검사시스템 Inspection System 누적리드오차 / 반복위치결정정도 P-002 Accumulated Lead Error, Repeatability 로스트모션 P-003 Lost Motion 진직도, 수직도 P-004 Straightness, Verticality

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검사시스템 Inspection 누적리드오차 / 반복위치결정정도 P-002 Accumulated Lead Error, Repeatability 로스트모션 P-003 Lost Motion 진직도, 수직도 P-004 Straightness, Verticality 백래쉬 P-005 Backlash 모멘트하중 P-006 Moment Stiffness 회전중심변위량, 워크디스턴스, 수평내하중 P-007 Rotation Center Error, Work Distance, Capacity (Horizontal) 회전스테이지 : 누적오차 / 로스트모션 P-008 Rotation Stage: Accumulated Lead Error, Lost Motion 각도재현성 / 피치오차 / 면떨림 / 편심 P-009 Rotation Stage: Angular Repeatability, Pitch Error, Surface Runout, Eccentricity

산테이지Motorized Stage 검사시스템 / 스테이지검사에관해서 Kohzu Stage Inspection Standards 누적리드오차 ( 위치결정정도 ) Accumulated Lead Error (Positioning Accuracy) 시스템제품 Products수동정밀스테이지Manual Stage 자동정밀스레이저길이측정기 이론값 Theoretical value 기준점 ( 원점 ) 에서한방향으로일정간격으로순차적으로위치결정을하고각각의위치결정지점에서의측정값 ( 기준점에서실제로이동한위치 ) 과지령값 ( 지령한실제로이동해야하는위치 ) 과의차이를테이블의이동범위에서측정하고, 그차이의최대차이값을누적리드오차 ( 위치결정오차 ) 라고합니다. 오차 l Error l 오차 L Error L 반복위치결정정도 Repeatability 실측값 Measured value 이동거리 Moving distance The positioning accuracy depends on errors in six degree of freedom. In a case of a linear positioning stage, the positioning accuracy is influenced by angular error (pitch, yaw, and roll), straightness (vertical and horizontal), and the lead error. Here is defined the positioning error is came from the lead error of screw as one of main reason and it is accumulated when the linear stage moves unidirectional within the full stroke. That s why it is called as Accumulated Lead Error (ALE). It is difference between a real output and ideal / calculated input. When the linear stage makes positioning in each position by each commanded values, there is an error between them. It is measured and calculated like following; (Actual displacement) (Commanded displacement value). The maximum deviation within the full stroke is defined as the ALE. 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진공스테이지Vacuum Stage Maximum error 최대차 레이저길이측정기 자동 X 스테이지 Motorized X stage 임의의한점 ( 기준으로하는측정점 ) 에서같은방향으로위치결정을하고그위치를측정합니다. 이측정점에대해서 7 회측정을하고그최대차이를구합니다. 이조작을소정의위치에서하고구한값의최대값의 1/2 에 ± 를붙인값을반복위치결정정도라고합니다. 단, 소정의위치란 X 스테이지는중앙 양끝의 3 점이며, 스위벨및 스테이지는중앙의 1 점으로합니다. Positioning is repeated 7 times at an arbitrary point from the same direction, the stop position is measured. Perform this operation on three (3) points: at the center and at both ends. Then multiply the maximum deviation by 1/2. Repeatability is indicated by adding ± to one half of the maximum deviation. The load is only a corner cube placed on the center of the table. 레이저길이측정기 검 오토콜리메이터 Autocollimator 자동스위벨스테이지 Motorized Swivel stage 자동 스테이지 Motorized stage P-002 CONTACT TEL +81-44-981-2131 / FAX +81-44-981-2181 E-mail sale@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp

시스템제밀스테이지Manual Stage 자 검로스트모션 Lost Motion L4' L3' L2' L1' L4 L3 L2 레이저길이측정기 L1 자동 X 스테이지 Motorized X stage 소정의위치 ( 기준으로하는측정위치 ) 에대해서정방향 ( 모터회전 CW 방향 ) 부터위치결정하고그위치를측정합니다.(L1) 그리고정방향으로이동한후, 부방향 ( 모터회전 CCW 방향 ) 으로같은량의지령을주고이동시켜위치결정을하고그위치를측정합니다.(L1') 그리고부방향으로이동한후정방향으로같은양의지령을주고이동시켜위치결정을하고, 그위치를측정합니다 (L2). 이위치결정측정을, 정방향 부방향으로 7 회실시하고, 각각의차이를구해그값을평균화한소정의위치안에서의최대값을로스트모션이라고합니다. 단소정의위치란, X 스테이지는중앙 양끝의 3 점이고, 스위벨및 스테이지는중앙의 1 점으로합니다. Around a defined position, a stage moves in back and forth displacement with the same command (same amount of pulse). The back and forth displacement takes place 7 times, and the difference between the average displacement (back and forth in 7 times) is determined. This should be measured at center and both ends of motion, and the maximum difference is defined as the "Lost Motion". 품 Products 수동정동정 밀스테이지Motorized Stage 산 L1 오토콜리메이터 Autocollimator L1' L2' L3' L2 L3 L4 자동스위벨스테이지 Motorized Swivel stage 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진레이저길이측정기 공스테이지Vacuum Stage L1' L2' L3' L4' L1 L2 L3 L4 자동 스테이지 Motorized stage 제품문의 TEL :+81-44-981-2131 / FAX :+81-44-981-2181 E-mail sales@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp P-003

산테이지Motorized Stage 검사시스템 / 스테이지검사에관해서 Kohzu Stage Inspection Standards 진직도 ( 수직성분 ) Straightness (Within the vertical plane) 진직도 ( 수평성분 ) Straightness (Within the horizontal plane) 수동 자동 X 스테이지 Manual & Motorized X Stage 수동 자동 X 스테이지 Manual & Motorized X Stage 회시스템제품 Products수동정밀스테이지Manual Stage 자동정밀스변위량 Vertical displacement 기준선 Baseline +Δ 1 +Δ 2 이동거리 Moving Distance 변위량 Horizontal displacement +Δ 1 이동거리 기준선 Baseline Moving Distance +Δ 2 전Rotation 기준위치에서한방향으로순차적으로위치결정을실시하고각각의위치에서의수직방향 (Vertical), 수평방향 (Horizontal) 변위길이와기준위치와의차이를측정하고, 측정값의시작점 끝점을연결한직선에서의변위최대차이를진직도라고합니다. 진직도는수직성분과수평성분이있습니다. 각각의성분최대값을스테이지의진직도라고합니다. Place a reference plane (such as a straight edge) on the table top face, trace a displacement gauge in the table moving range, and obtain the maximum value of displacement from the straight line that connects the start point and the end point. This value is defined as straightness. The straightness has a vertical component and a horizontal component. The maximum value of each component is defined as the stage straightness. 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진공스테이지Vacuum Stage 검수직도 (2 방향 ) Verticality (two directions) 수동 자동 스테이지 Manual & Motorized Stage 스트로크끝 Stroke end 테이블상면에취부한변위계로 Stone Square 의수직기준면을테이블의이동범위내에서일정방향으로움직이며생기는변위의최대값을수직도라고합니다. An indicator is set up at the table so that it touches the perpendicular surface of the standard square, and then it is raised while measuring the displacement. Displacement when moving from the starting point of one stroke end (displacement 0) to the opposite stroke end is defined as verticality. 변위량 Displacement 이동거리 변위계 Indicator Moving Distance 스톤스퀘어 Stone standard square ΔL P-004 CONTACT TEL +81-44-981-2131 / FAX +81-44-981-2181 E-mail sale@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp

시스템제밀스테이지Manual Stage 자 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진 검백래쉬 Backlash 레이저길이측정기 자동 X 스테이지 Motorized X stage 테이블을 ORG 위치또는이동범위의중앙을기준위치로하고, 기준위치로이동할때의보내는방향과같은방향으로규정된를가한후, 를해제합니다. 기준위치와를해제한후의위치차이를백래쉬라고합니다. Linear Stage (X, X, ) The backlash is defined as the remained value shown by the indicator after applying a force 1 kg to the same direction of the last displacement of stage with a push gauge and releasing it. For example, the indicator is attached to the edge of a table after the stage moves 5 mm to motor side from the original position. After the setting, the 1 kg force is applied to the same direction and released. The remained value indicator shows is the backlash. Swivel Stage (Goniometer) The table is moved from the anti-motor side to the center and is stopped. The position is read with an autocollimator, and the position is used as a reference. The table is pushed with a force of 1 kg in the tangential direction of the arc, motor side direction, then the force is released. The value of the autocollimator is defined as the backlash for swivel stage. 품 Products 수동정동정 밀스테이지Motorized Stage 산 오토콜리메이터 Autocollimator 자동스위벨스테이지 Motorized Swivel stage 임의의위치를기준점으로정하고, 기준위치로이동할때의보내는방향과동일한접선방향으로규정한를가한후를해제합니다. 기준위치와를해제한후의위치차이를백래쉬라고합니다. Motorized Rotation stage Rotation Stage The table is rotated clockwise and stopped at an arbitrary angular position which is taken as an origin. Then, a 1kg force is applied tangentially in the clockwise direction from the external portion by means of a push gauge and the push gauge is released. The backlash is defined as the angular difference between the origin and the position where the table stops after releasing the force. 공스테이지Vacuum Stage 제품문의 TEL :+81-44-981-2131 / FAX :+81-44-981-2181 E-mail sales@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp P-005

산테이지Motorized Stage 검 시스템제품 Products수동정밀스테이지Manual Stage 자동정밀스검사시스템 / 스테이지검사에관해서 Kohzu Stage Inspection Standards 모멘트하중 ( 롤강성 ) Moment Stiffness (Roll Direction) Δθ Δθ 수동 자동 X 스테이지 Manual & Motorized X Stage 테이블을 ORG 위치또는이동범위의중앙에위치시키고, 임의의모멘트하중 ( 축외하중 ) 을가했을때의테이블상면의변위한각도 ( 단위 N cm 당 ) 를모멘트하중이라고합니다. When an force in the roll direction is applied, the table tilts. Momentum is defined as the tilt angle of the table per momentum unit. Units are [ arcsec / N cm ]. 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진 Δθ 수동 자동스위벨스테이지 Manual & Motorized Swivel Stage We define this parameter as table tilting under an off table center load (load of W kg is applied to the table at a distance l cm, perpendicular to the rotation axis from the table center). Units are [ arcsec / N cm ]. 공스테이지Vacuum Stage 수동 Manual & P-006 CONTACT TEL +81-44-981-2131 / FAX +81-44-981-2181 E-mail sale@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp

시스템제밀스테이지Manual Stage 자 검회전중심변위량 Rotation Center Error 수동 자동스위벨스테이지 Manual & Motorized Swivel Stage 워크디스턴스 Work Distance 수동 자동스위벨스테이지 Manual & Motorizedl Swivel Stage CCD 카메라 CCD camera 테이블윗방향의실제회전축에기준점을설치하고, 테이블을전체이동범위내에서움직였을때, 기준점의떨림을 CCD 카메라로측정하여그떨림양을회전중심변위량이라고합니다. Set a reference point on the actual rotation axis above the table and while operating the table in the full moving range, follow the deflection of the reference point with a CCD camera. The amount of deflection is defined as the rotation center error. 회전중심변위량측정시에설치한기준점에서테이블상면까지의거리를워크디스턴스라고합니다. 품 Products 수동정동정 밀스테이지Motorized Stage 산 CCD 카메라 CCD camera The distance from the reference point set for measuring the rotating center displacement to the table top face is defined as the working distance. 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진수평내하중 Capacity (Horizontal) 스테이지를수평으로설치했을때에, 테이블중심에가할수있는한계하중을말합니다. ( 정도보증가능한한계하중입니다.) A limit load is applied at the center of the table when the table is installed horizontally. All specification of the table can be guaranteed. 주의 ) 설치상태에따라서내하중은변화합니다. 고객님의사용조건에따라서도달라지기때문에상세한것은폐사영업부로문의바랍니다. Note 1: In a case where an excessive load is to be applied, please consult with us, first. Note 2: The withstand load varies with the installation state. The value depends also on the customer's operating conditions. For details, contact our sales department. 공스테이지Vacuum Stage 제품문의 TEL :+81-44-981-2131 / FAX :+81-44-981-2181 E-mail sales@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp P-007

동정밀스테이지Manual Stage 자동정밀스시스템제품 Products 수산테이지Motorized Stage 스위벨(검사시스템 / 스테이지검사에관해서 Kohzu Stage Inspection Standards 누적오차 Accumulated Lead Error 오차 Error 90 180 270 360 테이블 ( 웜휠 ) 1 회전 Table (Worm Wheel) rotation angle 엔코더 Encoder L (θ 스테이지 ) 의누적오차, 로스트모션, 각도재현성및피치오차의정도검사는엔코더 ( 좌측그림 ) 를이용하여실시하고있습니다. An encoder (shown in the left figure) is used for precision inspections of the accumulated lead error, lost motion, angle repeatability, and pitch error of motorized rotary stage (θstage). 임의의위치를기준점으로정하고, 기준점에서한방향으로일정간격으로순차적으로위치결정을실시하고, 각각의위치결정지점에서의측정값 ( 기준점에서실제로이동한위치 ) 과지령값 ( 지령한실제로이동해야하는위치 ) 과의차이를 360 에서측정하고, 그최대차이를누적오차라고합니다. ( 좌측그림의 L) An error as shown in the left diagram appears in an interval of one worm wheel rotation (360 ). Accumulated Lead Error = L 고니오)Swivel (Tilt) 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진공스테이지Vacuum Stage 검 로스트모션 Lost Motion 도착점 Arrival Point 오차 Error 복로 (BACK) Motion Backward 왕로 (GO) Motion Forward 출발점 Departure Point 로스트모션 Lost motion 반환점 Turning Point 임의의위치를기준점으로정하고, 기준점에서한방향으로일정간격으로순차적으로위치결정을실시하여 1 회전측정한후, 반대방향으로똑같이기준점까지측정합니다. 각각의위치결정지점에서의갈때와올때의위치최대차이를로스트모션이라고합니다. X 스테이지의로스트모션과정의가다릅니다. 탄젠트바식회전스테이지의로스트모션의정의는자동스위벨스테이지와동일합니다. When moving rotation stage from 0 to 360 or vice versa, maximum error between motion forward and motion backward is defined as lost motion. The definition of lost motion is difference to X linear stage s. The definition of lost motion of tangent- bar lead mechanism motorized rotation stage is same as motorized swivel stage. P-008 CONTACT TEL +81-44-981-2131 / FAX +81-44-981-2181 E-mail sale@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp

각도재현성 Angular Repeatability 출발점 Departure Point 피치오차 Pitch Error 오차 Error 제 2 반환점 Second Turning Point 제 2 왕로 (GO) Second Motion Forward 면떨림 Surface Runout 편심 Eccentricity 제 1 복로 (BACK) First Motion Backward 제 1 왕로 (GO) First Motion Forward 각도재현성 Angular Repeatability 90 180 270 360 웜축 1 회전 Worm shaft rotation angle 제 1 반환점 First Turning Point 수동 Manual & 수동 Manual & L 임의의위치를기준점이라정하고기준점에서한방향으로일정간격으로순차적으로위치결정을실시하고, 1 회전째를측정한후반대방향으로기준점까지되돌아갑니다. 그후다시반대로 1 회전째와같이 2 회전째측정을실시합니다. 각각의위치결정지점에서의 1 회전째와 2 회전째의최대차이를각도재현성이라고합니다. 탄젠트바식회전스테이지의각도재현성의정의는자동스위벨스테이지의반복위치결정정도와동일합니다. The angular repeatability is defined as the maximum difference (regardless of the direction) when a rotation stage rotates twice of full turns of CW and CCW direction. The difference is calculated by comparing actual positioning in each angle from the first and second same directional rotation, and a bigger difference from CW and CCW rotations is defined as the maximum difference and same as the angular repeatability. The definition of angular repeatability of tangent-bar lead mechanism motorized rotation stage is same as motorized swivel stage. 임의의위치를기준점으로정하고기준점에서한방향으로일정간격으로순차적으로위치결정을실시하고, 각각의위치결정지점에서의측정값 ( 기준점에서실제로이동한위치 ) 과지령값 ( 지령한실제로이동해야하는위치 ) 과의차이를웜휠의 1 치 ( 웜축 1 회전 ) 분의범위에서측정하고그최대차이 ( 좌측그림의 ΔL) 를피치오차라고합니다. Speed reduction ratio in the worm wheel used for our rotation stage is basically 1 / 180. This means that the gear has 180 teeth at the circumference. This defines the extent of deviation from the standard 2 00' 00'' for each tooth. 테이블을 1 회전시켜상면의바깥둘레부근에서상하방향의변위를측정한그최대차이를면떨림이라고합니다. 탄젠트바식은회전범위 ( 풀스크로크 ) 에서측정합니다. An indicator is placed into contact in the vicinity of external periphery of the table, and a measurement is made at 36 points for every 10. Maximum error ( peak to peak ) is obtained. This value is the sum of deviations resulting from surface runout errors and that derive from finished table surface irregularities. The surface runout of tangent-bar lead mechanism rotation stage is measured in full stroke angular range. 테이블을 1 회전시키고회전축의수평방향의변위를측정한그측정값의최대차이를편심이라고합니다. 탄젠트바식은회전범위 ( 풀스트로크 ) 로측정합니다. The inner diameter as a reference is provided in the main shaft. During final assembly, displacement of this inner diameter is measured with an indicator. This value is the sum of roundness deviations of the inner diameter and eccentricity, and we define this value as eccentricity (only for Mont-Blanc series). The eccentricity of tangent-bar lead mechanism rotation stage is measured in full stroke angular range. 시스템제품 Products 수동정밀스테이지Manual Stage 자동정밀스테이지Motorized Stage 산 얼라인먼트스테이지X 진공스테이지Vacuum Stage 검 제품문의 TEL :+81-44-981-2131 / FAX :+81-44-981-2181 E-mail sales@kohzu.co.jp URL http://www.kohzu.co.jp P-009