum L N G 수력 Hydro 원자력 Nuclear 기타 Others 9,9,8,,,9, 9,,,89,,,,8,88,8 8,9 9,, 8,9 8, 9,9,,8,,8 9,,,,,,9,8,,,, 9,, 8,8,9 8, 9,88 98,9 8,,,8,99,99, 8,,9, 9,9,, 99,898 9,8 9,8 9,,9,8,,9,8,,9,88,89 8,9,8,99,9 8,,,,,,,8,,, 8,8 9,,,, 8, 9,,,9,,,,8,,,9,,9 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,9,,,,9,99,9 9,,,8,8,88, 8,,,,9 88,8,8,,,,,88,,,,,8 8,,,9,9,, 8,8,,,,9, 89,88,8,,8 9,8 8 89,,9, , 9
16 총에너지. 차에너지소비단위 :,toe 전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 9,9,,,89,,, 8,8,9 8, 9,88 98,9 8,,,8,89,9,8,,,,,8,,8,,9,,8,9,,,8,9,,9,,,,8,8,,9,,,,8,,9,8,,,9,8,,8,,,9,,8,9,,9,9 8, 9,8,, 8, 9,,,,,,9,,,,,9,,,,,,,,,9,8,89,,8,,9,9,,,9,9,88,99,9,99,8, 8,9 8, 9,9,,9 주 : 울산은 년 월광역시로승격
17 Energy. Primary Energy Consumption Unit:,toe 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 8,89 9,9,8,,, 8, 8,,,8, 8,8 9, 9, 9,,8,88,9,,,9,89,,8,,,,89,,,89,98,9,9,,9,,,88,9,,,,,8,99,9,898 9,,9,8,, 8,,,9,8 8, 8,8,8,,8,9,,88,,,9,,,8,88,8,89,88,, 8,9,,98, 9,,8,,,8,8 9,,,,9,,9,9,9,,9, 9,9,,8,98,9,8 8,,,9,,,98,8,,,9,9,9,,8,, ,, 8 98,,8,,, Note: Metropolitan City from July
18 총에너지 8. 최종에너지소비단위 :,toe 전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi, 8,8 9,,8,,9,,,8, 9,8,9,,99,9,,,8,9,,8, 9,8,,8,,,,,,9,,,8,99,88,,,,,,8,89,9,8,,,9,,8,9,,,8,,8,,,9,,,,,,9,,,,88,,9 9,9 9, 9, 9,9,,8,,98,,,9,,,8,,8,98,,9,,8,,,,8,8,,8,9,8,,,,,,,8, 9,,9,, 8, 9,99,8,,,,,,9,8,9,,,9 주 : 울산은 년 월광역시로승격
19 Energy 9. Final Energy Consumption Unit:,toe 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 기타 Others,,899,,99,,,,,9,,9,,98,,9,88,9,,88,,,,,,,8,,88,9,,,,989,,8,8, 8,,9,9,,,8,9,,,9,8,9,,99,,,8,,,8,,99, 9,,,9,8 8, 9,8,8,8,9,89,,9 8,8 9,9,8 8,89 9, 9,8,,,9,99,,,,,8,9,,9,,,8,9,,8 8,,8,,8,8,,,9, , 9, 99 Note: Metropolitan City from July
20 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 최종에너지원별소비 Energy Products Consumption by Source Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 석유제품 Petroleum L N G 도시가스 City Gas 전력 Electricity 열에너지 Heat Energy 기타 Others, 9,8,, 8, 9 8,8 9,,8,,9 9,9 8,88 9,8,,8,,99 9,8, 8,8,,9,,,9 8,9 9,9,98,, 8 9,,,,8, 9,8 8,8 8,98 8, 8,98 9,8 88, 9,9 8, 9,8 9,9,9 8,9 8,,,,9,,8 8,, ,,9,,,,8,,9,,99,9,,9,,9 9, 9,9 9, 9,,9,,,9,,9,,8,,,,,,9,,98 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,,8, 9,9,9,,,9,9,,,,8,9, ,9,8 9,99, 9,8,8,9,,,9,,,8,,8,,,,, 9, , 9 8 8,8,,,8 9 9,,9,,9,,9,,, , 9 주 : 열에너지는한국지역난방공사, 서울시도시개발공사, LG 파워 의공급량기준
21 Energy 단위 :,toe. 석탄소비 Coal Consumption Unit:,toe 석탄 Coal 무연탄 Anthracite 국내탄 Domestic 수입탄 Import 유연탄 Bituminous 원료탄 Coking 연료탄 Steam 9,8 9,9 8,,,,,9 9,9 8,88 9,8,,8,,8,9,,,,8,,, 9 9 8,9,,89,,8 9,8 9,88,,9,,,,8,,98 8,8 8,98 8, 8,98 9,8,8,99,9,,, ,,,89,88,,8,8,99,98,,8,,8,8,88,,,9,,9,,9,, 9 8,8,,9,,8 8, 9,8 8,88,8,,,,8,9,, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 88,9,8 9,99, 9 9, , 9 8 9,,8,,,, 8 9,,8 8 9
22 총에너지 8. 석유제품소비단위 :,toe 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB BC 유 Bunkerc 항공유 JetOil 서울부산대구인천광주대전울산경기강원충북충남전북전남경북경남제주,,,99 9,8, 8,8 88, 9,9 8, 9,8 9,9 9, 9,9 9, 9,,8,8,9,,,9,,,8,,8,,,,,,88,9,8,,8 8,99 9, 8, 8,9 8, 8, 8,,98,, , ,9,,,98, 8,,8, 8,9,8 9, 8,,9,,8 8 9, ,99, 8, 9,8,,9,,, 8,9 8,88 9,8,89,9,,99,9,9 99 8, ,8,,,8, ,,9,9,8,,9,,9,9,,,,,98, ,, ,,,9,,9,,,,9,,,,,8,9 98,
23 Energy 8. Petroleum Products Consumption Unit:,toe 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lube Base Oil 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,,8,9,988,8,,,,,,,89,8,8, ,,8,8,,,8,,,9,,9,,,9,, , 8,,,8,9,,98,9,,8 9, 9,,,,,9, 8,8, ,,8,,9,,,9,,,,,,, Seoul Busan Daegu Incheon Gwangju Daejeon Ulsan Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Jeju
24 총에너지 단위 :,toe 9. 부문별에너지소비 Energy Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others,,,,9,8 8,8 9,,8,,9,9,8,9 9,98,9, 8,,9,8,8,99,8,,98 9,,8,9,9,9,,,,8, 9,8,88,98,9 9,88 8,9 9,9,8,8 8,,9,,,8,99,,9,,8,8,,9,,99,9 8,8 89,9 9,8 9,99,99,,,,89,99,9,8,989,9,9,9 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,,8, 9,9,9,,,9,9,,,,8,9,9 99,8,,,9,,9,,8,9,,9,9,,,8,,99 89,,,8,8,9,,,9, 8,8,,, 89,8 9,9,9,9,,,,8,
25 Energy 단위 :,toe. 부문별석탄소비 Coal Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others 9,8,8 9, 9,9 8,88 9,8,,8,,88,,,,,88,,, 8,8 8,98 8, 8,98 9,8,8 8,9,8,8 9,9, 9 8,,9,,9 9,8,9,888, 9 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 88,9,8 9,99, 9 88,9, 9,8,88 8 9
26 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 부문별석유소비 Petroleum Products Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others,,,8 8,8,,,99 9,8, 8,8,,,,88,8, 8,,,,,,,9,,,,9,,9, 88, 9,99 8, 9,8 9,9 8,9,,, 8,9 9,8,8,8 8,, 8, 8,9,,,9,,,,, 9, 9,9 9, 9,,88 9,99 9,,,8,88,8,,,9, 9,,,,8, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,8,8,9,,,9,,,8,,8,,,,, 8,9,, ,,,9,, 8,,8,,9 8 8,,,,,9,,,9, 88,
27 Energy 단위 :,toe. 부문별도시가스소비 City Gas Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others,,,9,,,9 8,,,,, 8 8,9 8,9 8,,,,9,9,8,,8,88,,,8 9, 99 9,9,,,9,,98,,8 8 9,,,889, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju, 9, , , 8,
28 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 부문별전력소비 Electricity Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others 8,,9 8, 8,9 9,9,98,,,,,8,98 8, ,,,,,8 9 88,9,,8 8,, 9,9,9 9,9,9, 9,,9,,9,89 9,,,8,,,9,,8,8,,9, 9 9 9, 9,89,8,,88,,,8 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,8,,,8 9 9,,9,,9,,9,,, ,, 8, 8,,9,,8 8,
29 Energy 단위 :,toe. 부문별열에너지소비 Heat Energy Consumption by Sector Unit:,toe 합계 산업부문 Industry 수송부문 Transportation 가정상업 Residential /Commercial 공공기타 Public & Others ,, ,9 8,,,,,,9,9, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 8 주 : 열에너지는한국지역난방공사, 서울시도시개발공사, LG 파워 의공급량기준 9
30 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 산업부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Industry Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 석유제품 Petroleum L N G 도시가스 City Gas 전력 Electricity 열에너지 Heat Energy 기타 Others,,8,,9,9,8,9 9,98,9,,88,,,,,,,88,8 8,,,8,98 8,9 8 9,88,98,9 9,88 8,9,8 8,9,8,8 9,9 8,9,,, 8,9,9,9,8,,8 9,9,9 9,9,9, 9,,8,8,98 8,8 89,9 9,8 9,99 9,8,9,888,,88 9,99 9,,,,98,,8,8,,9,,,9,, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,8,,,9,,9,,8,9,,9,9, 88,9, 9,8,88, 8,9,, ,,,9,, ,, 8, 8,,9, ,8 8
31 Energy 단위 :,toe. 수송부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Transportation Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 석유제품 Petroleum 도시가스 City Gas 전력 Electricity 열에너지 Heat Energy 기타 Others,,8 8, 8,,9,8,8, 8,,,, ,9,8,8 8,,9 9,8,8,8 8,, 9,99,,,,8,88,8, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,,8,,99 89,,,8,8,9,,,9,,,8,,9 8 8,,,,,9,,,9, 9 8 8
32 총에너지 단위 :,toe. 가정 상업부문에너지소비 Energy Consumption of Residential & Commercial Sectors Unit:,toe 합계 석탄 Coal 석유제품 Petroleum L N G 도시가스 CityGas 전력 Electricity 열에너지 HeatEnergy 기타 Others,9 9, 8,8, 9,99,8,,98 9,,,88,,,,,,9,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,8,99,, 9 8 8, 8,9,,,9,88,,,8 9,,,9,,9, ,9 9 8,89,99,9,8 9,,9, 9, 9,,,889,9 9, 9,89,8,,,9,9, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 8,8,,, 89,8 9,9,9,9,,,,8, ,8 9 8, 8, ,8 8, 주 : 열에너지는한국지역난방공사, 서울시도시개발공사, LG 파워 의공급량기준
33 Ⅱ. 석탄 Coal
34 Ⅱ. 석탄 Coal Ⅱ. 무연탄 Anthracite. 무연탄생산 Anthracite Production. 부문별무연탄소비 Anthracite Consumption by Sector. 발전용무연탄공급 Anthracite Supply for Power Generation. 민수용무연탄소비 Anthracite Consumption for Residential Use. 탄전별매장량 Coal Reserves by Field. 가행탄광현황 Number of Operating Mines. 연탄공장현황 Number of Briquette Factory 8. 무연탄가격 Anthracite Price 9. 연탄가격 Briquette Price. 탄광재해현황 Coal Mining Accidents
35 석탄. 무연탄생산단위 :, 톤전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi,,8,9 9,,8,,9,,,9,,8,8,99,9 자료 : 석탄협회
36 Coal. Anthracite Production Unit:,M/T 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 기타 Others,,8 9,,,9,99,,9,,,,9,8,89, ,,9 8, ,8,9, 8 자료 : Korea Coal Association
37 석탄 8. 부문별무연탄소비단위 :, 톤전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 발전산업가정상업공공기타,9,,9,8,9,,8,,,99,9,9,8 8,8 8,8,,9,8,9,8,8,9, ,8,8, 8 8 8, 자료 : 석탄협회, 에너지관리공단
38 Coal 9. Anthracite Consumption by Sector Unit:,M/T 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju,, 89 8,8,8,8,,,9,,9,9,8,,988,88,,8, ,9,9,9,8,,,,, , ,,8,,,,9,9, ,9,,,,, Generating Industry Residential/ Commerciarl Public & Others Source: Korea Coal Association, The Korea Energy Management Corp.
39 석탄. 발전용무연탄공급 단위 :, 톤 전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon,98 8, 8,9 8 9, () 9 9,9 (9) () 8, () (),,9,9, (),, (),88, (),,8,89,89,,8,8,,8,, 주 : () 내는수입무연탄으로공급량에포함. 자료 : 석탄협회, 에너지관리공단
40 Coal. Anthracite Supply for Power Generation 영월 Yeongwol 영동 Yeongdong 동해 Donghae 충북 Chungbuk 충남서천 Chungnam Seocheon 전북군산 Jeonbuk Gunsan 전남 Jeonnam 경북경남 Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Unit:,M/T 제주 Jeju 9 8, (), (8) 8 () 99 () () 9, 8,8 () 8 9 () , 8 9 9, 8, 8 8, 8, Note: the figures in parenthesis as the imported Anthracite are included in supply quantity Source: Korea Coal Association, The Energy Management Corp.
41 석탄. 민수용무연탄소비 단위 :, 톤 전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 8,9,,, 8 9,,99,9, 9 9,,9, 8 8 9,,9 9,8, 8 8, , , ,8 8 9, ,9 8, ` 9, 9,9 8,8 9 8 주 : 인천, 울산, 제주는연탄공장이없어타지역에서공급받음. 자료 : 석탄협회
42 Coal. Anthracite Consumption for Residential Use Unit:,M/T 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 기타 Others , , Source: Korea Coal Association
43 석탄 단위 :, 톤. 탄전별매장량 Coal Reserves by Field Unit:,M/T 탄전별 Coal Field 매장량 Reserves 가채광량 (A) Recoverable Reserves 잠재가채광량 (B) Potential Recoverable 가채광량계 (A+B) Recoverable Reserves 전 국 8,8 8,98 9, 8,9 (,89) (,) (,8) (9,) 강 릉,8,,8,9 Gangneung (9,8) (9,8) (,) (,8) 정 선,8,98,9, Jeongseon (88,) (8,88) (,98) (,8) 삼 척,98,9, 89,8 Samcheok (,) (9,) (8,) (,8) 단 양,,,9 9,9 Danyang (,) (,) (9,) (,989) 문 경,9, 9,8 Mungyeong (,) (,) (,) (,) 보 은,,8,9 Boeun (,) (8,) (,88) (,) 충 남,,9,89,8 Chungnam (,8) (,) (,) (8,8) 호 남 9,89 8,,, Honam (,9) (,) (,8) (,98) 기 타 Others (,) (,) (9) (,) 주 : ).. 기준, 광진조사자료. ) () 안수치는합리화된광산임. Note: As of December th, Survey Data of K.M.P.C
44 Coal 단위 : 개. 가행탄광현황 Number of Operating Mines Unit: each 전 국 9 석공계D.H.C.C. 강원 Gangwon 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 민영계 Private 모광 Mine 조광 Lease 8 경기계Kyonggi 모광 Mine 강원계Gangwon 89 모광 Mine 충북계Chungbuk 모광 Mine 8 충남계Chungnam 모광 Mine 전남계Jeonnam 모광 Mine 경북계Gyeongbuk 모광 Mine
45 석탄. 연탄공장현황 Number of Briquette Factory 공장수 ( 개수 ) Plants (No.) 소탄 ( 대 ) Small Size 생산능력 ( 윤전기 ) Capacity/hour(Press) 능력 ( 천개 / 시간 ) Capacity 중탄 ( 대 ) Medium Size 비 고,9, ,8,,8,9, ,,9,8,,,9,98,8,8,8, 9, 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 금천구 (), 동대문구 () 부산진구 (), 남구 () 동구 () 남구 () 대덕구 () 동두천시 (), 파주시 () 태백시 (), 삼척시 (), 강릉시 (), 춘천시 (), 정선군 (), 영월군 () 충주시 (), 제천시 (), 음성군 () 보령시 (), 예산군 (), 연기군 () 전주시 (), 정읍시 (), 익산시 () 여수시 (), 나주시 (), 강진군 (), 화순군 () 포항시 (), 경주시 (), 김천시 (), 영주시 (), 상주시 (), 의성군 (), 예천군 (), 울릉군 () 마산시 (), 밀양시 () 주 :. 현재자료 : 석탄산업합리화사업단 Source: Korea Coal Industry Promotion board
46 Coal 단위 : 원 8. 무연탄가격 Anthracite Price Unit: won 급수 Grade 발열량 Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 급 st Grade 급 rd Grade 급 th Grade 급 th Grade 급 th Grade 급 th Grade 급 th Grade 8 급 8th Grade 9 급 9th Grade,,99,,99,8,999,,99,,99,,99,,99,,999,,9 9. 자율가격 Autonomous Price 자율가격 Autonomous Price,,9, 8,,,,9 8. 자율가격 자율가격,,9, 8,,,,9. 자율가격 자율가격,,9, 8,,,,9 8. 자율가격 자율가격,,9, 8,,,,9.9 자율가격 자율가격,,9, 8, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격,,9, 8, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격 9. 자율가격 자율가격,,8,8, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격 9. 자율가격 자율가격, 9,8,,9 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격 9,9,,, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격 8,89,, 8,8 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격 8,89,, 8,8 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격 9. 자율가격 자율가격 8,89,, 8,8 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격, 8,8,, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격,9,8 8,9,8 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격. 자율가격 자율가격 8,,, 9, 자율가격 자율가격 자율가격
47 석탄 단위 : 원 / 개 9. 연탄가격 ( 공장도 ) Briquette Price (Plant Gate Price) Unit: Won/each 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 경기 Gyeonggi 수 Suwon 원강원 Gangwon 속 Sokcho 초 충북 Chungbuk 청 Cheongju 주충남 Chungnam 천 Cheonan 안 전북 Jeonbuk 전 Jeonju 주전남 Jeonnam 여 Yeosu 수 전남 Jeonnam 목 Mokpo 포경북 Gyeongbuk 김 Gimcheom 천 경남 Gyeongnam 마 Masan 산 제 Jeju 주 제 Jeju 주 자료 : 석탄협회 Source: Korea Coal Association 8
48 Coal. 탄광재해현황 Coal Mining Accidents 가. 생산백만톤당재해율 (Accident rate per production mil.ton) 탄광수 Number of Mines 생산량 ( 천톤 ) Production (,M/T) 계 유형별재해율 Accident rate of Type 사망 Death 중상 Severe injury 경상 Slight injury, ,.,99.9 9,.,8.,9.,9.8,.,.,9.9, ,8.8,8.,99., 나. 연가동인원백만명당재해율 (Accident rate per mil. shift) 종업원수 ( 명 ) Employee(person) 연가동인원 ( 천명 ) Shift per year (,persons) 계 유형별재해율 Accident rate of Type 사망 Death 중상 Severe injury 경상 Slight injury 8,, ,, 9,,9, 8,,,,, ,889 9, 8, 8, 8,,8,8,,, ,8,8,,,,89,88,
49 Ⅱ. 유연탄 Bituminous. 유연탄수입 Bituminous Coal Import. 부문별유연탄소비 Bituminous Coal Consumption by Sector
50 석탄 단위 :, 톤, 백만 $. 유연탄수입 Bituminous Coal Import Amount and Price Unit:,M/T, Million$ 합계 제철 Iron & Steel 연료 Steam 물량 Quantity 금액 Amount 물량 Quantity 금액 Amount 물량 Quantity 금액 Amount,8,,8,,9,, 99, 8 9,,,8 98, 9,,, 9,8 8,,8,9 8,88 88,,9, 9,,99,9, 8,,9,98, 9,,9,9 98,99,,,,99 9,8,,,8, 8,8,8 9,, 9, 8,,,8,,899,98,8,,, 8,98,9,8,, 89,,,,89 8,9,,9,9 자료 : 석탄협회 Source: Korea Coal Association
51 Coal 단위 :, 톤. 부문별유연탄소비 Bituminous Coal Consumption by Sector Unit:,M/T 공급계 원료탄 연료탄 Steam Coking 계 Sub 발전용 Generating 시멘트용 Cement 기타 Others,8,,,, 88,8,9,88,, 88,,,8,,9,8,,9,8 9,8,,9,, 9,,,, 8,89,,8,9,9,9,9,, 8,98,8, 9, 8,8,,,9,, 8,,9,8,9,,8 8,,9 8,9,9,,9 9,,9,,8,,8 9,,,,,9 8,,98 8,,,9,,,98,9,88,,,,,,9,9,8 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon,,, 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon,,, 충북 Chungbuk,,, 충남 Chungnam,9,9,9 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam,,9,9,9 경북 Gyeongbuk 9,88 9,9 8 8 경남 Gyeongnam 8, 8, 8, 제주 Jeju 자료 : 석탄협회 Source: Korea Coal Association
52 Ⅲ. 석유 Petroleum
53 Ⅲ. 석유 Petroleum. 석유제품생산 Petroleum Production. 석유제품별소비 Petroleum Consumption by Products. 부문별석유소비 ( 전국 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (). 부문별석유소비 ( 서울 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Seoul). 부문별석유소비 ( 부산 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Busan). 부문별석유소비 ( 대구 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daegu). 부문별석유소비 ( 인천 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Incheon). 부문별석유소비 ( 광주 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gwangju). 부문별석유소비 ( 대전 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daejeon). 부문별석유소비 ( 울산 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Ulsan) 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 경기 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeonggi) 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 강원 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gangwon). 부문별석유소비 ( 충북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungbuk). 부문별석유소비 ( 충남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungnam). 부문별석유소비 ( 전북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonbuk). 부문별석유소비 ( 전남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonnam). 부문별석유소비 ( 경북 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongbuk). 부문별석유소비 ( 경남 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongnam). 부문별석유소비 ( 제주 ) Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeju). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전국 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 서울 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Seoul). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 부산 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing ((Busan). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 대구 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Daegu). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 인천 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Incheon). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 광주 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gwangju). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 대전 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Daejeon). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 울산 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Ulsan) 8. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경기 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeonggi) 9. 제조업종별석유소비 ( 강원 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gangwon). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 충북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Chungbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 충남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Chungnam). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeonbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 전남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeonnam). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경북 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeongbuk). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 경남 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Gyeongnam). 제조업종별석유소비 ( 제주 ) Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing (Jeju). 석유제품소비자가격 Petroleum Products Price at Gas Station. 석유주유소현황 Number of Oil Stations
54 석유 8. 석유제품생산단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 프로판 Propane 인천울산충남전남기타,9 8,, 9,98 8,,, 88, 8,8 9,8 9,89 9, 88, 8,8 88,, 98,,,8,99 8,,8,,8,9,9 8,,,9,,,9,8,9,89,9 8,,8,,9 9,9,9,,9,,899, 9, 8,9,8,,8 9,,8,,,9 9,,,,9 9, 8,98,,, 8,,999 8,888,,,8,,,99 8,8,,88,,,9,9,9,,,89,,8,,,9, 8,8,8,88,9,,8,,,,, ,,,9 8, 9,,88,8,9,,,,9 8, 98, 9,8,9,8,,,9,,9,,9,98 8,89,8,8, 9,8,,,,,,, 8,,,,9,8,,,8, 8,98 9,9 9,,,8 9,89,9 8,9 9, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
55 Petroleum 9. Petroleum Production Unit:,bbl 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 정제가스 Refined Gas 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 8,8 9, 9,9 9,,9,,9, 8,,8, 8,9 9, 8,9 8,,,,88,,8,,9,8,99 88,9,8,9,8,8,,,9 8,9,8 8,98 9,9,, ,,9, , 9,9,8 9, 9,9,,8,,9,8,,8, 8,, 9,9,8,88,,,8,,8,9,, 9,8,9,9,9,,8,,8 8,,, 99,,,,,98,,,,,9,8,8,8, ,,99,,,,,,, Incheon Ulsan Chungnam Jeonnam Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
56 석유. 석유제품별소비단위 :,bbl 전국 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 대구 Daegu 인천 Incheon 광주 Gwangju 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 경기 Gyeonggi 휘발유등유경유경질중유중유방카 C 유항공유프로판부탄납사용제아스팔트윤활기유기타제품정제가스파라핀왁스석유코크,9,,,,98,, 9,898,8 9,,,,88,9,9 8,,9,99,,,98,,99,,8,89,8, 8,9 8,,,, 8, 8,89 8, 98,8 8,,8, 8,,8,,8,99,9,,99,,9,9 98,899,, 8,89,9, 8,,9,,8,,8,9,99,9,,,, 9, 98,9,8, 9 9,,8,8, 8,,8,,99,,8,, 9,9 8,99,,8,,,,, 8 89,9,,8,,9,9,9,,98 9,,,,,,,, 8,8 8,, 9,9, ,9 8,,9,8 9,,,9 8,,,8 8,9 8,9 8, 8,8 8,, 99,8 9 8,8,9,9,,9, 9,,,8 8,,8,89,,9,,,,,,8 8,89,8 9,,,,,,,8 9,9,,,99,88 8,,,,8,,9,8,,9 8, 9, 9, 8, 8,9 8, 8,9 9, 9,9 8,,,98,898 8,8,, 8, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
57 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Products Unit:,bbl 강원 Gangwon 충북 Chungbuk 충남 Chungnam 전북 Jeonbuk 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 제주 Jeju 기타 Others,8,,, 8,8,88,,99,,,,9, 9, 8,9,,,88,,8, ,8,,9,9,8,8 9,8 9,9,,, 8,,,89,89,,,8,,,9 8 8,8,8,,,98,,9,, 8,9 8, 88,8 9, 9,8 9,,, 9,8, 9,,, 8 9,,,88 9,,,,9, 8,,9,8,,,,,88,88,,,,,, 9, 8,99 9, 98,,,,,9 9,9 8,,9 8,,9,8,8,98 8,8,8,,, 9, 8,,9,8 9,8,, 9,9,8 9,,9,,8,,9,,,9,889 8,,8, 8, 9, 9, 9,,9,,,,8,,8,8,,8 9,9,9,9,8,,99,,8,8,,,,8,8,,,9,89 8,9 8, 8,,98 9,98, Gasoline Kerosene Diesel BunkerA BunkerB BunkerC Jet Oil Propane Butane Naphtha Solvent Asphlt Lubricant Other Products Refined Gas Paraffine Wax Petroleum Coke Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
58 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 전국 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,9,,,,98,, 9,898,8 9,,,,88,9,8,,9,,89,99 9,8,,9,9, 9, 9,8,9 8,,8,8,89 9,8,9,8,89,89,8,,8,8 8,,88, 9 8,88,8 8,9,99,9,9,8,9, 8,,,98 9,99, 8,,8,9,,9,9 89 8, 9,9,, 8,,9,,,9,, 9,9,8 8,,,99 9,88, 8,8,,8,9,,8 8,8,,8,,,,88,8,9,,,8,9,,9,9,, ,,89,,,9,,,,8,,,,,8,,9 9 8,,,,8 9,,9,,,,,9,88,9,,98,9 8, 9,,,, 9,,,,89,,,89 9,,9 8, 8,,,,8, 8 8,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
59 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector () Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke, 9,8,9 9,,9,9,8 9,,,8,9,,8,,99, 8, ,,8, 8, 9,8,9,,8,,8 9,8,8,,9,88,,,8,, 8,, 9,8 8,,,, 9,98,8 8,98 9,,9,9,,8,8, ,,,89,89,89,, 9,9 9, 9, 9,,,98 9,8,9,89,,,,8,8,8,,8,8,9,,8,9,,8,89,9,,,8, 8, 8,9,,, , Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
60 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 서울 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,,,, 8, 8,89 8, 98,8 8,,8, 8,,8,,8 8,,9, 9,8,8,9 8, 8, 8,8,9,,,,,8,,,8,,,8,99,9,9,8,8,, 9,8,,8, 9,8,9 8,,88,98,89,9 8 9,9,9 9,,,,,,8,,8 8,,9,,8,, 8 8,9 9, ,98,,,,,89,,8 8,,9,8,8,8,8, ,8,98,8,,88 9,,,8,,,,99,,88,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
61 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Seoul) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,8,9,,,8,8,,,,,,8,,,9,89,8,,8,9,,8,9,,,,9, 8, 9,8,9,8,9,, ,,9,9,,9,,8,89,8,,9,,8,,899,899, ,, 9 Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
62 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 부산 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타, 8,89,9, 8,,9,,8,,8,9,99,9,,,8,, 8,,8,9,8 8,,88,,,8,,,99,,,8,9,9,9,,, 9,9,8,,9,,9,,8,,,,9,9,, 8, 9,,,8,,9,8,, 9,8 9, 9,9,9,, 9,,, 8,88,, 8 99, 8 9,,,,9 99 9,, ,9 8, 9,9 9,,,9,9,98,8,8, 9,,,98,9 99 9,98, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
63 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Busan) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,,9,9,89,,9,8,,8,,,,88,8,8,,,,,9,8,8,889,,9,,,9,,, 88 8,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
64 석유 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 대구 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,,8,8, 8,,8,,99,,8,, 9,9 8,99,, 9,8 9,9 9,8, 8,8,,89,8,,8,,,,9,9,,9,8,8,,,9,,8,9,9,9,8,99,8,9,,89,8,8, 8,9,8,8,99,8,,,99,8,9,,,9,88,9, 8 8,99, ,9,88,9,,,9,8,,88,,8,9,88,8,,9 9, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
65 Petroleum 9. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daegu) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,,,9,,,9,9,,9,,,88,,,, 9,,8,9,8,8,,9,8,89,9,,,9, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
66 석유 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 인천 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,9,,8,,9,9,9,,98 9,,,,,,,, 8 8, 8,,9,,8 89,9,8,,8,8,99,,89,8,8,,,9, 8,,,,9,,,,,88,,,,8,,99,, 9 88,,9,,88,,8 9,8,8 9,8,89,,98 8,9 8, 9,8 8,8 99, 8, ,9,,, 9,9 9,,8,,,,9,8,99,8,,, 8,, 8 9,8,8,,8,8,89, 89,,,,,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
67 Petroleum 8. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Incheon) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 8,9,,,,9,8,9,,,,9,9, ,,9, 8,,8,,9,9,88,88,8,,,89,, 8,8,,,9 9,99,,9,9, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
68 석유 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 광주 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타 8,9 8,,9,8 9,,,9 8,,,8 8,9 8,9 8, 8,8 8,,8 8,,,8 9,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,98,9,8,,,,8,, 99 9,,9,8,8,,8,9,,8,8,,,9,9,8 8 8,98,89,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
69 Petroleum 8. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gwangju) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 9,,9,8,8 9, ,,8,8,,8,9,8, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
70 석유 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 대전 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,9,9,,9, 9,,,8 8,,8,89,,9,, 9 9 9,,8, ,8,,9,998,,,,,9,,,, 9 889,,,,,8,,,,,8, 8 9 9,9,,,8,,8,,8,98,8,8,,,9,,,8,8,,8,,,,,88,,,9,,,,8 8 9 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
71 Petroleum 8. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Daejeon) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 8,, ,,8,, ,,9,,9,9,89,8, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
72 석유 8. 부문별석유소비 ( 울산 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,8 9,,,,,,,9,,9,9,8,8, 9,9,98,8,,,,,9,,8 9,9,9,9,,,8,, 9 9 8,8,8,,8,8,,9,9,,9, ,889,,9 9,9, 9,8,,,, 9, 9, ,9,,8,,9 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
73 Petroleum 8. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Ulsan) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 9, 9,98 9,,9,8,,99,, 9 9,9,,,8,8,8,88,, 9 9 9,,9 9, 8,9,8, 8, 8, 8, 9 9 9,,,,, 99,,,,,,9,9,9,988,,,8,,9,8,8, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
74 석유 부문별석유소비 ( 경기 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,,9,8,,9 8, 9, 9, 8, 8,9 8, 8,9 9, 9,9 8,,,98,8,8 8,,8,,9 9,8,,,,,9 9,,9,,,,,8,,,, 9 8 8,89,89 98,,, 8,8,89,,,,9,8,8,,9,9,98, 8, 8,, 9,9,8,8,8,8,8 9,9,,9,,8 8,88,898,, 9,, 9, ,,8,9 9,,99,,9,98,8,,9,,,9 8,8,,,8,,, 8 8, , 9 9 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
75 Petroleum Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeonggi) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,98,,898,9,,8,9,,8,,9,,,, 9 9, 98,,,9,,8,8,8,8,,9,8,,,,8, , ,,99,,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
76 석유 9 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 강원 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,8,,, 8,8,88,,99,,,,9, 9, 8,9,, 9,9 9, 8,8,,,,,8,,,,,,8,8,9,9,,8,8 9 9,,9,,,,9,,,,8,,, 89 8,9 9,,,,9 8, 9,,8 9,,,9,,,99,, ,, ,,,8,,,8,,98,,,88,,9,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
77 Petroleum 9 9. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gangwon) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 9,8,,8,,98,98,9,,9,,9,9,8 8, ,,8,,8,,89, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
78 석유 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 충북 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타 8,8,,9,9,8,8 9,8 9,9,,, 8,,,89,89,, 9 8 8,9 8,9, 8 8,,,,,,9,,,8,,8,8,, 8,99,99 99,9,8,8,,8,98,9,,,8,,8,98, 9 9, 9,,99,,,,,,,,9,,,,,8 9,9, ,99,8,8,9,8,8,,,8,,89,9,,,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
79 Petroleum 9. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungbuk) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 898,9,9,,8,,,,8,,,8,8, 9 9 8, ,8,9,,,9 8,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
80 석유 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 충남 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,8,8,,,98,,9,, 8,9 8, 88,8 9, 9,8 9,,, 9, 8,, 8, 8,8 8 98,,,8,9,9,9,9,,,,8,8,, 8,, 9,,,,8,,,98,8,8,,9,,8,8, 8,89,8,,8,9,99,8,8 8,,9,8 8,9 8, 8,889,9 9,8,, 8,, ,, 8,8 8,9,8, 8, 9, 9,8,88 9,89 9, 8,9,9,,9,8, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
81 Petroleum 9. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Chungnam) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 9,,,,,9,8,,9,9,9,,,9, 8, 9 9,,8,,99,9,,,,888,,,99,,9, 9,8,,,,9,,,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
82 석유 9. 부문별석유소비 ( 전북 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,,,88 9,,,,9, 8,,9,,,,,,,8, 9, 9,, 8,,,,,98,,8,8,9,,9,,8,88 8 9,9, ,8,,9,,9,99,,,9,,,9,88 8,8,,,,,8 8,8 9, 8,,8,99,,,,,, 98 8,, ,,9,,, 8,8 8,,,,,8,,8,99,,9 8, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
83 Petroleum 9. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonbuk) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke 99,,,,9,,8,8,,9,,88,,9, 8 8, ,,,8,,, 9 8,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
84 석유 98. 부문별석유소비 ( 전남 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,, 9, 8,99 9, 98,,,,,9 9,9 8,,9 8,,9,9,9,9,,8, 8,9,, 88,,,8,8,,8,9,89,,,8,8,8 8,89,89 8,,,999,,,8,898,,,9,8,9,8 9,8,, 8,99 9,9,8,,, 8,,89 9,9,,,,98,9,,, ,8 9,,,9,,98,9,8 9,,, 9, 9,9,9 8,8, 9, 9,,9,98 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
85 Petroleum 99. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeonnam) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,,,8,9,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8 9,,,,, 9 9 9,,,,88,9,,,,,,, 8, 9,9 9,8, 9, 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,8 9,,9,,,, ,,, 9 9,9,9,98,,9,,88,,, 9 Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
86 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 경북 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타 8,,9,8 9,8,, 9,9,8 9,,9,,8,,9, 9,,,9,8, 9,9 8,,,,9,,,8,,89,,,,,,, 8,, 8,,9,9,,,,,,88,,,,9,, , 9,9,9 8,8 9,9,,,,8 8,8 9, 9,,,8,,889, ,8 9 8, ,8, 8,8 9,,8,9, 8,,,8,,,9,,,, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
87 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongbuk) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,9,,,,9,9,8,,8,8,9,89,,,8 9, 9 8 9,8,,,9,,,8,,,, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
88 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 경남 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타, 9, 9, 9,,9,,,,8,,8,8,,8 9,9,,88,9,9,,, 9, 9,,,,,,,,9,,,,9,,,9 8,89,89,,,,,99,9,,,,8,8,,,,9 9 8,8,,,8,, 8,,,99 9, 9,8,9,9,8,9,8,88, 9,9, ,9 9,89,,,,89 9, 9,,,,,8,,,,8 88 8, 8 9 9,,, , 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
89 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Gyeongnam) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke,,9,8, 8, 9,,,8,8,,8,9,,,99 9,8 99,8,,9,,,89,8,8,8,9,,,, 8 8,, 9,9,9,,9 8,,9,, ,,,9,,,,9, 8 9 9, Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
90 석유. 부문별석유소비 ( 제주 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 산업농림수산광업제조업건설업에너지산업수송철도육상해상항공가정상업공공기타,8,8,,,,8,8,,,9,89 8,9 8, 8,,98, 8,,9,8 88, ,9,,88, ,8,98,9,,89,8,8,8,,,88,,998,9,98,8, ,,,8,8,98,, 9,9,,,,9, , 8 9 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
91 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by Sector (Jeju) Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품 Other Products 파라핀왁스 Paraffine Wax 석유코크 Petroleum Coke Industry AgriFishery Mining Manufacturing Construction Energy Industry Transpotation Railways Roads Shipping Civil Aviation Residential/Commercial Public/Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
92 석유. 제조업업종별석유소비 ( 전국 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 식품담배섬유목재제지인쇄화학요업철강비철금속금속기계수송장비기타,9, 89,8,,,,9,9,,9 9,,8,,8,,9,8,9 9,8,9,9,,,8, ,,8,,,99,9,9,9 8,,,,8,,9, ,,9,98,,,,,,8,,8,9,,9,8 8 8,,8, , ,,9, , 9,,9 9,98,9,,9,8,8,9,8, 9,,9,,,8, 9,,, 9,9,, 8 8 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
93 Petroleum. Petroleum Consumption by SubSector in Manufacturing () Unit:,bbl 프로판 Propane 부탄 Butane 납사 Naphtha 용제 Solvent 아스팔트 Asphalt 윤활기유 Lubricant 기타제품파라핀왁스석유코크 Other Products Paraffine Wax Petroleum Coke, 9, 8,99,,,,89 9,8 9,9,8 8,,,,8 8,,89,,,,,,8 9,98 8,,98,9,,8 8,,,, 8,98, 8,,9 9,,99 9,9,,9 9,9,8,8,9, 899,89,,,, 8,,9,8,8,89, 8 Foods & Tobacco Textiles 9 Wood 8 Paper Print 9,,,8,89, Chemical 8 Ceramic 9 8 Basic Metals 9 Non Metallic Metal Machinery 8 Transport Equipment, 9 Others Source: Korea National Oil Corporation OIL STATISTICS
94 석유 8. 제조업업종별석유소비 ( 서울 ) 단위 :,bbl 합계 휘발유 Gasoline 등유 Kerosene 경유 Diesel 경질중유 BunkerA 중유 BunkerB 방카 C 유 BunkerC 항공유 Jet Oil 식품담배섬유목재제지인쇄화학요업철강비철금속금속기계수송장비기타,8,,,8,,99,,,,8,8,8,,8,9 88 9, ,8,,9,99,,,,8, 자료 : 한국석유공사 석유류수급통계
.,,,... 3.. 4.,. 5.. p e 7. ( 3496). Explanatory Notes. The "Yearbook of Energy Statistics" contains the basic statistical data on oil, coal, electricity, other energy sources and energy equipment in the
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