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타겟어플리케이션 고등교육기관배치도 Indoor AP Wall Mount AP ProSAFE Wireless Controller Outdoor AP Page 2 of 11

지원액세스포인트 Access Points Description Part Numbers Typical Deployment Product Image (Front) Product Image (Back) WAC720 ProSAFE Business 2 x 2 Wireless Access Point WAC720-10000S 중대형엔터프라이즈고등교육기관중대형호텔중대형병원 WAC730 ProSAFE Business 3 x 3 Wireless Access Point WAC730-10000S 중대형엔터프라이즈고등교육기관중대형호텔중대형병원 WNDAP660* Dual Band Concurrent Premium Access Point WNDAP660-100AUS WNDAP660-100NAS WNDAP660-100PES WNDAP660-100PRS WNDAP660-100UKS 중대형엔터프라이즈고등교육기관중대형호텔중대형병원 WNDAP620* Dual Band Selectable Premium Access Point WNDAP620-100AUS WNDAP620-100NAS WNDAP620-100PES WNDAP620-100PRS WNDAP620-100UKS 중대형엔터프라이즈고등교육기관중대형호텔중대형병원 WNDAP360 Dual Band Concurrent Access Point WNDAP360-100AJS WNDAP360-100NAS WNDAP360-100PES WNDAP360-100PRS WNDAP360-100UKS 중소형엔터프라이즈고급 Wi-Fi 지원초등학교호텔및중형병원 WNDAP350 Dual Band Concurrent Access Point (Metal) WNDAP350-100AUS WNDAP350-100NAS WNDAP350-100PES WNDAP350-100UKS 물류창고교통기관 WNAP320 Single Band Access Point WNAP320-100AUS WNAP320-100NAS WNAP320-100PES WNAP320-100PRS WNAP320-100UKS 중소형엔터프라이즈기본 WiFi 지원초등학교 Page 3 of 11

지원액세스포인트 0 Access Points Description Part Numbers Typical Deployment Product Image (Front) Product Image (Back) WNAP210 Single Band Access Point WNAP210-200AUS WNAP210-200NAS WNAP210-200PES WNAP210-200PRS WNAP210-200UKS 엔트리레벨중소형엔터프라이즈 WND930 NETGEAR Wireless-N Outdoor Dual Band Concurrent Access Point WND930-10000S WND930-100NAS 액세스및 Point-to- Point 메쉬를위한야외배포 WN370 Wall Mount Single Band Access Point WN370-10000S 중소형병원 Page 4 of 11

기능 확장가능한아키텍처 넷기어 대용량컨트롤러는소프트웨어라이선스를통해최대 200 대의 AP 를지원하며 10,50,100 또는 200 대의 AP 로업그레이드할수있습니다. 3 대의컨트롤러까지스택할수있는넷기어 대용량컨트롤러스택은단일인터페이스로최대 600 대의엑세스포인트를지원할수있습니다. 은신뢰성향상을위한리던던시를제공합니다. 중앙집중식관리 넷기어대용량무선컨트롤러는기존의유선네트워크인프라에오버레이로배치되어전체무선네트워크에대한단일관리지점을제공함으로써네트워크의관리를단순화시킵니다. 쉽게설정할수있는 컨트롤러는네트워크에서지원되는모든액세스포인트를탐지하고식별이이루어지면액세스포인트는수분안에프로비젼되어집니다. AP 탐지과정은효율적인고빠른프로토콜 Ufast 를채택하고있습니다. 강력한보안 RADIUS, Active Directory, 내부, 외부 AAA 서버와같은식별기반보안기능으로넷기어 ProSAFE 대용량무선컨트롤러는보안을손상시키지않고유, 무선엑세스를통합할수있습니다. 관리 VLAN 을구성할수있고 8 개의보안구성프로파일 (SSID, 802.11i 보안, VLAN, ACLs, radio 파라미터 ) 를활성화할수있습니다. 비인가 AP 감지기능으로비인가 AP 를분류할수있습니다. 표준 RADIUS 준수는 third-party 인증과결제시스템구현에대한지원을할수있습니다. 스케줄된무선온 / 오프시간으로지정된비업무시간동안완전히사용할수없는무선네트워크를가능하게합니다. Guest Access, Captive Portal 과 Logging 게스트액세스는통합된 Captive Portal 을사용하여네트워크에대한접근을제한할수있습니다. Two methods of entry are provided, either assisted or self-certified. In the assisted model, the receptionist can create a user name and password for guests in the GUI and the High Capacity Controller hosts a captive portal where guests can enter their pre-configured credentials to gain access to the network. Alternatively, the High Capacity Controller hosts a guest portal where guests can register themselves before entering the network. Backend VLAN policies ensure restricted access to guests, prohibiting them any access to the sensitive data on the corporate network. Guest activity logs are available RF 관리및 Hole 감지 AP 전력전송과채널할당의자동제어는간섭을최소화하여커버리지를보장합니다. Automatic WLAN healing after loss of AP or due to RF interferences adapts the power and channel of the other APs around the area. Scheduled automatic channel allocation authorizes an enterprise-class reliable wireless experience. Comprehensive Dashboard Load Balancing 과 Rate Limiting AP 클라이언트의자동로드밸런싱은 AP 당클라이언트의연결된수및 BSS 에서클라이언트의신호강도임계치 / 데이터비율임계치에의해제공됩니다. 속도제한은 SSID 에의해제공되어집니다. 로드밸런싱과속도제한은강력한무선연결을위하여모든클라이언트간에공정한대역폭을보장합니다. Fast Roaming 과 Voice over WiFi The NETGEAR High Capacity Wireless Controller supports rapid mobility across VLANs and subnets including 802.11i pre- authentication and fast roaming support (FRS). Seamless L2 and L3 roaming provides support for latency-sensitive applications such as video, audio and voice over wireless. WiFi Multimedia (WMM) advanced prioritization extends WiFi s high-quality end-user experience to voice applications (VoWiFi). Monitoring and Reporting The uses a heartbeat mechanism between the controller and the AP. It is monitored based on several factors, such as RF interference, clients, error levels, etc. Each AP is constantly monitored (number of clients, traffic load, RF interference, packet error levels and retransmission statistics). Statistics provide reliable metrics per AP, per client, per floor and for the entire wireless network. Page 5 of 11

기능 Performance The best of centralized and distributed architectures are implemented by the NETGEAR ProSAFE High Capacity Wireless Controller for outstanding Wireless-N performance. Local traffic is automatically switched at the access points level for fastest processing, when roamed L3 traffic is processed at the controller level with advanced data control. Real-time applications such as VoWiFi require perfect inter-subnet/ inter-vlan mobility: encryption tunneling delivers enterprise-class fast roaming without any impact on Layer 2/Layer 3 performance. Supported Access Points Supporting standard NETGEAR access points, the High Capacity Wireless Controller enables customers to select the right access points for their needs, including mixing models to provide the right coverage. The standard access points are converted to dependent access points. Supported models include professional-class ProSAFE access points WAC730 and WAC720 (802.11ac ultra high performance), WNDAP660 (high performance dual band concurrent), WNDAP620 (high performance dual band selectable) WNDAP360 (dual band), WNDAP350 (dual band), WNAP320 (single band), WNAP210 (single band), WN370 (wall mount single band), WND930 (outdoor) and WNDAP380Rv2 (integrated WiFi and RFID) all with Power over Ethernet capabilities and lifetime warranties. 배치도예 Intelligent Edge GMS7228PS 100 x WNDAP350 Dual Band Access Point Wireless Controller Single Band Access Point Core Switch MSM7100 Security UTM150 100 x WNAP320 Stack of 3 N+1 Redundancy Internet 100 x WNDAP360 Dual Band Access Point Page 6 of 11

기술기능 RF MANAGEMENT Automatic Channel Allocation Automatic Power Control Coverage Hole Detection Load Balancing Fast Roaming Automatic channel distribution to minimize interferences Auto-channel allocation taking into consideration of the environment, interferences, traffic load and neighboring AP Modifiable list of corporate channels to be used Scheduled mode for Auto-channel allocation Automatic mode in case of high level of interferences available Optimum transmit power determination based on coverage requirements Automatic power control mode available Neighborhood scan of RF environment to minimize neighboring AP interference and leakage accross floors Automatic mode or Manual mode Down APs or compromized RF environment detection with alerts Self healing: automatic neighboring AP power increase to cover coverage losses APs load monitoring and overloading prevention Clients redirection to lightly loaded neighboring APs Seamless rapid mobility across VLAN and subnets Including 802.11i pre-auth and fast roaming Fast Roaming support accross L2, and L3 for video, audio and voice over wireless client QUALITY OF SERVICE WMM Quality of Service WMM (802.11e) prioritizes traffic for both upstream traffic from the stations to the Access Points (station EDCA parameters) and downstream traffic from the Access Points to the client stations (AP EDCA parameters Voice: The highest priority queue with minimum delay, which makes it ideal for applications like VoIP and streaming media WMM Queues in decreasing order of priority Video: The second highest priority queue with low delay is given to this queue. Video applications are routed to this queue Best Effort: The medium priority queue with medium delay is given to this queue. Most standard IP application will use this queue Background: Low priority queue with high throughput. Applications, such as FTP, which are not time-sensitive but require high throughput can use this queue WMM Power Save option WMM Power Save helps conserve battery power in small devices such as phones, laptops, PDAs, and audio players using IEEE 802.11e mechanisms WIRELESS SECURITY Client Authentication Protocols Open, WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK 802.11i/WPA/WPA2 Enterprise with standard interface to external AAA / RADIUS Server Distinct AAA Server per SSID RADIUS Accounting Protocol Yes Per Client tracking for: Bytes Tx/Rxh Login/Logout Time LDAP Based Authentication Integrated AAA Server Standard interface to external LDAP Server / Microsoft Active Directory Server Local Database Authentification based on WC7520 internal RADIUS Server Integrated Captive Portal available for client authentication in a Security Profile Guest Access Password based authentification mode: local user store available, receptionist assigned user name / password Open authentification mode: guests auto registration with email address (up to 64 email stored) Extraction of logs of guest activity Captive Portal Rogue Access Points* Configurable Portal page, including image files Rogue AP definition: AP with radio SSID oberved by any of the Managed AP and seen transmitting on same L2 wired network Detection and Mapping of up to 512 Rogue Aps Page 7 of 10 Page 7 of 11

기술기능 WIRELESS NETWORK MONITORING Monitoring Summary Managed Access Points Rogue Access Points Wireless Clients Wireless Network Usage DHCP Leases Summary of the Managed Access Points status, rogue Access Points detected, Wireless stations connected, Wireless Controller Information and Wireless Network usage APs status for the Managed Access Points and details that includes configuration settings, current Wireless settings, current Clients and detailed Traffic statistics Rogue Access Points Reported Rogue Access Points in same channel Rogue Access Points in interfering channels Clients statistics and details per AP, per SSID, per floor, per location Black listed Clients, Roaming Clients Network Usage Statistics display plots of average received/transmitted network traffic per Managed Access Point. Three different plots show Ethernet, Wireless 802.11 b/bg/ng/ac and 802.11 a/na/ac mode traffic separately DHCP details for Wireless Clients MANAGEMENT Management Interface Logging and Reporting Diagnostics Maintenance Dual Boot Image SNMP HTTP, SNMP v1/v2c, Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH) If available Syslog server on the network, the Wireless Controller and Managed Access Points can send all Logs. Logs are also available on the GUI and ready to download (Log export file) Managed Access Points Ping Save/Restore Configuration, Restore to Factory Defaults, Admin password change, Add user (read-only), Firmware Upgrade via Web browser for the Wireless Controller and the Managed Access Points Supported SNMP v1/v2c IEEE AND IETF RFC STANDARDS Wired IEEE Standards RFC - System Facilities IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging RFC 2131 DHCP RFC 768 UDP RFC 791 IP RFC 792 ICMP RFC 793 TCP RFC 1519 CIDR RFC 1542 BOOTP RFC - Security WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK IEEE 802.11i WEP and TKIP-MIC: RC4 40, 104 and 128 bits (both static and shared keys) AES: CBC, CCM, CCMP DES: DES-CBC, 3DES SSL and TLS: RC4 128-bit and RSA 1024- and 2048-bit DTLS: AES-CBC IPSec: DES-CBC, 3DES, AES-CBC RFC 2406 IPsec RFC 2409 IKE RFC 3280 Internet X.509 PKI Certificate and CRL Profile RFC 3602 The AES-CBC Cipher Algorithm and Its Use with IPsec RFC 3686 Using AES Counter Mode with IPsec ESP RFC 4347 Datagram Transport Layer Security RFC 4346 TLS Protocol Version 1.1 Page 8 of 11

기술기능 IEEE AND IETF RFC STANDARDS (continued) RFC - AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) IEEE 802.1X RFC 2548 Microsoft Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes RFC 2716 PPP EAP-TLS RFC 2865 RADIUS Authentication RFC 2866 RADIUS Accounting RFC 2867 RADIUS Tunnel Accounting RFC 2869 RADIUS Extensions RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS RFC 3579 RADIUS Support for EAP RFC 3580 IEEE 802.1X RADIUS Guidelines RFC 3748 Extensible Authentication Protocol Web-based authentication TACACS support for management users RFC - Management SNMP v1, v2c RFC 854 Telnet RFC 1155 Management Information for TCP/IP-Based Internets RFC 1156 MIB RFC 1157 SNMP RFC 1213 SNMP MIB II RFC 1350 TFTP RFC 1643 Ethernet MIB RFC 2030 SNTP RFC 2616 HTTP RFC 2665 Ethernet-Like Interface types MIB RFC 2674 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges with Traffic Classes, Multicast Filtering, and Virtual Extensions RFC 2819 RMON MIB RFC 2863 Interfaces Group MIB RFC 3164 Syslog RFC 3418 MIB for SNMP RFC 3636 Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 MAUs Enterprise private MIBs Ordering Information - Controller Worldwide, except China China -10000S -100PRS Ordering Information - Licenses Incremental 10-AP Upgrade WC10APL-10000S Incremental 50-AP Upgrade WC50APL-10000S Incremental 100-AP Upgrade WC100APL-10000S Incremental 200-AP Upgrade WC200APL-10000S Page 9 of 11

Page 100 of 11 기술사양 Physical Characteristics Power 165 watts with internal dual power supply 100-240V AC Universal IEC 320 connector Physical Dimensions (1 RU) Dimensions (L x W x H): 440 x 430 x 43 mm (17.34 x 16.92 x1.7 in) Weight 1 PSU: 6.32 kg (13.94 lb) 2 PSU: 7.57 kg (16.68 lb) Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Minimum (C/F) 0 /32 Maximum (C/F) 45 /113 Storage Temperature Minimum (C/F) -20 /-4 Maximum (C/F) 70 /158 Operating Relative Humidity Minimum 10% Maximum 90% Storage Humidity MTBF Minimum 5% Maximum 95% (@25C): 664,072 hours Fan Tray (@25C): 676,058 hours Power Supply (@25C): 938,490 hours Power Consumption Maximum: 82.3W or 281 BTU/hr Compliance ENGR 10049 EST Environmental Stress Test Guideline ENGR 10045 EVT Engineering Validation Test Guideline ENGR 10048 CVT Compliance Validation Test Guideline ENGR 10046 SVT System Validation Test Guideline ENGR 10023 HALT Highly Accelerated Life Test Guideline ENGR 10036 CDG Component Derating Guideline Capacity Managed APs 200 per controller Controllers per Cluster 600 per cluster WLANs (BSSIDs) 144 Concurrent Stations 36,000 per cluster 12,000 per controller Guest Portal Profile Groups per Controller 9 (1 Basic + 8 Advanced) Profile per Controller 128 Security Profile Groups per Profile Group 9 (1 Basic + 8 Advanced) Detectable rogue AP Maximum: 512 Features Layer 2 Discovery Layer 3 Discovery L2 Roaming L3 Roaming Layer 2 isolation Access List Auto Channel Allocation Radius, AD, and LDAP proxy Remote AP Client load balancing Auto Power Control Coverage Hole Detection Rate Limiting on per SSID 802.11e WMM Schedule AP on/off Captive Portal Stacking Redundancy (N+1)

기술사양 Interfaces and Indicators 10G SFP+ Ports for Data and Control Two 1/10Gbps auto-sensing and auto-negotiation 1G Copper RJ-45 Ports for Management One 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing and auto-negotiation USB Ports One USB 2.0 Type A connector Console One 1 D-Sub-9 MALE connector LED Power, status, fan, stacking master Default Reset Networking IP IPv4 VLANs 144+1 Mgmt # of VLANs Redundancy Active-standby Stacking Maximum: Three controllers per stack DHCP Server Management Configuration Web user interface SNMPv1 SNMPv2 AAA Radius (primary and backup) AP Provisioning L2 L3 Wireless Security Standards WPA WPA2 802.11i Encryption WEP TKIP AES Authentication 802.1x MAC address Access Control L2 Supported APs WAC730 WAC720 WNDAP660 WNDAP620 WNDAP360 WNDAP350 WNAP320 WNAP210 WNAP210v2 WN370 WND930 WNDAP380R (selected region only) Warranty and Support Lifetime Warranty* Product Ordering Information -1000PRS -10000S Page 111 of 11