Microsoft PowerPoint - Powertrain_Actuator

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1 Injector Precise fuel metering Wide dynamic operation range Excellent linearity of low dynamic flow Fast response MPI injector is a type of solenoid valve which injects fuel into the intake port with precise fuel amount and generates optimal spray characteristics according to the operating conditions. Excellent spray and atomization performance Low leakage, Low noise Long endurance Operation Pressure 3~6 bar (Max. 10 bar) Operating temperature range -40 ~ 140 Fuel Gasoline, E100, M15 (Worldwide standard fuel) Flow rate (Static) 106 ~ 410 ± 4% g/min (@ 3 bar) Hydraulic Leakage 0.8 mm 3 /min (@ 3 bar) Spray angle / Targeting Variable spray hole diameter and spray angle Droplet size (SMD * ) 80 µm (@ 12 holes) 180 µm (@ 4 holes) *SMD : Sauter Mean Diameter

2 LPI Injector Precise fuel metering Wide dynamic operation range Excellent linearity of low dynamic flow Fast response LPI injector is a type of solenoid valve which injects fuel into the intake port with precise fuel amount and generates optimal spray characteristics according to the operating conditions. Excellent spray and atomization performance Low leakage, Low noise Long endurance Operation Pressure 8 ~ 15 bar (max. 30 bar) Operating temperature range -40 ~ 140 Fuel LPG Flow rate (Static) 90 ~ 200 ± 4% g/min (@ 3 bar) Hydraulic Leakage 0.06 cm 3 /min (with N2 3.8 bar) Spray angle / Targeting Variable spray hole diameter and spray angle Feeding type Side feeding

3 GDI Injector GDI(Gasoline Direct Injection) injector is the solenoid valve type which injects the fuel with precise amount and optimal spray characteristic according to the vehicle condition. Precise fuel metering Wide dynamic operation range Excellent linearity of low dynamic flow Fast response Optimal spray pattern & atomization Low leakage & noise Long endurance Operation Pressure 40~250 bar (Max. 317 bar) Operating temperature range -40 ~ 140 (Tip : 170 ) Fuel Gasoline, E30, M15 (Worldwide standard fuel) Flow rate 300 ~ 900 ± 5% g/min (@ 100 bar) Hydraulic Leakage 1.5 mm 3 /min (@ 100 bar) Spray angle / Targeting Variable spray hole diameter and spray angle Droplet size(smd*) 12 um (@ 250 bar) *SMD : Sauter Mean Diameter

4 GDI Pump GDI(Gasoline Direct Injection) Pump, that is to say the high pressure pump, compresses low pressure fuel into high pressure fuel and delivers the compressed fuel to the delivery pipe in order to directly inject it into cylinders. Stably pressurized fuel supply Isolation of external leakage Minimization of internal leakage Minimized operation noise Enhanced external shape to reduce the radiated noise System pressure up to 200 bar Flow rate up to 1.12cm 3 /cam revolution Mounting on cylinder head or adapter flange Compact size, flex fuel application Made from stainless steel Integrated pressure damper for variable feed pressure Integrated pressure relief valve Flexible customer interface concept Zero evaporation by laser welding, resistance welding (No O-ringseals)

5 Idle Speed Control Actuator When engine is at idling, ISCA is activated by ECU in order to maintain the target engine speed. Anti-contamination (Cleaning function) Direct mounting (Al housing prevents crack, deformation etc.) Limp home function Compact design and low cost Max. air flow rate 63 ~ 71m 3 /h Leakage air flow rate 1.0 ~ 2.3m 3 /h Operating temperature -30 ~ 120 Vibration level 40 G Limp home function applied

6 VCM motor VCM system makes tumble flow of inlet air for observance of emission control at engine starting and improving fuel efficiency in the mid to low load operation. VCM motor, mounted on VCM valve shaft of intake manifold, is actuated rotation of the VCM valve. Compact size, Low weight Quick response time Accurate angle control Fail-safe function (option) Operating temperature -40 ~ +140 Operating voltage 9V ~ 16V Sensor operating voltage 5±0.1V Response time 300 ms Linearity ±2% Output voltage 0 ~ 5V

7 Integrated VIS Actuator Integrated VIS Actuator can operate VIS(Variable Induction System) valve to change the length of the intake manifold Runner - in order to optimize power and torque across the range of engine speed operation by ECU control. Solenoid valve and vacuum actuator integrated structure Compact size, Low weight Mounting stability Operating temperature -40 ~ 140 Operating voltage Max. 9V Release voltage Max. 6V Leakage Max. 3cc/min Minimum Air Flow Rate Max. 10 l/min

8 Purge Control Solenoid Valve PCSV is switched on and/or off to prevent hydrocarbons discharge out of the air under certain ECU operating conditions and then the evaporated gas is carried to the intake manifold from the canister to combust. Superior Max. Flow rate Low Valve Leakage Mesh filter's built in for Preventing contamination (96 μm above) Rotatable Cover Direction : Mounting Flexibility Low Noise Design Compact Size KEV1 3.5 KEV1 5.0 KEV2 7.0 KEV3 5.0 Flow Point Q100 ( P=100mbar, τ=100%) 2.5 ±0.5 m3 /h 3.5 ±0.5 m3 /h 5.0 ±0.5 m3 /h 3.5 ±0.5 m3 /h Flow Point Qmax( P=700mbar, τ=100%) 3.5 ±0.4 m3 /h 5.0 ±0.4 m3 /h 7.0 ±0.4 m3 /h 5.0 ±0.4 m3 /h Flow Point Qlow( P=700mbar, τ=10%) 0.08~0.40 m3 /h 0.20~0.60 m3 /h 0.08~0.40 m3 /h Operating temperature -40~140 Trigger frequency Battery Supply Voltage Operating voltage 10 Hz 13.5 V 9~16 V Resistance 20.5 ±2 Ω 14.5 ±2 Ω 20.5 ±2 Ω Valve Tightness Type of vehicle using the valve m3 /h ( 22ml/min) Compact Midsize ~ Large HEV Midsize ~ Large

9 On-Off solenoid valve Installed in valve-body of Auto transmission, control the hydraulic pressure (to Clutch/Brake) required for shift by operating Pressure-switchingvalve(SW) of valve body(v/b). Low leakage Light weight Rapid response Robust of vibration (excellent durability) Robust of contamination (for steel or aluminum powder in ATM) Supply Pressure (kgf/cm 2 ) 5.5 Control Pressure (kgf/cm 2 ) 0 / 5.5 Flow rate(s C) (ml/min) at 85, P=3 kgf/cm 2 2,000 Flow rate(c Ex) (ml/min) at 85, P=3 kgf/cm 2 3,500 Leakage (ml/min, at 85 ) Max 50

10 Variable Force Solenoid Valve (Direct control) Installed in valve-body of Auto transmission, control the hydraulic pressure (to Clutch/Brake) required for shift. Without such as Pressure-control-valve (PCV) of valve body (V/B), VFS operate directly the passing and blocking hydraulic pressure for shift control. Simple structure Low leakage & hysteresis in contrast long stroke 3 ports 3 filters (prevent contamination) Robust of contamination (for steel or aluminum powder in ATM) High magnetic force High pressure control & High discharge flow Rapid response / precision control NH type (Normally high pressure at non-current) / NL type (Normally low pressure at non-current) Supply Pressure 16 kgf/cm 2 Control Pressure 0 ~ 16 kgf/cm 2 Hysteresis < 0.8 kgf/cm 2 Flow rate Min 8,000 ml/min (@ 85 ) Leakage Max 1,000 ml/min (@ 85 )

11 Variable Force Solenoid Valve (Indirect control) HV5.2 K26 HV10 Installed in valve-body of Auto transmission the VFS controls the hydraulic pressure (to Clutch/Brake) required for shift. The VFS operates Pressure-control-valve(PCV) of valve body(v/b) indirectly, while passing and blocking hydraulic pressure for shift control. (1st control : VFS 2nd control : PCV) Multiple type (wide range of selections) -Type of Body / Magnetic Force / Filter mesh size / Flow / Pressure range / color No electrical contact failure Robust of vibration (excellent durability) Robust of contamination (for steel or aluminum powder in ATM) Light weight Rapid response & precision control NH type (Normally high pressure at non-current) / NL type (Normally low pressure at non-current) Supply Pressure (kgf/cm 2 ) Control Pressure (kgf/cm 2 ) HV5.2 K26 HV ~ ~ ~ 9.75 Hysteresis(kgf/cm 2 ) < 0.25 < 0.25 < 0.6 Flow rate (ml/min, at 85 ) Leakage (ml/min, at 85 ) Min 5,000 Min 3,000 Min 7,000 Max 510 Max 400 Max 730

12 Electronic Throttle Control From the accelerator pedal position, which reflects the driver s wishes for power, ECU calculates the appropriate throttle valve opening angle. Therefore drivability can be optimized. Idle speed control Compensation of engine torque Cruise control function Limp home function Operating temperature -40 ~ 140 Operating voltage 9 V ~ 16 V Response time 100 ms Linearity ±1.5 % 0

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