Cited-by via DOI,/CrossRef, ORCID, CrossMark, FundRef and QR code 조윤상 ( 과편협기획운영위원 )
Table of Contents 1. Cited-by via DOI,/CrossRef 2. CrossRef Services - CrossMark - FundRef - Text and Data Mining 3. ORCID 4. QR code 2 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef / DOI? CrossRef? PILA (Publishers International Linking Association) 에서운영하는조직. CrossRef 국제 DOI(Digital Object Identifier) 재단의공식적인등록대행기관. DOI (Digital object identifier)? 디지털지적재산에부여하는기호체계 URL 주소가바뀌더라도 landing page 를변경해주면영구적으로접근가능함 DOI 의구조는 prefix 와 suffix 로구성됨 발급체계- 예시1 prefix DOI directory suffix 발급체계- 예시2 prefix DOI directory suffix DOI 연결구성도 2 DOI:URL deposit 학회 (Publisher) 1 DOI Numbering 4 DOI : URL 논문 (Landing Page) 3 DOI 사용자 5 Free Access URL 3 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
DOI XML Deposit information DOI XML 예시 저자정보 CrossMark 4 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
DOI Citation 사례분석 DOI 발급후, Cited By 통계 Ex) Journal of Economic Integration (2014 년 11 월 21 일 ) 2013년 5월 38 times 444 times 2014년 11월 30 155 98 3 2 2 - - - - 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013년 5월 18 17 30 21 9 6 12 19 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 년 155 편중 45 편 Epub (30%) DOI/CrossRef 에참여하면쉽게참고문헌에서전문으로찾아갈수있으며, 참고문헌에서원문으로끊임없이연결하여, 원문을쉽게볼수있고인용을쉽게할수있어영향력지표를높이는효과가있음. 5 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Reference of hyperlink service 참고문헌에서원문으로의 Linkout 제공하여, 원문을쉬운접근방법으로볼수있도록하는 서비스 6 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Cited-by linking service Article 에 Cited-by 서비스를제공 인용된논문리스트를보여줌 해당 Article 을쉽게볼수있도록원문으로연결해주는서비스 7 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Reference hyperlink 필요성 DOI/CrossRef 에참여하면, 참고문헌에서전문으로쉽게찾아갈수있으며, 참고문헌에서원문으로끊임없이연결하여, 원문을쉽게볼수있고인용을쉽게할수있어영향력지표를높이는효과가있음. 8 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Cited-by linking Google Scholar, Scopus, ISI 에서도 Cited-by 서비스를제공하지만, CrossRef 에서는 DOI deposits 논문에대해서회원에게, Cited-by linking 서비스를제공 Cited-by 서비스란? - Article 에대해서현재, 어떤저자가어느논문에인용을했는지확인가능함 2014 년 6 월현재이용가능한 Articles. As of July 2014, publishers participating control roughly 40% of the total number of DOIs deposited in CrossRef: Articles with references deposited: 22,108,539 Articles with at least one cited-by relation: 27,549,628 Total number of cited-by links: 405,280,737 CrossRef cited-by linking sign-up 9 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Cited-by linking Service Example 10.5999/aps.2014.41.6.617 10 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Cited-by linking service - ScienceCentral ScienceCentral 11 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Cited-by API / CrossRef System 1) Provides XML format using with HTTP queries DOI query:<username>&pwd=<password>&doi =<doi>&startdate=<startdate>&enddate=<enddate> By-date query:<username>&pwd=<password>&doi =<prefix>&date=yyyy-mm-dd 2) CrossRef System 12 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Services CrossMark 13 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
What is CrossMark? CrossRef 에서 Service 하는 CrossMark 는출판물의업데이트현황및다양한출판정보를제공함 Errata Withdrawals Retractions New editions Protocol updates Notice of concern, etc 14 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Example of CrossMark CrossMark 적용 - website CrossMark 적용 - PDF 15 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Example of CrossMark CrossMark 적용 - website CrossMark update 정보 16 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
XML for CrossMark 기타 Record 정보 XML for CrossMark 0 Publication History <custom_metadata> <assertion name="received" label="received" group_name="publication_history" group_label="publication History" order="0">2014-07-15</assertion> <assertion name="accepted" label="accepted" group_name="publication_history" group_label="publication History" order="1">2014-07-31</assertion> <assertion name="published" label="published" group_name="publication_history" group_label="publication History" order="2">2014-08-18</assertion> </custom_metadata> 17 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Services FundRef 18 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
FundRef? What is FundRef? 연구비지원기관고유번호 (funder identification) service. CrossRef 에기탁한출판물에서연구비정보를표준을만들어제공. 2013 년 5 월정식으로출범하여서비스를시작. 필요성? 표준화된연구비지원에대한메타자료가없어서분석이어려움. 연구비지원기관이지원한내용을쉽게찾기용이함. 발행인, 연구자소속기관에서도지원한주요기관을쉽게찾기용이함. From Lammey R. How to apply CrossMark and FundRef via CrossRef XML. 12th EASE General Assembly and Conference; 2014 June 12-13; Split, Croatia 19 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
FundRef Workflow Work flow of FundRef. Available from [cited 2014 Nov 23]. 20 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
FundRef Search Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies 21 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
XML for FundRef XML for FundRef 22 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
FundRef registry 2014 년 5 월 16 일국내 370 여기관등록됨. FundRef registry? 1. RDF, CSV file download 2. ScienceCentral - CrossRef Funder Registry Browser 23 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Funder Registry Browser * Type, Country, Funder Name 검색 24 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Funder Registry Browser 활용안 25 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Services Text and Data mining 26 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Text and Data Mining 배경및정의 Text and Data mining (TDM) 은다수의 text 에서분석을통해특정한관련데이터를추출하는것. 필요성 온라인상의방대한자료로부터유용한정보를찾기위해연구자또는이용자들이찾고자하는문헌을분석하는데드는시간과비용을줄이는데크게기여함. TDM 활용전, Full text 접근방법연구자 ( 이용자 ) 가 full text 를접근하는방법으로, 저널구독이라는물리적인방법 저널사이트에서직접 Screen-scrapping - 연구자 ( 이용자 ) 들의끊임없는새로운문헌요구에대한즉각적인반응이어렵다. - 웹사이트를통한접근이가능하더라도많은양의 full text 를다운받거나, scrapping 하는데에러발생등의고질적인문제가있다. 27 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef TDM Service CrossRef Text and Data mining (TDM) 은위와같은문제를해결하고, 누구나원문에무료로접근이가능하도록함. CrossRef TDM Service CrossRef 에기탁된메타데이터를이용하여 full text 를제공하고, 연구자 ( 이용자 ) 가 TDM 서비스를제공받는데중요한역할을함. CrossRef TDM service 는 publisher 가기탁하는 DOI 를통해연구자 ( 이용자 ) 가 full text 접근이가능하도록 CrossRef Metadata API 를통해제공됨. Google, MSN, Altavista, Yahoo, Scirus 와같은 Search engine 에서 CrossRef Metadata API 를통해 TDM 서비스가되고있음 28 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef Text and Data Mining Workflow From Lammey R. How to apply CrossMark and FundRef via CrossRef XML. 12th EASE General Assembly and Conference; 2014 June 12-13; Split, Croatia 29 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef TDM Service 적용예 Website 적용예시 CrossRef TDM 적용예시 - 관련문헌 CrossRef TDM 적용예시 - 참고문헌 30 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
CrossRef TDM Service 적용예 - 검색어 31 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) 32 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID? 1. ORCID 의개요 Open Researcher and Contributor ID - 연구자고유식별자를관리하는국제조직. 이조직이관리하는연구자고유식별자. 개별연구자를다른연구자들과구별짓는고유식별자. 연구자고유 ID 를통해개별연구자들의연구활동 ( 연구비수혜 ) 및그성과물을정보시스템등과연계하여시스템간의상호운용성을높이는것이목적임. 2. ORCID 구조 http URI + 16 자리숫자로구성 예 ) 0000-0001-5000-0007 ~ 0000-0003-5000-0001 번호를임의로할당하여 ID 를발행. 3. ORCID 핵심기능 1) Registry 고유식별자를발급받아연구활동기록을보관함 2) API(Application Programming Interface) 정보시스템과의정보교환및인증 33 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID 의활용 1. 연구자 이름의잘못된표기나, 이름이동일한다른연구자와구별하여본인의연구성과물관리. 연구성과의가시성을높여주고연구저작물을쉽게공유할수있음. 논문투고, 데이터사용, 연구비지원신청시연구업적을반복해서입력하는번거로움을최소화. 2. 출판사 투고관리시스템에 ORCID 식별자를도입하여, 연구참여자와연구와의연계성도모. 투고관리시스템과 ORCID 시스템인증 ( 로그인 ) 을통합하여투고과정의간소화가능. 저자의저작물을명확하게연결하여검색에대한품질보증및검색기능을개선. 3. 연구기관 조직과구성원모두에게최신기록을유지하기위한시간적인소모를감축시킴. ORCID 로부터구성원들의연구활동보고를수신받을수있음. 34 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID 가입현황 ORCID 가입현황 ORCID 가입현황 2014 Nov. 21 ORCID LIVE 35 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Register ORCID id 정보의접근관리설정 공개 (Public): 모든주체가본인의정보를조회할수있도록설정 제한 (Limited): 특별히접근을허용한조직 (Trusted party) 에게만정보를조회할수있도록설정 개인 (Private): 본인을제외한모든주체가정보를조회할수없음 36 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID id 추가정보입력 추가정보입력 성명 ( 필명, 로마자, 자국어명 ), 키워드, 웹사이트주소, QR Code, Others IDs (Tomson Research ID, Scopus Author ID), 본인의저작물정보. 37 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID Register Funding Link Funding Add Funding 38 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID Register Work Add work Manually Add work Manually 39 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Link Works Scopus to ORCID 40 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Link Works CrossRef Metadata Search 41 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID Apply to the website, PDF website PDF 42 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID Apply to the submission system 43 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
ORCID Apply to the submission system Submission system 44 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
QR code (Quick response code) 45 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
QR code QR (Quick response) code? 종전바코드와달리대용량정보를취급. 작은공간에인쇄하여사용가능. 한글 / 한자등을효율적으로표현가능. 손상되지않음, 어느방향에서도활용가능함. Website 적용예시 Cover 적용예시 Article QR code 예시 46 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Generating QR code 47 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014
Thank you. Reference 1. CrossRef cited-by linking [Internet]. CrossRef website [cited by 2014.Nov 23]. Available from: 2. CrossRef support [Internet]. Oxford : CrossRef website [cited by 2014.Nov 23]. Available from: 3. Jeong SW. Basic information for using ORCID. Osong: Korea National Institute of Health; 2013. 4. Lammey R. How to apply CrossMark and FundRef via CrossRef XML: Huh S editor. 12th EASE General Assembly and Conference; 2014 June 12-13; Split, Croatia 5. Lim JH. How to apply ORCID: Huh S editor. 12th EASE General Assembly and Conference; 2014 June 12-13; Split, Croatia 48 14 th KCSE Editors' Workshop, Seoul 2014