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1 The Values, Consumption Culture, and Clothing Attitudes of a Modern New Generation as the Primary Consumer of Modern Korean Culture: From the 1920 s to the 1930 s Department of Fashion Design, Osan College Associate Professor : Hye Won Park <Abstract> The purpose of this study was to characterize the new women, modern girls and modern boys from the 1920 s to the 1930 s as a modern new generation, the primary consumer of modern consumption culture, and to examine their values, lifestyles, consumption culture and clothing attitudes. The data were obtained from the magazines and newspapers published from 1920 s to 1930 s and previous literatures, and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The results were as follows: A modern new generation meant the new women, modern girls, and modern boys seeking for the western looks and cultural tastes. The values of a new generation people were individualism, materialism, and modernism which was the same as Americanism. They enjoyed western lifestyles and sports and consumed new mass media and popular culture. Their clothing attitudes were fashion orientation, conformity, symbolism, conspicuous consumption, aesthetic value, individuality, and practicality. (a modern new generation), (consumption culture), (values), (clothing attitudes) Corresponding Author : Hye Won Park, Department of Fashion Design, Osan College, 17 Chunghakdong, Osan, , Kyeonggi-do, Korea Tel: Fax: *










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