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2 1 1) 1 2) SK COMPLEX 1 Heating Cooling 3) ) 2 2) 3 4 1) Floating Type Heat Exchanger 8 2) Fixed Type Heat Exchanger 11 3) U-Type Heat Exchanger 13 4) Air Fan Cooler 15 5) Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 19 6) Plate Type Heat Exchanger

3 1 Heater, 1) (1) : (2) : (3) : ( / ) (4) : ( / ) 2) SK Complex Heating Cooling (1) Heating ) Hot Stream ) HP Steam :256 C, 600 psig ) MP Steam : 185 C, 150 psig ) LP Steam : 147 C, 50 psig / 121 C, 15 psig (2) Cooling ) Cold Stream ) Cooling Water ) Air 3),,, (1) 1

4 (2) ), ),, (3),, 2 Flow,,, Tube Plate Cooling Water, Air,,, Heating, Cooling, Condensing 3 1) (1) Heater : (2) Pre-Heater : (3) Super-Heater : (4) Vaporizer : (5) Reboiler :, (6) Cooler : 2

5 (7) Chiller : (8) Condenser : Steam (9) Heat Exchanger :, 2) (1) Shell & Tube Type ) Floating Type Heat Exchanger Tube Bundle Rear End Head Type Service Stationary Head, Shell, Rear End Head Tube Floating Head Fixed Type Heat Exchanger [ 1] Floating Type Heat Exchanger Tube Bundle Floating Head Tube Sheet Shell Service, Shell Side, Tube Retubing 3

6 U-Tube Type Heat Exchanger [ 2] Fixed Type Heat Exchanger Tube Bundle Rear End U-Bending Tube Side Stationary Tube Front End In,Out Service Service, Outer Tube Layer Tube Tube Bundle Rear End Bending [ 3] U-Tube Type Heat Exchanger 4

7 [ 4] Tubular Heat Exchanger 5

8 (2) Air Fan Cooler Tube Fin Tube, Fan Cooling Condensing (3) Double Pipe Type Heat Exchanger [ 5] Air Fan Cooler Tube Horizontal Through Fin Fin Tube Pipe Shell Fin Tube Service Pipe Shell Service [ 6] Double Pipe Heat Exchanger (4) Plate Type Heat Exchanger Tube Fin,, Brazed Type Plate Type Heat Exchanger 6

9 [ 7] Plate Type Heat Exchanger 7

10 4 1) Floating Type Heat Exchanger (1) Channel (14) Floating Head Cover Flange (2) Channel Flange (15) Floating Head Backing Device (3) Channel Cover (16) Tie Rod (4) Channel Nozzle (17) Spacer (5) Stationary Tubesheet (18) Baffle Plate (6) Tube (19) Impingement Plate (7) Shell (20) Partition Plate (8) Shell Cover (21) Vent Connection (9) Shell Flange (22) Drain Connection (10) Shell Nozzle (23) Instrument Connection (11) Shell Cover Flange (24) Support Saddle (12) Floating Tubesheet (25) Lifting Lug (13) Floating Head Cover [ 8] Floating Type Heat Exchanger 8

11 (1) Channel Tube Side (2) Channel Flange Channel Cover Channel, Channel Shell Bolt Nut (3) Channel Cover Channel (4) Channel Nozzle Channel (5) Stationary Tubesheet (6) Tube (7) Shell Channel Tube, Tube Shell, Heat Exchanger, (8) Shell Cover Floating Head Rear End (9) Shell Flange Shell Shell Shell Cover Bolt Nut (10) Shell Nozzle Shell (11) Shell Cover Flange Shell Cover Shell Shell Cover Bolt Nut (12) Floating Tubesheet Floating Cover Tube, Tube Shell (13) Floating Head Cover Shell Cover Tube Side 9

12 (14) Floating Head Cover Flange Floating Head Cover Backing Device Bolt Nut (15) Floating Head Backing Device (16) Tie-Rod (17) Spacer Floating Head Cover Tube Sheet Flange Tube Sheet Baffle Plate Baffle Plate (18) Baffle Plate Heat Exchanger Tube (19) Impingement Plate Shell Nozzle Tube (20) Partition Plate Channel Heat Exchanger Tube Flow (21) Vent Connection Shell Cover Steam Purge (22) Drain Connection Shell Cover Heat Exchanger (23) Instrument Connection (24) Support Saddle Heat Exchanger Foundation Anchor Bolt Heat Exchanger (Fixed Side) (Sliding Side) 10

13 (25) Lifting Lug 2) Fixed Type Heat Exchanger (1) Bonnet (9) Tie Rod (2) Bonnet Flange (10) Spacer (3) Bonnet Nozzle (11) Baffle Plate (4) Stationary Tubesheet (12) Vent Connection (5) Tube (13) Drain Nozzle (6) Shell (14) Instrument Connection (7) Shell Nozzle (15) Support Bracket (8) Expansion Joint (1) Bonnet [ 9] Fixed Heat Exchanger Tube Side (2) Bonnet Flange Bonnet Shell Bolt Nut 11

14 (3) Bonnet Nozzle Bonnet (4) Stationary Tubesheet (5) Tube (6) Shell Channel Tube, Tube Shell Heat Exchanger, (7) Shell Nozzle Shell (8) Expansion Joint Shell (Bellows) (9) Tie Rod Tube Sheet Baffle Plate, (10) Spacer Baffle Plate (11) Baffle Plate Heat Exchanger Tube (12) Vent Connection Shell Cover Steam Purge (13) Drain Connection Shell Cover Heat Exchanger (14) Instrument Connection ==== ==== 12

15 3) U-Tube Type Heat Exchange (1) Channel (11) Tie Rod (2) Channel Flange (12) Spacer (3) Channel Cover (13) Baffle Plate (4) Channel Nozzle (14) Longitudinal Baffle (5) Stationary Tubesheet (15) Partiton Plate (6) Tube (16) Vent Connection (7) Shell (17) Drain Connection (8) Shell Cover (18) Instrument Connection (9) Shell Flange (19) Support Saddle (10) Shell Nozzle (20) Lifting Lug [ 10] U-Tube Type Heat Exchanger (1) Channel Tube Side (2) Channel Flange Channel Cover Channel, Channel Shell Bolt Nut 13

16 (3) Channel Cover Channel (4) Channel Nozzle Channel (5) Stationary Tubesheet (6) Tube (7) Shell Channel Tube, Tube Shell, Heat Exchanger, (8) Shell Cover Floating Head Rear End (9) Shell Flange Shell Shell Shell Cover Bolt Nut (10) Shell Nozzle Shell (11) Tie-Rod Tubesheet Baffle Plate (12) Spacer Baffle Plate (13) Baffle Plate Heat Exchanger Tube (14) Longitudinal Baffle U-Bending Tube Bundle Tube Tube 14

17 (15) Partition Plate Channel Heat Exchanger Tube Flow (16) Vent Connection Shell Cover Steam Purge (17) Drain Connection Shell Cover Heat Exchanger (18) Instrument Connection (19) Support Saddle Heat Exchanger Foundation Anchor Bolt Heat Exchanger (20) Lifting Lug 15

18 4) Air Fan Cooler (1) Tube Bundle (6) Fan (2) Header (7) Fan Ring (3) Nozzle (8) Fan Deck (4) Supporting Column (9) Drive Assembly (5) Plenum (10) Louver (1) Tube Bundle [ 11] Air Fan Cooler, Fin Tube 16

19 ) Bracket 1) Bracket 6) Ring Groove 2) Fixed End 7) Slot 3) Baffle 8) Cooler Guide 4) Shoulder Type Plug 9) Floating End 5) Outlet Nozzle 10) Inlet Nozzle [ 12] Tube Bundle Tube Bundle ) Fixed End ) Baffle Inlet Outlet Nozzle Header Tube Bundle Inlet Nozzle Outlet Nozzle ) Shoulder Type Plug Fixed End Floating End Tube Hole Solid Metal Gasket Plug Air Fan Cooler ) Outlet Nozzle Header Flange ) Ring Groove ) Slot Tube Sheet Tube Expanding Cooler Guide Hole Tube Bundle ) Cooler Guide Air Fan Cooler Tube Bundle ) Floating Head Inlet Outlet Nozzle Header Tube Bundle 17

20 ) Inlet Nozzle (2) Header (3) Nozzle Header Flange Inlet Nozzle Outlet Nozzle Inlet Nozzle Outlet Nozzle Tube Inlet Outlet Nozzle Air Fan Cooler Tube Flange (4) Supporting Column (5) Plenum (6) Fan Air Fan Cooler Fan Tube Bundle Tube Bundle (7) Fan Ring Fan (8) Fan Deck (9) Louver Fan Ring Plenum Fan Tube Bundle Blind Fan Actuator ==== ==== 18

21 5) Double Pipe Heat Exchanger (1) Shell Assembly (10) Shell Nozzle Companion Flange (2) Tube Assembly (11) Cover Plate Bolting (3) Cover Plate (12) Tubeside Bolting (4)Sealing Ring (13) Shell Nozzle Bolting (5) Slot Ring (14) Bracket Bolting (6) Fin Tube Stub End Flange (15) Cover Gasket (7) Tube Return Bend Connector (16) Nozzle Gasket (8) Tube Return Bend Connector (17) Nameplate (9) Tube Return Bend Connector [ 13] Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 19

22 (1) Shell Assembly Heat Exchanger (2) Tube Assembly (3) Cover Plate U-Bending Pull Bundle Shell Assembly Bolt Nut (4) Sealing Ring Fin Tube Stub End Flange Shell Assembly (5) Slot Ring Tube Assembly Shell Assembly (6)Fin Tube Stub End Flange U-Bending Shell Assembly Bolt Nut (7) Tube Return Bend Connector Tube Side Flange Bending Pipe (8) Shell Nozzle Companion Flange Shell Side Nozzle Flange (9) Cover Plate Bolting Cover Plate Shell Assembly (10) Tube Side Bolting Fintube Stub End Flange Shell Assembly (11) Shell Nozzle Bolting Shell Nozzle Shell Nozzle Companion Flange (12) Bracket Bolt U-Bending Heat Exchanger Bracket Piece 20

23 (13) Cover Gasket Cover Plate Shell Assembly (14) Nozzle Gasket Shell Nozzle Shell Nozzle Companion Flange (15) Name plate Data ==== === 21

24 6) Plate Type Heat Exchanger (1) Frame Plate (8) Support Foot (2) Pressure Plate (9) Frame Foot (3) Carrying Bar (10) Stud Bolt (4) Guide Bar (11) Bearing Box (5) Tightening Bolt (12) Plate Pack (6) Tightening Nut (13) Gasket (7) Supporting Column [ 14] Plate Type Heat Exchanger (1) Frame Plate Connection Plate Pack Tightening Bolt Nut (2) Pressure Plate Plate Pack Gasket Tightening Bolt Nut 22

25 (3) Carrying Bar Plate-Fin Type Heat Exchanger (4) Guide Bar Plate Pack Fit-up (5) Tightening Bolt Plate Pack Frame Plate Pressure Plate Bolt (6) Tightening Nut Plate Pack Frame Plate Pressure Plate Nut (7) Support Column Guide Bar Carrying Bar (8) Support Foot Support Column (9) Frame Foot Frame Plate (10) Stud Bolt Plate-Fin Type Heat Exchanger Nozzle (11) Bearing Box Tightening Bolt Frame Plate (12) Plate Pack (13) Gasket Plate Plate Pack Sealing (14) Dimension A Plate Heat Exchanger Frame Plate Inside Pressure Plate Inside Pressure Plate Check 23

26 5 Type (CS) Fixed Type Floating Head Type U-Tube Type Tubesheet Shell Shell 10 Shell, Shell Tube 30 C Expansion Joint Tubesheet Floating Head Gasket 12 ~ 13 Tube Bundle Cover 1 Tubesheet Tube Tube, Bend 095 ~, ( 105 Tube U ) Tube Bundle Tube Tube Kettle Type Tube U- Bundle Floating Head Bundle Process Fluid Shell Type Shell Tube 12 ~ 14 24

27 Type (CS) Double Pipe Type Pipe 08 ~ 14 Cost (20m2 ) Shell 30kg/cm2 Air Cooled Type Plate Type Finned Condenser, 15 ~ 25 Tube Cooler Fan Initial Cost Fan Plate Liquid-Liquid 10 ~ 15 kg/cm2 Exchanger (, ) 150 C,, 125m2 1 2 Compact 25


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