3. 2( 수 ) ~ 3.15( 화 ) 학사과정부전공및복수전공신청마감 석, 박사과정학제전공신청 3. 7( 월 ) ~ 3. 9( 수 ) 학사과정봄학기학점인정시험 3. 8( 화 ) 봄학기수강신청변경마감 3. 9( 수 ) ~ 4.19( 화 ) 학사 2006 이전학번및학. 석

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3. 2( 수 ) ~ 3.15( 화 ) 학사과정부전공및복수전공신청마감 석, 박사과정학제전공신청 3. 7( 월 ) ~ 3. 9( 수 ) 학사과정봄학기학점인정시험 3. 8( 화 ) 봄학기수강신청변경마감 3. 9( 수 ) ~ 4.19( 화 ) 학사 2006 이전학번및학. 석. 박사 2009 이후학번봄학기수강신청취소 3. 9( 수 ) ~ 5. 3( 화 ) 학사 2007, 2008 학번및석. 박사 2008 이전학번봄학기수강신청취소 3.29( 화 ) 학사과정부전공및복수전공취소마감 학사과정조기졸업신청마감 2016년 4월 4. 1( 금 ) ~ 4. 7( 목 ) 학부생과지도교수와의만남의주간 4.11( 월 ) ~ 4.15( 금 ) 봄학기중간강의평가 4.13( 수 ) 제20대국회의원선거 4.20( 수 ) ~ 4.26( 화 ) 봄학기중간고사 4.29( 금 ) 박사학위청구논문제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 2016년 5월 5. 2( 월 ) ~ 5. 6( 금 ) 학과장과랩대표와의만남의주간 5. 5( 목 ) 어린이날 5.11( 수 ) 2016학년도가을학기교양 / 기초 / 전공과목개설 ( 안 ) 제출마감 여름학기교과목개설 ( 안 ) 제출마감 2017학년도봄학기전공교과목개설 ( 안 ) 초안제출마감 5.13( 금 ) 박사학위청구논문심사개최요청서제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 5.14( 토 ) 석가탄신일 5.24( 화 ) ~ 5.26( 목 ) 학생축제 ( 연습반휴강 ) 5.25( 수 ) ~ 5.27( 금 ) 여름학기수강신청 5.31( 화 ) 학 석사학위청구논문제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 박사학위논문심사개최마감 (2016.8월졸업자 )

2016년 6월 6. 1( 수 ) ~ 6.14( 화 ) 학사과정학과신청 6. 1( 수 ) ~ 6.14( 화 ) 봄학기강의평가 6. 6( 월 ) 현충일 6. 7( 화 ) 박사학위논문심사결과보고제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 6.13( 월 ) ~ 6.14( 화 ) 박사학위인쇄논문제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 6.15( 수 ) ~ 6.21( 화 ) 봄학기학기말시험 6.21( 화 ) 봄학기종강 6.24( 금 ) 학 석사학위논문심사개최마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 석사학위논문계획서제출마감 (2015학년도가을학기입학생 ) 6.27( 월 ) 여름학기개강 6.27( 월 ) ~ 7. 1( 금 ) 여름학기수강신청변경 2016년 7월 7. 1( 금 ) 봄학기성적보고서제출마감 7. 1( 금 ) 학 석사학위논문심사결과보고제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 7. 4( 월 ) ~ 7. 8( 금 ) 여름학기수강신청취소 7. 7( 목 ) ~ 7. 8( 금 ) 석사학위인쇄논문제출마감 (2016.8월졸업자 ) 7.11( 월 ) ~ 7.15( 금 ) 가을학기각과정수강신청및복학 ( 대상 ) 자수강신청 가을학기석, 박사과정신입생수강신청 7.29( 금 ) ~ 8. 5( 금 ) 여름학기강의평가 2016년 8월 8. 1( 월 ) ~ 8. 5( 금 ) 2016학년도가을학기각과정신입생등록 ( 납입금납부 ) 기간가을학기각과정복학신청및전과신청가을학기석, 박사과정시간제 / 전일제신청 8.12( 금 ) 여름학기종강 8.15( 월 ) 광복절 8.18( 목 ) 여름학기성적보고서제출마감

8.19( 금 ) 2015학년도후기학위수여기준일 8.22( 월 ) ~ 8. 26( 금 ) 2016학년도가을학기각과정재학생등록 ( 납입금납부 ) 기간 8.25( 목 ) ~ 9. 7( 수 ) 가을학기수강신청변경 8.29( 월 ) ~ 8.31( 수 ) 학사과정가을학기입학생오리엔테이션 2016년 9월 9. 1( 목 ) 가을학기개강 9. 1( 목 ) ~ 9. 5( 월 ) 학사과정가을학기학점인정시험신청 9. 1( 목 ) ~ 9.13( 화 ) 석 박사과정학제전공신청 9. 6( 화 ) ~ 9. 8( 목 ) 학사과정가을학기학점인정시험 9. 7( 수 ) 가을학기수강신청변경마감 9. 8( 목 ) ~ 10.19( 수 ) 학사 2006 이전학번및학 석 박사 2009 이후학번가을학기수강신청취소 9. 8( 목 ) ~ 11. 2( 수 ) 학사 2007, 2008 학번및석 박사 2008 이전학번가을학기수강신청취소 9.13( 화 ) 학사과정부전공및복수전공신청마감 9.14( 수 ) ~ 9.16( 금 ) 추석연휴 9.23( 금 ) ~ 9.24( 토 ) KAIST-POSTECH 학생대제전 ( 연습반휴강 ) 9.28( 수 ) 학사과정부전공및복수전공취소마감 학사과정조기졸업신청마감 2016년 10월 10. 4( 화 ) ~ 10. 10( 월 ) 학부생과지도교수와의만남의주간 10. 3( 월 ) 개천절 10.9( 일 ) 한글날 10.10( 월 ) ~ 10.14( 금 ) 가을학기중간강의평가 10.20( 목 ) ~ 10.26( 수 ) 가을학기중간고사 10.31( 월 ) 박사학위청구논문제출마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 11.1( 화 ) ~ 11.7( 월 ) 학과장과랩대표와의만남의주간 2016 년 11 월

11.7( 월 ) ~ 11.9( 수 ) 학생문화제 11.10( 목 ) 2017학년도봄학기교양 / 기초 / 전공과목개설 ( 안 ) 제출마감 2016학년도겨울학기교과목개설 ( 안 ) 제출마감 2017학년도가을학기전공교과목개설 ( 안 ) 초안제출마감 11.10( 목 ) 박사학위청구논문심사개최요청서제출마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 11.28( 월 ) ~ 11.30( 수 ) 겨울학기수강신청 11.30( 수 ) 학 석사학위청구논문제출마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 박사학위논문심사개최마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 11.28( 월 ) ~ 12. 9( 금 ) 가을학기강의평가 2016년 12월 12.1( 목 ) ~ 12.14( 수 ) 학사과정학과신청 12.7( 수 ) 박사학위논문심사결과보고제출마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 12.13( 화 ) ~ 12.14( 수 ) 박사학위인쇄논문제출마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 12.15( 목 ) ~ 12.21( 수 ) 가을학기학기말시험 12.21( 수 ) 가을학기종강 12.25( 일 ) 성탄절 12.26( 월 ) 겨울학기개강 12.26( 월 ) ~ 12.30( 금 ) 겨울학기수강신청변경 12.29( 목 ) 학 석사학위논문심사개최마감 (2017.2월졸업자 ) 석사학위논문계획서제출마감 (2016학년도봄학기입학생 ) 12.30( 금 ) 가을학기성적보고서제출마감 2017년 1월 1. 1( 일 ) 신정 1. 2( 월 ) ~ 1. 6( 금 ) 겨울학기수강신청취소 1. 3( 화 ) 석사학위논문심사결과보고제출마감 (2017. 2월졸업자 ) 1. 6( 금 ) 겨울학기수강신청취소마감 1. 9( 월 ) ~ 1.13( 금 ) 봄학기석, 박사과정신입생등록 ( 납입금납부 )

봄학기석. 박사과정신입생수강신청봄학기각과정수강신청및복학 ( 대상 ) 자수강신청 1.12( 목 ) ~ 1.13( 금 ) 석사학위인쇄논문제출마감 (2017. 2월졸업자 ) 1.23( 월 ) ~ 1.30( 월 ) 겨울학기강의평가 1.27( 금 ) ~ 1.29( 일 ) 설날연휴 2017년 2월 2. 1( 수 ) ~ 2. 7( 화 ) 봄학기각과정복학신청및전과신청 봄학기석, 박사과정시간제 / 전일제신청 2. 6( 월 ) 겨울학기종강 2.13( 월 ) 겨울학기성적보고서제출마감 2.16( 목 ) 개교기념일 2.17( 금 ) 2016학년도학위수여식 2.20( 월 ) ~ 2.24( 금 ) 2017학년도봄학기각과정재학생등록 ( 납입금납부 ) 기간 2.21( 화 ) ~ 2.25( 토 ) 학사과정봄학기입학생오리엔테이션및봉사연수 2.23( 목 ) ~ 3. 8( 수 ) 봄학기수강신청변경 * 본학사력은학교사정에따라변동될수있습니다.

KAIST Academic Calendar 2016 - Daejeon Campus January 2016 1. 1(Fri) New Year's Day 1. 4(Mon) Deadline to drop Winter 2015 classes 1. 5(Tue) Deadline to post final thesis evaluation results for master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2016) 1. 6(Wed) ~ 1.12(Tue) Spring 2016 registration/tuition payment for matriculating students Spring 2016 course registration for matriculating graduate students Spring 2016 course registration for returning students Course registration for Spring 2016 classes 1.14(Thur) ~ 1.15(Fri) Deadline to submit final thesis for master's degree (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2016) 1.18(Mon) ~ 1.22(Fri) Course evaluation for Winter 2015 classes 1.29(Fri) End of Winter 2015 classes February 2016 2. 1(Mon) ~ 2. 5(Fri) Spring 2016 tuition payment for current enrollees and returning students Application for academic reinstatement(returning) changing major and full- and part-time students registration for the Spring Semester 2016 2. 3(Wed) Deadline to post grades for Winter 2015 2.7(Sun) ~ 2.10(Wed) Lunar New Year's Day (2.10 Time off in lieu) 2.16(Tue) KAIST foundation anniversary 2.19(Fri) Commencement 2015 2.23((Tue) ~ 2.27(Sat) Orientation for matriculating undergraduate students 2.24(Wed) ~ 3. 8(Tue) period to add/drop Spring 2016 classes March 2016 3. 1(Tue) Samiljeol, Independence Movement Day 3. 2(Wed) Beginning of Spring 2016 classes 3. 2(Wed) 2016 Undergraduate Matriculation Ceremony 3. 2(Wed) ~ 3. 4(Fri) Registration period for Spring 2016 credit accumulation exam for undergraduate students 3. 2(Wed) ~ 3. 15(Tue) Deadline to declare second major or minor for undergraduate students Registration for interdisciplinary majors for graduate students 3. 7(Mon) ~ 3. 9(Wed) Spring 2016 credit accumulation exam for undergraduate students 3. 8(Tue) Deadline to add/drop spring 2016 classes 3. 9(Wed) ~ 4.19(Tue) Final drop period for Spring 2016 classes for undergraduate students (who entered in 2009 or after and 2006 or before) and graduate students (who entered in 2009 or after) 3. 9(Wed) ~ 5. 3(Tue) Final drop period for Spring 2016 classes for undergraduate students (Who entered in 2007, 2008) and graduate students (Who entered in 2008 or before) 3. 29(Tue) Deadline to drop minor or second major for undergraduate students Deadline to apply for early graduation for undergraduate students 4. 1(Fri) ~ 4. 7(Thu) Week for Undergraduate Students' Meeting with Advisers April 2016

4.11(Mon) ~ 4.15(Fri) Mid-course evaluation for Spring 2016 classes 4.13(Wed) The legislative election for the 20th National Assembly 4.20(Wed) ~ 4.26(Tue) Spring 2016 mid-term exams 4.29(Fri) Deadline to submit dissertation defense for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) May 2016 5. 2(Mon) ~ 5. 6(Fri) Week for Lab. Leaders' Meeting with Department Heads 5. 5(Thu) Children's Day 5.11(Wed) Deadline to submit corse description/plans regarding liberal arts, basic courses and major classes for Fall 2016 Deadline to submit course descriptions/plans for Summer 2016 Deadline to submit course descriptions/plans regarding major classes for Spring 2017 5.13(Fri) Deadline to request disseration defense evaluation (for doctoral students expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) 5.14(Sat) Buddha's Birthday 5.24(Tue) ~ 5.26(Thu) Spring student festival (No practice sessions) 5.25(Wed) ~ 5.27(Fri) Registration for Summer 2016 classes 5.31(Tue) Deadline to submit thesis defense for undergraduate and master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) Deadline for dissertation defense evaluation for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) June 2016 6. 1(Wed) ~ 6.14(Tue) Period for department registration for undergraduate students 6. 1(Wed) ~ 6.14(Tue) Course evaluation for Spring 2016 classes 6. 6(Mon) Memorial Day 6. 7(Tue) Deadline to post final dissertation evaluation results for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) 6.13(Mon) ~ 6.14(Tue) Deadline to submit final dissertation for doctoral degree (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) 6.15(Wed) ~ 6.21(Tue) Spring 2016 final exams 6.21(Tue) End of Spring 2016 classes 6.24(Fri) Deadline for thesis evaluation for undergraduate and master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) Deadline to submit thesis proposal for master's degree (for those students who entered in Fall Semester 2015) 6.27(Mon) Beginning of Summer 2016 classes 6.27(Mon) ~ 7. 1(Fri.) Period to add/drop Summer 2016 classes July 2016 7. 1(Fri) Deadline to post grades for spring 2016 7. 1(Fri) Deadline to post final thesis evaluation results for undergraduate and master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) 7. 4(Mon) ~ 7. 8(Fri) Final drop period for Summer 2016 classes 7. 7(Thu) ~ 7. 8(Fri) Deadline to submit final thesis for master's degree (for those expecting to graduate in Aug. 2016) 7.11(Mon) ~ 7.15(Fri) Course registration for Fall 2016 classes, Fall 2016 course registration for matricurating graduate students Fall 2016 course registration for returning students 7.29(Fri) ~ 8. 5(Fri) Course evaluation for Summer 2016 classes August 2016

8. 1(Mon) ~ 8. 5(Fri) Fall 2016 registration/tuition payment for matriculating undergraduate/graduate students Fall 2016 Application for academic reinstatement(returning) changing major full-time/part-time status registration for the Fall Semester 2016 8.12(Fri) End of Summer 2016 classes 8.15(Mon) National Liberation Day 8.18(Thu) Deadline to post grades for Summer 2016 8.19(Fri) Completion Date for 2015-II Graduation 8.22( 월 ) ~ 8.26( 금 ) Fall 2016 tuition payment for current enrollees and returning students 8.25(Thu) ~ 9. 7(Wed) Period to add/drop Fall 2016 classes 8.29(Mon) ~ 8.31(Wed) Orientation for matriculating undergraduate students September 2016 9. 1(Thu) Beginning of Fall 2016 classes 9. 1(Thu) ~ 9. 5(Mon) Registration period for Fall 2016 credit accumulation exam for undergraduate students 9. 1(Thu) ~ 9.13(Tue) Interdisciplinary majors registration for graduate students 9. 6(Tue) ~ 9. 8(Thu) Fall 2016 credit accumulation exam for undergraduate students 9. 7(Wed) Period to add/drop Fall 2016 classes 9. 8(Thu) ~ 10.19(Wed) Final drop period for Fall 2016 classes for undergraduate students (who entered in 2009 or after and 2006 or before) and graduate students (who entered in 2009 or after) 9. 8(Thu) ~ 11. 2(Wed) Final drop period for Fall 2016 classes for undergraduate students (who entered in 2007, 2008) and graduate students (who entered in 2008 or before) 9.13(Tue) Deadline to declare second major or minor for undergraduate students 9.14(Wed) ~ 9.16(Fri) Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Day (9.10 Time off in lieu) 9.23(Fri) ~ 9.24(Sat) KAIST- POSTECH Science War 2016 (No practice sessions) 9.28(Wed) Deadline to drop minor or second major for undergraduate students Deadline to apply for early graduation for undergraduate students October 2016 10. 4(Tue) ~ 10.10(Mon) Week for Undergraduate Students' Meeting with Advisers 10. 3(Mon) National Foundation Day of Korea 10.9(Sun) Hangul Proclamation Day 10.10(Mon) ~ 10.14(Fri) Mid-course evaluation for Fall 2016 classes 10.20(Thu) ~ 10.26(Wed) Fall 2016 mid-term exams 10.31(Mon) Deadline to submit dissertation defense for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) November 2016 11. 1(Tue) ~ 11. 7(Mon) Week for Lab. Leaders' Meeting with Department Heads 11. 7(Mon) ~ 11. 9(Wed) KAIST Student Culture Festival 11.10(Thu) Deadline to submit course descriptions/plans regarding liberal arts, basic courses and major classes for Spring 2017 Deadline to submit course descriptions/plans for Winter 2016 Deadline to submit course descriptions/plans regarding major classes for Fall 2017 11.10(Thu) Deadline to request dissertation defense evaluation (for doctoral students expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) 11.28(Mon) ~ 11.30(Wed) Registration for Winter 2016 classes

11.28(Mon) ~ 12. 9(Fri) Course evaluation for Fall 2016 classes 11.30(Wed) Deadline to submit thesis defense for undergraduate and master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) Deadline for dissertation defense evaluation for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) December 2016 12. 1(Thu) ~ 12.14(Wed) Period for department registration for undergraduate students 12.7(Wed) Deadline to post final dessertation evaluation results for doctoral students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) 12.13(Tue) ~ 12.14(Wed) Deadline to submit final dissertation for doctoral degree (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) 12.15(Thu) ~ 12.21(Wed) Fall 2016 final exams 12.21(Wed) End of Fall 2016 classes 12.25(Sun) Christmas 12.26(Mon) Beginning of Winter 2016 classes 12.26(Mon) ~ 12.30(Fri) Period to add/drop Winter 2016 classes 12.29(Thu) Deadline for thesis evaluation for undergraduate and master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) Deadline to submit thesis proposal for master's degree (for those students who entered in Spring Semester 2016) 12.30(Fri) Deadline to post grades for Fall 2016 January 2017 1. 1(Sun) New Year's Day 1. 2(Mon) ~ 1. 6(Fri) Deadline to drop Winter 2016 classes 1. 3(Tue) Deadline for thesis evaluation for master's students (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) 1. 6(Fri) Final drop period for Winter 2016 classes 1. 9(Mon) ~ 1.13(Fri) Spring 2017 registration/tuition payment for matriculating students Spring 2017 course registration for matriculating graduate students Spring 2017 course registration for returning students 1.12(Thu) ~ 1.13(Fri) Deadline to submit final thesis for master's degree (for those expecting to graduate in Feb. 2017) 1.23(Mon) ~ 1.30(Mon) Course evaluation for Winter 2016 classes 1.27(Fri) ~ 1.29(Sun) Lunar New Year's Day February 2017 2. 1(Wed) ~ 2. 7(Tue) Application for academic reinstatement(returning) changing major and full-time/part-time status registration for the Spring Semester 2017 2. 6(Mon) End of Winter 2016 classes 2.13(Mon) Deadline to post grades for Winter 2016 2.16(Thu) KAIST foundation anniversary 2.17(Fri) Commencement 2016 2.20(Mon) ~ 2.24(Fri) Spring 2017 tuition payment for current enrollees and returning students 2.21(Tue) ~ 2.25(Sat) Orientation for matriculating undergraduate students 2.23(Thu) ~ 3. 8(Wed) Period to add/drop spring 2017 classes * Dates are subject to change.