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32 Abstract A Study on Establishment of Fair Trade Order in Terrestrial Broadcasting Ki - Sun Hong (Professor, Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, Korea University) Hyun - Woo Kim (Researcher, Korea Information Society Development Institution) This paper examined the reason and application range of the fair trade statute to Korean broadcasting industry. The fast rate of technological development and rapid expansion of broadcasting industry has required new regulation system which is departing from the traditional monopoly setup based on the concept of trustee. And the necessity of this paper is based on the requirement of open market system through fair competition for the industrial development and increase of international competition power. The important results of this paper are as follow: First, major advanced countries firmly apply fair trade statute to the broadcasting industry, and regulatory method have been changed from pre-structural to postbehavioral regulation. Second, three parts of Korean fair trade statute are important to broadcasting industry: abuse of market dominance power, merger, and unfair trade. Third, Korea has been unsystematic and temporary in applying fair trade statute, while other advanced countries are systematic and consecutive. Consequently, the following suggestion are recommended as the results of this paper: First, the market share of terrestrial broadcasting is too high and competition itself is impossible. So, it is suggested the market dominance power of terrestial broadcasting should be reduced to reasonable level by the firm application of fair trade statute. Second, Korea Broadcasting Commission(KBC) should participate more actively in the application of fair trade statue. In addition, the functional overlap between KBC and Fair Trade Commission should be rearranged, and close cooperation system established.

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