CONTENT Length End Cut No. of Flute Series escription Series No. Page No. Stub Square Flute Stub Length - Square End EA0S Aluminum RECOENATIONS WIIN o

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2 CONTENT Length End Cut No. of Flute Series escription Series No. Page No. Stub Square Flute Stub Length - Square End EA0S Aluminum RECOENATIONS WIIN offers a wide selection of high performance tools, see the 06 Inch & Metric Catalogue or consult an authorized WIIN sales representative for additional product offerings. Stub Square Flute Stub Length - Square End EA0S Stub Square Flute Stub Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0S Stub Square Flute Stub Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0S Standard Square Flute Standard Length - Square End EA0 Standard Square Flute Standard Length - Square End EA0 Standard Square Flute Standard Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0 6 Standard Square Flute Standard Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0 6 Standard Corner Radius Flute Standard Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated ZR0 7 Standard Ball Flute Standard Length - Ball End BA0 8 Standard Ball Flute Standard Length - Ball End BA0 8 Standard Ball Flute Standard Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated ZB0 9 Standard Ball Flute Standard Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated ZB0 9 Long Square Flute Long Length - Square End EA0L 0 Long Square Flute Long Length - Square End EA0L 0 Long Square Flute Long Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0L 0 Long Square Flute Long Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0L 0 Long Corner Radius Flute Long Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated ZR0L Extra Long Square Flute Extra Long Length - Square End EA0X & LS Extra Long Square Flute Extra Long Length - Square End EA0X & LS Extra Long Square Flute Extra Long Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0X & LS Extra Long Square Flute Extra Long Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated ZA0X & LS Extra Long Corner Radius Flute Extra Long Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated ZR0L Extra Long Ball Flute Extra Long Length - Ball End BA0X & LS Extra Long Ball Flute Extra Long Length - Ball End BA0X & LS Extra Long Ball Flute Extra Long Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated ZB0X & LS 6 Extra Long Ball Flute Extra Long Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated ZB0X & LS 6 Catalogue Series Number Page Series escription 06 Inch & Metric WAE, WAF & WAR - 6 ALU-STAR - & Flute, Bright & LC Coated General Purpose EA0 Flute Standard Length - Square End, Bright General Purpose BA0 8 Flute Standard Length - Ball End, Bright Note: For different lengths see these series in S-Stub, L-Long Length, X-Extra Long Length and LS-Long Shank. Stainless Steels Catalogue Series Number Page Series escription 06 Inch & Metric S, SM & ZF 7-0 SUS-MATE -, & Flute, Bright General Purpose ZR0 7 Flute Standard Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZR0 9 Flute Standard Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated Note: For different lengths see these series in S-Stub, L-Long Length, X-Extra Long Length and LS-Long Shank. Tool Steels & Medium Alloys Catalogue Series Number Page Series escription 06 Inch & Metric XXE, XXB & XXR 0-8 X-STAR - Flutes, ALTiN Coated 06 Inch & Metric A, ZA & ZR 7-9 ZAMUS CLASSIC -, & 6 Flute, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZA0 6 Flute Standard Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZR0 7 Flute Standard Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZB0 9 Flute Standard Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated Note: For different lengths see these series in S-Stub, L-Long Length, X-Extra Long Length and LS-Long Shank. Hardened Tool Steels Catalogue Series Number Page Series escription 06 Inch & Metric A, ZA & ZR 7-9 ZAMUS CLASSIC -, & 6 Flutes 06 Inch & Metric A,B,ZE, ZS & ZR 8-89 ZAMUS STAR -, & Flutes, ALTiN+HH Coated General Purpose ZA0 6 Flute Standard Length - Square End, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZR0 7 Flute Standard Length - Corner Radius, ALTiN Coated General Purpose ZB0 9 Flute Standard Length - Ball End, ALTiN Coated Note: For different lengths see these series in S-Stub, L-Long Length, X-Extra Long Length and LS-Long Shank.

3 Stub Square End Standard Square End More Rigidity - Shorter EA0S [FL] EA0S [FL] L₂ L₁ ₂ EA0 [FL] EA000S 0.06 /6.88 $.9 EA000 EA0006S /.8 $.9 EA0008S $.6 EA000S 0.6 /.967 $7.7 EA00S $6.78 EA00S /.8 $8.7 EA006S EA006S EA000S EA000S EA00S EA00S /6 EA008S 0.7 7/6. EA00S EA0008S EA00S EA00S ZA000S L₂ L₁ ₂ EA / / $9.7 EA000 EA / 0.79 /6 $.8 EA000 EA /6.9 7/6 $.8 EA000 EA /6.88 $.7 EA000 EA /6.98 $.7 $8.9 EA0006 EA /.8 $.7 $8.9 EA0007 EA /6.779 $.9 $. EA0008 EA $.6 9/6 7/6 $0. EA0009 EA $6. $.88 9/6.7 EA000 EA /.967 9/6 $6. EA00 EA /6.66 9/6 $6. EA00 EA $6.8 EA00 EA /6.9 $9.0 EA00 EA /.8 $9.6 EA00 EA00 0. /6.9 $9.6 EA006 EA $8.0 EA008 EA / 7. $.9 EA000 EA $.8 EA00 EA / 8.7 7/8 $.6 EA00 EA $.6 EA006 EA / 0.7 7/6 $.06 EA008 EA /6. 7/6 $9.0 $6. EA000 EA /.908 $.8 ZA0S [FL] Stub Square End ALTiN Coating More Rigidity - Shorter EA0 [FL] ZA0S [FL] L₂ L₁ ₂ 0.06 /6.88 ZA0006S /.8 $6. EA00 EA $.8 ZA0008S $6. ZA000S 0.6 /.967 $8.77 EA006 EA /6.88 9/6 $.6 ZA00S $8.8 EA000 EA $.8 ZA00S /.8 $. EA00 EA /6 7.6 $69. ZA006S ZA006S $. EA008 EA $66.0 ZA000S ZA000S $. EA006 EA /8. 7/8 $9. ZA00S ZA00S /6 $7.79 EA006 EA $07.0 ZA008S 0.7 7/6. 9/6 7/6 $.70 ZA00S $9.7 ZA0008S ZA00S ZA00S

4 Standard Square End ALTiN Coating Standard Corner Radius ALTiN Coating ZA0 [FL] ZA0 [FL] ZR0 [FL] Stronger Tool Corners L₂ L₁ ₂ L₂ L₁ R ₂ Corner Radius ZA000 ZA / / $0.87 ZA000 ZA /6 $6.97 ZA000 ZA /6.9 7/6 $6.97 ZA000 ZA /6.88 $6.6 ZA000 ZA /6.98 $6.6 ZA0006 ZA /.8 $6.6 ZA0007 ZA /6.779 $6.6 ZA0008 ZA $.8 ZA0009 ZA /6.7 $8.6 ZA000 ZA /.967 9/6 $8.6 ZA00 ZA /6.66 9/6 $8.6 ZA00 ZA $7.88 ZA00 ZA /6.9 $.90 ZA00 ZA /.8 $.90 ZA00 ZA00 0. /6.9 $.90 ZA006 ZA $0.7 ZA008 ZA / 7. $7. ZA000 ZA $6. ZA00 ZA / 8.7 7/8 $9.79 ZA00 ZA $8.7 ZA006 ZA /6 $7.7 ZA008 ZA /6. 7/6 $.8 ZA000 ZA /.908 $. ZA00 ZA $. ZA006 ZA /6.88 9/6 $6. ZA000 ZA $.6 ZA00 ZA /6 7.6 $8.9 ZA008 ZA $80.86 ZA006 ZA /8. 7/8 $.77 ZR0A $6.97 ZR0A $6.97 ZR0A $0.9 ZR0A $0.9 ZR0A $0.9 ZR0A $.0 ZR0A $.0 ZR0A $.0 ZR0A $.0 ZR0A $7.8 ZR0A $7.8 ZR0A $7.8 ZR0A $0. ZR0A $0. ZR0A $0. ZR0A $0. ZR0A $6.8 ZR0A $6.8 ZR0A $6.8 ZR0A $6.8 ZR0A $6.8 ZR0A $8.6 ZR0A $8.6 ZR0A $8.6 ZR0A $87.66 ZR0A $87.66 ZR0A $87.66 ZR0A $6.9 ZR0A $6.9 ZA006 ZA $9. 6 7

5 Standard Ball End Standard Ball End ALTiN Coating BA0 [FL] BA0 [FL] ZB0 [FL] ZB0 [FL] L₂ L₁ ₂ L₂ L₁ ₂ BA000 BA / / $.8 BA000 BA /6 $7.6 BA000 BA /6.9 7/6 $7.8 BA000 BA /6.88 $6.08 BA000 BA /6.98 $6.08 BA0006 BA /.8 $6.08 BA0007 BA /6.779 $6.08 BA0008 BA $.8 BA0009 BA /6.7 $8.8 BA000 BA /.967 9/6 $8.8 BA00 BA /6.66 9/6 $8.8 BA00 BA $7.9 BA00 BA /6.9 $.98 BA00 BA /.8 $.98 BA00 BA00 0. /6.9 $.98 BA006 BA $. BA008 BA / 7. $6.69 BA000 BA $. BA00 BA / 8.7 7/8 $0.6 BA00 BA $0.6 BA006 BA /6 $7. BA008 BA /6. 7/6 $.7 BA000 BA /.908 $.6 BA00 BA $0. BA006 BA /6.88 9/6 $6.8 BA000 BA $.0 BA00 BA /6 7.6 $89.86 BA008 BA $8.8 BA006 BA /8. 7/8 $.6 BA006 BA $.68 ZB000 ZB / / $.09 ZB000 ZB /6 $8.8 ZB000 ZB /6.9 7/6 $8.8 ZB000 ZB /6.88 $7.0 ZB000 ZB /6.98 $7.0 ZB0006 ZB /.8 $7.0 ZB0007 ZB /6.779 $7.0 ZB0008 ZB $7.8 ZB0009 ZB /6.7 $9.9 ZB000 ZB /.967 9/6 $9.9 ZB00 ZB /6.66 9/6 $9.9 ZB00 ZB $9. ZB00 ZB /6.9 $.06 ZB00 ZB /.8 $.06 ZB00 ZB00 0. /6.9 $.06 ZB006 ZB $. ZB008 ZB / 7. $6.9 ZB000 ZB $9. ZB00 ZB / 8.7 7/8 $. ZB00 ZB $.9 ZB006 ZB /6 $.9 ZB008 ZB /6. 7/6 $0.8 ZB000 ZB /.908 $7. ZB00 ZB $7. ZB006 ZB /6.88 9/6 $8.79 ZB000 ZB $67.80 ZB00 ZB /6 7.6 $06. ZB008 ZB $99. ZB006 ZB /8. 7/8 $.6 ZB006 ZB $

6 Long Square End Long Corner Radius ALTiN Coating Longer Reach vs. Standard Length EA0L [FL] EA0L [FL] L₂ L₁ ₂ Longer Reach vs. Standard Length Stronger Tool Corners ZR0L [FL] L₂ L₁ R ₂ Corner Radius EA0008L EA0008L $7.67 ZR0A000L $.86 EA00L EA00L $8.97 ZR0A000L $.86 EA006L 0.00 EA006L 6.0 $.60 EA000L EA000L $6.80 ZR0A000L $.86 EA00L EA00L $9.6 ZR0A0600L $8. EA008L EA008L 0.7 7/6. 7/6 $.87 ZR0A0600L $8. EA00L EA00L $9.0 ZR0A0600L $8. EA000L EA000L $8.0 ZR0A060L $8. EA008L EA008L $0. ZR0A0000L $.9 EA006L EA006L $7. ZR0A0000L $.9 ZR0A000L $.9 ZR0A000L $8. ZR0A000L $8. ZR0A000L $8. ZR0A00L $8. ZR0A000L $9.89 ZR0A00L $9.89 ZR0A000L $9.89 ZR0A000L $9.89 ZR0A0060L $9.89 ZR0A0000L $97.70 ZR0A00060L $97.70 ZR0A00090L $97.70 ZR0A0800L $. ZR0A08060L $. ZR0A08090L $. ZR0A0600L $89. ZR0A06060L $89. Long Square End ALTiN Coating Longer Reach vs. Standard Length ZA0008L ZA0L [FL] ZA0L [FL] L₂ L₁ ₂ ZA0008L $8.98 ZA00L ZA00L $.8 ZA006L ZA006L $.9 ZA000L ZA000L $.8 ZA00L ZA00L $.7 ZA008L ZA008L 0.7 7/6. 7/6 $7. ZA00L ZA00L $9.89 ZA000L ZA000L $96.8 ZA008L ZA008L $. ZA006L ZA006L $86. 0

7 Extra Long Square End Extra Long Square End ALTiN Coating Extra Long EA0X & LS [FL] EA0X & LS [FL] ZA0X & LS [FL] ZA0X & LS [FL] Extra Long L₂ L₁ ₂ L₂ L₁ ₂ EA0008X EA0008X $8.9 EA00X EA00X $.0 EA00LS EA00LS $.69 EA006X EA006X $8. EA006LS EA006LS $9.77 EA000X EA000X $.0 EA00X EA00X $8.7 EA00LS EA00LS $.88 EA008X EA008X 0.7 7/6. 6 7/6 $.6 EA00X EA00X $6.6 EA00LS EA00LS $6.98 EA000X EA000X $0.6 EA008X EA008X $.7 EA006X EA006X $.9 ZA0008X ZA0008X $0.79 ZA00X ZA00X $.86 ZA00LS ZA00LS $9.0 ZA006X ZA006X $.6 ZA006LS ZA006LS $8.77 ZA000X ZA000X $9.0 ZA00X ZA00X $.6 ZA00LS ZA00LS $. ZA008X ZA008X 0.7 7/6. 6 7/6 $6. ZA00X ZA00X $69.7 ZA00LS ZA00LS $7.0 ZA000X ZA000X $.67 ZA008X ZA008X $0. ZA006X ZA006X $7.78

8 Extra Long Corner Radius ALTiN Coating Extra Long Ball End Extra Long Stronger Tool Corners ZR0X & LS [FL] BA0X & LS [FL] BA0X & LS [FL] Extra Long L₂ L₁ R ₂ Corner Radius L₂ L₁ ₂ ZR0A0600X $.0 ZR0A0600X $.0 ZR0A0600X $.0 ZR0A060X $.0 ZR0A0600LS $.6 ZR0A0600LS $.6 ZR0A0600LS $.6 ZR0A060LS $.6 ZR0A0000X $0. ZR0A0000X $0. ZR0A000X $0. ZR0A000X $.7 ZR0A000X $.7 ZR0A000X $.7 ZR0A00X $.7 ZR0A000LS $8. ZR0A000LS $8. BA0008X BA0008X $0.87 BA00X BA00X $.9 BA00LS BA00LS $.60 BA006X BA006X $0.9 BA006LS BA006LS $.8 BA000X BA000X $.7 BA00X BA00X $0.09 BA00LS BA00LS $.96 BA008X BA008X 0.7 7/6. 6 7/6 $.97 BA00X BA00X $6.9 BA00LS BA00LS $67.8 BA000X BA000X $.9 BA008X BA008X $.6 BA006X BA006X $6.8 ZR0A000LS $8. ZR0A00LS $8. ZR0A000X $67.67 ZR0A00X $67.67 ZR0A000X $67.67 ZR0A000X $67.67 ZR0A0060X $67.67 ZR0A000LS $7.76 ZR0A00LS $7.76 ZR0A000LS $7.76 ZR0A000LS $7.76 ZR0A0060LS $7.76 ZR0A0000X $8.09 ZR0A00060X $8.09 ZR0A00090X $8.09 ZR0A0800X $.89 ZR0A08060X $.89 ZR0A08090X $.89 ZR0A0600X $0.78 ZR0A06060X $0.78

9 Extra Long Ball End ALTiN Coating Technical ata Extra Long ZB0X & LS [FL] ZB0X & LS [FL] ZB0 Series General Speed Cutting Non-Alloyed Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Heat Resistant Steels Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc0 HRc0 ~ HRc0 HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 000N/mm 000 ~ 0N/mm 00N/mm L₂ L₁ ₂ ZB0008X ZB0008X $.8 ZB00X ZB00X $7.8 ZB00LS ZB00LS $9.66 ZB006X ZB006X $7. ZB006LS ZB006LS $.0 ZB000X ZB000X $.0 ZB00X ZB00X $. ZB00LS ZB00LS $6.86 ZB008X ZB008X 0.7 7/6. 6 7/6 $80.68 ZB00X ZB00X $8.8 ZB00LS ZB00LS $90.6 ZB000X ZB000X $.0 ZB008X ZB008X $.6 ZB006X ZB006X $7.00 iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE R/6 X / R/ X/ R/6 X / R/6 X R/ X R X R/ X R X R X R X R X ZB0 Series High Speed Cutting Ae: /~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0. X Non-Alloyed Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron 위 Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc ~ HRc6 아래 Ae Ap Ae: /~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0. X Strength ~ 00N/mm 00N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE R/6 X / R/ X/ R/6 X / R/6 X R/ X R X R/ X R X R X 위 R X R X Ae: /~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0.0 X 아래 Ae Ap 6 7

10 Technical ata Technical ata ZB0 Series General Speed Cutting Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Tool Steels Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc0 HRc0 ~ HRc0 HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 000N/mm 000 ~ 0N/mm 00N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE R/6 X R/ X R X R/ X R X R X R X Ae: ~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0.0 X Ae Ap Ae: ~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0. X ZA0 Series Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Tool Steels StainlessSteels Hardened Steels Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc0 HRc0 ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 000N/mm 000 ~ 00N/mm 00 ~ 000N/mm 000N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE / (Up to φ:0.) ZB0 Series High Speed Cutting Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Tool Steels Hardness ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 00N/mm ~ 00N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE R/6 X R/ X R X R/ X R X R X R X Ae: ~=.008 inch ~=.0 inch Ap: 0.0 X Ae Ap ZA0 Series Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Tool Steels StainlessSteels Hardened Steels Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc0 HRc0 ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 000N/mm 000 ~ 00N/mm 00 ~ 000N/mm 000N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE /

11 Technical ata BA0, BA0 Series Cast Iron Mild Steels Carbon Steels Alloys Steels, Tool Steels, Ti Steels (Annealed) Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Ti, Alloys (Solution Treated & Aged) Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Stainless Steels, Iconel,Ni Bases Alloys Hardness Up to 0 HRc 0 to 8 HRc 8 to HRc Strength Up to 70N/mm Aluminium Alloys iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE / 9, ,600.,680.,00. 9, , /6,0.,0.8 0,0.0 8,60. 6,88.0, 8.0 /6,.8,. 8,0. 6,70.7,60. 9,8 9.8 /6 8, ,090.,780.7,80.8,80.,60.7 / 6, ,970.7,96.9,0.9,90. 0,0.8 7/6,90 6.7,90 6.0,0.,0.9,79. 7,.8,090 7.,090 6.,60.,00.9,00.,9.8 9/6, 7.9, 6.,.,690.9,0.,70.8 /, ,000 6.,80.,60.9,87.,990.8 /6,670 9., ,60.,60.9,7.,00.7,60 9.6,60 6.9,0.,970.9,80. 0,090.6 /6,090 0.,090 7.,0.,80.9,. 9,7. 7/,870 0.,870 7.,0.,690.9,60. 8,60.,0.,0 6.9,77.,90.9,0. 7,70.6 9/,60.,60 6.,80.,0.9,080. 6,78.,99.6,99.9,90.0, , /,80.7,80.8,90.0, ,9 6.,6.7,6.7,00.0, ,00 6. /,.7,.6, , /6,0.7,0., ,00 7.8,0.7, , /6,0.9, ,90 8.,00.9, , / , , 6. 7/ , ,80 6. EA0 Series Cast Iron Mild Steels Carbon Steels Alloys Steels, Tool Steels, Ti Steels (Annealed) Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Ti, Alloys (Solution Treated & Aged) Technical ata Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Stainless Steels, Iconel,Ni Bases Alloys Hardness Up to 0 HRc 0 to 8 HRc 8 to HRc Strength Up to 70N/mm Aluminium Alloys iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE / 0, ,90.,900.9,0. 0,60. 7, /6, 6.6,90.,0.9 9,660. 7,9.,0 9. /6, , , ,0.,9. 6,0 9. /6 8, ,70.7 6,70.,.,60. 8, / 7, ,6.7,60.,60.,6. 6,0 9. 7/6 6, 6.9,60.7,790.6,9.,07.,9 9., 7.,8.7,.0,7.,60., /6,870 7.,0.7,700.,00.,80. 0,8. /,00 7.,8.7,70.7,660.,. 9,60.0 /6,9 7.6,90.7,990.8,0.,90. 8,8.,6 7.7,80.7,7.8,.,77. 8,07. /6,0 8.0,90.7,0.8,00.,60. 7,. 7/, ,70.7,.8,89.,0. 6,9.,690 9.,00.7,060.8,660.,0. 6,070. 9/,0 0.,0.7,8.8,90.,8.,0., 0.8,87.7,60.8,0.,0.,78. /,90 0.9,7.7,8.8, ,8.,77 0.9,80.7,0.8,0. 88.,00. /,60 0.9,.7,0.8,0. 8.,680. 7/6,0 0.9,60.7, ,0.,0 0.9,90.7, ,00. 9/6,7 0.9, ,6., ,. / , ,90. 7/ , ,7. Ad Ad < Ad Ad pf < Note for Flute - Reduce Speeds & Feeds % for FL. Long length - Reduce Speeds & Feeds 0% for FL. Extra Long length Pf for Side Milling - Increase Feeds % or More. Note for Flute - Reduce Speeds & Feeds % for FL. Ball nose Long length - Reduce Speeds & Feeds 0% for FL. Ball nose Extra Long length for Flute - Increase Speeds & Feeds 0% for FL, Ball nose Standard & Stub length - Reduce Speeds % & Increase Feeds 0% for FL. Ball nose Long length 0

12 Technical ata EA0 Series Cast Iron Mild Steels Carbon Steels Alloys Steels, Tool Steels, Ti Steels (Annealed) Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Ti, Alloys (Solution Treated & Aged) Hardened Steels, Prehardened Steels, Stainless Steels, Iconel,Ni Bases Alloys Hardness Up to 0 HRc 0 to 8 HRc 8 to HRc Strength Up to 70N/mm Aluminium Alloys iameter () RPM In/min RPM In/min RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE /,0.9,0.8, ,600.,00. 0, /6,0.9,680.8, ,0. 8,. 0,7 9. /6,.9,0.8 8, ,0. 6,90.,70 9. /6 8, ,.8 6,9 0.9,780.,6., 9. / 6, ,0.6,9 0.9,96.,960. 9, /6,90.9 6,00., ,0.,0. 6,7.8,090.6,0.,00 0.9,60.,870.,70.9 9/6, 6.,78.,80 0.9,.,8.,9.8 /, ,0 6.,0 0.9,80.,9.,0.8 /6,670 8.,88 6.9,89.,60.,00. 0,6.,60 8., 7.,6.6,0.,90. 9,660.6 /6,090 8.,60 7.6,.8,0.,70. 8, /,870 8.,00 7.9,8.8,0.,60. 8,80 6.,0 8.,60 8.,000.8,77.,0. 7, /,60 8.,80 8.,78.8,80.,9. 6,0 7.0,99 8., 8.,70.8,90.,0., /,80 8.,90 9.,.8,90.,0.,80 7.,6 8.6,77 0.,.8, ,80 7. /, 8.9,60.0,0.8,0. 88., /6,0 9.,0.,0.8,0. 8.,0 9.8,0 0.9, ,8.0 9/6,0., ,70.0,00., ,80.0 / , ,0.0 7/ , ,77. ZR0A Corner Radius Series Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Cast Iron Alloy Steels Tool Steels Technical ata StainlessSteels Hardened Steels Hardened Steels Hardness ~ HRc0 HRc0 ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc HRc ~ HRc6 Strength ~ 000N/mm 000 ~ 00N/mm 00 ~ 000N/mm 000N/mm iameter () RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE RPM FEE / Ad Ad =. Rd = 0. Rd Note for Flute - Reduce Speeds & Feeds % for FL. Long length - Reduce Speeds & Feeds 0% for FL. Extra Long length for Slot Milling - Reduce Feeds 0% to 0%

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