Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp DOI: : - Qualitative Met
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1 Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp DOI: : - Qualitative Meta-Synthesis on Child-Nurturing Experiences of Female Marriage Immigrants: Becoming-Mother in Korea Purpose: The research aimed to understand the child-nurturing experiences of female marriage immigrants through qualitative meta-analysis and to re-conceive the multicultural discourses in Korea. Method: The researchers conducted a qualitative meta-synthesis according to the seven steps proposed by Noblit and Hare (1988). The subjects were thirteen qualitative research articles published in journals, in which participants were female marriage immigrants who were raising young children in Korea. The meanings of child-nurturing described in the articles were synthesized, conceptualized, and categorized. Results: As a result of qualitative meta-analysis, 2 categories of meanings - 'placing in l'espace strié' and 'making the borderlands' - and 7 core concepts including 'pregnancy and childbirth in a strange culture' were found under the heading of 'Becoming-mother in Korea. Conclusion: The researchers re-interpreted the positionality of female marriage immigrants in the perspectives of Deleuze & Guattari and Anzaldúa, and urged to re-conceive the violence of Korean society's multicultural discourses. Key words: Female marriage immigrant, child-nurturing, qualitative meta-analysis, positionality, borderland Corresponding Author: Lee, Kyeong-Hwa. Pukyong National University, Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Yongso-Ro 45, Nam-Gu, Busan, Korea,
2 . (2017) 2016 ( ), (,, ) 176 4, %. 10 3,. 1988,,,.,,,,. (, immigrant) (border), (, 2015: 15).,,.,.,., (discourse) 1).,,,,, (,, 2013;,, 2017;, 2012;, 2010;, 2007).,. (2009) 1) (habitus) (Bourdieu, 2001/2014: 7)..
3 ,. (family of origin), (,,, 2011),,,, (, 2012;,, 2011;,, 2013).,,,, (,, 2009: 75),..,. (politics of location) (, 2008: 43).,, (positionality).,,.,?.,., (, 2011). -,.,,,.
4 ,.,,, (, 2008: 230),.,...?., (,, 2017). (qualitative meta-synthesis) (qualitative meta-synthesis), (,, 2017).,., ( ( ( ( ( ( , (< -1> ).
5 , 256 (1 ), 256 (2 ) 169, 12, (3 ),, 31., 31 (4 ), 13., 1 : () (), (), 2 :,,, ê , : ( ) ê 2 : ( 169, 12, 5 ) ê 3 : (, 39 ) ê 4 : ( ) , 7. < -1>, < -2>.
6 () 1,,,, (2009) 2, (2011) 3 (2012) 4, (2012) 5, (2012) 6 (2012) 7 (2013) 8 9,,, (2014),, (2014) 10, (2015) 11 (2015) 12 (2015) 13 (2017) ( ) (,, ) ( ) 1,,,,
7 ( ) 2 3 ( )?,, 1.? 2.? 3.?,, (,, ),,,,, 11 H, 5 ( ) , ? 2.?,,,,,,,, , ,.,,,,,,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,
8 ( ) ( ) 1. 2.,,,,,,, 1.? 2.? 3.?,,?,,, 1.? 2.? ( ), 1.? 2.? 3.?,, 1.? 2.? 3.?,,, (,, ),,, 17,,, 20 8,, 6, 5,,, 5,,,,, 7 ( ) ( ) - - ( ) (, 2, ) - -,, (20004) , , (, 2, )
9 ( ) 13 ( ) 1.?,, (,, ),,,,, 10 ( ) Noblit Hare(1988) 7. Noblit Hare(1988) (2017)., 1 (Getting started),,. 2 (Deciding what is relevant to the initial interest),., 13. 3(Reading the studies),. 13, < -3>.. a. b. c. 1. a. b..
10 ( ) 1. a. b. c. d. e.. a. b (, )....., a. b. a. b. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. e.,,,
11 ( ), 5. a., b.. ( ) c. a.. b. c., 6. ( ) a. b.. ( ) a. b. 7. ( )... a. 1, b. 2, c. 3, a., b. c. d. a. b. c. a. 8. : b. c. d.. a. 9. b. c. d.
12 ( ) a.. b. c. a.. b. c. a.. b. c a. ( ) b. a. b. c. d. e. a.. b. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. a. b. c.. a.... a. b. a. b. a. b.
13 ( ) a.. b. c. 13. a. b. c. 4 (Determining how the studies are related),. < -3>, (Translating the studies into one another),. 4 5 < -4>. 6 (Synthesizing translations),. 7 (Expressing the synthesis), -., (saturation),. 1-. a. b. c. :
14 ( ) : a. b. 9-. c a. ( ) b a. b a b. 1-. a. b. 2-. (, ) 3-. b. 4-. a ( ) a., 11-. a. b. c a. : 13-. b d. 5-.,
15 ( ) 6-. a. b. c., 6-. ( ) a. b. 6-. a. 1, b. 2, c. 3, 10-. b b a. 1-. c. : 1-. b c. 6-. a. b. 9-. a a c b c b.
16 ( ) 7-. c. 8-. : c. 9-. c d c. 1-. a. b. 3-., a. b. c a., b. c. d. 7-. a. b. c a. ( ) 11-. c a. b. c b. a.
17 ( ) 1-. e. 1-. a. c. d. 3-. a. 4-. b. 4-. a. b. c. d. e. 9-. b a (devenir, becoming) 2) (Vallani & Sasso, 2012: 107)., (,, 2012). 13, -. 2),,,,.
18 Gilles Deleuze Felix Guattari (Deleuze & Guattari, 2001: 907), 13 (l'espace strié) 3)..,,,. 1) 낯선문화에서의임신과출산.,..,...()...?. (, 2015/ 3) 5 5kg. (). (, 2015/ A).. (, 2009/ B).... (, 2015/ 1) 2) 언어의한계 (2012) 3) 1980 Deleuze Guattari (Mille plateux)., (Villani & Sasso, 2003/2012: 124).
19 .,.,,.,,,. (,, 2012/ 01) (,, 2012/ ),.,,? (,, 2012/ 01).... (, 2009/ D)..,. (, 2015/ F) 3) 차별에대한걱정 (2017),.,. ( )...
20 . (, 2009/ A),..... (, 2012/ A) (,, 2015/ D) ( )... (, 2013/ 9).... (, 2012/ I) 4) 경제적어려움.,..? (, 2014/ 8) (,, 2015/ 2)...() (,, 2012/ ) 20...() (, 2015/ A),,. (, 2009/ A)
21 5) 가부장적남편 (2012),.,,...,.,, 12,. (,, 2012/ 06),... (,, 2011/ ).. (, 2014/ H) 7 2. (, 2014/ 1). (, 2015). 13.., (l'espace lisse). Gloria Anzaldúa(1999), (borderlands). (borders)
22 ,, (Anzaldúa, 1999: 25). (normal),.. (fuite/flight),,. 1) 엄마됨의경계를품다,. (, 2012: 12),.,.....()...,. (, 2009/ F)....!...,..(.)......().... (, 2013/ 3),.,. (, 2017/ 04),...,,. (, 2012/ )
23 ,,....,. (,, 2012/ 07) (, 2015/ B)..... (,, 2012/ ) 2) 교육의경계를품다,..,,. (, 2009/ A). (),.... (, 2009/ F).. (,, 2012/ ), ,. (, 2017/ 04)
24 ?. (, 2012/ H),.. (, 2014/ 1) 3, 4.,,,,,. (, 2013/ 12),..,. (, 2009/ A). (), ().,., Deleuze Guattari(2001), Anzaldúa(1999),,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,...
25 (, 2011). (,, 2013;,,, 2009;,, 2014), 1.,,,. Anzaldúa(1999),,., 13.,,., (,,, 2009;, 2010;, 2012;, 2013;, 2013). Deleuze Guattari(2001)., -.,.,.,?
26 , (2009). : ,,,,, (2017).. (2), , (2015).. (6), (2011)... (2012).. (3), (2012).. (2), (2010).. (2), , (2013).,. (11), , (2012). Deleuze , (2017) (2008). :. (4), (2008) (1), ,, (2011).. (4), , (2012).. (3), (2013) (2012)...
27 , (2011).. (2), (2011).. (1), , (2012).. (1), , (2013).,,. (4), , (2017) , (2012).. (5), , (2017).. (1), ,,, (2014).. (4), , (2013).. (2), (2012).. (5), (2015).. (4), (2013).. (3), ,, (2009).. (2), (2017).. (2), (2017). -. (1) (2010). The impact of acculturative stress and percevied social support on depression of marriage-based immigrant women in Korea: An examination of moderating and mediating effects of social support. (2), , (2014).. (2), (2015). :,,. (3),
28 (2015).. (3), ,,,, (2009).. (2), (2007).. (1), ,, (2014).. (4), (2012). (, Mudigkeitsgesellschaft). :. ( 2010) (2013).. (4), (2017). ( ) (2009) , (2011).. (2), Anzaldúa, G. (1999). Borderlands/La frontera: The new mestiza (2nd ed), San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books. Bourdieu, P. (2014). Langage et pouvoir symboliqu.e. (2014). :. Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (2001). (, Mille plateaux: Capitalism etschizofhrenie ). :. ( 1980 ). Noblit, G. W., & Hare, R. D. (1988). Meta-Ethnography: Synthesizing qualitative tudies. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Villani, A., & Sasso, R. (2003). Le vocabulaire de Gilles Deleuze. (2012). :. : / : / :
29 : - :,. : Noblit Hare(1988) ,. : 13, : Deleuze Guattari, Anzaldúa 13,.
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Disability & Employment 2011. 8. 제21권 제3호(통권 72호) pp.209~238 장애인의 직업재활을 위한 자기표현력 향상에 관한 집단미술치료 사례연구 임혜숙 서울사회복지대학원대학교 사회복지학과 교수 요 약 본 연구에서는 장애인의 직업재활동기를 강화시키고 지속시키는데 필요한 자기표현력 향상을 위한 집단미술치료의 영향에 관하여 사례연구를
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:237~251 Received: 2016/11/20, Accepted: 2016/12/24 Revised: 2016/12/21, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] Recently, there is an increasing
金 台 俊 의 學 術 硏 究 와 國 故 整 理 作 業 *1) - 朝 鮮 漢 文 學 史 서술을 중심으로 崔 英 成 ** ` Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 天 台 山 人 의 생애 개관 Ⅲ. 天 台 山 人 의 학문 역정 Ⅳ. 조선한문학사 의 위치 Ⅴ. 조선한문학사 의 방법론과 한계 요 약 1930년대 국문학자, 문학사가( 文 學 史 家 )로 활약했던, 전설적인 인물
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아시아 여성의 국제결혼에 대한 미디어 담론 : 한국 미디어의 재현방식을 통해 김수정(인천대학교 신문방송학과 박사과정) 1. 들어가는 말 길가를 지나다보면 베트남, 필리핀 등 동남아시아 여성과의 국제결혼을 알선하는 내용의 현수막을 쉽게 발견할 수 있다. 현수막의 대부분은 한국 남성과 외국, 특히 동남아시아 지 역의 여성과 결혼을 알선해주는 내용을 담고 있다.
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Research subject change trend analysis of Journal of Educational Information and Media Studies : Network text analysis of the last 20 years * The obje
Research subject change trend analysis of Journal of Educational Information and Media Studies : Network text analysis of the last 20 years * The objectives of this study are analyzing research trends
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148 한국교육학연구 제21권 제2호 I. 서 론 일반적으로 이주자들은 주류사회의 구성원과는 구별되는 타자 로 인지된다. 따라서 이주자 들은 정주자와는 구별되는 그들만의 특별한 정체성 을 가지고 있거나 때로는 정상성 1) 에서 벗어나 있는 존재로 회자된다. 한국사회에서
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The Values, Consumption Culture, and Clothing Attitudes of a Modern New Generation as the Primary Consumer of Modern Korean Culture: From the 1920 s to the 1930 s Department of Fashion Design, Osan College
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