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iv 머리말 을보던사람이디지털케이블방송을보려고한다 또아날로그오디오만을오디오비디오리시버에연결해놓고돌비사운드를들으려고한다 오디오비디오기기의종류가많아질수록, 그리고그각기기들이점점더많은기능들을제공할수록기기들을엉뚱하게조합하여사용하려는사람들도늘어난다 아마도리눅스전용제품들이흔하지않아서대부분의리눅스사용자들은윈도우즈용제품을갖고씨름할것이다 따라서설명서는뻔한사용법이아니라최선의사용법과제약을사용자들에게명확하게알려주어야한다 메므와 (memoir) 클래스의저자인피터윌슨 (Peter Wilson) 의타이포그래피에대한생각이새겨봄직하다 책을쓴다는것은자신이읽기위해서가아니라다른사람에게읽히기위한것이다 그러므로저자의원고를초고상태그대로내놓을수는없다 또한저자들은출판된자신의저작이독자를사로잡기를원할것이다 여기에는두가지측면이있다 보다중요한것은내용자체이다 저자의생각이흥미롭게표현되었는가하는것 만약내용자체가지겨운것이라면한번흘낏보고심각하게읽어보고자했다하더라도그책을끝까지파고들어서고통받는것보다훨씬재미난일이많을텐데그런일을왜하겠는가 또다른측면은그내용을보여주는방식이다 이것을타이포그라피라고한다 그리고이것이이장의주제이다 좋은타이포그라피의핵심은한눈에알아볼수있는것이아니다 두번세번도마찬가지이다 그것은훈련된눈이아니라면알아보기힘든것이다 만약에책전체를훑어보고난다음맨처음보인반응이그레이아웃에감탄하는것이라면, 그것도디자인이라한다면최악의디자인이다 좋은타이포그라피는미묘한것으로눈에확띄는그런것이아니다 데스크탑출판이보편화되면서많은저자들은자신의책을스스로디자인하려한다 얼핏보기에별것아닌것같다 폰트는많겠다, 그중에서몇개를골라내서제목줄에는이폰트, 본문에는저폰트, 캡션에는또다른폰트를쓰고, 여백을정하고본문폭을정하면그만아닌가 그러나글쓰기가숙련을요하는기술인것과마찬가지로타이포그라피역시숙련과경험을요하는분야이다 책한권의좋은디자인에는수백년의경험이축적되어있다 이것은가볍게무시할수있는것이아니다 스스로디자인까지하는자가저작자들은어렵사리얻은교훈을알지못하고자신들이하는일이그와정반대라는것조차도알지못하는경우가많다 전문가도규칙을깨뜨릴수있다
저작권 v 그러나그들은그규칙이무엇인지알고있으며자신이그것을깨뜨리는데대해합당한이유를가지고있다 자가저작자는타이포그라피규칙을일상적으로깨뜨리지만규칙이무엇인지알지도못하고있는것이다 저자는메시지를만들고타이포그라퍼는매체를만든다 마샬맥루한의의견과는반대로매체라는것은메시지가아닌것이다 타이포그라퍼가하는일은메시지와청중사이에끼어들려는것이아니라가만히독자의흥미를유발하고메시지에빠져들도록만드는것이다 어떤책의디자인과레이아웃이 나좀봐줘! 하고소리치고있다면이것은디자인이아니라광고이며디자이너의작업으로서는이보다더나쁠수없는것이다 스티브잡스의다음말도기억해두는것이좋겠다 저는여러분이아이튠즈에있으면좋을만한아이디어를수천개가지고있다는것을잘압니다 하지만우리는수천개의기능을원하지않습니다 그렇게하면엉망이될겁니다 혁신은모든것에대해서 예 라고말하는것이아닙니다 혁신은정말중요한것을제외한나머지에대해서는 아니오 라고말하는것입니다 저작권 이문서의저작권은이호재에게있다 누구나이문서를수정없이자유롭게배포할수있다 hzmanual 클래스와거기에딸린패키지들의저작권은이호재에게있다 누구나이패키지의일부또는전부를자유롭게이용하고수정없이같은이름으로배포하거나수정하여다른이름으로배포할수있다 그러나아래모두에해당하는사용자는텍학회에가입하거나학회비이상의금액을기부해야한다 (http://wwwktugorkr/xe/?mid=donation) 1 hzmanual 패키지중하나라도이용하여만든문서가설명서인경우 2 그설명서가금전적이익을발생하는경우
vi 차례 차례 머리말저작권 차례그림차례표차례 iii v vi x xi I 판짜기 1 1 준비하기 3 11 레이텍설치하기 3 12 레이텍맛보기 4 레이텍컴파일 4 색인 4 13 저작환경 5 텍편집기 5 명령행이용하기 5 유용한도구들 5 뱃치스크립트명령 6 역탐색 10 14 매뉴얼패키지 11 2 지면배치 13 21 판형과판면 13 22 면주 17
차례 vii 23 바탕무늬 17 24 반달색인 18 3 언어와글꼴 21 31 언어 21 32 글꼴 21 라틴문자 22 기호문자 24 한글 25 4 문서구획 29 41 장과절 29 42 차례 31 43 상호참조 31 44 장애해결 31 5 문장 33 51 과부와고아 33 52 강조 34 용어 34 번호 36 문단 37 글상자 38 53 나열하기 39 6 그림과표 43 61 그림 43 그림을준비할때 43 문단사이에그림을놓으려면 49 그림과문단을나란히놓으려면 51 그림들을나열하며설명하기 54 글줄안에작은그림놓기 57 그림처리를위한자질구레한장치들 58 62 표 59 문단사이에표를놓으려면 60 표와문단을나란히놓으려면 61
viii 차례 II 단일원천출판 65 7 단일원천출판 67 71 내용의선택 67 72 특수한내용을단일원천에끼워넣기 70 73 단일원천과대체내용의위치 72 74 그림경로 74 75 그림파일선택하기 77 8 텍 (TEX) 79 81 명령만들기 80 III 글쓰기 81 9 구성 83 91 구성 83 주의사항 83 개요 84 설치 84 설정 84 10 Writing in English 87 101 The Sentence 87 102 Parts of Speech 88 103 Comma 91 A Comma Is Required 91 A Comma Is Not Required 93 104 Hyphens and En Dashes 95 Between Words Acting as a Single Idea 95 Between Words Before a Noun 96 Numbers 97 Prefixes and Suffixes 98 105 Quotation Marks and Apostrophes 98 106 Capitalization 100 Abbreviations 100 Quotes 100
차례 ix Names 100 Headings 101 Compass Directions 101 Calendar 101 Colon 102 Lists 102 On-Screen Display and Directly Referenced Text 103 107 Parentheses 104 Acronym 104 Brackets 104 Missing Information 104 Numbers 105 Periods and other finishing punctuation 105 108 Slashes 105 109 Index 106 1010Writing Process 107 Paragraph Structure 107 Clear and Concise 107 Coherence 108 Spatial Order 108 Compositions 109 Tone 109 Abbreviations 109 Currencies 111 Units of Measure 111 11 번역 113 111 번역을맡기기전에 113 112 번역물을받은다음에 116 113 An brief instruction for translators 117 114 What is LATEX? 117 Not to be translated 118 To be ignored 119 A 이책의원문 121
x 차례 찾아보기 127
그림차례 xi 그림차례 21 ebook 옵션이 true일때 15 22 ebook 옵션이 false일때 16 23 바탕무늬 17 24 반달색인 19 51 과부와고아 33 61 141 mm 벡터 PDF 44 62 100 DPI JPG 44 63 150 DPI JPG 45 64 200 DPI JPG 45 65 300 DPI JPG 46 66 600 DPI JPG 46 67 1680 픽셀 72 DPI JPG 를 1 5 크기로축소 47 68 1680 픽셀 100 DPI JPG 를 1 4 69 1680 픽셀 150 DPI JPG 를 1 3 610 1680 픽셀 200 DPI JPG 를 1 2 크기로축소 47 크기로축소 48 크기로축소 48 611 1680 픽셀 300 DPI JPG 49 612 그림과설명문을나란히하여나열하기 54 613 설명문아래에그림이오게나열하기 54
xii 표차례 표차례 31 글꼴갈래 22 32 글꼴크기 23 33 라틴글꼴 24 34 기호문자명령 25 35 한글글꼴 26
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4 준비하기 12 레이텍맛보기 레이텍컴파일 1 준비하기 텍라이브를설치한뒤에성공적으로설치되었는지확인하기위해아주간단 한문서를하나만들어보자 텍편집기텍웍스 (TEXworks) 를열고다음과같 이입력하고, 그다음에띄어쓰기와한글이포함되지않은경로에있는폴더에 저장을하고컴파일하라 \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{xetexko} \begin{document} Hello, world?, \end{document} 정상의출력물 (PDF) 이나타났다면, 편집기를닫는다 텍을접해본적이 없다면당신은좀먼길을혼자가야할필요가있다 #>texdoc lshort-kr 색인 색인을흔히순우리말로 찾아보기 라고한다 차례, 찾아보기, 면주, 상호참조는모두사용자의조급증을푸는데에도 움을주는장치들이다 색인은차례못지않게, 경우에따라서는차례보다더 강력한검색장치이다 이를테면사용자가이것저것해보다가생소한메뉴항 목을발견하게된경우에, 차례를보고적절한설명을발견하게될때까지차 근차근찾아가기보다는한번에그것을설명하는페이지를찾아볼수있기를 바랄것이다 다음디렉토리아래에서텍신디 (texindy) 의언어모듈들을찾을수있다 C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf\xindy\lang 텍신디를사용하는방법은아래와같다 #>xelatex footex #>texindy -L finnish fooidx #>texindy -M lang/finnish/utf8xdy fooidx #>texindy -M lang/finnish/utf8-langxdy fooidx #>texindy -M lang/finnish/utf-testxdy fooidx #>xelatex footex
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10 준비하기 :TEXT START " " "c:\program Files\EmEditor\EmEditorexe" "%1" goto END 1 준비하기 :TEXMF kpsewhich %1 > tmptmp for /f %%i in (tmptmp) do START " " "c:\program Files\EmEditor\EmEditorexe" %%i del tmptmp /q :END kotexupdatecmd tlmgr --repository=http://ftpktugorkr/ktug/texlive/2010 % update collection-kotex e2pcmd epstopdf %~n1eps eps2pdfcmd if!%1==! goto EVERY for %%i in (*%1*eps) do epstopdf %%i goto END :EVERY for %%i in (*eps) do epstopdf %%i :END resizecmd @echo usage: resize foopng 50%% @convert %1 -density 100 -units PixelsPerCentimeter -resize %2 %1 @echo %1 is changed to %2 with 100 ppc hzcopycmd rem #>hzcopy file target-directory rem then it copies the files specified in the subdirectory of % the current directory to the target directory specified dir /ad/b > dirtmp for /f %%i in (dirtmp) do copy /Y %%i\%1 %2 del dirtmp 역탐색 SumatraPDF 에서텍스트의어느부분을클릭하면에므에디터가그부분의원 문을보여주게할수있다 이것을역탐색 (inverse search) 이라고한다 아래 의명령을한번실행하라 "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdfexe" -inverse-search % "\"C:\Program Files\EmEditor\emeditorexe\" /l %l \"%f\"" 또는 SumatraPDF 에서 Settings > Options 메뉴를선택하고, Set inverse search command-line 에아래와같이설정하라
14 매뉴얼패키지 11 "C:\Program Files\EmEditor\emeditorexe" /l %l "%f" 14 매뉴얼패키지 아래와같이 memoir 클래스를기반으로만들어진, hz 로시작하는일련의패키지들이매뉴얼제작을위해제공된다 hzlayoutsty 이패키지는판면구현을위한매크로들을제공한다 hzstylesty 이패키지는장, 절, 그리고단락의서식을위한매크로들을제공한다 1 준비하기 hzilluststy 이패키지는그림배치를위한매크로들을제공한다 hzmiscsty 이패키지는반달색인 (thumb index) 같은자질구레한장식을위한매크로들을제공한다 hzlangsty 이패키지는글꼴지정을위한매크로들을제공한다 hzlang-kosty 이패키지는한글서식과글꼴지정을위한매크로들을제공한다 hzlang-symbsty 이패키지가제공하는매크로들은기호문자를식자한다 hzspecsty 이패키지는글조합을위한매크로들을제공한다 편의를위해 hzmanual 클래스가위의패키지들과함께제공된다 이클래스는 memoir 클래스를불러들이고, 그다음에위의패키지들을끌어들인다 \documentclass[10pt,twoside,openright,language=\langopt]{hzmanual}
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13 21 판형과판면 2 지면배치 2 지면배치 책의크기를판형이라고한다 판형은판면과서식의디자인에아주크게영향을끼치므로어떤판형을쓸지신중하게고민해야한다 흔히상자에포장될수있는크기로판형을선택한다 그래서손전화기나사진기같은휴대용제품들의설명서가지나치게작다 판형을작게하면글꼴도작게하기마련이지만, 8 포인트이하의본문글자는시력이좋은사람들이읽기에도편하지가않다 가능하면 A5 (148 210 mm) 미만의크기를피하는게좋겠다 A4 (210 297 mm) 크기의종이를가장흔히접할수있지만, 사용설명서에쓰기에는그다지적절하지않다 왜냐하면손으로잡고읽기에도, 책상위에놓고읽기에도다소거북하게크기때문이다 ISO 규격과 ANSI 규격모두에서종이가낭비되지않게하기위하여가로대세로의비가일정하게유지된다 즉 A3를반으로접으면 A4가되고, A4를반으로접으면 A5가된다 ISO 규격의경우가로대세로비는 1 : 2이다 한국출판물에서아마도가장선호되는종이크기는사륙배판 (182 157 mm) 일것이다 미국출판물에서가장선호되는종이크기는 Letter(85 11 inch = 216 279 mm) 인것으로보인다 이에대응하는 ISO 규격의크기는 B5(176 250 mm) 이다 상대적으로 ISO A 규격은직사각형에가깝고, ISO B 규격은정사각형에가깝다 B5가일반적으로설명서의판형으로적절하다고말할수있는까닭은설명서가많은삽화를담고있기때문이다 직사각판형에서삽화가많으면정사각판형에비해상대적으로판면안에서빈공간이더많이생긴다 이것은종이낭비일뿐만아니라가독성도해친다 B5 또는그에가까운종이크기를채택하는것이바람직할것이다
14 지면배치 2 지면배치 주위여백을거의다없애서판면을아주넓게잡는다면, 판형의모양이크게문제되지않을것같지만, 글줄이지나치게길어지고그래서사용자가다음줄을읽으려할때그시작점을찾기가어려워진다 대개 10 내지 12 센티미터, 또는라틴문자의경우 65 자가 ( 다단조판의경우 45 자 ) 들어갈수있는길이가가장적절하다고한다 또한위아래여백에는면주가들어가는데, 여기에는쪽번호, 장제목, 절번호와절제목등이앉혀져서독자에게길잡이노릇을한다 \setlayout{ } hzlayout 패키지의 \setlayout 명령이판형을설정한다 이명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다 ebook 이옵션을 true로지정하면전자문서의특징을, false로지정하면인쇄문서의특징을문서가갖게된다 예를들어, A4 옵션을지정하고 ebook 옵션을 false로지정하면, A4 판형이재단선과함께 B4 크기안에놓이게되고, 또한차례, 색인, 웹주소, 상호참조의하이퍼링크가검은색으로표시된다 반대로이옵션을 true로지정하면, 문서가재단선없이 A4 판형에조판되고, 하이퍼링크는색깔로표시된다 아래판형옵션들에서괄호안의크기는 ebook 옵션을 false로지정했을때재단전의판형이다 그림 21과그림 22가이해에도움이될것이다 A2 A3 A4 A5 B5 420 594 mm (500 707 mm) 297 420 mm (353 500 mm) 210 297 mm (250 353 mm) 148 210 mm (176 250 mm) 176 250 mm (210 297 mm) letter 216 279 mm (250 353 mm) ivvi 182 257 mm (210 297 mm) screen 9 6inch android 90 150 mm iphone 90 130 mm paperwidth A4 같은정형의판형옵션을쓰지않고임의로판형을지정할수있다 이옵션은판형의가로크기를가리킨다
21 판형과판면 15 paperheight 이옵션은판형의세로크기를가리킨다 stockwidth 이옵션은재단전판형의가로크기를가리킨다 stockheight 이옵션은재단전판형의세로크기를가리킨다 landscape 이옵션을 true로지정하면판형의가로와세로가맞바뀐다 column 이옵션에 one을지정하면일단으로, vartwo를지정하면변이단으로문서가조판된다 ulmargin 이옵션에위아래의여백크기를지정할수있다 lrmargin 이옵션에좌우의여백크기를지정할수있다 vartwomargin 변이단으로조판하는경우에 column 옵션에 vartwo를지정한경우에, 이옵션에왼쪽단 ( 실제로는여백 ) 의크기를지정할수있다 2 지면배치 headfootcolor 이옵션에면주의색깔을지정할수있다 headfootfont 이옵션에면주의글꼴을지정할수있다 headfootrulecolor 이옵션에면주줄의글꼴을지정할수있다 그림 21: ebook 옵션이 true 일때
16 지면배치 2 지면배치 그림 22: ebook 옵션이 false 일때 이문서의판형은아래와같이정의되었다 \setlayout{% B5, ebook, column=vartwo, vartwomargin=15mm, ulmargin=20mm, headfootrulecolor=\candycolor, headfootcolor=\candycolor } \ifvartwoexpand[ ]{ } \ifvartwo{ }{ } 변이단으로조판하는경우에 column 옵션에 vartwo를지정한경우에, 때때로왼쪽단까지글줄을늘려야할때가있다 \ifvartwoexpand는그런경우를위해만들어졌다 이를테면아래와같이하면차례를넓게만들수있다 \ifvartwoexpand[\marginparwidth]{\tableofcontents} 그밖에변이단의경우에달리해야할것이있다면 \ifvartwo 명령을이용하라 \ifebook{ }{ } \ifebook*{ }
22 면주 17 22 면주 면주는길잡이역할을한다 즉독자가설명서를훑어볼때어디쯤지나치고 있는지면주를보고알수있다 쪽번호 장제목 절번호와절제목설명서에는많은삽화들이들어가기때문에페이지아래끝을맞추기가어렵다 크고작은공간이생겨들쑥날쑥하기쉽다 따라서페이지상단에만면주를다는것이좋겠다 2 지면배치 23 바탕무늬 hzmisc 패키지의 \watermark 명령을이용하면바탕무늬 (watermark) 를넣을 수있다 그림 23: 바탕무늬 \watermark{,, text={ }} \watermark{,, figure= } \setwatermark{ } \clearwatermark 아래의옵션들을 \watermark 에쓸수있다
18 지면배치 x 이것은바탕무늬가놓일기준점의가로위치를가리킨다 길이단위없 이양의실수만을여기에써야한다 길이단위는밀리미터이다 즉 50 이라고지정하면왼끝에서 50 밀리미터떨어진지점을가리킨다 y 이것은바탕무늬기준점의세로위치를가리킨다 text 이것은바탕무늬에넣을글을받는다 2 지면배치 font 이것은바탕무늬에쓸글꼴을받는다 fontsize 이것은바탕무늬에쓸글꼴의크기를받는다 color 이것은바탕무늬에쓸글꼴의색깔을받는다 rotate 바탕무늬를돌리고싶으면이옵션에 180 에서 +180 사이의수를지 정하라 Hz is omnipotent! This is a watermark figure 바탕무늬로쓸그림이있으면이옵션에지정하라 scale 바탕무늬그림의크기를축소하거나확대하려면이옵션에양의실수 를지정하라 이문서의표지에바탕무늬가 \watermark 에의해삽입되었다 \watermark{x=20, y=200, rotate=-50, fontsize=60, text={hz is % omnipotent!\\this is a watermark}} \clearwatermark 는이명령이내려진곳에서부터바탕무늬가더이상나 타나지않게한다 24 반달색인 hzmisc 패키지가반달색인을구현하는두가지명령을제공한다 \chaptertab 은장 ( 章 ) 번호를반달색인에넣는다 \langtab 은언어의머리글자말 을반달색인에넣는다 이명령은두가지이상의문서를하나로묶는경우에 각문서가어떤언어로쓰였는지나타내기위해고안되었다 두명령모두반 달색인을오른페이지에만구현한다
24 반달색인 19 그림 24: 반달색인 \chaptertab{ } \setchaptertab{ } \langtab{, label=en} \setlangtab{ } 2 지면배치 Hz is omnipotent! This is a watermark 아래의옵션들을 \chaptertab 에쓸수있다 pages 반달색인이오른면에나오게하려면 recto 또는 right 를, 왼면에나 오게하려면 verso 또는 left 를, 양면에나오게하려면 both 를이옵션 에지정하라 oddx 이것은오른면에서반달색인이놓일기준점의가로위치를가리킨다 길이단위없이양의실수만을여기에써야한다 길이단위는밀리미터 이다 즉 150 이라고지정하면왼끝에서 150 밀리미터떨어진지점을가 리킨다 evenx 이것은왼면에서반달색인이놓일기준점의가로위치를가리킨다 y 이것은반달색인의세로위치를가리킨다 label 반달색인에표시되는기본값은장번호이다 달리표시하고싶다면이옵션을이용하라 hook 배열변수를이용하여장마다색상을달리하는따위의효과를넣고싶다면이옵션을이용하라 width 이것은반달색인의넓이를가리킨다 height 이것은반달색인의높이를가리킨다 yspace 이것은각반달색인의간격을가리킨다 \chapter 명령이내려지면이옵션이주어진길이만큼반달색인이이동하고장번호가증가한다
20 지면배치 font 이것은반달색인에쓸글꼴을받는다 fgcolor 이것은반달색인에쓸글꼴의색깔을받는다 bgcolor 이것은반달색인에쓸바탕색깔을받는다 unit 이옵션에주어진수만큼장번호가증가한다음에반달색인이처음 2 지면배치 Hz is omnipotent! This is a watermark 위치로돌아간다 이옵션을사용하지않으려면 0 을지정하라 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setchaptertab{% unit=0, x=140, y=150, width=12, height=8, yspace=-10, color=black, font=\large\sffamily\bfseries } 위의옵션들중에서 unit, yspace 을제외한나머지모두를 \langtab 에쓸 수있다 \chaptertab 은 \mainmatter 명령이내려졌을때에만, 그리고그부분에 서만유효하다 반면 \langtab 은문서전체에서유효하다
21 31 언어 \documentclass[language=ko]{hzmanual} 3 언어와글꼴 3 언어와글꼴 \usepackage[language=ko]{hzlang} hzmanual 의 language 클래스옵션은 hzlang 패키지에전달된다 language에 KO를지정하면 hzlang은 hzlang-ko를불러들인다 hzalng-ko에는한글서식과글꼴에관련된명령들이정의되어있다 장차다른언어와문자를위한패키지들이추가될것이다 32 글꼴 한글에서는이론이있지만라틴문자의경우본문글꼴로는세리프 (serif) 가산세리프 (sans-serif) 보다더높은가독성을보장한다는것이정설이다 다만종이에인쇄된것이아니라디스플레이표시된것에서는산세리프가더낫다는견해가있다 상대적으로많은정보를전달하는경우에는세리프가, 그반대의경우에는산세리프가가독성측면에서좋다고흔히얘기한다 아무튼여러가지글꼴을쓰는것은좋지않다 수식을표현할필요가없다면대개두가지글꼴을쓰는것만으로도충분한다 다음과같이규칙을정할수있다 본문글꼴의크기를 10 포인트로한다 (10, 9, 11의순서로가독성이높다고한다 )
22 언어와글꼴 장과절의제목에본문글꼴과같은것을쓰고, 그크기를단계별로두 세포인트씩높이고굵게한다 2 도색상으로디자인한다면장절제목 에적용하는것이가장무난할것이다 3 언어와글꼴 유저인터페이스에나타나는말들을언급할때에는문장부호를사용하기보다는다른글꼴로나타낸다 이것이읽기에더나을것이다 위에서언급한이유로실제제품에서메뉴글자들은산세리프로표시되어있을것이다 이런이유로본문글꼴에반드시세리프를써야하는것은아니지만, 세리프와산세리프를쓰는것이 2 가지종류의산세리프를쓰는것보다는나을것이다 물론대신굵은산세리프를쓰는방법도있다 세리프를본문글꼴로쓰기로선택한경우에선택한세리프와잘어울리는산세리프를골라야한다 산세리프가세리프에비해지나치게굵거나커서많이도드라진다면가독성측면에서장애물이될것이다 선택한한글글꼴과잘어울리는라틴글꼴을선택한다 한글글꼴로라틴문자를쓰는언어의문서를만들지않는다 커닝등의정보가없거나부적절할수있고, 잘만들어진경우라해봐야그자신의한글글꼴과잘어울리게만들어졌을가능성이높다 인쇄물을만들어야하는경우에는 굴림체 를사용하지않는다 왜냐하면굴림체는스크린폰트이어서고품위의인쇄출력을보장하지못하기때문이다 표에본문글꼴과다른것을쓴다 표는엄밀히말해시각자료이기때문이다 시각자료는문장밖에따로떨어져있으므로, 문장을읽을때와같은정도의주의력이요구되지않는다 따라서시각자료안의글자들을본문보다한두포인트작게해도좋다 그러나 6 포인트이하는피하는게좋다 표 31: 글꼴갈래 Medium Bold talic Small-cap Minion Pro 나눔명조 Serif 부리 Serif 부리 Italic 부리 SMALL-CAP 부리 Myriad Pro 나눔고딕 Sans-serif 민부리 Serif 민부리 Italic 민부리 Small-cap 민부리 Latin Modern Mono 은타자 Mono-space 민부리고정 Serif 고정 Italic 고정 Small-cap 고정 라틴문자
32 글꼴 23 표 32: 글꼴크기 클래스옵션 9 pt 10 pt 11 pt 12 pt 14 pt 17 pt \tiny 5 6 7 8 9 10 \scriptsize 6 7 8 9 10 11 \footnotesize 7 8 9 10 11 12 \small 8 9 10 11 12 14 \normalsize 9 10 11 12 14 17 \large 10 11 12 14 17 20 \Large 11 12 14 17 20 25 \LARGE 12 14 17 20 25 30 \huge 14 17 20 25 30 36 \Huge 17 20 25 30 36 48 \HUGE 20 25 30 36 48 60 3 언어와글꼴 \setlatinfont{ } \setlatinfont 가라틴글꼴을지정한다 이명령에쓸수있는옵션들은 다음과같다 LatinModern 이것은 Computer Modern의오픈타입버전이다 MinionPro 이것은세리프에 Minion Pro를, 산세리프에 Myriad Pro를지정한다 MyriadPro 이것은세리프와산세리프모두에 Myriad Pro를지정한다 Optima 이것은세리프와산세리프모두에 Optima를지정한다 Pagella 이것은세리프에 TeX Gyre Pagella를, 산세리프에 TeX Gyre Heros를지정한다 PagellaOptima 이것은세리프에 TeX Gyre Pagella를, 산세리프에 Optima를지정한다
24 언어와글꼴 PalatinoHelvetica 이것은세리프에 Palatino를, 산세리프에 Helvetica를지정한다 PalatinoOptima 이것은세리프에 Palatino를, 산세리프에 Optima를지정한다 TimesRoman 이것은세리프에 Times New Roman을, 산세리프에 Arial를지정한다 3 언어와글꼴 표 33: 라틴글꼴 LatinModern Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold MinionPro Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold MyriadPro Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold Optima Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold Pagella Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold PagellaOptima Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold PalatinoHelvetica Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold PalatinoOptima Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold TimesRoman Serif Serif bold Sans serif Sans serif bold 기호문자 hzlangsty 는 hzlang-symbsty 를불러들인다 여기에는기호문자들을나 타내는명령들이정의되어있다 \setsymbolfont{ } \setsymbolfont 명령이지정한글꼴로기호문자가식자된다 기본글꼴은 (HCR Batang) 이다 라틴글꼴의경우기호문자가없는경우가많으므로글꼴을지정하기전에원하는기호문자가들어있는지확인해야한다
32 글꼴 25 표 34: 기호문자명령 \hzsymb{\textregistered}\\ \symchar{\textcopyright} \hzbullet \hzuparr \hzcheck \hztilde \hzdownarr \hzleftarr \hzcels C \hzlefttri \hzrightarr \hzfahr F \hzrighttri \hzlefttrii \hzo \hzuptri \hzrighttrii \hzx \hzdowntri \hzspacesym \hzsmiley \hzfrownie \hzdegree \hzleftfinger \hzrightfinger \hztm \setsymbolfont 에지정된글꼴로 textcomp 패키지에정의된기호문자 들을식자하려면 \hzsymb 또는 \symchar 명령을이용하라 3 언어와글꼴 한글 \setkoreanfont{ } \setkorean{ } \setkoreanfont 명령이한글글꼴을지정한다 \setkorean 명령은한글글꼴과한글서식을설정한다 이명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다 font 이것은아래의한글글꼴옵션들을받는다 AsiaMyeongjo 이것은세리프에아시아명조를, 산세리프에아시아고딕을지정한다 AsiaGothic 이것은세리프와산세리프모두에아시아고딕을지정한다 AsiaDNR 이것은세리프에아시아디나루를, 산세리프에아시아고딕을지정한다 HangyeoreGyeol 이것은세리프에한겨레결을지정한다 HCR 이것은세리프에함초롬바탕을, 산세리프에함초롬돋움을지정한다 NanumMyeongjo 이것은세리프에나눔명조를, 산세리프에나눔고딕을지정한다
26 언어와글꼴 NanumPen 이것은세리프에나눔손글씨펜을, 산세리프에나눔손글씨붓을지정한다 YoonMyeongjo 이것은세리프에윤명조를, 산세리프에윤고딕을지정한다 YoonGothic 이것은세리프와산세리프모두에윤고딕을지정한다 SandolMyeongjo 이것은세리프에산돌명조를, 산돌고딕을지정한다 3 언어와글꼴 SandolBook 이것은세리프에산돌북을, 산돌고딕을지정한다 SandolGothic 이것은세리프와산세리프모두에산돌고딕을지정한다 Koreanfontonly 이옵션을 true로지정하면라틴문자가한글글꼴로식자된다 chaptername 이옵션을 false로지정하면장제목에서 제 와 장 이나타나지않는다 enumii 두번째수준의 enumerate 에서라벨이이옵션에지정된형식으로나 타난다 표 35: 한글글꼴 AsiaMyeongjo AsiaGothic AsiaDNR HangyeoreGyeol 부리 부리 민부리 굵은민부리 HCR 부리 굵은부리 민부리 굵은민부리 NanumMyeongjo NanumPen YoonMyeongjo YoonGothic SandolMyeongjo SandolBook SandolGothic \setkorean 의기본설정은아래와같다
32 글꼴 27 \setkorean{ font=nanummyeongjo, Koreanfontonly=false, chaptername=false, enumii=\jaso } 3 언어와글꼴
3 언어와글꼴
29 4 문서구획 41 장과절 hzstyle 패키지를이용하면장과절의서식을미세하게그리고손쉽게바꿀 수있다 \maxsecnumdepth{subsection} \setsecnumdepth{subsection} 4 문서구획 절번호가부절까지만붙도록설정되어있다 \setstyle{ } \setstyle 명령이장과절의서식을지정한다 이명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다 partcolor 편제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 chapterstyle 장제목서식을여기에지정한다 메므와클래스에서제공하는장제목서식에더해아래의것들을쓸수있다 hzarticle 이것이이책에적용된장제목서식이다 hzfirmarticle 이것은 hzarticle의변형인데가로보기 2 단에적합하다 chapterfont 장제목이이옵션에지정된글꼴로나타난다 chaptercolor 장제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 chapteralign 장제목정렬을위해이옵션에 left, center, 그리고 right 를지정할수있다
30 문서구획 sectionrule 이옵션을 true로지정하면절제목밑에줄이그어진다 sectionfont 절제목이이옵션에지정된글꼴로나타난다 sectionscolor 모든절제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 sectioncolor 절제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 subsectioncolor 하위절제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 subsubsectioncolor 최하위절제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 sectionnewpage 이옵션을 true로지정하면두번째절부터절제목이나타나기전에쪽나눔이일어난다 \secnewpageon과 \secnewpageoff 명령으로이효과를켜고끌수있다 4 문서구획 subsectionnewpage 이옵션을 true로지정하면두번째부절부터부절제목이나타나기전에쪽나눔이일어난다 \subsecnewpageon과 \subsecnewpageoff 명령으로이효과를켜고끌수있다 paragraphfont 단락제목이이옵션에지정된글꼴로나타난다 paragraphcolor 단락제목이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다 firmsections 이옵션을 true로지정하면절제목의앞뒤간격이약 1 ex 만큼줄어든다 firmparagraphs 이옵션을 true로지정하면단락제목의앞뒤간격이약 2 ex 만큼줄어든다 paragraph 이것은문단모양을지정한다 아래에있는두가지옵션을쓸수있다 boundary 이것은문단과문단사이를행간의 4분의 1 만큼벌린다 indent 이것은문단의시작을 15 em 만큼들여쓴다 report 이옵션을 true로지정하면절번호에장번호가붙지않는다 smartphone 이옵션을 true로지정하면장제목에 hzarticle이적용되고장과절의제목의크기가작아진다 그리고차례제목에절제목서식이적용된다 secstylecft 이옵션을 true로지정하면차례가 chapter 서식이아닌 section 서식을따른다 tabularrulecolor 표의줄이이옵션에지정된색깔로나타난다
42 차례 31 42 차례 부절까지만차례에들어가도록설정되어있다 \settocdepth{subsection} 1 단문서에서차례를 2 단으로만들려면 \twocoltocetc를, 반대로하려면 \onecoltocetc를차례앞에서선언하라 \doccoltocetc를선언하면클래스옵션 (onecolumn 또는 twocolumn) 을따른다 43 상호참조 상호참조를남발하는것은바람직하지않지만, 상호참조를전혀만들지않는다면, 같은설명을여기저기서되풀이하게될것이다 절번호는상호참조에유용할뿐만아니라설명서의논리적구조를사용자에게암시할수있다 물론이것은설명서의구성이논리적이어야한다는전제를두고있다 절번호를달지않았다면절제목과쪽번호로사용자가참조할수있게한다 4 문서구획 44 장애해결 \symptom{ } \begin{checkup}[ ] \item \item \end{checkup} \listoftroubles 장애해결 (troubleshooting) 을위한서식으로서위의명령들이고안되 었다 \symptom 은 \subsubsection 의서식을따르며 을 lts 파일에추 가한다 checkup 은 itemize 의서식을따른다 listoftroubles 는 의차 례를만든다 \listoftroubles* \symptom{i get a pixilated image on my television:} \begin{checkup} \item check the plug on the digital receiver and on the wall making % sure that it's a tight connection; \item check that there is a signal coming from the antenna by connecting % it directly to the TV or another device;
32 문서구획 \item you must have signal strength between 50 to 90 percent \end{checkup} \symptom{can not connect my external HDD:} \begin{checkup}[label=\hzrightfinger] \item Make sure external HDD is formatted in NTFS, then reformatted % to the system when it is connected This will ensure that the % hard drive is ready to use and the full capacity is available \item The HDD must not be more then 1000 GB (1 TB) \item You must make sure that the external HDD is self powered \end{checkup} 4 문서구획 List of Symptoms I get a pixilated image on my television: 32 Can not connect my external HDD: 32 I get a pixilated image on my television: > check the plug on the digital receiver and on the wall making sure that it s a tight connection; > check that there is a signal coming from the antenna by connecting it directly to the TV or another device; > you must have signal strength between 50 to 90 percent Can not connect my external HDD: Make sure external HDD is formatted in NTFS, then reformatted to the system when it is connected This will ensure that the hard drive is ready to use and the full capacity is available The HDD must not be more then 1000 GB (1 TB) You must make sure that the external HDD is self powered
33 5 문장 51 과부와고아 글이읽기에쉽게짜여진정도를가독성 (readability) 이라고한다 이는글이이해하기에쉬운정도를가리키기도하지만, 타이포그래피 (typography) 를가리키기도한다 타이포그래피는글꼴의식별성, 글자간격, 단어간격, 글줄길이, 글줄간격등에관심을갖는다 타이포그래피측면의가독성을 legibility 라고한다 5 문장 조금꼴사나운세가지경우가있다 문단의마지막줄이한글자또는한낱말로끝났다 문단의마지막줄이다음페이지의첫줄에걸쳤다 문단의첫줄이페이지의마지막줄에걸쳤다 그림 51: 과부와고아 이런경우들을고아또는과부라고하는데, 이들용어의정의에대해많은이 들이다른설명을내세워의견의일치를보지못하고있다 어떤용어를쓰든 우리는이를싸잡아두세자이내로한줄이되는것이라고말하기로하자
34 문장 52 강조 용어 따옴표대신다른글꼴들을사용하는경향이늘고있다 여기에는몇가지까닭이있다 가장큰이유는층위가다른용어들의무리가늘어난데에있다 예를들어, 어떤컴퓨터프로그램의설명서를만들때, 입력데이터와출력데이터를구분지어표현할필요가있다고하자 그런경우에따옴표는해법이되지못한다 또다른이유로는, 한문서를여러언어로번역하는경우에따옴표가골치거리가될수있다 또한어떤방식으로든강조된용어들을우리는대개찾아보기에넣기를원한다 이런일들을한번에처리하는몇가지명령들을 hzmisc 패키지가제공한다 5 문장 \term[ ]{ } \termf[ ]{ } \termf*{ } \term 명령은 를현재글꼴로식자하고찾아보기에넣는다 \term[ ]{ } 은찾아보기에서 다음에올것이다 특정글꼴로식자하고싶다면 \termf 명령을이용하라 \termf는사람이름이나책이름같은고유명사를표기하기위해고안되었다 이명령은 를 \termffont에지정된글꼴로식자하고또한찾아보기에넣는다 \termf* 는 를찾아보기에넣지않는다 \settermffont를이용하여 \termffont 의글꼴을바꿀수있다 \settermffont{\itshape} \syncindexfonton \syncindexfontoff \syncindexfonton 명령을내리면, \termf 를비롯하여이절에서설명하 는찾아보기와관련된명령들에의해표제어들이찾아보기에삽입될때본문 에서쓰인글꼴로식자된다
52 강조 35 \ui[ ]{ } \ui*{ } \setuihighindex{ } \button[ ]{ } \button*{ } \ui는사용자인터페이스에나타나는말들을가리키기위해고안되었다 이명령은 를 \uifont에지정된글꼴로식자하고또한찾아보기에넣는다 \ui* 는 를찾아보기에넣지않는다 \setuifont를이용하여 \uifont 의글꼴을바꿀수있다 \setuifont{\protect\sffamily} \setuihighdex 명령은그뒤에오는모든 \ui 명령이지정한 가찾아보기에서 \setuihighindex가지정한 아래에오게한다 \setuihiindex{file} \ui{new} \ui{open} \ui{save} 예를들어위와같이썼다면, New, Open, Save 가찾아보기에서상위표제 어인 File 아래에온다 \button은리모콘이나조작판에표시된말들을가리키기위해고안되었다 이명령은 용어 를모서리가둥근상자안에넣고 \buttonfont에지정된글꼴로식자한다 이명령은, 이절에서설명하는다른명령들과반대로, 를찾아보기에넣지않는다 만약 를찾아보기에넣어야한다면 \button* 을이용하라 \setbuttonfont 를이용하여 \buttonfont 의글꼴을바꿀수있 다 5 문장 \setbuttonfont{\protect\sffamily} 다 \menu 명령이사용자인터페이스의메뉴계통을나타내기위해고안되었 \menu{ }{ } \menu[ ]{ }{ } \menu[ ][ ]{ }{ } 이명령을이용하면아래예처럼표현할수있다 만찾아보기에 들어간다
36 문장 Choose \menu{settings}{safari}\\ Choose \menu[settings]{safari}{search % Engine}\\ Choose \menu[settings][safari]{search % Engine}{Yahoo} Choose Settings > Safari Choose Settings > Safari > Search Engine Choose Settings > Safari > Search Engine > Yahoo \menu* 는 뿐만아니라다른모든인수들까지찾아보기에넣는다 \cmd{ } \cmd*{ } \cmd 명령은 를식자하고또한찾아보기에넣는다 \cmd* 는 를찾아보기에넣지않는다 번호 5 문장 \wrapnum[ ]{ } \setwrapnum{ } \wrapnum[type=oval, color=white]{21} \wrapnum[type=oval, color=black]{22} \wrapnum[type=rectangle, color=white]{23} \wrapnum[type=rectangle, color=red]{24} \wrapnum[type=circle, color=white]{25} \wrapnum[type=circle, color=green]{26} \wrapnum[type=ball, color=white]{27} \wrapnum[type=ball, color=blue]{28} \setwrapnum 은 enumerate 환경에사용하기위해고안되었다 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 아래옵션들을이명령에쓸수있다 type 이옵션에 oval을지정하면둥근상자가, rectangle을지정하면네모상자가, circle을지정하면동그란상자가번호를감싼다 base 이옵션에지정된숫자의길이가상자의넓이이다 font 번호의글꼴을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 color 이옵션에 white를지정하면흰바탕에검은색으로, black을지정하면검은바탕에흰색으로번호가표시된다 background 바탕색을따로지정하려면이옵션을이용하라 foreground 번호색을따로지정하려면이옵션을이용하라
52 강조 37 space 이옵션은번호상자와그뒤의간격을가리킨다 raise 이옵션에지정된길이만큼상자가위로올라가거나아래로내려간다 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setwrapnum{ type=rectangle, raise=-9ex, base=99 } \setwrapnum{type=rectangle, color=black} \setenumerate[1]% {label=\protect\wrapnum{\arabic*}} \begin{enumerate} \item POWER powers on or off the monitor \item SOURCE changes the video mode \end{enumerate} 문단 enumerate 환경에적용하려면아래와같이설정한다 1 POWER powers on or off the monitor 2 SOURCE changes the video mode 5 문장 \alert[ ]{ } \setalert{ } \alert[labelshow, label=warning, % type=shade, shadecolor=lightblue4]{ The monitor can be rotated to a vertical % orientation However, check if the graphics card on the PC supports a % vertical display beforehand} \alert 는경고문따위를나타내기위해고안되었다 Warning 아래옵션들을 \alert 에쓸수있다 The monitor can be rotated to a vertical orientation However, check if the graphics card on the PC supports a vertical display beforehand type 이옵션에 shade 를지정하면 shadecolor 에지정된색의바탕에, box 를 지정하면네모상자에, lead 를지정하면표제어뒤에 이온다 framespace 이것은, type 에 box 를지정한경우에, 문단과테두리의간격을 가리킨다 labelshow 이것을 true 로지정하면 label 에지정된말이나타난다 label 이것은표제어로쓸말을받는다
38 문장 labelposition 이것에 left를지정하면표제어가왼쪽에, center를지정하면가운데에, right를지정하면오른쪽에위치한다 labelfont 표제어의글꼴을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 delimiter 표제어뒤에쌍점같은문장부호를두려면이옵션을이용하라 justify 의정렬을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 font 의글꼴을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 topspace 이것은이문단과앞문단의간격을가리킨다 bottomspace 이것은이문단과뒷문단의간격을가리킨다 shadecolor type에 shade를지정한경우에, 이것은바탕색을받는다 framecolor type에 box를지정한경우에, 이것은테두리색을받는다 backcolor type에 box를지정한경우에, 이것은바탕색을받는다 5 문장 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setalert{ type=shade, framespace=05em, labelposition=left, label=note, labelfont=\bfseries, justify=\sloppy, topspace=-\parskip, bottomspace=-15\parskip, shadecolor=shadecolor, framecolor=black, backcolor=white, font={} } 글상자 \titledbox[ ]{ }{ } \titledbox 명령이제목이달린글상자를만든다
53 나열하기 39 \titledbox{srs}{theatersound, SRS and the % symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, % Inc\\ TheaterSound technology is incorporated % under license form SRS Lab, Inc \par SRS TheaterSound provides the % most immersive surround sound % experience from the TVs built-in % speakers, while maintaining steady % volume and delivering rich bass and % clear dialog} SRS TheaterSound, SRS and the symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc TheaterSound technology is incorporated under license form SRS Lab, Inc SRS TheaterSound provides the most immersive surround sound experience from the TVs built-in speakers, while maintaining steady volume and delivering rich bass and clear dialog 아래옵션들을이명령에쓸수있다 width 이옵션에글상자의폭을지정하라 color 이옵션에테두리의색을지정하라 titlefont 이옵션의제목의글꼴을지정하라 font 이옵션에글상자내용의글꼴을지정하라 5 문장 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \settitledbox{ width=95\linewidth, color=darkgray, titlefont=\bfseries} 53 나열하기 우리는종종메뉴옵션같은것들을목록의형식으로나열하면서설명하기를바란다 흔히세가지형식의목록이사용된다 항목들사이의관련성이없거나약한목록 (itemize 환경 ) 항목들이순서또는순위의관계를갖는목록 (enumerate 환경 ) 항목들이표제어를갖는목록 (description 환경 ) 각목록형식은고유한기능을갖고있으므로이를섞어쓰는것은결코바람직하지않지만, 우리는곧잘그렇게하려는충동에휩싸인다 hzmisc 패키지의 terms 환경은이바람직하지못한욕구를상당부분풀어줄것이다
40 문장 \begin{terms}[ ] \item[ ] \item[ ] \end{terms} \setterms{ } 아래옵션들을 terms 환경에쓸수있다 index 이옵션을 true로지정하면, 가찾아보기에들어간다 highindex 이옵션에지정된말은찾아보기에서상위표제어로들어간다 highcmdindex 찾아보기의상위표제어로쓸말이텍명령이라면 highindex 대신이옵션에지정하라 enumerate 이옵션을 true로지정하면, 앞에번호가달린다 5 문장 enumeratelabel enumerate를 true로지정했을때, 번호형식을바꾸고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 (enumeratelabel=\wrapnum{\arabic{termsenum}}) labelbase 각항목에서이옵션에지정된말의길이만큼둘째줄부터들여쓰기가된다 labelfont 의글꼴을바꾸고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 labelcolor 의색깔을바꾸고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 marker 앞에 \textbullet 같은기호를두고싶으면이옵션을이용하 라 delimiter 뒤에쌍점같은문장부호를두고싶으면이옵션을이용하 라 markerspace 이것은 와그앞기호의간격을가리킨다 labelspace 이것은 와그뒤설명문의간격을가리킨다 labeloffset 이것은목록에서왼쪽여백의길이를가리킨다 font 의글꼴을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 justify 의정렬을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setterms{ justify=\fussy,
53 나열하기 41 } markerspace=5em, labelspace=5em, labeloffset=0em, 표제어에텍명령어를쓸수있다 cmds 환경이또한제공된다 \begin{cmds}[ ] \item[ ] \item[ ] \end{cmds} cmds 환경은, 표제어에텍명령어를쓸수있다는점을제외하고, terms 와 동일하다 실제로이환경은 terms 를이용하는것이고, 따라서 \setterms 에 의한설정역시동일하게적용된다 5 문장
5 문장
43 6 그림과표 61 그림 그림을준비할때 그림을만들때크기를일정하게하라 벡터그림을만들때선굵기등에규칙을세워서일정하게하라 벡터그림에농담 (gradiation) 을, 아주필요한경우가아니면, 넣지마라 벡터그림을비트맵그림으로바꾸어넣지마라 그림 61을보라 벡터그림의포맷을 EPG 또는 PDF로하라 6 그림과표 비트맵그림들의해상도를일정하게하라 비트맵그림의포맷을 JPG 또는 PNG로하라 GIF는 256 색상밖에지원하지못하는등삽화포맷으로쓰기에는적절하지않다 PNG가압축율에서 JPG보다우월하다
44 그림과표 6 그림과표 그림 61: 141 mm 벡터 PDF 그림 62: 100 DPI JPG
61 그림 45 그림 63: 150 DPI JPG 6 그림과표 그림 64: 200 DPI JPG
46 그림과표 6 그림과표 그림 65: 300 DPI JPG 그림 66: 600 DPI JPG
61 그림 47 그림 67: 1680 픽셀 72 DPI JPG를 1 5 크기로 축소 6 그림과 표 그림 68: 1680 픽셀 100 DPI JPG를 1 4 크기로 축소
48 그림과 표 그림 69: 1680 픽셀 150 DPI JPG를 1 3 크기로축소 6 그림과 표 그림 610: 1680 픽셀 200 DPI JPG를 1 2 크기로 축소
61 그림 49 그림 611: 1680 픽셀 300 DPI JPG hzillust 패키지는아래와같이그림과표의배치를위한명령들을제공한다 \placefigure 이명령은단락과단락사이에그림을배치한다 figure 환경대신사용할수있다 6 그림과표 \illustfigure 이명령은그림과단락을나란히배치한다 \listfig 이명령은나열환경에서항목밑에그림을배치한다 \linefig 이명령은글줄사이에기호같은작은그림을넣어준다 \placetable 이명령은단락과단락사이에표를배치한다 table 환경대신사용할수있다 \illusttable 이명령은그림과표를나란히배치한다 위의모든명령들은 \set으로시작하는옵션설정명령을자매로갖고있다 예를들어 \setillustfigure는 \illustfigure를위한디폴트옵션을설정할수있다 문단사이에그림을놓으려면 문단사이에그림을놓으려면 \placefigure 명령을이용하라
50 그림과표 \placefigure[ ]{ } \placefigure[type=tikz, ]{% \begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture} } \placefigure 명령에아래의옵션들을사용할수있다 float 이옵션을 true로지정하면그림을떠다니게할수있다 초기설정은 false이다 legend 이옵션을이용하여간단한설명을덧붙일수있다 번호가달리지않고, 그림차례에들어가지않는다는점에서이것은 caption과다르다 showfilename 이옵션을 true로지정하면그림아래에그림파일의이름이나타난다 초기설정은 false이다 6 그림과표 caption 이옵션을이용하여그림의제목을달수있다 lof 그림제목이너무길면그림차례에서그모양새가좋지않을수있다 이옵션을이용하여짧은제목을그림차례에넣을수있다 captionfont 이옵션을이용하여그림제목의글꼴을바꿀수있다 captionstyle 이옵션을이용하여그림제목에왼끝흘림따위의서식을적용할수있다 label 이옵션을이용하여그림참조를위한라벨을지정할수있다 아무것도지정하지않으면그림파일이름이라벨로지정된다 figurehalign 그림의가로위치를지정하기위해 \centering 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 topspace 이옵션을이용하여그림과그림위문단의간격을지정할수있다 bottomspace 이옵션을이용하여그림과그림아래문단의간격을지정할수있다 rotate 그림을돌리고싶으면이옵션에 180 에서 +180 사이의수를지정하라 scale 그림크기를바꾸고싶으면이옵션에 0보다큰수를지정하라 type tikz를사용하고싶다면이옵션을 tikz로지정하라 초기설정은 figure 이다
61 그림 51 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setplacefigure{% topspace=075\baselineskip-\parskip, bottomspace=075\baselineskip-\parskip, float=false, type=figure, captionfont=\rmfamily\small\bfseries, captionstyle=\figcaptionstyle, figurehalign=\fighalign, scale=\figscale, rotate=0 } 그림과문단을나란히놓으려면 그림과문단을나란히놓으려면 \illustfigure 명령을이용하라 \illustfigure[ ]{ }{ } \illustfigure*[ ]{ }{ } \illustfigure[type=tikz, ]{% \begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture} }{ } 6 그림과표 아래가그예이다 \illustfigure[scale=095, showfilename,protrude=false]{kensingtonlock}{a % slot for connecting an anti-theft Kensington lock can be found % at the bottom right on the back of the monitor To install % your monitor in a public place, connect a lock to the monitor % following the steps below:} KensingtonLock A slot for connecting an anti-theft Kensington lock can be found at the bottom right on the back of the monitor To install your monitor in a public place, connect a lock to the monitor following the steps below:
52 그림과표 \illustfigure 명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다 legend 이옵션을이용하여간단한설명을덧붙일수있다 번호가달리지않고, 그림차례에들어가지않는다는점에서이것은 caption과다르다 showfilename 이옵션을 true로지정하면그림아래에그림파일의이름이나타난다 초기설정은 false이다 caption 이옵션을이용하여그림의제목을달수있다 lof 그림제목이너무길면그림차례에서그모양새가좋지않을수있다 이옵션을이용하여짧은제목을그림차례에넣을수있다 captionfont 이옵션을이용하여그림제목의글꼴을바꿀수있다 captionstyle 이옵션을이용하여그림제목에왼끝흘림따위의서식을적용할수있다 label 이옵션을이용하여그림참조를위한라벨을지정할수있다 아무것도지정하지않으면그림파일이름이라벨로지정된다 6 그림과표 textstyle 설명문에 \raggedright 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 figureposition 이옵션에 left를지정하면판면의왼쪽에, right를지정하면판면의오른쪽에그림이놓인다 width 그림의넓이를포함해서글줄의길이를바꾸고싶다면이옵션을이용하라 figurewidth 이옵션을이용하여그림이놓이는자리의폭을지정할수있다 scale 그림크기를바꾸고싶으면이옵션에 0보다큰수를지정하라 protrude 변이단으로조판하는경우에왼쪽단을활용하고싶지않다면이옵션을 false로지정하라 변이단조판에대해서는 21을보라 protrudelength 변이단으로조판하는경우에그림이왼쪽단으로튀어나오도록허용하는길이를이옵션에지정할수있다 frame 그림에테두리를치고싶으면이옵션에 true를지정하라 framerule 이옵션을이용하여그림을위한테두리의굵기를지정할수있다 framesep 이옵션을이용하여그림과테두리의간격을지정할수있다
61 그림 53 figurehalign figurewidth 옵션을이용하여그림보다큰넓이를지정한경우에, 그림의가로위치를지정하기위해 \centering 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 valign 그림과글을꼭대기에서맞추려면이옵션에 top을, 가운데에서맞추려면 middle을, 바닥에서맞추려면 bottom을지정하라 voffset valign 옵션에 top을지정한경우에, 그가지런함을미세하게조정하는길이를이옵션에지정할수있다 list 설명문에나열환경이온다면이옵션을 true로지정하라 enumerate 환경을썼다면마지막번호에하나를더한값이 \resumeenum에저장된다 그래서번호를계속해야할때다음과같이쓸수있다 \begin{enumerate}[start=\resumeenum] topspace 이옵션을이용하여그림과그림위문단의간격을지정할수있다 bottomspace 이옵션을이용하여그림과그림아래문단의간격을지정할수 있다 type tikz 를사용하고싶다면이옵션을 tikz 로지정하라 초기설정은 figure 이다 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 \setillustfigure{% width=\linewidth, topspace=35\baselineskip-\parskip, bottomspace=55\baselineskip-\parskip, captionfont=\rmfamily\small\bfseries, captionstyle=\figcaptionstyle, textstyle=\sloppy, protrudelength=\figprotrude, figureposition=left, figurewidth=0pt, frame=false, valign=top, type=figure, scale=\figscale } 6 그림과표 \illustfigure* 명령은실제로는 wrapfig 패키지의 wrapfigure 환경을 이용한다 글이그림을폭감싸게하고싶을때그리고그렇게할수있을때 에만이명령을이용하라
54 그림과표 그림들을나열하며설명하기어떤과정을그림과함께설명할때우리는흔히두가지배치방식을생각한다 하나는그림을먼저놓고그옆에설명문을두는것이고, 다른하나는설명을먼저두고그아래에그림을놓는것이다 6 그림과표 그림 612: 그림과설명문을나란히하여나열하기 그림 613: 설명문아래에그림이오게나열하기 \begin{ifenumerate} \illustfigure[ ]{ }{ } \illustfigure[ ]{ }{ }
61 그림 55 \end{ifenumerate} \setifenumerate{ } IFenumerate 환경을이용하면목록의각항목에그림 612처럼그림을배치할수있다 여기에서 \illustfigure가 \item의역할을수행한다 \illustfigure에대해서는 61을보라 IFenumerate 환경에아래옵션들을쓸수있다 start 이옵션에지정된번호로목록이시작한다 enumlabel 번호의형식을바꾸려면이옵션을이용하라 options \illustfigure 명령에옵션을주고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 \setifenumerate는위의옵션들을설정한다 기본설정은아래와같다 \setifenumerate{% enumlabel=\wrapnum{\arabic{ifenum}} } wrapnum 에대해서는 52 를보라 아래예가그림 612 를구현했다 \setwrapnum{type=oval, color=dodgerblue2, base=99} \begin{ifenumerate}[enumlabel=\wrapnum{\arabic{ifenum}}, % options={protrude=false, scale=075}] \illustfigure{assemble1}{lay the product packaging or a thick cushion % on the floor, and place the product on top with the display % facing down Turn the stand to the opposite side of the camera} 6 그림과표 \illustfigure{assemble2}{lift the stand so that it can be connected % to the base} \illustfigure{assemble3}{insert the stand into the base} \end{ifenumerate} 1 Lay the product packaging or a thick cushion on the floor, and place the product on top with the display facing down Turn the stand to the opposite side of the camera
56 그림과표 2 Lift the stand so that it can be connected to the base 3 Insert the stand into the base \listfig[ ]{ } \setlistfig{ } 6 그림과표 \listfig의미덕은쪽나눔에의해그림이다음페이지로넘어가야할때, 그림이과부가되지않도록, 설명문의마지막줄도함께넘긴다는것이다 과부에대해서는 51을보라 아래예는그림 613의일부이다 \begin{enumerate}[start=3] \item Select the \ui{time Zone} corresponding to your region \listfig{setupgeneralclock2} \item If Daylight Saving Time is in effect in your region, set % \ui{daylight Savings} to \ui*{on}% \listfig{setupgeneralclock3} \end{enumerate}
61 그림 57 3 Select the Time Zone corresponding to your region 4 If Daylight Saving Time is in effect in your region, set Daylight Savings to On 아래옵션들을 \listfig 에쓸수있다 scale 그림크기를바꾸고싶으면이옵션에 0 보다큰수를지정하라 6 그림과표 align 그림의가로위치를지정하기위해 \centering 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 showfilename 이옵션을 true로지정하면그림아래에그림파일의이름이나타난다 글줄안에작은그림놓기 \linefig[ ]{ } \setlinefig{ } 글줄안에그림을놓을때, 그림의높이에따라그림을위로올리거나아래 로내려야한다
58 그림과표 While the test is performed, the % valid items will be indicated % by a \linefig[raise=-2ex, % scale=75]{markchecked} whereas % the invalid items will be indicated % by a \linefig[raise=-1ex, % scale=5]{markfailed} While the test is performed, the valid items will be indicated by a whereas the invalid items will be indicated by a 아래옵션들을 \listfig에쓸수있다 scale 그림크기를바꾸고싶으면이옵션에 0보다큰수를지정하라 raise 이옵션에지정된크기만큼그림이세로로이동한다 showfilename 이옵션을 true로지정하면그림아래에그림파일의이름이나타난다 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다 6 그림과표 \setlinefig{ raise={-05ex}, scale=1 } 그림처리를위한자질구레한장치들 \begin{figureadhoc}{ }{ } \end{figureadhoc} 부득이하게문서의일부분에서만그림크기같은옵션을달리해야할때, FigureAdhoc 환경이편리를제공할수있다 \begin{figureadhoc}{\illustfigure}{scale=075} \illustfigure{foo} \end{figureadhoc} FigureAdhoc 안에있는 \illustfigure 는그림들을모두 075 비율의크 기로삽입한다 \excludegraphics
62 표 59 많은그림들을삽입하면텍문서를컴파일하는데에오랜시간이걸린다 \excludegraphics 은그림을삽입하는대신 [FIGURE( )] 을표시 한다 62 표 표에세로선을넣는것은결코바람직하지않다 가로선도필요하지않다 \rowback \startwhiterow \startcolorrow 독자가표를볼때줄을잘못읽을까우려된다면 \rowback 를이용하라 이 것은홀수번째줄의바탕을 \tabularrowback 에지정된색으로칠한다 홀수 번째줄을놔두고짝수번째줄에바탕색을칠하려면 \startwhiterow 를먼저 선언하라 \definecolor{backgray}{gray}{09} \def\tabularrowback{backgray} \begin{tabular}{ll}\toprule \textbf{time offset} & % \textbf{city}\\\midrule \rowback GMT $-$ 10:00 & Hawaii\\ \rowback GMT $-$ 09:00 & Alaska\\ \rowback GMT $-$ 07:00 & Mountain Time US\\ \rowback GMT $-$ 05:00 & Eastern Time US\\ \rowback GMT $-$ 03:00 & Brazil\\ \rowback GMT $-$ 01:00 & Azores\\ \rowback GMT & London\\ \rowback GMT $+$ 1:00 & Paris\\ \rowback GMT $+$ 3:00 & Baghdad\\ \rowback GMT $+$ 5:00 & Ekaterinburg\\ \rowback GMT $+$ 7:00 & Bangkok\\ \rowback GMT $+$ 9:00 & Seoul\\ \bottomrule\end{tabular} Time offset GMT 10:00 GMT 09:00 GMT 07:00 GMT 05:00 GMT 03:00 GMT 01:00 GMT GMT + 1:00 GMT + 3:00 GMT + 5:00 GMT + 7:00 GMT + 9:00 City Hawaii Alaska Mountain Time US Eastern Time US Brazil Azores London Paris Baghdad Ekaterinburg Bangkok Seoul 6 그림과표
60 그림과표 문단사이에표를놓으려면 문단사이에표를놓으려면 \placetable 명령을이용하라 \placetable[ ]{ \begin{tabular} \end{tabular} } 이명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다 float 이옵션을 true로지정하면표를떠다니게할수있다 초기설정은 false 이다 caption 이옵션을이용하여표의제목을달수있다 lot 표제목이너무길면표차례에서그모양새가좋지않을수있다 이옵 션을이용하여짧은제목을표차례에넣을수있다 6 그림과표 captionfont 이옵션을이용하여표제목의글꼴을바꿀수있다 captionstyle 이옵션을이용하여표제목에왼끝흘림따위의서식을적용할수있다 label 이옵션을이용하여표참조를위한라벨을지정할수있다 tablehalign 표의가로위치를지정하기위해 \centering 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 tabularstyle 표에어떤서식을적용하고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 tabularfontfamily 이옵션을이용하여표의글꼴을지정할수있다 tabularfontsize 이옵션을이용하여표의글꼴크기를지정할수있다 tabularfont 낡은옵션으로이것이 tabularfontfamily와 tabularfontsize로나뉘었다 이옵션을여전히쓸수있는데 tabularfontsize와동일하다 rotate 표를돌리고싶으면이옵션에 180 에서 +180 사이의수를지정하라 topspace 이옵션을이용하여표와표위문단의간격을지정할수있다 bottomspace 이옵션을이용하여표와표아래문단의간격을지정할수있다 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다
62 표 61 \setplacetable{ topspace=\baselineskip-\parskip, bottomspace=\baselineskip-\parskip, float=false, rotate=0, captionfont=\rmfamily\small\bfseries, captionstyle=\tabcaptionstyle, tablehalign=\tabcaptionstyle, tabularstyle=\renewcommand\footnoterule{}, tabularfontfamily=\sffamily, tabularfontsize=\small} 표와문단을나란히놓으려면 표와문단을나란히놓으려면 \illusttable 명령을이용하라 \illusttable[ ]{ \begin{tabular} \end{tabular} }{ } 아래가그예이다 \illusttable[protrude=false, valign=middle]{ \begin{tabular}{ll}\toprule Satellite & Astra (192\hzdegree\,E)\\ Frequency & 12603 MHz\\ Symbol Rate & 22000 KS/s\\ Polarisation & Horizontal\\ PID & 347\\\bottomrule \end{tabular}}{ On the left table is presented the transponder information appointed % by the manufacturer for firmware update} 6 그림과표 Satellite Astra (192 E) Frequency 12603 MHz Symbol Rate 22000 KS/s Polarisation Horizontal PID 347 On the left table is presented the transponder information appointed by the manufacturer for firmware update 이명령에아래의옵션들을쓸수있다
62 그림과표 caption 이옵션을이용하여표의제목을달수있다 lot 표제목이너무길면표차례에서그모양새가좋지않을수있다 이옵 션을이용하여짧은제목을표차례에넣을수있다 captionfont 이옵션을이용하여표제목의글꼴을바꿀수있다 captionstyle 이옵션을이용하여표제목에왼끝흘림따위의서식을적용할수있다 label 이옵션을이용하여표참조를위한라벨을지정할수있다 tabularfont 이옵션을이용하여표의글꼴을지정할수있다 textstyle 설명문에 \raggedright 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 tableposition 이옵션에 left를지정하면판면의왼쪽에, right를지정하면판면의오른쪽에표가놓인다 6 그림과표 width 표의넓이를포함해서글줄의길이를바꾸고싶다면이옵션을이용하라 tablewidth 이옵션을이용하여표가놓이는자리의폭을지정할수있다 protrude 변이단으로조판하는경우에왼쪽단을활용하고싶지않다면이옵션을 false로지정하라 변이단조판에대해서는 21을보라 protrudelength 변이단으로조판하는경우에표가왼쪽단으로튀어나오도록허용하는길이를이옵션에지정할수있다 tablehalign tablewidth 옵션을이용하여표보다큰넓이를지정한경우에, 표의가로위치를지정하기위해 \centering 같은명령을쓰고싶으면이옵션을이용하라 valign 표와글을꼭대기에서맞추려면이옵션에 top을, 가운데에서맞추려면 middle을, 바닥에서맞추려면 bottom을지정하라 voffset valign 옵션에 top을지정한경우에, 그가지런함을미세하게조정하는길이를이옵션에지정할수있다 topspace 이옵션을이용하여표와표위문단의간격을지정할수있다 bottomspace 이옵션을이용하여표와표아래문단의간격을지정할수있다 이명령의기본설정은아래와같다
62 표 63 \setillusttable{ width=\linewidth, topspace=35\baselineskip-\parskip, bottomspace=65\baselineskip-\parskip, captionfont=\rmfamily\small\bfseries, captionstyle=\tabcaptionstyle, tabularfont=\sffamily\small, textstyle=\sloppy,%\fussy protrude=true, protrudelength=\figprotrude, tableposition=left, tablewidth=0em, valign=top } 6 그림과표
II 단일원천출판
67 7 단일원천출판 아래의조건들을충족할때우리는그것을단일원천출판 (single source publishing) 이라고부른다 1 내용 a에서식 1을적용하여문서 α를, 서식 2를적용하여문서 β 를자동으로한꺼번에만들수있다 내용 A와내용 B를합쳐문서 γ 를, 내용 A와내용 C를합쳐문서 δ 를자동으로한꺼번에만들수있다 71 내용의선택 아래의예는미국식철자또는영국식철자의취사선택을보여준다 \makeatletter \define@boolkey{spec}{us}[true]{} \newcommand\ifus[2]{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{kv@spec@us}}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\ifnotus[2]{% \ifthenelse{\not\boolean{kv@spec@us}}{#1}{#2}} \makeatother 7 단일원천출판 \newcommand\uson{\setkeys{spec}{us}} \newcommand\usoff{\setkeys{spec}{us=false}} \USon My \ifus{favorite}{favourite} \ifus{color}{colour} is black \USoff 1 Single source publishing, also known as single sourcing, allows the same content to be used in different documents or in various formats http://enwikipediaorg/wiki/ Single_source_publishing
68 단일원천출판 My \ifus{favorite}{favourite} \ifus{color}{colour} is black \\ The shipping \ifnotus{centre}{center} \ifnotus{organised}{organized} % seven days long workshop My favorite color is black My favourite colour is black The shipping centre organised seven days long workshop 위예에서 US 는내용을취사선택하는조건깃발이다 hzspecsty 패키지는글조합 (conditional text) 을위한다양한매크로들 을제공한다 \setspec{ } \ifspec{ }{ }{ } \ifspec*{ }{ } 7 단일원천출판 \ifnotspec{ }{ }{ } \ifnotspec*{ }{ } \ifandspec{ 1}{ 2}{ }{ } \ifandspec*{ 1}{ 2}{ } \iforspec{ 1}{ 2}{ }{ } \iforspec*{ 1}{ 2}{ } \ifnandspec{ 1}{ 2}{ }{ } \ifnandspec*{ 1}{ 2}{ } \ifbutspec{ 1}{ 2}{ }{ } \ifbutspec*{ 1}{ 2}{ } \setspec 이것은 spec( 사양 ) 으로묶인것들을참또는거짓으로설정한다 \ifspec 이참이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이선택된다 \ifnotspec 이거짓이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이선택된다 \ifandspec 1과 2가모두참이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이선택된다 \iforspec 1이참이거나 2가참이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이선택된다
71 내용의선택 69 \ifnandspec 1 과 2 가모두거짓이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이 선택된다 \ifbutspec 1 이참이지만 2 가거짓이면 이, 그렇지않으면 이선택된다 위의명령들을어떻게활용할수있는지보기위해사양을가리키는조건 깃발들을아래와같이추가해보겠다 \makeatletter \define@boolkey{spec}{hd}[true]{} \define@boolkey{spec}{recorder}[true]{} \define@boolkey{spec}{http}[true]{} \define@boolkey{spec}{ethernet}[true]{% \ifkv@spec@ethernet% \setkeys{spec}{http=true}% \fi} \define@boolkey{spec}{wifi}[true]{% \ifkv@spec@ethernet% \setkeys{spec}{http=true}% \fi} \makeatother \setspec{hd, recorder=false, ethernet, wifi=false} This product has the following features: \begin{itemize}\firmlist \ifspec*{hd}{\item Provides full HD resolution of 1920 $\times$ 1080 % pixels} \ifspec*{recorder}{\item You can record one channel while you are % currently watching another} \iforspec*{ethernet}{wifi}{\item You can do web surfing on the TV} \end{itemize} 7 단일원천출판 This product has the following features: Provides full HD resolution of 1920 1080 pixels You can do web surfing on the TV 이것들을아래와같이응용할수있다 \ifspec{ }{ }{ } \ifspec{ }{ }{ } \ifspec{ }{\input{this}}{\input{that}} \ifspec{ }{\include{this}}{\include{that}}
70 단일원천출판 72 특수한내용을단일원천에끼워넣기 모든내용을단일원천에넣는것은가능하지않다 예를들어, 제품과함께제공되는액세서리의종류와수량은제품마다다르기때문에단일원천에포함시킬수없다 모든액세서리항목을조건식으로만들어단일원천에포함하는것이가능하지만매우비효율적이다 단일원천에포함하기어려운내용들은다음과같다 제품사양 조작판 입출력단자 액세서리문서가만들어질때이런내용들이단일원천의여기저기에끼어들어야한다 이에대한가장단순한해법은끼워넣어야할내용들을여러개의텍파일로만들어필요한곳에서불러들이는것이다 accessoriestex: 7 단일원천출판 \begin{itemize}\tightlist \item Remote control unit \item Two batteries for the remote control (AAA 15\,V) \item One Component cable (RCA cable) \item A copy of this user guide \end{itemize} footex: Before going any further, check that you have received the following % items with the digital receiver \input{accessories} 없다 끼워넣어야할내용을매크로에담으면여러개의텍파일을만들필요가 varianttex: \newcommand\accessories{ \begin{itemize}\tightlist \item Remote control unit \item Two batteries for the remote control (AAA 15\,V) \item One Component cable (RCA cable) \item A copy of this user guide \end{itemize}} footex:
72 특수한내용을단일원천에끼워넣기 71 Before going any further, check that you have received the following % items with the digital receiver \accessories 그런데위와같이어떤내용이항상한자리에반드시필요한것은아니다 아래와같이가변적인네가지경우가있다 항상이자리에어떤내용이들어간다 때때로여기에어떤내용이끼어든다 여기에있는내용이때때로다른내용으로대체된다 여기에있는내용이때때로빠진다 위와같은특별한경우들을처리하기위해아래의명령들이고안되었다 \putifdefined{\macro}{ } \putifdefined*{\macro} \putifexist{\macro}{ } \putifexist*{ } \putifdefined 이것은 \macro가정의되어있으면그것을넣고, 그렇지않으면 을넣는다 \putifdefined* 이것은 \macro가정의되어있으면그것을넣는다 \putifexist 이것은 \macro가정의되어있으면그것을넣고, 그렇지않으면 을찾아서넣는다 도없으면비워둔다 \putifexist* 이것은 을찾아서있으면넣고, 그렇지않으면비워둔다 7 단일원천출판 이명령들을앞에서제시한가변적인네가지경우에적용해보자 항상이자리에어떤내용이들어간다 쓸수있다 이미앞에서제시한방법을이경우에 Before going any further, check that you have received the following % items with the digital receiver \accessories 라 만약매크로뿐만아니라파일도이용하고싶다면 \putifexist 를이용하 \putifexist{\accessories}{accessories}
72 단일원천출판 그러나이경우에 \accessories가정의되어있지않고 accessoriestex 파일도없다면 \putifexist가선언된곳은아무런경고없이빈자리로남게된다 하지만여기에는반드시액세서리에관한내용이들어가야하므로이것은논리적오류가된다 이런오류를예방하기위해아래와같이쓰는것이좋다 \putifdefined{\accessories}{\input{accessories}} 때때로여기에어떤내용이끼어든다 다른제품들에는없는메뉴옵션을제공하는제품이이따금등장한다 아래와같이하여이문제를해결할수있다 \putifdefined*{\extramenuoption} 여기에있는내용이때때로다른내용으로대체된다 아래와같이내용을대체할매크로를선언함으로써이문제를해결할수있다 footex 7 단일원천출판 \putifdefined{\hdtv}{% The higher the resolution is, the better the quality is However, % if your television set does not support high definition, you % cannot enjoy high definition quality picture} varianttex \newcommand{\hdtv}{% The digital receiver supports various video resolutions from 576 to % 1080 In general, a resolution of 720 or more is considered high definition} \HDTV 가정의되면 The higher the resolution 가이끄는내용대신 The digital receiver 가이끄는내용이들어간다 여기에있는내용이때때로빠진다 위의것과동일한방법으로, 내용을대체하는빈매크로를정의함으로써이문제를해결할수있다 varianttex \newcommand{\hdtv}{} 73 단일원천과대체내용의위치 단일원천으로쓰일텍파일들을 texmfcnf 에서 TEXMFHOME 으로지정된 폴더아래에두어야한다 그러면작업폴더의위치에관계없이어디에서나
73 단일원천과대체내용의위치 73 단일원천을경로지정없이불러올수있다 예를들어, 영어문서의단일원 천을아래와같이구성할수있다 D:\home\texmf\tex\latex\AST\English Frameworktex MediaFormattex Mediaplaytex +---Daily Dailytex Favoritetex Timertex +---Entertainment Entertainmenttex BattleTanktex +---Installation Accessoriestex Connectorstex Installationtex Labelstex Socketstex +---Introduction Featurestex FrontPaneltex Introductiontex Remotetex +---Front AAAtex BBBtex CCCtex \---Remote Remote01tex Remote02tex Remote03tex +---Preference Preferencetex Recordingtex \---Update NetworkUpdatetex Updatetex 7 단일원천출판
74 단일원천출판 다른언어에대해서도위의것과동일하게단일원천을구성할수있지만파일이름은영어의것과달라야한다 왜냐하면 TEXMFHOME에들어있는텍파일들의이름은고유해야하기때문이다 만약독일어문서라면 FrameworkDEtex 또는 FrameworkDEtex으로이름짓는것이좋을것이다 대체되는내용들이 varianttex 에정의된다고가정하자 이파일은현재 작업폴더에위치해야하며아래와같은방법으로불러오는것이바람직하다 \AtBeginDocument{% \putifexist*{variant} } 74 그림경로 hzilluststy 는그림경로를아래와같이설정한다 \graphicspath{{fig/}{figure/}} 7 단일원천출판 단일원천출판은이보다훨씬더복잡하고다양한그림경로와그것의자동설정을요구한다 그림경로설정자동화를구현하려면다룰그림들이얼마나많은유형으로나뉘는지그리고그것들을어떻게묶을수있는지먼저살펴보아야한다 제품디자인 리모콘 그래픽유저인터페이스 (graphic user interface) 언어 * 제품유형 위의분류를따라그림폴더를구성하면아래와같을것이다 D:\common FrontAAApdf FrontBBBpdf FrontCCCpdf +---GUI01 WarnSymbolpng RecordSymbolpng +---EN MainMenupng SetupMenupng
74 그림경로 75 \---DE MainMenupng SetupMenupng +---GUI02 WarnSymbolpng RecordSymbolpng +---EN MainMenupng SetupMenupng \---DE MainMenupng SetupMenupng \---RemoteControl +---Remote01 Remote01pdf PowerButtonpdf \---Remote02 Remote01pdf PowerButtonpdf 최상위그림폴더가현재작업폴더를기준으로 // 에있고, 지금만들 고있는문서가그아래에있는 /GUI02/DE/cable/ 폴더로부터거슬러올라오 면서그경로속에있는그림들을필요로한다고가정하면아래와같이그림 경로를설정해야한다 \graphicspath{% {fig/}% {//GUI02/DE/cable/}% {//GUI02/DE/}% {//GUI02/}% {//Remote01/}% {//}% } 7 단일원천출판 위의선언에의해텍은현재작업폴더의아래에있는 fig/ 폴더를먼저 뒤질것이고, 거기에서지정된그림을찾을수없다면 //GUI02/DE/cable/ 폴더를뒤질것이고, 맨마지막에 // 폴더를뒤질것이다 \makeatletter \def\childpath{fig/}
76 단일원천출판 \newcommand{\setfigpath}[5]{% \def\commonpath{#1}% \def\remoteno{#2}% \def\guino{#3}% \def\langno{#4}% \def\typeno{#5}% \expandafter\def\csname remotepath\endcsname{% \csname commonpath\endcsname \csname remoteno\endcsname/}% \expandafter\def\csname GUIpath\endcsname{% \csname commonpath\endcsname \csname GUIno\endcsname/}% \expandafter\def\csname langpath\endcsname{% \csname GUIpath\endcsname \csname langno\endcsname/}% \expandafter\def\csname typepath\endcsname{% \csname langpath\endcsname \csname typeno\endcsname/}% \expandafter\def\csname Ginput@path\endcsname{% {\csname childpath\endcsname} % {\csname typepath\endcsname} % {\csname langpath\endcsname} % {\csname GUIpath\endcsname} % {\csname remotepath\endcsname} % {\csname commonpath\endcsname} % }% } 7 단일원천출판 \newcommand{\showfigpath}{% \par\noindent% \Ginput@path \\ childpath: \childpath\\ typepath: \typepath\\ langpath: \langpath\\ GUIpath: \GUIpath\\ remotepath: \remotepath\\ commonpath: \commonpath } \makeatother \setfigpath{//}{remote01}{gui02}{de}{cable} \showfigpath fig/ //GUI02/DE/cable/ //GUI02/DE/ //GUI02/ //Remote01/ // childpath: fig/ typepath: //GUI02/DE/cable/ langpath: //GUI02/DE/ GUIpath: //GUI02/
75 그림 파일 선택하기 77 remotepath: //Remote01/ commonpath: // 아래와 같이 만들고 \setspec을 이용하면 \setfigpath조차 자동으로 작 동하게 만들 수 있다 \define@key{spec}{remote}{% \def\remoteno{#1}} 아래 그림들의 파일 이름은 모두 같다 다만 이것들이 위치하는 폴더가 다 를 뿐이다 7 75 그림 파일 선택하기 두 개 이상의 그림 파일들 중에서 하나를 선택해야 한다면 아래와 같은 방법 으로 이를 해결할 수 있다 miscsty: \newcommand\figname{} \newcommand\setfigname[1]{\renewcommand\figname{#1}} \newcommand\getfigname{% \putifdefined{\iosettingscreen}{% \ifspec*{ioi}{\setfigname{iosettingscreeni}}% \ifspec*{ioii}{\setfigname{iosettingscreenii}}% \ifspec*{ioiii}{\setfigname{iosettingscreeniii}}% }} 단일 원천 출판 \illustfig{avsettingscreen}{% You have to configure the video and audio settings appropriately for % your television set and other devices Select the AV Output Setting menu You should see a screen like the % figure on the left }
78 단일원천출판 footex: \usepackage{misc} \getfigname \illustfig{\figname}{% You have to configure the video and audio settings appropriately for % your television set and other devices Select the AV Output Setting menu You should see a screen like the % figure on the left } 새로운어떤그림이있다면전문에아래와같이선언함으로써그것을쓸 수있다 \renewcommand\iosettingscreen{\setfigname{adhocsettingscreen}} 7 단일원천출판
79 8 텍 (TEX) 이문서에서텍소스를보여주는방법은다음과같다 1 hzmisc 패키지에 \verbfile이 verbtmp로정의되어있다 2 memoir 클래스에서정의된 verbatimoutput 환경이이환경안의텍스트를 verbtmp 파일에저장한다 3 hzmisc 패키지에서정의된 \source 명령이 verbtmp을불러와서식자한다 아래는그예이다 \begin{verbatimoutput}{\verbfile} \illustfigure[ ]{ }{ } \illustfigure*[ ]{ }{ } \illustfigure[type=tikz, ]{% \begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture} }{ } \end{verbatimoutput} \source 8 텍 (TEX) \srcexam 명령은텍소스와그것의결과를보여준다 \begin{verbatimoutput}{\verbfile} While the test is performed, the valid items will be indicated by % a \linefig[raise=-2ex, scale=75]{markchecked} whereas the %
80 텍 (TEX) invalid items will be indicated by a \linefig[raise=-1ex, % scale=5]{markfailed} \end{verbatimoutput} \srcexam \secexam* While the test is performed, the % valid items will be indicated % by a \linefig[raise=-2ex, % scale=75]{markchecked} whereas % the invalid items will be indicated % by a \linefig[raise=-1ex, % scale=5]{markfailed} \srcexam 은텍소스를왼쪽에보여주고그결과를오른쪽에보여준다 While the test is performed, the valid items will be indicated by a will be indicated by a whereas the invalid items \srcexam* 은텍소스를위에보여주고그결과를아래에보여준다 While the test is performed, the valid items will be indicated by % a \linefig[raise=-2ex, scale=75]{markchecked} whereas the % invalid items will be indicated by a \linefig[raise=-1ex, % scale=5]{markfailed} While the test is performed, the valid items will be indicated by a invalid items will be indicated by a whereas the 8 텍 (TEX) 81 명령만들기 \newcommand 명령이새명령을만든다 \newcommand{\ }[ ]{ } 단어에모가둥근둥근테두리를쳐서단추처럼보이게만드는매크로를 만들어보자 \newcommand\button[1]{\ovalbox{#1}} \Button{POWER} POWER
III 글쓰기
83 9 구성 91 구성 순서를잡는방법에일반적으로세가지가있다 시간적순서화 공간적순서화 일반적인것에서특수한것으로순서화일반적으로사용설명서는시간적순서를따른다 장과절의구성에서흔히저지르는오류중의하나는단하나만의하위절을만드는것이다 다시말해 11 절아래에는적어도두개의절 111 절과 112 절이있어야한다 마찬가지로 1 장아래에는적어도두개의절 11 절과 12 절이있어야한다 장아래에하위절이전혀없을수있으나그것은이상한게아니다 주의사항 사용자들은소설을읽듯이설명서를처음부터끝까지읽지는않는다 따라서주의사항을설명서의제일앞에두는것은바람직하지않다 원칙적으로경고는그경고가필요한어떤조치나행위가까이에서제시되어야한다 예를들자면, 새텔레비젼을산사람은빨리텔레비젼을틀어보고싶은마음에주의사항들을건너뛰고, 바로설치방법을찾아볼것이다 그런데텔레비젼은, 대부분의다른전자제품과마찬가지로, 캐비닛에설치하는경우에냉각을위해일정한주위공간의확보를요구한다 주의사항과설치방법이 ( 지금처럼장 (chapter) 을달리하여 ) 너무멀리떨어져있다면, 사용자가그주의사항을놓칠가능성이높다 따라서주의사항의장을해체하고필요한곳에배치해야 9 구성
84 구성 한다 대개는설치부분에들어갈것이다 개요 사용자들이이제품을갖고할수있는것이무엇인지설명한다 여기에서는 일반적인것에서특수한것으로순서화하는방법을쓰는것이바람직하다 설치 설치후기본적인점검방법이제시되는것이바람직하다 이를테면 TV의경우위성수신기와 HDMI로연결했을때이러저러한설정이잘못되었거나두기기의 HDMI 인터페이스가호환되지않아서화면이나오지않을수있다 이럴때 CVBS 단자로연결하고어떤설정항목들을확인하라고조언하는것이좋다 유지보수에대한설명이필요하다면설치후주의사항으로서언급하는것이좋을것이다 설정 9 구성 디폴트설정이적절하다면설치후에사용자가곧바로사용을시작할수있을것이다 그러나그것이설정에대한독립적인장의할애가필요없다는것은아니다 설치의장에설정에대한설명을모두포함시킬수도있지만, 사용자가이따금설정방법을찾아볼때에는찾아보기가편하지않을것이다 기본적인조작방법도이장에서설명하는것이가장낫다 일반적인사용은리모콘에서단추하나를누르는것으로끝난다 복잡한조작은대개메뉴를열고어떤항목을찾아서값을바꾸는일이다 메뉴조작방법을이장의맨앞에서설명해두면, 그다음부터는매번어떤단추를누르라고주저리주저리얘기하지않아도된다 간단히아래와같이할수있다 To do something, select the Installation > Dynamic menu 또는, To do something, select Installation > Dynamic 각메뉴항목이갖는의미를충분히설명해야한다 이를테면만약시간설정항목이있다면이것을제대로설치하지않은경우에어떤문제가생기는지설명해야한다 선결이요구되는순서로설명한다 아마도메뉴언어선택, 비디오포맷, 해상도등이먼저설명되어야할것이다 표를목록으로만들어라
91 구성 85 목록을이끄는문장을목록앞에반드시두라 목록의항목들이순서적으로연결되지않는다면번호를달지마라 9 구성
9 구성
87 10 Writing in English 101 The Sentence A sentence is either made of one clause, called a simple sentence, or multiple clauses, called a complex sentence While English, simple sentences are often said to be of the structure Subject + Verb + Object, eg Seoul is big, objects are optional; so it is better to think of an English, simple sentence as being of the structure Subject + Predicate, eg Seoul exists A predicate requires a verb and optionally contains an object and other modifiers If the subject or predicate is missing, the result is generally an incomplete sentence (i), or sentence fragment, unless the sentence has imperative structure (ii) Consider a complex sentence as two or more simple sentences, or clauses, combined as in the examples below (iii iv) Clauses can be of two types: independent and dependent (The clauses are indicated by underlines) Examples: i Watching TV (The subject is missing) ii Watch TV iii Seoul is big and there are many buildings iv Seoul is a big city that has many things to do Independent and Dependent Clauses An independent clause can be written alone as a sentence and can be linked with another independent clause by using a semicolon or coordinating conjunction for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so to form a single complex sentence (i) A dependent clause, 10 Writing in English
88 Writing in English eg that we work in now, cannot be written alone as a sentence and can be linked to a sentence by using a subordinating conjunction eg that to form a complex sentence (ii) Examples: Note that happy and sad faces mean correct and incorrect respectively i On Friday Mr Ko went to a PC room, but he only stayed for 15 minutes On Friday Jong Seuk went to a PC room He only stayed for 15 minutes ii The office that we work in now is nicer than the old office That we work in now Common subordinating conjunctions: after, as though, since, when, although, because, so that, whenever, as, before, than, where, as if, if, though, wherever, as long as, in order that, unless, while, as soon as, provided that, until 102 Parts of Speech 10 Writing in English Noun A noun names the thing we are talking about This can be something touchable (eg TV, E-Global, Korea), an idea (eg evolution), or a quality (eg width, length or color) A proper noun names a particular thing (eg Korea, Mathew, Samsung), while a common noun names a class of things (eg country, person, or company) A common noun falls into usually one of two groups: count noun or mass noun Count nouns are simply nouns that can be counted (eg TV, monitor or glass) Mass nouns cannot be counted because their number is generally unknown (eg water, grass or software) You can drink a glass of water or drink water, but you cannot drink a water Mass nouns are indicated in the Oxford Dictionary of English (http://oxforddictionariescom/) Pronoun A pronoun represents a noun Example: I, me or mine
102 Parts of Speech 89 Adjective An adjective (eg faulty) makes a noun (eg TV) or pronoun more specific The adjective precedes its noun (i), except if connected by a verb and describing the subject (ii) Examples: i The faulty TV ii The TV is faulty Verb A verb usually represents an action (eg bring, read, walk, run or murder), an occurrence (rot or shine), or a state of being (exist or stand) Adverb An adverb usually modifies a verb, but can also modify an adjective or other adverb When modifying a verb, an adverb can go in front of or behind the verb, but I suggest trying to put the adverb in front because it is usually more natural Article There are 3 articles: the, a/an, and the zero article The definite article, the, is singular and indicates its noun is a particular one The is only used for one reason, to refer to something that is known by the reader (i) The indefinite, singular article, a/an, indicates the noun is not yet a particular one The article is used for many reasons: when referring to something that is mentioned for the first time (ii), when a precise definition is not important (iii), or when a general statement is made (iv) The zero article is absence of an article and is the indefinite article for plural (v) and mass nouns (vi) Examples: i Turn on the TV ii Create a content item Configure the basic settings for the content item iii Touch the control pad with a finger (It doesn t matter which finger you use) iv Is a dolphin a person? v I like apples vi I like beer 10 Writing in English
90 Writing in English Preposition A preposition joins a noun or pronoun to another word or phrase in the sentence (i) and expresses direction, location or time Note that many words can be used as prepositions (ii) or adverbs (iii) If the word introduces a noun or pronoun, it is a preposition Though it should be avoided in technical writing, sometimes an idiom may act as a preposition (iv) Examples: i The menu bar is on the screen (On links the noun screen to the phrase menu bar) ii The manager sat behind the desk in her office iii He watched from behind; then he came in and sat down iv He went home early on account of being sick Commonly Used Prepositions: about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but (meaning except), by, concerning, down, during, except, for, from, in, into, like, of, off, on, over, past, since, through, throughout, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, with, within, without 10 Writing in English Conjunction A conjunction (eg and) connects words (i), phrases (ii) or clauses (iii) For negatives, I recommend neither nor (ii); it is clearer than not or A subordinate conjunction can be used to connect two clauses: an independent clause and a dependent clause The independent clause can appear at the beginning (iv) or at the end (v) of the sentence Examples: i John and Peter won the Science Award ii They eat neither raw dog nor monkey brains iii John left the computer when the clock struck midnight iv Mathew missed a day of work because his flight was cancelled v Because his flight was cancelled, Mathew missed a day of work Conjunctions: and, but, or, not, for, yet, so, either or, both and, whether or, neither nor, not only but (also)
103 Comma 91 Commonly used subordinate conjunctions: after, before, provided, though, whenever, although, how, since, till, where, as if, so that, unless, wherever, as much as, in as much as, than, until, while, because, in order that, that, when Conjunctive Adverb A conjunctive adverb (eg therefore) is an adverb that acts as a conjunction To tell a conjunctive adverb apart from a conjunction, I suggest reading the sentence aloud; conjunctive adverbs are usually marked by a pause Examples: i I like cheese, bread, and tomato sauce; therefore, I like pizza ii Usually, if you pause after saying the word, it s a conjunctive adverb Commonly used conjunctive adverbs: therefore, moreover, consequently, furthermore, indeed, in fact, however 103 Comma Many people think you should put a comma where you would normally pause when reading This is not always true Comma rules mostly help organize ideas, according to the rules outlined below A Comma Is Required with adjectives between two or more in a series that can be reversed Examples: i The drawing was of a lonely, young boy ii The drawing was of a young, lonely boy Note: Remember that an adjective modifies a noun, normally as an a opinion: silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult b size: large, tiny, enormous, little c age: ancient, new, young, old d shape: square, round, flat, rectangular 10 Writing in English
92 Writing in English e colour: blue, pink, reddish, grey f origin: French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek g material: wooden, metal, cotton, paper h purpose: -ing for addresses code between items on the same line except the postal, or ZIP, Examples: i In the US and Britain: Name Street Name, City, County zip code ii Mathew Watkins (next line) 32718 Chilcotin Drive, Abbotsford, BC Canada (next line) V2T 5S5 when contrasting between an independent and dependent clause that are not closely related Example: I should be able to finish by tomorrow, even though I was sick with interruptions before and after the interruption Example: This kimchi, however, is terrible 10 Writing in English for introductory elements after a long introductory element Example: If the VWL file is not registered and published to the Video Wall Console, other files cannot be registered or published for an introductory interjection after expressions like such as, oh, well, why, indeed, yes and no Example: Indeed, I would be glad to help between independent clauses before and, but, or and nor and sometimes so, yet and for when the clause is not closely related Example: Human beings have always prided themselves on their ability to use language, but today computers use language
103 Comma 93 for numbers commonly, after every three digits Example: 10,000,000000 for a quotation before the quotation if it is not integrated into the sentence, which is usually the case Example: They said, People live in cities but dream of the countryside, even though they live in cities with the last quotation mark before the quotation mark if no other punctuation is used Example: People live in cities, they said to separate information between the units of information Example: Do not leave your TV in standby mode for long periods of time (when you are away on a holiday) Do not leave your TV in standby mode for long periods of time, when you are away on a holiday for a series of three or more words or phrases separating the series Example: A DVD, Blu-ray player, HD cable box, HD STB satellite receiver, cable box, or STB satellite receiver may require a DVI-HDMI (DVI to HDMI) cable for a series of three or more clauses separating the series Example: Plants absorb poisonous gases, remove dust from the air, and cleanse the air of other impurities with conjunctive adverbs after the conjunctive adverb (eg therefore, moreover, consequently, furthermore, indeed, in fact, however) if it joins independent clauses Example: Your idea is good; however, your format is poor A Comma Is Not Required 10 Writing in English with adjectives between two or more in a series that cannot be reversed Example: Samsung makes mostly black-framed TVs (The frames of the TVs are black)
94 Writing in English when contrasting before a dependent clause that is closely related to the preceding independent clause Example: I should be able to finish by tomorrow because I am Superman! with a date in 5 March 2009 when there is no interruption that is, if the word or phrase in question does not interrupt the sentence Example: I therefore suggest that we have pizza for introductory elements if they are three words or less and closely related to the sentence Example: In 1 hour the bread will be finished baking for introductory interjections Example: Certainly we should try if they closely modify the verb between independent clauses if they are short or closely related clauses Example: The cable snapped and the power failed 10 Writing in English for numbers in international format, recommended (Use a space instead of a comma after every three digits) example10 000 000000 between only two words or phrases only a conjunction required Example: I like many types of foods and different kinds of drinks between the last two words in a series of words if the meaning is clear without a comma Example: I like bananas, strawberries and oranges between two dependent clauses in a series only a conjunction is required
104 Hyphens and En Dashes 95 Example: Plants absorb poisonous gases and remove dust from the air Note: Use a semicolon instead if an item in the series contains a comma Our new courses include note taking, which is indispensable; a technical report, which has not been taught before; and listening comprehension, which is vital 104 Hyphens and En Dashes It is perhaps impossible to learn all the rules for hyphens, and not every rule is included here I believe, however, the following guide will lend AST a professional style for hyphen usage I tried to outline general rules that can be learned, with exceptions indicated that I thought are relevant to AST Between Words Acting as a Single Idea A hyphen is often, but not always, required between words that form a single idea, for example in air-condition, compared to log in; and other times, two words are joined as one This is often determined by part of speech Below are three rules to follow 1 Two verbs are written separately if they can also function as nouns or adjectives When used as nouns or adjectives, they should be written as one word Examples: i Log in to the website (verb) ii Go to the login page (adjective) iii A login is an identification process (noun) 2 Two verbs appearing together that cannot function as nouns or adjectives are either hyphenated or written as one word If you do not find the compound verb in the dictionary, hyphenate it 10 Writing in English Examples: i To air-condition the house will be expensive
96 Writing in English ii AST downsizes in the summer 3 Nouns and adjectives appearing together that cannot function as verbs can be two words, one word, or hyphenated If you can t find the compound word in the dictionary, write it as two words Spelled-out fractions, however, are always hyphenated Example: eye shadow, eyewitness, eye-opener, and onethird Between Words Before a Noun Use a comma between two adjectives when they appear before a noun if they can be reversed without changing the meaning important, classified documents classified, important documents Generally, hyphenate between two or more words (i), numbers included (ii), when they appear before a noun and act as a single idea, regardless of their regular form as compound words; but there are exceptions A hyphen is not used with an adverb that ends in -ly (iii); with the words most or least (iv); within a name (v); between a number and the word percent or an abbreviation (vi), such as cm; or between colors (vii), except in black-and-white (viii) Examples: 10 Writing in English i backward-compatible technology(technology that is backwardcompatible) early-nineteenth-century literature (literature from the early nineteenth century) friendly-looking man(man that is friendly looking) ii 40-bit encryption (encryption that is 40 bits) iii frequently referred-to paragraph(paragraph that is frequently referred to) iv most efficient method(method that is most efficient) v Hewlett Packard-based software(software that is Hewlett Packardbased) vi 10 cm bolt(bolt that is 10 cm long) vii bluish green ink(ink that is bluish green)
104 Hyphens and En Dashes 97 viii black-and-white copy (copy that is black and white) Distinguishing between -ly adverbs and adjectives can be difficult You can test if the first word appearing before a noun is an adverb by writing it alone with the noun: (Correct and incorrect grammar are indicated by happy and sad faces respectively) Examples: i friendly-looking man friendly man ( : adjective) ii sharply worded criticism sharply criticism ( : adverb) We can see that sharply functions as an adverb and therefore a hyphen should not be used Sometimes the second word before a noun may be omitted, rather than repeating it; in such a case, use a hyphen followed by a space Examples: i Chicago- or Milwaukee-bound passengers ii over- and underfed cats Punctuation may affect the meaning of a text When two adjectives or an adjective and adverb appear together and you want the first word to modify the entire phrase, do not use any punctuation Examples: Numbers i small animal hospital (the animal hospital is small) ii small-animal hospital (the hospital is for small animals) For the sake of style, use an en dash ( ) between numbers in place of up to and including or through An en dash is basically the English version of the tilde ( ) used in Korean; it is smaller than a regular dash ( ) but bigger than a hyphen (-) To type an en dash, use ALT + 0150 Because it would be redundant, do not use from or between with the en dash For phone numbers, use hyphens in only toll-free numbers as dictated by local style Other phone numbers should follow international style, which does not use hyphens, because they can be dialed from anywhere 10 Writing in English
98 Writing in English In contrast, toll-free numbers are usually impossible to dial globally Note that 800 is used for toll-free numbers within North America, and a plus sign (+) indicates the country code in international style Example: 800-692-7753 (USA toll-free) and + 82 70 750 07049 (international) Prefixes and Suffixes Attach most prefixes and suffixes without using a hyphen, regardless of where the word appears in a sentence However, use a hyphen with the prefix (1) if the root word is a name, (2) if the prefix ends and the root word starts both with an a or both with an i, (3) if the prefix -re is used to mean again and could otherwise cause confusion with another word (when used without a hyphen), or (4) if using the prefix self-, ex-, or e- For the prefix on, such as in online or on-screen, use a dictionary Example: un-american, ultra-ambitious, re-cover (cover again, compared with recover for get better), self-respect, ex-wife, and e-mail 105 Quotation Marks and Apostrophes 10 Writing in English Apostrophes (eg Unicode: 2019 [ ]) and quotation marks (eg Unicode: 201C [ ] and 201D [ ]) are usually, though not always, written as curly lines Straight lines are best reserved for feet ( ) and inches ( ), but using straight lines in all situations is acceptable Quotation Marks The American practice for quotation marks should be used at AST Double and single quotation marks should enclose a quote and a quote within a quote respectively (iv) Use of other punctuation with quotation marks is similar to Korean, and the rules are few Periods and commas should always be inside quotation marks (ii and iv) If a punctuation mark other than either a comma or a period is part of the quote, it goes inside the quotation marks (i); if not, it goes outside (iii) Lastly, please do not use quotation marks to indicate OSD Instead, use bold sans-serif in the final draft
105 Quotation Marks and Apostrophes 99 Examples: i Do you like Kimchi? asked Min Jee ii Kimchi tastes good, said Mathew iii A foreigner said, Kimchi tastes good? iv You heard right: A foreigner said, Kimchi tastes good Apostrophes In technical writing, the apostrophe is almost exclusively used to show possession Use s to show singular possession (i) and s to show plural possession (ii) If a word already ends in s, only an apostrophe is required; but you can optionally write the possessive s (iii) If an item is owned by two, write only the second name as possessive Both names written as possessive means two items are owned separately Below, Jin Hee visits one neighbourhood, where Mr Chang and Mr Jones both live (iv), while Dong Gyun visits two different neighbourhoods, Mr Chang s and Ms Smith s (v) Note that an apostrophe is never used for the plural of a name (vi) and that it s is the contraction of it is, not the possessive form of it (vii) Though s is not normally used to show plural, it should be used where there would otherwise be confusion (viii) Finally, do not use contractions (eg isn t) because they are informal (ix) Examples: i boy s hat ii two boys hats iii Mr Jones (s) golf clubs iv Jin Hee visited Mr Chang and Mr Jone s neighbourhood v Dong Gyun visited Mr Chang s and Ms Smith s neighbourhoods vi The Changs have a dog vii The dog often has its toy in its mouth viii Please dot your i s ix China is not clean Sometimes you may have to bend the rules for consistency In Ted couldn t distinguish his 6 s and 0 s, an apostrophe is needed to distinguish from the word Os; so an apostrophe is also used after 6 10 Writing in English
100 Writing in English 106 Capitalization Abbreviations Refer to 1010 Quotes Capitalize the first word in a quote, unless the quote has been integrated into the sentence Examples: i He said, Treat her as you would your own daughter ii He said to treat her as you would own daughter Names 10 Writing in English Names are normally capitalized when written in full, but there are additional rules to keep in mind when writing the name of a facility or organization If you write only the common noun part of the name, use lower case (i); if you include a proper noun (ie a word unique to the facility or organization), use uppercase (ii) Other names are unconventional (iii) These names should not be changed There is, of course, and exception: if a name normally beginning with a lowercase letter begins a sentence, it is capitalized However, it is best to avoid changing the name and to rearrange the sentence instead Finally, a term that describes only a function is not a name and should not be capitalized (iv) Examples: i the council to indicate the United Nations Security Council ii the Security Council to indicate the United Nations Security Council iii ebay in EBay is a popular site in Canada iv parking lot People s Titles Capitalize a person s title when it precedes the name; do not capitalize it when the title is acting as a description following the name Example: Principal Petrov or Ms Petrov, the principal
106 Capitalization 101 Headings Capitalize (1) the first and last words in a title, including the first word following a colon (i), (2) words functioning as content words (ie nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives), (3) subordinating conjunctions, for example before, after and when (ii), and prepositions of more than four letters (iii) Note that hyphenated words should be treated the same as separate words (i); however, if the hyphen is just separating a prefix that cannot stand alone from its root word, only the prefix is capitalized (iv, v), unless the root word is a name (vi) Do not capitalize functional words (eg articles, preposition, and coordinating conjunctions) other than both subordinating conjunctions and prepositions of more than four letters; never capitalize to, even if it comes before a verb If these rules produce an obviously awkward title, capitalize or lowercase words to what looks best Examples: i Getting Started with Internet@TV: The Remote-Control Buttons ii Using the TV After You Set It Up iii Installing the TV Below Your Feet iv Anti-intellectual Pursuits v Self-Sustaining Reactions vi Non-English Speaking Countries Compass Directions Capitalize points of the compass (ie north, east, south and west) only when they refer to specific regions Example: There are many people from the West in southern Africa Calendar Days, holidays and months are capitalized but not seasons Examples: Monday, New Year s Day, January, and winter 10 Writing in English
102 Writing in English Colon Do not capitalize a word that follows a colon, (i) unless of course the first word is a name or is written separate from the paragraph, for example if the colon is introducing a list (ii) Another exception is if the colon is introducing more than one sentence all the sentences should be capitalized (iii) Finally, quoted text should be capitalized as in the original (iv) Examples: i They study involves three types of food: cereal, produce, and fat ii I like different foods: Pizza Salmon steak Beef steak, cooked medium rare iii There are many fun things to do in Korea: Go to a PC room with your lover Visit Caribbean Bay Enjoy historical sites iv Aristotle, I think, best explains anger: People who are ailing, or needy, or in love, or thirsty in a word, those who have any desire that is not being satisfied are prone to anger, or are easily incensed, but above all at any one who shows indifference to their present aim Lists 10 Writing in English I recommend capitalizing only the first word of a listed item (ii), even if it is not a complete sentence, except when the listed items contain internal punctuation and are acting as part of the sentence that introduced it (i) What s most important, however, is that items in a list follow the same format Examples: i Accessories include a remote control, with batteries; a power cord; a warranty card
106 Capitalization 103 ii LCD panel Maximum pixel clock 215 inches 164 MHz (analog or digital) On-Screen Display and Directly Referenced Text Directly referenced OSD should have the same words capitalized as on screen This applies to other directly referenced text that is located on a product, for example written on a remote control or above a port on the back of a TV When the project is finished, all directly referenced text on a product should be written in bold sans-serif font, with the rest of the text in regular serif font Be sure the text is clearly indicated as a direct reference from the early stages of the writing process (eg in square brackets) If you cannot decide if a term is being used as a direct reference, know that a direct reference serves to point to a specific term within OSD or on the product Note that names (eg Media Play) are always capitalized, even if not written as a direct reference Examples: i Set Remote TV Screen to on Once Remote TV Screen is set to on, move to the next step Set Remote TV Screen to on Once the remote TV screen is on, move to the next step Above, the first line is rewritten for easier reading Writing Remote TV Screen as a direct reference is effective in the first sentence; doing so indicates to the reader that he should look for the exact words on screen However, the term is merely a description of a function, not a name, and repeating the term in the second sentence as a direct reference would be distracting to the reader and unnecessary ii Open the Save window and save the file Save is the name of the window and should be written as a direct reference only when referring to the window Input/output Signal Port Name iii Audio output AUDIO OUT A port name, used in the second column as a direct reference, should not be used to describe a signal but only to refer to the port itself 10 Writing in English
104 Writing in English 107 Parentheses Parentheses separate words that clarify or are used as an aside The parentheses indicate that the information is less important than if it was separated by dashes or commas, but normally function the same way Parentheses can also enclose numbers or letters used to indicate listed items, as is done in this paragraph Be careful to avoid common mistakes made with parentheses: (1)First, writing two sets of parenthesis next to each other is incorrect and would be difficult for the reader to understand (2) Second, joining two sets of parenthesis into one set by separating the information with a comma still reads as essentially two sets of parenthesis Rearrange the information instead (Incorrect and correct punctuation are indicated by sad and happy faces respectively) Example: Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) (Off/On) Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC, Off/On) Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) Off/On Acronym When explaining an acronym, I recommend spelling out the term the first time it is mentioned, with the acronym in parenthesis Example: Art System Technology (AST) 10 Writing in English Brackets Use brackets inside parenthesis Example: I like blueberries (a type of fruit [ an edible structure produced by plants ]) Missing Information Using parentheses to indicate missing information is not usual, and I do not recommend it Instead, use an ellipsis ( ), with spaces on either side If that does not communicate enough information, add an explanation in sentence format Example: (device_name) Menu Menu indicates the menu specific to a device
108 Slashes 105 Numbers Normally, do not use parenthesis in phone numbers, except for a clarification or if the local style requires it Refer to for further details about writing numbers Example: +1 604 SAMSUNG (726 7864) Periods and other finishing punctuation Periods and other finishing punctuation go outside the parentheses (i), unless the parentheses stand independently and contain a full sentence (ii) Examples: i I like blueberries (a type of fruit) ii I like blueberries (Blueberries are a type of fruit) 108 Slashes I recommend normally avoiding slashes Often writers use slashes to mean or, but simply writing or is more clear and does not take up much more space (i) Except in legal documentation, avoid the awkward construction and/or; usually writing one of the conjunctions alone is enough (ii) Slashes are also commonly used with dates, but because such use is informal and the system varies between nations, the international format, which does not use slashes, is best (iii) There are situations, however, when a slash is appropriate; use a slash to indicate a deleted word (iv) or a fraction (v) or if it is part of a name (vi) Normally write a slash with no space on either side, but optionally put a space on either side when the slash separates groups of words (vii) Examples: i Select Horizontal or Vertical instead of Select Horizontal/Vertical ii Do not stick your finger or a metal object in the socket iii 23 March 2010 instead of 03/23/10 iv kilometers/hour for Kilometers per hour 10 Writing in English
106 Writing in English v 2/3 for two-thirds vi Directive 2006/66/EC vii World War I/First World War or World War I / First World War 109 Index In index should be intuitive and thorough, keeping in mind any limit on the number of pages It is acceptable and even encouraged that you repeat some information already listed in the table of contents Arrange entries in alphabetic order For terms longer than one word, ignore spaces and commas, and alphabetize letter by letter (i -v) Invert an entry when required so that the keyword appears at the beginning (v) An entry is usually a noun or noun phrase, unless it is a subentry (perhaps never at AST) or direct reference such as OSD It is acceptable to write the noun version of a word even if it does not occur as a noun on the indicated page (i) Optionally delete words from an entry that contribute little meaning (iv) Examples: 10 Writing in English i amplification, 21 (instead of amplify) ii Channel Manager, 13 iii Channels menu, 14 15 iv Channel View, 12, 13 (instead of using Channel View) v PC, connecting to, 27 Capitalization: Entries should be capitalized only if they are capitalized in the original text body (ie anywhere other than headings); if the entry is referring to a heading, follow the regular capitalization rules used in a text body (eg capitalize names) This means that the first word in an entry is not necessarily capitalized Example: amplification, 21 Indentation: An entry should be flush left, with any following lines indented Punctuation: Page number(s) should be set off by a comma, and multiple page numbers separated by a comma or joined by an en dash When the subject continues across multiple pages, use the en dash to indicate
1010 Writing Process 107 the range of page numbers (i); when the subject is scattered on multiple pages, use the comma (ii) Examples: i Channels menu, 14 15 ii Channel View, 12, 13 On-Screen Display etc: In other parts of a manual, directly referenced OSD and other text is written in bold sans-serif font and capitalized the same as on screen Treat such text the same in the index Example: Energy Saving, 16 Abbreviations: Normally, list terms in full within an index, with the abbreviation optionally written in parentheses (i) When the abbreviation is more widely known than the term written in full, write the abbreviation first with the full version in parentheses (ii) (The index is the only place where I recommend occasionally putting the full version of a term in parentheses) Examples: i Electronic Program Guide (EPG), 16 ii HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), 10 1010 Writing Process Paragraph Structure A paragraph is about one idea, with the one idea stated in the topic sentence Supporting sentences are the other sentences in the paragraph and serve to support or develop the topic sentence Be careful you do not include sentences that are unrelated Clear and Concise Use as few words as possible to communicate precisely what is meant Sometimes a sentence may loosely communicate an idea, but changing the words makes the idea more clear: Unfasten the single screw from the 10 Writing in English
108 Writing in English cover (which is used to replace the lamp) on the right side -> Unfasten the single screw from the cover (which allows access to the lamp) on the right side Coherence There are 2 important tools you can use to make a coherent paragraph 1 Put related ideas next to each other within the paragraph: I like sports I like swimming because it is relaxing I like skiing because it is exciting I don t like boxing 2 If the relationship between ideas is not clear, use transitional expressions such as for instance, however, therefore, next, or for example: I like sports I like swimming because it is relaxing I like skiing because it is exciting However, I don t like boxing 10 Writing in English Spatial Order While transitional expressions or introductory elements can be useful, be careful not to use them too often: To open the menu screen, select <MENU> in Magic Eye To set the Customized Key to the mode you want, go to <SETUP&RESET> and <Customized Key> in the menu The example above can be rewritten, as below: Select <MENU> in Magic Eye to set the Customized Key to open the menu screen To set the Customized Key to the mode you want, go to <SETUP&RESET> and <Customized Key> in the menu Especially avoid introductory elements at the beginning of a paragraph You cannot use a transitional expression to show the relationship with another idea if there is no preceding sentence to refer to Spatial order is useful for arranging information, say about a display, as it appears in the real world Tell about information in the order that it appears, either left to right or top to bottom This can be done within a paragraph, but when there is a lot to tell, often a table is easier to understand:
1010 Writing Process 109 Compositions Keep in mind the audience you are writing for If you are writing for normal people, explain difficult terms Sometimes a confusing term is easily understood by writing it in full, for example: You can set up your TV so that it can access the Internet through your local area network (LAN) using a wired or wireless connection Tone Use a moderately formal tone in technical writing Casual language varies from region to region, from upper class to lower class, between races, between age groups, and even between sexes Formal language varies less and is more literal, allowing for ease of translation Avoid using idioms, for instance: The Open window will show up on the left Show up, above, can be changed to a more literal expression: The Open window will be displayed on the left Abbreviations Often, abbreviations are formed from the initial letter or letters of major parts of a compound term (eg STB for set-top box) and should almost always be capitalized Abbreviations that are not formed this way and units of measure are often lowercase or a mix of lowercase and uppercase (eg mph for miles per hour and MB/s for megabytes per second) When in doubt about whether to use capitals in such cases, look up the abbreviations Use abbreviations sparingly They slow down the translation process, costing the documentation process more money Use abbreviations (1) when they are universally understood (eg CD), or (2) when they are long terms that are repeated many times, or (3) when they make the sentence too long to understand easily, or (4) when there is limited space on the page Consider including any abbreviations you use in a glossary When to spell out: In help documents (eg a user manual), spell out a term that is not universally understood (eg LAN for local area network) when you introduce it In the case of large help documents such as a Sam- 10 Writing in English
110 Writing in English sung TV user manual, the documents are not intended to be read all the way through and terms should be spelled out the first time they appear in a section How to spell out: When you spell out a term, put the spelled-out version first, with the abbreviation in parentheses In general, do not capitalize the spelled out version, unless it is a name or the first word begins the sentence Example: Internet service provider (ISP) Articles: Select a or an before an abbreviation based on how it is pronounced For instance, a URL (sound like a yew-ar-el) or an STB (sounds like an es-tee-bee) Elements: The first letters of elements are capitalized in abbreviations Remember to write the numbers of atoms in subscript Example: O 2 for oxygen or dioxide File types: Use all uppercase for abbreviations of file types Example: a JPEG file, an AIFF file, and the MP3 file 10 Writing in English Filename extensions: Filename extensions, which indicate the file type, should be in lowercase Example: jpg, gif and mp3 Punctuation: Do not use periods, except in the following cases: nonmetric units of measure, Latin abbreviations, honorifics (eg Mrs and Dr), people s initials (each initial followed by a space), and the abbreviations am and pm Treat second the same as non-metric units of time and abbreviate it as sec Example: eg, Mr Mathew J Watkins, 1 cm, 2 lb, 2 sec and 1 min Plural: Add an s without an apostrophe to indicate plural of an abbreviation, except with units of measure Example: CDs, ICs, ISPs and 2 cm
1010 Writing Process 111 Units of measure: The names of most units start with a lower case letter except, of course, at the beginning of the sentence There are exceptions (1) The first letter of a unit named after a person is capitalized when abbreviated and normally lowercased when written in full W watt K kelvin Hz hertz C degrees Celsius Example: V volt F degrees Fahrenheit A ampere In C and F, the unit degree is lowercase but the modifiers Celsius and Fahrenheit remain capitalized (2) L for liter is a unique case It is capitalized because 1 l, for example, looks like the number 11 (3) The unit B for byte is another special case, capitalized to distinguish it from the smaller b for bit (4) Finally, abbreviations of unit prefixes M for mega and above are capitalized Example: L, ml, kb, MB and GB Currencies Samsung asks that we use the local (eg or $), rather than the international (eg KRW or USD), symbols for currency Be clear which currency you are referring to The $ symbol, for example, is used to represent the Mexican peso and the US and Canadian dollar Units of Measure Use the International System of Units (SI), for example degrees Celsius or C and meters or m Documents intended for the US should include local units in parenthesis The standard symbols (recommended) for international feet and inches (not SI) are ft and in respectively Alternatively, the prime symbols for international feet and inches (not SI) are (Unicode: 0027) and (Unicode: 0022) respectively Example: 30 cm (098 ft) 10 Writing in English
10 Writing in English
113 11 번역 11 번역 111 번역을맡기기전에 토터스태거 (tortoise tagger) 를이용하면택매크로들을번역자가건드릴수 없게만들수있다 (http://wwwnemadekacom/taggerhtm) 토터스태거는엠에스워드에플러그인된다
114 번역 마이크로소프트워드에서추가기능을선택하면사용자지정도구모음이나타난다 거기에서거북이아이콘을선택한다 그다음의과정은이렇다 1 태그리스트파일을선택한다 2 그다음에텍파일하나를선택한다 11 번역 3 그러면태그리스트에정의된규칙을따라선택된텍파일이있는폴더에들어있는모든텍파일들을처리하여 doc 파일로저장한다 여기에서처리라함은텍매크로들을찾아서일정한스타일을입혀주는것이다 만들어진워드파일중의하나를불러보자 이제할일은이워드파일들을번역자에게넘기는것이다 그들은이워드 파일들을 RTF 파일로바꾸어트라도스에불러들일것이다 번역을끝낸뒤에 RTF 로저장하여우리에게돌려줄것이다 좀더친절한번역자라면 UTF-8 로 인코딩된텍스트파일로바꾸어우리에게줄것이다 그렇다면태그리스트파일을어떻게만들어야할까? 토터스태거는나름 의문법을갖고있다 예를들어보겠다 ~~~FindAsIs ~~~WriteAsIs ~~~WC-OFF \ \
111 번역을맡기기전에 115 토터스태거의명령은세개의틸데, ~~~ 로시작한다 위의예는아래에쓰여있는대로찾아서아래에쓰여있는대로바꾸되, 와일드카드모드는사용하지않는다는뜻이다 다시말해 \ 을찾아 을 로바꾸라는말이다 왜냐하면조사매크로들은한국어텍에서만사용되므로번역자가이것들을삭제할수있게만들어줘야하기때문이다 만약이처리를하지않으면백슬래시로시작되는텍매크로들을번역자가지울수없게되므로번역된 ( 여기서는영어 ) 텍파일에조사매크로들이살아남게될것이다 주의해야할것은태그리스트파일에한국어가들어있다면, 그파일은 CP949로인코딩되어야한다 왜냐하면이파일은엠에스워드에서사용될것이기때문이다 이제번역자가번역하여제공한파일을열어보자 11 번역 이것을텍스트파일로저장하면, 텍번역이완료된다 그런데 rtf 파일들을한꺼번에텍스트파일로저장할수없을까? ConvertDoc(http://wwwsoftinterfacecom/Convert-Doc/ Convert-Dochtm) 다양한포맷들을다룰수있는문서포맷변환기이다
116 번역 11 번역 112 번역물을받은다음에 번역사는설명서를번역할때, 이따금번역목표언어로이미만들어져있는메뉴중부적절한것들을발견해도고치지말아야한다 왜냐하면, 고치면, 제품에서나타나는표현과설명에서나오는표현이서로일치하지않게되기때문이다 텍스트워크벤치 (Text Workbench) 는 UTF-8을지원하는바꾸기프로그램이다 (http://wwwsilveragesoftwarecom/indexhtml) 여기에서는표현식의이해가아주중요하다 이것의문법은에디터의그것 과도비슷하므로배우기가아주까다롭지는않다 예를들어보겠다 (ui?)#\{ \} \1{OK} 이것은 ui 뒤에아무것이나한글자가오는것까지포함하여, 다시말해,