이상훈 심재국 Vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University The forest vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park
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1 이상훈 심재국 Vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University The forest vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park was surveyed from August 2016 to October The vegetation was classified into the following eight main communities according to the physiognomic dominant species: Q. mongolica, P. koraiensis, P. koraiensis-q. mongolica, Q. varilablis-q. mongolica, L. kaempferi, P. densiflora, Q. mongolica-a. holophylla, Q. mongolica-p. rigida. The Q. mongolica community occupied 61.4% of the total vegetation area, occupying the largest area, followed by P. koraiensis community, P. koraiensis-q and Q. varilablis-q. mongolica community. Q. mongolica communities were mainly distributed in the peaks and ridges, and P. koraiensis community and P. koraiensis-q. mongolica community were frequent in the valleys and lowlands. The vertical structure of the major communities of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park represented four layers. For each layer, the height and coverage appeared to vary depending on the type of vegetation. Analysis of frequency distribution of DBH-class showed that the Q. mongolica community, P. koraiensis community, Q. variabilis-q. mongolica community were expected to maintain the community in the absence of external interference. The degree of green naturality(dgn) of this region was 66.4% in DGN 7, 31.4% in DGN 6, 0.2% in DGN 2, 1.5% in DGN 1, and 0.5% in DGN 0. The net primary productivity (NPP) was assumed as 1, g/m 2 /yr(use temp.) by Miami model, and 1,457.30g/m 2 /yr by Montreal model, respectively. In order to preserve and restore the natural vegetation of Mt. Yeonin, it is necessary to manage the plantation and to develop it according to thorough plan. It is also necessary to monitor and monitor naturalized plants continuously. 서 론,,. 1,068m, 2,,,.,,.
2 (, ,,,,,.,, (, gg.go.kr/sigt/116).,,,,,,,,, ,,,,. 조사방법 (Fig. 1). 8, 2cm,. (1.2m)., DBH Class.,, 1 2., 1/25,000. ( ) 30 ( ) Climate diagram,,,,,,., Miami Model Montreal Model (, 1982).
3 결과 1. 조사지의기후개황 ( ) 12.5, 1,347.3mm, 177.0hr (Table 1). J F M A M J J A S O N D Mean Maximum air temp.( ) Mean air temp.( ) Minimum air temp( ) Precipitation(mm) ,347.3 Evaporation(mm) ,022.2 Duration of sunshine(hr)
4 1,022.2mm 315.1mm, , 12 2, (Fig. 2). 2. 식생의특징 (, 1978), (Yim and Kira, 1975).. 2, 1, 3 (Fig. 3). 1) 주요군락의분포 (Quercus mogolica community) (Pinus koraiensis),, -(Q. mogolica-q. variabilis commu-
5 nity). 61.2%. (P. koraiensis community) 24.2%. -(P. koraiensis-q. mogolica community) 6.3%, -(Q. variabilis-q. mongolica community) 4.8%. (Larix kaempferi community) 1.0%, (P. densiflora community) 0.2%, -(Q. mogolica-p. rigida community) 0.1%, - (Q. mogolica-abies holophylla community) 0.1%. 1.5%, 0.5%, 0.2%. Fig. 4.
6 Plant communities Area (m 2 ) Relative area (%) Remarks No vegetated area Urban area 561, Stream 203, Farm land 56, Vegetated area Q. mongolica 22,901, P. koraiensis 9,067, P. koraiensis-q. mongolica 2,342, Q. variabilis-q. mongolica 1,797, L. kaempferi 364, P. densiflora 62, Q. mongolica-p. rigida 51, Q. mongolica-a. holophylla 36, Total 37,445, Qm, Q. mongolica community; Pk, P. koraiensis community; PkQm, P. koraiensis-q. mongolica community; Ll, Larix leptolepis community; Pd, P. densiflora community; QmAh, Q. mongolica-a. holophylla community; QmPr, Q. mongolica-p. rigida community; Fl, Farm land; Ur, Urban area; St, Stream.
7 , -.,,.,, -. -,., -, -.,,,. 2) 주요군락의구조 (1) 신갈나무군락,,,,,,.,,, m, 10.5m. 5.5m, 2m, 0.5m.,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 85%, 27.5%, 30%, 7.5% (Fig. 5A), DBH cm. (2) 잣나무군락,,. 24.2% %, 6%, 60%, 25% (Fig. 5B) m, 11.5m, 6m, 2.75m, 1m.,.,,,
8 (A) (B) (C) (A), Q. mongolica community; (B), P. koraiensis community; (C), Q. varialilis-q. mongolica. community..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
9 (3) 굴참나무 -신갈나무군락 -.,,, %, 12.5%, 30%, 7.5%. 15.5m, 6m, 2.75m, 0.4m(Fig. 5C).,,.,,,,,.,,,,.,,. 26, cm, 4cm.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 3) DBH Class 별빈도분포 DBH-Class,,. 5 25cm, cm.,,,. (Fig. 6A) cm 32 36cm..., 20cm,.,., (Fig. 6B) cm,...,,,,,,,. (Fig. 6C).
10 (a) (b) (c)
11 DGN Area(m 2 ) Ratio(%) Remarks Total 37,445, DGN [0] 203, DGN [1] 561, DGN [2] 56, DGN [6] 11,774, DGN [7] 24,786, Region A(g/m 2 /year) B(g/m 2 /year) C(g/m 2 /year) Seoul 1, , , A, Miami Model by mean annual temperature ; B, Miami Model by mean annual precipitation ; C, Montreal Model. The data from Yim (1982). 3. 녹지자연도 (Degree of Green Naturality) 와순일차생산량 (NPP),. Fig. 7, Table 3., DGN [7] 66.4%, DGN [6] 31.5%. DGN [2],. DGN [1], DGN [0]. Miami Model, 1,450.89g/year, g/year, Montreal Model 1,457.30g/year (, 1982). 4. 위협요인과보존을위한제언,,.,,.,,.
12 ,. (Fig. 5, 6).. -..,.,.,, (,
13 .,.,. MTB.,,,..,.,. 인용문헌 () , : Yim, Y. J. and T. Kira Distribution of forest vegetation and climate in the Korea penisula I. Distribution of some indices of thermal climate. J. Ecol. 25: 요약 ,,, DBH-class,. (Q. mongolica community), (P. koraiensis community), -(P. koraiensis-q. mongolica community), -(Q. variabilis-q. mongolica community), (Lalix kaempferi community), (P. densiflora community), - (Q. mongolica-abies holophylla community), -(Q. mongolica-p. rigida community). 61.4%,, -.
14 -.,,, 4,. DBH-class,,, -, %, %, 2 0.2%, 1 1.5%, 0 0.5%. Miami Model 1,450.81g/m 2 / yr, Montreal model 1,457.30g/m 2 /yr.,,. 검색어 : 식생, 식물군집, 연인산도립공원, DBH-Class
목차 ⅰ ⅱ ⅱ ⅳ i
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Method Country Vegetation type Reference AA Japan Quercus-mixed Kirita(1971) Japan Quercus-mixed Nakane(1975) CC China glassland Jia et al.(2006) Japan deciduous forest Hirano e tal.(2003) USA hardwood
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Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 라이프스타일은 개인 생활에 있어 심리적 문화적 사회적 모든 측면의 생활방식과 차이 전체를 말한다. 이러한 라이프스 타일은 사람의 내재된 가치관이나 욕구, 행동 변화를 파악하여 소비행동과 심리를 추측할 수 있고, 개인의
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Geographical Analysis of National Monument Topography* Kwon, Dong-Hi 1) Abstract : As of January 2010, 59 topography have been designated as national monuments. From the geographical point of view, these
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일정 및 학술회의 일시 : 2013년 10월 11일(금) 오후 1시00분~6시20분 장소 : 국회도서관 소회의실 2013년 우리나라를 비롯하여 미국, 중국, 러시아, 일본 등에서 새로운 정부가 출범하면서 남 북관계에 다시 한 번의 전환의 기회가 마련되었습니다. 지독했던 여름 더위에도 불구하고 개성공단이 재가동되는 결실을 거둔 것은 가을 수확만큼
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The Study on the Grid Size Regarding Spatial Interpolation for Local Climate Maps* Cha Yong Ku** Young Ho Shin*** Jae-Won Lee**** Hee-Soo Kim*****.,...,,,, Abstract : Recent global warming and abnormal
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전업농신문 발행인 겸 편집인겸 : 류종열 발행인 편집인 3월6월 299 2 0 21 06 1년5 년 The ProfessionalAgricultural Agricultural&& Livestock Livestock News The Professional : 류종열 농산물 : 전업농신문 한글도메인 한글도메인: 전업농신문 농협 조합장, 룕우리쌀 경쟁력 강룖 결의
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