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1 ª Ÿ (Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci.) 17(2) : (2009) ù k p ¼ÁÁÁkÁÁÁ½y w ww Ecological Characteristics of the Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. Population in South Korea Byung Kil Choo, Yunui Ji, Byeong Cheol Moon, Tae Sook Yoon, A Yeong Lee, Jin Mi Chun, and Ho Kyoung Kim Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon Expo street 483, Korea. ABSTRACT : This study was carried out to investigate the distribution of native Asparagus cochinchinensis and ecological characteristic in South Korea. Natural vegetative areas were investigated at 5 areas; Taean, Buan, Geoje, Namhae and Jindo. In this study, the 5 m 5 m quadrat was established for recording coverage and appearance species by phytosociological method. The flora of the studied area in native habitats were listed as 130 species. The native habitats was classified into Pinus thunbergii community and typical community. Two communities were located in a coastal cliff and have been destroyed. Therefore Asparagus cochinchinensis native habitats must be protected by regulation. In the studied sites, soil ph, organic matter, nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable K, exchangeable Ca, exchangeable Mg and cation exchange capacity were ranged from 5.1~5.7%, 1.77~3.59%, 0.19~0.54%, 5.4~18.7G(/), 0.24~0.48G(c+/) 0.76~2.83G(c+/), 3.11~6.22G(c+/) and 8.7~24.5G(c+/), respectively. Key Words : Asparagus cochinchinensis, Ecological Characteristic. w ( Œ, Asparagi Tuber) w (Liliaceae) (Asparagus) w (Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr.), w w (ž), ( ), s ( ), ( ) z y»y vy š (Cooperation teaching materials compilation committee, 2005), ( ) ƒ w (Park and Lee, 2000). w û ƒ sw, ƒ w ù wƒ (Kim et al., 2003), w x w š (Moon et al., 2008; Kang et al., 2002). w, ƒƒ x (Chinese medicinal plants compilation committee, 1999), w. x w w ü v w» w. wr w» w z ƒ ( Œ ) w r (Ju, 2004), ü wš. ww y, wš,,, y w w», w w yƒ vw. y,, ƒeƒ j w w y k p w w w. s k k p mw w w œwš ww. 1.» x ƒ Corresponding author: (Phone) ( ) hkkim@kiom.re.kr Received February 5, 2009 / Revised February 24, 2009 / Accepted March 24,

2 ¼ÁÁÁkÁÁÁ½y l t m ƒ x mw ü w l 11¾ w. 11 s yw ù wù ƒ û wš, 5 w w (Fig. 1). 2. 5m 5m j» x 21 ew Braun- Blanquet (1964) 7 xw 9 (Dierssen, 1990) w w. zw w x ü d, d, d, d ù x v»wš, d s³š dw. w y wš,, dw. Ellenberg (1956) t wš, 2 w. w w» w w (Lee, 2003). Fig. 1. Survey area of native habitate Asparagus cochinchinensis. 3. m ƒ 1 5 m ¾ 0~20 Table 1. Vegetation table of native habitate Asparagus cochinchinensis. Survey area Taean Buan Haenam Namhae Geoje Number of appearance species Family name Scientific name Korean name Pteridaceae Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum š Pinaceae Pinus koraiensis ù Pinus thunbergii Juglandaceae Platycarya strobilacea vù Betulaceae Carpinus turczaninowii ù Fagaceae Quercus variabilis ù Quercus dentata ù Quercus mongolica ù Quercus serrata ù Moraceae Cudrania tricuspidata ãù Morus alba ù Urticaceae Boehmeria pannosa t Polygonales Fallopia dumetora Persicaria senticosa Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana œ Ranunculaceae Clematis mandshurica Thalictrum filamentosum ç Menispermaceae Cocculus triobus Lauraceae Lindera obtusiloba ù Crassulaceae Sedium erythrostichum ç Pittosporaceae Pittosporum tobira ù Rosaceae Rubus parvifolius» Rubus oldhamii» Rosa multiflora 126

3 k p Table 1. Continued. Survey area Taean Buan Haenam Namhae Geoje Number of appearance species Family name Scientific name Korean name Rosa wichuraiana ƒù Prunus persica ù Prunus sargentii ù Sorbus alnifolia qù Leguminosae Albizzia julibrissin ù Lespedeza maximowiczii Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Lespedeza bicolor Dunbaria villosa q Pueraria thunbergiana e Wistaria floribunda Indigofera kirilowii Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata Rutaceae Zanthoxylum piperitum vù Dictamnus dasycarpus Euphorbiaceae Daphniphyllum marcropodum Mallotus japonicus ù Securinega suffruticosa Ÿ Euphorbia jolkini Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis ù Celastraceae Euonymus japonica ù Euonymus oxyphyllus zù Aceraceae Acer mono šù Sapiaceae Koelreuteria paniculata ù Vitaceae Vitis amurensis Vitis thunbergii ¾ Vitis flexuosa Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. heterophylla Sterculiaceae Corchoropsis tomentosa ¾eÁ Theaceae Camellia japonica ù Eurya japonica vù Violaceae Viola albida k Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus umbellata ù Araliaceae Hedera rhombea Umbelliferae Cnidium japonicum ˆ Ostericum grosseserrata Peucedanum japonicm ˆ»ù Peucedanum terebinthaceum»ù Ericaceae Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense Myrsinaceae Ardisia japonica Oleaceae Ligustrum ovalifolium ù Ligustrum obtusifolium ù Apocynaceae Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium Verbenaceae Callicarpa japonica ù Clerodendron trichotomum ù Vitex rotundifolia»ù Labiatae Scutellaria pekinensis var. transitra Mosla dianthera Át Isodon excisus t 127

4 ¼ÁÁÁkÁÁÁ½y Table 1. Continued. Survey area Taean Buan Haenam Namhae Geoje Number of appearance species Family name Scientific name Korean name Solanaceae Solanum lyratum t Scrophulariaceae Melampyrum roseum t Phrymaceae Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica qt Rubiaceae Paederia scandens Rubia akane Õ Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Lonicera maackii ù Valerianaceae Patrinia villosa Campanulaceae Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Compositae Atractylodes japonica Cirsium japonicum var. ussuriense i Eupatorium chinese var. simplicifolium ù Aster yomena Aster scaber Aster spathulifolius w Erigeron annuus Farfugium japinicum l Bidens bipinnata Á Artemisia scoparia Artemisia keiskeana Artemisia feddei Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum Chrysanthemum boreale Picris hieracioides var. glabrescens ù Lactuca indica var. laciniata š» Sonchus brachyotus t Youngia denticulata š» Gramineae Miscanthus sacchariflorus Miscanthus sinensis Spodiopogon cotulifer» Arundinella hirta var. ciliata Setaria viridis t Oplismenus undulatifolius t Eragrostis ferruginea Festuca ovina ½l Poa sphondylodes st Agrostis clavata Calamagrostis epigeios t Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii Cyperaceae Carex neurocarpa Carex laevissima Carex lanceolata Commelinaceae Commelina communis t Liliaceae Liriope platyphylla Liriope spicata Ophiopogon japonicus Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum Asparagus cochinchinensis Asparagus scoberioides Smilax china Smilax sieboldii ƒ Allum thunbergii Lilium lancifolium ù Scilla scilloides Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea quinqueloba t Dioscorea septemloba y 128

5 k p w, w m w z m y w p w (Rural Development Administration, 2000). m» w Wakely-Black wet oxidation wš m hydrometer w sand, silt, clay w z w w. m ph 1:5 wš, w micro-kjeldahl, ey K, Ca, Mg š Na 1 M ammonium acetate ek z ICP w w z ey wì ey (CEC) w. z Lancaster w. š 1. sw w, xw (Table 1). x (Woody plants) ù, ù, ù, ù 47š, (Herbaceous plants) 83.,, xwš, w (sea cliff) ˆ»ù (Kim et al., 2006) xw. w» (Kim et al., 2003) w û ûs, w û s (Kim and Shin, 1992)š, w w š w. ù w û k, ûw û û œ w, w» ƒ w w. y y ƒ š, s ƒ, û ûw w ƒ (Table 2). 2. k,,, ûw, 5 21 x ƒš t w w, üw sw w (Pinus thunbergii community) wù d x w ƒ x (Typical community) sw ùkûš (Table 3), xw. ù xwš, s³wš 44 m, 187 wšƒ û û o xwš. ƒ d s³v r d 62%, d 14%, d 37% ü š w sƒ û swš. d v 82%, z d d vƒ ü Ÿ k q. x s³wš 20 m ûš, ew wš û swš. d s³v d 25%, d 24%, d 80%. 3. s s, (1999) s w,,, wš,, Ÿ û š š. ù w ûw swš w w w. w t 1973 ey š, x 30 w., ü w 30 w. k,, i, l ts ƒš wš z x ƒš ù, w (Jang, 2002). w p w z ù w, 23~25æ w»ü yw š šw (Choo et al., 2005), w w ûš, w ƒ¾ sw yá w ƒ y w. ww, ü wš ƒ w ù w ûw wƒ xw š, my yw ü w q. w x 49 x w Table 2. Distribution area and sociability of survey areau GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG(Unit : ha) Taean Buan Jindo Namhae Geoje Distribution area Sociability

6 ¼ÁÁÁkÁÁÁ½y Table 3. Vegetation table of plant community in native habitate Asparagus cochinchinensis. Survey area Altitude Direction Slop degree Coverage of upper tree layer Coverage of lower tree layer Coverage of shrub layer Coverage of herb layer Number of appearance Pinus thunbergii community Typical community Pinus thunbergii T A Pinus thunbergii T2... 2A 2A +.. 2A 2A Pinus thunbergii S Pinus thunbergii H Ligustrum ovalifolium T2 ù... 2A 2A Ligustrum ovalifolium S ù... 2A 2B. 2A A Ligustrum ovalifolium H ù... R 2A. 1. 2A Smilax china H Asparagus cochinchinensis H 2B 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2B 2A 2A 2A 3 2A 3 2A 3 4 2A 2B 2B 3 2A Paederia scandens H 3.. 2A +. 2A A A. 2A. Lonicera japonica H.. 2A. 2A A 2A 2A A + 2A 2A.. + Cocculus triobus H B 1 2A +.. chrysanthemum boreale H A A... Pittosporum tobira S ù B. 3 2A 2A Pittosporum tobira H ù.... 2B. 2A. 2B 2A Atractylodes japonica H R Quercus serrata T2 ù Quercus serrata S ù A Quercus serrata H ù Quercus variabilis T1 ù B. 2B Quercus variabilis T2 ù A. 2A A... Quercus variabilis S ù A Quercus variabilis H ù Carpinus turczaninowii T2 ù Carpinus turczaninowii S ù B 2A 5 2A Carpinus turczaninowii H ù Aster scaber H Zanthoxylum piperitum S vù Zanthoxylum piperitum H vù R R R R..... (Kim and Lee, 2006), w (Annual communities on coastal cliff)x, w (Forest vegetation on coastal cliff)x w (Fig. 2), k w ƒƒ ƒ x ùkû. w w q w t, ƒeƒ š q. ù ƒ ƒ ûzá mš š wƒ ƒ ƒš. ƒ j w w { wù x w w v š q. 130

7 k p Fig. 2. Profile diagram of native habitate Asparagus cochinchinensis. Table 4. Soil preperties of plant community in native habitate Asparagus cochinchinensis. PH OMG(%) T-NG(%) P 2 O 2 EX CationG(c+/) C.E.C (/) K Na Mg Ca (c+/) Texture Taean loam Buan clay loam Jindo loam Namhae loam Geoje sady loam 4. m m ph 5.1~5.7% ƒ ùkù ù m s³ 5.48 (Jeong et al., 2002) w m.»w vw, z 50~60% œ ey mp ƒ w e (Brand, 1990).» w 1.77~3.59% ù m 4.49% (Jeong et al., 2002) w û r ƒ w (Pinus thunbergii community)ù d x w ƒ swš w my š q»w 3.59% ƒ š ƒ w w ƒ ew ƒ 1.77%, 1.92% û. 0.19~0.54%, z 5.4~18.7 / ù m s³ 0.19%, 25.6 / (Jeong et al., 2002) ûš, ey 8.7~24.5 c+/ ùkû. m ph ƒ ey K, Na, Mg, Ca Ca > Mg > K > Na. m m, m, m ùkü m m, m, m. my p w ù m ƒ û œ wš ù ƒ m w q. y y y» (R&D) (y 07F012Y ), w» wy» w. LITERATURE CITED Brand NC. (1990). The nature properties of soil. Macmillan Press. New York. America. p Braun-Blanquet J. (1964). Pflanzensoziologie : Grundzuge der Vegetationskunde. Springer-Verlag Press. New York. America. p Chinese medicinal plants compilation committee. (1999). Chinese medicinal plants(8). Shanghai Scientific Technique Press. Shanghai, China. p Choo BK, Kim DH, Jeong JR, Lim JR, Park CB, Ko BS and Ryu JH. (2005). In vitro growth of shoot derived from shoot tip in Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. Korean Journal 131

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