Vision & History Vision & Values 3 Challenging the Future 트라비스가엘리베이터의새역사를열어갑니다. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 / Vision & Value 4 / Foreword 6 / Travis Worldwide

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The Best Technology & Service

Vision & History Vision & Values 3 Challenging the Future 트라비스가엘리베이터의새역사를열어갑니다. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 / Vision & Value 4 / Foreword 6 / Travis Worldwide 8 / Travis Philosophy 12 / Product 28 / Design Layout 36 / Portfolio 연혁 History 1988. Establishment of Saehan Industry Co. (Beonmbak-dong, Bucheon-si) Commenced production of parts. 새한산업창립 ( 부천시범박동 ) / 부품생산개시 1991. Moved to larger facility (Wanggil-dong, Incheon) 사업장확장이전 ( 인천시왕길동 ) 1991. Became an incorporated company and converted to Saehan Industry Co., Ltd. ( 주 ) 새한산업으로법인전환 1995. Established 2nd plant (Geumgok-dong, Incheon) ( 주 ) 새한산업제2공장설립 ( 인천시금곡동 ) 1996. Head office has incorporated with plant and moved to another facility (Daegot-myeon, Gimpo-si). 본사및공장통합이전 ( 김포시대곶면 ) 1998. Obtained ISO Certification (KQA) ISO 인증 (KQA) 2003. Registered company as elevator installation business. (Special building contractor) 승강기설치업 ( 전문건설업 ) 등록 2005. Registered company as elevator repairing business. 승강기보수업등록 2006. Registered company as an electrical contractor. 전기공사업등록 2007. Enrolled company of Innovative minor business(inno-biz). 기술혁신형중소기업 (INNO-BIZ) 선정 2008. The first acceptance of Korea Housing Corporation among minor enterprises. 중소기업최초대한주택공사승강기 ( 지급자재 ) 수주 2009. Awarded Grand Prize in a field of The Mechanic Industry(sponsored by KyoungIn-Ilbo). 산업분야기계부문대상수상 ( 경인일보주최 ) 2010. Changed to Saehan Travis Elevator Co., Ltd. ( 주 ) 새한트라비스엘리베이터로상호변경 2010. Awarded Prize by The Korea Chamber Commerce & Industry. 대한상공회의소회장표창장 2011. Awarded Prize by Korea Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, a member of the National Assembly, Yoo, Jung-bok. 농림수산부장관, 국회의원유정복표창장 2012. Acceptance of Korea Housing Corporation s 2nd order (114 separates), 5th order (141 separates). 한국토지주택공사승강기 2차 (114대), 5차 (141 대 ) 수주 2012. Exported Elevators to the Republic of Venezuela(OPPPE). 베네수엘라 (OPPPE) 승강기수출 2012. Exported Elevators Vladivostok s New Airport & Khabarovsk, Russia. 러시아블라디보스톡신공항및하바로스크승강기수출 2012. Exported Elevators to Cairo University, Egypt. 이집트카이로대학승강기수출 2012. Exported Elevators to a Steel factory in Sri Lanka. 스리랑카철강공장승강기수출 2012. Exported Elevators to Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Mongolia. 몽골징기스칸공항아파트승강기수출 2013 Opened Seoul branch(in Kasan-dong, Kumchun-gu). 서울사무소 ( 금천구가산동 ) 개소

Foreword 5 Way of serving customers 고객만족을향한트라비스의열정과도전!! 뉴테크놀로지를향한끊임없는연구개발에있습니다. Greeting to everyone! Travis has commenced its business as a special manufacture of elevator parts under the motto of Customer Satisfaction and Responsible Management in 1988. Accompanied by continuous development of new technolgogy and customer s trust, we have obtained ISO 9001 certification and we continue to thrive. Ensuring customer s satety and convenience, we continue our efforts in systemactic and through quality control for our speciality jobs range from designing, production, installation and right down to maintenance. Not only developing new technology and producing solid profiled products. 안녕하십니까? 트라비스는 1988년고객만족, 책임경영의사훈아래승강기부품생산전문업체로출범하여끊임없는기술개발과신뢰를바탕으로성장을거듭하여 ISO 9001 인증획득과체계적이고철저한품질활동으로승강기의설계와생산그리고설치, 보수에이르기까지고객의안전과편의를위한노력을계속하고있습니다. 새로운기술개발과견고하고완벽한제품생산은물론, 믿음과약속을지키는신뢰성을구축하여항상고객의요구에부응하는듬직한동반자가될수있도록많은성원과충고부탁드리며, 고객님의건강과행운을기원합니다. CEO Sanghyun, AN

TRAVIS WORLDWIDE 7 Headed for the Top of the World 트라비스의글로벌서비스정신은강력하고빠른의사결정을통해고객의만족을극대화시키는것입니다. VENEZUELA RUSSIA VIETNAM PHILIPPINES QATAR U.A.E INDIA SUDAN

TRAVIS PHILOSOPHY 9 for SAFETY & COMFORT 이윤보다더중요한가치는고객의 안전 입니다. 트라비스가글로벌안전의표준을제시합니다. More important value than profits is our customer s Safety, and customer s safety is the most best value of Travis. The standard of safety pursuiting by Travis keeps step with global standard. 이윤보다더큰가치는고객의 안전 이고, 고객의 안전 은트라비스의최고가치입니다. 트라비스가추가하는안전기준은글로벌스텐다드에맞추어져있습니다. CCTV (optional item) Watch-camera for safety inside an elevator 엘리베이터내부안전을위한감시카메라 LED Lighting (basic item) LED lighting for emergency lights-out 비상소등시점등되는 LED 조명 Multi Photo Beam (optional item) Safety equipment preventing accident caught in a door 출입문끼임사고를방지하는안전장치 Door against Fire (optional item) Door against Fire satisfying the standard of KS KS 규격을만족하는방화도어

TRAVIS PHILOSOPHY 11 it s DESIGN 보다혁신된기술과디자인, 트라비스에서만날수있습니다. 저소음 / 저진동설계 Design for low-noise & low- throbbing Elevators are not mere accessories up and down between floors. The elevators made by TRAVIS, achieving design-innovation to beautiful buildings, can increase perfection of buildings. 과학적인공간설계 Scientific space design 엘리베이터는층간을오가는건축물의단순부품이아닙니다. 트라비스가이룬디자인혁신은건축물의가치를더욱높입니다. 자연을닮은디자인 Design similar Nature 높은에너지효율 The rate of high effective energy

PRODUCT 13 엘리베이터부품개발에서시작하여이제는완성품생산으로... 트라비스는엘리베이터의디테일을아는기업입니다. 승객용엘리베이터 Passenger Elevator Design 전망용엘리베이터 Observation Elevator Design 화물용엘리베이터 Freight Elevator Design 병원용엘리베이터 Hospital Elevator Design 자동차용엘리베이터 Car Lift Elevator Design

Passenger Elevator Design 승객용엘리베이터 15 승객용엘리베이터는아파트, 상가, 근생시설등에설치되어승객의수송을위한엘리베이터로서속도에따라저속용과고속용으로분류됩니다. CAGE CEILING WALL DOOR HANDRAIL OPB FLOORING COLUMN, TRIM INDICATOR ACRYL LENS 좌3개 / 우3개적용 BRONZE GLOSSY + GRAPHIC, HI-GLOSSY BRONZE GLOSSY + GRAPHIC HR-01 인조대리석 STS MIRROR ENTRANCE 기준층 standard floors DOOR BRONZE GLOSSY + GRAPHIC( 방범창적용 ) JAMB BRONZE GLOSSY(200TYPE) INDICATOR HALL BUTTON 기타층 / MRL CP 적용층 another floors FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW 기준층기타층 DOOR HI-GLOSSY + GRAPHIC( 방범창적용 ) JAMB HI-GLOSSY INDICATOR HALL BUTTON The Basic material for CAGE, 1F, basement is made of stainless steel and another floors material is made of steel. The floors applying door against fire don t apply the window for crime prevention on H/DOOR. The printed color could be different from the actual object.

Passenger Elevator Design 승객용엘리베이터 17 트라비스엘리베이터는최고수준의기술과세련된디자인으로편안한승차감을제공하여고객만족은물론건물의품격을한층높여줍니다. CAGE CEILING 강판도장블랙 ( 반광 ) WALL ETCHING DOOR ETCHING FLOOR DECOTILE HANDRAIL STS POLISHING, 3면시공 BUTTON TBS-007C ENTRANCE HALL DOOR JAMB HALL BUTTON ETCHING TBS-007C FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW 기준층기타층 The printed color could be different from the actual object. Please select the color from the color chart supplied by us. Etching pattern is subject to change according to car capacity.

Observation Elevator Design Freight Elevator Design 19 전망용엘리베이터 화물용엘리베이터 전망용엘리베이터는어떠한장소나어떠한형태의건물에도적용될수있습니다. 투명창이있는전망용엘리베이터는전망타워, 오피스빌딩, 호텔, 백화점, 지하철역사, 공항등에설치되어주변공간의인테리어디자인과조화를이뤄건물의품격을한차원높여드립니다. 물류수송합리화추세에따라아파트형공장및일반건물외에도저용량화물은물론지게차를탑재한대용량화물까지첨단의기술력을바탕으로원하는용도에따른맞춤식기종을공급할수있습니다. CAGE CEILING WALL ETCHING + GLASS DOOR ETCHING + GLASS HANDRAIL HR-01 OPB FLOORING COLUMN, TRIM INDICATOR ARTIFICIAL MARBLE REAR VIEW CAGE CEILING WALL ETCHING DOOR OPB FLOORING CHECK PLATE 시원한개방감 REAR VIEW 1, 2, 3면, 원형전망등다양한디자인 현대식공간과어울리는격조높은디자인 ENTRANCE 에너지절약형인버터주행 조용하고안락한승차감실현 제어회로의디지털반도체화 DOOR JAMB INDICATOR HALL BUTTON

Hospital Elevator Design Car Lift Elevator Design 21 병원용엘리베이터 자동차용엘리베이터 병원용엘리베이터는가변전압주파수 (VVVF) 제어방식채택으로획기전인에너지절감 (50% 이상 ) 과뛰어난승차량을실현하였으며미려한디자 건물의조건에맞게최적의엘리베이터를제작할수있으며다양한기능과뛰어난안정성으로손쉽게조작이가능하여빠른주차가가능합니다. 인과다양한부가기능의적용으로승객의만족도를높이는것은물론의료시설의품격을높여주는최적의제품입니다. CAGE CEILING WALL DOOR HANDRAIL OPB FLOORING COLUMN, TRIM INDICATOR ETCHING ETCHING HR-01 ARTIFICIAL MARBLE REAR VIEW ENTRANCE DOOR ETCHING JAMB INDICATOR HALL BUTTON REAR VIEW CAGE CEILING WALL OPB FLOORING INDICATOR CHECK PLATE 이미지색상은실물과다소차이가날수있습니다. 자동차용엘리베이터표준규격및비표준맞춤제작시공이전문이므로별도문의바랍니다.

COP HIB & HB 23 (Car Operating Panel) (Hall Indicator Button) & (Hall Button) Inserting Type Surface Material : Stainless Steel_2t,3t Display Method : Dot-Matrix or 7-segment or TFT LCD-2.8" Display : Running Direction (Arrow), Floor Marking, Full Load, Inspection Button Model and Lighting Color : EMV-100, EMR-100, EM 3929, EBR-01, EBS-01, EBM-01 HIB-P01 HB-P01 HIB-P02 HB-P02 HIB-P03 HB-P03 Orange, Red, Blue, Green, White Dimensions : 2t HIB : W- 110mm, L-430mm, D-60mm HB : W- 100mm, L-250mm, D-60mm 3t HIB : W- 110mm, L-430mm, D-60mm HB : W- 100mm, L-250mm, D-60mm HIB-P04 HB-P04 HIB-P05 HB-P05 HIB-P06 HB-P06 Mounting Type COP-P01 COP-P02 COP-P03 COP-P04 COP-P05 COP-P06 Surface Material : Stainless Steel_2t,3t Display Method : Dot-Matrix or 7-segment or TFT LCD-2.8" Display : COP Specification Running Direction (Arrow), Floor Marking, Full Load, Inspection COP-C01~06 COP-E01~06 COP-T01~06 Surface Material : Stainless Steel_2t,3t Elevator Data : Logo, Usage, Rated Load (kg & Persons) Marking Display : Dot-Matrix or 7-segment or TFT LCD-7" Display : Running Direction (Arrow), Floor Marking, Over-Load, Out of Order, Inter-phone Button, Speaker Button Model and Lighting Color EMV-100, EMR-100, EM3929, EBR-01, EBS-01, EBM-01 Orange, Red, Blue, Green, White Interphone Voltage : 6V or 12V or 24V Dimensions : W-180mm, L-1210~1450mm, D-60m HIB-S01 HIB-S04 HB-S01 HB-S04 HIB-S02 HIB-S05 HB-S02 HB-S05 HIB-S03 HIB-S06 HB-S03 HB-S06 Button Model and Lighting Color EMV-100, EMR-100, EM 3929, EBR-01, EBS-01, EBM-01 Orange, Red, Blue, Green, White Dimensions : 2t HIB :W- 100mm, L-430mm, D-16mm HB :W- 100mm, L-230mm, D-16mm 3t HIB :W- 110mm, L-510mm, D-18mm HB :W- 110mm, L-233mm, D-18mm

CPI / HPI Hall Lanterns / Buttons 25 To satisfy its customers with the best quality products We are preparing to become a global company of growing together as a business partner the world industry. CPI (Car Position Indicator) & HPI (Hall Position Indicator) Hall Lanterns(LED) Inserting Type HL-C01 HL-C02 HL-C03 HPI - C01 HPI - C03 HPI - C02 HPI - C04 HL-P01 HL-P02 HL-P03 Stainless steel, Plastic button frame and lens Mounting Type EMV-100 EMR-100 EBR-01 EBS-01 HPI - S01 HPI - S01 EBM-01-W EBM-01 EBR-01-W EM-3929 HPI - S01 HPI - S01

Design Basic Option Etching, Decotile, Ceilling 27 Etching 제품을선택적으로, 에칭시켜장식적효과를낸제품으로화학적부식방법과전시적부식방법에따라서다양한디자인효과를표현할수있습니다. 기성엘리베이터에가장많이사용하고있습니다. Various design effects are expressed with etching through chemical or electric erosion method. Most elevators use this method. Ceilling ST-CA10 ST-CA18 ST-CA13 ST-CA14 ST-CA20 Decotile SET-01 SET-02 SET-03 SET-04 SET-05 STF-01 STF-02 STF-03 STF-04 STF-05 STF-06 STF-07 STF-08 Marble CET-01 CET-02 CET-03 CET-04 CET-05 DMK-01 DMK-02 DMK-03 DMK-04 DMK-05 DMK-06 SHD-01 SHD-02 SHD-03 SHD-05 SHD-06 DMK-07 DMK-08 DMK-09 DMK-10 DMK-11 DMK-12 Note: All of the specification, parameters are only for your reference, please confirm with us when ordering.

Passenger Elevator / Standard type 승객용엘리베이터 / 표준형 29 Layout Plan of Hoistway and Machine room Section Plan of Hoistway Specifications for sectional plan [Minimum specification] DSP Machine room heigh(m.h) Speed [m/min] Overhead [O.H] Pit depth [P] Top Clearance [T.C] Height of machinery room [M.R] 45 4400 1250 1200 2200 60 4500 1550 1400 2200 90 4800 1850 1600 2450 105 5000 2150 1800 2450 Capacity Speed [m/min] Machine room entrance [Widht x Height] 900x1800 Reaction load Machine room reaction Pit impact load Hook R1 R2 Car side [P1] Counterweight side [P2] Load application 2400 3300 5100 4200 P6 P8 2600 3600 5800/6500 4700/5000 P9 P10 45 2700 2800 3700 4400 5900/6900 6400/7700 4700/5500 5000/5900 P11 P13 P15 60 90 3000 4300 4500 4400 5900 6200 6600/7900 9000/10600 9500/11200 5200/6100 7100/8400 7500/8800 P17 105 5500 7000 10000/12000 8000/9800 P20 6300 7800 11000/12500 9000/11500 P24 7000 8200 11500/13000 9500/12000 2000 2500 3000 ( ( Standard specification (Minimum Specification) Layout Plan of Hoistway and Machine room (Specification for Parallel Type) Travel Heigh(T.H) Capacity Weight (kg) Speed (m/min) Opening (WxH) Car inside (AxB) Hostway size Machine room size ( 1 car 2 car Depth 1 car 2 car Depth P6 450 1400x850 1450 3450 P8 550 1400x1030 1650 3650 P9 600 800x2100 1400x1100 1800 3700 1700 2100 4000 3700 Pit Ladder Drain horse(if necessary : by others) Waterproofing(By others) P10 680 45 1400x1250 1850 3850 P11 750 1600x1350 1950 3950 P13 900 60 1600x1350 4250 4550 900x2100 2100 2400 P15 1000 90 1600x1500 4350 2100 4650 4100 P17 1150 105 1000x2100 1800x1500 2350 4800 2200 5100 4200 1100x2100 2000x1350 2350 5200 2100 3650 5500 4100 P20 1350 1000x2100 1800x1700 2350 4800 2450 5100 4450 1100x2100 2000x1500 2550 5250 2300 2850 5550 4300 P24 1600 1100x2100 2000x1750 2550 5250 2550 2850 5550 4550 DSP 1. Considering heat and maintenance, ventilation fan and windows have to be installed in machine room. 2. The mentioned internal dimension of elevator way is minimum specification, so please consider the error range. 3. the hoistway wall must be thicker than 150mm

Passenger Elevator / MRL(Machine Roomless Elevator) type 승객용엘리베이터 / 기계실없는타입 31 Layout Plan Section Plan of Hoistway 직상부 MRL DUTY TABLE ( 인승용 ) Travel Heigh(T.H) 인승 (LOAD:Kg) CAR Inside (A*B) Hoistway Inside (X*Y) 550 Kg 1300 x1100 2100 1850 610 Kg 1300 x 1190 2100 1900 700 Kg 1300 x 1300 2100 1950 750 Kg 1300 x 1400 2100 2000 900 Kg 1600 x 1300 2400 1950 1000 Kg 1600 x 1450 2400 2000 1150 Kg 1800 x 1450 2600 2200 1350 Kg 1800 x 1600 2750 2550 1600 Kg 2000 x 1700 2950 2600 OVER HEAD PIT 깊이 3900 1500 Speed (m/min) Motor 용량 (KW) 45 2.8 60 3.7 4000 1700 90 5.6 4100 1800 105 6.5 3900 1500 45 2.8 60 3.7 4000 1700 90 5.6 4100 1800 105 6.5 3900 1500 45 3.5 60 4.6 4000 1700 90 6.9 4100 1800 105 8.1 3900 1500 45 3.5 60 4.6 4000 1700 90 6.9 4100 1800 105 8.1 3900 1500 45 4.6 60 6.2 4000 1700 90 9.2 4100 1800 105 11 3900 1500 45 4.6 60 6.2 4000 1700 90 9.2 4100 1800 105 11 3900 1500 45 5.3 60 7.1 4000 1700 90 10.6 4100 1800 105 12.5 3900 1500 45 6.2 60 8.3 4000 1700 90 12.4 4100 1800 105 14.5 3900 1500 45 7.4 60 9.8 4000 1700 90 14.7 4100 1800 105 17.2

Freight Elevator / Rope type(2s 2CO 2UP 3UP) 화물용엘리베이터 / 로프형 33 Ground Plan of Elevator way and Machinery room (Specification for Independent Type) Ground plan of machinery room Standard specification and force feedback 2 doors, one way sliding type switch(25) 4 doors, center sliding type switch(2co) 2doors, vertically sliding type switch Minimum floor height : Hx3/2+500 Minimum entrance height(h) : 1800 Note : Considering heat and maintenance, ventilation fan and skylight window must be installed. Sectional Plan of Elevator Way Capacity (kg) F750 F1000 F1500 F2000 F2500 Speed (m/min) Door opening and shutting method Internal dimension Cpacity Entrance Elevator way Machinery room Machinery room Force feedback AxB WxH XxY MXxMY CAR(R1) C/W(R2) CAR(P1) C/W(P2) Below 45 6000 5500 7500 6400 2S 1300X2300 1100X2100 2400X2900 3400X3900 60 6200 5700 10000 8600 Below 60 7200 6100 9000 7500 2S 1700X2300 1400X2100 2800X2900 3600X3900 60 7800 6600 12000 10200 Below 45 9600 8400 12200 10000 2S 2200X2400 1700X2100 3300X3000 4300X4000 60 9900 8600 15800 13000 Below 45 60 Below 45 60 F3000 Below 60 F4000 Below 45 F5000 Below 3 2S 2200X2800 1700X2100 3300X3400 4300X4400 2CO 2500X2500 2000X2100 3600X3200 4600X4200 2UP 2300X2700 2300X2100 3300X3250 4600X4200 2S 2200X2800 1700X2100 3300X3400 4300X4400 2CO 2500X2500 2000X2100 3600X3200 4600X4200 2UP 2300X2700 2300X2100 3300X3250 4600X4200 2S 2500X3000 1700X2100 3600X3900 4600X4900 2CO 3000X2500 2300X2100 4200X3300 5200X4300 2UP 2500X3000 2500X2100 3500X3600 4500X4600 2S 2500X3000 1700X2100 3600X3900 4600X4900 2CO 3000X2500 2300X2100 4200X3300 5200X4300 2UP 2500X3000 2500X2100 3500X3600 4500X4600 2S 2500X3000 1700X2100 3700X4000 4700X5000 2CO 2500X3000 2400X2100 4700X5000 5400X4700 2UP 2700X3300 2700X2300 3700X3900 4700X4900 2UP 2500X4500 2500X2300 3800X5300 4800X6300 3UP 3000X4500 3000X2800 4300X5300 5300X6300 2UP 3000X5000 3000X2300 4300X5800 5300X6800 3UP 3200X5000 3200X3000 4500X5800 5500X6800 Note : 1. Machinery room should be located at the lowest floor within 10m from the elevator side ways. 2. If applicable loading is above 5000kg. please contact us for more information. 3. If car or elevator way does not meet standard soecification, please contact us for more information. 4. When forklift is in use, its specification must be reflected. 5. Internal specification of two open sided cars varies from the above. Contact us for more information. 13500 9000 15500 12600 14400 9600 21100 17300 16400 10800 19500 15700 17500 11700 25500 20500 19600 12800 23100 18600 23600 16500 27000 22500 27000 21000 30000 26000 Pit Power Facility Information 3doors, vertically sliding type switch Minimum floor height : Hx4/3+500 Minimum entrance height(h) : 1800 Matters to be reflected on construction Speed (m/min) Loading capacity (kg) Overhead (O.H) Pit depth (P) ( Height of machinery room (M.R) Below 2500 4600 1250 Below 45 2500 Over 3000 5050 1550 Below 60 Over 2500 5050 1550 2600 Capacity (kg) 15000~5000 MOTER (kw) Note : Please contact us for other specifications. N.F.B capacity (A) Transformer capacity (kva) Thickness of service wire (mm2) Thickness of ground wire (mm2) 5.5 30 12 5.5 5.5 5.2 30 15 5.5 5.5 11.0 50 20 8 5.5 15.0 50 25 14 5.5 18.5 75 31 22 5.5 22.0 75 37 22 14 30.0 100 50 30 14

Scheme Drawing for Entrance Passenger Freight Car Lift 35 2 doors, center sliding type 4 doors, center sliding type 2 doors, one way sliding type 2 doors, vertically sliding type 3 doors, one way sliding type 3 doors, vertically sliding type

PORTFOLIO 37 수원삼성전자 R-4 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F4000-2CO45-7/10 삼성바이오로직스 SPECS : P15 ~ P17 서울지하철 7 호선 753 정거장 SPECS : P15 서울지하철 7호선 759 정거장 SPECS : P15 ~ P17 김포양곡 3단지 APT 김포양곡7단지 APT 대구지하철 2 호선경산연장 2 공구 SPECS : P15 ~ P17 한국방송공사 (KBS) 본관 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F3400-3U30-3/3 영종도자기부상열차 방배동 BMW매장 TYPE : For Car Elevator SPECS : C3000-3U45-10/10 양재동 Benz매장 TYPE : For Car Elevator SPECS : C3000-3U45-7/8 지하철춘의역 지하철청담역 지하철부천시청역 김포홈플러스 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F5000-2U30-2/2 포항월마트 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F3000-2U20-3/3 한국토지주택공사 ( 마송지구 ) 한국토지주택공사 ( 범박지구 ) 한국토지주택공사 ( 여월지구 ) 한국토지주택공사 ( 삼산지구 ) KORAIL( 사릉역 ) SPECS : P15 ~ P17 KORAIL( 퇴계원역 ) SPECS : P15 KORAIL( 춘천역 ) SPECS : P15 KORAIL( 강촌역 ) SPECS : P15 한국토지주택공사 ( 양곡지구 ) SPECS : P13 ~ P17 현대제철당진공장 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F10000-3U30-4/4 KORAIL( 갈매역 ) SPECS : P15 KORAIL( 금곡역 ) SPECS : P15 구로디지털단지 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F4000-2U45-16/16 구로월드메르디앙 SPECS : F4000-2U45-16/16 고려대학교 TYPE : For Freight Elevator SPECS : F4000-3U30-5/5 조선대학교국제관

최고의기술과서비스는트라비스의정신입니다 The Best Technology & Service

Seoul Office #409, DAESUNG D-Police A-dong, 543-1, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. +82-2-2625-3101 Fax. +82-2-861-9877, +82-2-2066-3107 Main Office 278, Youlsaeng-ri, Daegot-myeon, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Tel. +82-31-981-2211 Fax. +82-31-981-3100 Emergency Call (for After Service) Tel. +82-80-981-2211 서울사무소전화 : 02-2625-3101 팩스 : 02-861-9877, 02-2066-3107 주소 : 서울시금천구가산동 543-1 대성디폴리스 A동 409호 김포본사전화 : 031-981-2211 팩스 : 031-981-3100 주소 : 경기도김포시대곶면율생리 278 긴급AS연락처전화 : 080-981-2211