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1 방송통신융합시대의통상정책재정립방안연구

2 (WTO) 20. WTO. WTO ( ). 1995,. 20, ( ) WTO. ( ),., ( ).. EU,,. ( ) WTO ( ),

3 2.,, EU WTO ( )...,,..,

4 UR 29 1 UR UR UR UR


6 5 3 1 GATS (MTN/GNS/W/120) GATS (1997 ) EU (1997 ) (1997 ) (1997 ) (1997 ) GATS (MTN/GNS/W/120) GATS GATS DDA W/

7 6 4 9 W/120 UN CPC

8 7. WTO ()., point-to-point( )., (point to multi-point).,.,., 3.,..,...,

9 8.,. WTO ( W/120) 90.,, WTO,,.,.,.,.,.. WTO, FTA, EU FTA., 49%.,

10 9.,. DDA, IT, (Reference Paper).,.....,... ( ).. IT GATS W/120 WTO.

11 10 GATS (, CPC 3 ), FTA (negative listing approach), (Understanding) IT (,, ) CPC W/120 CPC. CPC.. 3 WTO 3., (convergence services),. ( o ). EU FTA

12 ,.,, ( ). (, ), IPTV.. AOL-Time Warner... WTO 1995,.... EU ()

13 12.. GATS(General Agreement on Trade in Services).,. WTO. ( )... EU..,..

14 ( ) 1).. (2007), (2007) (2007).. ( ).,. (2003, 2006),.,. (2006, 2007) 1) GATT 4 WTO (screen time)...

15 14... Singh and Raja(2008),,,,. OECD, ITU,.,. 2) GATT 4 GATT (cinema exception). WTO. Graber(2004) Bernier(2004) WTO GATT GATS,. Nihoul(2004). 2). OECD(2004) The Implications of Convergence for Regulation of Electronic Communications DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2003)5/FINAL; OECD(2007) OECD Communications Outlook; Ovum(2006) The Convergence of Telecom-Broadcasting Services and Regulation: Europe, HK, USA, Japan.

16 1 15 GATS.,. Larouch(2004) WTO..,. Sacha Wunsch-Vincent(2006) EU.....,,..

17 WTO. EU,.. WTO. 4. IPTV VOIP... WTO. WTO,., 90. WTO WTO.

18 , /.,,,,,.,.,..,,. 3). (Bundling) (Tying)., 3) (2008)

19 18.,. FCC( ),. ITU(1996),,,. 4) OECD,. 5) ITU(1995). 6) McKinsey, 7).,,, TV,,.,. 8).., 4) ITU(1996) 5) Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol(1992) 6) World Telecommunications Development Report(1995) 7) McKinsey(2001) 8) Larouche(2004), p.390

20 2 19,. Moore s Law (integrated circuit). 9) clip /..,. (homogenization),,,. 10).,,. (,,, ).,,,,,. ( ).,..,... 9) Farber and Bran(1997) 10) Mueller(2004), p.313

21 20,,.,., TV,..,,..,..,.,, one-stop., IPTV.

22 2 21.,,.,.,..,., YouTube..,. 2. WTO ()., point-to-point( )., (point to multi-point)

23 22.,.,... (3, 4 ). 1. ()....,,.,.,

24 WTO.., EU,.,,.,.. ()... WTO. 2..

25 24.,...,... template. GATS 4 (Annex on Telecommunications) WTO ( ) (Reference Paper). GATS. (public telecommunications service), (major supplier).

26 2 25,. (,, ),. ( ),... ().,,. M&A.,. /.

27 26 (, ). ()..,.,.,. 3. WTO, WTO, (concessions/ commitments). GATS. WTO.,, (mode). GATS (cross-border: mode 1), (consumption abroad: mode 2), (commercial presence: mode 3) (movement of natural persons: mode 4). mode 1 4

28 2 27,. (mode)., A. A (mode 2) A.. /.,.., /.,. GATS positive listing system, (). 11),... 11) GATS Part, 16, 17, 20. GATS. postive listing.

29 28 WTO 12) ( W/120). W/ ,. WTO. positive listing negative listing FTA. FTA. FTA 100%.,. 12) MTN.GNS/W/120( )

30 3 UR 29 3 UR 1 UR ( UR) WTO.. UR,. 1. UR.,. 13). GATS 14) ( W/120),. 13),. 14) MTN.GNS/W/120( )

31 30,,,,,,., /,,, PCS,,, VSAT,, (Teleconferencing),, TRS.,,,,,,,. 15), GATT,, /, EDI(Electronic Data Interchange),, /, /. 3 1 GATS (MTN/GNS/W/120) 2. C. UNCPC a. (Voice telephone services) 7521 b. (Packet-switched transmission services) 7523** c. (Circuit-switched transmission services) 7523** d. (Telex services) 7523** e. (Telegraph services) ) S/GBT/W/2/Rev.1( )

32 3 UR f. (Facsimile services) 7521**+7529** g. (Private leased circuit services) 7522**+7523** h. (Electronic mail) 7523** i. (Voice mail) 7523** j. /DB (On-line information and data base retrieval) 7523** k. EDI(Electronic data intercharge) 7523** l. / (Enhanced/value-added facsimile services, including 7523** store and forward, store and retrieve) m. / (Code and protocol conversion) n. / (On-line information and/or data processing(incl. 843** transaction processing) o. (other) ** CPC. UR GATS UR GATT. UR GATT GATT,,, GATT, GATT,. UR (,,, ), WTO. GATT. GATT,,,

33 32.,,,.,. UR (GNS: Group of Negotiating on Services). 1988, (TNC, Trade Negotiating Committee) (GATS, General Agreement on Trade in Services).,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,.,, 1990 (Annex on Telecommunications). 16) (PTTN, Public Telecommunications Transport Network) (PTTS, Public Telecommunications Transport Service). 17) 16). 17)

34 3 UR 33, UR GATS. GATS. GATS. GATS. GATS 16 () 17 ( ). GATS,,. PTTN PTTS WTO. WTO PTTN PTTS. 18),, TV /. 19),,,,. 20) PTTN/PTTS. GATS 3, PTTN PTTS. 21) Dunkel (Dunkel GATT UR UR ) UR. 18) GATS 14( 2a) ) 19) 2(b) 20) 2(c)(i)

35 34 PTTN PTTS. PTTN PTTS. 22) PTTN PTTS.., ITU, ISO.. UR : UR, UR WTO UR , UR UR (MFN). ( ). 1) (NGBT, Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications) WTO WTO 21) 4 22) 5(a)

36 3 UR , (request), (offer) ,. EU EU % critical mass., critical mass., critical mass EU,,, OECD,,,,,,,,,,, MFN. 23) ) (1997), pp

37 36 33% critical mass. EU ,,,,., (Reference Paper),. 2) (GBT, Group on Basic Telecommunications) 1 NGBT (GBT, Group on Basic Telecommunications) , critical mass..

38 3 UR 37 (Effective Competitive Opportunity Test) FCC NPRM(Notice of Proposed Rule-Making).., ITU. 24). EU, , ;, DTH(Direct-to-home) ;,, 24) Ibid, p.31.

39 38...,. critical mass. critical mass. critical mass EU,, 4(Quad),,,,,,,,,. 25),,, critical mass WTO., NAFTA. 49%, 25) (1997), pp

40 3 UR 39. critical mass ,,,, EU,, , WTO GATS 4 GATS UR %. UR (priority foreign country),

41 40.,, , UR.. 33%,,.,, KT(, )., UR NGBT % NGBT,, GBT Reference Paper.

42 3 UR 41. ( ),,,,,,,,, PCS,, TRS, 12., (mandatory technical standard), %(: 20%),,, , 1/3. (additional commitments).. ( ) ,,. (satellite telecommunications services) 13...,.,. (TBT, Technical Barriers to Trade)

43 42.. ( ) WTO , %. 3 2 : : 33% : 10%, : 33%, KT: 1% % (KT: 20%) % (KT: 33%) : (, KT: 3%) 1999 (KT ) 1/ (, 49% ) % % Reference Paper : DTH/DBS TV,

44 3 UR GATS a. b. M1: M1: M2: M3: c. d. e. ) ) M2: M4: M3: f. g. a) b), c) 50% ( 15%) ) a) c) 33% o. (,, PCS, TRS, a) c) 49% ) 33%( 10%) ) KT

45 44. KT 3% KT 20%, %. M4: a. M1: b. c. d. e. f. g. o. (,, PCS, TRS, h. i. j. /DB k. EDI l. / m. / n. / ) ) M2: M3: ) ) % %. M4: M1: M2: M3: M4: M1: M2: M3: M4: M1: M2: M3: M4: : M1(Mode 1: ), M2(Mode 2: ), M3(Mode 3: ), M4(Mode 4: )

46 3 UR 45, 33% (SK Telecom,, ) % 33%, %,., %, %, 3%( 1%)., %, 33%. 10%, 33%,., % % ,, CATV,,.,

47 46. 26), (Reference Paper) WTO., 52,. 83 WTO. 69, 4, WTO 2, UR UR,. 68 WTO. 62,., ( a. g.) ( h. n.). 3 4., 31 37% 26) WTO(1997b)

48 3 UR %., 44 51% 31 49% %, 9 11% ) 2.C (mode1) (mode 2) (mode 3) (%) (MA) a b c d e f g, h i j. /DB k. EDI l. / m. / n. / o o o ). (Mode 4).

49 48 2.C (NT) (mode1) (mode 2) (%) (mode 3) a b c d e f g, h i j. /DB k. EDI l. / m. / n. / o. o o : WTO(1998) % ,.

50 3 UR , WTO.,.,,... 28),,,,. (Digital-To-Home, Digital Audio Visual Service) MFN %, 100%.. 28) (1997), pp

51 (1997 ) : : : 20%. EU 15 28% EU ,, EU.,, 2003, 2000 (GSM 2003 ). ( 49% ), ( 20% ), ( 25% ), (, 25% ) EU. EU MFN, , ,. EU,. EU VOD DTH(direct-to-home).

52 3 UR EU (1997 ) EU : : 20% : / 25% : % : % : % NTT KDD (20% 33% ) 1, 2,... NTT KDD. 20%..

53 (1997 ) NTT/KDD: 20% Quad. 46.7% ( 20%, 26.7%), (80% ), Telesat Canada 29),. 3 8 (1997 ) 20% / 46.7% : : Nova Sootia : MT&T 1000 Manitoba : MTS Telesat Canada: Teleglobal Canada: , pay telephone 29) % 10.

54 3 UR 53.,, GMPCS,,. Teleglobe Canada, Telesat Canada , 19., , 30. Quad. 3 9 (1997 ) : 40% Telstra: 11.7% Vodafone: 50% Optus:, 2 TCNZ 49.9% /: 49%

55 54 49% 2002 / (GSM): 25% : ( ) : 49% % 30% DOT/MTNL: PT Telecom: 2011, 2006, 40% 30% Telkom: UR 1. UR,.. WTO

56 3 UR ) EU. EU,,.,. EU... UR GATT w/120 UN CPC. w/120 D.(a) (f), (CPC 9611), (CPC 9612), TV (, CPC 9613), TV (, CPC 7524), ( CPC ), ( CPC, ). TV. 30), 13, GATS (, 1998 ),.

57 56 CPC. (CPC 96111), (CPC 96112), (CPC 96113), (CPC 96114). (CPC 96121), (CPC 96122), (CPC 96131), (CPC 96132), (CPC 96133)., (CPC 75241) (CPC 75242) GATS (MTN/GNS/W/120) 2. D. UNCPC a. b. c. d. e. f. (Motion picture and video tape production and distribution services) (Motion picture projection service) TV (Radio and television services) TV (Radio and television transmission services) (Sound recording) (Other) UR UR,

58 3 UR 57 EU. UR.,. TV. TV,. EC.., GATS. GATS 14.,. EC UR. EC 19 GATS 15 (WTO ) 2 ( ). 31) GATS GATS. WTO 31) (2002), pp

59 58 GATS, GATS,., WTO 32), 2. 2., (cultural value). 33) 3 11 GATS a. M1: M2: M3: M4: b. c. TV d. TV e. M1: M2: M3: M4: M1: M2: M3: M4: M1: M2: M3: M4: f. : M1(Mode 1: ), M2(Mode 2: ), M3(Mode 3: ), M4(Mode 4: ) 32) EC. 33) (1995), p.20.

60 3 UR 59 UR 6 2.,. 3. WTO UR GATS, , 10, 7, 8, 7, 6. 34) 3 12 TV TV : WTO(1998) 34) WTO(1998), pp.7 8.

61 : WTO(1998)..,,,,,,,. 2. EU, 33 MFN... GATS. 6.,,,,,,,.

62 3 UR 61, /,. (Mode 4)...,. (National Endowment for the Arts),, GATS a. M1: M2: M3: M4: M1: National Endowment for the Arts,, M2: M3: National Endowment for the Arts,, M4: b. c. TV M1: M2: M3: M4:

63 62 d. TV e. f. M1: M2: M3: 1, / TV TV 20%,, 25% 25% / M4:, TV M1: M2: M3: M4: : M1(Mode 1: ), M2(Mode 2: ), M3(Mode 3: ), M4(Mode 4: ). UR EU WTO. GATS.

64 3 UR 63. GATS. EU, EU. EU.. EU GATS 2.,,, (differential treatment).,,,., (Quebec),,,,.,.

65 WTO,. (Built-in Agenda) 2001 DDA,.,..,. 1. DDA (Built-in Agenda) 2000, DDA(Doha Development Agenda). DDA (Guidelines and Procedures

66 4 65 for the Services Negotiations) 35) (Request) (Offer), R/O. DDA , (Initial Offer) 69, DDA (Revised Offer) ) 35) WTO(2001b) 36) 6 WTO ( )., , 3, 2013., (modalities) , , (NAMA),.,.,, R/O(Request & Offer) R/O. R/O , , ,,,,., %.

67 66.,..,. 3, ( ) , DDA (Mode 1) (Mode 2) (Mode 3) (Mode 4) (existing levels of market access) Mode 1 Mode 2 (ENT) (types of legal entity),,, ENT,

68 DDA, IMF. 37) 4 2 ( ) % % KT % % : 10% : 33% KT: 3% 1999 (, KT ) % % % KT % % (, KT 15%) KT % % DDA ( 03. 3) : 49% : 80% ( 15%) 100% 37) (GATS) 19 3 (Credit).

69 68. 49% , KT % KT 49% 49% % 80%. IMF. 1 15%, 50% ( ) % KT: % % (, KT 15% ) KT ( ) 49% KT: : 50% 80%( ) 80%(, 15%)

70 , 49%, KT, 80%( 15%) , % 49% KT 80% (, 15%) KT (5% ), 15% * ( ) 15%, /,

71 70, 49%, KT,.,. 38) (domestic regulation)., ) (national treatment)..,., 38),. GATT, WTO FTA. 39) 310 (b)(4), ( ) ( ) 25% 25%., () 25% 310 (d) FCC.

72 %,., 40), 6 ( ).,, EU, ( ). 3. WTO 40) (FDI, Foreign Direct Investment), (Portfolio Investment, ).,,. ( 5 ). 10%, 10%, 1,. (holding company),...

73 72 (domestic regulation).,,..,, GATS,,. GATS,. 41) GATS GATS.. WTO.,,,.,.. (best practices)., 41) GATS 6 (), 8 ( ), 9 ().

74 4 73 GATS. 2 (Negotiations Group on Basic Telecommunications) (Reference Paper). WTO, WTO. (additional commitments). 4 5 (pro-competitive principles) (additional commitments),,,. (competition law).,. 42) 42).

75 74,.,....,...,. (regulatory independence).,. (allocation and use of scarce resources)., GATS., WTO

76 4 75..,. (major suppliers) (telecom regulatory body)..,. 4 6,,, 4..

77 GATS,. GATS, GATS, GATS. GATS W/120. EU... W/ MTN.GNS/W/120 ( W/120). W/ , (sector) (subsector) WTO (Notes on Scheduling Basic Telecom Commitments). 43), GATS (PTTNS: Public Telecommunications Transport Network and Services). 44), 43) WTO(1997b)

78 4 77 PTTNS W/120, a g, (o.). W/120 h n (o.). 45) , WTO 2/3 108 GATS. 46) , 30 13, 4 5% 3/4. 47) ( h n) 44) PTTNS.(Ministerial Decision on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications, Marrakech Ministerial, )., ( ). 45)..,,, ( ), () (). 46), 82, 7. WTO. 47) WTO Background Notes(S/C/W/299, July 2009).

79 W/ COMMUNICATIONS C. Telecommunication services a. (voice telephone services) b. (packet-switched transmission services) c. (circuit-switched transmission services) d. (Telex services) e. (Telegraph services) f. (Facsimile services) g. (Private leased circuit services) h. (electronic mail) i. (voice mail) j. / (on-line information and database retrieval) k. EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) l. (Enhanced/Valued added facsimile services, including store and forward, store and retrieve) m. / (Code and Protocol conversion) n. / (On-line information and/or data processing including transaction processing) o. (other) Basic Telecommunications Value-added Telecommunication Services ( a g), 100 ( a), ( b c), 97 (mobile cellular), 89 (mobile satellite). DB ( k) 86, ,

80 4 79 WTO : WTO(2009) 5% 21% 14% 28% 32% W/120. W/ UN (provisional) CPC(Central Product Classification). CPC W/120 W/120. CPC WTO. W/120 CPC. CPC. CPC. 48) W/120. W/120 CPC EU. EU 2003 WTO 48) CPC 2005.

81 80. 49), W/120,. CPC. W/120 2Cb CPC CPC 7523,. CPC7523., CPC7523. W/120 2Cc CPC7523. CPC W/120., W/120 2Cn /, CPC 843. CPC 843 W/120 (computer related services). /.,., W/120 CPC 7521, (maritime mobile service) CPC CPC7529, 49). Communication from the European Communities-Classification in the Telecom Sector under the WTO-GATS framework, TN/S/W/27(2005).

82 4 81 W/120. o. VSAT( ).. CPC CPC7525, W/120. W/120 CPC. W/120 CPC. W/120,.. CPC. CPC , W/120 UN CPC W/120 UNCPC a. 7521: b. c. 7523: 75211: 75212: 75231: d :

83 82 W/120 UNCPC e. f. g. h. i. j. / k. EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) l. 7522: 75221: 75222: 7521: 7529: 7522: 7523: 7523: m. / CPC n. / 843: o. CPC 75291: 75292: 75299: 84310: 84320: 84330: ,.,

84 ,,,. 50) GATS.,..,,, 4, 51) (Chairman s Note for Scheduling Basic Telecommunications Services Commitments) 52) 4 10 : S/GBT/W/2//Rev.1,,,, ( ), ( ) 50). 51) WTO(1998), para 10 52) WTO(1997b)

85 ),,,.,.., GATS / ( n), GATS CPC.. GATS,,.,, GATS.. (Internet access services) (Internet connectivity), (Internet traffic) 53) ibid.

86 ) UR., UR (E-commerce Work Program).,.,., WTO (major suppliers) (ISPs).,. EU.,. 55). 54) Tier 1 backbone. 55). EU,.

87 86.,,.. WTO.,. 56)..,. GATS,,.,, GATS.,, 56) WTO Document, Progress Report to the General Council, Work Program on Electronic Commerce, S/L/74, 27 July 1999, para. 19.

88 4 87.,.,. GATS. 2,..,. UR. 1. DDA 2 UR DDA, 2000 WTO. UR EU

89 88 GATS EU. MFN. 2.,,,,. 57),.. EU. GATS. GATS,. 58). 59). 57) WTO(2001c) 58) Ibid., para 11 59) Ibid., para 12

90 GATS. GATS,,,. 60) 61).. 62) GATS..., ( ). MFN. 63) GATS MFN, 60) Ibid., para 14, 15, ) WTO(2001d) 62) Ibid., para 8 63) Ibid., para 10 11

91 90. 64) UR, DDA.. 65) GATT 4 GATS 14 (a). GATS. 66),. (technological neutrality),. W/120,. * W/120,,. A Summary List of Audiovisual and Audiovisual Related Service Activities(S/CSS/W/21) 1. Theatrical Motion Pictures Production of films 64) Ibid., para 9 MFN (maritime transport sector). 65) WTO(1998b), WTO(2000) 66) WTO(2000), para 7 8

92 4 91 Pre and post production services Duplication of prints Distribution(licensing) of films Delivery of motion pictures to theatres via specialized truck delivery services or via satellite or via digital networks* Exhibition of films/operation of cinemas* 2. Television Creation(production) of content Program packaging, i.e., acquiring distribution rights to programming of others, arranging programming in an attractive stream, selling schedule stream, advertising, etc. Sale of advertising time by programmers, broadcasters, cable service providers, Direct to Home service providers, or converged system operators 3. Home Video Entertainment Production of content Duplication/Reproduction of the tape/optical media product* Distribution of home video entertainment to general merchandise stores for sales of programming on any format for resale to home consumer and distribution directly to home consumers* Leasing of home video entertainment to video rental stores for rental/viewing of content at home or to other business customers(airlines, bus companies, etc.) 4. Transmission services From producers to broadcast stations, cable headends, satellite uplink stations,* and to end users by: analog or digital broadcast Direct to Home satellite services* Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Systems(wireless) cable systems* or, increasingly, by converged transmission services which also transmit other forms of data, voice or other communications services* 5. Recorded Music Representation/signing of artists

93 92 Production of sound recording Duplication/reproduction of tapes/optical media recording Distribution(licensing of rights) for broadcast on radio or television Distribution(wholesaling) of recorded music to intermediaries for sales of copies to consumers Distribution(retailing) of recorded music directly to home consumers. Program Packaging of channels of music for distribution on multi channel transmission systems, or hotels, office buildings, etc. 3. DDA..,,.,.,,, 67). DDA. EU EC 2001, TV Telecommunications services Sector or Sub-sector 68) UR 67) WTO(2005c)

94 4 93., CPC 7521, 7522, 7523, 7529, Other services CPC., ) W/ F. Other communications services CPC 9613 TV, CPC 7524 TV, (Audiovisual service). GATS CD,,. GATS, DTH (Direct To HOme) DBS TV TV., TV EU,. WTO 2005 (Information Note by the Secretariat). 70) 68) WTO(2005a), WTO(2005b), WTO(2006) 69) WTO(2003) 70) WTO(2005d)

95 94 MFN,,. MFN WTO GATS 10, MFN , EU.. 1.,.,.. DDA FTA ( EU) FTA.,

96 4 95 WTO. DDA. DDA, ( ), 71) 3 80%. 72), 80% ).. DDA GATS XXVI, positive. EU FTA GATS EU., 71) 63 ( ) 72) 3 ( ) ) 62 15%,.

97 96.. W/120 (Computer Related Service),., 100% 49%. 49% IPTV IPTV 6. IPTV IPTV.. UR. UR 2000,.,,. 74),

98 %, 49%.. 100%.,,. 2. DDA, IT, (Reference Paper).,... 75). EU. 76) 74) (2009) 75) (2006)

99 98.,... ( ).,.. GATS. GATS... 77).,., 76). (2007) 77).

100 4 99 FTA, DDA. IPTV 3,,.. 3. IT GATS W/120 WTO. GATS (, CPC 3 ), FTA (negative listing approach), (Understanding) 78) IT (,, ) CPC W/120 CPC. CPC.. EU 78) (Note by Chairman).

101 100 IPTV 3. 3 WTO 3., (convergence services),. ( o ). EU FTA ) W/120 79). (internet access provider IAP) 2,,, ( ).,, Internet Service Provider IAP ( access TCPIP portal Daum, AOL )..

102 4 101, FTA. GATS.,. DDA CPC ( CPC version 2). CPC 1989 IT CPC version 2,. 80), UN CPC. 80) CPC.

103 DDA DDA...., GATS. WTO w/120,

104 5 103 DDA.,,...,. 2. WTO FTA. UNESCO. FTA..., FTA.,

105 104.,.

106 105 (1997), WTO, 146,. (2007), IT: IT, KISDI (2008), FTA, KISDI (2002),, 02-22,. (2002), DDA :, 02-03,. (2006), (), IT, (2007a), FTA (Chapter),, (2007b), FTA,, (2007),, KISDI (2009),,, (2006),,, (2009a),, 21060,

107 106 (2009b),, 9701, (2009c),, 21835, (2009d),, 9702, (2009e),, 9482, (2001), EU, 26, 3. (2008),, 08-08,. (2006), OECD KISDI (2007a),, (2007b), IPTV, KISDI 07-07,. (1997), WTO, 9 4,. (2003), IT, KISDI (2005), GATS 60 UR.. (2008),, (1997), WTO, 9 4,. (1995), WTO,

108 ,. (2007), :, KISDI 07-16, Bernier, Ivan(2004), Content regulation in the audio-visual sector and the WTO in The WTO and Global Convergence in Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services. EC(2007), Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, signed at Lisbon, 13 December 2007, OJ 2007/C 306/1. Graber, Christoph(2004), Audio-visual Policy; the Stumbling Block of Trade Liberalization? in The WTO and Global Convergence in Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services. ITU(1995), World Telecommunications Development Report. ITU(1996), Regulatory Colloquium on Convergence. Jackson J. H(1998), The World Trading System, The MIT Press,(2nd ed. 1998). Larouche, Pierre(2004), Dealing with Convergence at the International Level, in The WTO and Global Convergence in Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services. Luff, David. and D. Geradin. eds(2004), The WTO and Global Convergence in Telecommunications and Audio-Visual Services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. McKinsey(2001), What Users Think of Broadband, The McKinsey Quarterly, No. 1, Nihoul, P.L.G(2004), Audiovisual and Telecommunications Services: A Review of Definitions under WTO Law in The WTO and Global Convergence in Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services.

109 108 OECD(2004), The Implications of Convergence for Regulation of Electronic Communications DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2003)5/FINAL OECD(2007), OECD Communications Outlook. Ovum(2006), The Convergence of Telecom-Broadcasting Services and Regulation: Europe, HK, USA, Japan. Singh, Rajendra and S. Raja(2008), Convergence in ICT Services: Emerging Regulatory Responses to Multiple Play, Washington D.C. World Bank June Voon, Tania(2007), Cultural Products and the World Trade Organization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. World Bank(2007), Policy Division Global Information and Communications Department. Regulatory Trends in Service Convergence. Washington, D.C.n June 29, World Telecommunications Development Report WTO(1994), REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Schedule of Specific Commitments, GATS/ SC/48, 15 April WTO(1997a), REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Schedule of Specific Commitments, GATS/ SC/48/Suppl.2, 11 April WTO(1997b), NOTES FOR SCHEDULING BASIC TELECOM SERVICES COMMIT- MENTS, S/GBT/W/2/Rev.1 WTO(1998a), TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES, Background Note by the Secretariat, S/C/W/74, WTO(1998b), COMMUNICATION FROM THE UNITED STATES, Audiovisual Services, S/C/W/78, WTO(1999), Progress Report to the General Council, Work Program on Electronic Commerce, S/L/74, WTO(2000), COMMUNICATION FROM THE UNITED STATES, Audiovisual and Related Services, S/CSS/W/21,

110 109 WTO(2001a), Guidelines for the scheduling of specific commitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, S/L/92, WTO(2001b), Guidelines and procedures for the negotiations on trade in services, S/L/93, WTO(2001c), COMMUNICATION FROM SWITZERLAND, Audiovisual Services, S/CSS/W/74, WTO(2001d), COMMUNICATION FROM BRAZIL, Audiovisual Services, S/CSS/W/ 99, WTO(2003), COMMUNICATION FROM THE UNITED STATES-Initial Offer, TN/ S/O/USA, WTO(2005a), COMMUNICATION FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES- Classification in the Telecom Sector under the WTO-GATS Framework, TN/ S/W/27, WTO(2005b), COMMUNICATION FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Classification in the Telecom Sector under the WTO-GATS Framework, S/CSC/W/44, WTO(2005c), COMMUNICATION FROM HONG KONG CHINA, JAPAN, MEXICO, THE SEPARATE CUSTOMS TERRITORY OF TAIWAN, PENGHU, KINMEN AND MATSU, AND UNITED STATES-Joint Statement on the Negotiations on Audiovisual Services, TN/S/W/49, WTO(2005d), AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES-Information Note by the Secretariat, JOB (05)/192, WTO(2006), COMMUNICATION FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND ITS MEMBER STATES CERTIFICATION-Draft consolidated GATS Schedule, S/C/W/273, WTO(2009), TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES, Background Note by the Secretariat,

111 110 S/C/W/299, Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha(2006), The WTO, the Internet and Trade in Digital Products; EU-US Perspectives. Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing FTA CEPA EU FTA GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES(GATS)

112 111 1 (MTN.GNS/W/120, UNCPC) MTN.GNS/W/120 C. Telecommunication a. Voice telephone services 7521 b. Packet-switched data transmission services 7523** c. Circuit-switched data transmission services 7523** d. Telex services 7523** UNCPC* 7521 Public telephone services Public local telephone services Switching and transmission services necessary to establish and maintain communications within a local calling area. This service is primarily designed(used) to establish voice communications, but may serve other applications such as text communication (facsimile or teletex) and is generally provided for a flat monthly fee independently of the number of calls made by the subscriber. Exclusions: Private line services and rental services of terminal equipment are classified in class 7522(Business network services) and 7541(Equipment rental services), respectively Public long distance telephone services Switching and transmission services necessary to establish and maintain communications between local calling areas. This service is primarily designed(used) to establish voice communications, but may serve other applications such as text communication (facsimile or teletex) and may be provided on a toll or flat rate basis. This service provides the customer with access to the supplier s and connecting carrier s entire telephone network or, in some instances, to a limited number of exchange areas(wats service) Data and message transmission services Data network services Network services necessary to transmit data between equipment using the same or different protocols. This service can be provided via a public or dedicated data network(i.e. via a network dedicated to the customer s use) Electronic message and information services Network and related services(hardware and software) necessary to send and receive electronic messages(telegraph and telex/ TWX services) and/or to access and manipulate information in databases(so-called value-added network services).

113 112 MTN.GNS/W/120 e. Telegraph services (see below) f. Facsimile services 7521** and 7529** g. Private leased circuit services 7522** and 7523** h. Electronic mail 7323** i. Voice mail 7323** j. On-line information and data base retrieval 7323** UNCPC* 7521(see above) 7529 Other telecommunications services Paging services The summoning of a person to the telephone through the use of an electronic pager. This subclass includes tone, voice and digital display paging services Teleconferencing services Network and related services necessary to hold a one-way or two-way fully interactive video conference Other telecommunications services n.e.c. Telecommunications services, not elsewhere classified. This class includes mobile maritime and air-to-ground communications services. 7523(see above) 7522 Business network services Shared network services Network services necessary to establish telephone communications between selected(point-to-point or multi-point) locations(terminals) via a public(shared) network. This type of service is primarily used to establish long distance voice communications but some versions can also accommodate facsimile and date transmission. It is provided on a pay-as-you-use basis at discount rates over regular long distance telephone charges Dedicated network services Network services necessary to establish telephone communications between selected(point-to-point or multi-point) locations(terminals) via private line(s). This type of service is primarily used to establish voice communications between distant PBX s(tie line), between a distant location and a PBX(off premises extension), between a PBX and a distant exchange area (foreign exchange) or between designated telephone sets, but may also accommodate data transmission. It is provided on a lease basis. 7523(see above)

114 113 MTN.GNS/W/120 k. electronic data interchange(edi) 7323** l. enhanced/value-added facsimile services, incl. Store and forward, store and retrieve 7323** m. code and protocol conversion n. on-line information and/or data processing (incl.transaction processing) 843** n.a. o. other n.a. UNCPC* 843 Data processing services Input preparation services Data recording services such as key punching, optical scanning or other methods for data entry Data-processing and tabulation services Services such as data processing and tabulation services, computer calculating services, and rental services of computer time Time-sharing services This seems to be the same type of services as Computer time is bought; if it is bought from the customer s premises, telecommunications services are also bought. Data processing or tabulation services may also be bought from a service bureau. In both cases the services might be time sharing processed. Thus, there is no clear distinction between and * United Nations Provisional Central Product Classification, Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 77, ** Indicates that the service specified constitutes only a part of the total range of activities covered by the CPC concordance mail is only a component of CPC item 7523).

115 114 2 GATS (MTN/GNS/W/120) 2. C. UNCPC a. (Voice telephone services) 7521 b. c. (Packet-switched transmission services) (Circuit-switched transmission services) 7523** 7523** d. (Telex services) 7523** e. (Telegraph services) 7522 f. (Facsimile services) 7521**+7529** g. (Private leased circuit services) 7522**+7523** h. (Electronic mail) 7523** i. (Voice mail) 7523** j. /DB (On-line information and data base retrieval) 7523** k. EDI(Electronic data intercharge) 7523** l. / (Enhanced/value-added facsimile services, including store and forward, store and retrieve) 7523** m. / (Code and protocol conversion) n. / (On-line information and/or data processing(incl. transaction processing) 843** o. (other) ** CPC

116 115 3 (S/GBY/W/2/Rev.1, 16 January 1997) 1., (sector coloumn)..,,.... ( :,, ). 2. g(), /.,, ,. /. 4 (a) (the transmission and reception of signals by any electromagnetic means). (b) (Public telecommunications transport service),,,. (c) (Public telecommunications transport network) (network termination points).

117 University of British Columbia (GSIS) Northwestern University ( ) hyukjong@kisdi.re.kr, ( 1-1) TEL: FAX: ISBN

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