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4 CABs 주소및연락처인증품목 TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd Vacuum cleaner * 주소 : No. 1 Science Park 2. Electric Iron Drive Singapore Cooking range 4. Toaster, grill, oven & 유사기기 * 담당자 : Mr Desmond Soh - Hot plate & 유사기기 Tel: Deep fryer, electric wok & 유사기기 Fax: Washing machine 6. Mixer, blender, mincer & 유사기기 7. Electric Rice cooker desmond.soh@tuv-sud-psb 8. Electric 9. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steamboat & 기타 10. Mobile split air conditioner

5 Intertek Testing Services(s) Pte Ltd. * 주소 : 5 Pereira Road #06-01 Asiawide Industrial Building Singapore * 담당자 : Mr Christopher Hee Tel: Fax: christopher.hee@interte 11. Room air conditioner 12. Table /standing fan 13. Wall /ceiling fan 14. Home computer system (monitor, printer, speaker & 기타 mains operated accessories) 15. Adaptor (For electrical appliances/electronic appliances/computer & telephonic appliances /shavers/battery chargers/led lightings) 16. Television / video display unit 17. High-fidelity set 18. Laser disc set 19. Video cassette recorder 20. Any other audio products 21. Hair dryer 22. Refrigerator 23. Microwave oven 24. Air cooler 25. Immersion water heater 26. Decorative lighting fixture 27. Table lamp / standing lamp pin rectangular type 13-Amp plug 29. Fuse ( 13 amperes) for use in plug 30. Portable cable reel 31. Instantaneous electric water heater 32. Mains pressure electric storage water heater 33. Multi-way adaptor pin portable socket-outlet pin round type 15A plug 36. Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) 1. Air Cooler 2. Adaptor (for electrical appliances/ electronic appliances/ computer & telephonic appliances / battery chargers/shavers/ table/standing lamps) 3. Any other audio products 4. Cooking range 5. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat and similar appliances 6. Hair dryer 7. High-fidelity set 8. Electric Iron 9. Electric kettle

6 UL International Singapore Pte Ltd. * 주소 : 1 Martime Square #11-03 Harbourfront Centre Singapore * 담당자 : Mr Leong Wei Beng Tel: Fax: 10. Laser disc set 11. Microwave oven 12. Mobile split air-conditioner 13. Mixer, blender, mincer & 유사기기 14. Refrigerator 15. Rice cooker 16. Room air-conditioner 17. Television / video display unit 18. Table /standing fan Toaster, grill, oven & 유사기기 - Deep fryer, electric wok & 유사기기 20. Video cassette recorder 21. Vacuum cleaner 22. Washing machine 23. Wall fan only pin rectangular type 13-amp plug pin round type 15-amp plug pin portable socket-outlet pin 13-amp socket-outlet pin round type 15-amp socket-outlet 29. Domestic electric wall switch 30. Instantaneous water heater 31. Home Computer system (monitor, printer, speaker & 기타 mains operated accessories 포함 ) 32. Decorative lighting fixture 33. Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamp (electronic ballast only) 34. Isolating transformer for downlight fitting 35. Multi-way adaptor 36. Portable cable reel 37. Table/standing lamp 1. Adaptor - for computer & telephone appliances - for electronic appliances 2. Home computer system (monitor,printer, speaker & 기타 mains operated accessories 포함 ) 3. Any other audio products 4. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat & 유사기기 5. Cooking range 6. Hair dryer 7. High-fidelity set 8. Iron

7 TUV Rheinland (S) Pte Ltd. * 주소 : 25 International Business Park #03-13/14 German Centre Singapore * 담당자 : Mr Than Soe Tel: DID: Fax: 9. Kettle 10. Laser disc set 11. Mixer, blender, mincer and similar appliances 12. Mobile split air-conditioner 13. Refrigerator 14. Rice Cooker 15. Room air-conditioner 16. Table lamp/ standing lamp 17. Table/ standing fan 18. Television / video display unit 19. Toaster, grill, roaster, hot plate (induction type 포함 ) & 유사기기 20. Vacuum cleaner 21. Video cassette recorder 22. Wall fan ( 천장환풍기제외 ) 1. Adaptor (For electrical appliances/computer & telephonic appliances) 2. Home computer system (monitor, printer, speaker & 기타 main operated accessories 포함 ) 기관명 TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd. 주소및연락처 * 주소 : No. 1 Science Park Drive Singapore * 담당자 : Mr Tan Lee Heng (Assistant Vice President) Tel: / Fax: /

8 CABs 주소및연락처인증품목 1. Any other audio product - IEC Cooking range - IEC Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat & similar appliances - IEC Decorative lighting fixture - IEC * 주소 : 5. Hair Dryer - IEC No 4 Chinan Road 6. High-fidelity set - IEC Section 1, Taipei Iron - IEC Taiwan 8. Immersion water heater - IEC The Sixth 9. Kettle - IEC Division, * 담당자 : Mr Shi-Chen 10. Laser disc set - IEC Bureau of WEI 11. Microwave oven - IEC Standards, Chief, Section of 12. Mobile split air-con - IEC Metrology and Registration of 13. Mixer, blender, mincer & similar appliances Inspection Application and - IEC (BSMI), MOEA Certification 14. Refrigerator - IEC Sixth Division, BSMI 15. Rice cooker - IEC (2007년 4월 2일 MOEA 16. Room air-con - IEC CAB(Foreign-MR 17. Television/video display unit - IEC A) 으로지정 ) Tel: (Int 'l ) 18. Table/standing fan IEC Table/standing lamp IEC Fax: (Int 'l ) Toaster, hotplate, grill, oven IEC Deep fryer, electric wok - IEC Video cassette recorder - IEC 22. Vacuum cleaner - IEC Washing machine - IEC Wall fan only IEC Domestic electric wall switch IEC Magnetic ballast IEC Electronic ballast IEC * 주소 : 8 Hoang Quoc 1. Iron IEC Viet Cau Giay District Vietnam 2. Washing machine IEC Hanoi Vietnam Certification 3. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat & Body (QUACERT) similar appliances IEC * 담당자 : Mr Tran Van 4. Kettle IEC Vinh(Director) (2007년 4월 18일 5. Rice cooker IEC Tel: CAB(Foreign-MR 6. Hair dryer IEC Fax: A) 지정 ) 7. Table/standing fan IEC Wall fan only - IEC

9 국가기관명주소 New Zealand Taiwan UL International New Zealand Ltd, Christchurch UL International New Zealand Ltd, Auckland Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd, (Safety Laboratory) SGS Taiwan Ltd Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, Electromagnetic Effects Laboratory Guanyin Safety & EMC Testing Laboratory, Taiwan Electric Research Lin Kou Laboratory, Taoyuan Branch of Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (Hong Kong) Limited Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL) 10 Vanadium Place, PO Box 9194, Christchurch, New Zealand 54 Tarndale Grove P O Box Albany 0752 Auckland New Zealand 5F No. 423 Ruiguang Road Neihu District Taipei 114 Taiwan No 134 Wu Kung Road WuKu Industrial Zone, Taipei Country 248, Taiwan No 38-3, Jong-Ching Road, Salu Township, TaiChung County 433, Taiwan No 6-6, Rungung S. Road, Psauta Tsuen, Guanyin Shiang, Taoyuan, Taiwan No 19 Hwa Ya 2nd Road Kwei Shan Taoyuan Taiwan (ROC) Guro-3dong Gurogu Seoul Korea Korea Korea Electric Testing Institute (KETI) EMC Research Institute (ERI) Kumjung-dong Kunpo-city Kyunggi-do Korea Jeil-Ri Yangi-Myun Yongin-City Gyeonggi-Do Republic of Korea

10 국가기관명주소 Hong Kong Singapore Taiwan China Hong Kong Italy Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd Commercial & Electrical Division Singapore Electrical Testing Services (Clipsal International Pte Ltd) TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd (Taichung Branch) Intertek Testing Services Shanghai Limited Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd (Guangzhou Branch) Centre Testing International (Shenzhen) Corporation CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited SGS Hong Kong Limited IMQ S.p.A 2/F, Garment Centre 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong * Website: 97 Pioneer Road Singapore * Website: 10F, No. 219, Min-Chuan Road, Taichung 403, Taiwan * Website: Building No Qinzhou Road(North) Shanghai China * Website: No.7-2 Guang Dong Software Science Park Caipin Road Guangzhou Science City, GETDD Guangzhou, China * Website: Building C, Hongwei Industrial Park Bao 'an 70 District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China * Website: Rm. 1302, Yan Hing Centre, 9-13 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T, Hong Kong * Website: Room 2912, 29/F, Metropole Square, 2 On Yiu Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T, Hong Kong * Website: Via Quintiliano 43 I Milano Italy * Website:

11 New Zealand UL International New Zealand Ltd, Christchurch UL International New Zealand Ltd 10 Vanadium Place, PO Box 9194Middleton, Christchurch New Zealand * Website: 21 Tarndale Grove Albany, Auckland 0632 Auckland, New Zealand * Website:










21 CAB 가등록공급자에게불일치사항을통보한다. 아니오 CAB ( 국내 ) 는인증된규제품목의기술파일을유지해야한다. 등록공급자가 CAB ( 국내 ) 또는 CAB ( 국외 - MRA) 에신청서를제출한다. CAB 가규제품목의인증을수행한다. 예 CAB 는 COC 를 (3 년유효 ) 발급한다. CAB 가등록공급자에게인증번호를할당하고 등록공급자는안전당국에등록비용과함께 COC 를제출하여인증된규제품목을등록한다. 안전당국은등록공급자에게인증서를발급하고등록규제품목을등록부에등재한다 등록공급자는안전표시를부착하고등록규제품목의공급을시작한다.



24 번호 문서유형 1 적합성인증서 (COC) ( 영문판만허용됨 ) 2 시험보고서 ( 영문판만허용됨 ) 3 완전한전기배선 / 회로도또는서비스매뉴얼 ( 회로도는반드시부품의수치를표시하거나그렇지않으면물품명세서 / 부품목록의지원을받아야한다.) 4 5 외관과 ( 통제품목의전체 / 정면 / 평면 / 후면, 명판, 정격라벨, 주전원플러그등 ) 및내부 ( 중요한안전부품 ) 사진. 복사본과 ( 흑백 ) 폴라로이드사진은허용되지않는다. 유사 / 파생모델의사진도기본모델의사진과함께반드시유지해야한다. 정격라벨 ( 사진이명확하지않은경우 ) 원본이나명확한도면사진을제공하도록한다. 6 사용자설명서 ( 반드시영문판포함 ) 7 해당사항이있는경우, 수정기록.












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