SUMMARY ITEM DESCRIPTION REMARKS EQUIPMENT(LINE) NAME HT I-SIDE B Line Sheet & Post Piercing/Riveting Mold Takt time 7.5 Min. Max Material Feeding(In+
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1 SPECIFICATION FOR QUOTATION ( 견적사양서 ) HT I-SIDE B Line Sheet & Post Piercing/Riveting Mold (HT ROSARITO PLANT I-SIDE-B LINE) PROJECT REF NO. RME SUMMARY 2. General Specification 3. Equipment Specification 1) Piercing Mold 2) Riveting Mold 4. Attachment Work New Remodel Scope Prepared by Checked by Checked by Head of Dept. Quotation From Wonjin Park Jusup Shin Approval Date Responsible Dept. HT Rosarito Plant TFT Dept. Head of Dept. Distribute to Sub-Production YT Lim Procurement Related Dept. Sub-Production Maintenance Juan Manuel Palacios Maintenance Safety Safety Candidates No. 1 Date Description by Feb.13, 2017 Rev.1 Wonjin Park Rev. 2 3
2 SUMMARY ITEM DESCRIPTION REMARKS EQUIPMENT(LINE) NAME HT I-SIDE B Line Sheet & Post Piercing/Riveting Mold Takt time 7.5 Min. Max Material Feeding(In+Out): 1min BASIC CONDITION Operation duration 6,200 Hr/Year OUTLINE Line capacity Main power 8 Unit/Hour 480VAC(±10%) 3Φ 60 Hz UTILITY Control power 110VAC / 24VDC Main Air 80~90 psi (5.6~6.3 kg / cm2 ) PRODUCT TYPE WEIGHT 28', 33', 48', 53' Sheet and Post Type Side Panel Side assembly About 750 kg PRODUCT SPEC. SIZE Side sheet Side closure Side assembly 1,185 mm (W) x 3,142 mm (H) x 8.0 mm (t) 95 mm (W) x 3,322 mm (H) x 0.7 mm (t) 16,154 mm (L) x 3,136 mm (H) x 100 mm (W) * SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS FOR DEAIL INFORMATION OF PRODUCTS CONFIGURATION NO NAME Q'TY SCOPE AND SCOPE 1 Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold 1 set NEW for B-Line 2 Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold 1 set NEW for B-Line L A Y - O U T SA050 Riveting Press SA020 Piercing Press Side B Line 2. Riveting Mold 1. Piercing Mold Dimensions are FOR REFERENCE ONLY for quotation. Final dimensions to be confirmed with HT.
3 SPECIFICATION FOR QUOTATION ( 견적사양서 ) 2. General Specification ( 일반사양 ) 항목검사제작범위설계및제작기준 세부내용 1. 성능검사 : 제작후작업조건과동일한상태에서 M/C 성능검사, Cycle time, 규격품사용여부를검사한다 2. 외관검사 : 외관은각부재의취합상태가양호해야하며, 표면에유해한흠, 절단, 용접등으로인한변형이없어야한다 1. 기구부설계및제작설치 2. 전장품설계및제작설치 3. 소재및부품의구매 4. 공급물품의포장, 이송, 하차, 반입및관리 5. 시운전및검사 6. 주변설비와 INTERLOCK 공사 ( 필요시 ) 7. 작업시안전경계, 안전표시판및공사현황판설치 8. 안전에필요한안전 FENCE,SAFETY,DOOR,HAND RAIL,COVER 등 9. 생산및보전문제점에대한조치 10. 도면및서류 HT에서요구하는각종자료 ( 별도공통사양서참조 ) 11. 설계, 제작을위한현장점검확인및사전검사 본공사관련제작범위는발주사양서에따라실시하며, 발주사양서해석오류및누락사항에대하여메이커측에서설치장소의현장답사및사전검토를충분히하여견적에반영될수있도록한다 1. HT 구매사양서 비고 2. 한국공업표준규격 (KS) 순서별우선순위적용 3. 미국공업표준규격 (ANSI) 설비사양우선순위 1. 설비사양은사양협의회의록 > 구매사양서 > 견적사양서 > 공통표준서 > 견적서순으로우선순위적용한다 2. 설비사양과상이한항목에대하여는담당자의서면승인득할것 3. 본사양에기록되지않는상세사양은기술표준및상호협의에의해결정할것 요구납기 지체상금 2017 년 5 월 08 일양산목표. 설치및 FOB 일정은추후협의 총계약금기준 0.1%/ 日, Max. 10% 보증 / 사후관리 1. 양산대응 : 2 주 ( 제어, 기구 ) 해당설비문제로정상생산이불가할경우, 기간을연장하여조치및대응한다. HT 담당자와기간협의 2. 금형보증 : 500,000 shots FAC 발급조건 유관부서 ( 생산, 생기, 보전, 안전 ) 승인후 SPARE PART 1. 설비제작비의 3% 를반영한다. 2. 설계후추천 Spare Part List 를제안하여품목및수량을확정한다. 기타 1. 공통사양서참조 2. 사양서내사진 / 도해에명기된모든치수는참고치수임 3. 세부사양서에표시된설비수량은총제작수량임 4. 작업자안전을고려하여안전규정준수및안전장치반영할것 5. 제작전에 HT로부터제작도면승인을득할것 6. 발주후 1주일이내에제작일정표를제출할것 7. 모든견적사항은본견적사양서를반영한상태에서제출할것 - 반영하지못하는사항에대해서는명시하고, 명시하지않는사항에대하여는전부반영한것으로간주한다 8. 파손, 마모, 변형되기쉬운부품및긴급예방처리에필요한 SPARE PARTS를제공해야한다 Spare part 품목선정시우선 9. 기타명시되지않은설비제반내역은당사와협의승인을득한후제작하여야하며, 부득이한경우회의록으로대신한다 10. 설계완료후 Pit 도면우선제공할것 ( 필요시 ) 11. 함께제공되는첨부도면은대표옵션임. 기타다른옵션 ( 사양 ) 의경우추후협의하여반영한다 Page 3 of 13
4 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold Machine No. TBD 1/5 Page TOTAL QUANTITY 1set DATE Feb.13, 2017 REVISION 0 LOCATION AREA SA (Side Assembly) STAGE SA020 - Piercing Press Composition 1. Piercing Mold including piercing pins and removeable die bushings 1set 2. Pneumatic Side Post Up/Down Pusher System 1set 3. Spare Punch and Dies - 1 lot (150 spare punches and 150 spare die bushings) 1set 4. Spare Parts (springs, guides, bearings, etc) worth 3% of Machine Cost 1set 1 3 Adjustable Post Stopper 2 Need to replace manual Side Post Pusher with Pneumatic system USE - The system are for Punching the Galvanized Side Posts and Side Panels (Aluminum sheet) efficiently (piercing all holes on Side Post with 1 stroke). The system to have Stoppers to locate side post at correct location in the mold. After piercing, the system has a pneumatic up/down bars to push post out from mold to easily setup the next post for piercing. Product Type - Side Panel Assembly of Dry Van Trailers - Width: 96" and 102" (2.4m ~ 2.6m). Material ( Side Panel Ass'y material components are described in more detail in this spec sheet) Page 4 of 13
5 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold Machine No. TBD 2/5 Page Piercing Mold including piercing pins and removeable die bushings - Piercing 2 columns of holes simultaneously/shot: 101.6mm pitch - Each Column Piercing Pitch: 50.8mm (all), total 150 ea/ piercing - Easy to replace Punch, Die Bushings, and Springs when they are damaged - Piercing Punch = 5.07mm dia. (D-2 Steel Material, Heat Treated to Rc. 60) - Piercing Die Bushings: to be inserted in the die, fastened, 5mm protruding from block - Stripper Plates: in both piercing column: 10 independent stripper plates attached to the punch guide for easy and more economical change when stripper plate damaged - Adjustable Compression Springs for clean and burr-free punching 100% holes - Mold must fit on existing Yangli 400 Ton Press with T-Bolts INDEPENDENT STRIPPER PLATES DIE AND DIE BUSHINGS Side Panel Ass'y Sheet & Post Base Material - Dimension (Max): 2,307 mm (W) x 2,860mm (L) x 83mm (H) - Side Panel Sheet: Aluminum A3004-H291 Pre-Painted White Panels, 0.9~1.3mm thick - Side Post: Aluminum A3004-H291 Pre-Painted White Panels, 1.27mm thick - Side Post Pitch: 16", 24" - Hole Pitch: Each side post has 2 columns of rivets and each column has different hole pitch 1) First Column: 2" [50.8mm] hole pitch 2) Second Column: 4" [101.6mm] hole pitch Column pitch = 4" [101.6mm] - Two different Piercing type: 1) 2 layers: Sheet & Post only 2) 3 layers: Sheet+ Sheet + Post 2-layers: Sheet + Post 3-layers: Sheet + Sheet + 2-layers: Sheet + Post Panels Post 24" Post Pitch Shown Foam Tape Page 5 of 13
6 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold Machine No. TBD 3/5 Page Front Posts: A572 Gr.50 Steel (Galvanized) Models: 127 Page 6 of 13
7 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold Machine No. TBD 4/5 Page Hydraulic Press information - Capacity: 400ton (H-Frame) - Dimensions 1) Daylight (between face of bed and slide): 1,000mm 2) Stroke: 750mm 3) Shut Height: 250mm 4) Die Space (right-left x front-back): 4,200 x 1,600mm 5) Between Columns (right-left x front-back): 5,760 x 4,410mm 6) Floor to Face of Bed: 670mm - Tool Mounting 1) Quantity and Size: (17) DIN #28 "T" Slots 2) Direction: Front to Back 3) Location: 240 mm centers starting on center Page 7 of 13
8 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Piercing Mold Machine No. TBD 5/5 Page Pneumatic Side Post Up/Down System - Pneumatic Side Post Up/Down System: 2 ea (at each end of panel) to push side post after piercing making easy operation for workers only need to slide to put new Side Post. - Manual Pneumatic Valve for operation UP/Down Spare Punch and - Spare Punch: 150 ea. Sparea Dies: 150 ea. Die Bushings - Material: D2 Tool Steel Heat Treated to Rc 60 Spare Parts worth 3% of Press Mold System Cost - Spare Guide Bearing, Bearings, Punch and Die Blocks, Springs, etc. Page 8 of 13
9 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold Machine No. TBD 1/5 Page TOTAL QUANTITY 1set DATE Feb.13, 2017 REVISION 0 LOCATION AREA SA (Side Assembly) STAGE SA050 - Riveting Press Composition 1. Riveting Mold 1set 2. Spare Parts (top/bottom dies, springs, guides, bearings, etc) worth 3% of Machine Cost 1set 1 Adjustable Post Stopper USE - This mold is for pressing rivets on side panel and galvanized steel side posts. Product Type - Side Panel Assembly of Dry Van Trailers - Width: 96" and 102" (2.4m ~ 2.6m). Material ( Side Panel Ass'y material components are described in more detail in this spec sheet) Page 9 of 13
10 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold Machine No. TBD 2/5 Page Riveting Mold Side Panel Ass'y Sheet & Post Base Material - Process : Riveting two columns of holes simultaneously - Punch and springs should be easy to replace when damaged - Riveting mold should be able to cover different lengths of material - Mold must fit on existing Yangli 400 Ton Press with T-Bolts - Dimension (Max): 2,307 mm (W) x 2,860mm (L) x 83mm (H) - Side Panel Sheet: Aluminum A3004-H291 Pre-Painted White Panels, 0.9~1.3mm thick - Side Post: Aluminum A3004-H291 Pre-Painted White Panels, 1.27mm thick - Side Post Pitch: 16", 24" - Hole Pitch: Each side post has 2 columns of rivets and each column has different hole pitch 1) First Column: 2" [50.8mm] hole pitch 2) Second Column: 4" [101.6mm] hole pitch Column pitch = 4" [101.6mm] - Rivet Size: Φ3/16"x7/16" and Φ3/16"x1/2" - Two different Piercing type: 1) 2 layers: Sheet & Post only 2) 3 layers: Sheet+ Sheet + Post - Side Panel Length : Varies from 2,306 mm to 2,785 mm - Side Post Length : Varies from 2,381 mm to 2,860 mm - Rivet quantity : 1) First Row : Varies from 48 to 51ea 2) Second Row : Varies from 24 to 25ea 2-layers: Sheet + Post 3-layers: Sheet + Sheet + 2-layers: Sheet + Post Panels Post 24" Post Pitch Shown Foam Tape Page 10 of 13
11 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold Machine No. TBD 3/5 Page Front Posts: A572 Gr.50 Steel (Galvanized) Models: 127 Page 11 of 13
12 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold Machine No. TBD 4/5 Page Hydraulic Press information - Capacity: 400ton (C-Frame) - Dimensions 1) Distance between columns : 4,000mm 2) Working Bench Length : 5,000mm 3) Stroke Length : 660mm 4) Open Height : 810mm 5) Close Height : 150mm 6) Throat clearance from center of dies : 410mm 7) Wide Ram : 24" permanently, full length (16') 8) Wide Bed : 24" permanently, full length (16') 9) Floor to Face of Bed: 680mm - Tool Mounting 1) Quantity : 10 "T" Slots (5 to left & 5 to right of the centerline, Bed and Ram) 2) Direction : Front to Back (Bed and Ram) 3) Location, Left from centerline of housings : first "T" Slot at 240 mm, rest at 480 mm 4) Location, Right from centerline of housings : first "T" Slot at 240 mm, rest at 480 mm Page 12 of 13
13 Machine Name Side Sheet & Post Riveting Mold Machine No. TBD 5/5 Page Spare Parts worth 3% of Press Mold System Cost - Spare Top Die, Bottom Die, Guide Bearing, Bearings, Die Blocks, Springs, etc. Riveting Location Page 13 of 13
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