TWG TEA MACARONS TWG Tea s renowned crispy almond biscuit with a soft centre. Infused with our signature teas, TWG Tea has transformed the macaron into a uniquely memorable confection. TWG TEA 마카롱 3,200 each TWG Tea 만의명성있는바삭바삭한아몬드비스켓에 TWG 만의티가우러난부드러운센터가샌드된마카롱으로써 TWG Tea 마카롱이특별한기억으로남겨질겁니다 Matcha 마차 Napoleon Tea & Caramel 나폴레옹 & 카라멜 Camelot Tea & Praline 카멜롯티 & 프랄린 Earl Grey Fortune & Chocolate 얼그레이포츈 & 초콜렛 Moroccan Mint Tea 모로칸민트티 1837 Black Tea & Blackcurrant 1837 Black Tea 블랙커런트마카롱 Lemon Bush Tea 레몬부쉬티 Grand Wedding Tea, Passion Fruit & Coconut 그랜드웨딩티, 패션푸릇 & 코코넛 TEA PASTRIES Served with TWG Tea jelly and whipped cream Madeleines with Earl Grey Fortune, 3pcs Financiers with Matcha, 2pcs Muffins, 2pcs Scones, 2pcs Canelés, 2pcs 티페이스트리티젤리와휘핑크림이함께제공됩니다 Earl Grey Fortune 마들렌 3pcs Matcha 피낭시에 2pcs 머핀 2pcs 스콘 2pcs 까눌레 2pcs 9,000 FRENCH PASTRIES Served with TWG Tea jelly and whipped cream Croissant, 3pcs Chocolate Croissant, 2pcs Cinnamon Roll, 2pcs 프랑스페이스트리티젤리와휘핑크림이함께제공됩니다크로와상 3pcs 초콜렛크로와상 2pcs 시니몬롤 2pcs 7,000 TWG TEA PATISSERIE COLLECTION Choose from our trolley of tea infused patisseries, conceived and crafted daily. TWG TEA 페이스트리컬렉션 TWG Tea 를잉용한조각케익중 1 종선택. 9,000
Handmade from only the finest and freshest natural ingredients, TWG Tea ice creams & sorbets are all uniquely infused with our teas. Choose from the selection below: 아래아이스크림및셔벳류중선택하실수있습니다. Single scoop 1 수쿱 Choice of 2 scoops 2 스쿱 Choice of 3 scoops 3 스쿱 4,000 7,000 11,000 TWG TEA ICE CREAMS VANILLA BOURBON TEA Red tea blended with aromatic vanilla bean. DARJEELING OKAYTI India black tea, reminiscent of wild flowers & honey NAPOLEON TEA Black tea with caramelized macadamia nuts. SINGAPORE BREAKFAST TEA Blend of green tea, black tea, vanilla & spices. MATCHA GREEN TEA Precious powdered Japanese green tea. CRÈME BRÛLÉE TEA Green tea with red fruits and crème brûlée. TWG TEA 아이스크림 바닐라버번티홍차, 베르가못 & 초콜릿 다즐링오카이티인디아홍차, 야생꽃 & 꿀 나폴레옹티홍차와넛츠 싱가포르브렉퍼스트티녹차, 홍차, 바닐라 & 향신료 마차그린티고급일본녹차파우더 크렘브릴뤠티녹차, 홍색계열과일과크렘브릴뤠 TWG TEA SORBETS POMME PRESTIGE TEA Black tea and tangy Normandy apples. TWG TEA 셔벳 폼프레스티지티홍차와노르만디사과 LUCKY TEA Blend of black tea, green tea & white chocolate. 럭키티홍차, 녹차와화이트초콜릿 SILVER MOON TEA Green tea accented with a wild berry bouquet. SAKURA! SAKURA! TEA Sakura blossoms, green tea & red berries. 실버문티녹차와산딸기 사쿠라! 사쿠라! 티벚꽃, 녹차와홍색계열베리
TEA TIME SET MENU 티타임세트메뉴 1837 TWG Tea* from our extensive tea list, served hot or iced. A choice of 2 TWG Tea macarons. A choice of 2 freshly baked muffins or scones served with TWG Tea jelly and whipped cream or 1 patisserie from our trolley. 1837 25,000 TWG Tea* 메뉴에있는 ( 따뜻한차또는차가운차 ) 중선택. TWG Tea 마카롱중 2 가지선택. 신선하게구워낸머핀또는스콘 2 개또는 TWG Tea 조각케익중 1 가지선택머핀과스콘에는 TWG Tea 젤리와휘핑크림이제공됩니다. SOIRÉE A selection of 2 teas from our extensive TWG Tea list, served hot or iced. A choice of 6 TWG Tea macarons. A choice of 2 freshly baked muffins or scones served with TWG Tea jelly and whipped cream. A choice of 1 patisserie from our trolley. SOIRÉE 50,000 TWG Tea* 메뉴에있는 ( 따뜻한차또는차가운차 ) 중 2 종선택선택하여드실수있습니다. TWG Tea 마카롱중 6 가지선택. 신선하게구워낸머핀또는스콘 2 개또는 TWG Tea 조각케익중 1 가지선택머핀과스콘에는 TWG Tea 젤리와휘핑크림이제공됩니다. TWG Tea 조각케익중 1 가지선택. * Supplement for teas from our extensive list over 12,000 * Tea 선택은 Tea List 에있는일정금액 (12,000 원 ) 의 Tea 중선택하실수있습니다.
TEA* from our extensive list, served hot or iced. 12,000 We invite you to consult our specialists to help you make your selection. 세계에서가장뛰어난차를보유하고있는방대한 TWG Tea 컬렉션중에서차를선택하시고, 차를선택하는데있어도움이필요하다면언제든마음편히 TWG Tea 의차전문가, 티스페셜리스트를불러주십시오. SPARKLING WATER 스파클링워터 SAN PELLEGRINO (750ml) 산펠레그리노 (750ml) 5,000 MINERAL WATER 미네랄워터 EVIAN (750ml) 에비앙 (750ml) 5,000 SPARKLING ROSE Mocktail of sparking water with Bain de Roses Tea, an enchanting creation reminscent of the queen of flowers. 오차드제이드 18,000 고대로마황실에서즐겨마시던장미음료로써꽃의여왕장미가들어간 TWG Tea 의 Bain de Rose Tea 로아픔다운수색과향긋함을느낄수있는아이스티입니다. ORCHARD JADE Mocktail of freshly squeezed orange juice and Earl Grey Buddha. 오차드제이드매장에서직접짜낸신선한오렌지주스와 Earl Grey Buddha 가블렌딩된상큼한목테일. 14,000 PAGODA Refreshing mocktail of sparkling lemonade with brisk and fruity Weekend in Shanghai Tea. 파고다청량감있는레몬에이드와 Weekend in Shanghai Tea 가블렌딩된스파클링목테일. 14,000