7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate

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1 7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Materials 226 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

2 LAMPS << Cut-out Dimension Shape / Dimension Drawing 227

3 Type Classification Diagram - LED Type Shape / Dimension Drawing 228 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

4 LAMPS 형식 구분도 << ㅣType Classification Diagram - LED Typeㅣ 표 시 등 Y S AP L 8 A L 1 1 R Yong Sung 표시등 (Pilot Lamp) 취부구경 (Attach. dia.) 사용방식 (Using method) 정격전압 (Rating voltage) LED색상 ( LED color ) 5 : Ø50 (CAP) (Ø30 Only) 8 : Ø80 (CAP) (Ø30, 24V Only) AL : AC LED DL : DC LED 외형 / 치수도 ㅣShape / Dimension Drawingㅣ : : : : : AC/DC24V AC/DC48V AC/DC110V AC120V/DC125V AC/DC220V R : 적(Red) Y : 황(Yellow) G : 녹(Green) Ø50 (CAP) Ø

5 Pilot Lamp (APL 16) Type Classification Diagram - LED Type Features and Structure of Product Performance Summary 230 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

6 LAMPS << Part Materials Shape / Dimension Drawing Cut-out Dimension 231

7 Square Lamp (SL- 25)(SL- 33)(BSL- 33) Bulletin Rectengle Lamp (NRL- 34)(BRL- 34) File No. E IP 40 Features Attachment (using) Note Rating Voltage Note of LED Unit 232 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

8 LAMPS << Terminal Wiring of CHECK Terminal Part 233

9 Attachment Method of Panel The Number of Jointing Part Example of Attachment ( ) ( is jointing part.) 234 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

10 LAMPS << Square Lamp (SL- 25) Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Type Classification Diagram - LED Type 235

11 Specification BULB Type LED Type 236 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

12 LAMPS << Shape / Panel Dimension Drawing 237

13 Shape / Dimension Drawing 238 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

14 LAMPS << Square Lamp (SL-33, BSL-33) File No. E IP 40 Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Type Classification Diagram - LED Type 239

15 Shape / Panel Dimension Drawing 240 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

16 LAMPS << Specification BULB Type LED Type Terminal Polarity 241

17 Bulletin Rectangle Lamp (NRL-34, BRL-34) File No. E IP 40 Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Type Classification Diagram - LED Type BRL YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

18 LAMPS << Shape / Panel Dimension Drawing 243

19 Specification BULB Type LED Type Terminal Polarity 244 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd.

20 LAMPS << Features Square LED Lamp (SL-48, SL-72, ASL-48) Using Note Part Materials Performance Summary Connection Method 245

21 형식 구분도 표 시 등 ㅣType Classification Diagramㅣ Y S S L 4 8 A L 1 1 Yong Sung Square Lamp 외형치수 (Shape dimension) 사용방식 (Using method) 정격전압 (Rating voltage) 48 : : AL : AC LED DL : DC LED AC LED 1 1 : 110V 22 : 220V DC LED 24 : 24V 1 1 : 110V 12 : 125V DC 48V, AC 120V, AC 240V는 주문사양임. (Order specification type for DC 48V, AC 120V, AC 240V) 외형 / 치수도 ㅣShape / Dimension Drawingㅣ YS SL 48 YS SL 72 판넬 가공 치수 ㅣCut-out Dimensionㅣ 치수구분표 A 246 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd. B SL SL C D 48.0(Min) 53.0(Min) 72.0(Min) 76.0(Min)

22 LAMPS << Type Classification Diagram Shape / Dimension Drawing Cut-out Dimension 247


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