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Scope of TC/223 Societal security International standardization in the area of societal security, aimed at increasing crisis and continuity management and capabilities through technical, human, organization, operational, and management approaches as well as operational functionality and interoperability, as well as awareness amongst all interested parties and stakeholders. ISO/TC 223 will work towards international standardization that provides protection from and response to risks of unintentionally, intentionally, and naturally caused crises and disasters that disrupt and have consequences on societal functions. The committee will use an all-hazards perspective covering the phases of emergency and crisis management before, during, and after a societal security incident. 2 4

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T C / S C 55 / 1013 / C D V IEC 60851-5, Ed. 4.0 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties 59 F / 163 / F D I S IEC 60312 Ed 4.0 Vacuum cleaners for household use - Methods of measuring the performance 76 / 359 / F D I S IEC 60601-2-22 Ed.3 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment 55 / 1013 / C D V IEC 60851-5, Ed. 4.0 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties 59 F / 163 / F D I S IEC 60312 Ed 4.0 Vacuum cleaners for household use - Methods of measuring the performance 76 / 359 / F D I S IEC 60601-2-22 Ed.3 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment 10 / 685 / F D I S Amendment 1 to Mineral oil-impregnated electrical equipment in service- Guide to the IEC60599 Ed. 2.0 interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis 15 / 361 / F D I S IEC 60371-3-8 A1 Ed. 1.0 Insulating materials based on mica- Part 3: Specifications for individual materials- Sheet 8: Mica paper tapes for flame-resistant security cables 40 / 1829 / C D V IEC 60738-1-1 Thermistors- Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient- Part 1-1: Blank detail specification- Current limiting application- Assessment level EZ 40 / 1830 / C D V IEC 60738-1-2 Thermistors- Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient- Part 1-2: Blank detail specification- Heating element application- Assessment level EZ 40 / 1831 / C D V IEC 60738-1-3 Thermistors- Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient- Part 1-3: Blank detail specification- Inrush current application- Assessment level EZ 40 / 1832 / C D V IEC 60738-1-4 Thermistors- Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient- Part 1-4: Blank detail specification- Sensing application- Assessment level EZ 49 / 769 / F D I S IEC 60679-1 Ed.3 Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality- Part 1: Generic specification 64 / 1572 / F D I S IEC 60364-7-708 Ed. 2 Low-voltage electrical installations- Part 7-708: Requirements for special installations or locations- Caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations _ 81

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The Monthly Technology & Standards w w w. k a t s. g o. k r