Oracle JDE Session

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1 <Insert Picture Here> JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Continued Innovations for Mid Market 정익진 (Ikjin Jeong) 상무 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 한국오라클

2 Agenda Mid Market 현황및 Solution 소개 Innovations for Total Cost Innovations for Technology Innovations for Operations Management Innovations for a Select Industry and Compliance 2

3 기업정보화수준평가 기업간정보화수준격차는점점심화되고중소기업정보화투자의사결정요소가비용부문과 향후효과부문의비중이증가되고있습니다. 출처 : 한국정보사회진흥원 (2006 년기업정보화수준평가 ) 3

4 Mid Market Solution 요구사항 Applications Financials Manufacturing Procurement Supply Chain Mgmt. Human Capital Mgmt. Customer Relationship Mgmt. Business Intelligence Implementation Consulting Partners Industry Best Practices Oracle Applications Experience Plans & Methodologies Test Scripts Training One Low Price 4

5 Mid Market 을위한최적의 Solution Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne 솔루션은중소기업 ( 매출 500 억 ~ 1 조원 ) 시장에서점유율이 1 위인 전세계적으로검증된솔루션입니다 년출시 (30 년 ) Middle Market 1 위제품 전세계 140 여개국보급 전세계 8,000 여고객확보 Top Class 기능총비용최저 통합성유연성확장성 Oracle JDE SAP Baan Frontstep Exact PeopleSoft Oracle EBS Navision SSA GT Infor Lilly Software MAPICS Infinium Syspro Kewill ERP 1.6% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 2.4% 1.7% 5.0% 4.6% 3.9% 3.6% 3.1% 12.8% 12.5% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% Source : Leading Supplier of ERP Software & Service To Tier3 ARC Advisory Group Gartner Group 5

6 고객의평가 국내에서도뛰어난성능, 단기구축, 비용절감등의분야에서인정을받아 2006 년 ERP 부문 고객만족상을차지한우수한제품입니다. 6

7 <Insert Picture Here> Innovations for Total Cost TCO Software Implementation TCO : Total Cost Ownership 7

8 License + Maintenance Cost Total Cost 증가 (License, Maintenance, Service, Internal, Upgrade )-Multi-Package,Multi-Sourcing 1. Business Intelligence Technologies & [ Applications 2. 개발도구 3. 프로세스통합 4. 웹어플리케이션서버 [ [ [ Application Server Portal Applications (ERP / CRM / SCM ) Object Management Workbench (Development Tool) Web Services Object Gateway Management (Interface Workbench Tool) Web Publisher (Report Tool) BPEL Process Manager (Business Process Execution Language) Application Server Web Cache Business Activity Monitoring Discoverer (OLAP) Application Server Integration B2B Application Server Integration B2B Application Server - Java Edition License Cost Maintenance Cost License Cost Maintenance Cost License Cost Maintenance Cost License Cost Maintenance Cost License Cost Maintenance Cost 5. 데이타베이스 [ Database - Standard Edition License Cost Maintenance Cost 8

9 License + Maintenance Cost Total Cost 감소 (License, Maintenance, Service, Upgrade..)-Bundle Package,Single Sourcing 1. Business Intelligence Technologies & [ Applications 2. 개발도구 3. 프로세스통합 [ [ Application Server Portal Applications (ERP / CRM / SCM ) Object Management Workbench (Development Tool) Web Services Object Gateway Management (Interface Workbench Tool) Web Publisher (Report Tool) BPEL Process Manager (Business Process Execution Language) Business Activity Monitoring Discoverer (OLAP) Application Server Integration B2B License Cost Maintenance Cost 4. 웹어플리케이션서버 [ Application Server Web Cache Application Server Integration B2B Application Server - Java Edition 5. 데이타베이스 [ Database - Standard Edition 9

10 Fast Implementation 신속하고정확한시스템구축및확산 Industry Accelerate Tool ( 추출및 Upload) Industry Package Business Processes Roles Data 추출 Security Technical Set-up Industry Template Industry 별프로세스 Master Data 제공 Data Up Load JDE ERP Set-Up 의신속성, 정확성제공 프로세스검증을위한 Pilot Test 기간단축 프로젝트 Cost, Risk 감소 10

11 <Insert Picture Here> Innovations for Technology Technology Platform Integration Report 11

12 Internet Architecture 다양한플랫폼수용및 Pure Internet Architecture 를통한자원활용극대화 Internet Explorer Mozilla Safari Firefox (future) Oracle Application Server, Portal WebSphere, Collab Portal System i5 Windows HP/UX Solaris Linux AIX Oracle DB2/400 UDB SQL Server HTML Web Application Server Business Logic Server RDBMS Server Web Brower Wireless Devices Disconnected Devices HTML Sync HTTP Java Servlet Engine Presentation Sync Server Portal EnterpriseOne Net Services Workflow Rules Integration Security SQL Instance Application Tables Metadata Background Process Scheduler 12

13 Interface 의용이성 WSG(Web Services Gateway) 라는 EAI( Enterprise Application Integration ) 솔루션을제공. WSG 는 WebMethods 사의 EAI 솔루션을전략적으로 Bundle 화하여 Oracle JDE 사의 EAI 솔루션으로제공 하여 Interface 의용이성을지원하고있습니다. Oracle EnterpriseOne Other System Logic Server WSG (Web Services Gateway) (webmethods Server) XML Business Logic WSG Service Integration Point FTP Legacy Systems Business Logic Business Event E1 - Adapter XML Event WSG Service Integration Point Integration Point File SQL Home Grown Apps Partner Solution DB Server Development Admin & Monitoring JMS 3 rd Party Solution 13

14 Report 생성의자동화 Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word 등이일반적인데스크탑 툴을이용해, XML 데이터에레이아웃 정보를더해독자적인정형문서를작성변경이가능한 Solution 으로 Report 생성의효율성을 향상시킵니다. E1 Data E1 Report Publishing Engine Report (PDF, RFT, Word, EXCEL, XML, etc) Template Template Builder XLIFF Templates 번역 XLIFF XML 14

15 <Insert Picture Here> Innovations for Operations Management Function Sell Side In Side Buy Side 15

16 A Key Product Milestone 지속적인기능향상을위한 Version Up 및신제품출시 Demand Flow Manufacturing Embedded CRM Sales & Service Sales & Operations Planning Requisition Self Service Pay When Paid Compliance Solutions Usability Performance Tools Updates ESU Consolidation HCM Leave Admin CRM Enhanced Searching Fusion Middleware Support Operational Sourcing Grower Management Grower Pricing and Payments Blend Management Transportation Sequencing Pricing Matrix Activity/Calendar Usability Fixed Asset Reg. GDPDU Tax Extracts Leave Enhance Phase II Training, erecruit Search DBA Enhancements Fusion Integration Government Contracting Localization India, Czech Republic, Hungary Food & Beverage Configurator Enhancements Kit Processing Enhancements Outbound Consignment Order Fulfillment Workbench Performance & Data Quality Real Estate Expense Participation Real Estate AREF Homebuilder Enhancements Version Up New Product SP Integration PMD Plant Manager s Dashboards BI Business Intelligence & Analytics 16

17 Sell Side 다양한제품사양관리 - Product Variants 각품목에대한제품사양특성치관리 특성별품번자동생성 사양별재고조회및가용성평가 사양별주문처리 17

18 Sell Side 다양한판매, 구매가격관리 Advance Pricing Matrix 형태의판가관리추가 가격 ( 구매, 판매 ) 일괄갱신 다양한구매가격결정 ( 품질특성별, 범위 ) 기준가격의변경용이 ( 입하건별, 발주건별 ) 18

19 In Side 생산지시신속성, 조건변경의용이성 Production Scheduling 작업지시챠트형태조회 변화요인별변경을통한시뮬레이션 최적의생산지시도출 Stand alone 으로구현가능 19

20 In Side 실시간업무수행결과및경영분석 Plant Manager s Dashboard 업무영역별수행결과즉시제공 별도의 DW 구축불필요 상세 Data 로 Drill-Up/Down 가능 관련기능과의연동 ( , Application ) 20

21 Buy Side 다양한구매유형처리 Procurement 다양한구매유형처리 각구매유형별별도의업무처리절차정의 구매유형별관련시스템과자동연계 기업의특성에맞는구매절차설정운영 21

22 Buy Side 견적업무의투명성및효율성확보 Sourcing 구매요청과견적시스템통합 시스템을통한업체견적참여 최적의조건에적합한업체선정 견적, 업체선정의투명성및신속성확보 22

23 <Insert Picture Here> Innovations for a Select Industry and Compliance Industry Solution Crop Food Beverage Compliance 23

24 Industry Solution 지속적 Industry Solution 출시로고객요구충족 (JDE Version 8.11) 소비재산업 유통산업 장치산업 의류 / 패션 식음료 제약 가구, 제지 물류업 / 유통점 부동산 화학 / 시멘트 섬유 철강 자동차산업 자동차부품 하이테크산업 전기 / 전자 반도체부품 24

25 Industry Solution (Food and Beverage) 지속적 Industry Solution 출시로고객요구충족 (JDE Version 8.12) Grower Management Grower Pricing & Payment Receive Crop Bland Management Initial Processing Manage Vessels/ Containers Blend Manage Lots Package / Bottle 25

26 Industry Compliance 지원 제약산업에서요구되는 FDA 21CFR Part11 에서요구되는 Validation, 전자서명지원 추적관리 ( 작업지시, 실적관리,Lot처리 ) 업무수행단계별전자서명 SOP 전자문서화 프로세스에대한시스템통제 26

27 JDEnterpriseOne Continued Innovations for Innovations for IT Cost 기업 IT Total Cost Ownership 의최소화 (S/W, H/W, Implementation, Maintenance,Operation) Innovations for Technology 시스템운영의편리성을제공 ( 모든기술자원을수용하는범용성, 개발의편리성 ) Innovations for Operations Management 지속적인기능개선을통한고객요구사항충족 ( 신기능 Version Up, 신제품출시 ) Innovations for a Select Industry 산업요구에적합한 Solution 제공 (Industry Solution, 특정요구사항지원 ) 27



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