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1 압력방출밸브및용량시험설비개요 제 14 회원자력안전기술정보회의 충남천안시두정동 63-6, 삼신 / 기술본부장이원희 Tel (511) 기술연구부

2 목차 1 압력방출밸브의개요 2 밸브성능시험설비의종류 3 해외 PRD 용량시험설비현황 4 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 5 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요


4 1. 안전방출밸브의개요 1.2 안전방출밸브의구조및특징 Solid Type

5 1. 안전방출밸브의개요 1.2 안전방출밸브의구조및특징 Flexible Type

6 2. 밸브성능시험설비종류 2.1 ASME QME-1/KEPIC MFC 에따른 Functional Qualification Test 설비 Active Power Operated Valve 성능시험 Active Self Operated dcheck kvalve 성능시험 Active Safety Relief Valve 성능시험 2.2 ASME PTC 25 에따른 PRD(Pressure Relief Device) 성능시험설비 Pressure Relief Device 성능시험

7 2. 밸브성능시험설비종류 2.3 ASME QME-1/KEPIC MFC 에따른 Functional Qualification Test 구분 성능검증항목 적용구분 APOV ASOCV APRV 1 시험전검사 (Pretest Inspection) 성능및누설 - 기준선 (Performance and Leakage - Baseline) 기본진동수결정 (Fundamental Frequency Determination) 환경과경년열화모사 (Environmental and Aging Simulation) 해당시 해당시 해당시 5 중간검사 (Intermediate Inspection) 6 주기시험 ( 상온및고온 )(Cycle Test) 해당시 7 단부하중시험 (End-Loading Test) 8 내진시험 (Seismic Test) 해당시 - 뒷장계속 -

8 2. 밸브성능시험설비종류 구분 9 10 성능검증항목 배출관및반력하중검증시험 (Discharge-Pipe and Reaction-Loading Qualification Test) 내진및배출관하중조합시험 (Combined Seismic and Discharge-Pipe Loading Test) 적용구분 APOV ASOCV APRV 11 외부환경시험 (External Environment Test) 12 열영향시험 (Thermal Effects Test) 유동차단과기능능력입증 (Flow Interruption and Functional Capability Demonstration) 성능및누설-최종 (Performance and Leakage - Final) 15 시험후검사 (Post Test Inspection)

9 2. 밸브성능시험설비종류 2.4 ASME PTC 25 에따른 PRD(Pressure Relief Device) 성능시험 Popping Test 설정압력에서열리기시작 Chattering 없이 full Open Blow down Test 시스템에서요구하는유체용량분출 규정된 Blow down 내에서 Reseating

10 3. 해외 PRD 용량시험설비현황 Name Certification No. Issued Expires Fluid (s) Pressur e Size Capacity Authorized Observers ANDERSON GREENWOOD CROSBY (Texas) PRD /02/97 07/02/02 Nitrog en 1000 psi 8" Water 1000 psi scfm gpm Steam 1000 psi 4 pph ANDERSON GREENWOOD Air 1000 psi scfm PRD /22/01 02/27/06 CROSBY (Massachusetts) Water 290 psi gpm 3 명 6 명 Water 3600 psi 1-1/2 30 gpm BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC. (Oklahoma) PRD /30/99 03/30/04 Air 275 psi scfm 4 명 CONTINENTAL DISC CORP. (Missouri) PRD /02/99 08/17/04 Air 200 psi scfm Air 650 psi scfm Water 650 psi gpm 4 명 DRESSER FLOW CONTROL, DRESSER, INC. (Louisiana) PRD /24/97 05/12/02 Steam 290 psi pph Air 500 psi scfm Water 500 psi gpm 6 명 - 뒷장계속 -

11 3. 해외 PRD 용량시험설비현황 Name Certification No. Issued Expires Fluid(s) Pressur e Size Capacity Authorized Observers ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE (Oklahoma) PRD /03/01 04/03/06 Steam 1400 psi m 3 /h 1 명 ENGINEERED CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (North Carolina) PRD /13/00 01/13/05 Nitrogen 500 psi 3" scfm 4 명 FARRIS ENGINEERING (Ohio) FIKE CORPORATION (Missouri) Air 880 psi scfm PRD /31/01 01/31/06 5 명 Water 600 psi gpm PRD /28/01 08/28/06 Nitrogen 285 psi scfm 2명 LESER GMBH & COMPANY KG (Germany) PRD /04/00 12/23/04 Air 1450 psi scfm Water 610 psi gpm 6 명 THE NATIONAL BOARD OF BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTORS (Ohio) Steam 500 psi pph PRD /04/01 05/21/06 Air 500 psi scfm 5명 Water 500 psi gpm - 뒷장계속 -

12 3. 해외 PRD 용량시험설비현황 NBBI Testing Laboratory Steam Air Water Media Dry Saturated Steam Compressed Air Ambient temp. Water Maximum Source Pressure 850 psig (58 bar) 2,200 psig (151 bar) 625 psig (43 bar) Flow Sharp-edged orifice Sonic flow nozzle Sharp-edged orifice Measurement plates & weighed & sharp edged orifice plates & timed weight Prime Meters condensate method Plate method Maximum Flow Capacity 20,000 lbs. saturated steam per hour (9,070 kg/hour) 15,000 SCFM (25,000 m 3 /hour) 550 gal./min. (2,080 liters/min.) Test Vessel: MAWP Nozzle Connection 625 psig (43 bar) 4 inches (100 mm) 720 psig (49 bar) 4 inches (100 mm) 720 psig (49 bar) 3 inches (75 mm)

13 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 4.1 STEAM GENERATOR(TEST BOILER) Design Temperature : 750 Design Pressure : 2500 psig Steam Capacity :24ton/hr 2.4 Dry Saturated Steam (Steam Quality : 98% Min.)

14 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요

15 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요

16 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 4.2 HOT WATER TEST FACILITY Source Vessel Design Pressure : 3200 psig Design Temperature : 650 Capacity :5m 3 2 Vessels Test Vessel Design Pressure : 2500 psig Design Temperature : 650 Capacity : 8 m 3

17 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요

18 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 4.3 밸브성능시험항목 Hot / Cold Cycle Test Flow Interruption ti / Initiation Test Flow Reversal Test (Check Valve) Disc-to-Seat Wedge-Lock Evaluation Test (Check Valve) Fully Open Valve Disc Flow Test (Check Valve) Others

19 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요

20 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요

21 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 PIPE REACTION END LOADING & STATIC SEISMIC TEST For Small, Medium & Large Valves Size : 1/2 ~36 Seismic Test

22 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 End-Loading Test

23 4. 삼신밸브성능시험설비개요 4.4 MOV DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENTS(3 Sets) QUIKLOOK (Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc.) MOVIDS (M&D Inc.) VIPER20 (Crane Nuclear Inc.)

24 5. 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요 5.1 PTC 25 에따른 PRD 용량시험설비

25 5. 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요

26 5. 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요 설비개요 1) Media - Dry Saturated Steam (98% 이상의 Quality) - Nitrogen - Water (Ambient/Hot) 2) Design Temperature : 650 3) Design Pressure : 2500 psig 4) Source Vessel : 8 m3 5) Test Vessel : 1 m3 6) Metering Section : NPS 4 7) Popping & Blowdown Tests EXPECTED UNCERTAINTY 1) PTC 19.1 절차에따라계산 2) Flow Measurement : ± 2.0 % 이내 3) 기타측정값 : ± 0.5 % 이내

27 5. 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요 CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS 1) Pressure (1) Measuring Instrument - PTC 19.2에따름 - 주기 : Before and after any test or series of tests (2) Indicator/Recorder de - 국내검교정법에따름 2) Temperature (1) Measuring Instrument - PTC 19.3 에따름 - 주기 : Within 90-day period preceding the test or series of tests (2) Indicator/Recorder - 국내검교정법에따름 3) Lift Indicators & Recorder (1) Measuring Instrument - 국내검교정법에따름 - 주기 : Before and after each test or series of tests (2) Indicator/Recorder - 국내검교정법에따름

28 5. 삼신 PRD 용량시험설비개요 4) Weighing Scales : 사용치않음 5) Steam Calorimeter - PTC 에따름 - 주기 : 최초설치시,6 개월이내마다시행 6) Meter Section : PTC 19.5 에따름


30 최고의품질을추구하는삼신

<4D F736F F F696E74202D20BEC8C0FCB9E6C3E2B9EBBAEA20BFEBB7AEC0CEC1F5284B494E5320B9DFC7A5C0DAB7E12C E707074>

<4D F736F F F696E74202D20BEC8C0FCB9E6C3E2B9EBBAEA20BFEBB7AEC0CEC1F5284B494E5320B9DFC7A5C0DAB7E12C E707074> 안전방출밸브용량인증 2009. 04. 06 기술부장노희선 1 목 차 I. 안전밸브의개요 1. 압력방출기구의구분 2. 용어의정의 3. 안전밸브의구조 II. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성과절차 1. 안전밸브용량인증의필요성 2. 안전밸브의용량인증절차 (ASME Section III III. 안전밸브용량인증사례 1. 2차용량인증시험밸브사양 2. 시험설비구축 3. 용량인증시험전경

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