KAERI/TR-2128/2002 : SMART 제어봉구동장치 기본설계 보고서

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39 =100,000









48 25 20 Force, [kn/m^2] b/a I = 1500[ AT ], a + b = 16[ mm], hr = 5.6[ mm], hδ = 11.2[ mm], δ = 0.35[ mm]

49 25 20 Force, [kn/m^2] Teeth height ; hr, [mm] I = 1500[ AT ], a = 5.5[ mm], b = 10.5[ mm], hδ = 11.2[ mm], δ = 0.35[ mm]






55 Temperature [ ] AT inside 1000AT surface 750AT inside 750AT surface Time [ sec. ]

56 Temperature [ ] AT inside 1000AT surface 750AT inside 750AT surface Time [ sec. ]


58 r

59 ,

60 - k ( T/ x)=h ( T - T s ) coil insl. - k ( T/ x)=h ( T - T s ) T/ x = 0 T/ x = 0





65 80 70 Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experim ent Ins. : teflon Ins. : glass fiber In s. : k= 0.8 [W /m ] Ins. : k= [W /m ] Ins. : k= [W /m ] 0 surface Coil in s id e Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experiment Ins. : teflon Ins. : glass fiber Ins. : k=0.8[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1515[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1376[w /m ] 0 surface Coil inside

66 60 50 Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experiment Ins. : teflon Ins. : glass fiber Ins. : k=0.8[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1515[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1376[w /m ] 0 surface Coil in sid e Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experim ent In s. : te flo n In s. : g la ss fib e r Ins. : k=0.8[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1515[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1376[w /m ] 0 surface Coil in s id e

67 40 Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experim ent In s. : te flo n In s. : g la ss fib e r Ins. : k=0.8[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1515[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1376[w /m ] 0 surface Coil in s id e Temperature rise ; T, [ ] experim ent Ins. : teflon In s. : g la ss fib e r In s. : k= 0.8 [W /m ] Ins. : k=0.1515[w /m ] Ins. : k=0.1376[w /m ] 0 surface Coil in s id e


69 Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ] Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ]

70 Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ] Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ]

71 Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ] Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ]

72 Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ] Temperature [ ] experiment heat capacity = [J/m 3 ] Time [ sec. ]






78 R_reed R_housing Upper Pressure Housing R_magnet Permanent Magnet Center of Reed Switch Ass'y




































114 Value of Sa, MPa Number of cycles, N prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec)

115 prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) 93.5 prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec)

116 104 prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) prdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec)

117 srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) 115 srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec)

118 srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec) srdbe Temp ( O C) Time (Sec)

119 16.0 prdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) 15.6 prdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) 15.5 prdbe8 Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec)

120 15.4 prdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) prdbe10 Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec)

121 prdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) srdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) 16.0 srdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec)

122 18 srdbe10 17 Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) srdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec)

123 srdbe16 Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec) 17.5 srdbe Pressure (MPa) Time (Sec)














137 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6 Mode 7 Mode 8 Mode 9 Mode 10




141 Velocity (m/ s) Velocity (m/ s) Displacement (m) (a) Undamped System Displacement (m) (b) Damping Ratio = Velocity (m/ s) Velocity (m/ s) Displacement (m) (c) Damping Ratio = Displacement (m) (d) Damping Ratio = 0.35

142 V 0 Base Velocity T i T i Time

143 V V Ti/Tn (a) Undamped System Ti/Tn (b) Damping Ratio = V V Ti/Tn (c) Damping Ratio = Ti/Tn (d) Damping Ratio = 0.35

144 Base Acceleration Second

145 Maximum Earthquake Acceleration (g) Damping Ratio


147 Base Acceleration (G) Second (a) Artificial Earthquake Displacement (mm) Second (b) Displacement Response Reaction Force (kn) Second (c) Reaction Force Reaction Moment (knm) Second (d) Reaction Moment

148 Acceleration (G) Force (kn) Second (a) RV Top Acceleration Response Displacement (mm) Moment (knm) Second (b) Displacement Response Second (c) Reaction Force Second (d) Reaction Moment

149 : : : : : :

150 Acceleration (G) Force (kn) Second (a) RV Top Acceleration Response Displacement (mm) Moment (knm) Second (b) Displacement Response Second (c) Reaction Force Second (d) Reaction Moment : :

151 10.0 Acceleration (G) Frequency (Hz) : : : :



154 T1 T3 T5 T7 V DC D1 D3 D5 D7 A B C D D2 D4 D6 D8 T2 T4 T6 T8


156 V DC V DC

157 V DC




161 A B C D A B C D 1 A B C D A B C D 1










171 1500 2,000AT 1,500AT 1000 Force [N] 1,000AT Calculation for 2D Experiment Displacement [mm]

172 Force [N] Displacement [mm]






















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