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1 J. Ecol. Field Biol. 29 (3): , 2006 대구인접지역삼림식생의진행천이와잠재자연식생 정흥락 * 전영문 1 이호준 1, 1 Progressive Succession and Potential Natural Vegetation on the Forest Vegetation in and surrounding Daegu, Korea Choung, Heung-Lak*, Young-Moon Chun 1 and Ho-Joon Lee 1 Korea Environment Institute, Seoul , Korea 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Konkuk University, Seoul , Korea ABSTRACT: This study represents the mechanism of progressive succession and potential natural vegetation on the forest vegetation in and surrounding Daegu. As a result of DCA, the feature of community was determined by an altitude and humid gradients. The soil moisture, contents of organic matter and total nitrogen increased as the community developed. In the interspecific association analysis, the forest vegetation was divided into two species groups and they were influenced by temperature and soil moisture. Especially, each two groups showed different stages of vegetation development according to the progressive succession and life form composition supported those results. It was predicted that Quercus variabilis, Q. acutissima, Q. dentata and Pinus densiflora communities would develop into Q. serrata community or Q. mongolica community depending on their location or species composition. In the study area, the potential natural vegetation was divided into 3 communities by biogeographical gradients such as species composition, soil environment, and geographical features: 1) Q. mongolica community in the middle-upper area of the mountain, 2) Q. serrata community in the middle-lower area of the mountain and 3) Carpinus cordata-acer mono community in the cove area. It is suggested that the Q.mongolica and C.cordata-A. mono communities become actual vegetation and potential natural vegetation. But it is also suggested that the P. densiflora community would be changed into the potential natural vegetation of the Q. mongolica community and Q. serrata community on the basis of the present species composition. Key words: DCA, Daegu, Forest vegetation, Interspecific association, Life form, Potential natural vegetation, Progressive succession 서론 (Shugart 1984), (McCook 1994)., (Peet 1992), (Arsenault and Bradfield 1995, Brulisauer et al. 1996) (Clark et al. 2003)., (Shugart 1984, Pickett and White 1985, Smith and Huston 1989), Clark et al.(2003) 2, (gap dynamics). (successional trajectories), (Pickett et al. 1989, Pickett and Cadenasso 2005).,, (Connell and Slatyer 1977), (progressive succession) (Choung and Hong 2006)., (vegetation dynamics) (Pickett and Cadenasso 2005)., (Tüxen 1956, Westhoff and van der Maarel 1978), (Ellenberg 1988). * Corresponding author; Phone: , chlak@kei.re.kr
2 266 J. Ecol. Field Biol. 29 (3),,, (Brzeziecki et al. 1993),.,,, (Brzeziecki et al. 1993),. (Kim and Yim 1987, 1988, 1990, Lee 1997, 1998). Kim and Yim (1988),,,, Kim(1992) / ( - ), / ( - ), / ( - ) 3. Pavel et al.(2006),. (2000) (11 ) DCA,,. 재료및방법 (2000), 2 (, ),,,, - (,, ), (,, ).,,,,,. 6, , (2000) -. (2000) ( 200 relevé) DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis) (McCune and Mefford 1999), ( 1996)., (2000) 3 ( 60 ). A 1, ph, (Tyurin ), (Kjeldahl ), P 2O 5(Lancaster ), K( ), Ca Mg(EDTA ), ( 2000). 2 cm, (DBH, Diameter at Breast Height). 결과 DCA 분석 DCA (Fig 1, Table 1)., 1 2 1,, 2,,,,., -. 3, 1, 2., -.,, (Table 2)., Fig. 1. Projection of 200 relevés based on DECORANA in the study area. The abbreviations of community type are the same as the vegetation units of Table 1.
3 Table 1. The abbreviation and name of communities are used in DCA analysis Abbreviation Vegetation Unit - A : Quercus mongolica community a A-1 : Typical subcommunity b A-2 : Carex siderosticta subcommunity B B : Quercus variabilis community C C : Quercus acutissima community D D : Quercus dentata community - E : Carpinus cordata-acer mono community r E-1 : Typical subcommunity s E-2 : Quercus serrata subcommunity t E-3 : Cornus controversa subcommunity - F: Pinus densiflora community x F-1 : Typical subcommunity y F-2 : Sanguisorba officinalis subcommunity, -.,., -,. 종간연관 (Interspecific Association) χ 2 (Affinity Analysis) 2 (Fig. 2, Table 3). Group ( 101), (103), (106), (108), (109), (110), (111), (112), (117), (120), (121), (124), (128), (133), (134), (137), (139), (145), (147), (148), (149), (152), (154), (159), (160), (161), z F-3 : Rhododendron schlippenbachii subcommunity G H I J K G : Robinia pseudoacacia afforestation H : Pinus rigida afforestation I : Larix leptolepis afforestation J : Pinus thunbergii afforestation K : Pinus koraiensis afforestation Table 2. Comparison of constancy on the 3 dominant trees among communities Vegetation Unit Quercus mongolica Quercus serrata Acer mono A A-1 (3-5) (+) (+) A-2 (4-5) (+) (+-1) B (+-1) (+-2) (+-1) C (+-2) (+-2) (+) D 0 1(+) 0 E-1 (+-1) 0 (+-3) E E-2 0 4(2-4) 3(1-3) E (+-1) F-1 0 (+-4) 0 F F-2 0 (+-2) 0 F-3 (+-2) (+-2) 0 G 0 (+-2) 0 H (+) (+-2) 0 I (+) (+-3) 0 J 0 2(+-1) 0 K 2(+-2) 2(+) 0 Fig. 2. Plexus diagram of plant species based on significant associations according to chi-square (solid line: p<0.01, dotted line: 0.01<p<0.05). Species numbers are in table 3.
4 268 J. Ecol. Field Biol. 29 (3) Table 3. The list of code numbers of species used by affinity analysis Table 3. Continued No. Scientific Name No. Scientific Name 101 Carex humilis 136 Viola rossii 102 Rhododendron mucronulatum var. ciliatum 103 Rhus trichocarpa 104 Lindera obtusiloba 105 Spodiopogon sibiricus 106 Pinus densiflora 107 Artemisia keiskeana 108 Potentilla freyniana 109 Pyrola japonica 110 Cocculus trilobus 111 Zanthoxylum schinifolium 112 Quercus serrata 113 Aster scaber 114 Athyrium yokoscense 115 Quercus mongolica 116 Isodon japonica 117 Atractylodes japonica 118 Lespedeza maximowiczii 119 Chrysanthemum zawadskii 120 Lespedeza bicolor 121 Smilax china 122 Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 123 Fraxinus sieboldiana 124 Quercus variabilis 125 Carex lanceolata 126 Rhododendron schlippenbachii 127 Smilax nipponica 128 Sanguisorba officinalis 129 Dryopteris bissetiana sp. 130 Hosta longipes 131 Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens 132 Carex ciliato-marginata 133 Juniperus rigida 134 Indigofera kirilowii 135 Asarum sieboldii 137 Sedum kamtschaticum 138 Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa 139 Quercus dentata 140 Disporum smilacinum 141 Smilax sieboldii 142 Viola patrinii 143 Iris rossii 144 Prunus sargentii 145 Peucedanum terebinthaceum 146 Acer pseudo-sieboldianum 147 Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica 148 Ligustrum obtusifolium 149 Quercus aliena 150 Astilbe chinensis var. davidii 151 Fraxinus rhynchophylla 152 Clematis mandshurica 153 Euonymus alatus for. ciliato-dentatus 154 Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum 155 Celastrus orbiculatus 156 Lysimachia clethroides 157 Sorbus alnifolia 158 Melampyrum roseum 159 Patrinia villosa 160 Chimaphila japonica 161 Quercus acutissima 162 Oplismenus undulatifolius 163 Polygonatum lasianthum var. coreanum 164 Lindera glauca 165 Artemisia stolonifera 166 Carex siderosticta 167 Tripterygium regelii 168 Rubus crataegifolius 169 Calamagrostis arundinacea 170 Cephalanthera longibracteata
5 Table 3. Continued Table 3. Continued No. Scientific Name No. Scientific Name 171 Carex okamotoi 172 Pseudostellaria palibiniana 173 Commelina communis 174 Styrax japonica 175 Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata 176 Vitis amurensis 177 Hemerocallis fulva 178 Convallaria keiskei 179 Pueraria thunbergiana 180 Corylus sieboldiana var. mandshurica 181 Weigela subsessilis 182 Serratula coronata var. insularis 183 Rosa maximowicziana 184 Styrax obassia 185 Dioscorea japonica 186 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. heterophylla 187 Securinega suffruticosa 188 Stephanandra incisa 189 Rubus parvifolius 190 Lindera erythrocarpa 191 Calamagrostis epigeios 192 Cynanchum paniculatum 193 Robinia pseudoacacia 194 Polygonatum involucratum 195 Adenophora triphylla var. japonica 196 Lonicera subhispida 197 Asperula maximowiczii 198 Carpinus cordata 199 Ainsliaea acerifolia 200 Platycodon grandiflorum 201 Viola collina 202 Dioscorea nipponica 203 Rhus chinensis 204 Leibnitzia anandria 205 Potentilla fragarioides var. major 206 Schizandra chinensis 207 Lonicera japonica 208 Rosa multiflora 209 Viola albida 210 Lilium tsingtauense (164), (174), (179), (185), (189), (192), Group (114), (115), (126), (135), (136), (138), (146), (150), (157), (158), (165), (166), (167), (169), (171), (172), (175), (176), (194), (197), (198), (199), (202), (209), (210). Fig. 2, Group, Group. 생활형조성비 %, 27.2%, 25.3%, 8.6%, 5.0%, 1.7%, 0.7%., - 3.4% 0.9% 4.0% (Fig. 3).,, (G), (H), (G), (H), (H), (G), (Ph), (G), (G), (G), (G), (G), (Ph) 91, (Ph), (Ch), (H), (H), (G), (Ch), (Th), (H), (H), (H), (H), (G), (G), (Ph) 111. 흉고직경분포 Fig cm,
6 270 J. Ecol. Field Biol. 29 (3) Fig. 3. Comparison of life form among Quercus mongolica community, Carpinus cordata-acer mono community and Pinus densiflora community. Ph: Phanerophyte, Ch: Chamaephyte, H: Hemicryptophyte, G: Geophyte, Th: Therophyte, E: Epiphyte, HH: Hydrophyte cm., 6 10 cm, 11 cm (Fig. 4A, 4B). 6 10cm, cm., J, ( ). 2 5 cm cm, 6 10 cm, cm (Fig. 4C, 4D). Fig. 4. The distribution of diameter at breast height (DBH) Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora in Quercus mongolica community (A) and Pinus densiflora community (B). C is DBH among different communities and D is DBH of dominant tree species in Carpinus cordata-acer mono community. The abbreviations of community type are the same as vegetation units of Table 1
7 (1981). (Table 4), ph %. ph 5.65, 5.00.,, - ph. 8.03% 7.38%,., %. (p<0.001) (Table 5),, (p<0.01). ph, Ca ph, Mg ph (p<0.001). (K Ca, Mg Ca) (p<0.001)., p<0.001., Ca, Mg, EC.,, -,,.,.. (Fig. 5). 고찰,,,,,,. DCA Table 4. The result of soil analysis in the study area Co. ph OM (%) T-N (%) P 2O 5 (ppm) Exchangable Cation (me/100g) K Ca Mg EC (ms/cm) A (n=10) 5.11 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.11 B (n=4) 5.33 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.15 C (n=4) 5.38 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.17 D (n=3) 5.35 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.14 E (n=8) 5.43 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.11 F (n=14) 5.34 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.09 G (n=6) 5.00 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.14 H (n=3) 5.10 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.09 I (n=3) 5.20 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.14 J (n=3) 5.65 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.13 K (n=3) 5.15 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.03 Total (n=60) 5.27 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.04 * Co. : Community types * A: Quercus mongolica community, B: Q. variabilis community, C: Q. acutissima community, D: Q. dentata community, E: Carpinus cordata- Acer mono community F: Pinus densiflora community, G: Robinia pseudoacacia afforestation, H: Pinus rigida afforestation, I: Larix leptolepis afforestation, J: Pinus thunbergii afforestation, K: Pinus koraiensis afforestation * OM: Organic matter, T-N: Total nitrogen, EC: Electric conductivity * The arabic numbers indicate mean values ± SE(standard error)
8 272 J. Ecol. Field Biol. 29 (3) Table 5. Correlation coefficients among the chemical properties of soil including altitude. Asterisks on numbers indicate significant level. ph OM T-N P 2O 5 K Ca Mg EC Al. SMC ph ** *** *** OM *** ** *** * T-N ** *** ** P 2O * ** K *** * Ca *** * Mg ** EC * Al *** SMC OM: Organic matter, T-N: Total nitrogen, EC: Electric conductivity, SMC: Soil moisture content, Al.: Altitude, *:p< 0.05, **:p< 0.01, ***:p< Fig. 5. Correlation between soil moisture content(smc) and altitude in the study area. Key to symbols - : Carex siderosticta subco. of Quercus mongolica co., : Typical subco. of Q. mongolica co., : Rhododendron schlippenbachii subco. of Pinus densiflora co., : Typical subco. and Sanguisorba officinalis subco. of Pinus densiflora co., : Carpinus cordata-acer mono co., : Q. dentata co., : Q. acutissima co., : Q. variabilis co., co.: community, subco.: subcommunity.,,,. (p<0.001) ( 1993, 2005).,,. ( ),.. (1988) Lactuca serriola.., -., (Cain 1950). (1993)..,
9 (Choung and Hong 2006). -.,, (Crocker and Major 1955, Olson 1958, 1977).,.,., 6 10 cm (Fig. 4B), J (Austin 1977, Despain 1983, 2003).. (Tüxen 1956, 1997). (Chun et al. 2006)., (Fig. 6). Group,,,,,, Group -. DCA. Group Group. Group ( ) Group. ( ). ( 600m )., - Fig. 6. Possibile developmental stages in the studied forest. Quercus serrata co. left a question as to whether or not potential natural vegetation in the lower-sphere of the cold-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest. co. : community, subco. : subcommunity. -.,., ( 1983, 2003),. (Barnes et al. 1998, Choung et al. 2004, 2004)., ( 2000). J,..,,,, ( , mm) (Chen 1995)..
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72 통일과 평화(창간호 2009) 한반도 통일에 관한 이론적 고찰 전재성(서울대 외교학과) 국문요약 본 논문은 변화하는 국제질서와 한반도 내부의 상황을 고려하여, 21세기 한반도 통일 을 새로운 관점에서 이론적으로 분석하고자 시도한다. 21세기 하나의 주권을 가진 하나 의 국가를 만들고자 하는 통일론은 결국 한반도 거버넌스의 문제이다. 한반도에서 사는 전통적
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A Variation of Summer Rainfall in Korea* Seungho Lee** and Won Tae Kwon*** Abstract : Daily rainfall data from 14 stations during 1941 to 2000 were analyzed in order to examine the characteristics of the
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step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - α α - 20 - α α α α α α - 21 - - 22 - - 23 -
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Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in University & 2 Kang Won University [Purpose] [Methods]
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11-1480523-000748-01 배경지역 ( 백령도 ) 에서의 대기오염물질특성연구 (Ⅲ) 기후대기연구부대기환경연구과,,,,,,, Ⅲ 2010 목차 ⅰ ⅲ ⅳ Abstract v Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ i 목차 Ⅳ ii 목차 iii 목차 iv 목차 μg m3 μg m3 v 목차 vi Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ μm μg m3 1 Ⅰ. 서론 μg m3 μg m3 μg m3 μm 2
A Study on the Relationships between Self-Differentiation and Adaptability Factors for Senior Dementia Patients Care Givers Department of Social Welfare, Seoul Welfare Graduate University Full-time Lecturer
한국의 북한 핵개발에 대한 인식과 대응 3 한국의북한핵개발에대한인식과대응: 3 차 핵실험 이후* 1)박영호 ( 통일연구원) 국문요약 2013년 2월 12일 북한의 3 차 핵실험은 국내외에 커다란 충격을 주었다. 북한의 핵능 력이 진전되고 북한은 경제건설과 함께 핵 무력건설을 김정은 시대의 발전전략으로 채택 했다. 북핵문제의 패러다임이 변화했다. 한국 사회에서의
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DOI http:ddoi org 10 14380 AHF 2015 41 113 新 興 寺 佛 殿 莊 嚴 壁 畵 考 I. 머리말 朴 銀 卿 동아대학교 인문과학대학 고고미술사학과 교수 규슈대학 문학박사 불교회화사 15 3 3 1 1 * 2013 NRF 2013S1A5A2A03045496 ** : 26 2014; 高 麗 佛 畵 : 本 地 畵 幅 奉 安 問 題 美 術
논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 6, No. 5, pp.125~135(2002) The Present State of E-Business according to the Establishment Year and the Sales Approach of Dongdaemun Clothing Market Park, Hea-Ryung* and
Place Memories of the Urban Backlane: In case of the Pimat-gol of Jongno, Seoul Jong-Han Jeon* 600 vs. vs. vs. Abstract Pimat-gil is a bystreet over 600-years old of Jong-no in Seoul that originated in
216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할
전근대시기 한국과 일본의 대마도 인식 215 전근대시기 한국과 일본의 대마도 인식 하우봉 전북대학교 사학과 교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 브루스 배튼(Bruce Batten)의 정의에 따르면 전근대의 국경에는 국경선으로 이루어진 boundary가 있고, 공간으로 이루어진 frontier란 개념이 있다. 전자 는 구심적이며 내와 외를 격리시키는 기능을 지니고, 후자는 원심적이며
Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
제 출 문 경상북도 경산시 농업기술센터 귀하 본 보고서를 6차산업수익모델시범사업 농산물가공품개발 연구용역 과제의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2014 년 11 월 19 일 주관연구기관명 : 영남대학교 총괄연구책임자 : 한 기 동 연 구 원 : 김 상 욱 이 수 형 이 상
6차 산업 수익모델 시범사업 농산물가공품개발 연구용역 최 종 보 고 서 영남대학교 식품공학과 연구책임자 : 한 기 동 제 출 문 경상북도 경산시 농업기술센터 귀하 본 보고서를 6차산업수익모델시범사업 농산물가공품개발 연구용역 과제의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2014 년 11 월 19 일 주관연구기관명 : 영남대학교 총괄연구책임자 : 한 기 동 연 구 원 : 김
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Effects of baseball expertise and stimulus speeds on coincidence-anticipation timing accuracy of batting Jong-Hwa Lee, Seok-Jin Kim, & Seon-Jin Kim* Seoul National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results]
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