www.eslim.co.kr Total Solution Provider!! Dual-Core Server Computing Leader!!
1. 제품개요 Altevo FS-2212S 는 2Gbps 의파이버호스트에 3Gbps SATA-Ⅱ 드라이브를탑재하여혁신적인경제성을제공하는 RIAD 솔루션입니다. 파워서플라이모듈, 쿨링모듈등주요부품의모듈화ㆍ이중화구성으로장애처리시간을최소화할수있어최고의가용성을제공하며, 컨트롤러당최대 2GB 캐시메모리를지원합니다. 사용자친화적인그래픽인터페이스를제공하는 Java 기반의 RAIDWatch 매니지먼트소프트웨어를통해 RAID 시스템구성및모니터링이가능합니다. Front View Rear View LCD Panel BBU (Option) RAID Controller 12 SATA-Ⅱ Disk Drive Bays PSU Module Cooling Module
2. System Specifications - Ⅰ 구 분 FS-2212S RAID Form Factor Controller Drive Channels Hot-swap Trays Host Channels Controller RAID Function Advanced Functions Management Hot-swap Cooling Module Hot-swap Power Supply Cache Memory Battery Backup 2U Rackmount PowerPC 750CXr, ASIC266 12 Channels / 12-bay Twelve hot-swappable 3Gbps SATA-Ⅱ disk drives 2 Channels / FC-2G 2 SFP ports on chassis Single Controller Enabled RAID 0, 1, (0+1), 3, 5, 10, 30, 50 with Local Spare and Global Spare Drives Multiple RAID Logical Drives (LD), Multiple Logical Volumes (LV), Multiple Partitions, Multiple Host IDs, Multiple Host LUNs, Instant RAID Ready, LD configuration on disks, Dynamic host LUN mappings Each LD>LV > 2TB (Up to 64TB), Automatic Background Rebuild Host-side redundant path and load balancing supported (third-party software required in the host computers, Fibre switch support, fabric log-in (supported on fibre-host model), background firmware download. LCD front panel : Easy-to-use menu for accessing all functions and features. RAIDWatch Java-based software included, providing : Central management, remote / local management 3 350W 2 256MB 2GB (PC-3200 DDR400) Optional
2. System Specifications - Ⅱ 구 분 FS-2212S RAID Interface Operating Environment PSU Module Cooling Module Size Weight Two SFP ports for host connections One COM port (38400, n, 8, 1) One 10/100BaseT Ethernet port 온도 : 작동시 : 0 ~ 40 ( 작동시 ). -20 ~ 60 ( 비작동시 ) 습도 : 5 ~ 95% 고도 : 해발 12,000ft ( 작동시 ), 해발 40,000ft ( 비작동시 ) PFC 기능이있는리던던트핫스왑파워서플라이 2 개 입력 : 100VAC at 6A, 240VAC at 3A with PFC ( 자동변환 ), 47 ~ 63Hz 출력 : 최대출력 350Watts 리던던트싱글냉각팬 3 개 최대풍량 : 31.8 DFM ( 고속 ), 20.1 CFM ( 저속 ) 482.6(W) x 88(H) x 504.3(D) mm 23.5kg / 25kg
3. RAID Controller Full-featured redundant controllers with two (2) FC-2G host channels; transfer rate up to 2Gb/s each PowerPC 750CXr, ASIC266 processor 256MB to 2GB DDR400 RAM cache memory Redundant Controller Battery Backup Unit LCD keypad panel System Fan speed / Voltage / Temperature self-monitoring Two COM ports One 10/100 Base Ethernet port Description Color Indication LED 1 Ready 정상작동시 LED 2 Host Busy 호스트정상연결 LED 3 Drive Busy I/O status LED 4 P_Fail Amber Partner Controller Fail LED 5 C_Dirty Amber Activate Cache LED 6 BBU Fail Amber BBU Fail
4. Power Supply & Cooling Fan Module Power Supply Module 2 개의 350W Power Supply with active PFC Hot-swappable, Redundant Input 100VAC at 6A, 240VAC at 3A with PFC (auto-switching) Maximum output: 350 Watts Output +12.0V + 5.0V + 3.3V 25A max. 25A max. 20A max. Cooling Fan Module Cooling Fan 모듈당 1 개의블로어팬제공 총 3 개의 9.7cm 블로어팬이리던던트로동작 Maximum Air Flow High speed: 31.8 DFM Low speed: 20.1 CFM
5. LCD keypad LCD keypad 는 RAID 시스템의상태를직접적으로표시해주고, 시스템환경구성설정을 도와줍니다. 또한, 다국어를지원하고자동검색기능을지원하여특정 IP 범위내에서빠른 에이전트검색을통해온라인상의시스템 IP 주소를신속하게식별할수있습니다. 또, RS-232C 를통한 Serial port 관리매니저와동일한인터페이스및메뉴를제공하기때문 에단 4 개의키를통해스토리지의완벽한제어가가능합니다. - push-button 방식으로 RAID 구성및모니터링가능 - System Model 입력기능 - Redundant RAID 컨트롤러사용시에각각의 RAID 구성을보여줌 ( 단, Secondary Controller RAID 구성변경불가 - display only) Description Color Indication PWR BUSY ATTEN Blue Power On Data access Error message
6. RAIDWatch Management S/W RAIDWatch 매니지먼트소프트웨어는사용자친화적인그래픽인터페이스를제공하는 Java 기반의시스템관리용소프트웨어로 RAID 시스템구성및모니터링기능을제공합니다. - 로컬또는원격지에서시스템배치, 구성및관리가능 - 단일콘솔에서여러대의 RAID 관리가능 RAIDWatch 는 Java Runtime 1.4.2 이상을지원하는 - Windows 2000/2003/2003-64bit, - Red Hat 8/9, RHEL 3.0/4.0, - SUSE Linux 8.1/9.1, SUSE Linux 9, - Fedora Linux 3, -Sun Solaris 8/9 - Mac OS X 에간편하게설치됩니다.