The Top Ten Moulding Problems

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4 ,,,,,,,,, FDA 1, II (toughness) 1, 2 (screw) 25mm(01 ) (pellet) 3mm(0125 ), 23mm(009 ) 1,000kg(2,200lb) 25kg(551lb) 08g/cm 3 (50lb/ft 3 ) 1

5 2

6 3

7 4

8 (thermal shutoff), (heater band), (barrel) (cylinder) thermocouple, 2 thermocouple (clamping force), (adaptor), ( (screw check valve)), (suck back), (degrade) 2 (reverse taper), 60 ( 30 ) 23, ( ) 2 (nozzle), (drool), (sprue bushing) 5

9 , (streak),,, 4 (D), 4 (E) (seat ring) (F) (G), (A B) (C) (thread) (H) (J),, (Rc 44) (Rc 52), 4 (check ring) 6

10 , (flight), (compression ratio), 3,,, (gate), (shot weight), (purge shot) (pitch) 20, 45-50%(9-10 ), 20-30%(4-6 ), 25-30%(5-6 ) 20 10, 5, 5 16 ( ), (heat of fusion)

11 ,,, (horsepower), 1 thermocouple, ( ), ammeter,, 2 100, (stroke)50%, 4, 10-20%,,, 50% (holdup time) 8

12 205 C (400 F), 205 C (400 F), (hopper),, (blowback) ( ), -, (pull) 48-69MPa(35-50tons/in 2 ), 100MPa(14kpsi),,, 100MPa(7tons/in 2 ),,,,,,,,,, (MI 1-2) (purge) 9

13 , (vent), 4, 5-10 C (10-20 F) C ( F), 30, 195 C, (rear zone) (380 F),, (level profile),,,, (drool),, ( ),,,,,, (idle) (splay, mark) 150 C (300 F), C (347 F), (needle pyrometer),,, C ( F),, 10

14 (back pressure) 2, 5, 570,,, 1700, ( ), ( ), (PVC),,, MPa(10-16kpsi),, MPa(11-14kpsi) 100, 100MPa(14kpsi), 11

15 ,,,, (flash) 100 1,, 105 C (220 F) 2 1 (relief, valve),,, (flow control valve),,, 12

16 3mm(012 ) ,, (cushion), 7, ( ), 500, 2%, 3mm(012 ), 15mm(006 ),, Izod, 3mm(012 ),,, :, ( ) 10-15,,, 8,

17 14

18 ,, C ( F) 10 C (50 F) 100ST 500T C ( F) mm(003 ) 15

19 ,,, (run sheet) 1 (400 F), 2,,,,, ,,, 24 24,, 16,, 3, 1700,,, 4, 204 C C ( F), 1700, 10-20% 5, (air jet) 3 (, )

20 10,,,, , 12 (booster), 7 8 rpm, 9 -, - - -, 17

21 -, (load),, -,, 1700, 5, 230 C (450 F) 20 -, 18

22 , ,, 19

23 , (flow distance), 11,,, (snake flow),, (weld line) (parting line),, (edge gate),,,,,, 2, 2-4 (multiple gate) (diaphragm gate) 20

24 ((edge)) ( (tunnel) 3 (3-plate)),, (ring),,, (fan),,, (impinging and non-impinging rectangular gates) 12 (overlap) 13 14,, ( ) 3 16,, 22mm(0085 ) 28mm(0110 )3 21

25 17, C ( F), 30, 15mm(006 ),,,, ST 500T, (degate) 100ST 500T 22

26 23

27 ,, 15mm(006 ) 1 2,, (balanced), (lateral runner), 19, 18, (sliding action),,, DME Mold Saver 1 Rust Veto 2 24

28 0025mm(0001 ) (insert) (milling) 003mm(00013 ) 1mm(004 ), 08mm(003 ),,,, ( ), 006mm(00025 ) 20 25

29 ,,,, 5% 21, (manifold), 26

30 , (gun),, (heavy-duty),,, Slide ( The Striper ) (torch),, 27

31 ,, ( ) ( ),,,, (nomograph),, (,, ) %(0020mm/mm[ / ]) 93 C (200 F), 112MPa (16kpsi), 210 C (410 F),, 28

32 29

33 ( )14 C (25 F) 0001mm/mm ( / ) 100 7MPa(1kpsi) mm/mm ( / ) 00004mm/mm ( / ) 500AF , , 500CL, 900, mm/mm ( / ),, mm/mm ( / ), 7,,,,, 93 C (200 F) ( ) 125x125x31mm (5x 1 / 2 x 1 / 8 in) 75x43x31mm (3x1 3 / 4 x 1 / 8 in) 31mm( 1 / 8 125x125x31mm (5x 1 / 2 x 1 / 8 in) 30

34 - 500, % 75%, 570, 500, AF,,,,, (molded-in) (cracking) 93 C (200 F),, (molded-in) (), 93 C (200 F) 93 C (200 F) 38 C (100 F), 08mm(0031 ) 0002mm/mm ( / ), C (200 F),,, 29 C (85 F) 3mm(012 ),, (self-threading) 0004mm/mm ( / ), 93 C (200 F) 0001mm/mm ( / ) AF,, 93 C (200 F), 08mm(0031 ) 00065mm/mm ( / ), 3mm(012 ) 0003mm/mm ( / ),,, AF 31

35 24,, 93 C (200 F), (molded-in),, 121 C (250 F) 0004mm/mm ( / ), 38 C (100 F), 3mm(012 ) 0011mm/mm ( / ),, C (250 F), 32

36 ,, 25, 160 ± 3 C (320 ± 5 F) (50% RH,, 80% RH, 100% RH, ), 30 1mm(004 )5 160 C (320 F),,,, Nujol 3, Primol Ondina ± 3 C (320 ± 5 F), 1mm(004 )5, 152 ± 3 C (305 ± 5 F) 33

37 ,,,,,,,,, 27 (flow tab)( 26) 63mm(025 ), 05mm(0020 ),,,, 34

38 35

39 36

40 ,, , 150SA, 500, 550SA, 900, 570 Acrawax C AF 500CL,, 3:1 8mm(5/16 ) (cutter screen) (mesh) (vibrating screen separator),,, 37

41 ,, 85 C (185 F) 4, (2) 100ST 500T, 80 C (175 F) 2-4,, (cube blended) ( + ), (1) (3), (2), 500AF 500TL 38

42 39

43 ( ) 40

44 ( ) 41

45 ( ) 42



The Top Ten Moulding Problems

The Top Ten Moulding Problems ,,, (spacer) ,,, 4 : 1 :, 2 : 3 : 32mm[0125 ] (pellet),,,, (pallet) 40,, 1000kg,, (block copolymer), ( ) (glycol) ( ), 32mm[0125 ], 25kg(55lb) 500kg(1,103lb) 1 2 2, 1-3 3 4 ,,, 3, ( ), 5 , (degradation)

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