<4D F736F F F696E74202D20BEC8C0FCB9E6C3E2B9EBBAEA20BFEBB7AEC0CEC1F5284B494E5320B9DFC7A5C0DAB7E12C E707074>
- 재림 마
- 6 years ago
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1 안전방출밸브용량인증 기술부장노희선 1
2 목 차 I. 안전밸브의개요 1. 압력방출기구의구분 2. 용어의정의 3. 안전밸브의구조 II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 1. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성 2. 안전밸브의용량인증절차 (ASME Section III III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 1. 2차용량인증시험밸브사양 2. 시험설비구축 3. 용량인증시험전경 (NBBI Test Lab. 4. 용량인증시험결과 (Coefficient of Discharge 2
4 I. I. 안전밸브의개요 용어의용어의정의 Safety Safety Valve Valve - - relief relief valve valve actuated actuated by by inlet inlet static static pressure pressure and and characterized characterized by by rapid rapid opening opening or or popping popping action. action. (used (used for for steam steam and and air air service service Relief Relief Valve Valve - - relief relief valve valve actuated actuated by by inlet inlet static static pressure pressure which which opens opens in in proportion proportion to to the the increase increase in in pressure pressure over over the the opening opening pressure. pressure. (used (used for for liquid liquid service service Safety Safety Relief Relief Valve Valve - - relief relief valve valve characterized characterized by by rapid rapid opening opening or or popping popping action, action, or or by by opening opening in in proportion proportion to to the the increase increase in in pressure pressure over over the the opening opening pressure, pressure, depending depending on on application. application. (used (used for for either either liquid liquid or or compressible compressible fluid fluid Pilot Pilot Operated Operated Relief Relief Valve Valve - - relief relief valve valve in in which which the the major major relieving relieving device device is is combined combined with with and and is is controlled controlled by by a a self-actuated self-actuated auxiliary auxiliary pressure pressure relief relief valve. valve. 4
5 I. I. 안전밸브의개요 작동특성도 (Safety Valve vs Relief Valve 5
6 I. I. 안전밸브의개요 안전안전밸브의밸브의구조 안전밸브의구조 -1 Cap (Packed Type Spring Bonnet Stem Bellows Guide Ring Disc Adjust Ring Body Nozzle Main Valve Outlet Dome P 100% Inlet Piston Pilot 100% < Direct Spring Loaded Type > < Pilot Operated Type > 6
7 I. I. 안전밸브의개요 안전안전밸브의밸브의구조 안전밸브의구조 -2 < Conventional Type > < Balanced Bellows Type > Bellows Bellows 역할역할 : : Variable Variable Back Back 의영향영향 (Set (Set 변화변화 을없애줌없애줌.. 7
8 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 안전안전밸브밸브용량인증의필요성필요성 과압방지를위한안전밸브의필요요건 정확하게설정된설정된압력에서작동작동 Chattering 없이없이 Full Full Lift Lift 까지까지작동 시스템에서필요로필요로하는유체의유체의용량을용량을분출 규정된규정된Blowdown 내에서내에서Reseating 기존의안전밸브시험 안전밸브의용량인증시험 ASME B & PV Code 요건 압력기기의구조적구조적건전성 ( Integrity 을확보하기위한위한요건만을기술하고있는있는ASME Boiler Boiler & Vessel Vessel Code Code중에서중에서안전안전밸브만이유일하게성능성능 (( 작동성작동성,, 용량인증 요건을요건을규정 안전밸브의성능은성능은압력기기의과압보호에필수적인요건요건 8
9 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 안전안전밸브의밸브의용량인증용량인증절차 (ASME (ASME Section Section III III 기준기준 용량인증절차 제조자 Test Test Lab. Lab. (ASME 인증인증 Authorized Observer NBBI NBBI (ASME Designee 신청서신청서,, 도면도면 설계검토 Samples 시험 설정압력설정압력 용량용량입회 작동성작동성 Blowdown Blowdown 입 회 서 명 Test Test Report Report 인 증 검토승인 Capacity Certification 9
10 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 용량인증절차 -1, 용량인증신청 신청자신청자 ( ( 제조자제조자 가용량인증용량인증신청서를신청서를작성하여작성하여제출제출 (Applicable (Applicable Code, Code, 인증범위인증범위,, 제품의제품의사양사양,, 시험방법시험방법등을등을신청자가신청자가결정결정 시험방법은시험방법은신청자신청자 ( ( 제조자제조자 가인증범위를인증범위를고려하여고려하여 3 3 가지가지방법방법중선택선택 시험밸브의시험밸브의사양은사양은 NBBI(ASME NBBI(ASME designee designee 에서에서시험시험설비의설비의용량을용량을고려하여고려하여선정선정 용량과용량과관련된관련된설계변경설계변경 (Lift, (Lift, Flow Flow Path, Path, Performance Performance Characteristics Characteristics 시에는시에는재인증이재인증이요구됨요구됨 용량인증절차 -2, 설계검토 NBBI NBBI 에의해의해선정된선정된시험밸브의시험밸브의설계자료설계자료 (Drawing, (Drawing, Parts Parts List List 등 를제출제출 ASME ASME designee(nbbi designee(nbbi 에의한의한설계검토설계검토 (Check (Check List List 활용활용 10
11 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 시험방법 시험방법 Single Valve Method (Three valves Method Sec Ⅷ Slope Method Coefficient of Discharge Method Sample 수량 1 대 ( 3 대 Sec Ⅷ 4 대 9 대 Sample 선정방법 단일 Model, 단일 Size, 단일설정 압력의밸브 1 대를선정 단일의 Inlet Size와 Orifice Size 조합으로밸브 4대를선정 ( 각기다른설정압력 특정Model에서각기다른3가지 Size별로각각 3대이상의밸브선정 ( 각기다른설정압력 용량인증방법 측정된용량 (3 회평균값 기울기 (Slope ( 압축성유체 = 측정된용량 / 입구측절대압력 ( 비압축성유체 = 측정된용량 /( 밸브전후단차압 1/2 배출계수 (Coefficient of Discharge K D = 측정된용량 / 이론용량 인증범위 단일모델, 단일 Size, 단일설정 압력 단일모델, 단일 Inlet size, 단일 Orifice 의전체설정압력 단일모델의전체 Size, 전체설정압력 11
12 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 APPLICATION SHEET 12
13 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 DESIGN REVIEW SHEET 13
14 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 용량인증절차 -3, 시험밸브제작 NBBI NBBI 에서에서선정한선정한시험밸브시험밸브제작제작 ( ( 시험밸브시험밸브수량은수량은시험방법에시험방법에따라따라상이하며상이하며,, 2 2 배수의배수의 Back-up Back-up 밸브밸브제작제작가능가능 용량인증절차 -4, 용량인증시험 성능성능및용량시험은용량시험은 Certified Certified Test Test Lab Lab (ASME (ASME PTC PTC 에따른따른시험설비시험설비 에서에서공인입회인의공인입회인의 (Authorized (Authorized Observer Observer 입회입회하에서하에서실시실시 성능성능확인확인시험시험 ( ( 설정설정압력압력,, Operability, Operability, Lift, Lift, Blowdown Blowdown 3 3 회실시실시 ( ( 성능성능미달미달시에는시에는신청자가신청자가시험현장에서시험현장에서밸브의밸브의조절이조절이가능함가능함 용량용량측정측정실시실시 ( ( 시험밸브시험밸브별 1 1 회,, 단일밸브법에서는단일밸브법에서는 3 3 회실시실시 시험에시험에의해의해측정된측정된용량용량또는또는 Slope Slope 또는또는 Coefficient Coefficient 의편차가편차가 ±5% ±5% 이내이어야이내이어야함 ( ( 편차를편차를벗어나는벗어나는밸브는밸브는 2 2 배수의배수의 Back-up Back-up 밸브를밸브를 1 1 회에회에한하여한하여재시험재시험실시실시 인증인증용량은용량은측정된측정된평균값의평균값의 90% 90% 를초과할초과할수없음없음 14
15 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 TEST REPORT 15
16 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 CAPACITY CERTIFICATE 16
17 II. II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 분출계수 (Coefficient of Discharge 계산 분출계수,, K = 측정유량 // 이론유량이론유량,, W_t W_t Steam Steam ; ; W_t W_t = 51.5AP 51.5AP Air Air ; ; W_t W_t = 356AP(M/T^ AP(M/T^0.5 Gas Gas ; ; W_t W_t = CAP(M/Z/T^0.5 CAP(M/Z/T^0.5 Water Water ; ; W_t W_t = 2407A[(P-Pdw]^ A[(P-Pdw]^0. Symbol Symbol 과 Unit Unit 은 ASME ASME Sec.III Sec.III Sub. Sub. NC NC , , 와같음같음 17
18 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 차용량인증용량인증시험밸브시험밸브사양 ( 배출계수법,, 모델명 : SSR, SSR-B (Compressible Fluid 밸브크기설정압력시험유체밸브형식 0.5in x D x 1.0in 15psi air conventional 1.0in x D x 2.0in 175psi steam balanced bellows 1.0in x D x 2.0in 400psi air conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 25psi air conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 100psi steam conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 225psi air Balanced bellows 3.0in x K x 4.0in 15psi air conventional 3.0in x K x 4.0in 90psi air balanced bellows 3.0in x K x 4.0in 150psi air conventional 18
19 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 모델명 : SSRW, SSRW-B (Incompressible Fluid 밸브크기설정압력시험유체밸브형식 0.5in x D x 1.0in 3psi water conventional 1.0in x D x 2.0in 200psi water balanced bellows 1.0in x D x 2.0in 400psi water conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 3psi water conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 100psi water conventional 1.5in x H x 3.0in 250psi water Balanced bellows 2.0in x J x 3.0in 3psi water conventional 2.0in x J x 3.0in 80psi water balanced bellows 2.0in x J x 3.0in 100psi water conventional 19
20 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 시험설비시험설비구축 안전밸브성능시험 Bench ( 용량시험이전 < AIR 용 > <WATER 용 > <STEAM 용 > 시험항목 : 설정압력, 시트누설시험, Blowdown (Operability 확인및용량시험불가 20
21 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 예비용량시험전경 원자력연구원의원자력연구원의시험설비를시험설비를이용하여이용하여시험밸브에시험밸브에대하여대하여 Operability Operability 확인확인및예비예비용량시험용량시험실시실시 21
22 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 자체용량시험설비구축 (2 차용량인증시험완료후 최대사용압력 : 150 bar 최대설정압력 : 30 bar 밸브 Size : 1/2in ~ 3in 시험유체 : Air, Water 측정항목 : 설정압력, Operability 분출용량, Blowdown 시트누설 22
23 23
24 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 자체용량시험설비 (2 차용량인증시험완료후구축 최대사용압력 : 100 bar 최대설정압력 : 30 bar 밸브 Size : 1/2in ~ 3in 시험유체 : Steam 측정항목 : 설정압력, Operability Blowdown, 시트누설 ( 용량시험은 Air로실시 24
25 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 용량용량인증시험인증시험전경 (NBBI (NBBI Test Test Lab. Lab. AIR 용밸브시험 Relief Relief Devices Devices - - A A device device designed designed to to prevent prevent < AIR TEST 장면 > < AIR TEST LINE > 25
26 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 WARER 용밸브시험 < WATER TEST 장면 > < ORIFICE 형유량계 > 26
27 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 STEAM 용밸브시험 < STEAM TEST 장면 > < STEAM CONDENSER > 27
28 III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 용량용량인증시험인증시험결과 (Coefficient of of Discharge Coefficient Coefficient Test Sequence Test Sequence SSR, SSR-B ; 평균값 Kd = SSRW, SSRW-B ; 평균값 Kd = 인증용량은상기평균값의 90% 28
29 감사합니다 질의및응답 29
<4D F736F F F696E74202D20BED0B7C220B9E6C3E220B9EBBAEA20B9D720BED0B7C220B9E6C3E220B9EBBAEA20BDC3C7E828BBEFBDC520C0CCBFF8C8F12C E342E36292E BC8A3C8AF20B8F0B5E55D>
압력방출밸브및용량시험설비개요 제 14 회원자력안전기술정보회의 충남천안시두정동 63-6, 삼신 / 기술본부장이원희 Tel. 041-562-3401 (511) 2009. 4. 6 기술연구부 목차 1 압력방출밸브의개요 2 밸브성능시험설비의종류 3 해외 PRD 용량시험설비현황 4 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 5 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요 1. 안전방출밸브의개요 1.1
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