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1 w» wz, 7«3y(2005) Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 3, (2005), pp. 201~210 ½ 1 Á v 2 Á 2 Á 1 Á Ÿ 1 Á½ y 2 1 w ù, 2 w w ( ; ) The Vegetation Structure of Beomseom Islet, Jeju-do Chan-Soo Kim 1, Gwan-Pil Song 2, Myong-Ok Moon 2, Young-Jae Kang 1, Gwang-Ok Byun 1 and Moon-Hong Kim 2 1 Warm-Temperate Forest Research Center, Korea Forest Research Institute, Seogwipo, Dept. of Life Science, Cheju National University, Jeju, , Korea (Received February 15, 2005; Accepted August 19, 2005) ABSTRACT This study was conducted to prepare efficient and systematic measures for nature conservation and management in Beomseom Islet, and to provide for basic data to investigate the process of vegetation change in the future. The vegetation of Beomseom Islet was classified to six vegetation type; i.e., Miscanthus sinensis community, Pinus thunbergii community, lythophyte vegetation, evergreen broad leaf community, shrub community, and Pseudosasa japonica community. The size of each vegetation type was 40,230 m 2 (23.3%) for shrub community, 39,366 m 2 (22.8%) for lythophyte vegetation, 30,012 m 2 (17.4%) for Pinus thunbergii community, 29,853 m 2 (17.3%) for Miscanthus sinensis community, 5,564 m 2 (3.2%) for evergreen broad leaf community, and 3,325 m 2 (1.9%) for Pseudosasa japonica community. The area of non-vegetated sea cliff zone that composed of bare rocks is 24,246 m 2 (14.1%). We estimated that these distribution patterns of vegetation were the result of various environmental factors such as the steepness of slope and shallowness of soil as well as the cultivation of exotic plants causing disruption of native vegetation. Key words : Nature conservation, Nature management, Vegetation type I. e, y s w ƒ» kw x š. sw,, j», w š,, sww y ƒ w. p ù,» w s w ƒ š (Preston, 1962; MacArther and Wilson, 1967; Yim and Kira, 1975, 1976, 1977). ù s ƒ w š ù w w w (Chung and Hong, 2002). w ¾ w w ù w. w wì ƒ (Kim and Kim, 1980; Kim, 1990, 1994; National Institute of Environmental Research, 2002) w w. Corresponding Author : Chan-Soo Kim (kimdaram@chollian.net)
2 202 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 3» 421y 33 o 12' 50", 126 o 31' 01" ew, w s y 1-3 4v. w ù û wù ü ƒ ùwš t w ƒ wù š w. š w ù y x w ù 1374 z w ¾ x š w (Oh, 1990). p q w x m k xy wì y z w š z» w š w. š z w v w œwš, z y w v w» y wš w. II y, ƒq,,, wì ù û ew wù. w s w, ƒ ƒ¾ y w 1.3 km (Fig. 1).»z d w ù w» s» d dw s s³» 16.2 o C, ƒ 1 s³» 6.6 C» ùküš o š, ƒ w 8 s³» 26.6 C o ù ƒ ùw. ƒ mm, ƒ 306.6, mm ù ƒ w. ƒ w 2 s³ ƒ 64.2% ƒ w %, s³ 70.7% w (Jeju Regional Meteorological Office, 2004). û ¼ 0.58 km û ¼ Fig. 1. The site map of Beomseom Islet. Fig. 2. A three-dimensional image of of Beomseom Islet drawn by ArcView GIS 3.2a (Contour interval: 10Gm) km ¼ k x š (Kang, 1990), 40~90% w x wš. w w m x w ù p m w w ù q w. w sk x wš, û d w w œ ³ ƒ ƒ ƒ wš wš (Fig. 2) x l ¾ ww, x ƒ w w t w w. xy Lee(1980) Makino(1989), e Iwatsuki (1992) Iwatsuki et al.(1995) Park(1975), y Park(1995), Park et al.(2002), Shimizu (2003)
3 Kim et al.: The Vegetation Structure of Beomseom Islet, Jeju-do 203 Table 1. Composition of communities in Beomseom Islet Community Dominants Companions Miscanthus sinensisgcom. Pinus thunbergiig com. Lythophyte vegetation Evergreen broad leaf com. Shrub com. Pseudosasa japonicagcom. Miscanthus sinensis, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Stephania japonica Pinus thunbergii, Boehmeria pannosa, Stephania japonica Aster spathulifolius, Carex boottiana, Eurya emarginata Machilus thunbergii, Arisaema ringens, Boehmeria pannosa Mallotus japonicus, Litsea japonica, Stephania japonica Pseudosasa japonica, Boehmeria pannosa Boehmeria pannosa, Cayratia japonica, etc. Mallotus japonicus, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, etc. Cyrtomium falcatum, Aster hispidus, etc. Litsea japonica, Lemmaphyllum microphyllum, etc. Eurya emarginata, Arisaema ringens, etc. Stephania japonica, Clematis mandshurica, etc.. w w 10 mü10 m x ew d w w š, s, d w, wd w w x ü š, ƒ w w. w 3Ü3(m) x ew w w. d ƒ w d d, d d w d w. p x, m d wd w ƒƒ x w (RD), v (RC), (RF) w z (IV, importance value) w š, ƒ x 5 w š ùkü x š w l(global Positioning System: Trimble Co.) w ƒ w d wš txw w, s Arc View GIS 3.2a v w w. III. š 3.1. (Pinus thunbergii community), y (Evergreen broad leaf community), (Shrub community), (Pseudosasa japonica community), (Miscanthus sinensis community), (Lythophyte vegetation) ƒ x (Table 1).,, w û s sw., ù, t ƒ sw, y z ù, ¾ ù, j û swš, ù, v, ¾ ù sw. ƒ w swš, w sw w,, ˆ w Table 2. d, ù, vù, ù, ù, z ù, vù, ¾ ù 8 xw. š 10 m ƒ d wš, šƒ û xwš ù ùkü w x. š ù 7 ù ƒ 45.5 wš x û» d, d w w.
4 204 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 3 Table 2. Importance values of Pinus thunbergii community in Beomseom Islet Tree layer Pinus thunbergii Mallotus japonicus Eurya emarginata Elaeagnus macrophylla Ficus erecta var. sieboldii Machilus thunbergii Eurya japonica Litsea japonica Herb layer Boehmeria pannosa Stephania japonica Gynostemma pentaphyllum Arisaema ringens Ampelopsis heterophylla Parthenocissus tricuspidata Cayratia japonica Zantedeschia aethiopica Mallotus japonicus Onychium japonicum Asplenium incisum Metaplexis japonica Lygodium japonicum Litsea japonica Centella asiatica Viburnum awabuki Pteris multifida Setaria viridis var. pachystachys Eurya emarginata Clerodendron trichotomum d t, w,, j û,,,, m, ù, š, Õ š, ƒ, š, ¾ ù, t, ù, Õ, ˆ t, v, ù 20 xw w ùkù. t 77.8 ƒ sw ùkû, w 76.5 t swš ù t w xk swš., j û,. ù w q III w, ¾ ù, ù, I Õ, š,, sw w w (Kim, 2000). y w Table 3. d z ù, ¾ ù, v, ù, ù,, ù, qù, ù, 10 xw. z ù ƒ š 10 m ƒ d wš, ù š ƒ û. w x xw ƒ¾ w z ù ƒ
5 Kim et al.: The Vegetation Structure of Beomseom Islet, Jeju-do 205 Table 3. Importance values of evergreen broad leaf community in Beomseom Islet Tree layer Machilus thunbergii Litsea japonica Eurya emarginata Camellia japonica Mallotus japonicus Pinus thunbergii Neolitsea sericea Celtis sinensis Elaeagnus macrophylla Osmunthus insularis Herb layer Arisaema ringens Boehmeria pannosa Lemmaphyllum microphyllum Stephania japonica Litsea japonica Microlepia strigosa Mallotus japonicus Cayratia japonica Ampelopsis heterophylla Cyrtomium fortunei ƒ š, ¾ ù ƒ 49.6, v 44.2, ù w s. x p w w ù wd w ƒ w. y 4 w,, v x û d w. 15 m j wš m š w w p j wš 10 m ü û x w» ü d w q. d j û, t, g, w, ¾ ù, möš, ù,,, š 10 xw. d 20 xw w û w û y p d¾ Ÿ n ùe û m t ù k» q. d ƒ w p x j û ùkü w x. j û p» q. w Table 4. d ù, ¾ ù, v, ù, ù, ù 6 xw. ù ¾ ù ƒ š 4m w x w ù v, ù, ù, ù 3m w š eš. d p w 3 w x
6 206 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 3 Table 4. Importance values of shrub community in Beomseom Islet Tree layer Mallotus japonicus Litsea japonica Eurya emarginata Elaeagnus macrophylla Camellia japonica Pittosporum tobira Herb layer Stephania japonica Arisaema ringens Boehmeria pannosa Lemmaphyllum icrophyllum Gynostemma pentaphyllum Dryopteris pacifica Microlepia strigosa Asplenium incisum Mallotus japonicus Cyrtomium falcatum Cayratia japonica Phytolacca mericana Miscanthus sinensis Boehmeria nivea Ampelopsis heterophylla ù ƒ ƒ, ¾ ù ƒ 69.0, š vƒ ù ù,, v 10 w ùküš. d w, j û, t, g,. j š, möš, Õ š, ù, Á š,, œ,, t, 15 xw. d 15 xwš 3, w 71.7, j û 65.1, t 46.0 eƒ w x š. w Table 5. ƒ w. t, w,,, j û,, 7 ù t, w, 3 t wì xw ƒ 16.7, v w. w Table 6.,, w, t,,, š,, t,,, ƒ, š,, ˆ,, 17 xw. x 3. ƒ 68.1 ƒ, ƒ 60.5 w x x w, x w 4, w 43.3, t 29.3, 20.6, š 15.3 ùkþ. ù ù
7 Kim et al.: The Vegetation Structure of Beomseom Islet, Jeju-do 207 Table 5. Importance values of Pseudosasa japonica community in Beomseom Islet Pseudosasa japonica Boehmeria pannosa Stephania japonica Clematis mandshurica Rosa multiflora Arisaema ringens Vitis flexuosa Gynostemma pentaphyllum Table 6. Importance values of Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii community in Beomseom Islet Imperata cylindrica var. Gkoenigii Miscanthus sinensis Stephania japonica Boehmeria pannosa Cayratia japonica Oxalis corniculata Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum Clematis mandshurica Commelina communis Ampelopsis heterophylla Gynostemma pentaphyllum Metaplexis japonica Aeginetia indica Lonicera japonica Aster hispidus Rosa multiflora Scilla scilloides ,, v w. w Table 7. w,, v,, Á š, ˆ, w, ˆ, œ,, t, ¾ ù, ù, j š,,,, ˆ 18 xw. x 3. w ƒ ƒƒ 71.7, 53.7 ƒ x w, x w 2 v(26.3) (22.5).»k Á š, ˆ, w, ˆ ƒ w x w l(global Positioning System: Trimble Co.) w ƒ w d wš txwš Arc View GIS 3.2a v w s w x w Fig. 3 Table 8. x. ( ) ùkü x,, 3ƒ.»
8 208 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 7, No. 3 Table 7. Importance values of lythophyte vegetation in Beomseom Islet Aster spathulifolius Carex boottiana Eurya emarginata Miscanthus sinensis Cyrtomium falcatum Aster hispidus Stephania japonica Cyperus polystachyos Phytolacca americana Orosyachys iwarenge Boehmeria pannosa Litsea japonica Pittosporum tobira Dryopteris pacifica Chrysanthemum indicum Lonicera japonica Hemerocallis fulva Melandryum oldhamianum var. roseum Table 8. Areas and proportions by communities of vegetation of Beomseom Islet Community Area (m 2 ) Proportion (%) Shrub community 40, Lythophyte vegetation 39, Pinus thunbergiigcommunity 30, Miscanthus sinensisgcommunity 29, Sea cliff zone 24, Evergreen broad leaf community 5, Pseudosasa japonicagcommunity 3, Total 172, Fig. 3. The actual vegetation map drowned by Arc View GIS 3.2a program using Global Positioning System of Beomseom Islet. k k q w wš, mw y w, z y z w y w w. ƒ s 40,230 m 2 (23.3%), 39,366 m 2 (22.8%), 30,012 m 2 (17.4%), 29,853 m 2 (17.3%), y 5,564 m 2 (3.2%), 3,325 m 2 (1.9%) ùkû (Table 8). ùkù p x w x x w (Sea cliff zone) ùkû 24,246 m % w. w s, m d ƒ y ¾ kw j w q. y œ s
9 Kim et al.: The Vegetation Structure of Beomseom Islet, Jeju-do 209 Fig. 4. The comparison of growth performances of tree species by community in Beomseom Islet (Left: Pinus thunbergii com. Right: Evergreen broad leaf com). r y dwš 5 w š s w (Fig. 4). 10~16 m š d wš š, 3~9 m d v ù, ù ùkþ. w ƒ. w r z ù, ù e ƒ y z w y ƒ w xk w. y 8~12 m d z ù ƒ w š d w ù kû. d z ù ƒ w x p ùküš z ù e x x d w y. w xk w ƒ w, y, w, q. IV. š z w v w œwš, z y w v w» y wš w. w w, y,,,, ƒ x. ƒ s 40,230 m 2 (23.3%), 39,366 m 2 (22.8%), 30,012 m 2 (17.4%), 29,853 m 2 (17.3%), y 5,564 m 2 (3.2%), 3,325 m 2 (1.9%) ùkû. w x w 24,246 m 2 (14.1%). w s, m d ƒ y ¾ kw. x Chung, J. M., and K. N. Hong, Relationships between geographical conditions and distrbution pattern of plant species on unhabitated islands in Korea. Korean Journal of Ecology 25(5), (in Korean with English abstract). Iwatsuki, K., 1992: Ferns and Fern Allies of Japan. Heibonsha Ltd., Tokyo. 311pp. Iwatsuki, K., T. Yamazaki, D. E. Boufford and H. Ohba., 1995: Flora of Japan, Vol. I. Pteridopthyta and Gymnospermae. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo. 302pp. Jeju Regional Meteorological Office. 2004: Climatic Data. Kang, S. B., 1990: The geology and landforms of the 8 uninhabited islets in Cheju Island. Reports on the
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