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1 chapter 14 HTTP >>> 535
2 Part 3 _ 1 L i Sting using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; class DownloadDataTest public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); byte[] response = wc.downloaddata(argv[0]); 536
3 Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response)); C:\>DownloadDataTest <html> <title>this is a test web page</title> <body> <h1>this is a test web page</h1> </body> </html> C:\ > N o t e L i Sting using System; using System.Net; class DownloadFileTest 537
4 Part 3 _ public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string filename = "webpage.htm"; wc.downloadfile(argv[0], filename); Console.WriteLine("file downloaded"); C:\>DownloadFileTest file downloaded C:\>type webpage.htm <html> <title>this is a test web page</title> <body> <h1>this is a test web page</h1> </body> </html> C:\> L i Sting using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; class OpenReadTest public static void Main (string[] argv) 538
5 WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string response; Stream strm = wc.openread(argv[0]); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(strm); while(sr.peek() > -1) response = sr.readline(); Console.WriteLine(response); sr.close(); L i Sting using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net; class ResponseHeadersTest public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); 539
6 Part 3 _ byte[] response = wc.downloaddata(argv[0]); WebHeaderCollection whc = wc.responseheaders; Console.WriteLine("header count = 0", whc.count); for (int i = 0; i < whc.count; i++) Console.WriteLine(whc.GetKey(i) + " = " + whc.get(i)); C:\>ResponseHeadersTest header count = 10 Date = Tue, 27 Aug :06:34 GMT Server = Microsoft-IIS/6.0 P3P = CP='ALL IND DSP COR ADM CONo CUR CUSo IVAo IVDo PSA PSD TAI TELo OUR SAMo CNT COM INT NAV ONL PHY PRE PUR UNI' Content-Length = Content-Type = text/html Expires = Tue, 27 Aug :06:34 GMT Cache-Control = private Age = 0 X-Cache = MISS from proxy.ispnet.net Proxy-Connection = keep-alive C:\ > 540
7 W a r ning OpenWrite(string URI); OpenWrite(string URI, string method); L i Sting using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; class OpenWriteTest public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string data = "Data up upload to server"; Stream strm = wc.openwrite(argv[0]); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strm); sw.writeline(data); sw.close(); strm.close(); 541
8 Part 3 _ UploadData(string URI, byte[] array); UploadData(string URI, string method, byte[] array); L i Sting using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; class UploadDataTest public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string data = "This is the data to post"; byte[] dataarray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); wc.uploaddata(argv[0], dataarray); UploadFile(string URI, string filename); UploadFile(string URI, string method, string filename); 542
9 ?lastname=blum &firstname=rich NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.add("lastname", "Blum"); nvc.add("firstname", "Rich"); byte[] response = wc.uploadvalues(uri, "POST", nvc); N o t e L i Sting using System; using System.Collection.Specialized; using System.Net; using System.Text; class UploadValuesTest public static void Main (string[] argv) WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string uri = " // 543
10 Part 3 _ NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.add("lastname", "Blum"); nvc.add("firstname", "Rich"); byte[] response = wc.uploadvalues(uri, nvc); Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response)); NetworkCredential() NetworkCredential(string username, string password) NetworkCredential(string username, string password, string domain) 544
11 L i Sting using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; class CredTest public static void Main() WebClient wc = new WebClient(); NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential("alex", "mypassword"); wc.credentials = nc; byte[] response = wc.downloaddata(" Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response)); Add(URI website, string authtype, NetworkCredential cred) 545
12 Part 3 _ L i Sting using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; class CredCacheTest public static void Main() WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string website1 = " string website2 = " string website3 = " NetworkCredential nc1 = new NetworkCredential("mike", "guitars"); NetworkCredential nc2 = new NetworkCredential ("evonne", "singing", "home"); NetworkCredential nc3 = new NetworkCredential("alex", "drums"); CredentialCache cc = new CredentialCache(); cc.add(new Uri(website1), "Basic", nc1); cc.add(new Uri(website2), "Basic", nc2); cc.add(new Uri(website3), "Digest", nc3); wc.credentials = cc; wc.downloadfile(website1, "website1.htm"); wc.downloadfile(website2, "website2.htm"); wc.downloadfile(website3, "website3.htm"); 546
13 2 HttpWebRequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( 547
14 Part 3 _ HttpWebRequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( " WebProxy proxysrv = new WebProxy(" hwr.proxy = proxysrv; HttpWebrequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(" Stream strm = hwr.getrequeststream(); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strm); sw.writeline(data); W a r ning 548
15 549
16 Part 3 _ String header = hwr.getresponseheader("x-cache"); HttpWebRequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(" hwr.cookiecontainer = new CookieContainer(); HttpWebResponse hwrsp = (HttpWebResponse)hwr.GetResponse(); hwrsp.cookies = hwr.cookiecontainer.getcookies(hwr.requesturi); foreach(cookie cky in hwrsp.cookies) Console.WriteLine(cky.Name + " = " + cky.value); 550
17 L i Sting using System; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Windows.Forms; class WebGet : Form private TextBox uribox; private ListBox headers; private ListBox cookies; private ListBox response; public WebGet() Text = "WebGet - a web page retriever"; Size = new Size(500, 450); Label label1 = new Label(); label1.parent = this; label1.text = "URI:"; label1.autosize = true; label1.location = new Point(10, 23); uribox = new TextBox(); uribox.parent = this; uribox.size = new Size(200, 2 * Font.Height); uribox.location = new Point(35, 20); Label label2 = new Label(); label2.parent = this; label2.text = "Headers:"; label2.autosize = true; label2.location = new Point(10, 46); 551
18 Part 3 _ headers = new ListBox(); headers.parent = this; headers.horizontalscrollbar = true; headers.location = new Point(10, 65); headers.size = new Size(450, 6 * Font.Height); Label label3 = new Label(); label3.parent = this; label3.text = "Cookies:"; label3.autosize = true; label3.location = new Point(10, * Font.Height); cookies = new ListBox(); cookies.parent = this; cookies.horizontalscrollbar = true; cookies.location = new Point(10, * Font.Height); cookies.size = new Size(450, 6 * Font.Height); Label label4 = new Label(); label4.parent = this; label4.text = "HTML:"; label4.autosize = true; label4.location = new Point(10, * Font.Height); response = new ListBox(); response.parent = this; response.horizontalscrollbar = true; response.location = new Point(10, * Font.Height); response.size = new Size(450, 12 * Font.Height); Button sendit = new Button(); sendit.parent = this; sendit.text = "GetIt"; sendit.location = new Point(275, 18); sendit.size = new Size(7 * Font.Height, 2 * Font.Height); sendit.click += new EventHandler(ButtongetitOnClick); void ButtongetitOnClick(object obj, EventArgs ea) headers.items.clear(); cookies.items.clear(); response.items.clear(); 552
19 HttpWebRequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uribox.Text); hwr.cookiecontainer = new CookieContainer(); HttpWebResponse hwrsp = (HttpWebResponse)hwr.GetResponse(); WebHeaderCollection whc = hwrsp.headers; for (int i = 0; i < whc.count; i++) headers.items.add(whc.getkey(i) + " = " + whc.get(i)); hwrsp.cookies = hwr.cookiecontainer.getcookies(hwr.requesturi); foreach(cookie cky in hwrsp.cookies) cookies.items.add(cky.name + " = " + cky.value); Stream strm = hwrsp.getresponsestream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(strm); while (sr.peek() > -1) response.items.add(sr.readline()); sr.close(); strm.close(); public static void Main() Application.Run(new WebGet()); 553
20 Part 3 _ W a r ning 3 N o t e 554
21 555
22 Part 3 _ L i Sting <%@ WebService Language="c#" Class="MathService"%> using System; using System.Web.Services; [WebService(Namespace=" public class MathService : WebService [WebMethod] public int Add(int a, int b) int answer; answer = a + b; return answer; [WebMethod] public int Subtract(int a, int b) int answer; answer = a - b; return answer; [WebMethod] public int Multiply(int a, int b) int answer; answer = a * b; return answer; [WebMethod] public int Divide(int a, int b) int answer; if (b!= 0) answer = a / b; return answer; else return 0; 556
23 WebService Language="c#" Class="MathService"%> [WebService(Namespace= C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test\MathService.asmx 557
24 Part 3 _ C:\>wsdl csc /t:library MathService.cs 558
25 L i Sting using System; class ServiceTest public static void Main (string[] argv) MathService ms = new MathService(); int x = Convert.ToInt16(argv[0]); int y = Convert.ToInt16(argv[1]); int sum = ms.add(x, y); int sub = ms.subtract(x, y); int mult = ms.multiply(x, y); int div = ms.divide(x, y); Console.WriteLine("The answers are:"); Console.WriteLine(" = 2", x, y, sum); Console.WriteLine(" 0-1 = 2", x, y, sub); Console.WriteLine(" 0 * 1 = 2", x, y, mult); Console.WriteLine(" 0 / 1 = 2", x, y, div); csc /r:mathservice.dll ServiceTest.cs 559
26 Part 3 _ C:\>ServiceTest The answers are: = = * 50 = / 50 = 2 C:\> 4 560
27 561
Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 C # N e t w o r k P r o g r a m m i n g Part 3 _ chapter 11 ICMP >>> 430 Chapter 11 _ 1 431 Part 3 _ 432 Chapter 11 _ N o t
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API STORE 키발급및 API 사용가이드 Document Information 문서명 : API STORE 언어별 Client 사용가이드작성자 : 작성일 : 2012.11.23 업무영역 : 버전 : 1 st Draft. 서브시스템 : 문서번호 : 단계 : Document Distribution Copy Number Name(Role, Title) Date
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5 (kkman@mail.sangji.ac.kr) (Class), (template) (Object) public, final, abstract [modifier] class ClassName { // // (, ) Class Circle { int radius, color ; int x, y ; float getarea() { return 3.14159
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CrackMe 15.exe (in Simples) 문제풀이 동명대학교정보보호동아리 THINK www.mainthink.net 강동현 Blog: johnghb.tistory.com e-mail: cari2052@gmail.com 1 목차 : 1. 문제설명및기본분석 --------------------------- P. 03 2 상세분석 ---------------------------
- -, (insert) (delete) - - (insert) (delete) (top ) - - (insert) (rear) (delete) (front) A A B top A B C top push(a) push(b) push(c) A B top pop() top A B D push(d) top #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100 int
I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r
I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r Jakarta is a Project of the Apache
DPNM Lab, GSIT, POSTECH Email: shk@postech.ac.kr 1 2 (1) Internet World-Wide Web Web traffic Peak periods off-peak periods peak periods off-peak periods 3 (2) off-peak peak Web caching network traffic
JQuery jquery part1 JavaScript : e-mail:leseraphina@naver.com http://www.webhard.co.kr I.? 2 ......,,. : : html5 ; ; .
11 (String).. java.lang.stringbuffer. s String s = "abcd"; s = s + "e"; a b c d e a b c d e ,., "910359,, " "910359" " " " " (token) (token),, (delimiter). java.util.stringtokenizer String s = "910359,,
C h a p t e r 11 java.net.,,., (TCP/IP) (UDP/IP).,. 1 ISO OSI 7 1977 (ISO, International Standards Organization) (OSI, Open Systems Interconnection). 6 1983 X.200. OSI 7 [ 11-1] 7. 1 (Physical Layer),
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Cras
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Crash Unity SDK... Log & Crash Search. - Unity3D v4.0 ios
JMF JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr Issued by: < > Revision: Document Information Document title: Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: JMF3_ doc Issue Date:
9 Chapter CHAPTER GOALS B I G J A V A 436 CHAPTER CONTENTS 9.1 436 Syntax 9.1 441 Syntax 9.2 442 Common Error 9.1 442 9.2 443 Syntax 9.3 445 Advanced Topic 9.1 445 9.3 446 9.4 448 Syntax 9.4 454 Advanced
ilist.add(new Integer(1))과 같이 사용하지 않고 ilist.add(1)과 같이 사용한 것은 자바 5.0에 추가된 기본 자료형과 해당 객체 자료 형과의 오토박싱/언박싱 기능을 사용한 것으로 오토박싱이란 자바 컴파일러가 객체를 요구하는 곳에 기본 자료형
바에 제네릭스(generics)를 도입하기 위한 연구는 이미 8년 전인 1996년부터라고 한다. 실제로 자바에 제네릭스를 도입하 는 몇 가지 방안들이 논문으로 나오기 시작한 것이 1998년 초임을 감 안하면 무려 8년이 지난 후에야 자바 5.0에 전격 채택되었다는 것은 이것이 얼마나 어려운 일이었나 하는 것을 보여준다. 자바의 스펙을 결정하는 표준화 절차인
Basic Netw rk 1. ก ก ก 2. 3. ก ก 4. ก 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ก 5. ก 6. ก ก 7. ก 3 ก ก ก ก (Mainframe) ก ก ก ก (Terminal) ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก 4 ก (Dumb Terminal) ก ก ก ก Mainframe ก CPU ก ก ก ก 5 ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก
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Serialization C# Serialization 321190 2015 년가을학기 11/27/2015 박경신 Serializaiton( 직렬화 ) 란객체상태를지속시키거나전송할수있는형식으로변환하는과정으로, Serialization 반대로다시객체로변환하는것을 Deserialization 임 Serialization 을사용하는이유 객체의상태를저장소에보존했다가나중에똑같은복사본을다시만들기위하거나,
9 Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record 1 Record getkey(): Key * Record Key Database.? Key equals(key y): boolean Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record * Database OK 1
C H A P T E R 03 CHAPTER 03 03-01 03-01-01 Win m1 f1 e4 e5 e6 o8 Mac m1 f1 s1.2 o8 Linux m1 f1 k3 o8 AJAX
초보자를 위한 C# 21일 완성
C# 21., 21 C#., 2 ~ 3 21. 2 ~ 3 21.,. 1~ 2 (, ), C#.,,.,., 21..,.,,, 3. A..,,.,.. Q&A.. 24 C#,.NET.,.,.,. Visual C# Visual Studio.NET,..,. CD., www. TeachYour sel f CSharp. com., ( )., C#.. C# 1, 1. WEEK
PART 8 12 16 21 25 28
PART 8 12 16 21 25 28 PART 34 38 43 46 51 55 60 64 PART 70 75 79 84 89 94 99 104 PART 110 115 120 124 129 134 139 144 PART 150 155 159 PART 8 1 9 10 11 12 2 13 14 15 16 3 17 18 19 20 21 4 22 23 24 25 5
4 5 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 6 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 7 1 CHAPTER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
2 Chapter 46 47 Chapter 2. 48 49 Chapter 2. 50 51 Chapter 2. 52 53 54 55 Chapter 2. 56 57 Chapter 2. 58 59 Chapter 2. 60 61 62 63 Chapter 2. 64 65 Chapter 2. 66 67 Chapter 2. 68 69 Chapter 2. 70 71 Chapter
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
JMF JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr Issued by: < > Document Information Document title: Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: JMF2_ doc Issue Date: Status: < > raica@nownurinet
0. 들어가기 전
컴퓨터네트워크 14 장. 웹 (WWW) (3) - HTTP 1 이번시간의학습목표 HTTP 의요청 / 응답메시지의구조와동작원리이해 2 요청과응답 (1) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 웹브라우저는 URL 을이용원하는자원표현 HTTP 메소드 (method) 를이용하여데이터를요청 (GET) 하거나, 회신 (POST) 요청과응답 요청
A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 1 OZ Application Getting Started 2 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 3 OZ Application Getting Started 'OZ
제 호 년 제67차 정기이사회, 고문 자문위원 추대 총동창회 집행부 임원 이사에게 임명장 수여 월 일(일) 년 월 일(일) 제 역대 최고액 모교 위해 더 확충해야 강조 고 문:고달익( 1) 김병찬( 1) 김지훈( 1) 강보성( 2) 홍경식( 2) 현임종( 3) 김한주( 4) 부삼환( 5) 양후림( 5) 문종채( 6) 김봉오( 7) 신상순( 8) 강근수(10)
61 62 63 64 234 235 p r i n t f ( % 5 d :, i+1); g e t s ( s t u d e n t _ n a m e [ i ] ) ; if (student_name[i][0] == \ 0 ) i = MAX; p r i n t f (\ n :\ n ); 6 1 for (i = 0; student_name[i][0]!= \ 0&&
CHAPTER 07 Ajax ( ) (Silverlight) Ajax RIA(Rich Internet Application) Firefox 4 Ajax MVC Ajax ActionResult Ajax jquery Ajax HTML (Partial View) 7 3 GetOrganized Ajax GetOrganized Ajax HTTP POST 154 CHAPTER
A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 1 OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 2 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 3 OZ Application Getting
SW 2015. 02 5-1 89
SW 2015. 02 88 SW 2015. 02 5-1 89 SW 2015. 02 5-2 5-3 90 SW 2015. 02 5-4 91 SW 2015. 02 5-5 5-6 92 5-7 SW 2015. 02 93 SW 2015. 02 5-8 5-1 94 SW 2015. 02 5-9 95 SW 2015. 02 5-10 5-2 96 SW 2015. 02 5-11
1 SW 2015. 02 26
02 1 SW 2015. 02 26 2-1 SW 2015. 02 27 SW 2015. 02 2-1 28 SW 2015. 02 29 2 SW 2015. 02 2-2 30 2-2 SW 2015. 02 31 SW 2015. 02 32 2-3 SW 2015. 02 33 3 SW 2015. 02 2-3 34 2-4 SW 2015. 02 35 4 SW 2015. 02
---------------- DATA STRUCTURES USING C ---------------- 03CHAPTER 1 ? (stack): (LIFO:Last-In First-Out) 2 : top : ( index -1 ),,, 3 : ( ) ( ) -> ->. ->.... 4 Stack ADT : (LIFO) : init():. is_empty():
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
arp -a Packet Logging/Editing Decode Buffer Capture Driver Logging: permanent storage of packets for offline analysis Decode: packets must be decoded to human readable form. Buffer: packets must temporarily
Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page
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C h a p t e r 03 C++ 3 1 9 4 3 break continue 2 110 if if else if else switch 1 if if if 3 1 1 if 2 2 3 if if 1 2 111 01 #include 02 using namespace std; 03 void main( ) 04 { 05 int x; 06 07
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REST in Enterprise 박찬욱 1-1- MISSING PIECE OF ENTERPRISE Table of Contents 1. 2. REST 3. REST 4. REST 5. 2-2 - Wise chanwook.tistory.com / cwpark@itwise.co.kr / chanwook.god@gmail.com ARM WOA S&C AP ENI
Java http://cafedaumnet/pway Chapter 1 1 public static String format4(int targetnum){ String strnum = new String(IntegertoString(targetNum)); StringBuffer resultstr = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = strnumlength();
PowerPoint Template
JavaScript 회원정보 입력양식만들기 HTML & JavaScript Contents 1. Form 객체 2. 일반적인입력양식 3. 선택입력양식 4. 회원정보입력양식만들기 2 Form 객체 Form 객체 입력양식의틀이되는 태그에접근할수있도록지원 Document 객체의하위에위치 속성들은모두 태그의속성들의정보에관련된것
http://www.springcamp.io/2017/ ü ö @RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } } @RestController
FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide
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KISA-GD-2011-0002 2011.9 1) RD(Recursive Desired) 플래그 : 리커시브네임서버로하여금재귀적 (recursive) 질의 ( 항목 1.3. 참고 ) 요청을표시함. RD 플레그값이 0 이면반복적 (iterative) 질의를요청 2) AA 플래그 : Authoritative Answer 의약자로써, 네임서버가해당응답데이터를자신이보유하고있는지유무를표시
Microsoft PowerPoint - CSharp-15-채팅
Socket 클래스이용한채팅프로그램 스트림방식의채팅프로그램 헬퍼클래스방식의채팅프로그램 순천향대학교컴퓨터학부이상정 1 학습내용 Socket 클래스이용한채팅프로그램 스트림방식의채팅프로그램 헬퍼클래스방식의채팅프로그램 순천향대학교컴퓨터학부이상정 2 Socket 클래스이용한채팅프로그램 순천향대학교컴퓨터학부이상정 3 1:1 채팅프로그램 한프로그램이동시에서버와클라이언트로동작
C C++. (preprocessor directives), C C++ C/C++... C++, C. C++ C. C C++. C,, C++, C++., C++.,.. #define #elif #else #error #if #itdef #ifndef #include #line #pragma #undef #.,.,. #include #include
초보자를 위한 ASP.NET 21일 완성
ASP.NET 21!!.! 21 ( day 2 ), Active Server Pages.NET (Web-based program -ming framework).,... ASP.NET. ASP. NET Active Server Pages ( ASP ),. ASP.NET,, ( ),.,.,, ASP.NET.? ASP.NET.. (, ).,. HTML. 24 ASP.
OCaml 2009.. (khheo@ropas.snu.ac.kr) 1 ML 2 ML OCaml INRIA, France SML Bell lab. & Princeton, USA nml SNU/KAIST, KOREA 3 4 (let) (* ex1.ml *) let a = 10 let add x y = x + y (* ex2.ml *) let sumofsquare
1. Servlets. 5 1 Servlet Model. 5 1.1 Http Method : HttpServlet abstract class. 5 1.2 Http Method. 5 1.3 Parameter, Header. 5 1.4 Response 6 1.5 Redirect 6 1.6 Three Web Scopes : Request, Session, Context
CLEAN CODE 6 11st Front Dev. Team 6 1. 2. 3. checked exception 4. 5. 6. 11 : 2 4 : java (50%), javascript (35%), SQL/PL-SQL (15%) : Spring, ibatis, Oracle, jquery ? , (, ) ( ) 클린코드를 무시한다면 . 6 1. ,,,!
학습목표 텍스트파일을다룰수있다. 스트림읽기, 쓰기를안다. 2
학습목표 텍스트파일을다룰수있다. 스트림읽기, 쓰기를안다. 2 8.1 텍스트파일다루기 8.2 스트림읽기, 쓰기 3 텍스트파일 문자, 숫자, 단어들이하나이상의줄로구성 파일확장명 :.txt,.ini,.log, OpenFileDialog 컨트롤 : 파일의위치를사용자가쉽게선택가능 Filter 속성 : 파일의형식선택가능 ShowDialog 메서드 : 열기대화상자 FileName
Secure Programming Lecture1 : Introduction
Malware and Vulnerability Analysis Lecture4-1 Vulnerability Analysis #4-1 Agenda 웹취약점점검 웹사이트취약점점검 HTTP and Web Vulnerability HTTP Protocol 웹브라우저와웹서버사이에하이퍼텍스트 (Hyper Text) 문서송수신하는데사용하는프로토콜 Default Port
10 C++ Hello!! C C C++ C++ C++ 2 C++ 1980 Bell Bjarne Stroustrup C++ C C++ C, C++ C C 3 C C++ (prototype) (type checking) C C++ : C++ 4 C C++ (prototype) (type checking) [ 10-1] #include extern
9 Hello!! C printf() scanf() getchar() putchar() gets() puts() fopen() fclose() fprintf() fscant() fgetc() fputs() fgets() gputs() fread() fwrite() fseek() ftell() I/O 2 (stream) C (text stream) : `/n'
Connection 8 22 UniSQLConnection / / 9 3 UniSQL OID SET
135-080 679-4 13 02-3430-1200 1 2 11 2 12 2 2 8 21 Connection 8 22 UniSQLConnection 8 23 8 24 / / 9 3 UniSQL 11 31 OID 11 311 11 312 14 313 16 314 17 32 SET 19 321 20 322 23 323 24 33 GLO 26 331 GLO 26
1 7 C 2 7.1 C (System Calls) Unix UNIX man Section 2 C. C (Library Functions) C 1975 Dennis Ritchie ANSI C Standard Library 3 (system call). 4 C?... 5 C (text file), C. (binary file). 6 C 1. : fopen( )
북한의 주요 농업 관련 법령 해설 1) 이번 호와 다음 호에서는 북한의 주요 농업 관련 법령을 소개하려 한다. 북한의 협동농장은 농업협동조합기준규약초안 과 농장법 에 잘 규정되어 있다. 북한 사회주의 농업정책은 사회 주의농촌문제 테제 2), 농업법, 산림법 등을 통해 엿볼 수 있다. 국가계획과 농업부문의 관 계, 농산물의 공급에 관해서는 인민경제계획법, 사회주의상업법,
1 9 2 0 3 1 1912 1923 1922 1913 1913 192 4 0 00 40 0 00 300 3 0 00 191 20 58 1920 1922 29 1923 222 2 2 68 6 9
(1920~1945 ) 1 9 2 0 3 1 1912 1923 1922 1913 1913 192 4 0 00 40 0 00 300 3 0 00 191 20 58 1920 1922 29 1923 222 2 2 68 6 9 1918 4 1930 1933 1 932 70 8 0 1938 1923 3 1 3 1 1923 3 1920 1926 1930 3 70 71
Eclipse 와 Firefox 를이용한 Javascript 개발 발표자 : 문경대 11 년 10 월 26 일수요일
Eclipse 와 Firefox 를이용한 Javascript 개발 발표자 : 문경대 Introduce Me!!! Job Jeju National University Student Ubuntu Korean Jeju Community Owner E-Mail: ned3y2k@hanmail.net Blog: http://ned3y2k.wo.tc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gyeongdae
Command JSTORM http://www.jstorm.pe.kr Command Issued by: < > Revision: Document Information Document title: Command Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: Issue
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- 1 - C# Programming 고급 이현정 hjyi@hotmail.com MCT/MCSD/MCAD/MCSD.NET 교재목차 - 2-1부 C# 언어 1장 C, C++ 그리고 C# 2장 Hello, C#! 3장변수와자료형 4장연산자 5장흐름제어 6장메쏘드 7장클래스 8장배열과컬렉션 9장속성과인덱서 10장델리게이트와이벤트 11장예외처리 12장특성 13장일반화프로그래밍
07 자바의 다양한 클래스.key
[ 07 ] . java.lang Object, Math, String, StringBuffer Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character. java.util Random, StringTokenizer Calendar, GregorianCalendar, Date. Collection, List,