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1 J. of Aquaculture Vol. 19(4) : , 2006 µ Journal of Aquaculture Korean Aquaculture Society s ½, «1, x 2 * w ûw, 1 w š w, 2 w w Distribution of Bivalve Larvae in Deukryang Bay Chul Won Kim, Seung Bai Kwon 1 and Sung Bum Hur 2 * South Sea Fisheries Research Institute., NFRDI, Yosu , Korea 1 Goheung Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Yosu regional Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office, Goheung , Korea 2 Department of Aquaculture, Pukyong National university, Pusan , Korea Larval distribution of bivalve from 29 stations in Deukryang Bay was examined from May to November in The abundance of total larvae increased from May (,76 inds/m ) and reached maximum in August (174,616 inds/m ). But it decreased continuously until November (2,171 inds/m ). D-shape, early umbone and advanced umbone stage larvae composed of 76%, 18% and 6%, respectively, of total bivalve larvae. Nine larval species of bivalve were identified in this study. The mean abundance of Scapharca subcrenata larvae was 14,00 inds/m, which was.5% of total identified larvae. S. broughtonii (16.2%), Crassostrea gigas (12.5%), Mytilus edulis (10.2%) were also major species in order of their abundance. Considering the monthly larval occurrence in Deukryang Bay, main spawning month of bivalves except M. edulis and M. senhausia was estimated as July. Even though the spatial distribution of bivalve larvae in Deukryang Bay was different by the species, the larvae were generally abundant in the inner and west area of the bay, where was shallower and higher water temperature than the entrance and east area of the bay. Keywords: Bivalve larvae, Deukryang Bay, Larval distribution ûw ewš 70 km 2 š, ƒ ewš. ¾ ¼ 50 km, s 4.6~11 km xk s. w 5 m w ¾ š 20 m (Kong and Lee, 1994). w j, v, š w w wš. ù y w k y s š. w w w w y d s(kim et al., 1995), œ s p (Yang et al., 1995), w p (Lee et al., 1995), n p (Kong and Lee, 1994), n l sƒ(kim and Park, 1998). *Corresponding author: hurs@pknu.ac.kr 288 w d v jm œ s p (Yoon and Kim, 200), v jm s(han et al., 1995), s(ma et al., 1995), œ s(shin and Kim, 2002), v (Choe, 1974), s(kim and Hur, 1998) w. ù w s w e s w w. p, ù w š, s w q, w. x s w œ s p q wš w l 11 w ¾ z( w ) w. 29 w 20 µm v jm (ø0 cm)
2 Fig. 1. Map showing the sampling stations for the bivalve larvae in Deukryang Bay. w d l w (Fig. 1). d l (m) (0.15 π) w 2 w z 1 m x w. 1% s š g e w z w x w (D, ƒ», ) 1 m w.» j» xk w. j» ƒ 70~120 µm D, 120~200 µm ƒ», 200 µm w. xk ƒ D ƒ» w ƒ ƒ» w. ƒ 100 µl w Sedwick-Rafter chamber w z 1 m y w. s 289 ƒ» w x w xk w w. š v w w» ù š w v w (Yoshida, 1964; Yoo, 2000). (Hur et al., 2005), (Won, 1994; Hur et al., 2005), ƒ (Choi and Song, 197; Hur et al., 2005), e(yoo et al., 1970; Hur et al., 2005),, j (Yoshida, 1964)» x š j» š ƒ» w. ƒ td d w, š d w s³ w (Kim and Hur, 1998). td s 5 ~11 ¾ td 1.5~28.9 o C. 5 s³ 17. o C w C še o ùkþ. z w w o C.» o C s o C, 5, 10, o C w s. 5 l 8 ¾ l w š, ü 7~8 5~6 w f. 9~10 ³ w s ù, 11 ü ¾ s³ 2.8~.7 j y š 6.7 ƒ š ƒ û. s 5 ~11 xw 1m s³,76 (5 )~174,616 (8 ) j (Table 1). 5 l Table 1. Monthly mean number (inds./m ) of the D-shape, umbone and advanced umbone larvae of bivalve in Deukryang Bay in 1995 Month D-shape Umbone Advanced umbone Total May 2,500 1, ,76 Jun. 12,546 1, ,75 Jul. 7,519 5, ,999 Aug. 142,202 22,260 10, ,616 Sep. 9,504 8, ,009 Oct. 4,294 2, ,688 Nov. 2,171 1, ,492 Total 180,76 44,210 1,47 28,29
3 290 ½, «, x Fig. 2. Monthly distribution of density (inds./m³) of D-shape larvae in Deukyang Bay ( : <1,000, : <5,000, : <10,000, : <50,000, : <100,000, : <500,000, : 500,000<). ƒw 8 še z 11 ¾ w. 6 14,75 /m 7 š 9 l w 11 4,492 /m. D 5 2,500 /m ù 6 12,546 /m j ƒw. 7 (7,519 /m ) 6 w j w ù 8 142,202 /m ƒ xw š z w 11 2,171 /m ƒ. ƒ» s w D w. ù ƒ» 6 7. x D ƒ š ƒ. ƒ s Fig. 2,, 4. D s(fig. 2) 5 w B1 B2 ƒƒ 1,477 /m 8,704 /m ùk û ù 5,000 /m w x. 6 D ƒw
4 s 291 Fig.. Monthly distribution of density (inds./m³) of umbone larvae in Deukryang Bay ( : <500, : <1,000, : <2,500, : <5,000, : <10,000, : <50,000, : 50,000<). w S1 (188,45 /m ), C2 (50,897 /m ) N1 (0,020 /m ) xw. ù B-line x B4 (1,925 /m ) ƒ xw. 7 6 w w ù N1 (54,781 /m ) ƒ xw, ƒ G1 (45,977 /m ), G2 (7,854 /m ) G (2,079 /m ) xw. ù xw.» ƒ D xw 8 C-line l ¾ x ƒ G1 (648,65 / m ) G2 (544,927 /m ) ƒ x. 9 8 w D x w ƒ G1 (10,919 /m ), G2 (14,870 /m ) G (12,97 /m ) wš
5 292 ½, «, x Fig. 4. Monthly distribution of density (inds./m³) of advanced umbone larvae in Deukryang Bay ( : <100, : <500, : <1,000, : <10,000, : <50,000, : 50,000<). x. 10 û š swš G1 (7,141 /m ) x. 11» D x ƒ ùkù. ƒ» s Fig.. 5 û ³ w swš E1 (562 /m ) ƒ û x. 6 5 w x ƒw S1 (84,84 /m ) ƒ x š C2 (25,959 /m ) ƒ G (20,796 /m ) x. ù B4 (695 /m ) ƒ xw. 7 6 w w ù G2 (69,479 /m ), G1 (8,68 /m ) N1 (4,286 /m ) xw. ù w
6 C5 (81 /m ) A4 (66 /m ) xw. ƒ ƒ» xw 8 w C1 S1 1m ƒƒ 108,471, 100,266 w û w x ùkû. 9 û sw š C5 (2,54 /m ) xw x ùkû G1 (5,700 /m ) x. ƒ» ƒ xw 11 G1 (4,115 /m ) w ùkû. s Fig û xw. 6 ³ w sw w S1 (12,547 /m ) ƒ xw. 7 w w x ƒ w G1 (10,948 /m ), G2 (26,658 /m ) G (1,16 /m ) xw. ƒ xw 8 7 w w w x, C1 (50,691 /m ) ƒ w w 9 S1 (19,15 /m ), 10 G1 (6,525 /m ) ùkû ù û x. 11 û xw ù w ùkû. xw s(fig. 5) 5 û sw ùkû. 6 swš, w x. ù ƒ x S1 (12,547 /m ). 7 ƒ p G2 (1,92 /m ) ƒ xw. w û s w ¾ w w x ùkû. 8 ƒ xw» C-line» sw ƒ G1 (745,240 /m ) G2 (677,85 /m ) ƒ xw. ù A-line B-line x. 9 x 8 w w xw S1 (24,19 /m ) ƒ xw w w ù 9 w x š, G1 (19,66 //m ) s 29 ƒ xw. 11 û xw G1 (7,698 /m ) ƒ xw. x w ƒ w v (Scapharca broughtonii), š (Scapharca subcrenata), (Fulvia mutica), (Ruditapes philippinarum), ƒ (Cyclina sinensis), (Crassostrea gigas), (Ostrea denselamellosa), e(mytilius edulis) (Musculus senhausia) m³ x 41,948 /m ƒ» s³ x (57,557 /m ) 72.8% w (Table 2). 1m x r 5 e ƒ ƒ 40 /m, 184 /m. 6 š ƒ ƒ 682 /m, 512 /m ƒ. x ƒw» w 7 š (2,00 /m ) 4% w 1,007 /m x. ƒ xw 8 š (9,157 /m ) 47% w. 9 e w 8 w x x w w. 9 x š (1,648 /m ) v (1,649 /m ) ù 8 w û š v w s f. ù e ƒƒ 1,507 /m 1,592 /m» ƒ x w w ù e x ƒ ƒ 50.6% 65.8% w.» x š (.5%), v (16.2%), (12.5%) ƒ 62% w. œ s Fig. 6. x ƒ š w E-line û x. p ƒ G2 (48,176 / m ) w ew N1 (42,998 /m ) ùkû. ù û x. v s w š w. ù ƒ x w G1 (29,98 /m ) F (24,28 /m ) ¾ w x ùkû. š ù v N1 (12,288 /m ) x
7 294 ½, «, x Fig. 5. Monthly distribution of density (inds./m³) of total larvae in Deukryang Bay ( : <1,000, : <5,000, : <10,000, : <100,000, : <500,000, : 500,000<). Table 2. Monthly mean number (inds./m ) of the dominant bivalve larvae in Deukryang Bay from May to November in 1995 Month Species Ss Sb Fm Cg Od Rp Cs Me Ms May Jun ,2 Jul. 2, , ,981 Aug. 9,157,425 1,29 2, ,55 Sep. 1,648 1, ,507 1,592 7,291 Oct ,410 Nov ,00 2,405 Total 14,00 6,792 2,57 5,224 1,651 2, ,289 4,618 41,948 Ss: Scapharca subcrenata, Sb: Scapharca broughtonii, Fm: Fulvia mutica, Cg: Crassostrea gigas, Od: Ostrea denselamellosa, Rp: Rudutapes philippinarum, Cs: Cyclina sienesis, Me: Mytilus edulis, Ms: Musculus senhausia. Total
8 s 295 Fig. 6. Mean distribution of larval density (inds./m³) of nine bivalve species in Deukryang Bay from May to November 1995 ( : <500, : <1,000, : <5,000, : <10,000, : <20,000, : <50,000, : 50,000<). G1 (9,147 /m ) G2 (7,79 /m ) x. ù w x. ƒ w G2 (29,61 /m ) G1 (2,466 /m ) xw B4 B 1,000 /m w û x. x w û x. w w C5 (9,554 /m ) S1 (6,420 /m ) x. w w w x. ƒ w ƒ x w C5 (7,066 /m ) ƒ x ù û x. ûš ü x
9 296 ½, «, x š G2 (9,889 /m ) ƒ xw. e ƒ w G2 (15,002 /m ) C1 (12,7 /m ) xw ù ³ w sw. C1 (14,421 /m ) G1 (12,96 /m ) x. š p,, ù (Boolootian et al., 1962), ù w ƒ e wš ¾ ù (Yoo et al., 1970). x» 6~9, p 8 ƒ xw,» 7 w 8 w ¾ q.»ƒ 7 8 w šw Kim and Park (1996) ew. x ƒ 8 s³ 25 o C š š j w». D ƒ» x 9 ~11 w w e w š» w. x. 5 6 x w. 9~10 e x ƒ» w eƒ 9~10 w Park and Lim (1995) ew. ù e»ƒ p w x. 6 8 ¾ x ƒ 9 z. ûw»ƒ 6~7 9 2z (Chang and Lee, 1982) š. w v s 8~9 š 7~8 w w, v»ƒ š w. p w w ù, v 10 m ¾ w» w š w» ƒ. ƒ 7 l x ƒw» w 8 š x 10 ¾ x w x» ¼. ƒ» ¼» ƒ (Choi and Song, 197; Won, 1994). w» t» ƒw. Tsutsumi and Sekiguchi (1996)ƒ xw» 5, 9 12 š šw 5 7 ¾ xw š 8 l 11 ¾ x. x»ƒ j q.» ¾ w 2 ~6 w (Yoo, 2000) ƒ x» 1». e w 7». ù»» w yw» q w w. x 9 š v ƒ. (Kim and Hur, 1998) šw, š, v,, ew.,, ƒ w» w w. š ƒ xw š» q, v wš x v š ù w» ƒ. j, x w s p q w. Kim and Park (1996) j w ƒ š w w» w. š ƒ xw š j š šw x ew. ƒ w (Miyawaki and Sekiguchi, 1999; Ishii et al., 2001). w w s w ƒ w w. s p w w š, ¾ w û ùkû
10 , s³ 2.8~.7 Kim et al. (1995) Kim and Hur (1998) w. s x j. y» sƒ» w w. wr œ s ù w (Quayle, 1964; Sekiguchi, 1997; Kasuya et al., 2004). ¾ w ƒ ¾ w û w mw ûw ƒ ùƒ x (Lee et al., 1995). s w w p w q. 6 ³ w s t»k» w ƒ x ƒ. p S1 x û x p ƒ. Kong and Lee (1994) e š šw ewš. 7 x 6 w w ùkû ù x w w. 8 D x ƒ š w w» ƒ.» 8 ƒ x w œ û q» q. œ s. š v C-line xwš, e, š w š. ù, ƒ, sw ùkû. A-line B-line x š w w G-line x š. sƒ,,, y w w (Quayle and Bourne, 1972; Williams, 1978; Ishii et al., 2001). x ƒ 50 cm/sec š(lee et al., 1995), w w ¾š, w w (Kim et al., 1995), (Yang et al, 1995) j v w (RCOID, 1995) û y w š š. ù 5 m w w w» 25 o C, s ww y wš. p ƒ 10 cm/sec w š q. w w ƒ w (Jung et al., 1994) x q. Yang et al. (1995) k š š w ù» t x š. p w k w ƒ d. yw y sƒ ³ q w y w w q. s w» w l 11 ¾ 29 w. x ( /m ) 5 (,76 /m ) l ƒw 8 (174,616 /m ) š z 11 (2,171 /m )¾ w. 5 l 11 ¾ xw 1 m s³ ƒ D 76%, ƒ» 18%, ƒ» 6% w. 5 l 11 ¾ 9 š 14,00 /m.5% w, v (16.2%), (12.5%), (11.0%), e (10.2%). s w e w» 7 q. œ s ù, x š, š w x. w w œw k w w w. š x Boolootian, R. A., A. Farmanharmaian and A. C. Giess, On the reproductive cycle and breeding habits of two western species of Haliotis. Biol. Bull., 122, Choe, K. J., The resources of the ark-shell, Anadara broughtonii in Deukryang Bay. J. Kor. Fish. Soc., 7, Chang, Y. J. and T. Y. Lee, Gametogenesis and reproductive cycle of the cockle, Fulvia mutica (Reeve). J. Kor. Fish. Soc.,
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