2018 년 1 분기영어강좌 강의계획서순서 1. 한진희선생님 : 실버전성시대, Easy 왕초보영어 2. 조지원선생님 : 맘앤아이 A/B, Fun English Story Time A/B 3. 서정희선생님 : Media English 4. Sunny 선생님 : 노. 부.

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1 2018 년 1 분기영어강좌 순서 1. 한진희선생님 : 실버전성시대, Easy 왕초보영어 2. 조지원선생님 : 맘앤아이 A/B, Fun English Story Time A/B 3. 서정희선생님 : Media English 4. Sunny 선생님 : 노. 부. 영 A/B 5. 허유나선생님 : 세계문화기행, 세계팝송기행 6. Spencer 선생님 : Speak out!, Easy English Speaking, Vocabulary for Speaking Fun Phonics, Let s Talk 7. 이경하선생님 : 영어야놀자 A/B, Alpha Words [Phonics/ABC], Actor School [ 고학년, 저학년 ] 9. Azur 선생님 : Basic English A/B, English Song&Play A/B, Speak up for Kids, Advanced English for Kids 10. Jeremy 선생님 : Good Morning English, Good Afternoon English 11. Julie 선생님 : 노. 부. 영 C/D 신청하신강좌확인후계획서참조부탁드립니다.

2 과목명실버전성시대지도교사한진희강의시간 1 시간 (11 회 ) 과목개요 실버들을위한왕기초여행회화 교수방법기본적인단어를이용하여간단영어회화익히기. 수강생준비물 공책, 필기도구 수강생부담금교재비 9800 원 ( 교재 : 해커스톡왕초보여행영어 ), 1 자기소개와책내용소개 영어로간단히 소개하는법 2 기내에서 3 공항에서 4 교통수단 5 숙소에서 6 쇼핑할때 7 식당 8 관광

3 9 거리에서 10 응급시 11 복습

4 과목명 Easy 왕초보영어지도교사한진희강의시간 2 시간 (11 회 ) 과목개요 주부들을위한왕기초여행회화 교수방법기본적인단어를이용하여간단회화익히기. 수강생준비물 공책, 필기도구 수강생부담금교재비 9800 원 ( 교재 : 해커스톡왕초보여행영어 ), 1 자기소개와책내용소개 영어로간단히 소개하는법 2 기내에서 기내에서쓸수있는 표현중심 3 공항에서 공항에도착해서 출발할때쓰는표현 4 교통수단차타는곳방법 5 숙소에서숙소예약하는법 6 쇼핑할때물건가격묻고사는법 7 식당예약하고주문하기 8 관광갈곳묻고찾아가기 9 거리에서길묻기

5 10 응급시응급상황시묻기 11 복습

6 과목명 Mom & I 지도교사조지원강의시간 50 분 (10 회 ) 과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 엄마와아이가함께영어동화책을읽고연관된너서리라임을배우는 소규모활동수업 영어책을읽고관련영어노래부르기와 finger play, 그리기, 만들기등의 미술활동수업을통해서영어와친숙해진다. 크레용, A4 파일 재료비 : 11,000 원 I went walking : 책을읽고 Walking, walking 노래를배운다. It's my birthday : 생일에관한책을읽고, Happy birthday to you 라는노래를배운다. The itsy bitsy spider : 거미에관한책을읽고노래와율동을배운다. The snowy day : 눈에대한책을읽고 Little snowflake 라는노래를배운다. Humpty Dumpty : Humpty Dumpty 에관한책을읽고노래와율동을배운다. 6 REVIEW Hickory Dickory Dock : 시계보는방법에관한책을읽고노래와율동을배운다. Teddy bear, Teddy bear: 곰인형에관한책을읽고 Teddy bear, Teddy bear 라는노래를배운다. I'm a Dingle Dangle Scarecrow : 허수아비에관한책을읽고노래와율동을배운다 I am the music man : 책을읽고여러악기들과의성어표현에대해익히고노래를배운다.

7 과목명 Fun English Story Time 지도교사조지원강의시간 50 분 (10 회 ) 과목개요 교수방법 수강생준비물 유아들에게영어동화를들려주고동화내용관련소규모활동수업 영어동화를읽으면서주제와관련된표현들을익히고게임, 만들기, 노래 부르기등의활동수업을통해서영어와친해진다. 풀, 색연필, A4 파일 수강생부담금예 ) 교재비 000 원 ( 교재 : ), 재료비 : 9,000 원 1 Snow : 눈이온다는소년의날씨예보가맞을까요? Froggy gets dressed : 개구리가겨울에놀러나가는데뭘입어야할까요? The story of the little mole : 두더지머리위의똥은누구의것일까요? Whose baby am I? : 이동물은누구의아기동물일까요? Llama llama red pajama : 아기라마가밤에잠옷을입고잠이들어요. There was an old lady who swallowed a fly : 할머니가파리를삼켰어요! Pete the cat - I love my white shoes : 피트는흰색신발을좋아한데요 A dragon on the doorstep : 어떤동물들이집안곳곳에숨어있을까요? Spring is here : 송아지에게봄이왔어요!

8 과목명과목개요교수방법수강생준비물 미디어지도교사서정희강의시간 2시간잉글리시 (11회) TED 강의, PoP을통한듣기향상 / 긴문장을효율적으로읽게돕는문법 ( 한국인에게잘안들리는기능어중심듣기집중훈련 ) 받아쓰기 : TED, POP / 어휘, 구문설명 쉐도우리딩 복사물 수강생부담금 # Lucky by Jason Mraz # TED " We should aim for perfection." (0:00"~1:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 1 ( 명사절 part 1) # Lucky by Jason Mraz # TED " We should aim for perfection." (0:00"~1:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 2 ( 명사절 part 2) # Lucky by Jason Mraz # TED " We should aim for perfection." (1:30"~3:00") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 3 ( 명사절 part 3) # Perfect by Ed Sheeran # TED " We should aim for perfection." (1:30"~3:00") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 4 ( 명사절 part 4) # Perfect by Ed Sheeran # TED " We should aim for perfection." (3:00"~4:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 5 ( 형용사절 part 1) # Perfect by Ed Sheeran # TED " We should aim for perfection." (3:00"~4:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 6 ( 형용사절 part 2) # Introducing me by Nick Jonas # TED " We should aim for perfection." (4:30"~6:00") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 7 ( 형용사절 part 3) # Introducing me by Nick Jonas # TED " We should aim for perfection." (4:30"~6:00") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 8 ( 형용사절 part 4) # 어휘 # 반복듣기 # 듣고따라하기 # 받아쓰기 # 쉐도우리딩 # 어휘 # 반복듣기 # 듣고따라하기 # 받아쓰기 # 쉐도우리딩 # 어휘 # 반복듣기 # 듣고따라하기 # 받아쓰기 # 쉐도우리딩 # 어휘 # 반복듣기 # 듣고따라하기 # 받아쓰기 # 쉐도우리딩

9 # Introducing me by Nick Jonas # TED " We should aim for perfection." (6:00"~7:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 9 (to부정사 part 1) # # TED " We should aim for perfection." (6:00"~7:30") # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 10 (to부정사 part 2) # School of Rock by Zack Black # TED " We should aim for perfection." # 긴문장을소화하기위한문법 11 (to부정사 part 3) # 어휘 # 반복듣기 # 듣고따라하기 # 받아쓰기 # 쉐도우리딩 # TED 강연전체마무리


11 과목명노부영지도교사 Sunny 강의시간 40 분 (11 회 ) 과목개요 교수방법 수강생준비물 외국원서스토리를체계적으로이해하고읽으며유창한리더로성장하기 노래와놀이로스토리를풀어나가기 교재 수강생부담금교재비 : 30,000 원 ( 교재 : 2 권 ), 재료비없음 6,7 세 1 Down by the Station 스토리소개와스토리에나오는교통수단의종류와소리인지 2 라임에대한정의와같은라임구별해보기 3 알파벳 D/d 의음가와 D 로시작하는단어들찾아보기 4 교통기관의특징과쓰임을알고다양하게분류해보기 5 아이들이이용한교통수단에대해말해보기 6 책에나오는그림에맞는문장얘기하며책전체 review 하기 7 I Am the Music Man 스토리소개와악기의종류와각각의특징알아보기 8 라임의구별과라임이되는단어찾기 9 알파벳 V/V 음가와 v 로시작하는단어들알아보기 10 책속에반복되는문장찾아보고말해보기 11 좋아하는악기에대해얘기하며책전체 하기

12 8,9 세 1 Over in the Meadow 스토리소개와목초지에사는동물추측해보기 2 책에나오는숫자읽어보고라임이되는숫자찾기 3 알파벳 L/l 을소개하고 L 과같은첫소리단어들알기 4 동작을나타내는단어찾아내기 5 글속에나오는문장부호이해하고사용해보기 6 스토리에등장하는엄마동물들과아기동물들대화만들어보며책전체 하기 7 Dinosaur Roar! 스토리의소개와공룡에대한배경지식알아보기 8 음절떼어내는연습해보기 9 알파벳 U/u 를소개하고 u 와같은첫소리단어들알기 10 공룡을묘사하는단어들찾아보기 11 반대개념을가진것과라임을이루는그림찾기와책전체

13 과목명과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 방학특강세계문화기행지도교사허유나강의시간 2시간 (9회) 영어권나라들의문화, 표현의차이, 에티켓을알아보자 시청각자료화함께문화차이와그에따른영어표현을배우고 한국과다른문화권국가의경험에대하여이야기한다 없음 수강료 8000 원 1/11 1/18 1/25 2/1 2/8 2/22 3/8 3/15 3/22 - 한국어, 영어비교, 언어에따른문화차이, 동서양문화차이 - 세계보편적매너 - 교과서에없는다양한인사 미국 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 다양한영어호칭 영국 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 관광지에서, 식당에서, 쇼핑할때, 가장중요한한마디! 영국연방 - 영국연방이란무엇인가? - 영국식영어 vs 미국식영어 캐나다 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상의견시각자료감상 - 기피어와완곡한표현 호주 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 숫자와단위표현 뉴질랜드 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 콩글리쉬 vs 잉글리쉬 아일랜드 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 헷갈리는영어표현 싱가포르 - 국가개요, 특징 / 경험, 인상, 의견시각자료감상 - 영어문화권의유머

14 과목명세계팝송기행지도교사허유나강의시간 과목개요 팝송의장르별역사와흐름을감상하면서가사를통한영어표현을익혀보자 2 시간 (10 회 ) 교수방법 수강생준비물 수강생부담금 뮤직비디오감상 / 영어가사독해 없음 수강료 8000 원 날짜수업내용비고 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/23 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 [ 올드팝 Crooning ] - 프랭크시나트라 / 페리코모 / 마이클부블레 - My Way / Quando Quando [ 포크 Folk / Folk Rock ] - 밥딜런 / 사이먼 & 가펑클 / 존덴버 - Blowin in the Wind / Knockin on Heaven s Door [ 컨트리 Country ] - 가스브룩스 / 샤니아트웨인 - You re Still the One / Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree [ 재즈 Jazz] - Ella Fitzgerald / Billy Holiday / Julie London/ Sarah Vaughan - Fly Me to the Moon / I Left My Heart in San Francisco [ 락엔롤 Rock n Roll / Rock] - 엘비스프레슬리 / 척베리 / 머룬5 - 비틀즈 / 롤링스톤즈 [ 리듬앤블루스 R & B] - 루이암스트롱 / 레이찰스 / 스티비원더 / 머라이어캐리 - What a Wonderful World / Isn t She Lovely [ 디스코 Disco / 펑크 Punk ] - 도나썸머 / 비지스 / 빌리지피플 - Wanted / Touch by Touch [ 라틴 Latin] - 부에나비스타소셜클럽 / 리키마틴 / 글로리아에스테판 - 탱고 / 삼바 / 보사노바 [ 유로팝 Euro Pop] - 샹송 / 칸쵸네 / 러시아 / 북유럽 / 유로테크닉 - La Vie En Rose / Waterloo [ 영화음악 Original Sound Track ] - 엔리오모리코네 / 한스짐머 / 히사이시조 - Rain Drops Keep Fallin on My Head / Kokomo

15 Class name: Speak Out! Class time: Tuesday 2 ~ 4 PM Instructor: Spencer Brockley Dates: 1/9 to 3/21 (once a week) Introduction for Classroom Study: 1~Get to know each other/names/likes/dislikes/past experiences/expectations 2~Get to know what we want to learn/content/materials/specific language 3~Get to know available materials/describe learner wants/focuses/needs 4~Get to know our collective plan/syllabus/material selection/relationships/manners 5~Talk about emotional issues/fears/phobias/good/bad past experiences/future *** Week One/Topic One ~ Introductions and Greetings Sample Dialog A) Good to see you! B) Long time no see! A) What do you like? B) I like. Weeks Two through the course end Youtube and other websites will be used ~ Extended lessons will be available Table of Contents: Videos (link one) and Texts (link two) Link1: Link2:

16 Class name: Easy English Speaking for Adults Instructor: Spencer Brockley Class time: Tuesday 4 ~ 6 PM Dates: 1/9 to 3/21 (once a week) Introduction for Classroom Study: 1~Get to know each other/names/likes/dislikes/past experiences/expectations 2~Get to know what we want to learn/content/materials/specific language 3~Get to know available materials/describe learner wants/focuses/needs 4~Get to know our collective plan/syllabus/material selection/relationships/manners 5~Talk about emotional issues/fears/phobias/good/bad past experiences/future *** Weeks Two through the course end Youtube and other websites will be used ~ Extended lessons will be available Link: Link: Students select from the following topics for discussion Extra content for exceptional learners (preview for potential future classes):

17 Class name: Vocabulary For Speaking for Adults Instructor: Spencer Brockley Class time: Thursday 2 ~ 4 PM Dates: 1/11 to 3/22 (once a week) How to Make a Lesson ~ Procedures 1) To begin with, as a class, in groups, or in pairs, look up, talk about, and practice the vocabulary 2) Then, discuss and practice the structure lesson that follows (students, teacher, and internet) 3) After that, as a class, in groups, or in pairs, match the questions and answers in the third section 4) Next, select and answer some of the questions in your own way from your own experience 5) Include as many students as possible and endeavor to create a discussion based on the Q and A (Challenge yourself by creating your own questions with the given vocabulary and structure) Introduction for Classroom Study: 1~Get to know each other/names/likes/dislikes/past experiences/expectations 2~Get to know what we want to learn/content/materials/specific language 3~Get to know available materials/describe learner wants/focuses/needs 4~Get to know our collective plan/syllabus/material selection/relationships/manners 5~Talk about emotional issues/fears/phobias/good/bad past experiences/future *** Weeks Two through the course end Youtube and other websites will be used ~ Extended lessons will be available Vocab ~ 1 ~ 01 ~ Clothes ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 02 ~ Shops ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 03 ~ Jobs ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 04 ~ Cooking ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 05 ~ Media ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 06 ~ Trips ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 07 ~ Markets ~ Vocab ~ 1 ~ 08 ~ Technology ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 01 ~ Home ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 02 ~ Relatives ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 03 ~ Restaurants ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 04 ~ Health ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 05 ~ Television ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 06 ~ Politics ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 07 ~ Education ~ Vocab ~ 2 ~ 08 ~ Culture ~

18 Students select from the following topics for discussion Class name: Fun Phonics Instructor: Spencer Brockley Class time: Thursday 4 to 5 PM Dates: 1/11 t0 3/22 (once a week) Introduction: 1~Get to know each other (mothers, children, teacher) 2~Introduce the website by previewing a variety of files focusing on phonics and songs phonics, numbers, alphabet sounds, vocabulary, colors, shapes, parts of the body, time, days, months, emotions, family *** ~ Weeks Two through the end content ~ Alphabet Writing: A ~ Z (Level 1) writing letters on the board ~ learners take turns SongList: phonics, numbers, alphabet sounds, vocabulary, color, shapes, parts of the body, time, days, months, emotions, family Hickory Dickory Dock Goodbye Song Worksheet Activities ~ Alpha-Word ~ Pics Writing letters, making pictures and sounds, Using internet images Various activities on website: Link: Youtube and other websites will be used ~ Extended lessons will be available

19 Class name: Let's Talk Instructor: Spencer Brockley Class time: Thursday 5 to 6 PM Dates: 1/11 t0 3/22 (once a week) Introduction: 1~Get to know each other (mothers, children, teacher) 2~Introduce the website by previewing a variety of files focusing on phonics and songs phonics, numbers, alphabet sounds, vocabulary, colors, shapes, parts of the body, time, days, months, emotions, family *** ~ Weeks Two through the end content ~ Alphabet Writing: A ~ Z (Level 1) writing letters on the board ~ learners take turns SongList: phonics, numbers, alphabet sounds, vocabulary, color, shapes, parts of the body, time, days, months, emotions, family Hickory Dickory Dock Goodbye Song Worksheet Activities ~ Alpha-Word ~ Pics Writing letters, making pictures and sounds, Using internet images Various activities on website: Link: Youtube and other websites will be used ~ Extended lessons will be available Note: The website eslenglishclassroom contains countless hours of material: students who show signs of progress will be given the lessons to encourage their language growth. This is to say that there are no limits if the learners are ready and able to acquire the English language. TLW

20 과목명 Alpha words - Alphabet - 지도교사이경하강의시간 1 시간 (11 회 ) 과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 파닉스학습을통한영어말하기및영어책읽기토대마련알파벳을캐릭터화시켜이야기를만들고, 이야기를듣고알파벳에흥미를부여한다. 없음없음 «Greeting ( Hello song, A, B, C song ) «Learn about the letters : A, B, C «Greeting ( Hello song, D, E, F song ) «Learn about the letters : D, E, F «Greeting ( Hello song, G, H, I song ) «Learn about the letters : G, H, I «Greeting ( Hello song, J, K, L song ) «Learn about the letters : J, K, L «Greeting ( Hello song, M, N, O song ) «Learn about the letters : M, N, O «Greeting ( Hello song, P, Q, R song ) «Learn about the letters : P, Q, R «Greeting ( Hello song, S, T, U song ) «Learn about the letters : S, T, U «Greeting ( Hello song, V, W, X song ) «Learn about the letters : V, W, X «Greeting ( Hello song, Y, Z song ) «Learn about the letters : Y, Z «Greeting ( Hello song, Alphabet song ) «the all of the letters «Greeting ( Hello song, Alphabet song ) «Make the alphabet book

21 과목명 Alpha words - Phonics - 지도교사이경하강의시간 1 시간 (11 회 ) 과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 파닉스학습을통한영어말하기및영어책읽기토대마련놀이, 게임을활용하여알파벳의이름을알고, 음가를익혀단어를읽을수있는기초를만든다. 없음없음 «Greeting ( Hello song, B, C, D song ) «Learn about the letters : B, C, D «Greeting ( Hello song, F, G, H song ) «Learn about the letters : F, G, H «Greeting ( Hello song, J, K, L song ) «Learn about the letters : J, K, L «Greeting ( Hello song, M, N, P song ) «Learn about the letters : M, N, P «Greeting ( Hello song, Q, R, S song ) «Learn about the letters : Q, R, S «Greeting ( Hello song, T, V, W song ) «Learn about the letters : T, V, W «Greeting ( Hello song, X, Y, Z song ) «Learn about the letters : X, Y, Z «Greeting ( Hello song, A, E, I, O, U song ) «Learn about the letters : A, E, I, O, U «Greeting ( Hello song, Alphabet chant ) «Learn about the letters : all of the consonants. «Greeting ( Hello song, Alphabet chant ) «Learn about the letters : all of the vowels. «Greeting ( Hello song, Alphabet song ) «Make the alphabet book

22 과목명영어야놀자 A 지도교사이경하강의시간 과목개요 영어를배우기시작한유아들을위해영어흥미유발및 영어와친숙할수있는계기를마련. 1 시간 (11 회 ) 교수방법 수강생준비물 수강생부담금 놀이, 게임을이용한흥미유도, 유아중심학습법 없음 없음 «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «Reading a story book spots feathers and curly tails «Greeting ( Hello song, feeling song ) «animals ( cow, pig, chicken, chick ) «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «animals ( horse, duck, bull, farm ) «Greeting ( Hello song, feeling song ) «parts ( spot, feathers, tail ) «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «parts ( bill, horn, mane ) «Greeting ( Hello song, feeling song ) «Reading a story book there were 10 in the bed. «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «from 1 to 10 «Greeting ( Hello song, feeling song ) «from 10 to 20 «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «vowel roll over, fell out «Greeting ( Hello song, feeling song ) «the all of the books «Greeting ( Hello song, weather song ) «Make the book

23 과목명 영어야놀자 B 지도교사 이경하 강의시간 1시간 (11회) 과목개요 영어를배우기시작한유아들을위해영어흥미유발및영어와친숙할수있는계기를마련. 교수방법 놀이, 게임을이용한흥미유도, 유아중심학습법 수강생준비물 수강생부담금 없음 없음 1 2 «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «Reading a story book The alphabet Ice cream «H-sign 알아보기 «Greeting ( Hello song, month song ) «A is for apple, B is for bat, C is for cat. 3 «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «D is for digger, E is for egg «F is for fish, fork and fingers «Greeting ( Hello song, month song ) «G is for grasshopper, H is for honey «I is for ice cream «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «J is for jelly K is for kite L is for lion «Greeting ( Hello song, month song ) «M is for monkey, N is for Nick, O is for octopus «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «P is for pen, Q is for queen, R is for rose «Greeting ( Hello song, month song ) «S is for Sue, T is for track, U is for unicorn «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «V is for viking, W is for wale, X is for kiss «Greeting ( Hello song, month song ) «Y is for yoghurt, yum and yuk «Greeting ( Hello song, days song ) «Make The Alphabet Book

24 과목명과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 Actor school 1시간지도교사이경하강의시간 - 저학년 - (11회) 직접영어연극연출, 공연으로영어표현습득및영어에대한자신감 키우기사전적의미가아닌대화체의본문을이용하여, 직접말하고듣기를하며영미문학의흥미유발. 없음 없음 1 «Say hello to each other «타잔시청 2 «Don t cry 3 «Let s make one line. 4 «We won 5 «His name is Tarzan 6 «Touch your head 7 «Mountain song 8 «This is my family «노래복습및율동만들기 «Don t cry «Let s make one line. «We won «노래복습및율동만들기 «His name is Tarzan «Touch your head «노래복습및율동만들기 «Mountain song «This is my family

25 과목명과목개요교수방법수강생준비물수강생부담금 Actor school 1시간지도교사이경하강의시간 - 저학년 - (11회) 직접영어연극연출, 공연으로영어표현습득및영어에대한자신감 키우기사전적의미가아닌대화체의본문을이용하여, 직접말하고듣기를하며영미문학의흥미유발. 없음 없음 1 «Say hello to each other «뮤지컬캣츠시청 2 «Memory 3 «The Rum tum tugger 4 «The old gumbie cat 5 «Mongojerrie and rumplteazer 6 «The invitation - To the jelicle ball 7 «Jellicle songs For jellicle cats 8 «The naming of cats 9 «The glamour cat 10 «The addressing of cats 11 «The moments of happiness

26 과목명 Advanced English ( 초등 4~ 6 학년 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11 회 ) 과목개요 Upgrade Basic English Skills: Listening, Speaking and Writing - Teach students basic English grammar and vocabulary. 교수방법 - Help students listen, speak and write English correctly and freely. - Homework Check & each class - Monthly Evaluation on Improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, pencils and an eraser. 수강생부담금 None 1 Noun : Countable & Non countable nouns - singular and plural : a/an & s/es Conversation & Vocabulary + Numbers 1-20 Homework 2 Sentence Structure : Subject + Verb (+ Object/ Adjective) Conversation & Vocabulary + Numbers Verb : Be / Positive & Negative Sentences Conversation & Vocabulary + Numbers Present Continuous: Be ~ing Conversation & Vocabulary + Numbers 61-80

27 5 Question: Be Conversation & Vocabulary + Numbers Adjectives Conversation & Vocabulary + Big Numbers 100 ~ 7 Tense : Present, Past & Future / Regular & Irregular verbs Conversation & Vocabulary + Ordinal Numbers Question: Do Conversation & Vocabulary + Ordinal Numbers Questions: When, Where, Who, What, Why & How Conversation & Vocabulary + Ordinal Numbers Prepositions : to, at, on, in, by, between, among... Conversation & Vocabulary + Big Ordinal Numbers 50~ Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written 11 - The test result will be written on the certificate.

28 과목명 Basic English - B ( 초등 1~2 학년 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11 회 ) 과목개요 Learn Basic English - Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar - Help kids learn the basic skills of English. 교수방법 - Teach Alphabet and Phonics / Vocabulary enhancement - Listen to / Read Stories and learn new expressions. - Homework check & review / Monthly evaluation on improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, pencils, an eraser. 수강생부담금 None < Greetings! - Hello and Goodbye / Today is Tuesday, January 9th, 2018> 1 Let s review alphabet! - Sing and Master the Alphabet From A to Z! - Listen, Speak and Write New Words and Sentences Numbers 1-20 and Ordinal numbers 1-10 : Read and Write Homework Listen to a story/song. - I Can Follow the Rules Song 2 A/An You are a boy. / I have an apple. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Be a better listener 3 Super Phonics 1: -ad/ -at/ -an/ -ap/ -ay Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Badger is a Bully! 4 ~s/~es - I have many books. We eat a lot of potatoes. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Getting Along With Others

29 5 Super Phonics 2: -en/ -et/ -ig/ -in/ -ip Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Let's Talk About Tattling/The Tattling Song 6 Present & Past: I go to school everyday. / I went to school yesterday. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Walrus Doesn't Want to Wait! 7 Super Phonics 3: -og/ -op/ -ox/ -ug/ -un/ -ut Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Outside Voices, Inside Voices Song 8 Progressive: What are you doing? - I m studying English. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - The Courtesy Song 9 Super Phonics 4: -ee/ -oo/ -sh/ -th/ -ch Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Glitter Bug / Litter Bug Song - Clean Up Song Tidy Up Song 10 Negative(Be/Do): I m not tall./ He doesn t have a house. Big Numbers 100~ and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Hippo Can't Keep His Hands to Himself! 11 Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written - The test result will be written on the certificate.

30 과목명 Basic English - A (6~7 세 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11회) 과목개요 Learn Basic English - Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar - Help kids learn the basic skills of English. 교수방법 - Teach Alphabet and Phonics / Vocabulary enhancement - Listen to / Read Stories and learn new expressions. - Homework check & review / Monthly evaluation on improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, pencils, an eraser and crayons. 수강생부담금 None < Greetings! - Hello and Goodbye / Today is Tuesday, January 9th, 2018> 1 Let s review alphabet! - Sing and Master the Alphabet From A to Z! - Listen, Speak and Write New Words and Sentences Numbers 1-20 and Ordinal numbers 1-10 : Read and Write Listen to a story/song. - I Can Follow the Rules Song Homework 2 A/An You are a boy. / I have an apple. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Be a better listener 3 Super Phonics 1: -ad/ -at/ -an/ -ap/ -ay Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Badger is a Bully! 4 ~s/~es - I have many books. We eat a lot of potatoes. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Getting Along With Others

31 5 Super Phonics 2: -en/ -et/ -ig/ -in/ -ip Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Let's Talk About Tattling/The Tattling Song 6 Present & Past: I go to school everyday. / I went to school yesterday. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Walrus Doesn't Want to Wait! 7 Super Phonics 3: -og/ -op/ -ox/ -ug/ -un/ -ut Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Outside Voices, Inside Voices Song 8 Progressive: What are you doing? - I m studying English. Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - The Courtesy Song 9 Super Phonics 4: -ee/ -oo/ -sh/ -th/ -ch Numbers and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - Glitter Bug / Litter Bug Song - Clean Up Song Tidy Up Song 10 Negative(Be/Do): I m not tall./ He doesn t have a house. Big Numbers 100~ and Ordinal numbers Listen to a story/song. - My Hippo Can't Keep His Hands to Himself! 11 Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written - The test result will be written on the certificate.


33 과목명 English Song and Play - A ( 초등 1~2 학년 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11 회 ) 과목개요 Learn basic English through interesting songs, stories and games. - Help kids learn English expressions through singing, dancing and playing games 교수방법 - Practice listening, speaking and writing in English / Vocabulary enhancement - Listen to stories and enjoy drawing pictures, making things and playing around. - Homework check & review / Monthly evaluation on improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, several pencils and an eraser. Plus crayons if wanted. 수강생부담금 None 1 < Today is Saturday, January 13th, 2018!> Sing - Me Me ABC / - Here Are My Hands - Body Parts Song for Kids - This is ME! Play /Storytelling - Friends Song + Numbers 1-20 Homework 2 Sing - Clock Song / My Daily tick tock/ - Telling Time / Learning My Time + Numbers Play /Storytelling - What's the Time Mr. Wolf? 3 Sing - The Opposites Song + Numbers Play /Storytelling- The Snow Storm Sing - A Dragon on the Doorstep + Numbers Play /Storytelling - personality adjectives

34 5 Sing - What's Your Favorite Subject? + Numbers Play /Storytelling - This Is The Way We Go To School 6 Sing - Whole World + Numbers Play /Storytelling - The Map Song 7 Sing - What's The Weather Like Today? + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Huggle's Cold 8 Sing - Learn Rooms of the House Song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Where Is The Green Sheep? song 9 Sing - Clothes and Body Parts Chant + Numbers Play /Storytelling - My Clothes With Sentences chant 10 Sing Daily Routine Song for Kids + Ordinal Numbers 1-10 Play /Storytelling - My Walrus Doesn't Want to Wait! song 11 Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written - The test result will be written on the certificate.

35 과목명 English Song and Play B (6~7 세 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11회) 과목개요 Learn basic English through interesting songs, stories and games. - Help kids learn English expressions through singing, dancing and playing games 교수방법 - Practice listening, speaking and writing in English / Vocabulary enhancement - Listen to stories and enjoy drawing pictures, making things and playing around. - Homework check & review / Monthly evaluation on improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, several pencils and an eraser. Plus crayons if wanted. 수강생부담금 None 1 < Today is Saturday, January 13th, 2018!> Sing and dance - Ordinal numbers: 1 st 10 th / + Numbers 1-20 Play /Storytelling - What makes a good friend? 2 Sing and dance - Clock Song / My Daily tick tock / Telling Time 1&2 / Learning My Time + Numbers Play /Storytelling - What's the Time Mr. Wolf? 3 Sing and dance - Fun Adjectives (opposites) + Numbers Play /Storytelling - My Penguin Is Not Polite! -Social Skills song 4 Sing and dance - Walking Through the Jungle - The Pop-Up Dear Zoo / Mr. wolf + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar

36 5 Sing and dance - Happy fruits where are you? / Vegetable Song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - A Healthy Meal Yum, Yum Let's eat healthy! 6 Sing and dance - Transportation Song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - My Hippo Can't Keep His Hands to Himself! 7 Sing and dance - Weather Song for kids + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Mouse s First Snow 8 Sing and dance - My House song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - My Walrus Doesn't Want to Wait! 9 Sing and dance - Clothes song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Excuse me! (story time with Benji) 10 Sing and dance - Jobs song + Numbers Play /Storytelling - Daily Routines song / Time and Daily Routines 11 Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written - The test result will be written on the certificate.

37 과목명 Speak Up for kids ( 초등 1~ 2 학년 ) 지도교사 Dominique ( 원어민 ) 강의시간 50 minutes (11 회 ) 과목개요 Daily English Conversation with Listening, Writing and Grammar. - Help students listen, speak and write English correctly and freely. 교수방법 - Teach students basic English grammar and vocabulary. - Homework Check & each class - Monthly Evaluation on Improvement. 수강생준비물 Must bring a notebook, pencils and an eraser. 수강생부담금 None 1 Conversation: < Today is Saturday, January 13th, 2018!> Let s make Sentences! - Word order/ Negative/ Questions Homework Numbers 1-20 and Ordinal numbers 1-10 : Read and Write 2 Conversation: What s the time? - second, minute, hour/ o clock, half, quarter Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: What s your favorite subject? - School life, objects Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: What do you want to be when you grow up? - Occupations Numbers and Ordinal numbers 31-40

38 5 Conversation: It's freezing out there! - Weather and Season Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: How do you spend your day? - Daily Routines Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: Do you want to travel the world? - Countries & Cities Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: Can you cook? - Food and Cooking Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: What kind of books do you like to read? - Reading & Hobbies Numbers and Ordinal numbers Conversation: Let s stay Fit! - Exercise, Sports and Health Big Numbers 100~ and Ordinal numbers Evaluation Test or Presentation: Oral & Written - The test result will be written on the certificate.

39 과목명 Speaking Basics 지도교사 Jeremy 강의시간 10 회 2 시간 과목개요 Good Afternoon English 교수방법 수강생준비물 Learning English vocabulary and speaking with the help of a friendly foreign teacher through lessons and activities. New English Upgrade (Student Book 1), Notebook, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Pencil Case, A4 File 수강생부담금예 ) 교재비 000 원 ( 교재 : ), 재료비 000 원 수업시간 01 월 13 일 ~ 03 월 24 일, 매주토요일 ( 2 시간 / 일 ) 총차시시간 차시월 / 일수업내용비고 1 January/13 -Greeting the class, Chapter 1: Nice to meet you 2 January/20 Chapter 2: Family Feelings 3 January/27 Chapter 3: In the neighborhood 4 February/3 Chapter 4: My style, your style

40 5 February/10 Chapter 5: What s your schedule 6 February/24 Chapter 6: 7 March/3 Chapter 7: Past time, fast times 8 March/10 Chapter 8: The things we eat 9 March/17 Chapter 9: Getting away 10 March/24 Chapter 10: The media and me

41 과목명 Conversation 지도교사 Jeremy 강의시간 10 회 2 시간 과목개요 Good Morning English 교수방법 수강생준비물 Speaking, sharing, and learning new English vocabulary through a group conversational class. Notebook, Pens, Erasers, Pencil Case, A4 File 수강생부담금예 ) 교재비 000 원 ( 교재 : ), 재료비 000 원 수업시간 01 월 13 일 ~ 03 월 24 일, 매주토요일 ( 2 시간 / 일 ) 총차시시간 차시월 / 일수업내용비고 1 January/13 Greeting: Welcoming new and returning students 2 January/20 Travel Stories; Discussion about students international travel 3 January/27 Family: Talking about our family lives 4 February/3 International Foods: Talking about food cultures

42 5 February/10 Valentine s Day: Talking about the romantic holiday 6 February/24 Lunar New Year: Talking about what we did during the holiday 7 March/3 Social Culture: Discussion about socializing in public environments 8 March/10 Pet Peeves: Talking about our social likes and dislikes 9 March/17 Home Culture: Talking about living in apartments and houses 10 March/24 : Talk about previous subjects with the class

43 과목명노부영지도교사 JULIE MINJUNG LEE 강의시간 40 분 (11 회 ) 과목개요 교수방법 수강생준비물 외국원서스토리를체계적으로이해하고읽으며유창한리더로성장하기 노래와놀이로스토리를풀어나가기 교재 수강생부담금교재비 : 30,000 원 ( 교재 : 2 권 ), 재료비없음 6,7 세 1 Down by the Station 스토리소개와스토리에나오는교통수단의종류와소리인지 2 라임에대한정의와같은라임구별해보기 3 알파벳 D/d 의음가와 D 로시작하는단어들찾아보기 4 교통기관의특징과쓰임을알고다양하게분류해보기 5 아이들이이용한교통수단에대해말해보기 6 책에나오는그림에맞는문장얘기하며책전체 review 하기 7 I Am the Music Man 스토리소개와악기의종류와각각의특징알아보기 8 라임의구별과라임이되는단어찾기 9 알파벳 V/V 음가와 v 로시작하는단어들알아보기 10 책속에반복되는문장찾아보고말해보기 11 좋아하는악기에대해얘기하며책전체 하기

44 8,9 세 1 Over in the Meadow 스토리소개와목초지에사는동물추측해보기 2 책에나오는숫자읽어보고라임이되는숫자찾기 3 알파벳 L/l 을소개하고 L 과같은첫소리단어들알기 4 동작을나타내는단어찾아내기 5 글속에나오는문장부호이해하고사용해보기 6 스토리에등장하는엄마동물들과아기동물들대화만들어보며책전체 하기 7 Dinosaur Roar! 스토리의소개와공룡에대한배경지식알아보기 8 음절떼어내는연습해보기 9 알파벳 U/u 를소개하고 u 와같은첫소리단어들알기 10 공룡을묘사하는단어들찾아보기 11 반대개념을가진것과라임을이루는그림찾기와책전체

step 1-1

step 1-1 Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises

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