국가생물종목록집 National List of Species of Korea 남조류 Blue-green Algae 환경부국립생물자원관
National List of Species of Korea Blue-green Algae National Institue of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment Korea
발간사 지구상의생물다양성은우리삶의기초를이루고있으며, 최근에는선진국뿐만아니라개발도상국에서도산업의초석입니다. 2010년제10차생물다양성협약총회에서생물자원을활용하여발생되는이익을공유하기위한국제적지침인나고야의정서가채택되었고, 2014년 10월의정서가발효되었습니다. 이에따라생물자원을둘러싼국가간의경쟁에대비하여국가생물주권확보및효율적인관리가매우중요합니다. 2013년에는국가차원에서생물다양성을체계적으로보전하고관리하며아울러지속가능한이용을도모하기위한 생물다양성보전및이용에관한법률 이시행되고있습니다. 국가가생물다양성전략을정기적으로수립하고국내서식생물종의학명, 국내분포현황등을포함한국가생물종목록을구축할것을강조하고있습니다. 다시말해, 우리의주권영역내에살고있는모든생물종의명세를상세하게파악하고, 국제적으로인정받을수있는과학적인자료를구축해야합니다. 국립생물자원관은국내 외생물자원을보전하고이들을지속가능하고현명하게이용하기위해 21세기생물자원의주권확립의중심이되도록노력하고있습니다. 국가생물종목록구축의중요성과시급성을인지하고 2008년부터국가생물자원인벤토리구축사업을추진하고있습니다. 기존의자생생물과새로연구되어발굴된생물종의재검토를통해국가생물종목록을구축하고있으며, 2011년 국가생물종목록집 관속식물편등을발간하기시작하여곤충, 척추동물, 지의류등총 27권을발간하였습니다. 올해에는무척추동물, 미세조류, 균류 ( 유사균류포함 ), 원핵생물총 9권을추가함으로써, 자생생물전체분류군에대한 국가생물종목록집 발간을완료하게되었습니다. i
국가생물종목록집 은우리나라의생물자원을체계적으로관리하고귀중한생물정보를효율적으로활용할수있는기반을구축하는중요한자료가될것입니다. 그동안종목록집발간을위해노고를아끼지않으신많은연구자들과감수를맡아주신전문가분들께깊은감사의뜻을표합니다. 2015 년 11 월 국립생물자원관장 김상배 ii
일러두기 우리나라담수산남조류의연구는일본인 Ueda와 Okada( 殖田 岡田 1935) 가은어의먹이습성을밝히기위한전국의여러하천에서잡은은어의소화관내용물조사에서 Agmenellum tenuissima의보고로시작되었으며, Hada( 羽田 1936) 는수원서호에서, Yoneda( 米田 1939) 는제주도의남조류를보고하였고, Emoto와 Hirose( 江本 廣瀨 1942) 는우리나라전역의온천에생육하는남조류 32종류를발표하여우리나라남조류구계를개척하였다. 1950년이후한국인에의한연구가본격화되었는데 1962년정영호는당시까지발표된한국산담수조류를종합하여총 572종류를보고하였으며, 그중남조류는 69분류군으로정리하였다. 그뒤정영호 심재형 이민재 (1965) 등은한강의 Microflora 조사에서 13종의미기록종을추가하였으며, 1968년정영호는한국동식물도감제9권식물편 ( 담수조류 ) 에서 1962년이후추가된종을합하여 89종류의남조류를도해와함께기재하였다. 정영호 계응서 (1969) 는의암인공호의식물플랑크톤을조사하여미기록남조류 2종을기재하였다. 1970년대에들어서정준 (1970) 은영남지역담수조류연구에서 3신종을포함한 53종류의한국산남조류를추가하였고, 정준 김성달 이갑숙 (1972) 등은제주도산담수조류상조사를통해 7종을추가하였으며, 1976년정준은전라북도산남조류를조사하여 22종류의한국미기록종을포함한총 103종류의남조류를보고하였다. 또한정준 (1974, 1977, 1979) 은충청북도담수조류상조사및어류식성에관한연구를통해 12종류의남조류를추가하였으며, 이갑숙 (1979) 은울릉도담수조류조사에서 3종류의남조류를추가하였다. 1980년대에들어정준 (1981, 1982) 은부곡온천주변과불국사일대의담수조류상을조사하여한국미기록남조류 14종류를추가하였고, 정준 양홍준 (1981) 은영천댐예정지의육수생물학적연구에서흔들말속 1종을, 김도한 정준 (1982) 은구례군일대의담수조류를조사하여흔들말속 2종류를 iii
한국담수조류에추가하였으며, 위인선 김백호 (1987) 는전라남도산남조류조사에서 7종류를새롭게추가하였다. 이진환 (1987) 은제주도백록담의식물플랑크톤을조사하여 10종류의남조류를보고하였다. 1990년대에들어서는정준 (1990), 정준 김한순 (1991, 1992), 정준 김용재 (1991), 정준 박정원 (1992), 정준 정난영 (1992), 김한순 정준 (1993, 1994) 등여러연구자들이해인사, 신천, 운문사계곡, 군위군, 성주군, 창녕군등다양한지역에대한담수조류상을조사하여도합 31종류의한국산남조류를추가하였으며, 이진애 최애란 Watanabe(1997) 등은낙동강의 Microcystis 속 6종에대한사진과함께형태형질을비교분석하였다. 또한장윤경등 (1998) 은충청지역토양조류분류학적연구에서남조류 3종을우리나라담수조류목록에추가하였다. 2000년대이후에는 Tripathi 정익교 이진애 (2007) 등이김해시근교의토양남조류의다양성연구에서 17종류의남조류에대한간단한특징을기재하였고, 임안숙 이옥민 (2008) 은석조문화재에분포하는기중조류조사에서남조류 2종을도판과함께기재하였으며, 조경재 이지용 (2012) 은정수장저니층생물막에서채집된남조류 6종류에대한사진과함께형질을기재하였다. 박종근 (2012a, 2012b) 은한국의조류-담수산남조류 I, II에서 90종류의한국산남조류의현미경사진도판과함께분류학적기재를하였으며, 25종류의한국미기록종을추가하였고, 김한순 (2013) 은 Anabaena 속 1신종을포함한 12종류의한국미기록남조류를현미경사진과함께기재하였다. 한국산담수남조류에대한연구는일부종속지적연구를제외하고, 대부분담수조류연구에서다른분류군과함께조사되었으며, 1990년대이후에는수계의부영화와함께남조류에의한수화가전국각지에서빈번하게발생하여사회적문제를일으킴에따라수화와관련한남조류의생태학적연구가활발히진행되고있으나남조류를전문으로연구하는분류학자가없어우리나라의남조류분류에대한연구는매우빈약한편이다. 우리나라해산남조류에대한연구는 1966년강제원이이전까지발표된 iv
한국해조류목록을작성하고남조류 11종을정리하였다. 그뒤이인규 (1972) 는미기록남조류 4종을기재하였으며, 이인규 김영환 (1977) 은광양만해조류연구에서 1종류, 이인규 유순애 (1978) 는서해격렬비열도하계해조상조사에서 1종류, 유순애 이인규 (1979, 1980) 는충남고정리의하계해조상조사및남해안해조군락에대한연구에서 4종류의한국미기록남조류를각각추가하였다. 이해복 이인규 (1981) 는경기만해조류조사에서한국미기록종 2종을포함한남조류 9종류를기재하였으며, 이기완 (1982) 은동해안의해산남조류를조사하여 25종류를기록하고, 6종류의한국미기록남조류를추가하였으며, 이재완 이해복 (1988) 은영일만일대의해조상조사에서남조류 1종을추가하였다. 1986년이인규와강제원은당시까지보고된 48종류의해산남조류목록을정리하고, 각종에대한국명을부여하였다. 그뒤 1990년박연숙 김영환은서해안하계해조상을조사하여미기록남조류 2종을기재하였다. 우리나라해산남조류에대한연구또한지역별해조류상조사와생태학적연구에서다른분류군과함께다루어졌으며, 남조류에대한분류학적연구는매우빈약한편이다. 본고에서는우리나라자생남조류가발표된도감, 국내 외학회지, 국립생물자원관발행생물지, 대학의연구논문집, 학술원논문집, 국립수산과학원 ( 국립수산진흥원연구보고 ), 한국해양연구소 ( 원 ) 소보, 논문형태를갖추고있는자연보존협회보고서와자연보호중앙협의회보고서등을대상으로하였다. 석 박사학위논문및정기적인출판물이아닌각종보고서는제외하였음을밝혀둔다. 이번연구에서는국립생물자원관에등록된종목록을기초로하여, 2014년 12월까지보고된한국산남조류에대한문헌정보를다음과같은관점에서재정리하여한국산남조류의목록집을작성하였다. v
1 이생물종목록집 ( 남조류편 ) 은국립생물자원관에등록된종목록을기초로하여, 2014년 12월까지보고된한국산남조류 343분류군의목록을정리하였으며, 각분류군에대한기재문이나도판또는사진이게재된문헌을제시하였다. 2 종목록의분류체계는 Komárek & Anagnostidis(2008a, 2008b) 과 Komárek (2013) 의분류체계를따랐으며, 목, 과, 속, 종, 종이하분류군을각 분류단위별로영문명알파벳순으로재정리하였다. 3 국립생물자원관에등록된종목록을기초로하여현재까지국내에서발표된도감및정기간행물에기재문이나도판또는사진이수록된학명은모두검토대상으로하였으며, 그밖에외국인에의해보고된종명과이미국외웹사이트 (www.algaebase.org) 에서한국에분포하는것으로알려진종들도검토대상으로하였다. 4 정식학명이아닌미동정상태의분류군이나, 기타학위논문등에보고된 미기록종의학명, 또는신종으로제안된비유효명 (nomen invalidum) 등은이 목록집에서원칙적으로제외하였다. vi
차례 발간사 i 일러두기 iii 한국산남조류종목록 1-1. 남조류분류체계 1 1-2. 한국산남조류목록 6 참고문헌 60 학명색인 65 국명색인 74 vii
한국산남조류종목록 1-1. 분류체계 [Classification System of Korean Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria)] Phylum Cyanobacteria Stanier ex Cavalier-Smith 남조식물문 Class Cyanophyceae Schaffner 남조강 Order Chroococcales Wettstein 소구체 ( 남구슬말 ) 목 Family Chamaesiphonaceae Borzì Genus Chamaesiphon Braun Family Chroococcaceae Rabenhorst 소구체 ( 남구슬말 ) 과 Genus Chroococcus Nägeli 남구슬말속 Genus Cyanosarcina Kováčik Genus Dactylococcopsis (Reinsch) Hansgirg Genus Gloeocapsopsis Geitler ex Komárek Genus Marssoniella Lemmermann Family Entophysalidaceae Geitler Genus Entophysalis Kützing Family Hyellaceae Borzi Genus Pleurocapsa Thuret Family Merismopediaceae Elenkin Genus Aphanocapsa Nägeli Genus Coelosphaerium Nägeli Genus Merismopedia Meyen Genus Microcrocis Richter Genus Snowella Elenkin 1
Genus Synechocystis Sauvageau Genus Woronichinia Elenkin Family Microcystaceae Elenkin 남색덩어리말과 Genus Eucapsis Clements & Shantz Genus Gloeocapsa Kützing Genus Microcystis Kützing ex Lemmermann 남색덩어리말속 Family Synechococcaceae Komárek & Anagnostidis Genus Aphanothece Nägeli Genus Cyanothece Komárek Genus Gloeothece Nägeli Genus Lemmermanniella Geitler Genus Rhabdoderma Schmidlee & Lauterborn Genus Rhabdogloea Schröder Genus Synechococcus Nägeli Family Xenococcaceae Ercegović Genus Xenococcus Thuret Order Oscillatoriales Cavalier-Smith 흔들말목 Family Borziaceae Borzi Genus Komvophoron Anagnostidis & Komárek Family Coleofasciculaceae Komárek, Kastovsky, Mares & Johansen Genus Coleofasciculus (Thuret ex Gomont) Siegesmund, Hohansen & Friedl Family Oscillatoriaceae Engler 흔들말과 Genus Blennothrix Kützing ex Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Homoeothrix (Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault) Kirchner Genus Lyngbya Agardh ex Gomont 2
Genus Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont 흔들말속 Genus Plectonema Thuret ex Gomont Family Phormidiaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Ammatoidea West & West Genus Arthrospira Stizenberger ex Gomont Genus Microcoleus Desmazières ex Gomont 마디다발속 Genus Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont Genus Phormidiochaete Komárek Genus Planktothrix Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Porphyrosiphon Kützing ex Gomont Genus Sirocoleum Kützing ex Gomont Genus Symploca Kützing ex Gomont Genus Symplocastrum (Gomont) Kirchner ex Engler & Prantl Genus Trichodesmium Ehrenberg ex Gomont Family Pseudanabaenaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Geitlerinema (Anagnostidis & Komárek) Anagnostidis Genus Heteroleibleinia (Geitler) Hoffmann Genus Jaaginema Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Leibleinia (Gomont) Hoffmann Genus Leptolyngbya Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Limnothrix Meffert Genus Planktolyngbya Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Pseudanabaena Lauterborn Genus Spirulina Turpin ex Gomont 꼬인말속 Genus Tapinothrix Sauvageau Family Schizotrichaceae Elenkin Genus Schizothrix Kützing ex Gomont 3
Genus Trichocoleus Anagnostidis Order Nostocales Borzì 구슬말목 Family Fischerellaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek Genus Fischerella (Bornet & Flahault) Gomont Family Hapalosiphonaceae Elenkin Genus Hapalosiphon Nägeli ex Bornet & Flahault Family Microchaetaceae Lemmermann Genus Hassallia Berkeley ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Microchaete Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Tolypothrix Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault Family Nostocaceae Eichler 염주말 ( 구슬말 ) 과 Genus Anabaena Bory ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Anabaenopsis Miller Genus Aphanizomenon Morren ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Aulosira Kirchner ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Chrysosporum Zapomelová, Skaácelová, Pumann, Kopp & Janecek Genus Cylindrospermum Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 올챙이말속 Genus Dolichospermum (Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek Genus Nodularia Martens ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Nostoc Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault 구슬말속 Genus Raphidiopsis Fritsch & Rich Genus Richelia Schmidt Genus Trichomus (Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault) Komárek & Anagnostidis Family Nostochopsidaceae Geitler Genus Nostochopsis Wood ex Bornet & Flahault 4
Family Rivulariaceae Frank 수염털말 ( 외쪽공남색말 ) 과 Genus Calothrix Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Dichothrix Zanaridini ex Bornt & Flahault Genus Gloeotrichia Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault Genus Rivularia Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault Family Scytonemataceae Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault 가죽실말과 Genus Scytonematopsis Kiseleva Genus Kyrtuthrix Ercegovic Genus Scytonema Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 채찍실속 Family Stigonemataceae (Bornet & Flahault) Borzì 남색꽈리과 Genus Stigonema Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault Family Symphyonemataceae Hoffman, Komárek & Kastovsky Genus Brachytrichia Zanardini ex Bornet & Thuret 5
1-2. 한국산남조류목록 [Checklist of Korean Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria)] Phylum Cyanobacteria Stanier ex Cavalier-Smith 2002 남조식물문 ( 정 1968) Class Cyanophyceae Schaffner 1909 남조강 ( 정 1968) Order Chroococcales Wettstein 1924 소구체목 ( 정 1968) Family Chamaesiphonaceae Borzì 1878 남색혹말과 ( 이와강 1986) Genus Chamaesiphon Braun 1865 남색혹속 1. Chamaesiphon confervicola Braun 1865: 177. Chamaesiphon curvatus Nordstedt 1878: 180. [Key Record] 정 1981 2. Chamaesiphon incrustans Grunow 1865: 149. [Key Record] 정 1970 Family Chroococcaceae Rabenhorst 1863 소구체 ( 남구슬말 ) 과 ( 이와강 1986) Genus Chroococcus Nägeli 1849 남구슬말속 ( 이와강 1986) 3. Chroococcus coharens (Brébisson) Nägeli 1849: 46. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 6
4. Chroococcus dispersus (Keissler) Lemmermann 1904: 102. Anacystis dispersus (Lemmermann) Drouet & Daily Chroococcus limneticus var. subsalsus Lemmermann 1901 [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968: 정등 1972 5. Chroococcus distans (Smith) Komárková-Legnerová & Cronberg 1994: 26. Chroococcus limneticus var. distans Smith 1916: 481. [Key Record] 정과김 1992 6. Chroococcus endophyticus Copeland 1936: 43. [Key Record] 정 1981 7. Chroococcus giganteus West 1892: 741. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list (Lee & Yoon 2003) 8. Chroococcus limneticus Lemmermann 1898: 153. Anacystis limnetica (Lemmermann) Drouet & Daily 1952 Chroococcus limneticus var. carneus (Chodat) Lemmermann 1904 [Key Record] 정 1968: 정 1970: 박 2012b 9. Chroococcus limneticus var. elegans Smith 1920 [Key Record] 정 1976 10. Chroococcus minimus (Keissler) Lemmermann 1904: 102. Chroococcus dispersus var. minor Smith 1920: 28. [Key Record] 정 1976: 정과정 1992: 박 2012b 7
11. Chroococcus minor (Kützing) Nägeli 1849: 47. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012b 12. Chroococcus minutus (Kützing) Nägeli 1849: 46. Anacystis minutus (Nägeli) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 13. Chroococcus montanus Hansgirg 1892 [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 14. Chroococcus obliteratus Richter 1885 [Key Record] 박 2012b 15. Chroococcus pallidus Nägeli 1849: 46. [Key Record] 정 1976 16. Chroococcus planctonicus Bethge 1935: 265. [Key Record] 박 2012b 17. Chroococcus prescottii Drouet & Daily 1942: 127. [Key Record] 박 2012b 18. Chroococcus subnudus (Hansgirg) Cronberg & Komárek 1994: 337. [Key Record] 박 2012b 19. Chroococcus tenax (Kirchner) Hieronymus 1892: 483. [Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 8
20. Chroococcus thermalis (Meneghini) Nägeli 1849: 46. Chroococcus turgidus var. thermalis (Meneghini) Rabenhorst ex Hansgirg 1892: 33. [Key Record] 정 1990 21. Chroococcus turgidus (Kützing) Nägeli 1849: 46. Anacystis dimidiata (Kützing) Drouet & Daily 1952: 221. 네쪽남색말 (Lee 1972) Anacystis turgidus (Nägeli) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee 1972: 박 2012b 22. Chroococcus vacuolatus Skuja 1939: 42. [Key Record] 박 2012b 23. Chroococcus varius Braun 1876: 2451. Anacystis varius (Braun) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Cyanosarcina Kováčik 1988 24. Cyanosarcina spectabilis (Geitler) Kováčik 1988: 176. Myxosarcina spectabilis Geitler 1933 [Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 Genus Dactylococcopsis (Reinsch) Hansgirg 1888 25. Dactylococcopsis fascicularis Lemmermann 1898: 153. [Key Record] 정 1968 9
26. Dactylococcopsis rhaphidioides Hansgirg 1888: 590. [Key Record] 정 1968 27. Dactylococcopsis rupestris Hansgirg 1888: 590. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Gloeocapsopsis Geitler ex Komárek 1993 28. Gloeocapsopsis pleurocapsoides (Novácek) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1993: 24. Gloeocapsa pleurocapsoides Novácek 1934: 93, 133. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 Genus Marssoniella Lemmermann 1900 29. Marssoniella elegans Lemmermann 1900 [Key Record] 김과정 1993 Family Entophysalidaceae Geitler 1925 Genus Entophysalis Kützing 1843 30. Entophysalis conferta (Kützing) Drouet & Daily 1948: 79. 바위수염혹 (Lee 1972) [Key Record] Lee 1972: Lee & Lee 1981 31. Entophysalis deusta (Meneghini) Drouet & Daily 1948: 79. 흐린남색혹 ( 이와 강 1986) [Key Record] None 10
[Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 부 1987, 유등 1996) 32. Entophysalis granulosa Kützing 1843: 177. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 Family Hyellaceae Borzi 1914 Genus Pleurocapsa Thuret 1885 33. Pleurocapsa minor Hansgirg 1891 [Key Record] 정 1968 Family Merismopediaceae Elenkin 1933 Genus Aphanocapsa Nägeli 1849 34. Aphanocapsa biformis Braun 1879: 194. [Key Record] 정 1981 35. Aphanocapsa brunnea (Baun) Nägeli 1849: 52. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 36. Aphanocapsa conferta (West & West) Komárková-Legnerová & Cronberg 1994: 21. [Key Record] 박 2012b 37. Aphanocapsa delicatissima West & West 1912: 431. Anacystis delicatissima (West & West) Drouet & Daily 11
[Key Record] 정 1968 38. Aphanocapsa elachista West & West 1894: 276. Anacystis elachista (West & West) Drouet & Daily Aphanocapsa elachista var. planctonica Smith 1920 [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968: 정 1977: 박 2012b 39. Aphanocapsa elachista var. conferta West & West 1912 Anacystis elachista var. conferta (West) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 40. Aphanocapsa grevillei (Berkeley) Rabenhorst 1865: 50. Anacystis grevillei (Berkeley) Kützing 1849: 209. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 41. Aphanocapsa holsatica (Lemmermann) Cronberg & Komárek 1994: 333. [Key Record] 박 2012a 42. Aphanocapsa incerta Cronberg & Komárek 1994: 333. Anacystis incerta (Lemmermann) Drouet & Daily 1952: 221. Microcystis incerta (Lemmermann) Lemmermann 1903: 342. Polycystis incerta Lemmermann 1899: 132. [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012b 43. Aphanocapsa muscicola (Meneghini) Wille 1919: 39. Aphanocapsa montana Cramer 1862 [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 12
44. Aphanocapsa planctonica (Smith) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995: 16. [Key Record] 정 1977 45. Aphanocapsa protea (Copeland) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995: 16. Microcystis protea Copeland 1936: 20. [Key Record] 정 1981 46. Aphanocapsa rivularis (Carmichael) Rabenhorst 1865: 49. Anacystis rivularis (Rabenhorst) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 47. Aphanocapsa zanardinii (Hauck) Hansgirg 1889 Anacystis aeruginosa (Zanardini) Drouet & Daily 1948: 77. 꽈리남색말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a floristic list ( 이와강 1986) Genus Coelosphaerium Nägeli 1849 48. Coelosphaerium dubium Grunow in Rabenhorst 1865: 55. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a floristic list ( 김등 1998) 49. Coelosphaerium kuetzingianum Nägeli 1849: 54. Gomphosphaeria kuetzingianum (Nägeli) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 13
Genus Cyanotetras Hindák 1988 50. Cyanotetras crucigenielloides Komárek 1995: 87. [Key Record] 박 2012a Genus Merismopedia Meyen 1839 51. Merismopedia angularis Thompson 1938: 10. [Key Record] 박 2012a 52. Merismopedia convoluta Brébisson ex Kützing 1849: 472. [Key Record] 정 1970 53. Merismopedia elegans Braun ex Kützing 1849: 472. Agmenellum elegans (Braun) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 54. Merismopedia glauca (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1845: 142. Agmenellum glauca (Nägeli) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 55. Merismopedia punctata Meyen 1839: 440. Agmenellum punctata (Meyen) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 56. Merismopedia remota Hirose & Chung 1970: 7. [Key Record] 정 1970 14
57. Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann 1898: 154. Agmenellum tenuissima (Lemmermann) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 58. Merismopedia thermalis Kützing 1843: 163. Agmenellum thermale (Kützing) Drouet & Daily 1956: 89. 구슬판 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 이 1982 Genus Microcrocis Richter 1892 59. Microcrocis irregularis (Lagerheim) Geitler 1942: 56. Holopedium irregulare Lagerheim 1883 [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Snowella Elenkin 1938 60. Snowella lacustris (Chodat) Komárek & Hindák 1988: 212. Gomphosphaeria lacustris Chodat 1898 [Key Record] 정과김 1991 61. Snowella litoralis (Häyrén) Komárek & Hindák 1988: 212. [Key Record] 박 2012a Genus Synechocystis Sauvageau 1892 62. Synechocystis aquatilis Sauvageau 1892: 111, 116. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012a 15
63. Synechocystis endobiotica (Elenkin & Hollerbach) Elenkin 1938 Aphanocapsa endophytica Smith 1920 [Key Record] 정등 1972 64. Synechocystis pevalekii Ercegović 1925: 77. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 임과이 2008, 이등 2008) Genus Woronichinia Elenkin 1933 65. Woronichinia compacta (Lemmermann) Komárek & Hindák 1988: 216. Gomphosphaeria lacustris var. compacta Lemmermnn 1899: 339, 341. [Key Record] 정과김 1992: 박 2012a 66. Woronichinia naegeliana (Unger) Elenkin 1933: 30. Coelosphaerium naegelianum Unger 1854 [Key Record] 정과김 1991: 박 2012a Family Microcystaceae Elenkin 1933 남색덩어리말과 Genus Eucapsis Clements & Shantz 1909 67. Eucapsis minor (Skuja) Elenkin 1933: 15. Eucapsis alpina var. minor Skuja 1926: 155. [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Gloeocapsa Kützing 1843 16
68. Gloeocapsa aeruginosa Kützing 1843: 174. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 69. Gloeocapsa arenaria (Hassall) Rabenhorst 1865: 39. [Key Record] 정과김 1992 70. Gloeocapsa atrata Kützing 1843: 174. Gloeocapsa montana Kützing 1843 [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 71. Gloeocapsa bituminosa (Bory) Kützing 1849: 224. Chroococcus bituminosus (Bory) Hansgirg 1892 [Key Record] 정 1981 72. Gloeocapsa caldariorum Rabenhorst 1865: 37. Gloeocapsa polydermatica Kützing 1846: 15. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 73. Gloeocapsa kuetzingiana Nägeli ex Kützing 1849: 224. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 74. Gloeocapsa rupestris Kützing 1847: 17. [Key Record] 정등 1972 Genus Microcystis Kützing ex Lemmermann 1907 남색덩어리말속 75. Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing 1846: 6. 17
Anacystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Drouet & Daily Polycystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing 1849: 210. [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012a 76. Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittrock) Kirchner 1898: 56. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012a 77. Microcystis ichthyoblabe Kützing 1843: 170. [Key Record] Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012a 78. Microcystis novacekii (Komárek) Compere 1974: 19. Microcystis marginata (Meneghini) Kützing 1846: 6. [Key Record] 정 1982: Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012a 79. Microcystis smithii Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995: 21. Aphanocapsa pulchra (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1865: 49. Anacystis pulchra (Rabenhorst) Drouet & Daily 1927: 23. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 80. Microcystis viridis (Braun) Lemmermann 1903: 342. [Key Record] Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012a 81. Microcystis wesenbergii (Komárek) Komárek ex Komárek 2006: 209. [Key Record] Lee et al. 1997: 박 2012a Family Synechococcaceae Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995 18
Genus Aphanothece Nägeli 1849 82. Aphanothece castagnei (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1865: 64. [Key Record] 정 1970 83. Aphanothece gelatinosa (Hennings) Lemmermann 1907: 69. [Key Record] 정 1968 (as Synonym of Coccochloris gelatinosa (Lemmermann) Drouet & Daily) 84. Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli 1849: 59. [Key Record] 정 1976 85. Aphanothece naegelii Wartmann 1865: 65. [Key Record] 김과정 1982 86. Aphanothece nidulans Richter 1884: 128. Coccochloris nidulans (Richter) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 87. Aphanothece saxicola Nägeli 1849: 60. [Key Record] 정 1981 88. Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) Braun 1863: 1572. Coccochloris stagnina Sprengel 1807: 14. 남구슬말 (Lee 1972) [Key Record] Lee 1972 Genus Cyanothece Komárek 1976 19
89. Cyanothece aeruginosa (Nägeli) Komárek 1976: 150. [Key Record] Kim 2013 Genus Gloeothece Nägeli 1849 90. Gloeothece confluens Nägeli 1849: 57. [Key Record] 정과박 1992 91. Gloeothece fuscolutea (Nägeli ex Kützing) Nägeli 1849: 57. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 92. Gloeothece linearis Nägeli 1849: 58. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list (Cho et al. 1993) 93. Gloeothece rupestris (Lyngbye) Bornet 1880: 339. [Key Record] 정 1981 Genus Lemmermanniella Geitler 1942 94. Lemmermanniella pallida (Lemmermann) Geitler 1942: 62. Coelosphaerium pallidum Lemmermann 1898 [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Rhabdoderma Schmidlee & Lauterborn 1900 95. Rhabdoderma sigmoideum f. minus Moore & Carter 1923: 398. 20
[Key Record] 정과김 1991 (as Rhabdoderma sigmoidea f. minor) Genus Rhabdogloea Schröder 1917 96. Rhabdogloea smithii (Chodat & Chodat) Komárek 1983: 465. Dactylococcopsis smithii Chodat & Chodat 1925: 453. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Synechococcus Nägeli 1849 97. Synechococcus elongatus (Nägeli) Nägeli 1849: 56. [Key Record] 정 1981 98. Synechococcus eximius Copeland 1936: 50. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a floristic list (Lee & Yoon 2003) 99. Synechococcus lividus Copeland 1936: 56. Coccochloris lividus (Copeland) Drouet & Daily [Key Record] 정 1968 100. Synechococcus viridissimus Copeland 1936 [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a list ( 정 1962) Family Xenococcaceae Ercegović 1932 21
Genus Xenococcus Thuret 1880 101. Xenococcus acervatus Setchell & Gardner 1918: 459. [Key Record] 정 1976 Order Oscillatoriales Cavalier-Smith 2002 흔들말목 ( 정 1968) Family Borziaceae Borzi 1914 Genus Komvophoron Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 102. Komvophoron constrictum (Szafer) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 Oscillatoria constricta Szafer 1910 [Key Record] 정 1970 (as Oscillatoria constricta (Szafer) Geitler) 103. Komvophoron tenuis (Emoto & Hirose) Umezaki & Watanabe 1994: 190. Oscillatoria constricta var. tenuis Emoto & Hirose 1940: 1883. [Key Record] 정 1970 Family Coleofasciculaceae Komárek, Kastovsky, Mares & Johansen 2014 Genus Coleofasciculus (Thuret ex Gomont) Siegesmund, Hohansen & Friedl 2008 104. Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes (Thuret ex Gomont) Siegesmund, Hohansen & Friedl 2008: 1575. Microcoleus chthonoplastes Thuret ex Gomont 1892: 353. 큰마디다발 (Lee & Kim 1977) 22
[Key Record] Lee & Kim 1977 Family Oscillatoriaceae Engler 1898 흔들말과 ( 정 1968) Genus Blennothrix Kützing ex Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 105. Blennothrix cantharidosma (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 429. Hydrocoleum cantharidosmum (Montagne) Gomont 1890: 353. 가는남색실다발 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] Kang 1966 106. Blennothrix lyngbyacea (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 430. Hydrocoleum lyngbyaceum Kützing 1892: 337 남색실다발 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 강 1968 107. Blennothrix glutinosa (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 2001: 373. Hydrocoleum glutinosum (Agardh) Gomont 1890 끈적이남색실다발 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1980 Genus Homoeothrix (Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault) Kirchner 1898 108. Homoeothrix juliana (Bornet & Flahault ex Gomont) Kirchner 1898: 348. Calothrix juliana (Meneghini) Bornet & Flahault 1886 [Key Record] 정 1974 23
Genus Lyngbya Agardh ex Gomont 1892 109. Lyngbya aestuarii Liebman ex Gomont 1892: 127. 떡렁비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1970 110. Lyngbya birgei Smith 1916: 482. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 111. Lyngbya confervoides Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 136. 실링비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] Lee & Lee 1981 112. Lyngbya hieronymusii Lemmermann 1905: 146. [Key Record] 이 1978: 박 2012b 113. Lyngbya major Meneghini ex Gomont 1892: 144. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012b 114. Lyngbya majuscula Harvey ex Gomont 1892: 131. 큰링비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1968 115. Lyngbya martensiana Meneghini ex Gomont 1892: 145. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012b 116. Lyngbya mucicola var. hiraoensis Emoto & Hirose 1952: 23. [Key Record] 정과김 1992 117. Lyngbya nigra Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 145. 24
[Key Record] 박 2012b 118. Lyngbya pellucida Umezaki 1955: 68. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a floristic list ( 유등 1996) 119. Lyngbya semiplena (Agardh) Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 138. 반겹링비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists (Koh 1990, 김과김 1991, 유등 1996) 120. Lyngbya sordida Gomont 1892: 126. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as a floristic list (Koh 1990) Genus Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont 1892 흔들말속 ( 이와강 1986) 121. Oscillatoria anguina Bory ex Gomont 1892: 214. [Key Record] 정 1977 122. Oscillatoria bonnemaisonii (Crouan & Crouan) Crouan & Crouan ex Gomont 1892: 215. 븥이개흔들말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 이와강 1986) 123. Oscillatoria crassa (Rao) Anagnostidis 2001: 372. Oscillatoria ornata var. crassa Rao 1938: 165. 25
[Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 124. Oscillatoria curviceps Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 213. [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968: 박 2012a 125. Oscillatoria depauperata (Copeland) Anagnostidis 2001: 372. Oscillatoria chalybea var. depauperata Copeland 1936: 157. [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 126. Oscillatoria grunowiana var. major Emoto & Yoneda [Key Record] 정과박 1992 127. Oscillatoria kawamurae Negoro 1943: 77. [Key Record] Kim 2013 128. Oscillatoria limosa Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 210. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 129. Oscillatoria margaritifera Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 216. 굵은흔들말 ( 박과김 1990) [Key Record] 박과김 1990 130. Oscillatoria planctonica Woloszynska 1912: 530. [Key Record] 이 1979 131. Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher ex Gomont 1892: 206. Oscillatoria princeps var. tenella Copland 1936: 145. 26
[Key Record] 정 1968: 정 1981: 박 2012a 132. Oscillatoria proboscidea Gomont 1892: 209. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012a 133. Oscillatoria quasiperforata var. crass Emoto & Hirose [Key Record] 김과정 1982 134. Oscillatoria sancta Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 209. [Key Record] 정 1968 135. Oscillatoria splendida var. truncata Emoto & Hirose 1940: 395. [Key Record] 정 1970, 1993 136. Oscillatoria subbrevis Schmidle 1901: 243. [Key Record] 정 1976: 박 2012a 137. Oscillatoria tenuis Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 220. [Key Record] 정등 1965, 정 1968: 박 2012a 138. Oscillatoria tenuis f. asiatica (Wille) Elenkin 1949: 1318. Oscillatoria tenuis var. asiatica Wille 1922: 167. [Key Record] 정 1990 139. Oscillatoria variabilis Rao 1936: 172. Oscillatoria raoi De Toni 1939: 560. [Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 27
Genus Plectonema Thuret ex Gomont 1892 140. Plectonema tomasinianum (Kützing) Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 97. [Key Record] 정 1970 Family Phormidiaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 Genus Ammatoidea West & West 1897 141. Ammatoidea breviarticulata Hirose & Chung 1970 [Key Record] 정 1970, 1993 (as Hammatoidea breviarticulata) 142. Ammatoidea singularis Hirose & Chung 1970 [Key Record] 정 1970, 1993 (as Hammatoidea singularis) Genus Arthrospira Stizenberger ex Gomont 1892 143. Arthrospira jenneri Stizenberger ex Gomont 1892: 247. Spirulina jenneri (Stizenberger) Geitler 1925: 344. [Key Record] 정 1974 Genus Microcoleus Desmazières ex Gomont 1892 마디다발속 144. Microcoleus amoenus (Gomont) Strunecky, Komárek & Johansen 2013: 1176. Phormidium amoenum Kützing ex Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 Oscillatoria amoena (Kützing) Gomont 1892: 225. [Key Record] 정등 1972: 박 2012b 28
145. Microcoleus paludosus Gomont 1892: 358. [Key Record] Kim 2013 146. Microcoleus steenstrupii Petersen 1923: 292. [Key Record] 정과박 1992 147. Microcoleus vaginatus (Vaucher) Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 352. [Key Record] 장등 1998 Genus Phormidium Kützing ex Gomont 1892 148. Phormidium acuminatum (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 404. Oscillatoria acuminata Gomont 1892: 227. [Key Record] 정 1968 149. Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 407. Lyngbya aerugineo-caerulea (Kützing) Gomont 1892: 146. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012b 150. Phormidium ambiguum Gomont 1892: 178. [Key Record] 정 1979 151. Phormidium animale (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 404. Oscillatoria animalis Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 227. [Key Record] 정 1970 152. Phormidium articulatum (Gardner) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 404. 29
Oscillatoria articulata Gardner 1927: 34. [Key Record] 이 1979: 박 2012b 153. Phormidium autumnale (Agardh) Trevisan ex Gomont 1892: 187. [Key Record] 정 1970, 1993: 박 2012b 154. Phormidium baculum (Gomont) Anagnostidis 2001: 370. Lyngbya baculum Gomont 1892: 123. 외톨링비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] Lee & Lee 1981 155. Phormidium breve (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria brevis Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 229. 갈고리흔들말 (Lee & Kim 1977) [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee & Kim 1977: 박 2012b 156. Phormidium calcicola N.L. Gardner 1927: 44. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 157. Phormidium chalybeum (Mertens ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria chalybea Mertens ex Gomont 1892: 232. 강철흔들말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012a 158. Phormidium chlorinum (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis 2001 Oscillatoria chlorina Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 223. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 30
159. Phormidium corallinae (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria corallinae (Kützing) Gomont 1890: 218. 산호말붙이흔들말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 송 1986, 박과김 1990, 유와김 1990, 김등 1998, 김등 2004) 160. Phormidium corium (Agardh) Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 172. 쪽실 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 161. Phormidium crouaniorum Gomont 1892: 175. [Key Record] 박 2012b 162. Phormidium dimorphum Lemmermann 1908: 187. [Key Record] 정 1970 163. Phormidium favosum Gomont 1892: 180. [Key Record] 정 1979: 박 2012b 164. Phormidium formosum (Bory ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria formosa Bory ex Gomont 1892: 230. (as Oscillatoria formosa (Roth) Agardh) [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 165. Phormidium gracile (Meneghini ex Gomont) Anagnostidis 2001: 370. Lyngbya gracilis (Meneghini) Rabenhorst 1865 잘록이링비아 (Yoo & Lee 1980) 31
[Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1980 166. Phormidium granulatum (Gardner) Anagnostidis 2001: 370. Oscillatoria granulata Gardner 1927: 37. [Key Record] 정등 1972: 박 2012b 167. Phormidium hamelii (Frémy) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria hamelii Frémy 1930: 218. [Key Record] 박 2012a 168. Phormidium inundatum Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 172. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 169. Phormidium irriguum (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria irrigua Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 218. [Key Record] 이 1979: 박 2012a 170. Phormidium laetevirens (Crouan & Crouan ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria laetevirens Crouan ex Gomont 1892: 226. 연녹색흔들말 ( 박과김 1990) [Key Record] 박과김 1990 171. Phormidium nigroviride (Thwaites ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria nigroviridis Thwaites ex Gomont 1892: 217. 검둥흔들말 ( 이와강 1986) 32
[Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 172. Phormidium nigrum (Vaucher ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria nigra Vaucher ex Gomont 1892: 238. [Key Record] 정 1976 173. Phormidium okenii (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 405. Oscillatoria okeni Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 232. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 174. Phormidium pachydermaticum Frémy 1930: 156. [Key Record] Lee & Lee 1981 175. Phormidium papyraceum (Agardh) Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 173. [Key Record] 정 1970 176. Phormidium puteale (Montagne ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 408. Lyngbya putealis Montagne ex Gomont 1892: 143. [Key Record] 정 1993: 박 2012a 177. Phormidium sakashitae (Yoneda) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. Oscillatoria sakashitae Yoneda 1938: 162. [Key Record] 정 1990 178. Phormidium schroeteri (Hansgirg) Anagnostidis 2001: 371. Oscillatoria brevis Schröter 1883: 187. [Key Record] 이 1978 33
179. Phormidium stagninum Anagnostidis 2001: 371. Lyngbya stagnina Kützing 1843: 222. [Key Record] 박 2012b 180. Phormidium subfuscum Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 182. [Key Record] 정 1968 181. Phormidium subuliforme (Thwaites ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. Oscillatoria subuliformis Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 226. [Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 182. Phormidium taylorii (Drouet & Strickland) Anagnostidis 2001: 371. Lyngbya taylorii Drouet & Strickland in Strickland 1940: 631. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 183. Phormidium tenue f. nonconstrictum Emoto & Hirose 1988 [Key Record] 정 1981 184. Phormidium terebriforme (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. Oscillatoria terebriformis Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 234. [Key Record] 정 1970: 박 2012a 185. Phormidium tergestinum (Rabenhorst ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. Oscillatoria tenuis var. tergestina Rabenhorst ex Gomont 1892: 221. 34
[Key Record] 정 1979: 박 2012a 186. Phormidium uncinatum (Agardh) Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 184. [Key Record] 정등 1972: 박 2012b 187. Phormidium violaceum (Wallroth ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. [Key Record] 박 2012b 188. Phormidium viscosum Lemmermann 1907: 130. [Key Record] 정과양 1984 189. Phormidium yuhuense (Yoneda) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 406. Oscillatoria yuhuensis Yoneda 1938: 161. [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Phormidiochaete Komárek 2001 190. Phormidiochaete balearica (Bornet & Flahault) Komárek 2001: 375. [Key Record] 박 2012b 191. Phormidiochaete fusca (Starmach) Komárek 2001: 375. [Key Record] 박 2012b 192. Phormidiochaete nordstedtii (Bornet & Flahault) Komárek 2001: 375. [Key Record] 박 2012b Genus Planktothrix Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 35
193. Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 416. Oscillatoria agardhii Gomont 1892: 205. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 194. Planktothrix compressa (Utermöhl) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 416. Oscillatoria mougeotii Kützing ex Lemmermann 1907 [Key Record] 정 1990: 박 2012b 195. Planktothrix isothrix (Skuja) Komárek & Komárková 2004: 14. [Key Record] 박 2012b 196. Planktothrix prolifica (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 416. Oscillatoria prolifica (Greville) Gomont 1892: 205. [Key Record] 정 1977 197. Planktothrix rubescens (De Candolle ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 416. Oscillatoria rubescens De Candolle ex Gomont 1892: 204. [Key Record] 김과정 1982 Genus Porphyrosiphon Kützing ex Gomont 1892 198. Porphyrosiphon luteus (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 409. Lyngbya lutea Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 141. (as Lyngbya lutea (Agardh) Gomont) 누런링비아 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1968 36
Genus Sirocoleum Kützing ex Gomont 1892 199. Sirocoleum kurzii (Zeller) Gomont 1892: 349. 갈래먼지다발 (Yoo & Lee 1979) [Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1979 Genus Symploca Kützing ex Gomont 1892 200. Symploca hydnoides Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 106. 겹붙이털 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] Lee & Lee 1981 Genus Symplocastrum (Gomont) Kirchner ex Engler & Prantl 1898 201. Symplocastrum friesii (Agardh) Kirchner 1898: 68. Schizothrix friesii (Agardh) Gomont 1892: 316. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Trichodesmium Ehrenberg ex Gomont 1892 202. Trichodesmium clevei (Schmidt) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 418. Pelagothrix clevei Schmidt 1901: 144. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 이등 1990) 203. Trichodesmium contortum (Wille ex Kirchner) Wille 1903: 18. [Key Record] 정 1968 204. Trichodesmium erythraeum Ehrenberg ex Gomont 1892: 196. 37
[Key Record] 심 1994 205. Trichodesmium iwanoffianum Nygaard 1926: 221. Oscillatoria iwanoffiana (Nygaard) Geitler 1932 [Key Record] 정 1982 206. Trichodesmium lacustre Klebahn 1895: 271. Oscillatoria lacustris (Klebahn) Geitler 1925: 362. [Key Record] 정 1968: 정 1976 207. Trichodesmium thiebautii Gomont ex Gomont 1890: 356. [Key Record] 정 1969: 심 1994 Family Pseudanabaenaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 Genus Geitlerinema (Anagnostidis & Komárek) Anagnostidis 1989 208. Geitlerinema amphibium (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis 1989: 38. Oscillatoria amphibia Agardh ex Gomont 1892: 221. [Key Record] 정 1976: 박 2012a 209. Geitlerinema lemmermannii (Woloszynska) Anagnostidis 1989: 39. [Key Record] 박 2012a 210. Geitlerinema splendidum (Greville ex Gomont) Anagnostidis 1989: 43. Oscillatoria splendida Greville ex Gomont 1892: 224. [Key Record] 정 1970, 1993: Joh & Lee 2012 38
211. Geitlerinema uncinatum (Emoto & Hirose) Umezaki & Watanabe 1994: 203. Oscillatoria uncinata Emoto & Hirose 1940: 396. [Key Record] 정 1981 Genus Heteroleibleinia (Geitler) Hoffmann 1985 212. Heteroleibleinia infixa (Frémy) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 434. Lyngbya infixa Frémy 1932: 1414. 붙이개링비아 (Yoo & Lee 1980) [Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1980 213. Heteroleibleinia kossinskajae (Elenkin) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 434. [Key Record] 박 2012b 214. Heteroleibleinia rigidula (Hansgirg) Hofmann 1985: 76. [Key Record] 박 2012b Genus Jaaginema Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 215. Jaaginema angustissimum (West & West) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 395. Oscillatoria angustissima West & West 1897: 300. [Key Record] 장등 1998 216. Jaaginema metaphyticum Komárek 1988: 396. Oscillatoria angusta Koppe 1924: 641. [Key Record] 정 1979 217. Jaaginema minimum (Gicklhorn) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 396. 39
Oscillatoria minima Gicklhorn 1921: 4. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012b 218. Jaaginema profundum (Schröter & Kirchner) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 396. Oscillatoria profunda Schröter & Kirchne 1896: 101. [Key Record] 정 1981: 박 2012b Genus Leibleinia (Gomont) Hoffmann 1985 219. Leibleinia baculum (Gomont) Hoffmann 1985: 77. Lyngbya baculum Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 123. [Key Record] Lee & Lee 1981 220. Leibleinia epiphytica (Hieronymus) Compère 1985: 487. Lyngbya epiphytica Hieronymus 1898: 67. [Key Record] 박 2012a 221. Leibleinia willei (Setchell & Gardner) Silva 1996: 61. Lyngbya nordgaardii Wille 1919: 32. 가는링비아 ( 이와유 1978) [Key Record] 정 1977: 이와유 1978 Genus Leptolyngbya Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 222. Leptolyngbya calotrichoides (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 391. Plectonema calotrichoides Gomont 1899: 30. 뾰족겹실 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 유등 1996) 40
223. Leptolyngbya fontana (Kützing ex Hansgirg) Komárek 2001: 374. [Key Record] 박 2012b 224. Leptolyngbya foveolara (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 391. [Key Record] 박 2012a 225. Leptolyngbya lagerheimii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 391. Lyngbya lagerheimii (Moebius) Gomont 1892: 147. [Key Record] 정 1976: 박 2012b 226. Leptolyngbya norvegica (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 392. Plectonema norvegicum Gomont 1899: 34. 헛가지겹실 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 이 1982 227. Leptolyngbya nostocorum (Bornet ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 392. Plectonema nostocorum Bornet 1880 [Key Record] 정 1968 228. Leptolyngbya purpurascens (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 392. Phormidium purpurascens Gomont ex Gomont 1892: 166. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 김 2008) 229. Leptolyngbya rivulariarum (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 392. Lyngbya rivulariarum Gomont 1892: 148. 실올링비아 (Yoo & Lee 1980) 41
[Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1980 230. Leptolyngbya subtilis (W. West) Anagnostidis 2001: 367. [Key Record] 박 2012b 231. Leptolyngbya tenuis (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 393. Phormidium tenue (Meneghini) Gomont 1892: 169. 가는쪽실 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee 1972: Joh & Lee 2012 232. Leptolyngbya terebrans (Bornet & Flahault ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 393. Plectonema terebrans Bornet & Flahault ex Gomont 1892: 103. 조개겹실 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 이 1982 Genus Limnothrix Meffert 1988 233. Limnothrix guttulata (Goor) Umezaki & Watanabe 1994: 207. [Key Record] 박 2012a Genus Planktolyngbya Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 234. Planktolyngbya contorta (Lemmermann) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988: 394. Lyngbya contorta Lemmermann 1898: 202. [Key Record] 정 1968: 정 1982 235. Planktolyngbya limnetica (Lemmermann) Komárková-Legnerová & Cronberg 42
1992: 23. Lyngbya limnetica Lemmermann 1898: 154. [Key Record] 박 2012a Genus Pseudanabaena Lauterborn 1915 236. Pseudanabaena catenata Lauterborn 1915: 437. [Key Record] 박 2012a 237. Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemmermann) Komárek 1974: 162. Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 1900: 310. [Key Record] 정 1976: 박 2012a 238. Pseudanabaena minima (An) Anagnostidis 2001: 360. [Key Record] 박 2012a 239. Pseudanabaena mucicola (Naumann & Huber-Pestalozzi) Schwabe 1964: 32. Phormidium mucicola Naumann & Huber-Pestalozzi 1929: 69, 86. [Key Record] 정 1968: 박 2012a 240. Pseudanabaena westiana Anagnostidis 2001: 360. [Key Record] 박 2012a Genus Spirulina Turpin ex Gomont 1892 꼬인말속 241. Spirulina caldaria var. laxior Emoto & Hirose [Key Record] 정 1968 43
242. Spirulina labyrinthiformis (Meneghini) Gomont 1892: 255. 남색꼬인말 (Lee & Kim 1977) [Key Record] Lee & Kim 1977 243. Spirulina laxa G.M. Smith 1916: 481. [Key Record] 정과계 1969 244. Spirulina major Kützing ex Gomont 1892: 251. 큰꼬인말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 정과계 1969: 이 1982 245. Spirulina nordstedtii Gomont 1892: 252. [Key Record] 정 1976 246. Spirulina princeps West & West 1902: 205. [Key Record] 김과정 1994 247. Spirulina subsalsa Örstedt ex Gomont 1892: 253. 갯꼬인말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 유등 1996) Genus Tapinothrix Sauvageau 1892 248. Tapinothrix varians (Geitler) Bohunická & Johansen 2011: 138. Homoeothrix varians Geitler 1927: 445. [Key Record] 정과정 1992 Family Schizotrichaceae Elenkin 1949 44
Genus Schizothrix Kützing ex Gomont 1892 249. Schizothrix lacustris Braun ex Gomont 1892: 301. 가래털 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 이 1982 (as Schizothrix lacustris Braun & Umezaki) 250. Schizothrix stricklandii Drouet 1943: 51. [Key Record] 정과정 1992 251. Schizothrix tinctoria (Agardh) ex Gomont 1892: 303. [Key Record] 정 1976 Genus Trichocoleus Anagnostidis 2001 252. Trichocoleus sanctae-crucis (Frémy) Anagnostidis 2001: 369. Microcoleus sanctae-crucis Frémy 1939: 17. 성마디다발 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 김과김 1991, 유와김 1990) 253. Trichocoleus tenerrimus (Gomont) Anagnostidis 2001: 369. Microcoleus tenerrimus Gomont 1892: 355. 가는마디다발 (Yoo & Lee 1980) [Key Record] Yoo & Lee 1980 Order Nostocales Borzì 1914 염주말 ( 구슬말 ) 목 ( 정 1968) Family Fischerellaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1990 Genus Fischerella (Bornet & Flahault) Gomont 1895 45
254. Fischerella thermalis Gomont 1895: 52. [Key Record] 정과정 1992 Family Hapalosiphonaceae Elenkin 1916 Genus Hapalosiphon Nägeli ex Bornet & Flahault 1887 255. Hapalosiphon arboreus West & West 1894: 272. [Key Record] Kim 2013 256. Hapalosiphon intricatus West & West 1894: 271. [Key Record] Kim 2013 257. Hapalosiphon pumilus Kirchner ex Bornet & Flahault 1887: 61. Hapalosiphon fontinalis (Agardh) Bornet 1889: 156. [Key Record] 임과이 2008 Family Microchaetaceae Lemmermann 1907 Genus Hassallia Berkeley ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 258. Hassallia byssoidea Hassall ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 116. Tolypothrix byssoidea Kirchner 1898: 80. [Key Record] Tripathi et al. 2007 Genus Microchaete Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault 1887 46
259. Microchaete tenera Thuret 1875 [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Tolypothrix Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1887 260. Tolypothrix bouteillei (Bornet & Flahault) Lemmermann 1910: 219. [Key Record] 정 1976 261. Tolypothrix distorta Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 119. [Key Record] 정 1970 262. Tolypothrix fragilis (Gardner) Geitler 1932: 724. [Key Record] 정 1976 263. Tolypothrix limbata Thunret ex Bornet & Flahault 1887: 124. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 정 1976) 264. Tolypothrix penicillata Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault 1886. Tolypothrix distorta var. penicillata (Agardh) Lemmermann 1907: 218. [Key Record] 정 1970 Family Nostocaceae Eichler 1886 염주말 ( 구슬말 ) 과 ( 정 1968) Genus Anabaena Bory ex Bornet & Flahault 1888 265. Anabaena augstumalis Schmidle 1899: 174. 47
[Key Record] 정 1976 266. Anabaena catenula Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 232. [Key Record] 정 1970 267. Anabaena cylindrica Lemmermann 1896: 186. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 268. Anabaena felisii Bornet & Flahault 1888: 232. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 김등 1998) 269. Anabaena inaequalis Bornet & Flahault 1888: 231. [Key Record] 정 1970 270. Anabaena koreana Han Soon Kim 2013: 296. [Key Record] Kim 2013 271. Anabaena minderi Huber-Pestalozzi 1938 [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 272. Anabaena oscillarioides Bory ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 233. [Key Record] 정 1968 273. Anabaena torulosa Lagerheim ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 236. [Key Record] 정 1970 48
274. Anabaena wisconsinensis Prescott 1944 [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Anabaenopsis Miller 1923 275. Anabaenopsis circularis (West) Woloszyńska & Miller 1923: 125. [Key Record] 김과정 1994 276. Anabaenopsis tanganyikae (West) Woloszyńska & Miller 1923: 125. [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Aphanizomenon Morren ex Bornet & Flahault 1888 277. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 241. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Aulosira Kirchner ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 177-262. 278. Aulosira laxa Kirchner ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 256. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 Genus Chrysosporum Zapomelová, Skaácelová, Pumann, Kopp & Janecek 2012 279. Chrysosporum ovalisporum (Forti) Zapomelová, Skaácelová, Pumann, Kopp & Janecek 2012: 359. Aphanizomenon ovalisporum Forti 1911: 3. [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 49
Genus Cylindrospermum Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 올챙이말속 280. Cylindrospermum alatosporum Fritsch 1918: 587. [Key Record] 정 1970 281. Cylindrospermum catenatum Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 254. [Key Record] 정 1976 282. Cylindrospermum majus Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 252. [Key Record] 정 1970 283. Cylindrospermum muscicola Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 254. [Key Record] 정 1968 284. Cylindrospermum stagnale Bornet & Flahault 1886: 250. [Key Record] 정 1970 Genus Dolichospermum (Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009 285. Dolichospermum affine (Lemmermann) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 61. Anabaena affinis Lemmermann 1897: 261. Anabaena catenula var. affinis (Lemmermann) Geitler in Rabenhorst 1932: 894. [Key Record] 정 1968 286. Dolichospermum circinale (Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 61. 50
Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 230. [Key Record] 정 1968 287. Dolichospermum crassum (Lemmermann) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 61. Anabaena spiroides var. crassa Lemmermann 1898: 155. [Key Record] 정 1968 288. Dolichospermum flos-aquae (Brébisson ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 60. Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngbye) Brébisson ex Bornet & Flahault 1888: 228. [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 289. Dolichospermum helicoideum (Bernard) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009 Anabaena helicoidea Bernard 1908: 52. [Key Record] 정등 1972 290. Dolichospermum planctonicum (Brunnthaler) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 62. Anabaena planctonica Brunnthaler 1903: 292. [Key Record] 정 1968 291. Dolichospermum spiroides (Klebahn) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 62. Anabaena spiroides Klebahn 1895: 25. [Key Record] 정 1968 292. Dolichospermum viguieri (Denis & Frémy) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek 2009: 62. 51
Anabaena viguieri Denis & Frémy 1924: 122. [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic list ( 김 2008) Genus Nodularia Martens ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 293. Nodularia spumigena Mertens ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 245. [Key Record] 정 1968 294. Nodularia spumigena var. major Bornet & Flahault 1886: 247. [Key Record] Kim 2013 Genus Nostoc Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 구슬말속 (Lee & Kim 1977) 295. Nostoc comminutum Kützing 1850: 3. [Key Record] 정 1976 296. Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 203. 구슬말 (Lee & Kim 1977) [Key Record] 정 1968: Lee & Kim 1977 297. Nostoc linckia Bortnet ex Bortnet & Flahault 1886: 193. [Key Record] 정등 1965: 정 1968 298. Nostoc microscopicum Carmichael ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 210. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 52
299. Nostoc paludosum Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 191. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 300. Nostoc pruniforme Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 215. [Key Record] 정 1968 301. Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 208. [Key Record] 장등 1998 302. Nostoc torulosum Hirose 1962: 299. [Key Record] 정 1968 303. Nostoc verrucosum Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 216. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Raphidiopsis Fritsch & Rich 1929 304. Raphidiopsis mediterranea Skuja 1937: 23. [Key Record] 김과정 1994 Genus Richelia Schmidt 1901 305. Richelia intracellularis Schmidt 1901: 146, 147. [Key Record] 심 1994 Genus Trichormus (Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1989 53
306. Trichormus azollae (Strasburger) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1989: 303. Anabaena azollae Strasburger 1884: 382. [Key Record] 정 1977 307. Trichormus doliolum (Bharadwaja) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1989: 303. Anabaena doliolum Bharadwaja 1935: 105. [Key Record] Wui & Kim 1987 308. Trichormus fertilissimus (Rao) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1989: 303. Anabaena fertilissima C.B. Rao 1937: 363. [Key Record] 정 1970 309. Trichormus variabilis (Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault) Komárek & Anagnostidis 1989: 304. Anabaena variabilis Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 226. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 Family Nostochopsidaceae Geitler 1925 Genus Nostochopsis Wood ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 310. Nostochopsis lobatus Wood ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 80. [Key Record] Kim 2013 Family Rivulariaceae Frank 1886 수염털말 ( 외쪽공남색말 ) 과 ( 정 1968) Genus Calothrix Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 54
311. Calothrix braunii Bornet & Flahault 1886: 368. [Key Record] 정과김 1991 312. Calothrix codicola Setchell & Gardner 1930: 124. 청각더부살이뾰족말 ( 이와 이 1988) [Key Record] 이와이 1988 313. Calothrix confervicola Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 349. 예쁜이뾰족말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists ( 이와강 1986, 박과김 1990, 김등 1992, 김등 2004) 314. Calothrix fusca (Kützing) Bornet & Flahault 1886: 364. [Key Record] 정 1968 315. Calothrix parasitica Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 357. 더부살이뾰족말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists (Kang 1966, 부 1987) 316. Calothrix scopulorum Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 353. 바위뾰족말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] None [Note] Recorded only as floristic lists (Kang 1966, 부 1987, 이와이 1988) Genus Dichothrix Zanaridini ex Bornt & Flahault 1886 55
317. Dichothrix orsiniana (Kützing) Bornet & Flahault 1886: 376. [Key Record] 정 1976 Genus Gloeotrichia Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 318. Gloeotrichia echinulata Richter 1894: 32, 35. [Key Record] 정 1968 319. Gloeotrichia longiarticulata West 1907: 183. [Key Record] 정 1970 320. Gloeotrichia natans Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 369. [Key Record] 정 1968 Genus Rivularia Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 321. Rivularia aquatica De Wildeman 1897: 40. Rivularia globiceps West 1907: 182. [Key Record] Kim 2013 322. Rivularia atra Roth ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 353. 외쪽공남색말 ( 이와강 1986) [Key Record] 강 1968 323. Rivularia haematites Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886: 350. [Key Record] 정 1976 56