Extended Calculations
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- 7 years ago
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1 xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Member [191] Beam: B_202 W18x86 (A992) Seq: A Length: /16 Camber: 0 ABM: N/Assign Left End Right End Connection : Shear conn Connection : End plate Plate, Size as required Wide gage, Welded extended tee: No Shr pl on Auto, Skew holes: Automatic Safety AutomaticExpand Vertical bolt s Comb shear plates: Automatic pacing: Automatic Two bolt columns Elevation : Elevation : Minus Dim : 7 3/4 (AUTO) Minus Dim : 0 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 7 3/4 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 1/4 (AUTO) Std Detail : None Std Detail : None Web : Web vertical Web : Web vertical Shear (kips) : 45 Shear (kips) : 60 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Tension (kips): 0 Tension (kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0
2 xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/ :10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr :07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_202 (W18x86) LEFT END Member number [191] Depth = 1-6 3/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 11 1/8 Tf = 3/4 Ix = Detail T = 1-3 1/8 Detail k = 1 5/8 Design k = Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: Other end elev.: Span length: /16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 3.43 D/L = < Fy/1000 = (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = /16 Plan rotation: 0.00 degrees Connecting nodes-- Node 1 = [190] Column W14x90 Z coordinates End 0 = End 1 = Frames to web of Column (W14x90) C_201 Supporting member material grade: A992 Detail k = 2 Design k = Thickness = Non-composite design Reaction has been input Design loads: Shear = 45.0 Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 45.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load SINGLE-PLATE SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 Connection PL: Thick = 1/2 Width = 1-2 Depth = 1-3 9/16 Plate projection depth = 1-3 Stabilizer PL: Thick = 1 1/8 Width = 6 1/2 Length = 1-0 9/16 b/t = 5.78 l/r = Weld line to bolt group c.g. = 10 3/4 Beam horiz. edge distance = 1 3/4 Fillet weld size: 5/16 (Total effective throat = 0.44 ) Dihedral angle = degrees Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 7/8 Bolt rows: 5 Bolt columns: 2 Bolt spacing: 3 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot
3 xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/ :10 AM (BEAM B_202 LEFT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 16.2 Kips, ds = 32.5 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) Kips J4-2(a) Bolt brg. on web ( 20) Kips J3.10 Connection block shear ( 6) 94.2 Kips J4.3 PL gross area shear yielding ( 38) Kips J4.2 PL net area shear fracture ( 21) 87.0 Kips J4.2 Plate flexure (345) 55.9 Kips B4 Supported mbr. bolt shear ( 3) 53.6 Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supported mbr. ( 20) 92.3 Kips J3.10 Weld to supporting mbr. (112) 69.0 Kips J2, Table J2.5 Shear on support ( 36) Kips G2 Plate buckling (346) Kips Pg 9-7,8 AISC Manual Extended configuration and design method Coefficient C' = *Mmax/Fy*d^2 = 1.03 According to formula (10-6) of the 14th edition, stabilizer plates are necessary for this connection. t <= db/2 + 1/16 tw <= db/2 + 1/16 ---> See 'Single-plate connection' notes for design criteria applicable to this connection. <--- Max PL thick to prevent shear punching failure: Supporting Column web b/t <= 1.49*SQRT[E/Fy], AISC B5.1. Column b/t = maximum = Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 53.6 Kips 0.84 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
4 4 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [191]'s Left End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Bolt bearing on web (20) Ref: J3.10:, =., =, =, =, =. =., =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /,, =.,, =,,,
5 5 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:,. /, =., =(, )() =(.)(.) =. =( )() =(.)() =.. o.k. =, Connection block shear (6) Ref: J4.3:, =., =, =, =, =, =, =., =., =, =, =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)(( )( )+. (.)()) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =., =(.)( )( )
6 6 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., = + =.+. =. = = ()( ) = ()(.) =.. o.k. Plate gross area shear yielding (38), =, =.,, =, =( )( ) =(.)() =. =., = (.)(). =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =. o.k. = (.)(,) Ref: J4.2: Plate net area shear fracture (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =, =( )( ()( ))
7 7 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =(.)( ()()) =,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()() =. o.k. Plate flexure (345) Ref: B4:, =, =., =., =, =()() =(.)() =., = = =. =... =... =. + =. =. = o.k. Supported member bolt shear (3) Ref: J3:, =, =., =., =
8 8 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =, = ()()(.)() =. =()( ) =(.)(.) =.. o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supported member (20), =., =., =, =, =, =, =, =. =., =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Ref: J3.10: Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /, =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =.
9 9 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =, = (.)(.)(.)() =. /, =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,,, =()() =()() =, = =, = = =, +, =()( ) =(.)( ((.)()+(.)()) ) =. =( )() =(.)() =.. o.k. Weld to supporting member (112) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =., =., = =., =()() =()(.) =, =. =()()() =(.)(.)() =.. o.k. Shear on support (36) Ref: G2:
10 10 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =., =, =., =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =. =. = (.)( )() = (.)()(.). =.. o.k. Plate buckling (346) Ref: Pg 9-7,8:, =,, =,, =, =., =., =., =., =., =, =. Buckling, design check 5:, =, = +()( ) =.+()(.) =., = + =.+. =., = =., = =, = =., = =., =( )( ) =()(.) =.
11 11 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Flexural Rupture:, = =. =. =, =.. = =., =( )() =(.. )() =. Flexural Local Buckling:, = =. =., =. (.)( ) =. (.)(.). =., =(, ) =(,.) =., =.. π =. π (.)()., = =. ()(), =... = =.,,,, =( )() =(.. )() =., =(, ) =(.,.)
12 xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =. = =.. o.k.
13 xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr :07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_202 (W18x86) RIGHT END Member number [191] Depth = 1-6 3/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 11 1/8 Tf = 3/4 Ix = Detail T = 1-3 1/8 Detail k = 1 5/8 Design k = Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: Other end elev.: Span length: /16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 3.43 D/L = < Fy/1000 = (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = /16 Plan rotation: 0.00 degrees No connecting member Non-composite design Automatic reaction Design loads: Shear = 60.0 Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load END PL SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 End Pl Thick: 1/4 Width: 8 Length: 1-3 Fillet weld size = 1/4 Total eff. weld throat = Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 No. of bolt rows: 5 Bolt spacing: 3 Connection gage: 5 1/2 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot Dihedral angle = degrees Plate Le = 1 1/2
14 xtended Calculations 4 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM (BEAM B_202 RIGHT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) Kips J4-2(a) Beam net web shear ( 8) Kips J4 Connection block shear (252) 83.3 Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 15) Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) 92.4 Kips J4.2 Weld to supported mbr. ( 24) Kips J2, Table J2.5 Supporting mbr. bolt shear ( 1) Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supporting mbr. (110) Kips J3.10 Brg. on supporting mbr. (110) Kips J3.10 Connection ductility check --- Min. OSL bolt diameter to preclude bolt fracture: 0.23 Effective weld length = PL length - 2 X weld size or beam T dist, whichever is less. Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = 83.3 Kips 0.72 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
15 15 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [191]'s Right End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Beam net web shear (8) Ref: J4:, =, =., =, =., =., =., =( )( ()(), ()()) =(.)( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. =, = (.)() =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =.. o.k. = (.)( ) Connection block shear (252), = Ref: J4.3:
16 16 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =., =, =, =, =., =., =, = Connection block shear, NS (6):, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. Connection block shear, FS (6):
17 17 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. =, +, =.+. =.. o.k. Connection gross shear (15) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =., =
18 18 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =( )( )+( )( ) =()(.)+()(.) =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =. o.k. Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =.. o.k. Weld to supported member (24) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =, =., =., =, =., =., =( ()(), ()()) =( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. = = =
19 19 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM,, = = ()(.)(.)(.)() (.)() ()(.)()(.)( ) (.)() =., =, =.. =. = =, = (.)(.)( )() = (.)(.)()(.) =. =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =.. o.k. Supporting member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =.. o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supporting member (110), =, =. Ref: J3.10:
20 xtended Calculations 0 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =., =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =.. o.k.
21 xtended Calculations 1 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Bearing on supporting member (110), =, =, =, =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)()() =. Ref: J3.10:, =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)()() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =. o.k.
22 xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Member [192] Beam: B_203 W24x84 (A992) Seq: A Length: /16 Camber: 0 ABM: N/Assign Left End Right End Connection : End plate Connection : Shear conn Wide gage, Welded extended tee: No Plate, Size as required Safety AutomaticExpand Vertical bolt s Shr pl on Auto, Skew holes: Automatic pacing: Automatic Comb shear plates: Automatic One bolt column, Welded moment Re-entrant cut: Automatic Elevation : Elevation : Minus Dim : 0 (AUTO) Minus Dim : 7 3/8 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 3/8 (AUTO) Mtrl Setback : 7 3/8 (AUTO) Std Detail : None Std Detail : None Web : Web vertical Web : Web vertical Shear (kips) : (AUTO) Shear (kips) : (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): 0 (AUTO) Moment(kip-ft): (AUTO) Tension (kips): 0 Tension (kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Compress(kips): 0 Design for both dblrs & stiff
23 xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr :07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_203 (W24x84) LEFT END Member number [192] Depth = 2-0 1/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 9 Tf = 3/4 Ix = Detail T = 1-8 3/4 Detail k = 1 11/16 Design k = Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: Other end elev.: Span length: /16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 9.28 D/L = > Fy/800 = (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = /16 Plan rotation: degrees No connecting member Non-composite design Automatic reaction Design loads: Shear = Kips Moment = 0. Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load END PL SHEAR CONNECTION Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 End Pl Thick: 3/8 Width: 8 Length: 1-6 Fillet weld size = 1/4 Total eff. weld throat = Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 No. of bolt rows: 6 Bolt spacing: 3 Connection gage: 5 1/2 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot Dihedral angle = degrees Plate Le = 1 1/2
24 xtended Calculations 4 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM (BEAM B_203 LEFT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) Kips J4-2(a) Beam net web shear ( 8) Kips J4 Connection block shear (252) Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 15) Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) Kips J4.2 Weld to supported mbr. ( 24) Kips J2, Table J2.5 Supporting mbr. bolt shear ( 1) Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supporting mbr. (110) Kips J3.10 Brg. on supporting mbr. (110) Kips J3.10 Connection ductility check --- Min. OSL bolt diameter to preclude bolt fracture: 0.35 Effective weld length = PL length - 2 X weld size or beam T dist, whichever is less. Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = Kips 0.97 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
25 25 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [192]'s Left End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Beam net web shear (8) Ref: J4:, =, =., =, =., =., =., =( )( ()(), ()()) =(.)( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. =, = (.)() =. =( )( ) =(.)(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Connection block shear (252), = Ref: J4.3:
26 26 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =., =, =, =, =., =., =, = Connection block shear, NS (6):, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. Connection block shear, FS (6):
27 27 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.) =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =, =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =()()(.) =., = + =.+. =. =,, = ()( ) = ()(.) =. =, +, =.+. =... o.k. Connection gross shear (15) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =., =
28 28 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =( )( )+( )( ) =()(.)+()(.) =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =... o.k. Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =... o.k. Weld to supported member (24) Ref: J2, Table J2.5:, =, =., =., =, =., =., =( ()(), ()()) =( ()(.),. ()(.)) =. = = =
29 29 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM,, = = ()(.)(.)(.)() (.)() ()(.)()(.)( ) (.)() =., =, =.. =. = =, = (.)(.)( )() = (.)(.)()(.) =. =( )( )() =(.)(.)() =... o.k. Supporting member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =... o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supporting member (110), =, =. Ref: J3.10:
30 xtended Calculations 0 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =., =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k.
31 xtended Calculations 1 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Bearing on supporting member (110), =, =, =, =., =, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)()() =. Ref: J3.10:, =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)()() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k.
32 xtended Calculations 2 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM JOB: MyJob_J FABR: MyJob_F 01 Apr :07:48 CONNECTION STRENGTH CHECK SDS/2 v7.323 AISC 2010 SPECIFICATION (ASD) BEAM B_203 (W24x84) RIGHT END Member number [192] Depth = 2-0 1/8 Tw = 1/2 Bf = 9 Tf = 3/4 Ix = Detail T = 1-8 3/4 Detail k = 1 11/16 Design k = Ix = Zx = Material grade: A992 Fu = 65.0 Ksi Fy = 50.0 Ksi End elevation: Other end elev.: Span length: /16 Slope: 0.00 degrees Beam: Ix/L = 9.28 D/L = > Fy/800 = (AISC C-L3) Left end rotation = 0.00 Right end rotation = 0.00 Material length = /16 Plan rotation: degrees Connecting nodes-- Node 1 = [190] Column W14x90 Z coordinates End 0 = End 1 = Frames to flange of Column (W14x90) C_201 Supporting member material grade: A992 Detail k = 2 Design k = Thickness = Non-composite design Automatic reaction Automatic moment Design loads: Shear = Kips Moment = Kip-ft Design reaction is 60.0 % of the allow. uniform steel bm. load Design moment is 73.0 % of the allowable plastic moment, Mp Column checked for web doublers and flg stiffeners SHEAR PL WEB CONN. WITH WELDED FLANGE MOMENT CONN. Connection material-- Plate: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Weld metal strength: Fexx = 70.0 Web plate: Thick = 5/8 Depth = 1-6 Web plate weld size = 1/4 Bolt type: A325N Bolt dia: 3/4 Bolt rows: 6 Bolt columns: 2 Bolt spacing: 3 Hole type in conn. to supported member: Short slot
33 xtended Calculations 3 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM (BEAM B_203 RIGHT END CONTINUED) Allow. web bolt shear load: ss = 11.9 Kips, ds = 23.9 Kips Fnv/OMEGA = 27.0 Ksi Allow. bolt tension Fnt = 90.00Ksi Fnt/OMEGA = 45.00Ksi Bolt area = Col. web doubler: 5/8 X 10 X 2-6 1/8 Grade: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Doubler on one side of col web. Col. flange stiffener: 1 1/8 X 6 1/2 X 1-0 7/16 Grade: A36 Fu = 58.0 Fy = 36.0 Option to design full depth stiffeners as needed was selected ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CALCULATION NUMBER Rn/OMEGA AISC REF Beam web shear ( 2) Kips J4-2(a) Beam moment strength ( 59) Kip-ft F Bolt brg. on web (110) Kips J3.10 Connection block shear ( 6) Kips J4.3 Conn. gross shear ( 17) Kips J4.2 Conn. net shear ( 21) Kips J4.2 Supported mbr. bolt shear ( 1) Kips J3 Conn. brg.: supported mbr. (110) Kips J3.10 Weld to supporting mbr. (112) Kips J2, Table J2.5 Shear on support ( 36) Kips G2 CJP Beam flg. weld (125) Kip-ft J,Table J2.5 Column web crippling ( 25) Kip-ft J10.3 Column flg. mom. strength ( 83) Kip-ft J10.1 Eccentricity is neglected in the shear connection, misc note 34. Matching weld metal is required for the flange weld. Min. column web thickness = J10.6, Fig. C-J10.3 d1 = M1 = d2 = 0.00 M2 = 0.00 Story shear = 0.00 Sigma F = Col. resisting moment, Fy*Zx/OMEGA = Kip-ft Unstiffened column strength: Flg bending AISC Spec J10.1: Kips Web yielding AISC Spec J10.2: Kips Web crippling AISC Spec J10.3: Kips Web buckling AISC Spec J10.5: Kips Panel zone shear AISC J10.6: Kips Computed flange force: Kips Connection strength: Load ratio (Design/Allow.) Shear = Kips 0.94 Moment = Kip-ft 1 CONNECTION IS OK (Strength equals or exceeds design loads)
34 34 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Expanded Design Calculation for Member [192]'s Right End Beam web shear (2) Ref: J4-2(a):, =, =., =., =()( ) =(.)(.) =. =., = (.)(). = =( )( ) =()(.) =... = (.)( ) o.k. Beam moment strength (59) Ref: F:, =, =. =., = ()()(.). =. = ()( )() = =.. ( -. =. ) o.k. Bolt bearing on web (110) Ref: J3.10:, =, =., =, =., =, =, =, =.
35 35 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =. Edge bolt capacity:, =.,, =,,,,., =., =, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k. Connection block shear (6) Ref: J4.3:, =., =, =, =, =, =, =., =., =, =., =., =()(()( )+ ) =(.)(()( )+.)
36 36 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM =., =()(( )( )+ (.)( )) =(.)((.)( )+. (.)(.)) =., =()( +( )( )) =(.)(.+()( )) =., =()( (.)( )+( )( )) =(.)(. (.)(.)+(.)( )) =., =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =(.)( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., =( )( )( ) =(.)()(.) =., = + =.+. =. = = ()( ) = ()(.) =... o.k. Connection gross shear (17) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =., =, =( )( ) =(.)() =. =. = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.). =.. o.k.
37 37 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM Connection net shear (21) Ref: J4.2:,, =, =, =., =, =., =( )( ()( )) =(.)( ()(.)) =.,, =, = = = (.)(,)() = (.)()(.) =... o.k. Supported member bolt shear (1) Ref: J3:, =, =, =, =., = =, = ()()(.)() =. =( )()() =(.)()() =... o.k. = ()( )( )() Connection bearing: supported member (110), =, =., =, =., =., = Ref: J3.10:
38 38 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =, =, =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =. Interior bolt capacity:,, = =. =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, Edge bolt capacity:,, = (.)( ) =. (.)(.) =. =, = (.)(.)(.)() =., =(.,.) =., =.,, =,,, =()(, +(, )( ))() =()(.+(.)( ))() =... o.k. Weld to supporting member (112), = Ref: J2, Table J2.5:
39 39 of 39 4/1/ :10 AM, =., = = = = = (.)()()()(.)( ) = (.)(.)()()(.)() =... o.k. Shear on support (36) Ref: G2:, =, =, =., =( )( )() =()(.)() =. =. = (.)( )() = (.)()(.). =... o.k. CJP Beam flange weld (125) Ref: J,Table J2.5:, =. = =.. ( -. =. ) o.k.
DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 국방 군사시설기준 탄약고 설계지침 국 방 부 DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 목 차 제1부 강재(파형강판) 탄약고 제1장 일반사항 1-1 적용 범위 1 1-2 참조 기준 1 1-3 주요 용어 1 제2장 설계지침 2-1 설계하중 3 2-2 설계사항 3 2-3 최소 다짐층 토피고 6 2-4
COLUMN, BED, SADDLE The column is of a rugged box-type construction and its ground slide ways are wide to support and guide securely the spindle head.
, Yard Bottom Slamming, Slamming,, 10-8 Probability Level Bottom Slamming., Bottom Slamming,, Evaluation, Allowable Criteria, Ballast Reduction, Botto
005 년도한국해양과학기술협의회공동학술대회 Bottom Slamming,,,, ( The Study of the Direct Structural Strength Calculation against the Bottom Slamming Load for the Forward Bottom Structural Area Seog-Jin OH, In-Seong SEO,
HOSPA Chipboard screws with countersunk head Material: Drive: Cross recess PZ galvanized yellow chromatized nickel plated burnished Partly threaded, galvanized or yellow chromatized dk k L d m Head Ø dk
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 14, No. 4 pp. 2000-2005, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2013.14.4.2000 경골잔교 상부구조의 휨 및 비틀림에 대한 구조 안전성 검토 함규성 1, 임남형 2, 박종섭 3, 윤기용 1*
Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket
Vertical Probe Card for Wafer Test Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket Life Time: 500000
. Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Counter Flow Cross Flow,. 1.Cooling Tower. Air Flow 1) Counter Flow System Fan Air Fan Discharge Distributor Fill Counter Flow ( ) Cold Water Basin. 1 Counter Flow System
[부산 ] 2009년 08월 28일 ( 金 ) 1경주 국 5(마령)1000M 발주 13:00 종합 인기도 출전 착순 출주 10 11 5 검은요정 국5 한2 암 김재섭 영준 53 3착 선행 5 5 5 15 1 6 3 0.3 주 10 랜드레이디 국5 한2 암 강형곤 현명 53 3착 선행 10 5 6.3 10 10 4 8 4 2 4 주 11 일맥상통 국5 한3 암
1 1) 1 2) SK COMPLEX 1 Heating Cooling 3) 1 2 2 3 1) 2 2) 3 4 1) Floating Type Heat Exchanger 8 2) Fixed Type Heat Exchanger 11 3) U-Type Heat Exchanger 13 4) Air Fan Cooler 15 5) Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
<BCB3B0E8B0CBBBE72031C0E5202D204D4F4E4F C2E687770>
I-BEAM 강도계산서 1. 사양 & 계산기준 * 정격하중 (Q1) = 5000.00 KG * HOIST 자중 (W1)= 516.00 KG * 작업계수 (Φ) = 1.1 * 충격계수 (ψ) = 1.10 * HOOK BLOCK WEIGHT (W2) = 20 KG * HOISTING SPEED (V) = 3.25/1 M/MIN * TRAVERSING SPEED
STRUCTURAL CALCULATION 구조계산서 PROJECT 서울월드컵경기장 보조경기장지붕공사 1. 설계개요 1.1 구조물개요 1.2 설계기준 1.3 사용재료강도 1.4 특기사항 구조물위치 서울시마포구 구조물명칭 서울월드컵경기장보조경기장지붕 구조형식 철골구조및막구조 구조물용도 보조경기장지붕막 1) 구조설계규준 강구조계산규준및해설 ( 대한건축학회 ) AISC-ASD83
2001. 9. 6 1. 1. (1) (1) 1 (2) (2) 2 3 INVESTER PROFESIONAL ORGANIZATION GOVERNMENT CODE COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION CODE LAW LICENSE PERMIT PLANT 4 5 6 7 2. (1) 2. (1) 8 9 (2) (2) 10 (3) ( ). () 20kg/ (P70,
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
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Original Article pissn 1738-2637 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(2):129-134 The Survey of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality according to in Korea 1 자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 1 Hyun-Hae
B-3 B-4 HDV B-8 B-37 B-39 3S1A B-40 3S2A B-42 3S3A B-44 3S4A B-45 B-11 B-15 S1A B-16 K2A B-20 K3A B-24 S3A B-27 S4A B-30 S5A B-33 HPV5-6, HPV5-8 B-78
- - HDV -8-7 -9 S1-0 S - S - S - -11 - S1-16 K -0 K - S -7 S -0 S - HV-6, HV-8-78 -7-9 S11, S1-60 S1, S1-61 -7-9 S11-0 K1-1 K1 - S1 - S1 - S1 - HNV000-6 -6 HMV -66 HMV -69 HLV -7 HLV -7 HFV -76 HVC -81
The Series Pendulum Impact 601 & 602 Analog Tester For Regular DTI-602B (Izod) DTI-601 (Charpy) DTI-602A (Izod) SPECIFICATIONS Model DTI-601 DTI-602 Type Charpy for plastics lzod for plastics Capacity
17-221~235설계01철도사장교1.ps 2012.12.26 19:59 페이지221 VOL.19 설계사례 222 김종학, 이경훈, 손준상, 송혜금 236 미호천 1교의 계획 및 설계 김재기, 이경훈, 김기혁, 곽태영 248 하나대교(가칭)의 계획 및 설계 이명재, 이경훈, 박 철, 박흥희, 조재원, 이대규 274 국도18호선 진도대교 성능개선공사 실시설계용역
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공학박사학위 논문 운영 중 터널확대 굴착시 지반거동 특성분석 및 프로텍터 설계 Ground Behavior Analysis and Protector Design during the Enlargement of a Tunnel in Operation 2011년 2월 인하대
저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는 아래의 조건을 따르는 경우에 한하여 자유롭게 이 저작물을 복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연 및 방송할 수 있습니다. 이차적 저작물을 작성할 수 있습니다. 다음과 같은 조건을 따라야 합니다: 저작자표시. 귀하는 원저작자를 표시하여야 합니다. 비영리. 귀하는 이 저작물을 영리 목적으로 이용할 수 없습니다.
Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology HEATRAN Heat Transfer Technology 1. 회사개요 Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer
HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius
Min Max ST 044N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 2.0m
LYOUT O TH HIN (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R Lp Lf H ORDRING RKT TYP (ree nd racket)
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전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2006. 12. 7. 특허청전기전자심사본부유비쿼터스심사팀 장기정 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 1 Omnidirectional Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2 With Fisheye Lens 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 3 With Multiple Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 4 With Mirrors 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇
ª Œª Œ 27ƒ 5A Á 2007 9œ pp. 753 ~ 758 gj pœw gj p { x A New Test Method for Pure Isotropic Flexural Tensile Strength of Concretes Ÿ Á y Á x Zi, GoangseupÁOh, HongseobÁChoi, Jinhyek Abstract Proposed is
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. 1., 53,569 18.4%, (18.3% ), (7.6% ), (7.4% ). 2000 ( :,, % ) ( ) 2,440,992 53,569 748 74,399 3,537 6.6 43 5,875 812,369 14,893 334 20,297 1,316 8.8 55 2,099 690,726 15,562 289 20,591 2,048 13.2 40 3,267
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate
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Preliminary spec(K93,K62_Chip_081118).xls
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Microsoft Word - 259-267 Á¤Áظð.doc
대 한 조 선 학 회 논 문 집 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 제42권 제3호 22005 년 6 월 ii. Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 259-267, June 2005 비선형 베어링 요소를 이용한 탄성 추진 축계정렬에 관한 고찰 정준모 *, 최익흥 *, 신상훈 * 현대중공업 선박해양연구소
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000 KALIMER - Creep-Fatigue Damage Evaluation of KALIMER Reactor Internal Structures for Elevated Temperature, 150 KALIMER ASME Code Case N-01-4 0 - - - Abstract In this paper, the design limits of the
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저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
Alloy Group Material Al 1000,,, Cu Mg 2000 ( 2219 ) Rivet, Mn 3000 Al,,, Si 4000 Mg 5000 Mg Si 6000, Zn 7000, Mg Table 2 Al (%
http://wwwtechnonetcokr (Aluminum & Aluminum BasedAlloy) : LG 1 Aluminum Table 1, 2 1000 7000 4 Al 990% Al 1XXX AlCu 2XXX AlMn 3XXX AlSi 4XXX AlMg 5XXX AlMgSi 6XXX AlZn(Mg, Cu) 7XXX 8XXX ( ) 9XXX Fig 1
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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 23, o. 4, pp. 529~536, August, 211 GGGGG http://dx.doi.org/1.4334/jkci. z e f ü w x sƒ y 1) *Á 2) 1) û w» w m œw Experimental Verification on the
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5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 OK 46 47 OK 48 OK 49 50 51 OK OK 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
15 홍보담당관 (언론홍보담당) 김병호 ( 金 秉 鎬 ) 16 (행정담당) 박찬해 ( 朴 鑽 海 ) 예산담당관 17 (복지행정담당) 이혁재 ( 李 赫 在 ) 18 (보육담당) 주사 이영임 ( 李 泳 任 ) 기동근무해제. 19 (장애인담당) 박노혁 ( 朴 魯 爀 ) 기동
人 事 發 令 논산시 (2013. 2. 7일자) 일련 1 감사담당관 지방행정사무관 이정열 ( 李 廷 烈 ) 2 지방행정사무관 김오형 ( 金 五 衡 ) 감사담당관 3 지방행정사무관 조상환 ( 趙 相 煥 ) 행정지원과 4 지방행정사무관 이정호 ( 李 廷 鎬 ) 5 지방행정사무관 서형욱 ( 徐 炯 旭 ) 6 산림공원과 지방행정사무관 이연형 ( 李 連 炯 ) 취암동
G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 531~539, August, 2008 š x y w m š gj p { sƒ z 1) * 1) w w Evaluation of Flexural Strength for Normal and High Strength Concrete with Hooked
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Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
1. Features IR-Compact non-contact infrared thermometer measures the infrared wavelength emitted from the target spot and converts it to standard curr
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1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 1 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 2 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 3 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 4 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 5 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 6 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39 AM ` 7 1»` 1904.1.1 10:39
03 장태헌.hwp
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2013 Aug.; 24(8), 772 780. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2013.24.8.772 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) HEMP
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Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
Redundancy Adding extra bits for detecting or correcting errors at the destination Types of Errors Single-Bit Error Only one bit of a given data unit is changed Burst Error Two or more bits in the data
KAERI/TR-2128/2002 : SMART 제어봉구동장치 기본설계 보고서
KAERI =100,000 25 20 Force, [kn/m^2] 15 10 5 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 b/a I = 1500[ AT ], a + b = 16[ mm], hr = 5.6[ mm], hδ = 11.2[ mm], δ = 0.35[
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120 V AC, 50/60 Hz : 52 W (with no optional accessories installed), indicates safety information. 70 W (with all optional accessories installed) : : (WxHxD) : : 41 F to 104 F (+ 5 C to + 40 C) Less than
1 1.1,,.,. (solid mechanics)., (kinematics), (statics), (kinetics). ( d y n a m i c s ).,,. ( m e c h a n i s m ). ( l i n k a g e ) ( 1.1 ), (pin joint) (revolute joint) (prismatic joint) ( 1.2 ) (open
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J of Korean Tunn Undergr Sp Assoc 16(2)181-191(2014) eissn: 2287-4747 http://dx.doi.org/10.9711/ktaj.2014.16.2.181 pissn: 2233-8292 선형절삭시험에 의한 더블디스크커터와 싱글디스크커터의 커터 작용력과 축응력에 대한 실험적 평가 최순욱 1 ㆍ장수호 2 *ㆍ박영택
Microsoft Word - SRA-Series Manual.doc
사 용 설 명 서 SRA Series Professional Power Amplifier MODEL No : SRA-500, SRA-900, SRA-1300 차 례 차 례 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 안전지침 / 주의사항 -----------------------------------------------------------
Valuation (DCF Multiple ) VIII Case Study 3 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3 ) 6 Multiple (Multiple 4 ) 7 ( 5
Valuation (DCF Multiple ) Valuation (DCF Multiple ) I Valuation 1 Valuation 2 valuation II VBM Valuation 1 VBM 2 M&A III 1 2 IV 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3
제7장 PRT CPM 일정계획 /7-01 제7장 PRT CPM 일정계획 1. 단독사업 PRT/CPM 일정계획 / 7-0. PRT/CPM 기타문제 / 7-17 3. 기출 예상 문제 및 착안점 / 7-0 7-0 / [최신]기술지도사-생산계획편 1. 단독사업 PRT/CPM 일정계획 [경지 008] [공기 198, 010] * 네트워크 계획 및 통제 기법을 이용하여
2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G L
HXR-NX3D1용 3D 워크플로 가이드북 2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G Lens, Exmor, InfoLITHIUM, Memory
J of Korean Tunn Undergr Sp Assoc 15(5)497-504(2013) eissn: 2287-4747 http://dx.doi.org/10.9711/ktaj.2013.15.5.497 pissn: 2233-8292 도로터널의 갱구부 경관설계가 터널 내부조명에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 이미애 1 ㆍ이동희 2 * 1 아이라이트 대표이사 2
CLEBO PM-10S / PM-10HT Megapixel Speed Dome Camera 2/39 3/39 4/39 5/39 6/39 7/39 8/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 10/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 11/39 12/39 13/39 14/39 15/39 Meg gapixel Speed Dome Camera
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www.ex-police.or.kr 2 3 4 5 6 2010年 7月 31日 土曜日 제1393호 서로에게 소식을 전합시다 임대인이 임대차 목적물의 수선의무를 부담하게 되는 파손 장해의 정도 김 진(前 경우회 재정처장) 임대차 목적물의 파손 또는 장해가 생긴 경우 경미한 사안은 임차인이 부 담하고 그 이외의 많은 비용이 드는 사안은 임대인이 부담하여야한 임 차건물이
G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 763~771, December, 2007 FRP w w gj p 1) *Áw 2) Á 1) 1) w w œw 2) w w ey l Behaviour of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced
VOL.76.2008/2 Technical SmartPlant Materials - Document Management SmartPlant Materials에서 기본적인 Document를 관리하고자 할 때 필요한 세팅, 파일 업로드 방법 그리고 Path Type인 Ph
인터그래프코리아(주)뉴스레터 통권 제76회 비매품 News Letters Information Systems for the plant Lifecycle Proccess Power & Marine Intergraph 2008 Contents Intergraph 2008 SmartPlant Materials Customer Status 인터그래프(주) 파트너사
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ir Cylinder: tandard/on-rotating Rod Double cting/ingle cting, ingle Rod/Double Rod eries CM ø3/4", ø7/8", ø1 1/16", ø1 1/4", ø1 1/2", ø2" 1 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 CG1 M M1 C2 C1 C76 C85 C95 CP95 CM C D- -X 20-
기술 데이터 자료 (주)화신 국제 인증규격 인증품 소개 박스 보호등급(IP) / UL / NEMA / RoHS 방폭 등급 / 우레탄 가스켓 포밍 4P~5P 6P~7P 8P~9P 플라스틱 박스 & 알루미늄 제품 플라스틱 제품의 특징 및 전 제품 소개 10P~11P 단자함
V.19 2015년 10월 발행 v.19 기술 데이터 자료 (주)화신 국제 인증규격 인증품 소개 박스 보호등급(IP) / UL / NEMA / RoHS 방폭 등급 / 우레탄 가스켓 포밍 4P~5P 6P~7P 8P~9P 플라스틱 박스 & 알루미늄 제품 플라스틱 제품의 특징 및 전 제품 소개 10P~11P 단자함 N 시리즈 제품 소개 12P 유럽형 Q 시리즈 제품
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