SMA_2018 version. 2 A New Reliable ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Plan and Elaboration Project Team T 권성완 김선정 허윤아 조수빈 Da
- 선아 국
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1 A New Reliable ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Plan and Elaboration Project Team T 권성완 김선정 허윤아 조수빈 Date
2 Activity Define Draft Plan 1. Motivation 기술의발전으로인하여현금보다카드를많이사용하게되어사람들이현금을많이갖고다니지않게되었다. 하지만급하게현금이필요한경우가여전히종종남아있어 ATM 기기의필요성은더욱증대되어이프로그램을개발하게되었다. 이시스템을통하여고객들은현금입출금서비스뿐만아니라대출, 공과금납부, 환전등다양한업무들을은행을가지않고도이용할수있게될것이다. 2. Project Objectives & Scope - 은행에가지않고간단한은행업무를볼수있다. - 현금서비스를이용할수있다. 3. Functional Requirements - Deposit - Withdraw - Transfer - Check Balance - Exchange - Loan - Pay Utility Bill - Take charge - Request Customer s Data - Check Validation - Check Password - Update Server Information - Print Error - 4. Non-functional Requirements - 24시간동안구동될시스템이므로안정적으로설계한다. - 돈과관련된정보를다루므로정보가정확해야한다. 2
3 - 환전시환율은국가마다다르다. - 환전가능한외화는엔화, 위안화, 달러, 유로로총네종류이다. - 시스템에대한컴퓨터상에서의시뮬레이션이므로모든입력은키보드를통해이루어진다. 5. Resource Estimation - Human Efforts(Man-Month) : 4 3months - Project Duration : 12 weeks - Other Efforts : 좋은학점을향한집념, 조원들의협동심 6. Other Information N/A 3
4 Activity Preliminary Investigation Report 1. Alternative Solutions - 기존의잘짜여진시스템을구매한다 - 다른소프트웨어개발회사에의뢰한다. 2. Project Justification (Business Demands) - Cost : 시중의제품보다저렴하게개발할수있다 ( 인력비감소 ). - Duration : 회사에의뢰했을때보다짧은시간내에개발이가능하다. - Risk : 숙달되지않은개발자들의개발로인해에러가발생할수있고, 이로인해 requirement를충족시키지못할수있다. - Effect : requirement를직접짜구현할수있고, 노력으로비용을감소시킬수있다. 3. Risk Management Risk Probability Significance Weight Lack of JAVA Experience Lack of UML Experience Lack of domain knowledge Lack of GUI Experience Lack of Time Lack of Sleep Risk Reduction plan - Lack of Java Experience (12) : JAVA 언어에관한책을통해공부한다. - Lack of UML Experience (12) : 강의시간에배운내용을복습하고팀원끼리서로알려준다. - Lack of domain knowledge (12) : domain diagram을통해 domain에대한이해도를늘린다. 평소 ATM기를사용했던경험을떠올리며작업한다. - Lack of GUI Experience (12) : 책과우리의친구구글에게도움을요청한다. - Lack of Time (4) : 고학년들의고질적인문제로부족한시간은여가시간등을줄여서채운다. - Lack of sleep (4) : 어느정도감수할부분으로개인이체력관리에힘쓴다. 4
5 5. Market Analysis - 이미상용화되어있는 ATM들이많이있으므로이를참조할수있으나, 개발의필요성이줄어든다. - 상용화되어있는 ATM들의기능이다양하므로, 이를차용한다. 6. Other Managerial Issues - 홈페이지에기재된개발일정에맞추어작업한다. 5
6 Activity Define Requirements 1. Functional Requirements (Version 2.0) - Deposit 고객은체크카드또는통장을이용해자신의계좌에현금을입금한다. 신용카드를통해입금할경우이전에대출 (loan) 기록이있을때해당신용카드의대출금액에서입금한금액만큼자동으로갚아진다. ATM이처리할수있는금액의단위는만원, 5만원단위이다. - Withdraw 고객은카드또는통장을이용해자신의계좌에서현금을인출한다. 출금시고객은계좌의비밀번호를알고있어야한다. 비밀번호가정확하지않을경우거래는진행되지않는다. ATM이처리할수있는금액의단위는만원, 5만원단위이다. - Deposit without bankbook 고객은입금하려는계좌번호를정확히알고있을경우무통장입금을할수있다. 만약계좌번호가정확하지않을경우, 거래는진행되지않는다. ATM이처리할수있는금액의단위는만원, 5만원단위이다. - Transfer 고객은카드또는통장을이용해자신의계좌에서돈을송금할수있다. 송금시에는정확한상대방의계좌번호와, 자신의계좌의비밀번호를알고있어야한다. 계좌번호와비밀번호가정확하지않을경우거래는진행되지않는다. - Check Balance 고객은카드또는통장을이용해해당계좌의최근거래내역과각각의거래내역에따른잔고를조회할수있다. 고객은계좌의비밀번호를알고있어야한다. 조회후고객이확인버튼을누르면초기화면으로돌아간다. - Exchange 환율에따라고객이원하는원화에서국가의현금으로환전해준다. 환율은국가마다상이하다. 환전시현금이아닌, 고객본인의카드또는통장이있어야한다. ATM이처리할수있는금액의단위는만원, 5만원단위이다. - Loan 고객의신용카드한도내에서현금을인출할수있는기능으로, 고객은신용카드의비밀번호를알고있어야한다. ATM이처리할수있는금액의단위는만원단위이다. 6
7 - Pay Utility Bill 고객은지로고지서를입력해, 체크카드혹은통장을통해공과금을납부한다. 고객은계좌의비밀번호를알고있어야한다. - Print Transaction Receipt 모든 process를종료한이후서버를업데이트하기전에거래명세서를출력한다. - Take Charge 환전, 타행송금, 신용카드를이용한현금출금을할때발생하는수수료를받는행위로등급에따라면제될수있다. - Request Customer s Data ATM은 Offer 서버에저장되어있는체크카드정보, 통장정보, 신용카드, 계좌정보를요청한다. - Check Validation 고객은카드또는통장을투입하고, 거래를시작한다. ATM은 offer에게고객의정보를요청하여투입된카드또는통장의정보가유효한지확인한다. - Check Password ATM은 Offer 서버에정보를요청해, 고객이입력한계좌또는신용카드의비밀번호가기존에등록된것과일치하는지확인한다. 비밀번호오류가 3회이상누적될경우고객은해당계좌혹은카드로 ATM을이용할수없다. - Update Server Information ATM은잔고확인을제외한모든 process를종료한이후, 추가혹은변경된정보를갱신할것을 Offer 서버에요청한다. - Print Error ATM은 Error가발생한상황에서 Error 메시지를고객에게알린다. Error가발생하는상황은고객의정보가서버에등록된정보와일치하지않을때이다. - Proceed Forced Termination 비밀번호오류를제외한오류가 3번보다더많이발생할경우강제로 process를종료하고기본화면으로돌아간다. - Transaction Lock 7
8 비밀번호오류가 3회이상누적된고객의경우, 부정한거래시도로간주되어 ATM 이용이금지된다. - Check Credit 고객의신용등급을조회한다. 2. System Functions (Table) Ref. # Function Category R1.1 Deposit Evident R1.2 Withdraw Evident R1.3 Deposit Without bankbook Evident R1.4 Transfer Evident R1.5 Exchange Evident R1.6 Loan Evident R1.7 Check Balance Evident R1.8 Pay Utility Bill Evident R2.1 Print Transaction Receipt Evident R2.2 Take Charge Evident R2.3 Print Error Evident R2.4 Proceed Forced Termination Evident R2.5 Transaction Lock Evident R3.1 Request Customer s Data Hidden R3.2 Check Validation Hidden R3.3 Check Password Hidden R3.4 Check Credit Hidden R4.1 Update Server Information Hidden 3. Performance Requirements - 현금거래에관한정보를신속하고정확하게처리하여서비스를제공한다. 4. Operating Environments - OS : Microsoft Windows 10 (64bit) - CPU : i5-7200u - Memory : 8GB 5. Development Environments 8
9 - OS : Microsoft Windows 10 pro (64bit) - CPU : i5-7200u - Memory : 8GB - Program Language : JAVA - Editor : eclipse 6. Interface Requirements - 사용자의메뉴선택에의해각기능들을수행할수있는화면으로전환된다. - 다음버전의업데이트를통해좀더정교한프로그램을설계한다. 7. Other Requirements (N/A) 9
10 Activity Record terms in Glossary Term Remarks ATM Automated Teller Machine의준말로현금자동입출금기를의미한다 Offer ATM 서비스를제공하는회사로은행과카드사가이에해당한다. Bankbook DWB KRW Giro bill Credit rating 고객의계좌정보를담고있는통장 Deposit without bankbook의약자로, 무통장입금을의미한다 Korean Won, 원화단위를의미한다지로고지서를의미한다신용등급을의미한다 Activity Implement Prototype ( 생략 ) Activity Define Business Use-Cases 1. Define System Boundary 고객 ATM System Offer 2. Identify and Describe - Customer : ATM을이용하는고객 - ATM : Offer와고객의중간다리역할을해주는시스템. 고객이더편하게금융거래를할수있도록돕는다. - Offer(Secondary Actor) : 고객의금융거래정보를저장하고제공하는 secondary actor 3. Identify Use-Case s by Actor Customer Deposit Withdraw transfer check balance Deposit without bankbook Exchange Insert loan pay utility bill s by Actor Offer 10
11 Update Server System s by Event Request Customer s Data Print Error Message Transaction Lock Check Validation pay utility bill Take charge Print transaction receipt Proceed Forced Termination Check Credit Check password 4. Allocate system functions into Related s Ref. # Function Number & Name Category R1.1 Deposit 1. Deposit R1.2 Withdraw 2. Withdraw R1.3 Deposit Without bankbook 3. Deposit without bankbook R1.4 Transfer 4. Transfer R1.5 Exchange 5. Exchange R1.6 Loan 6. loan R1.7 Check Balance 7. Check balance R1.8 Pay Utility Bill 8. Pay utility bill R2.1 Print Transaction Receipt 9. Print Transaction Receipt R2.2 Take Charge 10. Take Charge R2.3 Print Error 11. Print Error R2.4 Proceed Forced Termination 12. Forced Termination R2.5 Transaction Lock 13. Transaction Lock R3.1 Request Customer s Data 14. Request customer s data R3.2 Check Validation 15. Insert R3.3 Check Password 16. Check Password R3.4 Check Credit 17. Check Credit R4.1 Update Server Information 18. Update Server Information 5. Categorize s Ref. # Function Number & Name Category R1.1 Deposit 1. Deposit Primary R1.2 Withdraw 2. Withdraw Primary 11
12 R1.3 Deposit Without bankbook 3. Deposit without bankbook Primary R1.4 Transfer 4. Transfer Primary R1.5 Exchange 5. Exchange Primary R1.6 Loan 6. loan Primary R1.7 Check Balance 7. Check balance Primary R1.8 Pay Utility Bill 8. Pay utility bill Primary R2.1 Print Transaction Receipt 9. Print Transaction Receipt Primary R2.2 Take Charge 10. Take Charge Secondary R2.3 Print Error 11. Print Error Primary R2.4 Proceed Forced Termination 12. Forced Termination Primary R2.5 Transaction Lock 13. Transaction Lock Primary R3.1 Request Customer s Data 14. Request customer s data Primary R3.2 Check Validation 15. Insert Primary R3.3 Check Password 16. Check Password Primary R3.4 Check Credit 17. Check Credit Primary R4.1 Update Server Information 18. Update Server Information Primary 6. Identify the relationships between Use-Case 12
13 7. Draw a Use-Case diagram 13
14 8. Describe Use-Case 1. Deposit Customer -Customer can deposit cash into account by using card or bankbook. -Customer can deposit money into credit card. -Customer can only deposit money in unit of 10000\, 50000\. -If customer successfully deposits, ATM requests Offer to update server information.(hidden) -If customer deposits cash into credit card, ATM requests Offer to update server information. Amount of money customer inputted is automatically used to repay from the amount customer loaned. (Hidden) 2. Withdraw Customer -Customer can withdraw cash from account by using card or bankbook. -Customer can only withdraw money in unit of 10000\ and 50000\ under balance. -Customer has withdrawing limit at a day. -Customer needs to choose the number of 50000\. -Customer needs to know password of an account. -If customer successfully withdraws, ATM requests Offer to update server information.(hidden) 3. Deposit Without bankbook Customer -Customer can transfer money to other s account by paying cash. -Customer needs to input receiver s account number correctly. -If customer did it wrong, ATM prints out the error message. 4. Transfer Customer -Customer can transfer money to other s account by using check card or bankbook. 14
15 -If customer uses check card or bankbook, ATM requests password and balance to Offer s server. -If customer enters wrong password, ATM prints out error message. -Customer needs to input receiver s account number correctly. -If customer did it wrong, ATM prints out the error message. -If customer is transferring money to other bank s account, ATM takes charge of certain percentage. -If customer successfully transfers money from account ATM requests Offer to update server information. (Hidden) 5. Exchange Customer -Customer can exchange KRW into foreign currency. -Customer can only use check card or bankbook to exchange money. -If customer enters wrong password, ATM prints out error message. -If customer successfully exchanges money, ATM requests Offer to update server information. (Hidden) 6. Loan Customer -Customer can withdraw cash in unit of 10000\ and 50000\ with credit card, and we call it Loan. -Each customer has loan limits. -If customer enters wrong password, ATM prints out error message. -Credit Card Company(included in Secondary Actor called Offer) lends money, and requests ATM to take charge. -If customer successfully loans money, ATM requests Offer to update server information. (Hidden) 7. Check balance Customer -Customer can check balance of own account. -If customer enters wrong password, ATM prints out error message. -ATM prints out customer s recent transaction history. -If customer inputs OK button, ATM returns to basic screen.(gui level) 15
16 8. Pay Utility Bill Customer -Customer can only use check card or bankbook to pay utility bill. -Customer needs to input giro bill before paying bill. -Customer can only deposit money into virtual payment account. -If customer enters wrong password, ATM prints out error message. 9. Print Transaction Receipt (None) -ATM prints out transaction receipt after end of every process. -Transaction Receipt has record of current transaction such as amount of money used in transaction, account balance or etc. 10. Take Charge (None) -ATM takes charge from customer in process of transfer, loan, and exchange. -If customer s credit rating is high, ATM doesn t take charge. 11. Print Error (None) -This use case begins when customer inputted wrong information except password, such as account number, card, bankbook, giro bill, or when customer wants to withdraw or loan or deposit and something went wrong. -If the information customer inputted is different from the information from the Offer s server data, or if the balance of an account or loan limit is not enough, or if cash customer dr or withdraws is not in unit of 10000\ and 50000\, ATM prints out error message to customer. 12. Forced Termination (None) -This use case begins when customer inputted wrong information except password over 3 times. -Every process is immediately stopped and returns to basic 16
17 screen.(gui level) 13. Transaction Lock (None) -This use case begins when customer inputted wrong password for account or credit card over 3 times. -Customer cannot use account or credit card immediately, and cannot unlock with ATM. 14. Request customer s data (None) -This use case begins when customer inputs information such as card, bankbook, account number, giro bill, or when customer wants to withdraw or loan. -ATM requests customer s data to Offer s server, and compares to check error. 15. Insert Customer -This use case begins when customer choose menu from the basic screen in GUI level, except DWB. -When customer inputs card or bankbook, ATM requests customer s data to the Offer s server to compare information inputted. 16. Check password (None) -This use case begins when customer inputs password of an account or credit card in every process except deposit and DWB. -ATM compares data requested to Offer s server. 17. Check Credit (None) -This use case begins when ATM needs to take charge from customer. -ATM request Offer to provide customer s credit rating. -If customer s credit rating is high, ATM doesn t take charge. 17
18 18. Update Server Information Offer -This use case begins when every process except check balance ends. -ATM requests to update Offer s server data by sending updated data(recent transaction records). -Offer update information provided by ATM. 9. Rank Use-Cases Ref. # Function Number & Name Category Rank R1.1 Deposit 1. Deposit Primary High R1.2 Withdraw 2. Withdraw Primary High R1.3 Deposit Without bankbook 3. Deposit without bankbook Primary High R1.4 Transfer 4. Transfer Primary High R1.5 Exchange 5. Exchange Primary High R1.6 Loan 6. loan Primary High R1.7 Check Balance 7. Check balance Primary High R1.8 Pay Utility Bill 8. Pay utility bill Primary High R2.1 Print Transaction Receipt 9. Print Transaction Receipt Primary High R2.2 Take Charge 10. Take Charge Secondary Medium R2.3 Print Error 11. Print Error Primary High R2.4 Proceed Forced Termination 12. Forced Termination Primary High R2.5 Transaction Lock 13. Transaction Lock Primary High R3.1 Request Customer s Data 14. Request customer s data Primary High R3.2 Check Validation 15. Insert Primary High R3.3 Check Password 16. Check Password Primary High R3.4 Check Credit 17. Check Credit Primary High R4.1 Update Server Information 18. Update Server Information Primary High 18
19 Activity Define Business Concept Model Customer(User) ATM Credit Card Company Bank Credit Card Check Card Cash Name Password Utility Bill Exchange rate(usd) Exchange rate(jpy) Exchange rate(eur) Exchange rate(cny) Deposit Withdraw Transfer Check Exchange Loan Input Balance Commission Store Check Print Error Bank book Limit Dept Error Account Number Account Owner 10000\ 50000\ Grade Customer s Bank Data Customer s Grade Data Activity Define System Test Case Ref. # Function Name Test Test description - 통장 / 체크카드이용시해당계좌 계좌에맞게돈 에맞게입금되는지 TEST R1.1 Deposit 1. Deposit 이입금되는지 - 만원단위로입금되는지 TEST TEST. - 신용카드를이용할시, 대출금이 상환되는지 TEST - 비밀번호가맞아야인출되는지 TEST 고객의계좌에서 - 만원단위로만인출되는지 TEST R1.2 Withdraw 2. Withdraw 인출이되는지 - 고객이선택한오만원권과만원 TEST 권의장수대로출금되는지 TEST - 인출제한금액을넘지않았는지 TEST - 통장 / 체크카드없이도다른사람 에게송금할수있는지 TEST - ATM과같은은행에만보낼수있 R1.3 Deposit 3. Deposit 는지 TEST 무통장입금이되 Without without - 수신인의정보가정확해야송금는지 TEST bankbook bankbook 이되는지 TEST - 만원단위로입금하는지 TEST - 수신자의계좌에돈이입금되었 는지 TEST - 고객이통장이나체크카드를이 R1.4 Transfer 4. Transfer 송금이되는지용해서돈을보낼수있는지 TEST TEST - 고객의계좌에서송금하는금액 + ( 타행의경우 ) 수수료가인출되는 19
20 지 TEST - 수신자의계좌에돈이입금되었 는지 TEST - 통장 / 체크카드이용시비밀번호 가맞는경우만돈을보내는지 TEST - 수신인의정보가정확해야송금 이되는지 TEST - 고객이통장이나체크카드를입 금했을때만환전이가능한지 TEST - 비밀번호가맞아야환전이되는 한화를외화로 지 TEST - 나라마다환율이맞게적용되는 R1.5 Exchange 5. Exchange 환전이되는지지 TEST TEST - 고객의계좌에서환전하는금액 + 수수료만큼인출되는지 TEST - 환전한금액만큼현금으로나오 는지 TEST - 신용카드를입금했을때만대출이 되는지 TEST - 만원단위로만인출되는지 TEST - 한도를넘지않았을경우에만대 R1.6 Loanq 6. loan 이되는지 TEST - offer( 카드사 ) 에수수료 + 빌린금액만큼정보업데이트요청이되는지 TEST 대출 ( 카드론 ) 이출이되는지 TEST 되는지 TEST - 비밀번호가맞을경우에만대출 - 통장이나체크카드를넣었을때계좌조회를할수있는지 TEST R1.7 Check 계좌조회가되는 - 비밀번호가맞을경우에만계좌 7. Check balance Balance 지 TEST 조회가되는지 TEST - 계좌의최근거래내역을출력하는지 TEST R1.8 Pay Utility Bill 8. Pay utility bill - 통장이나체크카드를넣었을때공과금을납부할수있는지 TEST - 지로를통해납부할수있는지는지 TEST - 비밀번호가맞아야납부할수있는지 TEST 공과금을납부할 TEST 수있는지 TEST - 가상계좌를이용해납부할수있 R2.1 Print 9. Print 거래명세서출력 - 각각의프로세스가끝난후거래 20
21 Transaction Receipt Transaction Receipt R2.2 Take Charge 10. Take Charge R2.3 Print Error 11. Print Error R2.4 Proceed 12. Forced Forced Termination Termination R2.5 Transaction 13. Transaction Lock Lock R3.1 Request 14. Request Customer s customer s data Data 이되는지 TEST 수수료가부과되는지 TEST 에러를프린트하는지 TEST 강제종료 TEST 거래잠금 TEST 고객정보얻어오기 TEST 21 명세서를출력할수있는지 TEST - 입금 ; 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 입금액 / 입금후금액 - 출금 : 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 출금액 / 출금후금액 - 송금 : 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 송금액 / 송금후금액 - 무통장입금 : 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 송금액 - 공과금납부 : 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 납부액 / 납부후금액 - 환전 : 거래명세서에계좌정보 / 환전액 / 환전후금액 - 대출 : 거래명세서에카드정보 / 대출한금액 / 갚아야하는금액 ( 대출금 + 수수료 ) - 각각맞게출력되는지 TEST - 송금 / 대출 / 환전시수수료가붙는지 TEST - atm이작업할때, offer가요청한수수료만큼더붙여서작업하는지 TEST - 고객의신용등급이높으면 atm이수수료를받지않는지 TEST - 비밀번호가틀린경우를제외한에러들을프린트하는지 TEST - 각과정에서계좌 / 카드 / 체크카드 / 지로의정보가틀린경우에러출력 TEST - 출금 / 대출시한도를넘은경우에러출력 TEST - 비밀번호를 3번틀렸을경우강제종료가되는지 ( 처음화면으로돌아가는지 ) TEST - 비밀번호가 3번틀렸을시해당계좌 / 카드로거래를못하게잠기는지 TEST - ATM이 OFFER에게서고객정보를얻어올수있는지 TEST - 각과정에서필요한계좌 / 체크카드 / 카드 / 지로등의정보를얻어오는지 TEST - 필요한과정 : 입금 / 출금 / 송금 /
22 R3.2 Check Validation 15. Insert R3.3 Check 16. Check Password Password R3.4 Check Credit 17. Check Credit Update 18. Update R4.1 Server Server Information Information 통장 / 카드 / 체크카드삽입 TEST 비밀번호확인 TEST 신용등급확인 TEST 서버정보업데이트 TEST 대출 / 무통장입금 / 공과금납부 / 환전 - 삽입된매체 ( 통장 / 카드 / 체크카드 ) 가유효한지확인하는기능 TEST - 각프로세스에서입력한비밀번호가맞는지확인하는기능 TEST - 필요한프로세스 ; 출금 / 송금 / 대출 / 계좌조회 / 공과금납부 / 환전 - ATM이수수료를부과할때신용등급을확인할수있는지 TEST - 계좌조회를제외한각프로세스에서, 프로세스가끝난후서버가정보를업데이트하는지 TEST - ATM이서버에정보업데이트를요청하면, 서버가그대로수행하는지 TEST - 입금 ; 입금계좌 / 입금액 / 입금후금액 - 입금 ( 카드사용 ); 카드정보 / 상환액 / 상환후남은대출금 - 출금 ; 출금계좌 / 출금액 / 출금후금액 - 송금 ; 송금계좌 / 송금액 / 송금후금액 - 송금 ; 송금받는계좌 / 송금액 / 송금받은후금액 - 무통장입금 ; 송금받는계좌 / 송금액 / 송금받은후금액 - 공과금납부 ; 공과금이인출된계좌 / 인출액 / 인출후금액 - 환전 ; 환전계좌 / 환전액 / 환전후금액 ( 환전액 + 수수료 ) - 대출 / 카드정보 / 대출후한도 / 대출금 / 상환해야하는금액 ( 대출금 + 수수료 ) Activity Refine Plan 1. Project Scope & Objectives - 은행에가지않고간단한은행업무를볼수있다. - 현금서비스를이용할수있다. 22
23 2. Functional Requirements Ref. # Function Category R1.1 Deposit Evident R1.2 Withdraw Evident R1.3 Deposit Without bankbook Evident R1.4 Transfer Evident R1.5 Exchange Evident R1.6 Loan Evident R1.7 Check Balance Evident R1.8 Pay Utility Bill Evident R2.1 Print Transaction Receipt Evident R2.2 Take Charge Evident R2.3 Print Error Evident R2.4 Proceed Forced Termination Evident R2.5 Transaction Lock Evident R3.1 Request Customer s Data Hidden R3.2 Check Validation Hidden R3.3 Check Password Hidden R3.4 Check Credit Hidden R4.1 Update Server Information Hidden 3. Performance Requirements - 현금거래에관한정보를신속하고정확하게처리하여서비스를제공한다. 4. Operating Environments - OS : Microsoft Windows 10 (64bit) - CPU : i5-7200u - Memory : 8GB 5. User Interface Requirements - 사용자의메뉴선택에의해각기능들을수행할수있는화면으로전환된다. - 다음버전의업데이트를통해좀더정교한프로그램을설계한다. 6. Other Requirements (N/A) 23
24 7. Resources - Human Efforts(Man-Month) : 4 3months - Project Duration : 12 weeks - Other Efforts : 좋은학점을향한집념, 조원들의협동심 8. Scheduling (SMA Case Study : Plan 마지막도표참조 ) 24
SMA_2018 version. 3 A New Reliable ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Plan and Elaboration Project Team T 권성완 김선정 허윤아 조수빈 Da
A New Reliable ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Plan and Elaboration Project Team T6 201411140 권성완 201511247 김선정 201510436 허윤아 201510285 조수빈 Date 2018-05-30 1 Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan 1. Motivation 기술의발전으로인하여현금보다카드를많이사용하게되어사람들이현금을많이갖고다니지않게되었다.
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A New Reliable ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Plan and Elaboration Project Team T6 201411140 권성완 201511247 김선정 201510436 허윤아 201510285 조수빈 Date 2018-05-31 1 Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan 1. Motivation 기술의발전으로인하여현금보다카드를많이사용하게되어사람들이현금을많이갖고다니지않게되었다.
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A NEW CSE ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Project Team T3 Date 2018-04-17 ----------------------------------- Team Information 201311299 이원오 201311301 이재규 201311309 전홍준 INDEX 1. Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan 2.
A NEW CSE ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Project Team T3 Date Team Information 이원오 이재규
A NEW CSE ATM OOPT Stage 1000 Project Team T3 Date 2017-04-17 ----------------------------------- Team Information 201311299 이원오 201311301 이재규 201311309 전홍준 INDEX 1. Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan 2.
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OOPT Stage 1000 Version 4.0 Project Team T7 Team Date 2017-05-20 Team Information 201414134 오세욱 201414136 임현유 201211375 임동현 201211387 하헌규 CPT T7 Team 1 Table of Contents 1 Activity
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Microsoft Word - [2017SMA][T8]OOPT_Stage_1000_ docx
OOPT Stage 1000 - Plan & Elaboration Feesual CPT Tool Project Team T8 Date 2017-03-30 T8 Team Information 201211347 박성근 201211376 임제현 201411270 김태홍 2017 Team 8 1 Table of Contents 1 Activity 1001. Define
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Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM System Project Team 1 Team Date Team Information 엄현식 최정헌 전다윤
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM System Project Team 1 Team Date 2018-03-31 Team Information 201311287 엄현식 201311318 최정헌 201611293 전다윤 목차 Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan... 4 1. Motivation... 4
Software Modeling < < OOAD Stage 김정태 최정명 이낙원 송준현
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Ver1.0 OOPT Stage 1000 Team. T2 201411278 서희진 201411304 이지수 201411317 조민규 201213189 박성규 2017 Team2 1 Stage 1000. Plan and Elaboration Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan... 3 Activity
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
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마감하루전 Category Partitioning Testing Tool Project Team T1 Date 2017-04-13 Team Information 201111334 김강욱 201211339 김진욱 201312243 김동권 201510411 이소영 [ 마감하루전 ] T1 1 INDEX Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan Activity
Microsoft Word - [2017SMA][T8]OOPT_Stage_2040 ver2.docx
OOPT Stage 2040 - Design Feesual CPT Tool Project Team T8 Date 2017-05-24 T8 Team Information 201211347 박성근 201211376 임제현 201411270 김태홍 2017 Team 8 1 Table of Contents 1. Activity 2041. Design Real Use
1.5 Issue TrafficCard Management Activity 2142 Define Reports, UI, and Storyboards window Window Windo
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM System -Stage 2040. Design- Project Team 1 Team Date 2018-05-09 Team Information 201311287 엄현식 201311318 최정헌 201611293 전다윤 목차 1 Activity 2141 Design Real Use Cases...
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
Team 1 201611293 전다윤 201311287 엄현식 201311318 최정헌 01. 문서수정 02. System Test Review 03. Static Test Review 04. 소감 1 문서수정 문서수정 수정 System Test 문서 + 전문서에없던수정사항 수정 System Test 문서 문서수정 소프트웨어검증팀의문서대로수정한사항들 1008
사용사례 (Use Case) Objectives 2 소개? (story) vs. 3 UC 와 UP 산출물과의관계 Sample UP Artifact Relationships Domain Model Business Modeling date... Sale 1 1..* Sales... LineItem... quantity Use-Case Model objects,
Contents Activity1001. Define Draft Plan Activity1002. Create Preliminary Investigation Report Activity1003. Define Requirements Activity1004. Record
OSP Stage 1000 Ver.4 Team 1 201111341 김성민 201111379 이한빈 201111397 황정아 1 Contents Activity1001. Define Draft Plan Activity1002. Create Preliminary Investigation
<Software Modeling & Analysis> OSP Stage 1000 <Plan & Elaboration> Team 김성민 이한빈 황정아
OSP Stage 1000 Team 1 201111341 김성민 201111379 이한빈 201111397 황정아 Contents Activity1001. Define Draft Plan Activity1002. Create Preliminary Investigation
<Software Modeling & Analysis> OSP Stage 1000 < Plan & Elaboration > - v2 - Team 박미관 박준모 이영준 2013/04/05 1
OSP Stage 1000 < Plan & Elaboration > - v2 - Team 1. 200911388 박미관 200911391 박준모 200911412 이영준 2013/04/05 1 Contents. Activity1001. Define Draft Plan --- 3 Activity1002.
Contents Activity1001. Define Draft Plan Activity1002. Create Preliminary Investigation Report Activity1003. Define Requirements Activity1004. Record
OSP Stage 1000 Ver.2 Team 1 201111341 김성민 201111379 이한빈 201111397 황정아 1 Contents Activity1001. Define Draft Plan Activity1002. Create Preliminary Investigation
Activity Implement Class & s Definition 1) Account class urpose Overview(class) Exceptional Courses of Events class Account 계좌정보를모아두는클래스 Attribu
OOT STAGE 2050-2060 -Implementation & Unit Test roject Team Team T4 Date 2018 / 05 / 22 Team Members 1. 201611269 신문기 2. 201610401 손하영 3. 201510283 임진웅 1 Activity 2051. Implement Class & s Definition 1)
OOO Paint
Webtoon Paint OSP Stage 1000 Team 2 200911371 김민철 200911381 김진현 200911417 정명권 Activity 1001. Define Draft Plan Motivation - 만화시장이인쇄물에서온라인매체로옮겨감에따라웹툰을그리려는사람들이늘어나고있다. 그러나운영체제에서기본적으로지원하는그림판이나기타프로그램의경우그림을그리는작업외에도번거로운편집과정이많이필요해컴퓨터를잘다루지못하는사람들이웹툰을그리는데장애물이되고있다.
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM System Project Team 1 Team Date Team Information 엄현식 최정헌 전다윤
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM Project Team 1 Team Date 2018-03-31 Team Information 201311287 엄현식 201311318 최정헌 201611293 전다윤 목차 Activity 2010. Revise Plan... 3 Activity 2020. Synchronize Artifacts...
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM System Project Team 1 Team Date Team Information 엄현식 최정헌 전다윤 목차 Activ
Software Modeling & Analysis Global ATM Project Team 1 Team Date 2018-03-31 Team Information 201311287 엄현식 201311318 최정헌 201611293 전다윤 목차 Activity 2010. Revise Plan... 2 Activity 2020. Synchronize Artifacts...
Microsoft PowerPoint - Software__modeling__analysis.pptx
SOFTWARE MODELING & ANALYSIS SAFETY WEB MAIL SYSTEM - OSP STAGE 1000 200412338 이선휘 200511309 김의섭 목차 Motivation Objective Project Justification Requirements (Functional, Non Functional, etc ) Resource Estimation
< > 1 1 2 1 21 1 22 2 221 2 222 3 223 4 3 5 31 5 311 (netting)5 312 (matching) 5 313 (leading) (lagging)6 314 6 32 6 321 7 322 8 323 13 324 19 325 20 326 20 327 20 33 21 331 (ALM)21 332 VaR(Value at Risk)
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#Ȳ¿ë¼® A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
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목차 BUG 문법에맞지않는질의문수행시, 에러메시지에질의문의일부만보여주는문제를수정합니다... 3 BUG ROUND, TRUNC 함수에서 DATE 포맷 IW 를추가지원합니다... 5 BUG ROLLUP/CUBE 절을포함하는질의는 SUBQUE
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes 목차 BUG-45710 문법에맞지않는질의문수행시, 에러메시지에질의문의일부만보여주는문제를수정합니다... 3 BUG-45730 ROUND, TRUNC 함수에서 DATE 포맷 IW 를추가지원합니다... 5 BUG-45760 ROLLUP/CUBE 절을포함하는질의는 SUBQUERY REMOVAL 변환을수행하지않도록수정합니다....
6, Process concept A program in execution Program code PCB (process control block) Program counter, registers, etc. Stack Heap Data section => global variable Process in memory Process state New Running
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CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
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목차 BUG DEQUEUE 의 WAIT TIME 이 1 초미만인경우, 설정한시간만큼대기하지않는문제가있습니다... 3 BUG [qp-select-pvo] group by 표현식에있는컬럼을참조하는집합연산이존재하지않으면결괏값오류가발생할수있습니다... 4
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes 목차 BUG-46183 DEQUEUE 의 WAIT TIME 이 1 초미만인경우, 설정한시간만큼대기하지않는문제가있습니다... 3 BUG-46249 [qp-select-pvo] group by 표현식에있는컬럼을참조하는집합연산이존재하지않으면결괏값오류가발생할수있습니다... 4 BUG-46266 [sm]
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