CFP 제작(0113)

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1 C 1514E C ISO 9001 ISO14001 OHSAS C-series foot support process pump ISO2858 ISO EASY TO CONTACT TEL : FAX : Global Excellence, Hyosung Pump & Water HEAD OFFICE Special Post Office Pension Service Bldg., 254-8, Gongdeok-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea TEL : CHANGWON PLANT 4-1, Ungnam-Dong, Changwon-Si, Kyungsangnam-Do, Korea TEL : This brochure does not contain all informations and any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Also, all informations herein is subject to change without notice.

2 General HYOSUNG GOODSPRINGS Process Pump (OH1 Type) of single stage, end suction, foot supported, horizontal type have been widely used in chemical industry, petroleum refineries, the petrochemical industry and other various industries for long years. Many improvement have been recently made on this pump to enhance its performance. Our modern mass production facilities enable to us to pass the cost-savings on you. Interchangeability Availability in modules provides complete interchangeability of components between different types and permits pump selections best suited for the given specifications. Bearing Casing Shaft Gland Cover Impeller Casing Pump Designation Designation Rating Norminal Discharge Dia(mm) Impeller Diameter(mm) Applications - (Chemical Industry) - (Petroleum Refineries) - (Petrochemical Industry) - (Other Various Industries) Capacity To 24 m /min (170 USGPM) Heads To 140 m (470 ft) Discharge Pressure To 16 kgf/cm 2 G (20 PSIG) {1.57MPa} Max. allowable Suction Pressure To 9 kgf/cm 2 G (10 PSIG) {0.88MPa} Hydrostatic Test Pressures To 24 kgf/cm 2 G (40 PSIG) {2.MPa} Speeds 50 Hz 1450 or 2950 min Hz 1750 or 550 min -1 Max.allowable Revolutions To 600 min -1 Rotation Clockwise viewed from inboard side Impeller Type Enclosed Temperatures Stainless Steel : -50 C to 200 C(-58 F to 92 F) Cast Steel : -5 C to 200 C(-2 F to 92 F) Flanges Stainless Steel : ANSI 150 Cast Steel : ANSI 150lb Nozzles End-Top Stuffing Box Suitable for conventional packing and mechanical seal Features - Foot support overhung - Back pull-out casing - Full compliance with ISO 2858, ISO 5199 specifications - All components have been designed for maximun parts interchangeability - Flexibility of design handles wide range of liquids - Low NPSH performance only for 2P 100-XA XA 2 I

3 Selection Chart 50Hz 60Hz 4 I 5

4 Construction Sectional Drawing Sectional Drawing of Standard Type (Stainless Steel, Cast Steel) Part List No. / Name of part 001 / Casing 016 / Seal Cover ( ) / Gland Cover( ) ( ) / Gland Cover( ) 021 / Impeller 01 / Shaft 09-1 / Impeller Key 09-2 / Coupling Key 041 / Packing Sleeve 042 / Mechanical Seal Sleeve 048 / Impeller Nut 051 / Bearing Housing 05 / Bearing Cover 056 / Ball Bearing 066 / Cooling Cover 090 / Lantern Ring 091 / Packing Gland 09 / Flinger 095 / Stay / Liner Ring / Liner Ring 110 / Gland Packing 111 / Mechanical Seal 114 / Oil Seal SHEET GASKET / Sheet Gasket SHEET GASKET / Shaft Sleeve Gasket 117- SHEET GASKET / Bearing Cover Gasket SHEET GASKET / Cooling Cover Gasket 122 / Eye Bolt / Casing Set Bolt / Mechanical Seal Cover Bolt 158 / Wave Washer 200 HOLE / Air Vent 255 / Oil Level Gauge / Gland Cover O-Ring / Gland Cover O-Ring 840- / Mechanical Seal Cover O-Ring Notes : Combinations of parts in materials other than listed above are also available upon request. Stuffing Box with Cooling Jacket notes : Combinations of parts in materials other than listed above are also available upon request. 6 I 7

5 Mechanical Seal Outline Dimensions A B C 1A Unbalanced Seal (Standard Type) 1B Unbalanced Seal (Quench Type) 1C Double Seal (Open Air-Side Unbalanced Type) 1 2A Balanced Seal (Standard Type) 2B Balanced Seal (Standard Type) 2C Double Seal (Open Air-Side Balanced Type) Flange dimensions(ansi150lb, Regular flanges) for cast steel and stainless steel pumps 2 4 A Metal Bellow (Standard Type) B Mono Coil Seal C Outside Seal 4A Gland Packing (Standard Type) 4B Gland Packing (Quench Type) M M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M M M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M12 55 Unit (mm) The motor output classification numbers shown are those for ordinary F class totallyenclosed, fan-cooled low-voltage -phase squirrel cage induction motors. 2. Asterisked M2 and LA dimension vary to a certain extent, depending on motor manufacturers.. The dimensions and all specifications are subject to change without notice. 4. Base plate dimensions are only reference. For accurate dimension, please submit a inquiry. 8 I 9

6 Outline Dimensions Flange dimensions(ansi150lb, Regular flanges) for cast steel and stainless steel pumps 90L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M M M L M L 12S M12 M M 160M M12 M L M M M L M M M L M L M M M S M M M L M M M M M L M L N L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M12 55 Unit (mm) L M S M S M M M S M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M The motor output classification numbers shown are those for ordinary F class totallyenclosed, fan-cooled low-voltage -phase squirrel cage induction motors. 2. Asterisked M2 and LA dimension vary to a certain extent, depending on motor manufacturers.. The dimensions and all specifications are subject to change without notice. 4. Base plate dimensions are only reference. For accurate dimension, please submit a inquiry. 10 I 11

7 Outline Dimensions Flange dimensions(ansi150lb, Regular flanges) for cast steel and stainless steel pumps 112M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M L M L M M M S M M M M M L M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M S M X S M M M S M M M S M M M Unit (mm) S M S M M M XA 280S M (only for 2p) 280M M S M M M S M M M M M L M X 180M M L M L M S M M M S M XA 280M M (only for 2p) 15S M M M M M M M L M M M X 180L M L M S M S M M M M M S M M M M M L M M M L M L M M M M M L M M M L M Y 200L M S M S M M M L M M M L M L M Y 225S M S M M M S M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M M M The motor output classification numbers shown are those for ordinary F class totallyenclosed, fan-cooled low-voltage -phase squirrel cage induction motors. 2. Asterisked M2 and LA dimension vary to a certain extent, depending on motor manufacturers.. The dimensions and all specifications are subject to change without notice. 4. Base plate dimensions are only reference. For accurate dimension, please submit a inquiry. 12 I 1

8 Outline Dimensions Flange dimensions(ansi150lb, Regular flanges) for cast steel and stainless steel pumps 160M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M L M M M L M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M M M Unit (mm) L M S M S M M M S M M M S M M M L M S M S M M M S M M M S M M M M M S M M M S M M M The motor output classification numbers shown are those for ordinary F class totallyenclosed, fan-cooled low-voltage -phase squirrel cage induction motors. 2. Asterisked M2 and LA dimension vary to a certain extent, depending on motor manufacturers.. The dimensions and all specifications are subject to change without notice. 4. Base plate dimensions are only reference. For accurate dimension, please submit a inquiry. 14 I 15

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