용도 Application 수용 Cooling water for buildings 인버터부착형인라인펌프 ilp-v Inverter Type Inline Pump, ilp-v 수 용 Cold/hot water circulation 용 Quick heated water c
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1 B 9005 M D Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO 9001 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO101 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate KOSA18001 고효율기자재 igh Efficiency Equipment OSAS 인라인 펌프 ilp/ilp-v 본사 ( ) 서울시 마포구 마포대로 137 KPX빌딩 TEL : 창원공장 / R&D센터 ( ) 경상남도 창원시 성산구 공단로 3 TEL : 김해공장 (621-8) 경상남도 김해시 주촌면 골든루트로 158- TEL : Direct Contact C&I 영업팀 TEL : A/S CENTER TEL : FAX : FAX : ead Office ( ) KPX Bldg., 137 Mapodaero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea Changwon Plant / R&D Center ( ) 3 Gongdanro, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongnam, Korea Gim-hae Plant (621-8) 158-, Golden root-ro, Juchon-myeon, Gimhae-si, Gyeongnam, Korea Direct Contact Commercial & Industrial Sales Team TEL : Customer Service Center TEL : TEL : FAX : TEL : FAX : TEL : 본 카다로그에 기재된 제품은 예고없이 단종, 사양변동이 있을 수 있으므로 구입시 반드시 확인바랍니다. (14.03) This brochure does not contain all information and any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Also, all information herein is subject to change without notice.
2 용도 Application 수용 Cooling water for buildings 인버터부착형인라인펌프 ilp-v Inverter Type Inline Pump, ilp-v 수 용 Cold/hot water circulation 용 Quick heated water circulation of heating system 용 Pressurization 공 용수용 Industrial water Supply 용 eating circulation 주요기능 Graphic의 LCD Display : 한글LCD 화면 2. 연동운전 : 5대의인버터를통신으로연결운전 3. 일정압 / 일정온도제어, 차압 / 차온제어 4. 순차운전 5. 정전후자동운전복귀 6. 주 Pump의교번 ( 교대 ) 운전 7. 고장 Pump Skip 8. 갈수보호운전 9. 통신기능 (option) 10. 자가진단 Major Features 1. LCD Display with resolution of 128X64: Korean language LCD screen 2. Peristaltic operation: 5 inverters can be connected to each other through communication for peristaltic operation 3. Fixed pressure/temperature control, differential pressure/temperature control 4. Sequential operation 5. Automatic operation return after power failure 6. Alternative operation of primary pump 7. Skip failed pumps 8. Protective operation against shortage of water 9. Communication function (optional) 10. Self-diagnosis 특징 Features 01. 소형, 경량화로효율적인설치공간활용, Compact 한구조및장기간동일한성능과신뢰성보장 02. 흡입, 토출배관을분리하지않고분해, 점검이가능한 Top-Pull-Out 구조채용 03. 펌프와전동기축분할구조로설계하여부품의분해및조립용이 04. 배관의해체없이회전차및메카니칼씰 (Mechanical Seal) 교체가능 05. 축봉장치는펌프내부의유체에의해윤활되며고온, 고압에운전이가능한메카니칼씰장착 06. 베이스플레이트를이용하여지상설치가능 07. GT(Group Technology) 기법을도입, 부품의호환성을극대화시킨구조 08. 전동기취부가끼워맞춤공차로취부되므로축심일치가간단해지며설치, 유지보수작업용이 호칭 Model Designation ilp -315 E 펌프모델명 ilp Model Name 표준사양 Standard Specification 취급액 Applicable Liquid 청수 Clean Water (p 5.8 ~ 8.6) 0 ~ 1 최대허용압력 Maximum Allowable Pressure 16 bar ( : 25 bar) 회전차 Impeller 클로즈형 Closed Type 구조축봉타입 Shaft seal Meachanical Seal (SiC/Carbon) Structure 축 Shaft 펌프및모터축분할 Separate pump from motor shaft 회전방향 Rotation Direction CW ( 구동기측에서펌프를바라보았을때 ) (From the Motor Side to the Pump) 흡, 토출플랜지 Suction and Discharge Flange KS B K, RF 카플링 Coupling 리지드카플링 Rigid Coupling 케이싱 Casing GC2 ( : GCD4, SSC13, etc) 재질 회전차 Impeller GC ( : CAC6, SSC13, etc) Material 축 Shaft STS4 ( : STS316, etc) 모터대 Motor stool GC2 입력전압 Input Voltage 3-Phase / 380V ( : 2V, 4V) 모터절연등급 Insulation Class F Motor 보호등급 Protection Class IP 55 인버터운전범위 Inverter Operating Range z ~ 60z GC, GC2 : Cast Iron / CAC6 : Cast Bronze / GCD4 : Ductile / SSC13 : Stainless Steel Casting STS4, STS316 : Stainless Steel 01. Space efficiency due to compact and light-weighted design, assurance of durability in terms of performance and reliability due to compact structure 02. Top-Pull-Out structure that allows you to disassemble and check without disassembling Suction and Discharge pipes 03. Easy to disassemble and assemble parts due to the design that separates pumps from motor shaft 04. Impeller and mechanical seal are replaceable without disassembling the pipe 05. The shaft sealing device is lubricated by the fluid within the pump equipped with mechanical seal that can be operated under high-temperature and high-pressure condition 06. Ground installable using the base plate 07. Part compatibility maximized by introducing GT(Group Technology) methodology 08. Simple shaft core alignment and easy installation and maintenance as the motor is tolerance fit 흡, 토출구경 Suction and Discharge Diameter [mm] 회전차공칭외경 315 Impeller Nominal Diameter [mm] 효율향상기종 E Efficiency improved model 접액부재질 ( 조립단면도의사양란참고 ) Rigid Spacer Coupling 순환및시스템전용인버터부착 각종계기류, Drain/Vent 배관구성 흡토출플랜지규격 ( 별도문의요망 ) Base Plate, 도장사양 ( 요구사양 ) Material of the Liquid Contacting Part (Refer to the Specifications in the Sectional Drawing) Rigid Spacer Coupling Circulation and system-exclusive inverter Instrument, Drain/Vent Piping Suction and Discharge Flange Specification (Contact us) Base Plate, Painting (Requirement) 입력사항 Input 사용환경 Operating Environment 콘트롤사양 Control Specification 운전사양 Operating Specification 보호기능 Protection 제어항목 Control Items 내용 Description Remark 입력전압 Input Voltage 3-Phase 342V ~ 528V 전압변동범위 Voltage Fluctuation Range -15 ~ +10% (342V ~ 528V) 주파수변동범위 Frequency Fluctuation Range -5 ~ +5% (47 ~ 63z) 온도 Temperature 섭씨 -10 ~ + 상대습도 Relative umidity 0 ~ 90% 진동 Vibration 0.6G (10-60z) 콘트롤전원 Control Power SPWM (Carrier Frequency 2-10z) 주파수해상도 Frequency Resolution 0.01z 토오크특성 Torque Property 자동, 스타트 Auto, Start 1%(1.0z) 과부하 Overload 정격전류에 1% 에서 1 분간 1% of Rated Current, One Minute 가속 / 감속시간 Acceleration/Deceleration Time 0.1 ~ 3600s / 개별가감속 4 가지조합가능 Respective Four Acceleration/Deceleration Combinations V/F RATIO 설정 V/F Ratio Setting 사용자설정가능 User Configuration 스톨방지레벨 Stall Prevention Level ~1%, 설정가능 ~1%, Configurable 키패드 Keypad 키패드설정 Keypad Setting 주파수설정 다기능출력 Frequency Setting Multifunctional Output 0 ~ 5V / 0 ~ 10V / 4 ~ ma / 0 ~ ma 주파수상한 / 하한설정 Upper Limit/Lower Limit 3 개의 SKIP 주파수설정 3 Skip Frequencies 운전상태모니터 / 오류정보표시및경고 Operating Status Monitor/ Error Display and Warning 과전류 Overcurrent 정격전류의 % % of Rated Current 과부하 Overload 정격전류의 1%(Delay:1 분 ) 1% of Rated Current (Delay: 1minute) 모터과부하 Motor Overload Thermal Overload Relay 과전압 Overvoltage DC-BUS 3-410V / DC-BUS 660-8V 순시정전 Instantaneous Interruption Speed Search 에의한인버터재가동 (0~2 초 ) Restart of the lnverter by Speed Search(0~2 Seconds) 과열 Overheating 써미스터보호방식 Thermistor Protection 기타제어 Other Control 통신방식 Communication 감속정지 / 자가 - 정지 / DC 브레이크 / Carrier Deceleration Stop/Self-Stop / DC Brake/ Carrier 주파수조절가능 (Kz) Frequency Control (Kz) RS
3 선정도 Selection Chart 60z (17RPM) 60z z (14RPM) z (00RPM) U.S.gpm U.S.gpm Imp.gpm Imp.gpm [m] [ft] [m] [ft] Total ead Total ead Q Q Q Q Capacity Capacity 인버터부착형은 kw 까지적용가능. ( 37kW 이상은판넬타입을권장함.) Up to kw is applicable for the one with built-in inverter.(a panel type is recommended for 37kW or above.) 4 5
4 조립단면도 Sectional Drawing 101 Motor Stool GC2-2 O-Ring NBR Shaft STS4 STS316 1 Support Plate SM45C Rigid Coupling GCD4-1 Mechanical Seal(Cartridge) SiC/Carbon Coupling Plate STS4-1 Impeller GC CAC6/SSC13 1 Casing GC2 GCD4/SSC13 2 Casing Ring GC CAC6/SSC13 구조특징 Structural Features 국제 IEC 규격고효율전동기 igh efficiency motor accredited by International IEC Standard 모터대 Motor stool 분할리지드커플링및커버 Partitioned rigid coupling and cover 에어벤트스크류 Air bent screw : PT 1/8". Brass O-RING : NBR INVERTER 순환시스템전용인버터 Inverter dedicated to circulation system 한글 LCD LCD in Korean language SAFT MECANICAL SEAL 허용압력 Allowable Pressure : bar 온도 Temperature : 0 ~ 1 형식 Type : Elastomer Bellows 재질 Material : SiC/Carbon, Viton, SUS316 SAFT MEC 101 Motor Stool GC2-2 Air Vent Brass Shaft STS4 STS316 1 Impeller GC CAC6/SSC Rigid Coupling GCD4-2 Casing Ring GC CAC6/SSC13 1 Casing GC2 GCD4/SSC Inverter 1 Stuffing ousing GC2-602 Pressure Transmeter 1 Mechanical Seal SiC/Carbon - 펌프케이싱 Pump Casing 흡, 토출플랜지 Suction and Discharge Flange : KS B K : GC2 최적유로및고압신뢰성설계 Design that ensures optimal flow path and reliability under high pressurer 회전차및웨어링 Impeller and wearing 최적의회전차설계및고효율실현 Optimal Impeller design and high efficiency 회전차재질 Impeller Material : GC, CAC6, SSC13 웨어링재질 Wearing Material : GC, CAC6 축추력안정성설계 Design that ensures axial trust 6 7
5 외형도 & 외형치수표 Outline Drawing & Dimension [ FIGURE I ] Anchor Bolt ole B1 B2 1M Pressure Gauge, PS 1/4 8M Liquid Drainage, PS 3/8 8D Air Vent, PT 1/8 Base Plate () B1 4-Ø15 Drill Through A(m) ØC Drill Through 중량 (kg) B z No. Model Pole Power [kw] 인버터형 Dimension 중량 Inverter Type Motor Fig. Weight Frame Base Plate () 중량 Ød L L1 L2 ØP 1M (kg) Q Weight A B1 B2 C (kg) 1 ilp-125 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-160 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-160 4P L l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P S l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P S l PS1/4" ilp 4P M l PS1/4" ilp 4P L l PS1/4" ilp 2P S l PS1/4" ilp 2P S l PS1/4" ilp 2P M l PS1/4" ilp 2P M l PS1/4" ilp 2P L l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp-125 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-160 4P L l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P S l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P S l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P M l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P M l PS1/4" ilp-160 2P L l PS1/4" ilp- 4P L l PS1/4" ilp- 4P 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp- 2P M l PS1/4" ilp- 2P M l PS1/4" ilp- 2P L l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp-315 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp-315 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp P 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp P S l PS1/4" ilp P S l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp65-4p 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp65-4p 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp65-2p M l PS1/4" ilp65-2p M l PS1/4" ilp65-2p L l PS1/4" ilp65-2p M l PS1/4" ilp65-2p 180L l PS1/4" ilp65-2 4P 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp65-2 4P S l PS1/4" ilp P S l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp P 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp P 2.2 L l PS1/4" ilp P 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp80-4p 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp80-4p S l PS1/4" ilp80-4p M l PS1/4" ilp80-2 4P S l PS1/4" ilp80-2 4P M l PS1/4" ilp80-2 4P M l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp-160 4P 3.7 L l PS1/4" ilp-160 4P S l PS1/4" ilp- 4P S l PS1/4" ilp- 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-2 4P L l PS1/4" ilp-315 4P L l PS1/4" ilp-315 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-315 4P M l PS1/4" ilp-315 4P 180L l PS1/4" ilp P S l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp125-4p M l PS1/4" ilp125-4p M l PS1/4" ilp125-4p L l PS1/4" ilp P L l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp125-2e 4P L l PS1/4" ilp125-2e 4P M l PS1/4" ilp P M l PS1/4" ilp P 180L l PS1/4" ilp e 4P M l PS1/4" ilp e 4P 180L l PS1/4" ilp1-4p M l PS1/4" ilp1-4p L l PS1/4" ilp1-e 4P M l PS1/4" ilp1-e 4P L l PS1/4" ilp1-2 4P M l PS1/4" ilp1-2 4P 22 80M l PS1/4" ilp1-2 4P 180L l PS1/4" 인버터부착형은 kw 까지적용가능 (37kW 이상은판넬타입을권장함 ) Up to kw is applicable for the one with built-in inverter (A panel type is recommended for 37kW or above) 상기표에없는동력은별도문의요망 For power not listed above, contact us 8 9
6 외형도 & 외형치수표 Outline Drawing & Dimension [ FIGURE II ] No. Model Pole ØD ØC Øg Ød N-Ø 1M t f 4-ØZ L1 ØP L ROTATION Q L2 1M 8M 8D 2 1 8M 1M Pressure Gauge, PS 1/4 Liquid Drainage, PS 3/8 Air Vent, PT 1/8 60z 인버터형 Dimension 중량 Inverter Type Power Motor Fig. Weight [kw] Frame Base Plate () 중량 Ød L L1 L2 ØP 1M (kg) Q Weight X Y ØZ (kg) 96 ilp-0 4P 180L ll PS1/4" ilp-0 4P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp-0 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp P S ll PS1/4" ilp125-0e 4P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp125-0e 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp125-0e 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp P 180L ll PS1/4" ilp P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp1-315e 4P 180L ll PS1/4" ilp1-315e 4P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp1-315e 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp1-0 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp1-0 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp1-0 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp1-0e 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp1-0e 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp1-0e 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp- 4P L ll PS1/4" ilp- 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp- 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp-e 4P L ll PS1/4" ilp-e 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp-e 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 180L ll PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 37 L ll PS1/4" ilp-2 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp-315 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp-315 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp-315 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp-315e 4P 45 L ll PS1/4" ilp-315e 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp-315e 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp-0 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp-0 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp-0e 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp-0e 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp2-3 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp2-3 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp2-3 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp2-3 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp2-3e 4P 75 2S ll PS1/4" ilp2-3e 4P 90 2M ll PS1/4" ilp2-3e 4P S ll PS1/4" ilp2-3e 4P M ll PS1/4" ilp0-0 4P S ll PT3/8" ilp0-0 4P 75 2S ll PT3/8" ilp0-0 4P 90 2M ll PT3/8" ilp0-3 4P S ll PT3/8" ilp0-3 4P M ll PT3/8" ilp0-3 4P L ll PT3/8" 인버터부착형은 kw 까지적용가능 (37kW 이상은판넬타입을권장함 ) Up to kw is applicable for the one with built-in inverter (A panel type is recommended for 37kW or above) 상기표에없는동력은별도문의요망 For power not listed above, contact us Dimension of Suction & Discharge Flange 3 Discharge X Y Suction Ød Øg ØC ØD t f N-Ø Rating KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF KS B K RF 10 11
용도 Application 수 용 Cold/hot water Circulation 선정도 Selection Chart 공 용수용 Industrial water Supply 해수용 Sea Water 60z (17RPM) 공사용 Public Works 용 eating Ci
B 9005 M D Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO 9001 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO101 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate KOSA18001 고효율기자재 igh Efficiency
TM yosung Turbine Multi-Stage Pump 용도 Application 수용 Water supply 선정도 Selection Chart 용 Firefighting 공 용수용 Industrial Water Supply z (17RPM) 수도용 City
B 900 M D Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO 9001 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO1 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate KOSA1 고효율기자재 igh Efficiency Equipment
용도 Application 용 Firefighting 횡형펌프 VS 입형펌프설치공간비교 Installation Space: orizontal vs. Vertical 수용 Water Supply 공 용수용 Industrial Water Supply 횡형펌프주위배관 Pip
B 9005 M D Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO 9001 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO101 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate KOSA101 고효율기자재 igh Efficiency
CFP 제작(0113)
C 1514E C ISO 9001 ISO14001 OHSAS 18001 C-series foot support process pump ISO2858 ISO5199 www.hsgoodsprings.com EASY TO CONTACT TEL : 82-55-268-8976 FAX : 82-55-268-7947 Global Excellence, Hyosung Pump
용도 Application 정 조 수용 Septic Tank 선정도 Selection Chart 특징 Features 1. 고효율의 Semi-Open 회전차를사용하여사용범위가넓고, 좋은운전특성보유 2. Auto Cut 을부착하여전동기의과부화, 구속등에의한전동기소손방지
B 95 M D Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO 91 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate ISO11 Det Norske Veritas Management System Certificate KOSHA11 고효율기자재 High Efficiency Equipment
DOOCH PUMP Intelligent pressure boosting system 5Hz BOOSTER PUMP SYSTEM Water supply system Pressure boosting system Irrigation system Water treatment system Industrial plants 두크펌프 www.doochpump.com CONTENTS
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
Water as a tool High-Pressure Plunger Pumps 02-Line (up to 750 bar) 252 702 1002 1502 1852 2502 Technical Data High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 252 / 702 approx. 1.8 l approx. 50 kg net 45 mm/1.77 inch
KC CODE KCS 57 80 10 국가건설기준표준시방서 Korean Construction Specification KCS 57 80 10 : 2017 상수도공사 펌프설비 2017 년 8 월일제정 http://www.kcsc.re.kr 국가건설기준 목차 KCS 57 80 10 상수도공사펌프설비 1. 일반사항 1.1 적용범위. 1.2 참고기준 KS B 1511
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
WOMA Pumps - Z Line
High-Pressure Plunger Pumps Z-Line (up to 1500 bar) 150 Z 250 Z 400 Z 550 Z 700 Z 1000 Z High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 150 Z 211 133 250 615 100 95 Discharge 60 -Konus 9.5 deep M12x17 deep 322 255 331
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KC CODE KCS 57 80 20 국가건설기준표준시방서 Korean Construction Specification KCS 57 80 20 : 2017 상수도공사 공기기계설비 2017 년 8 월일제정 http://www.kcsc.re.kr 국가건설기준 목차 KCS 57 80 20 상수도공사공기기계설비 1. 일반사항 1.1 적용범위,,,,,,, 1.2 참고기준
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate
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00 크리애드 - 중앙카프링수정 0.. 0:7 AM 페이지 FLEXIBLE COUPLING 00 크리애드 - 중앙카프링수정 0.. 0:7 AM 페이지 MUFF COUPLING 중앙카프링 Jac 은종래의일반주물제품인분할형카플링을안정된재질인구상흑연주철 (FCD) 로발전적으로개량, 강화시켜새롭게소형, 경량화한분할형 MUFF COUPLING 표준품입니다. 특성 /
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. Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Counter Flow Cross Flow,. 1.Cooling Tower. Air Flow 1) Counter Flow System Fan Air Fan Discharge Distributor Fill Counter Flow ( ) Cold Water Basin. 1 Counter Flow System
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1 SV - ih.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - - - 23 24 R S T G U V W P1 P2 N R S T G U V W P1 P2 N R S T G U V W P1 P2 N 25 26 DC REACTOR(OPTION) DB UNIT(OPTION) 3 φ 220/440 V 50/60
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COLUMN, BED, SADDLE The column is of a rugged box-type construction and its ground slide ways are wide to support and guide securely the spindle head.
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Air Conditioning Technical Data Concealed floor standing unit EEDEN15-0 FNQ-A TABLE OF CONTENTS FNQ-A 1 Features............................................................. 2 2 Specifications.......................................................
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- 1 - - 2 - 전기자동차충전기기술기준 ( 안 ) - 3 - 1 3 1-1 3 1-2 (AC) 26 1-3 (DC) 31 2 37 3 40-4 - 1 14, 10,, 2 3. 1-1 1. (scope) 600 V (IEC 60038) 500 V. (EV : Electric Vehicle) (PHEV : Plug-in Hybrid EV).. 2. (normative
À̵¿·Îº¿ÀÇ ÀÎÅͳݱâ¹Ý ¿ø°ÝÁ¦¾î½Ã ½Ã°£Áö¿¬¿¡_.hwp
l Y ( X g, Y g ) r v L v v R L θ X ( X c, Yc) W (a) (b) DC 12V 9A Battery 전원부 DC-DC Converter +12V, -12V DC-DC Converter 5V DC-AC Inverter AC 220V DC-DC Converter 3.3V Motor Driver 80196kc,PWM Main
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PARTS BOOK KLZ-371 INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code by mechanism Unique name by mechanism Explode view Ref. No. : Unique identifcation number by part Parts No. : Unique Product
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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Coaxial shaft L series 특징 Features L series ABLE REDUCER 조용한소음 헬리컬기어채용으로저진동, 저소음실현 Quiet operation Helical gears contribute to reduce vibration and no
For servo motor ABLE REDUCER 에이블감속기 L Series 61 Coaxial shaft L series 특징 Features L series ABLE REDUCER 조용한소음 헬리컬기어채용으로저진동, 저소음실현 Quiet operation Helical gears contribute to reduce vibration and noise.
- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS
[Caution] Attention to red sentence 3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R520/ 1 2 1 1. As shown in picture, adhere Knob to the end closely into the arrow direction(1), then push the battery up (2). 2. Picture
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APOGEE Insight_KR_Base_3P11
Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-332P25 September, 2010 Insight 3.11 Base Workstation 그림 1. Insight Base 메인메뉴 Insight Base Insight Insight Base, Insight Base Insight Base Insight Windows
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 60.27(2.37) 490.50(19.31) 256.00 (10.07) 165.00 111.38 (4.38) 9.00 (0.35) 688.00(27.08) 753.00(29.64) 51.94 (2.04) CONSOLE 24CH 32CH 40CH 48CH OVERALL WIDTH mm (inches) 1271.45(50.1)
ir Cylinder: tandard/on-rotating Rod Double cting/ingle cting, ingle Rod/Double Rod eries CM ø3/4", ø7/8", ø1 1/16", ø1 1/4", ø1 1/2", ø2" 1 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 CG1 M M1 C2 C1 C76 C85 C95 CP95 CM C D- -X 20-
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MIL-C-99 Class C, R Style Connector, Receptacle, lectrical, Wall mounting YH7(MS7 Style) PLCS 전기적특성 (lectrical ata) ltitude erating Service Rating Nom
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ez-shv+ SDI to HDMI Converter with Display and Scaler Operation manual REVISION NUMBER: 1.0.0 DISTRIBUTION DATE: NOVEMBER. 2018 저작권 알림 Copyright 2006~2018 LUMANTEK Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 루먼텍 사에서
TDB 3000 Series Full Closed Loop STEP DRIVER의특징 Feedback-Loop로인한진동이없음 감속기없이높은토크구현 높은정밀도 정확한속도제어 SERVO DRIVER의특징 위치유지력 탈조가없음 토크제어가능 STEP DRIVER 와 SERVO
Full Closed Loop STEP DRIVER의특징 Feedback-Loop로인한진동이없음 감속기없이높은토크구현 높은정밀도 정확한속도제어 SERVO DRIVER의특징 위치유지력 탈조가없음 토크제어가능 STEP DRIVER 와 SERVO DRIVER 의장점을일체화저발열및토크특성우수 TDB 000 V 48 바이폴라 (Bipolar) Closed-Loop 스텝모터드라이버
120 V AC, 50/60 Hz : 52 W (with no optional accessories installed), indicates safety information. 70 W (with all optional accessories installed) : : (WxHxD) : : 41 F to 104 F (+ 5 C to + 40 C) Less than
KOSA KOSA KOSA KOSA KOSA Assembly, Engineering Plastic KOSA Accessory Content KOSA Overview K-004 Technical Data K-006 KA40B with Timing Belt Drive K-008 KA60B with Timing Belt Drive K-010 KA60S with Ball
BSC Discussion 1
Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
Microsoft Word - SRA-Series Manual.doc
사 용 설 명 서 SRA Series Professional Power Amplifier MODEL No : SRA-500, SRA-900, SRA-1300 차 례 차 례 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 안전지침 / 주의사항 -----------------------------------------------------------
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DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 국방 군사시설기준 탄약고 설계지침 국 방 부 DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 목 차 제1부 강재(파형강판) 탄약고 제1장 일반사항 1-1 적용 범위 1 1-2 참조 기준 1 1-3 주요 용어 1 제2장 설계지침 2-1 설계하중 3 2-2 설계사항 3 2-3 최소 다짐층 토피고 6 2-4
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1 grating steel bar grating 730890 Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Bar Grating stage flooring stair treads 2 heat resisting casting 732510 parts of refuse in
엔지니어링 / 플랜트 제작업체 2010 한일부품소재조달전시상담회(서울) 참가업체 안내 1. 업체 정보 회사명 상담 희망 기업에만 공개 회사명(영) 상담 희망 기업에만 공개 플랜트 설비(환경, 수처리, 에 Engineering & Construction (Envirnmental, Water 주요생산품 너지, 파이프라인, 강( 鋼 )구조, 산업기계) 주요생산품(영)