28 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX [2] ko.tex [5]

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The Asian Journal of TEX, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2009 Article revision 2009/5/7 KTS THE KOREAN TEX SOCIETY SINCE 2007 2008 ko.tex Installing TEX Live 2008 and ko.tex under Ubuntu Linux Kihwang Lee * kihwang.lee@ktug.or.kr KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Ubuntu, Linux, TEX, LATEX, X TEX, LYX, TEX Live, ko.tex E This article provides practical guides for installing TEX Live 2008 and ko.tex under Ubuntu Linux, a popular Linux distribution. We also look into issues regarding installing other TEX-related tools including Kile and LYX, and additional Truetype fonts. 1 [15] [14] 1 2 2008 ko.tex 2008 ko.tex 1.1 * ko.tex 1. [6] [7] 2009 4 9.04 2. Copyright 2009 by the Korean TEX Society

28 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX [2]. 2008 8 2008 2009 4 3 2008 2009 2008 1.2 2008 1. 2008 2008 2008 ko.tex 2. 2008 3. [5]

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 29 2007 ( ) 2008 2008 2 2008 2008 2.1 2008 2008 [8] CTAN (Comprehenseive TEX Archive Network) [16] [13] 2008 [ ]-[ ]-[Firefox ] 2008 2008 install-tl-unx.tar.gz 2.2 2008 [ ]-[ ]-[ ] $ tar zxvf./ install-tl-unx.tar.gz ( ) install-tl install-tl (sudo ) -location CTAN

30 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX $ cd install-tl $ sudo./install-tl -location \ > http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 ======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================...... <O> options: [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default [X] create all format files [X] install macro/font doc tree [X] install macro/font source tree [ ] create symlinks in standard directories <V> set up for running from DVD Other actions: <I> start installation to hard disk <H> help <Q> quit Enter command: o i 2008 2008 o l /usr/local/bin Enter Current options setup: =============================================================================== <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ] <F> create all format files: [X] <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X] <S> install font/macro source tree: [X] <L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ] binaries to: manpages to: info to: Other actions: <R> return to main menu <Q> quit Disk space required: 1769 MB Enter command: l New value for binary directory [/usr/local/bin]: New value for man directory [/usr/local/man]: New value for info directory [/usr/local/info]: r i

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 31 2008 30 4 2008 2008 PDF $ pdflatex sample2e This is pdftexk, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.6)...... Output written on sample2e.pdf (3 pages, 69560 bytes). Transcript written on sample2e.log. $ evince sample2e.pdf 3 ko.tex 2008 ko.tex 3.1 ko.tex ko.tex (tlmgr) $ sudo tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/ktug/texlive/2008 \ > install collection-kotex 2008 ko.tex PDF 1 \documentclass{article} 2 \usepackage{kotex} 3 \begin{document} 4 $ko$.\tex{} 5 \end{document} PDF 3.2 ko.tex ko.tex 4. CTAN 2008 DVD DVD

32 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX 1..profile 3.2.1 2008 2008 ko.tex 2008 5.profile 1 $ source ~/.profile $ komkindex This is komkindex, a makeindex wrapper for ko.tex package....... komkindex ko.tex 3.2.2 2008 install-info 2008 install-info 5. 2008

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 33 2008 install-info 2008 install-info 2008 $ cd /usr/local/bin $ sudo mv install-info install-info.tl $ cd /usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/i386-linux $ sudo mv install-info install-info.tl 4 2008 4.1 (Kile), (Texmaker), (Winefish) apt-get $ sudo apt-get install kile KDE KDE 2007 [ ]-[ ]-[Kile] 9.04 2.1 X TEX E ko.tex komkindex [Settings]-[Configure Kile] MakeIndex komkindex -s kotex 6 OK 7 6. KDE 7. MakeIndex

34 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX test.tex Build PDFLaTeX 4.2 9.04 2009 4 1.6.2 $ sudo apt-get install lyx CJK-LATEX ko.tex 8 $ wget http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/lyx-koreanucs/lyx-koreanucs-1.6.0.zip...... $ unzip LyX-KoreanUCS-1.6.0.zip Archive: LyX-KoreanUCS-1.6.0.zip inflating: fapapersize.module inflating: languages inflating: oblivoir.layout inflating: xoblivoir.layout inflating: README $ sudo cp languages /usr/share/lyx/ $ sudo cp *.layout /usr/share/lyx/layouts/ $ sudo cp *.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/ [Tools]-[Preferences] Language Setting-Language 2 Save [Tools]-[Preferences] Outputs/LaTeX Index Command komkindex -s kotex Save http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/private/testalpha.lyx [View]-[PDF (pdflatex)] PDF X LATEX E X LATEX [19] 8. [18] E

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 35 2. BibTeX Editor gedit T1 lyxrc.defaults.lyx 4.3 X TEX LuaTEX E ko.tex X TEX LuaTEX E [3] [4].fonts $ mkdir -p ~/.fonts/truetype/nanum $ cd ~/.fonts/truetype/nanum $ unzip -O euc-kr ~/ NanumFont_TTF.zip Archive: /home/jaunty/ NanumFont_TTF.zip inflating: ttf inflating: Bold.ttf inflating: ttf inflating: Bold.ttf $ mkdir -p ~/.fonts/truetype/naver $ cd ~/.fonts/truetype/naver $ tar zxvf ~/ naverdic.tgz naverdic.ttf

36 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX 3. $ fc-cache -v -f $ fc-list grep,nanummyeongjo,nanummyeongjo Bold, Bold:style=Bold,Regular,NanumGothic,NanumGothic Bold, Bold:style=Bold,Regular,NanumMyeongjo:style=Regular,NanumGothic:style=Regular $ fc-list grep,naver Dictionary:style=Regular 1 \documentclass{oblivoir} 2 \setkormainfont(nanummyeongjo Bold){NanumMyeongjo}[]{Naver Dictionary} 3 \setkorsansfont(nanumgothic Bold){NanumGothic}[]{Naver Dictionary} 4 \begin{document} 5 \noindent 6 \\ 7 \textsf{ }\\ 8 \textbf{ } 9 \end{document} ttftest.tex 3 $ xelatex ttftest This is XeTeXk, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.999.6 (Web2C 7.5.7)...... $ evince ttftest.pdf

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 37.fonts /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype 5 2008 ko.tex 2008 ko.tex 5.1 2008 ko.tex $ sudo tlmgr -location \ > http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 update -all 2008 bin-texlive texlive.infra $ sudo tlmgr -location \ > http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 \ > update bin-texlive texlive.infra ~/.profile alias tlupd= sudo tlmgr -location \ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 update -all alias ktupd= sudo tlmgr -location \ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/ktug/texlive/2008 update -all 5.2 perl-tk $ sudo apt-get install perl-tk

38 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX $ sudo tlmgr --gui 2008 ko.tex Current Installation source: URL 6 6.1 [20] 6.2 ko.tex (deb) [17] deb [9] PDF [10] deb

VOLUME 3, NO. 1, JUNE 2009 39 6.3 2008 ko.tex 9 [12] rpm apt-get yum $ sudo yum install kile 10 2.0.3 [11] 7 2008 ko.tex, ko.tex [14] 1. ko.tex v0.1.0 2007. http://project.ktug. or.kr/ko.tex/kotexguide.pdf 2. Nobuyuki Tsuchimura and Yusuke Kuroki, Development of Japanese TEX environment, The Asian Journal of TEX 1 (2008), no. 2, 53 62. 3. http://hangeul.naver.com/index.nhn?goto=fonts 4. http://cndic.naver.com/static/fontinstall 5. http://packages.ubuntu.com 6. http://www.ubuntu.com 9.

40 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX 7. http://www.ubuntu.or.kr 8. http://www.tug.org/texlive 9. https://launchpad.net/~agrawalr/+archive/ppa 10. http://www.tug.org/texworks 11. http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packages 12. http://www.fedoraproject.org 13. CTAN 2008 http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/ tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 14. http://faq.ktug.or.kr 15. http://www.ktug.or.kr 16. CTAN http://www.ctan.org 17. Getdeb http://www.getdeb.net 18. KTUGFaq: Karnes/LyX. http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/karnes/lyx 19. KTUGFaq: Karnes/LyX/XeTeX. http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/karnes/lyx/xetex 20. KTUGFaq: Karnes/TDS. http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/tds