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1 오라클의 BI 전략및솔루션 - 주요제품군및관련메시지를중심으로 - 장성우 BI/DW 팀장 Technology Solution Consulting

2 Agenda 오라클의 BI 솔루션전략소개 요소별제품소개 ETL DW DBMS BI Tools BI Applications Q&A

3 Executive Summary : Why Oracle BI? 핵심제품 : OBI EE(Oracle BI Enterprise Edition) 주요가치 : 전사적인 BI Infra 제공 ETL DW DBMS BI Engine BI Application 으로이어지는유기적인아키텍쳐기반의 BI Total Solution을제공 모든 Oracle Application의분석기능을 BI EE 기반으로바꾸었음. 따라서, BI EE는단순한 BI 도구가아닌 BI 솔루션아키텍쳐의핵심인프라가됨

4 BI의변화방향개요 사용자층이넓어질것임 : 소수의분석가에서전직원으로 단순도구가아닌 BI Infra가필요되어짐 과거데이터의요약이아닌실시간기반의분석 & 예측이중요시되어짐 이를위해서는데이터와애플리케이션이전사적인통합구조를갖추어야함

5 오라클의 BI 솔루션전략 Integrated Business Intelligence Database Analytic Functions Integrated in Database 분석기능을내장한 DB Integrated Business Intelligence Tools Best of Breed, Next Generation 새로운 BI 엔진 / 도구제공 Integrated Analytic Applications Enterprise Wide, Industry Specific Analytic and Corporate Performance Applications 기존 Application 과새로운 BI 엔진 / 도구의통합

6 ETL 제품 BI Technology 제품군 ETL : ODI(Oracle Data Integrator, 구 Sunopsis: 최근인수 ) Data Warehouse 제품 Oracle DB 10g EE + Options : RAC, Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining Business Intelligence Tools Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition Analytic Server(Siebel) 중심의 Product Suite

7 New BI Applications 제품군 모두 Oracle BI EE 기반위에구현됨 Fusion Intelligence for EBS Enhancement/Extension of DBI New Fusion Intelligence for PeopleSoft Enterprise Extension of EPM, Replacement for BO,Cognos,MSTR New Version Oracle BI Applications Single source, Multi-source For EBS, PSFT, SEBL, SAP, Other Interactive Dashboards Reporting & Publishing Ad-hoc Analysis Proactive Detection and Alerts Disconnected Analytics MS Office Plug-in Web Services Oracle BI Suite EE Other Operational & Analytic Sources

8 Solution Architecture Components of Intelligence Applications Oracle BI Applications (former SBA) Fusion Intelligence for PeopleSoft Solution Architec ture Fusion Intelligence for Oracle Pre-Packaged Packaged Reports Pre-Packaged Packaged Dashboards Pre-Packaged Packaged Semantic Objects Metrics Maps JD Edwards Packaged Integrations In-Place Schema (DBI) MDW (EPM) RMW & CW (SBA) Models

9 주요메시지 : 향상된 ETL ODI(Oracle Data Integrator: 구 Sunopsis) 소개 ODI 는이기종환경의데이터통합에우수한성능과기능을보장하는 Data Integration 툴임 ODI 는 ELT 를표방한대표적솔루션으로서, 단일제품으로 Batch/Real-Time ETL, EAI, Data Sync, Data Replication 등을가능케하는전사적데이터통합솔루션임 Conventional ETL Architecture Next Generation Architecture Extract Transform Load E-LT Transform Extract Load Transform 기존 E-T-L 방식 Row-by-Row 처리 저성능 전용엔진및 H/W 비용 고비용 전용 Language 습득 - 사용이어려움 ODI에의해만들어진새로운개념의 ETL 솔루션 Native SQL의기능향상 병렬프로세싱, 유틸리티, 복잡한소트알고리즘등의강력한기능들의추가 데이터벌크프로세싱이가능

10 특장점 Oracle Data Integrator ( 구 Sunopsis) SOA 기반서비스에서 E-LT 실행 순수하게자바로개발 - Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.3을지원하는모든플랫폼지원 데이터흐름을위해 BPEL 사용 Standard Connectivity 제공 - JDBC, ODBC, JCA, JMS, J2EE 지원하는모든 RDBMS 지원 Native SQL 엔진을이용하여데이터처리 - High Performance 변환을위한독자적인엔진및 H/W 불필요 - 비용절감 이벤트기반 ELT 수행 -Stream 기반 BAM 연계 - 이벤트기반데이터동기화 BPEL Rule Routing Human Task Data BAM Service Engine Service Engine Service Engine Service Engine Service Engine Service Engine JMS WSDL Interceptors: WSM Handle, EM Logger, etc.. WSD L Business Applications RDBMS (operational) Component Scheduler Container Service Engines Service Runtime RDBMS (warehouse)

11 주요메시지 : OLTP Data Warehouse OLTP + OLAP 동시수행시성능이좋아야함 실시간정보처리로분석의효과극대화및업무개선달성 소스시스템 통합정보시스템 중요정보의실시간모니터링및 KPI 요소들의상시관리체제구축 Fin MFG 인사 MES 외부정보 실시간 ETL ODS 실시간가공 OLTP DW (OLAP + OLTP) 검색실행 BI Portal 필요시분석요약정보를운영계로반영 ( 실시간 ETL과동일한방안으로 ) 핵심가치 : 정보전달체인의시스템적인연결을통한업무처리주기단축및회전율의증대 분석정보를활용하여곧바로후속업무지시및실행

12 주요메시지 : In-Database Analytics 질의처리및보고 Oracle BI EE/SE XML Publisher Oracle 10g DB Data Warehousing ETL PRODUCT TIME 다차원정보분석 REGION OLAP Option Spreadsheet Add-In OLAP Statistics Data Mining ETL 처리 Oracle Warehouse Builder Sunopsis 데이터마이닝 Oracle Data Mining Option Spreadsheet Add-In Statistics Text Mining

13 주요메시지 : 통합된 BI 플랫폼 Full Range of Information Delivery Options. One Fully Integrated Framework. Oracle Intelligence Dashboard Oracle Answers Oracle Delivers Oracle Mobile Analytics Oracle Marketing Segmentation Open Web-services Interface Live, Interactive Portal Ad Hoc Authoring Proactive Detection and Alerts Mobile Users Segmentation & Predictive Analytics Hot- Pluggable Insight Oracle BI Server (Engine) Logical Business Model / Metadata Management Data Mining Engine Calculation, Integration & Caching Intelligent, Parallelized SQL Generation Enterprise Data Sources Oracle CRM DW Enterprise DW Data Marts Multi-dimensional Cubes



16 BI EE : Model Definition Physical Layer Teradata OLAP DB2 Supply Chain DM Physical Layer Intelligent Request Generation Reads in system catalog Multiple sources Optimized SQL generation Regardless of Schema Function ship to appropriate data sources/compensation XML Data Source Siebel Operational Oracle Back Office Fin. SQL Server Acxiom

17 BI EE : Model Definition Logical Modeling Business Model Layer Calculation Engine Physical complexity abstracted into logical subject areas Drill-Paths Complex/Derived Measures (Level-based, time series, dimension-specific, specific, nested) Aggregate/Fragment Aware

18 BI EE : Model Definition Presentation Layer Presentation Layer Role-based, in context, personalized presentation Siebel Answers

19 Fusion Intelligence for EBS Best of Both Worlds! After Value Proposition : Flexible, Extensible BI Platform that is open to multiple data sources; low TCO of DBI "This information is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle"

20 Financials Intelligence General Ledger Fusion Intelligence EBS Edition Pre-Packaged Repository Scope AP Expenses (GL) AR Revenue (GL) GL Activity Budget Accounts Payable AP Invoices AP Invoices Aging (Due & Past) AP Payments Schedule Accounts Receivable AR Adjustments AR Payments Schedule AR Receipts AR Invoices AR Aging Receivables Sales Credits Compliance Procurement Intelligence Procurement Management Supplier Management Supply Chain Intelligence Order to Revenue Order Fulfillment and Shipping Manufacturing (Process and Discrete) Inventory (Process and Discrete) CRM Intelligence Sales Opportunity Sales Pipeline Sales Forecasting Service Human Resources Intelligence DBI Workforce Activity and Deployment DBI Compensation Salary Summarization DBI Leave and Absences HCM EUL Recruitment Pipeline HCM EUL Recruitment Vacancies

21 Flexible Deployment Options for DBI 3 EBS Standalone Warehouse Start 1 Traditional DBI Embedded Role-based Dashboards PMV Technology Simple Extensibility Data resident in OLTP Transactional Database 2 Fusion BI Platform Version of DBI Extensibility: Uplifted Dashboarding tool Standardized BI Tool: Leading Platform Heterogeneity: Unite data on a logical level Ad-hoc and Guided Analysis Data resident in OLTP Database Standardized BI Tool, Extensibility, Heterogeneity Standardized ETL Tool Support for data from any data source Support for data from multiple EBS instances Data resident in a separate instance Operational Reporting Traditional Now Future

22 Fusion Intelligence for EBS Technical Details Interactive Dashboards Line Managers Ad-Hoc Analytics Controller, Financial Manager CFO, VP of Finance Embedded analytics Build Your Custom Content Author custom Dashboards, Reports, KPIs, Graphs, Tables and Links UNIFIED SEMANTIC MODEL DBI Base Summaries FIN SCM PROC HCM CRM ebusiness Suite Dashboard Editor Add, Rearrange, Hide, or Rename Dashboards, Reports, KPIs, Graphs, Tables and Links Alerts Receive alerts based on events

23 Fusion Intelligence for EBS Details End-to-end Oracle solution Pre-packaged dashboard templates A repository with a business model based on underlying DBI data model

24 Integrated Security Launch Oracle DBI EE dashboard from Application Navigator Shared responsibilities between Oracle EBS and Oracle DBI EE Sign in only once in EBS

25 BI Tools + BI Apps + ERP = Total Solution Leading to Lower TCO Pre-Integrated for a Superior Solution Security, User Experience, Navigation, Business Semantics Unprecedented integration BI/CPM Apps, ERP, and BI Tools Embed Intelligence in ERP Applications Drill from Analytic Summary to Live Transaction Oracle Applications Development does the work for you Constructs the models and the ETLs Manages the impact of transaction upgrades on your analytics for you

26 Oracle Analytic Apps Product Development Roadmap - Highlights Oracle ebusiness Suite Peoplesoft Enterprise/JDE Siebel Business Analytics 2006 Leverage Oracle BI EE tools Leverage Oracle BI EE tools Low TCO features 2007 Continued investment in all product families Single Suite of integrated BI Apps New BI subject Areas and Industry Specific Applications 2008 Single Suite of integrated BI & CPM Apps Pre-Integrated with Fusion, EBS, Peoplesoft, J D Edwards and Siebel Embedded within transactional Applications

27 Oracle : Leader in Gartner s MagicQuadrant the newly branded Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition from the Siebel acquisition has given Oracle a new opportunity to create a compelling BI platform strategy and become a significant BI platform and applications vendor in 2007 and beyond ~~~ Oracle s Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and Oracle Analytic Applications will be adopted much more broadly, given the product s comprehensive capabilities, pricing, and integration into the Oracle collection of business applications

28 오라클의 BI 솔루션의핵심메시지정리 Real-Time, OLTP DW 로의발전 ODI 를통한향상된 ETL OLTP + OLAP 의동시수행성능의최적화가능 BI EE 를통한분석기능강화 Portal 과의 SSO 지원및권한관리강화 Dashboard 의강화및 multi-source 접근 기존 Oracle Application(E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, Siebel) 의 BI EE 기반의통합

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