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1 KS 2 RILLING KS-1302-S20 KS-1352-S20 KS-1402-S20 KS-1452-S20 KS-12-S20 KS-1552-S20 KS-1602-S20 KS-1652-S25 KS-1702-S25 KS-1752-S25 KS-1802-S25 KS-1852-S25 KS-1902-S25 KS-1952-S25 KS-2002-S25 KS-2052-S25 KS-2102-S25 KS-2-S25 KS-2202-S25 KS-2252-S25 KS-2302-S25 KS-2352-S XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT0204 P SPMT0204 P XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT07T205 P SPMT07T208 P TSB-265 TXL-6 KS 드릴특징 KS rill Characteristic 내인과외인의가공특성에맞춘인서트사용으로절삭성능과칩처리성, 수명이우수함. Excellent cutting performance and chip control due to the optimized chip breaker geometry of both inserts, central & peripheral. 내측인서트 Central Insert 외측인서트 Peripheral Insert KS 소구경 (ø13~ø23.5) 드릴은절삭유방식을개선하여칩플루트공간이넓어져칩처리성이우수함. Small ia. drills (ø13~ø23.5) are designed with oil holes and the optimized shape of the flute increases the rigidity of the drill while body improves chip evacuation KS 직부형중대구경 (ø24~ø60) 드릴은최적의설계로칩배출공간을대폭확장시켰습니다. 깊은홀가공에서도드릴링이안정되고, 표면조도가우수합니다. The chip discharging space for KS middle dia and big dia drill(ø24~ø60)was greately extended. These drills are stable and surface roughless are excellent in the deep hole drilling also. 14

2 KS 2 RILLING KS-2402-S32 KS-2452-S32 KS-22-S32 KS-2552-S32 KS-2602-S32 KS-2652-S32 KS-2702-S32 KS-2752-S32 KS-2802-S32 KS-2852-S32 KS-2902-S32 KS-2952-S32 KS-3002-S32 KS-3102-S32 KS-3202-S32 KS-3302-S32 KS-3402-S32 KS-32-S32 KS-3602-S40 KS-3702-S40 KS-3802-S40 KS-3902-S40 KS-4002-S40 KS-4102-S40 KS-4202-S40 KS-4302-S40 KS-4402-S40 KS-42-S40 KS-4602-S40 KS-4702-S40 KS-4802-S40 KS-4902-S40 KS-02-S40 KS-5102-S40 KS-5202-S40 KS-5302-S40 KS-5402-S40 KS-52-S40 KS-02-S40 KS-5702-S40 KS-5802-S40 KS-5902-S40 KS-6002-S XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT11T306 P XOMT P SPMT11T308 P TSB-380 SPMT P XOMT15M8 P SPMT15M510 P XOMT1808 P SPMT P TSB TSB- TXL-15 TXL-20 범용선반작업할경우, 가공직경 ø40 이상이면 VLT 나, VM 사용을권장합니다. KS와체결되는툴홀더는 ' 사이드락아버 '(78 페이지 ~90페이지 ) 입니다. If you are working on the lathe, diameter ø40 or higher, we recommend using the VLT, VM The tool holder that locks with KS is Side Lock Arbor.(p.78~p.90) KOREA TECHNICS is The TOP of the world technics 15

3 KS 3 RILLING KS-1303-S20 KS-1353-S20 KS-1403-S20 KS-1453-S20 KS-13-S20 KS-1553-S20 KS-1603-S20 KS-1653-S25 KS-1703-S25 KS-1753-S25 KS-1803-S25 KS-1853-S25 KS-1903-S25 KS-1953-S25 KS-2003-S25 KS-2053-S25 KS-2103-S25 KS-2153-S25 KS-2203-S25 KS-2253-S25 KS-2303-S25 KS-2353-S25 최고의결과물을위해서는절삭조건표 (123 페이지 ) 와절삭유적정압력을확인해주세요.( 절삭유적정압력은 5kg/ cm2이상입니다.) Please make sure the proper oil pressure and the cutting date(p.123)for the best performance.(the proper pressure is over 5kg/ cm2 ) KS 드릴홀공차 iameter ø13 ~ø23.5 ø30 ~ø42 ø43 ~ø Hole tolerance of KS drill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 홀공차는드릴의길이, 피삭재, 장비, 가공조건등에따라차이가생길수있습니다. The length of drill, kind of workpiece, machine stability, and cutting condition could affect the hole tolerance. XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT0204 P SPMT0204 P XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT07T205 P SPMT07T208 P TSB-265 TXL-6 소요동력 Power Requirements 16

4 KS 3 RILLING KS-2403-S32 KS-2453-S32 KS-23-S32 KS-2553-S32 KS-2603-S32 KS-2653-S32 KS-2703-S32 KS-2753-S32 KS-2803-S32 KS-2853-S32 KS-2903-S32 KS-2953-S32 KS-3003-S32 KS-3103-S32 KS-3203-S32 KS-3303-S32 KS-3403-S32 KS-33-S32 KS-3603-S40 KS-3703-S40 KS-3803-S40 KS-3903-S40 KS-4003-S40 KS-4103-S40 KS-4203-S40 KS-4303-S40 KS-4403-S40 KS-43-S40 KS-4603-S40 KS-4703-S40 KS-4803-S40 KS-4903-S40 KS-03-S40 KS-5103-S40 KS-5203-S40 KS-5303-S40 KS-5403-S40 KS-53-S40 KS-03-S40 KS-5703-S40 KS-5803-S40 KS-5903-S40 KS-6003-S XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT11T306 P XOMT P SPMT11T308 P SPMT P XOMT15M8 P SPMT15M510 P XOMT1808 P SPMT P TSB-380 TSB TSB- TXL-15 TXL-20 범용선반작업할경우, 가공직경 ø40 이상이면 VLT 나, VM 사용을권장합니다. KS와체결되는툴홀더는 ' 사이드락아버 '(78 페이지 ~90페이지 ) 입니다. If you are working on the lathe, diameter ø40 or higher, we recommend using the VLT, VM The tool holder that locks with KS is Side Lock Arbor.(p.78~p.90) KOREA TECHNICS is The TOP of the world technics 17

5 KS 4 RILLING KS-1304-S20 KS-1354-S20 KS-1404-S20 KS-1454-S20 KS-14-S20 KS-1554-S20 KS-1604-S20 KS-1654-S25 KS-1704-S25 KS-1754-S25 KS-1804-S25 KS-1854-S25 KS-1904-S25 KS-1954-S25 KS-2004-S25 KS-2054-S25 KS-2104-S25 KS-2154-S25 KS-2204-S25 KS-2254-S25 KS-2304-S25 KS-2354-S 불규칙한면을가공할경우에는이송속도를 30%~% 줄여가공하여주시기바랍니다. When working on irregular (uneven) surfaces, please reduce the feed rate by 30~% XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT0204 P SPMT0204 P XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT07T205 P SPMT07T208 P TSB-265 TXL-6 경사면가공 Inclined Surface 경사면가공 Inclined Surface 교차홀가공 Crossing Hole 겹친홀가공 Chain rilling 겹판가공 Stack rilling KS 용인서트 (SPMT, XOMT) 는 109 페이지를참조해주세요. Please refer to the page 109 regarding KS inserts.(spmt, XOMT) XOMT 내측 Central Insert SPMT 외측 Peripheral Insert KS 드릴가공동영상을보시려면, 오른쪽 QR 코드를스캔하세요. Please scan the QR code if you want to see KS drill testing sample video. 18

6 KS 4 RILLING KS-2404-S32 KS-2454-S32 KS-24-S32 KS-2554-S32 KS-2604-S32 KS-2654-S32 KS-2704-S32 KS-2754-S32 KS-2804-S32 KS-2854-S32 KS-2904-S32 KS-2954-S32 KS-3004-S32 KS-3104-S32 KS-3204-S32 KS-3304-S32 KS-3404-S32 KS-34-S32 KS-3604-S40 KS-3704-S40 KS-3804-S40 KS-3904-S40 KS-4004-S40 KS-4104-S40 KS-4204-S40 KS-4304-S40 KS-4404-S40 KS-44-S40 KS-4604-S40 KS-4704-S40 KS-4804-S40 KS-4904-S40 KS-04-S40 KS-5104-S40 KS-5204-S40 KS-5304-S40 KS-5404-S40 KS-54-S40 KS-04-S40 KS-5704-S40 KS-5804-S40 KS-5904-S40 KS-6004-S XOMT P SPMT P TSB XOMT11T306 P XOMT P SPMT11T308 P SPMT P XOMT15M8 P SPMT15M510 P XOMT1808 P SPMT P TSB-380 TSB TSB- TXL-15 TXL-20 범용선반작업할경우, 가공직경 ø40 이상이면 VLT 나, VM 사용을권장합니다. KS와체결되는툴홀더는 ' 사이드락아버 '(78 페이지 ~90페이지 ) 입니다. If you are working on the lathe, diameter ø40 or higher, we recommend using the VLT, VM The tool holder that locks with KS is Side Lock Arbor.(P.78~P.90) KOREA TECHNICS is The TOP of the world technics 19

MAX DRILL Construction system of MAX Drill's Code no. DRILL VMD KOREA TECHNICS is The TOP of the world technics 49

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Global Leader of CNC Vertical lathe and turning center for the optimal solutions -K series is a cost-effective model to achieve high turning capabil www.kdm-korea.co.kr Head office and Factory #154 Gang-ri, Jangma-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam, Korea, 635-871 Tel : +82-55-536-356~8 Fax : +82-55-536-359 China office Rm82, No.3 Building, Lane9, Jiuxingong

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