Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: : * Research Subject
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1 Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: : * Research Subject Trend Analysis on Educational Innovation with Network Text Analysis Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyze the research trends on the educational innovation gathered from Korean academic journals and master s and doctoral degree dissertations published from 2004 to Method: In order to achieve the objectives, 312 articles and dissertations were collected from RISS utilizing the key word "educational innovation". A total of 1,560 key words were selected from the articles to perform the network text analysis, especially to acquire each node's frequency, co-occurrence and centrality degree. Results: The four most frequently appeared key words were 'educational innovation', 'teacher', 'curriculum', and 'instruction'. The key word which appeared with the most frequency across all government administrations that were installed from 2004 to 2018 was 'educational innovation ; and the most frequent key words by coinciding with each administration are as follows: 1) Rho Moo-Hyun: 'teacher' and 'university' 2) Lee Myoung-Bak: 'university' and 'curriculum', 3) Park Geun-Hye: 'curriculum' and 'teachers', 4) Moon Jae-In: '4th Industrial Revolution' and 'teacher'. Extracted key words were categorized into six groups: group one - 'educational innovation' and 'curriculum', group two - 'university education', group three - 'teachers' and 'learners', group four - '4th industrial revolution', group five 'HRD' and 'regional innovation' and group six - 'educational innovation'. Conclusion: While the number of researches on educational innovation increased gradually from 2004, more research trend analyses should be conducted in order to provide better conceptualizations of 'educational innovation', 'educational reform' and 'innovation schools'. Key words : educational innovation, key word analysis, network text analysis, governmental analysis, research trend analysis * (2 ). Corresponding Author: Shon, Mi. Busan National University of Education, Dept. of Education, 24, Gyodae-ro, Yeonje-gu, Busan, South Korea,
2 .. PISA. (), ICT. ODA.,?? 4?.,.,.,,..,,..,.,, 3.. OECD(2005) (innovation),,. (reform) (,, 2018; OECD, 2005). (, 2018;
3 ,,, 2016) RISS. cross-checking (, 2005).. < I-1> RISS.. 33, 4, 1, / / / / / / , , 15.. (1994),
4 (2003), (2003), (2005), (2005) 10, (2006) ( ), (2007),,,,, (2009), (2010), (2013) 18.,. (2018) ICT : 18,, ICT.,., (2012),,, (2016).. (2005) 50,,, (2010),, (2018). 2005,,, (2010),,, (2018). 4,. (2004~2008), (2009~2013), (2014~2017) (2018). 1.., 4?, 4?
5 , 4?...., (1994). (p. 87).,,,,.,, 25. (2003) (p.118)... (p. 118),, (2005) 1980,,,,
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8 .,, (2016) < >. ICT : 18, (, 2018). (2018) ( ) RISS 1,. 1 txt. 2 2,. RISS,. < -1> %
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16 ,.,, ()... 1) 노무현정부주요주제어네트워크텍스트분석결과 11, < -9> (0.57). < -4>.,, < -8>
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20 () < -15> (0.7), (0.5). < -4>,. < -14> ,
21 ., ,,,. ICT 7.9% 14.9%. ICT (2018) ICT ICT ICT,,, e-learning,, u-learning,,,,,, m, m-learning,,,,,, MOOC,,,, (p.246),, RISS. (5 ) (4 ) 4 (7 ) () (7 ). (3 ) 3. ICT. ICT, ICT ICT.,, ICT,,, 4, ().. ICT ICT ICT. ICT, ICT. (, 2018: 259),
22 . < -6>, (0.93) (0.31), (0.31), (0.34) 4 (0.41), (0.31), (0.24), (0.21), (0.21) ICT. ICT,. (0.69) (0.31).,.,,.. < -3> 6. 6,,, 4,.. ICT (2018). ICT,.,.,.,. 1, 2, ICT ()..
23 .,.,. < -5>, 0.57( ) 0.67( ). 41% 34% 0.33( ) 0.4( ).,,,... ( 4, )... (0.2), < -4>.,. 312? <-1> ,.. 4,.
24 ,, (2014). : 1982~2012. (1), (2003).. (1), (2018).. (3), (2013). 18,. (3), ,, (2010).. (3), ,, (2018). : ( ). (1), kces (2003). 참여정부교육개혁, 추진력에문제있다. ( ). (2015). :. (1), (2018). ICT : 18,. (4), pnuedi , (2018).. (2), (2018).. (2), (2016). :. (2006). () ,,,, (2009).,. (1), 1-24., (2013). :. (2) , Leydesdorff, L. (2004). KrKwic. (5),
25 ,,,,,, (2005). 50 :. (2), ,, (2016). : 20,. (1), (1994).. (1), ,, (2018).. (2), (2003). [ ] (2012).. (4), ,,, (2016).. (3) ,, (2016). -. (2), (2005) (2005). : 10. (1), (2010).. (2), , (2012).. (2), (2007) OECD (2005). Oslo Manual, OECD & Statistical Office of the European Communities. Paris: OECD Publishing. Popping, R. (2000). Computer-assisted text analysis. London: SAGE. Roberts, C. W. (1997). "Introduction" In C. W. Roberts, ed. Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences from Texts and Transcripts, 1-8. Mahwah, NJ: Saur. : / : / :
26 : : : RISS ,560. : 4,,,,.,,, 4.. 1, 2, 3, 4 4, 5, 6. 4, (),. : 4,.. ICT, ICT (, 4, (), )..
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:237~251 Received: 2016/11/20, Accepted: 2016/12/24 Revised: 2016/12/21, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] Recently, there is an increasing
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A Depth Interview on Qualification, Role, and Professionalism of Infant/Toddler Teachers Department of Child & Family Studies, Kyung Hee University Associate Professor : Ahn, Sun Hee Department of Early
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:3~20 Received: 2016/12/04, Accepted: 2016/12/27 Revised: 2016/12/27, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] This study aims to comprehensively analyze
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The Values, Consumption Culture, and Clothing Attitudes of a Modern New Generation as the Primary Consumer of Modern Korean Culture: From the 1920 s to the 1930 s Department of Fashion Design, Osan College
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