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1 IBS Center for Geometry and Physics Transportation Guide to Gyeongju & Hotel Hyundai At a Glance Transportation Travel Travel Time Fare (KRW) / One way Schedules & Timetables Incheon Int l Airport Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal* hr 39,200 Incheon Int l Airport (ICN, Seoul) Airport Limousine Bus Gimhae Int l Airport Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal* 1 hr 10 min 9,000 Gimhae International Airport (PUS, Busan) High speed Train (KTX) Regular Train (Saemaeul) Seoul Station Shin gyeongju Station Gyeongju Station via Dong Daegu (1 transfer)** 2 hr 10 min 3 hr 20 min Seoul Station Seo gyeongju Station 4 hr 40 min 43,800 (M Th) 47,100 (F S & holidays) 42,900 (M Th) 46,000 (F S & holidays) 36,700 (M Th) 38,400 (F S & holidays) Korea Railroad (KORAIL) * Please note that Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal is not the final stop. Pohang Intercity Bus Terminal is the final stop. ** You must transfer at Dong Daegu station to a regular (Mugunghwa) train for Gyeongju station. By Airport Limousine Bus 1 From Incheon Int l Airport Buses from Incheon Int l Airport (ICN) to Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal depart at Platform 10C. There are two routes: (1) Gyeongju/Pohang Route and (2) Gyeongju/Pohang via Songdo Route stops at Songdo Transfer Center. Please make sure that you get off at Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal.
2 Airport Bus Stops in Incheon Int l Airport Airport Bus Timetable Route Name Departure at Incheon Int l Airport Travel Time Stop(s) Final Destination 1 Gyeongju/Pohang (Direct) 2 Gyeongju/Pohang (Via Songdo) 1 07:00 am 2 08:50 am 3 01:40 pm 4 09:30 pm 1 05:10 pm 2 07:30 pm 5 hr 5 hr 30 min Gyeongju (1 stop) Songdo, Gyeongju (2 stops) Pohang Intercity Bus Terminal
3 2 From Gimhae Int l Airport Buses from Gimhae Int l Airport (PUS) to Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal depart every hour from 7:35 to 22:05.
4 By Train Take an Airport Express train or a commuter train from Incheon Int l Airport to Seoul station. For the timetables, visit the website (Click). Then, transfer a KTX or regular train from Seoul station to Gyeongju. If you are planning to travel by train, making a reservation is strongly recommended to guarantee a seat. To learn more about KORAIL or to make a reservation, please visit By Taxi to Hotel Hyundai (in Gyeongju) From Travel Time Fare (Approximate) Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal min 12,000 KRW Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal 20 25min 12,000 KRW Shin gyeongju Station (KTX) min 25,000 KRW Gyeongju Station 15 min 10,000 KRW Seo gyeongju Station 20 min 12,000 KRW Message for Taxi Driver in Gyeongju Destination Korean Sentence for Taxi Driver What the sentence means Hotel Hyundai 보문관광단지내현대호텔로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to the Hotel Hyundai in Bomun Tourism Complex. Thank you. Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal 경주시외버스터미널로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal. Thank you. Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal 경주고속버스터미널로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal. Thank you. Shin gyeongju Station 신경주역으로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to Shin gyeongju station. Thank you. Seo gyeongju Station 서경주역으로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to Seo gyeongju station. Thank you. Gyeongju Sation 경주역으로가주세요. 감사합니다. Please take me to Gyeongju station. Thank you.
5 Korean Instruction When you buy a bus ticket to Gyeongju (at ICN or PUS) Purpose Korean Sentence What the sentence means 경주로가는버스표 1 장주세요. 감사합니다. A bus ticket bound for Gyeongju, please. Thank you. When you buy a train ticket to Gyeongju (at Seoul station) When you buy a bus ticket to Incheon Int l Airport (at Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal) When you buy a bus ticket to Gimhae Int l Airport (at Gyeongju Express Bus Terminal) When you buy a train ticket to Seoul (at Shin gyeongju or Seo gyeongju station) 신경주역으로가는 KTX 표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. 서경주역으로가는새마을호열차표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. 인천공항으로가는버스표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. 김해공항으로가는버스표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. 서울역으로가는 KTX 표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. 서울역으로가는새마을호열차표 1장주세요. 감사합니다. A KTX ticket bound for Shin gyeongju station, please. Thank you. A Saemaeul train ticket bound for Seogyeongju station, please. Thank you. A bus ticket bound for Incheon Int l Airport, please. Thank you. A bus ticket bound for Gimhae Int l Airport, please. Thank you. A KTX train ticket bound for Seoul statation, please. Thank you. A Saemaeul train ticket bound for Seoul station, please. Thank you.
6 Gyeongju Map The above map is accessible on using Chrome only.
Passenger Terminal 1F Limousine Bus Taxi 1. LIMOUSINE BUS (NO.6001, NO.6015) Limousine Bus is the most convenient way to travel from Int l to the Lott
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어반플레이스호텔 URBAN PLACE HOTEL 김포공항 GIMPO AIRPORT 어반플레이스호텔 URBAN PLACE HOTEL 인천공항 INCHEON AIRPORT 6000 6009 40 - min SERVICE TIME 0-5min SERVICE TIME Approximately hour KRW 7,000 / Child KRW 5,000 Approximately
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